PHOTO DIARY: Cannes Film Festival 2019

I can hardly believe it’s almost TIFF! It feels like we were just in France for Cannes! After our trip to France, I was so incredibly tired, I’d spent most of May traveling or at conferences. I posted a few photos in this Telus post about our Cannes adventure but I wanted to share more about the experience so I don’t forget anything. It was a really cool experience!

From the moment I saw the red carpet and Cannes main building I was in awe. I’ve been watching celebrities grace that carpet my whole adult life! When I picked up my badge, I had this moment of “omg, we’re really doing this!”. I was there in charge of content for The Holy City, a film co-produced by Sean’s company, Occupied VR.

I loved walking the streets and people watching. Cannes is full of character with old cobble streets, beautiful beaches, a merry go round on the main strip, huge yachts lining the harbor, and bustling patios lining the sidewalks. I was happy to learn there are multiple Zara stores in case you have a wardrobe emergency and a tuxedo rental place if you need one a hurry.

A couple of my fav moments were walking out to paparazzi behind Elton John, walking past Chloë Sevigny, and seeing Tilda Swinton sauntering down the street in a gorgeous muumuu. She was stunning!

Each day we walked or took an Uber down to the festival building. In order to get inside, we had to pass security including bag search and badge check. We spent most our time on the first floor of the building in the XR Hub, on the film sales floor, or at the international pavilions.

XR Hub, Festival de Cannes 2019

The Holy City premiere was on the 2nd day of our trip so the rest of the time was showing it to industry people, doing demos, and taking meetings. I was in charge of social for the film so I spent a lot of time walking around documenting. Totally in my element!

International Pavillions, Festival de Cannes 2019

The Canada Pavillion was just outside the main building and a good spot to take a break, get a coffee, sit on the beach, or charge my phone. They hosted a mixer on one of the nights, it was great to see some other Canadians in film.

Croisette Beach, Cannes

I ate a lot of baguettes in the first few days. ? After the novelty wore off, I was determined to find other options with less bread and butter lol. I imagine it might be a bit tough in France if you are vegan or vegetarian, lots of meat, cheese, and dairy.

We rented an Airbnb about a 15min walk from the main strip. It was a cute listing and had all the amenities we needed including a pull-out couch in the living room. That’s where I slept we had a big night our because I snore and move around a lot haha.

Bright 1-BR for 4, terrace+parking (apt 606)
Our Airbnb in Cannes

Our place was the top floor od the building with a huge terrace. It was a nice place to come back to in between long days of being at the festival and then going out at night.

View from our Airbnb, Cannes, France

We had a couple fun nights out! Similar to TIFF, there’s big parties by production companies or film studios and a lot of premiere parties. We attended the party for a film that was up for the Palme d’Or (Portrait of a Girl on Fire) after meeting the costume team at a bar on the street. So fun! One of the other hot spots was Petite Majestic, a small dive bar that took over the street when it got late with all kinds of people drinking and talking loudly. It was my fav place!

Sean and the guys went to a couple of big premieres. Getting tickets when you have a pass was kind of like a lottery were you requested admission from the login portal. It was so Sean to see him all dressed up. What a babe!

I stated home and ordered Uber eats including BEER. I love France. Europe is amazing. Maybe one day we will have this in Canada? He did check my ID before handing over the goods from his motorbike.

People were dressed up at all times of the day, there were tuxedos everywhere! Patios were lined with people smoking and drinking wine, even the McDonalds patio was full with tuxedos grabbing a quick snack. I wish I had a photo of them! ?

There were also heaps of people dressed up looking for tickets to premieres with small handmade signs.

On the way home, we passed through Munich, Germany. Beautiful and clean airport, still can’t get over the smoking lounges though. Crazy!

Thankful for the experience to go to Cannes w/ Sean and work on the film. Hope we can get back to Cannes another time but if not, happy to check this off my bucket list!

We worked a lot but also had a few dinner dates and long walks under the stars. All around great time!

I’m excited for TIFF19! I’ve been to one pre-screening so far and have a couple more next week. Tomorrow I’ve got a pre-TIFF facial! I’ll be doing a wrap up of TIFF films & events in 2 weeks.

Making the most of summer until then! Have an amazing day!

Sassoon Style: A Breakdown on Colour Technique

It’s been years since I’ve had my hair long as it is right now. I can’t remember the last time I was able to put my hair up in a pony, do french braids, or pop in extensions. I love it! It’s so fun to be able to play around with barrettes and accessories to change my look. At the start of summer, I stopped into Sassoon Toronto to brighten up my blonde and trim my little bob.


A group of people posing for the camera

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In this post, I’m breaking down some of the different colour options you can get at Sassoon and what they mean.

I use to do all-over colour (blonde) but in effort to grow my hair longer and healthier, I’ve switched to highlights. They’re


This popular technique is pretty low maintenance if you’re looking for a look that doesn’t need a lot of upkeep. At Sassoon, they mix freehand painting with foiled highlights meaning you can have a natural sun-kissed look or something more dramatic.

  • Commitment: 2-3 Months
  • Great For: Creating soft, sun-kissed hair that is natural-looking, wearable, versatile


I love this look and it is VERY Sassoon. This technique uses darker tones underneath laters of lighter colors to create depth and tone. It’s a bit more of a commitment than balayage but so stylish! It really accentuates a haircut like this one I had a couple of years ago.

  • Commitment: 6-8 Weeks
  • Great For: Adding depth and tone to an amazing cut
On set for a shoot w/ Umbra


Face frames blend into your natural colour accentuating your face and can be a variety of colours. This helps to illuminate your look and brighten your face without a big commitment.

  • Commitment: 2-3 Months
  • Good For: Introducing colour to your look


Chances are you have probably had highlights in your life. if you’re like me and were in high school in the 2000’s you might have done the old cap/pull-through method as a teenager. Don’t try this now! Sassoon offers highlights and lowlights to either and some lights bits to darker hair or a few dark slices for depth and dimension. Highlights are great for hiding grey or if you’re moving away from all-over colour (like me).

  • Commitment: 2-3 Months
  • Great For: Enhancing natural colour, adding contrast, works on any hair length

I think the most important things when it comes to your hair is finding what makes you happy. For me, my hair has always been a big part of defining my style and personality. I love working with Sassoon, they know who I am and how important my hair is to my look. I’ve learned over the years that a bright blonde is best and if I stray from that, I won’t be happy. Trust me!


