Day 57: In Transition

This week, for the first time since the start of Iso, I really fell behind on my daily diary. From 2008-2012 I blogged pretty much every single day. I enjoy the routine of doing things, documenting them, and writing it down. It’s amazing how therapeutic a diary can be. So many times I’ve gone back to a special day, a keyword, a month, an image, to remember the moment. I love to see how things have changed, how the world was, or to reflect on who I was at the time.

I have grown and changed a lot over the 15 years I’ve had this blog. I think I’ll change a lot through COVID-19 too. The current situation is forcing us all to reevaluate what matters, who matters, and how we can be better humans.

We all have the ability to take a birds-eye view of our lives right now. The world is in transition and so are we.

Side note, I learned how to do a hair wrap with a t-shirt thanks to my friend Jak! Grab a large shirt and check out her DIY on Instagram!

Day 56: For The Mamas

Mums, step-moms, grandmas, sisters, pet mums, plant mums, sister and friends who are there for us with mum love, today is for you.

Had a nice chat with my mum and then went to a garden centre. We Facetimed Sean’s mum and had her pick out a big beautiful hanging plant to go at the cottage front door.

In the evening, I did a self-care spa including a foot mask, face mask, and watched Dead to Me in bed while drinking rosé. It was nice! Good show.

Sending special love to my mum who had been a source of strength and inspiration every day of my life. I love you so much! She always has good advice, a creative idea, or the right thing to say when I need it.

You are a legend, Mum!
This has been on Mum’s fridge since I was in high school.
i am so proud of my mum because... | Casie Stewart - This Is My Life
Mum when she sailed to Bahamas with Steve!

Day 55: Let It…Snow?

Would you believe it snowed if I didn’t have a photo to prove it!? Yes, May 9th, 2020, snow. Not just any snow, a full blanket of tiny snowballs coated everything around us.

I had a small birthday party on Zoom last night and it was super fun! I’m quite proud of myself for not staying up too late or drinking too much. Woke up today feeling good but also like I needed rest. I did not run today. Decided to take a day to recharge my batteries. Having a birthday can take a lot out of you, add the anxiety of your birthday in a pandemic and it’s kinda overwhelming. I am truly blessed to have such a great group of friends. Lauren started a thing where each person took a minute to say what they liked most about me and it was so nice. I feel loved and appreciated! THANK YOU FRIENDS!

Sean and I had a productive day of watching ENTIRE SEASONS of both Hollywood (miniseries) and Into the Night. Both shows were good. Very different vibes as Hollywood is sexy, fun, and dramatic while Into The Night is a doomsday thriller. Next up, I’m going to tackle S2 of Dead to Me which I think I can finish in a day. The way this is going we’re going to need summer or more shows! If you have any recos, please share!

Day 54: A Quarantine Birthday

Thank you! I had the best day and it’s mostly bc of you, friends, family. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Grateful to have you in my life and appreciate your love. I often have anxiety around my birthday and this year, I somehow felt calm amidst all the chaos.

I ran 4K with Sean in the morning and we did a meditation on a rock in the woods. He surprised me with a bunch of useful presents then cooked a huge BBQ for dinner. I opened a few goodies from friends and loved getting messages from around the world. At 8pm I had a Zoom party and my favourite thing was each friend taking a moment to share what they loved about me. It was like a Casie Conference of Love! I don’t remember the last time I had a birthday party but this was better than I could have imagined.

Will never forget my Quarantine Birthday and can’t wait to hug IRL when this is over. ????

Day 53: Exactly Where I Need to Be

Today was very active! The sun makes me want to get outside, I really hope the temperature warms up soon. Ran 2k in the morning and then walked for 8k in the late afternoon. I was listening to my latest book on Audible, Witch by Lisa Lister. I feel so calm in nature, sun on the face, wind in the trees, listening to the sound of the woods. Even saw a couple flowers blooming!

My friend Cheryl sent me a beautiful Gratitude Journal from her company Please Notes. I’m going to do my first entry the day after my birthday. I love keeping my online diary of daily activities but this type of journal is great for personal reflection. Thank you Cheryl! Check out her other journals, notes, decals, and items to keep you inspired here.

Day 52: Friends, ILYSM.

This day was the first time I saw any friends IRL in months. I was so nice to visit at a safe distance to laugh, smile, and be together. It was hard to be so close and not hug each other. I love hugs.

Had a nice shower and out on a dress before heading out on a drive around the city. It was a beautiful day, I had tunes on and the sunroof open.

Michelle’s birthday is the day after mine (May 9th) and for the last couple of years, we’ve celebrated together. We will celebrate again once this is all over! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!

Before heading back to the cottage we stopped by Jen’s place to safely say hi to her and her dad. She drew a birthday message on the driveway for me. I was so excited, laughing, and jumping up and down. I can’t wait to hang out again.

Some of my BFFs started receiving their packages and it’s a way for us to stay connected. We’re all rocking friendship bracelets I made last week. I sent each package with a little handmade card filled with good vibes.

I can’t wait to be together again. Tomorrow I’m gonna decorate for my birthday and make my own cake. I think we might do a Zoom party on Friday.

Sending good vibes. Love you xo

Day 51: You Are Free To Rest

I came across this image and it was just what I needed at the time. Today was a very challenging parenting day, it took all my energy and I hardly got anything done. The air was thick and finally, once the child went to bed, we let it all go and soaked in the hot tub.

Tomorrow we are taking Em back to her mum and Sean and I will be here alone for a week. My birthday is on Friday. I’m planning to do a drive-by and see some friends IRL before coming back to the cottage. I can’t wait to see their faces again.


The sun will set you free. She is there for you. She loves you. She will hug you with her warmth and shine down on you. Turn your face to the sun and let her warmth fall on your face.

It’s gonna be ok.

Day 49: Work It Out


Day 48: Ray of Sunshine

Nice little Saturday! Ran in the morning, did a dance workout in the afternoon. Spent most the day inside. New running shoes are so great.

This movie was pretty good.

Had a few White Claw at night and chatted with some friends. I really hope the weather gets warmer next week!

Day 47: May Flowers!

Today was a great day! I ran 2k in the morning and baked sweet potato brownies. Sean returned to the cottage with Emily in the afternoon.

I did some gardening in this great outfit then made a run to town for some supplies. Our friends stopped by in their boat and might take Sean wakeboarding tomorrow.

For dinner, we made taco bowls as a family, had dairy-free ice cream sundaes for dessert, then watched The Matrix.

Picked myself up some flowers at the grocery and had the nicest chat