Sassoon Toronto is happy to work with you to find a new style or enhance your current look with a cut and/or colour. I have my colour done by Kim, a wizard with blonde and cut by Tricia, the salon manager.

If you’re looking for a new look, they’re often looking for hair models for the Sassoon Academy or give the salon a ring at (416) 920-1333.

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I have a long term partnership with Sassoon Toronto and I LOVE THEM! See past Sassoon looks & posts here!Image result for sassoon logo

Video: Increasing Opportunity Through Personal Branding

Video: Increasing Opportunity Through Personal Branding

Last month I had a great time speaking at LinkedIn Local Toronto at The Centre for Social Innovation (CSI).

I was the opening keynote where I spoke a little bit about my career and how building my personal brand helped create opportunity.

In this video, you’ll hear 3 examples where my personal brand helped me get booked for jobs.

Excuse the audio, I was using a handheld mic and this is recorded on my iPhone. I will note that Sean wanted to shoot on a camera with a lav mic but I insisted on using the phone. Next time I will let the pro handle it!

Thanks, Bobby & the LinkedIn Local team for having me!

Looking for a speaker or host for your upcoming event? Send me an email or contact my speaker agent at The National Speakers Bureau.

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Live from the Lake, It’s Vacation!

Live from the Lake, It’s Vacation!

I had to look up what day it was, Wednesday! The last week has been so nice. A great mix of perfect weather, bathing suits, casual clothes, no makeup, naps, and sitting. It’s just the two of us up here and we’re on day 6 of 12.

I’ve spent less time on my computer than I thought I would and more time making things in the kitchen, driving the boat, and reading by the lake. We got a couple of new small appliances recently and this week I made ice cream, hummus, and buttercream frosting in the food processor. Sean is really into cooking meats with the sous vide. I didn’t understand it at first but then he made me a sous vide steak and I fell in love. I even look online for the best home sous vide to get him for his birthday so he would cook me sous vide meals more often! He’s used it quite a few times and I’m always really happy when I see him pull out the machine.

Have had lots of fun with cottage friends, wakeboarding, surfing, and sunset drinks on the dock.

This is the all-star lake surfing team, a double wakeboarding mother-daughter team, Sean’s first wake surf, and Scott surfing behind the boat. I have wakeboarded but tbh, I’m most happy in the boat and being the photog.

Tomorrow is Sean’s birthday and I’ve been giving him one present each day since we arrived. Today I’m decorating a bit and then will attempt to make a magical birthday cake! Yesterday I made a cute HBD stencil and painted the walkway. I haven’t used this stuff before so I really hope it comes off lol. The pressure washer should do it. ?

Reminding you today to take time for yourself, create space for personal projects, and slow down a bit. It’s not a race, the joy is in the journey, not the destination.

Sending you sunshine from Muskoka!

Create Better Days

I’ve been going through old hard drives up at the cottage and wow, I’ve taken a lot of photos. There are multiple drives with hundreds of folders and nothing is organized properly. Many people would be stressed TF out by this but I’m really trying to take inspiration from my chaos. I’m finding so many things, texting old photos to friends, making notes, and making a new list of old ideas.

Each morning here, I get up, make coffee, some type of snack, and sit down at my computer in the kitchen overlooking the lake. I’m often wearing big noise-canceling headphones with nothing playing, I like silence or muffled sound when I’m trying to concentrate. Searching my drives is an endless adventure of, what could this be?! Folder names go from date_nameofclient to ‘iPhone2014 dump’ or ‘new folder4’, it’ a mess!

I love having all my memories in photos and videos, it’s so easy to forget the daily details of life. One of the things I’ve really noticed is just how many selfies I take in relation to how many get posted. There are a lot of deleted selfies.

Yesterday, after putting the boat in the water I came back and was feeling cute. Grabbed my tripod and set it up outside, snapped a bunch of photos with my remote and voila, the ones you see here. To be honest, I looked at so many of them, hitting delete and not feeling happy with how I looked. Yes, it was early morning no makeup, but how I felt before the photos (cute) vs how I felt after the photos (not cute) didn’t match up. This happens all the time but I’m trying to not be so hard on myself. Today, looking back, of course, there were some bad ones, it was self-photography in the natural morning light!

DON’T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. We all go through this and trust me if you feel that way today, you are not alone. Not one bit. Going through all these old photos I’m seeing how many different hairstyles I had, how skinny I used to be, and the story behind every selfie.

Archives, the Art Hives

I originally started my blog as a way to keep memories. Having a diary is one of the best things, I feel, you can do to move forward, learn, and grow. I’m on a mission to be a better human, to love myself more, and to consistently find happiness in simple things. I’ve always been a pretty positive person but this past winter with my shoulder injury, nerve damage in my face, a mishap with my hair, and some other stuff, I got really down in the dumps. HOWEVER, THE TIME IS NOW. I’m crawling out, finding my creative spirit, my strong Taurus energy, and sunshiney vibes.

Having a diary is one of the best things, I feel, you can do to move forward, learn, and grow.

Loving yourself is a daily process and becoming your best self takes work. The last few days, I’ve been listening to the Papaya Podcast by Sarah Nicole, aka @thebirdspapaya. Although I don’t exactly relate to the postpartum mom stuff, I enjoy the talk about self-love, body confidence life in general. You can find the podcast on iTunes here.

Sending you love and sunshiney vibes. I’m about to go drive the boat and take Sean wakeboarding.

It’s My Blog and I Can Blog If I Want To

It’s My Blog and I Can Blog If I Want To

Yesterday I wrote a blog about my new speaker and I seriously considered not reviewing the product here because it wasn’t sponsored and would people be thinking, “is this sponsored“? But, in all honesty, I jus really liked the thing. I like a lot of things. I hardly post sponsored stuff and sometimes my blog is about bike riding on a sunny day or speaking at an event. I used to blog about everything I liked, I’ve blogged for over 10 years. There are thousands of blog posts here about nothing in particular other than a thought or a feeling.

Almost gone are the days of people blogging because they love blogging or just want to get their thoughts onto the blog. But really, those are the blogs I love the most. The old blogs. The diary blogs. The blogs that tell a story and make you have feelings or brighten your day.

I want to bring back the blog, the writing, the thoughts, and all the feelings.

Today is a new day, a new month, an opportunity to make a change. Mercury is longer in retrograde and Leo Season is upon us. You’re in charge here.

Sedona, Arizona, shot on film

Blog Goals for August 2019: Write Something Every Single Day

I’m putting myself up for a challenge to write something new each day for the whole month of August. I love to write and the last few weeks months I have been in a bit of a slump. I needed to take some time to relax my brain and body. To find that place inside where creativity comes from and open the door. It took some time, but I managed to crack that door and I’m making my way in.

I’ve packed up years of hard drives and developed all my disposable cameras. Over the next 12 days at the cottage, I’m taking a deep dive into the archives, the art hives as I used to call them. I’m looking for inspiration in my own digital history and hoping that together we can make something new.

These photos are from a disposable camera I had on a press trip in Arizona years ago w/ some friends. The blog post from that trip here.

Here’s to a new month, new moon, and new creative adventure!

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Review: Sonos x IKEA Speaker Collab

Review: Sonos x IKEA Speaker Collab

This week I went to the 2020 Ikea Catalogue media preview where they announced their partnership with Sonos. I love IKEA and smart home accessories so was keen to learn more. Through this partnership, IKEA is focussed on enhancing your home with sound and lighting. This post is not sponsored by Ikea but I would love if it was!

I was given the new SYMFONISK speaker and set it up as soon as I got home. Wanted to share my thoughts right away because I’m super impressed. It’s my first Sonos and by far the nicest speaker I’ve ever personally owned.

Symfonisk Setup

In a few minutes, I set it up on my home wifi, connected it to Apple Music, and my Amazon Echo to work with Alexa. The SYMFONISK I received is a bookshelf speaker which is quite the coincidence because I have been looking for the best bookshelf speakers recently so this was perfect timing! It can go vertical or horizontal and be mounted as a shelf that can hold up to 7lbs. Multiple speakers can be paired for surround sound, paired over wifi, or to your TV. You control the speaker with the Sonos app and can set up voice controls. Mine is connected to Alexa and works perfectly!

Symfonisk Design x Quality

Both speakers in the series come in black or white and are designed to blend in with your home decor. The bookshelf speaker is $149 and table lamp speaker is $249. Pretty good price for the sound quality and Sonos brand. For the one with the light, you can add in smart bulbs like Phillips Hue or Ikea’s own smart bulbs to make the light change colour.

My Symfonisk speaker in the IKEA KALLAX shelf

At the media preview, they had a bunch of the speakers paired together for ‘party mode’ which was pretty rad.

One of the really cool things, when you set up the speaker, is it takes you through pairing it to your specific room from the app. You slowly move your phone up and down around the room in a wave-like technique to pick up on the room shape and tone, this allows the speaker to perform the best sound for the space. Safe to say I am loving how loud it goes and clarity of sound.

The speakers are available online and instore August 7th. If you are buying online, make sure you sign up for Ebates first because they have 2.5% cashback at IKEA right now.

[that’s Swedish for thank you!]

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Found on Film: Memories from Bondi Beach, Australia

Casie Stewart at Bondi Beach

Last week I took a couple mystery disposable cameras to be developed and one was from Australia in 2004 while I was at university. It’s crazy to think how many apartments and places this camera has been. My life has changes to much but this year was such an important time of my life.

Let’s go back in time, this is pre-blog and social media, I was 21.

I decided to go to Australia because it was the furthest place away from Canada. I’d always felt a down under connection my family is from NZ and I am New Zealand citizen. My BFF Cheryl and I both had no idea wtf we wanted to do after college so this was a really great option. We could drag out school for another year, spent it in Australia (hello beaches & babes!), and turn our marketing diploma into a degree. Australia is just full of amazing beaches and the best way to experience them is to hire a campervan from somewhere like campervan hire Brisbane, so that you can park up metres away from the sand and sea. That way, you’ve always got everything you need and you save so much money on accommodation, as well as having some amazing views.

I think this exact day was the first time we went to Bondi Beach. These were taken at the top of the hill before you go around the bend and see the water. It’s so beautiful, if you haven’t been, I highly recommend it. One of the most beautiful and magical places. Cheryl and I ended up making friends with some people who lived in the white building overlooking Bondi Icebergs. There were so many internationals living there, it was like nothing I’d ever seen. So many people in their 20’s, different accents, young, hot, and having fun.

Cheryl and I eventually moved to Bondi from the suburb of Paramatta after finding a way to get out of our residence agreement. We went through two shitty apartments and worked part-time in different stores. My shop sold cute outfits on Hall Street and Cheryl worked at the shoe store down the road closer to the beach. I remember going into the kitchen in our second place and seeing the hugest cockroach in my life. Nobody ever cooked in there. Cheryl and I shared a bedroom with two beds, there were clothes everywhere. Through the magic of great scheduling we only had classes Monday-Wednesday, leaving us with plenty of time to spend all our money, make heaps of friends, and tan tits out on the topless beach. It really was A TIME.

When I think back to who I was then, I was so green, so new. I thought I had it together but when I got to Australia, realized I was really in for a real adventure. That year defined a lot of who I am today. It was the first time I was on my own, solely responsible (or irresponsible) for every decision I made. I made a lot of dumb choices, was bad with money, and drank too much but it was really fun. I learned so much about myself, what I wanted, who I was, where I wanted to go.

That’s the thing about growing up, nobody really knows what they’re doing at the time but if you know what you want, you can make a path in that direction.

It took me years to pay for university in Australia but even that taught me a few lessons. It was an investment well worth it. By studying in Australia, I learned so much outside the classroom about life, love, and taking chances.

I’m often not sure where my path is going on the day-to-day but I try to stay in line with my values. It was such a treat to find this camera and the photos brought back heaps of memories. Even before I had a blog I loved to document.

Here’s to digging up old memories and whatever the future may bring!

Summertime Weekend Vibe 2019

Summertime Weekend Vibe 2019

We had such a great time at the cottage this weekend. The weather called for rain and thunderstorms and it turned out to be perfect summer weather. Cory & Ish were up and we had great food, swam, floated, boated, and had heaps of laughs. I’d been a little nervous to get back up on the wakeboard after the whole broken collarbone of winter 2019 thing but I DID IT. I got up right away and did better than last summer! I’m so proud of myself bc I was scared for years to even try wakeboarding and I love it now. 

Fun things to look forward to this week, Wednesday I’m speaking at a LinkedIn event about branding and Friday is the Canadian premiere of Astronaut Movie. Get tickets below if you wanna join!

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ASTRONAUT – In Theatres & Streaming July 26th!

I’ve been sitting on this info for a while and I am so happy to finally share! I’ve got a part in ASTRONAUT starring Oscar winner Richard Dreyfuss, directed by Shelagh McLeod.

The premiere is at Cineplex YD Square on July 26th and in select theatres across North America. If you’re in Van, NY, LA, Miami, Denver, Dallas, or Boston, check your local theatre. If you’re in Toronto see local times at Cineplex here.

Astronaut will also be on streaming services so if you’re not near a theatre or just like staying home, you’re good! I’m hoping to have a few behind the scenes videos of us talking with Colin Mochrie later this week.

Here are some photos from behind the scenes when we were shooting at the Canadian Warplane Museum and 299 Queen Street. It was pretty neat to be back at Much Studios 10 years after I worked there, to be A ON CAMERA IN A MOVIE.

Astronaut was shot at the end of 2018, right before I went to NZ for a month and after a directed a real estate commercial for Great Gulf. I remember I was flying high, thinking every single day, wow ‘THIS IS MY LIFE’.

Was pretty cool to see my updated IMDB to include actress. My role in the film is ‘Actress‘ and I play a celebrity contestant in the movie’s gameshow. I can’t wait to see it!

Casie Stewart, Actress, IMDB

Thank you for reading and following me. I’m constantly amazed at the course my life is taking. It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you are open, kind, and believe in yourself. Next stop, the moon!
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Interview: Vocab Comm Influencer Tuesdays

I recently did an interview w/ Chrissy, longtime friend, OG PR, and founder of Vocab Comm. I talk about the social media landscape, influencers, and my career. I included part of the interview below, read the whole thing here. Chrissy used to host MMVA and celebrity gifting lounges at the beginning of social media, we worked together on a few. This was a fun one.

Tell us a little about yourself.

I grew up in Cambridge, Ontario. My parents immigrated here from New Zealand and my dad had a custom Hot Rod shop growing up. I created my first business in grade 2 and at 14 I wrote a book and started a publishing company. I went to Conestoga College and last year was given an Alumni Award for my work from the President of the college. I went to university in Australia and have a B. Com in International Business. I have lived in Toronto since 2005 when I started my blog. Through my blog, I’ve built some amazing brand partnerships (Pepsi, Telus, Aeroplan, Sassoon) and traveled to incredible amazing places in the world (Thailand, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Disneyland).

How do you define an influencer?

I think the word ‘influencer’ has really taken on a whole new (kinda negative) meaning with the rise of Instagram influencers. To me, influence is a product of something someone does. It’s not something you get by having a lot of followers. My influence has grown from being a pioneer in a new industry and constantly innovating. I share my life with the world and love discovering new things, my influence comes from building trust with my audience.

What advice do you have for other people looking to become an online influencer?

Don’t do it. Find something you love and do that! Don’t set your goal at being an influencer. I swear it’s not all it’s cracked up to be!

Don’t strive to be an influencer, aim to do something that has influence on the world.

– Casie Stewart

The other week I was at the Cannes Film Festival and someone said “I’m jealous of your life”. Shortly after, I tweeted, “You wouldn’t be jealous if you knew how much work it took to get here”. For almost 10 years I blogged every single day. I very rarely take a day off and hardly any of my travels are vacation. I love what I do and have turned it into a career. It takes WORK and consistency.

What’s your fav personal social media moment in your career so far?

I’ve some really cool moments in the last 10 years of my life. A lot of them tie back to my work in social media. Traveling around the world, working with Virgin America & Richard Branson, walking in Toronto Fashion Week, being in a film about TIFF, reporting on The Royals for eTalk, speaking at SXSW, doing a TEDx talk.

Celebrity Stylist Derek Warburton, Nicole Miller at NZFW, 2010

How do you inspire others through your work or personal life?

I try to keep it real. Being on the internet can be hard. I have a series of posts called ‘Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like It’ (See here: where I write about how social media gives me anxiety or I don’t feel like being an ‘internet person’. I’ve had great feedback on those posts because they share the realness that you don’t see in curated Instagram feeds.

Casie Stewart, signature, iPad Pro.

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P.S. Did you get a ticket to my upcoming event? I'm speaking at LinkedIn Local this month about branding. More details here, use CASIESTEWART as code for discount tickets. Love ya! 


Take Time For Yourself.

Take Time For Yourself.

I’ve been finding just about anything to distract me from doing the things I should be doing today.

Last week I went to Vancouver a day before my meetup so I could be ready and rested before spending the week with Telus creators from across Canada. I love what I do but it takes a lot out of you to be present online AND in real life while creating content in real-time. On influencer trips, there’s always a camera around, you’re posting to the internet with the proper hashtags, making sure your outfit is cute, and talking to people face-to-face. It can be pretty taxing!

One of my favourite moments last week was walking around downtown Vancouver w/ Cory Lee and stopping by Pink Alley. It was such a beautiful day to be outside surrounded by bright colours, making memories.

Would you believe I spent 15+ hours on Instagram last week? I’m due for a digital break but there’s always something exciting to do and I want to share it with you and the world. I know I should disconnect and take time away from screens but then again I have heaps of things to get done and they all involve being ON A SCREEN. Ahhhh!

Over the years I’ve learned it’s good to take breaks, to let your mind rest, thoughts wander. Years ago before Instagram, I had 40+ posts month over month. These days I find myself writing a ~10 blog posts a month when I’m in the mood or have a due date. I love documenting my life but don’t put the pressure on myself I used to.

Over the years, the mediums have changed and the content is in different places but I think the message is still the same: You’ll never be younger than you are today so make the most of each day.

Last night I walked all the way home from the office, spent some time reading on our patio, and got a good sleep.

Give yourself a break tonight, this weekend, whenever you need it, take some time for yourself. Love this little rest reminder I discovered via Meghan Yuri Young.

Sending sunshine your way,

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WOM_N Tarot Deck Launch: You’re on the right path.

WOM_N Tarot Deck Launch: You’re on the right path.

Yesterday I had my tarot cards read at an event hosted by my friend Nataleigh for the launch of the WOM_N Tarot Deck. It was such a great event! I didn’t think I would be able to get into psychic readings. But since experiencing it, it is a little easier now to see why people are interested in this. I’ve even begun doing research into sites like Psychic Sofa, in case I ever decide to get another tarot card reading or just want a bit of guidance in life. It’s pretty cool when you actually think about it! Of course if you can’t get to one of these places you can always try phone psychic readings to get a nudge in the right direction. Some people swear by it! Michelle and I got matching tattoos, Sean got a tattoo, the drinks readings were amazing, and the room was filled with wonderful women and people supporting them.

I’m honored to be THE SUN card in this beautiful new deck. I had a reading using someone like this Psychic Reader at the start of the event and it confirmed some stuff for me. the last few months have been filled with lots of adventure and there are new things on the horizon. I’m doing things I’ve always wanted to do and excited for what’s in store. One of my projects this summer is to study the cards and learn about each one so I can do readings for my friends (and myself!). I may even get a psychic text reading to learn more about the different forms as I learn about tarot, too!

Me on WOMN_TO Shoot Day during the winter.

About the WOM_N Deck: This is a deck of celebration.

WOM_N: a celebratory and intuitive tarot deck, with a new-fashioned and transcendental take on tarot symbolism. A physical reminder of what work is being done, in our city, by who and a glimpse of what might be in store for you.

WOM_N is a collection of those who identify as female and are defining themselves. Defining their power, their skillset, their space. They are CEOs, futurists, healers, designers, mothers, public servants, community builders, creatives, sexologists, coaches, athletes and more.

Order your very own WOM_N TO Deck here.

This week I’m in Vancouver with Telus. Follow my adventures on Instagram!

Thoughts on Graduating: Find Something You Love

Alumni Award recipient, Casie Stewart with Conestoga College President, John Tibbits.

Last week I spoke at the graduation for Conestoga College. There were 15 programs graduating and hundreds of students. I got to wear a gold cape as a ‘special guest’. I checked the colour of the cape before the event and came prepared with gold shoes. It was pretty cool!

The top photo above is me with Conestoga College president John Tibbits at the presentation of my Alumni Award last year. I was in shock when I found out I’d been nominated for the Premiere’s Award then Conestoga surprised me with an Alumni Award. [The highest award from a college delivered by the president!]

This isn’t the kind of award you can apply for, and I am so honored to be recognized. I took my mum, and her BFF (aka my second mum & Fairy Godmother!) to the ceremony. We had a great time!

I spoke at the graduation for Conestoga College. Scroll for some thoughts on life, career, and what to be when you grow up. If ever!
Pat Hope, Me, Mum

Looking Back

I’ve spent the last decade working in social media as the industry grew and developed. I’ve had my blog for 14 years. When I went to Conestoga College for Marketing, social media was not invented. Blogs were not invented, there was no Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. I was into marketing as soon as I knew what it was. I chose to study it in college because I had a *feeling* the internet would be something big. SMART THINKIN’ EH!

Honestly, in college, I used to skip class and I hardly ever bought textbooks. I didn’t have much money in college or university, but I always did the work. I worked well in groups when I was the leader, I liked writing, I was really into presentations. I didn’t really know what I wanted to be when I left Conestoga College, so I went to university, in Australia. I liked business but I had no clue about a job. I needed to escape and find myself.

When I finished school, I wanted to work in fashion, something I was passionate about. I did that for a few years and also worked in tech. I was a promo model and a tv/film background extra. I did a lot of jobs to get to where I am today and a big part of my journey comes from taking chances.

I followed my gut. Believed in myself. I took the road less traveled and it really made a huge difference. I’ve always done things my own way, a little different, and been kinda weird, but as I’ve gotten older THOSE ARE MY BIGGEST STRENGTHS.

My advice:

If you’re younger than me and graduating this year, or in a job that’s not your giving you life, don’t worry. You have the power to change your path. Your life is YOUR movie and you’re the director. Take charge of it. We live in a world where technology is driving innovation and new industries are emerging all the time.

You can’t control the cards you are dealt but you decide how to play them.

You ALWAYS have a choice in how to react and what you do with every situation. I wrote a post a while back around the thought that there’s nothing wrong with Monday, Monday doesn’t suck, you just hate your job. You have the power to change your situation. You got this. Change your attitude, change your life.

My Advice:

  1. Find something you love and go confidently in that direction.
  2. Do something each day that brings you closer to your dream.
  3. Learn as much as you can about the thing you love, be the best at it.

If you’re looking for something else to scroll, read this post on my advice to the graduating class when I was inducted into my high school hall of fame.

Travelling Europe w/ Telus Easy Roam

Travelling Europe w/ Telus Easy Roam

May was a bit of a crazy month! I touched down in Spain, France, Germany, and Switzerland. Had an amazing press trip in Spain, went to Cannes Film Festival, Collision Conference, Lift&Co Expo, was in a fashion show, and gave the graduation address at Conestoga College. Today I’m writing this from the cottage in Muskoka and after a few days in the woods, I feel back to my old self again.

I am so incredibly thankful to work with a partner like Telus. During my whole trip, I never once missed an email, text, or phone call because I didn’t have data or a working phone. I also always carry a spare phone battery while I’m on the road (I like this Mophie one). I look forward to the moment my plane lands and I get that familiar text from Telus that saying “Welcome to [insert country]. You have Easy Roam.” After long flights and meals on the go, it’s comforting!

With Telus Easy Roam you can access your Canadian data plan from and you pay a daily fee to access the data in 190+ international destinations. Honestly, as an entrepreneur, the $12/day is so worth it to not be constntly hunting for wifi to share my adventure on social or reply to work email. Telus even has Cuba on their country roster which is so great, I can’t wait to plan a trip there over the winter. [You might remember when I went there last time and had NO SERVICE.]

I love being in transit.

Photos from Cannes Film Festival France

I really loved Spain and want to go back to explore more. Read my post on our Spain trip here.

Next week I’m heading to Vancouver for the Telus Creator Summit with the Canada-wide group of Telus Ambassadors. I can’t wait! I went last year and it was heaps of fun, plus we created some really cool content in their studio and volunteered to help out a local organization benefitting youth.

I’ll be sharing our whole adventure on IG and Twitter and doing a wrap-up post here after.

For more information on US & International roaming with Telus, visit the Telus website at

Have an amazing day!

Telus influencer partner program, get to know Casie Stewart. I've been working with Telus for 9 years and I'm part of their current Telus Partner program. Read about all my Telus adventures here or visit their website to see how they're helping communities across Canada through their #GiveWhereWeLive program. 


Wine Touring in Spain: Get to Know Rueda

Wine Touring in Spain: Get to Know Rueda

In May I went on a press trip to Spain hosted by D.O. Rueda (Denomination of Origin Rueda) wine region and Glo Communications.

DO Rueda Wine Tour Crew

We drank heaps of wine, explored Spanish cuisine, ate lots of tapas, met great people and explored a few historic sites. It was my first time visiting Spain and I was lucky to travel with a great group including Jen Kirsch, Jess Glover, wine expert Konrad Ejbich, and wine podcaster Matthew Cauz.

I loved learning more about wine, touring vineyards, meeting winemakers, and learning how their wines are made. I’m not a wine expert but I definitely know more than when I left and sampled my fair share along the way!

We went to 13 wineries and countless restaurants over the course of the week and I’m sure I’ll be sharing stories about the trip for a lifetime. In this post, you’ll find some of my favorite moments including beautiful wineries and unforgettable experiences.

On the first night, we met for a great dinner at Lobo 8 in Madrid and tasted wines from the D.O. Rueda that paired with our meal. We stayed at Hotel Ibis Styles, a cute boutique hotel in the heart of Madrid that was walking distance from just about everything.

Rueda, located in Castile and Léon, is about 2hr northwest of Madrid and comprised of 72 municipalities in the provinces of Valladolid, Segovia and Avila.  Rueda is the only region that specializes in white wine and is a leader in the commercialization of quality white wines.


On our first full day, we ventured to Segovia, a historical town centered around a Roman aqueduct with 160 massive arches. I absolutely LOVED it there!

Right beside the base of the aqueduct is a famous restaurant Meson de Candido where we were served a traditional meal from the area of Segovia suckling pig. Next, we took a great walking tour to the aqueduct and visited at Alcázar de Segovia castle. This castle inspired Walt Disney to create Cinderella‘s castle at Disneyworld.

Recommended places to visit in Segovia:


We left Segovia to spend the next three days in Vallodolid about an hour north. Before visiting our first vineyard, we had a wine tasting at the DO Rueda office to learn about the region and to get familiar with local wines.

The vineyards of Rueda specialize in the production and development of their 1000-year-old indigenous grape variety Verdejo (a top-selling white wine in Spain).

The wines’ from this region have a taste profile more complex than Pinot Grigio and a great substitute if you’re into Sauvignon Blanc. High elevations and gravelly stone soils here allow the Verdejo grapes to ripen by mid-September and develop deep aromas and flavors resulting in dry, fresh wines that are food-friendly and accessible. The vineyards are about 600-700 meters above sea level keeping temperatures cooler, even during hot summers, which maintains the acidity Rueda wines are known for.

Recommended places to visit in Valladolid:

  • El Hilo de Ariadna – Take a virtual tour of this beautiful underground labyrinth cellar on their Facebook page here. Had a great lunch here!
  • Campo Eliseo – stunning winery inside an old house, lots of history here. Tasted wine with the winemaker!
  • Hermanos Del Villar award-winning vineyard
  • Gabi Garcia Restaurant – we had an amazing meal here!
  • Bodegas Palacio 1894 – a major Spanish winery that is absolutely stunning! This was our last spot and I was so in love with this place.
  • Bodegas Emina – This winery had a pretty big selection and was very modern in design. They also make a nice rosé!
  • Bodega Javier Sanz – Five generations of winemakers who have continued the tradition for more than 150 years.
  • Jose Pariente – This winery is all female owned AND run by women. I feel like you could tell, it was so beautiful!
  • Bodega Museo Ontañón – we had a great time here tasting all their wines. They also make INCREDIBLE olive oil. It was my birthday when we were here and they surprised me with a cake! Amazing venue too.

As you can see there was a lot to take in! I have another post next week outlining the wines from Rueda you can get in Canada through the LCBO and wine agents.

I highly recommend checking out the D.O. Rueda if you’re planning a trip to Spain. It’s a great place to visit with girlfriends, a significant other, or even to plan a wedding!

Vineyard in Spain: Get to know the D.O. Rueda wine region, home to the best white wine in Spain.
Vineyard in D.O. Rueda

Thank you to the whole team at D.O. Rueda and GLO Communications for organizing an amazing trip.

See more of updates from our adventure in Spain on my IG Story Highlight here!

Image result for do ruedaImage result for glo communications

Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like It #18

I had a dream last night that I lived somewhere else. Somewhere without wifi and lots of plant life. It was beautiful and the air smelled warm and sweet. Kind of like the other side of Paihia Beach where the manuka honey grows. The waves crash on the rocks with such gusto it makes you scared for your life but you breathe it in. Sometimes when I need to calm down I think of that and take a deep breath.

casie stewart, autograph, famous, blogger, canada, toronto

CBD: What Works For Me

CBD: What Works For Me

I’ve been asked about CBD a bunch over the past few months so I’ve finally put down some thoughts. This post is IN NO WAY medical, I am not a professional, this my personal experience. You should 100% consult some kind of professional before trying something for medical purposes. You can’t go wrong with someone who can tell you the difference between cbg and cbd, and their different medical uses. On the other hand, if you are already familiar with the cannabis plant or have been self-medicating for some period of time, you’ll enjoy this!

The photo above is from Sugar High Love Stoned and I bought the sweater while I was writing this post. ?

I’ve tried a bunch of products and these are my favorites. There are HEAPS of products out there, my recommendation is to get any cannabis product from somewhere credible or recommended by a trusted friend. If you are using CBD for a specific reason such as your an athlete, then I suggest you go to aethics for specialist products.

A lot of beauty, health, food products are coming out claiming to have cannabis or CBD, where it could be low-grade CBD or hemp seed oil. You can also get help derived CBD products, which can be confusing. My friend Ama Scriver wrote a great piece on cannabis and the beauty industry for here.

CBD To Calm Down + Focus + Sleep

Aurora CBD Liquid Gels

Product: Small gel capsules, each with 8.5mg of CDB and 0.3mg of THC. You can find them at Nova Cannabis on Queen, OCS, or through your accredited Licenced Producer. They look like mini Advil.

Thoughts: These are great. The THC content is pretty low (0.3mg) so they don’t make me high, just relaxed. I find they’re good when I want to sit down and get work done. Also good for social situations that often give me anxiety or doing activities at home, they’re good anytime tbh. Sean and I have been taking them for a couple of weeks.

Charlottes Web CBD Juul Pod

Product: I ordered a Juul starter kit with the vape and 4 pods from a couple of months ago. My friend uses a vaporizer to smoke cannabis and she told me that she loves it. There are quite a few different types of vaporizers so if you want to check out vaporizers for sale today, you’ll certainly have a lot to choose from!! I was keen to try cannabis in the vape and found pods available in Canada from Birch & Fog. They have both CBD & THC. I ordered Charlottes Web, a non-psychoactive, 280 mg CBD Juul compatible pod.

Thoughts: Cool. Kinda like CBD micro-dosing. Handy to have around, not super strong. I love my Juul and keep the CBD pod around for a little dose of chill throughout the day.

Twisted Extracts CBD Jelly Bomb

Product: Fruit gummy with 8 x 10mg doses of CBD. They come in pineapple and peach. They’re currently sold out on Birch & Fog but you can use this link for $10 off your first order from

Thoughts: These are good! Tasty little lego-like brick with 8 squares. Each dose is 10mg CBD. Good for pain management, sleep, or if feeling stressed.

Dried Flower CBD

In France, we found a CBD shop near our place and got some dried flower. It looks and smells like regular cannabis (w/ THC) but it won’t get you high. Cannabis is not legal in France and we were there for 8 days so this was a nice substitute.

If you’re keen to try CBD dominant strain, Leafly has a list of their top 10 as voted by their community here.

CBD For Skin, Aches, Pains

iMi CBD Body Medicine

Product: Highly concentrated, vegan, handmade topical cream you can put anywhere on your body. It has a light scent of shea butter and contains 50ml medical grade CDB isolate. Also contains grapeseed extract, vitamin e, avocado oil, jojoba oil, and apricot kernel oil. Good for anti-aging, scars, pain relief, or sensitive areas.

Thoughts: I am obsessed with this cream, it’s so good. Not smelly, feels great on the face. I like to put it on at night and use my jade roller & gua sha. I find it also reduces inflammation in my carpal tunnel. You can also check Gua Sha Tools for Face.

CBD Magic Stick

Product: This stick is for all your aches and pains. It smells like Tiger Balm and contains 30mg CBD in a 2oz rub on balm. It includes all natural ingredients, is paraben-free, cruelty-free, and THC free.

Thoughts: Ordered this from Birch & Fog. I have been rubbing it on my feet days where I did a lot of walking and it calms them down to calm them down. Also neck, shoulders, hands. It’s also good for aches, pains, arthritis. You can rub on the stomach if you have cramps. It does smell like Tiger Balm so I only use it at home. Do not put near eye area!

Over the last year, I’ve been prescribed cannabis and CBD for my shoulder (collarbone) and previous injuries. I also like CBD oil for pain/anxiety/sleep but I haven’t quite got a favorite one yet. I’m keen to try some of the products from Calyx Wellness.

You can be referred to a cannabis clinic by a doctor or visit to make an appointment to speak to a nurse via video chat. The clinic will register you with a Licenced Producer (LP) and you can order products directly from them online.

If you have any questions please ask an expert or me, and if I don’t have the answer, I’ll find it for you. ??

Make a Path Leave A Trail – National Trail Day w/ Tilley

Make a Path Leave A Trail – National Trail Day w/ Tilley

This week I joined Tilley and a bunch of friends to clean up a Toronto trail. We each got to pick them out a new Tilley hat before the event and I chose the Charlie Fedora Straw hat. I am obsessed with it!

This photo of Andrew and I basically sums up our relationship. LOL. ?I can 100% imagine what we were chuckling about. I love events like this, we were doing good for the environment, everyone got new hats, and it was a chance to spend quality time with friends. Attending media events you never really know who is going to be there but luckily, there’s almost always have someone there I’ve been wanting to hang out with!

Andrew and I went to Thailand with Contiki a few years back and have done some other cool stuff. If you’re not familiar with Andrew, aka Gunnarolla, he is a VERY talented creator. Find him on YouTube or hosting Nom Voyage on Travel Channel.

Today is National Trails Day and Tilley is encouraging everyone to get out and Clean a Trail. Seriously though, you can clean a trail anytime. This is the only earth we have and we all need to do our part to clean the environment.

Clean a trail but make it fashion.
Elise, Brigitte, Casie

Thanks, Tilley for bringing us together to do some good!

Today, Emily are heading out along the West Toronto Railpath to do a little cleanup and ride bikes. I’m on the hunt for a couple of garage sales in the neighborhood! Yay, spring!

The Legit Lady Podcast: Innovate or Die

The Legit Lady Podcast: Innovate or Die

I’m on another podcast! In this episode of the Legit Lady Podcast, I join host Julie Federman to talk about my life and career path. I talk about my entrepreneurial spirit, the importance of innovation, and the power in believing in yourself. I also love that I am episode #18, a number which has a lot of numerical significance in my life. I think you’ll enjoy listening to this!

Give it a listen on iTunes

About The Legit Lady Podcast

This podcast features women who are “nailing it” in life. From artists to professionals, they’re sharing unfiltered real talk and tough life lessons. The Legit Lady Podcast is a platform for impressive women to inspire the world. Hosted by Julie Federman.

One of my fav episodes is where Julie chats with BRIONY, an extremely talented artist (and friend!). Listen to her episode and subscribe here!

One of my fav pieces, by Briony.
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Thank you, Julie, for asking me to be on your show and hosting me at your place! It was so lovely to sit down and chat and meet you IRL. Here's to many more episodes and inspiring women around the world! 



This month has been one of the most exciting OF MY LIFE. Six hours after I landed from the press trip in Spain, I walked in the @Fitzroy #BabeYoureMagic fashion show with an INCREDIBLE group of power women. 36hr later I was en route to @festivaldecannes! In other news, adding a new @imdb credit to my roster for my role in the film #Astronaut that will be coming out soon. Ahhh!

I am so behind on blog life but I’m hoping this weekend to really, actually, get everything documented. One of the reasons I started this blog was an attempt to keep more memories. It’s easy to forget everything you do if you don’t write it down.

I’m so excited about what’s coming down the pipeline and all the joy life brings. Here’s some amazing photos from the Fitzroy fashion show.

Dress: @forloveandlemons ⠀MUA: @hairbyvanessa Photos by Scott Perreira


And now back to your regularly scheduled programming…

It’s been a few wild weeks! Hard to believe we’re halfway through 2019. I’ve been away for most of May and also managed to model in a fashion show and attend the world’s largest tech conference. It’s been a lot of work, long days, and filled with lessons but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

I’ll be back to regularly scheduled blogging after this weekend. I need to catch up with my life, it’s been moving fast for weeks! I’ve got heaps of photos and stories from my adventures and I’m excited to share them with you. I got some great news that Astronaut, the feature film I am in is going to start posting behind the scenes content ahead of the release. Ahhhh!

Segovia, Spain + wine tour in the DO Rueda Region outside Madrid

Had a few great days at the cottage for getting caught up on writing, reading, and relaxing. I spent more time gardening than I thought I would but I feel rejuvenated. Here’s to a great week!

With love from Muskoka,
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5 Cannabis Podcasts to Elevate Your Knowledge

This week an article I wrote for the Twisted Extracts blog went live. My relationship with the brand grew over the last couple of months after they sent me a few of their cbd edibles to try. I completely fell IN LOVE with the Twisted Extracts CBD gummies and CBD caramels. I found they really chilled me out and helped me be calm/focussed, without getting high. I ordered a bunch with my own money when the samples ran out! If you’d like to research more into the compound CBD, head on over to educational websites such as CBD School.

5 Cannabis podcasts to elevate your knowledge. Twisted Extracts blog written by Casie Stewart.

This blog post includes 5 podcasts by talented Canadians that will inform you about what’s going on in the cannabis industry, legalization, benefits of the plant, and ways to consume. The blog also goes on to discuss the different strains of cannabis. For example, did you know that strains such as blue city diesel can be used for their euphoric and happy mental effects? The different strains of cannabis can have a unique impact on your wellbeing and therefore it is important to educate yourself about the key differences if you intend on using this drug. Within each podcast, you’ll find stories by interesting people from a wide spectrum of backgrounds and learn how they got into the weeds. Each show is hosted by someone I know or have met and can vouch for their knowledge of the cannabis space and passion for the plant that is the hemp flower.

If you’re keen to try a CBD edible, use this link to get $10 off your first order of Twisted Extracts. I’m quite keen on these Cara-Melts and they’re $13 for a pack of 8, containing 8x10mg CBD. Any questions, lmk!

Canadian Cannabis Week is coming up at the start of June and I’ll be covering the conference. If you were following me this week, you’ll know I LOVE CONFERENCES. I also have a giveaway coming up with a few tickets to attend, so if you’re interested, keep an eye out!

Hi from Spain!

Hi from Spain!

I’m in Spain this week on a press trip with D.O. Rueda wine region and GLO Communications. Lots of exciting stuff happening. I’ll share more later!

I’m back Saturday and modeling in the Studio Fitzroy fashion show. Monday I leave for Cannes Film Festival. What a time to be alive!

Walking around in Madrid!


Press Trip sponsored by D.O. Rueda in partnership with GLO Communications. 

Image result for glo communications

Review +Wireless Headphones Giveaway: AfterShokz Trekz Air

Hellooooo! I’m excited to share this review with you and announce the giveaway I mentioned in previous posts. My favourite thing about AfterShokz Trekz Air is how you can hear the world around you while wearing them. This month in my final post, I got a second opinion from my tech-loving friend Dan Levy and have a great prize pack up for grabs.

Dan and I have known each other since the early years of Twitter 10 years ago. He’s written about heaps of tech gadgets in the time I’ve known him. Dan has a love for great music so I was keen to see what he thought of AfterShokz Trekz Air. Find his edited review below and make sure you enter the giveaway at the bottom of the post.

AfterShokz Review: A Second Opinion from Dan Levy

I’ve been using the AfterShokz Trekz Air headset for a couple of weeks after Casie asked me for a “guy’s perspective” on this new Bluetooth headset.

Out of the gate, the coolest thing about this headset is how it delivers sound to your brain without going into your actual ears. Instead, they use a technology called “bone conduction” where the headset’s audio is delivered to you via your jaw bone under your ears as opposed to going into or over your ears like other headsets you’ve used before. [Read more about this in a previous post by Casie]

I have really enjoyed using these headphones for walks and just day to day audio. Aftershokz greatest strength is also their greatest weakness – that they allow you to be aware of all that is going on around you because they don’t block your ears from hearing ambient noises. This is FANTASTIC for when you need to be present to the sounds around you but also want to be able to listen to your own personal soundtrack.

Aftershokz bone conduction technology is an absolute joy for getting out and exercising in your neighbourhood without risking lack of awareness of your surroundings. They helpfully include a pair of disposable ear plugs in the Aftershokz Trekz Air package so you can still listen in loud environments but where these headphones truly shine is for fitness users. They are IP55 rated which means that they are made to withstand dust particles and that they are “protected against powerful water jets and heavy seas”. You can sweat in them or get caught in the rain and not be concerned you kick up dust on the sidewalk/road while you’re running because these are built and certified to withstand such hazards.

I’ve been wondering if bone conduction audio delivery at full blast is better for your ears than putting a pair of earbuds to full volume (which is very much not advisable and can damage your hearing). I’m guessing it is!

If you’ve given these a try let us know what you thought of them. If you have any questions about them, be sure to reach out!

Find Dan on Twitter at @TheDanLevy.

AfterShokz Trekz Air Giveaway

OK, giveaway time. After spending the last couple of months with these headphones I have to stay I’ve really grown to like wearing them.

As someone who likes to always be aware of what’s going on around me, they’re awesome. In the last few weeks, I’ve been wearing them around the house to listen to books & podcasts and wearing them to do my BBG workouts.

AfterShokz Giveaway

The prize pack includes:

  1. Trekz Air Headphones
  2. A water bottle
  3. Black Sport Belt (I love this!)
  4. Portable Large Case
  5.  Sport Towel

If you have any questions, please let me know and GOOD LUCK.

The giveaway is open to US and Canada residents and AfterShokz are giving away 3 units. This post is part of my 4-month partnership with PTPA and Aftershokz Canada. 

HideSeek: Real Life Recess

The other day, Cory Lee and I went to HideSeek, a “pop-up experience inspired by childhood nostalgia“.  We spent over an hour taking photos, changing outfits and laughing our heads off and got to meet the team behind the experience. It was heaps of fun. 

Casie Stewart, Cory Lee at HideSeek Instagram pop-up in Toronto. HideSeek Toronto has 15+ great spots to take fun photos for Instagram. It's running until June 2nd, 2019. See blog for tickets & info.  - Casie Stewart
DYK I’ve never had Trix or Lucky Charms?! Suer fun to take so many photos with my girl Cory Lee. See her post on

I’ve been to a bunch of Instagram friendly pop-ups over the last year (Happy Place, Museum of Ice cream, Museum of Illusions) and this was was my favourite one in Canada so far. There are 15 installations with multiple photo ops in each. Grab your BFF, kid, parent, partner, or a date and go back in time. I have heaps of photos from the experience so if you follow me on Instagram (HERE) you’ll see some of these rolling out over the next few weeks.

HideSeek is at 305 Dundas St. West. Toronto and you can find them on Instagram at @gohideseek. It’s running until June 2nd so you have a little while to get in on the action.

Visit for tickets & info.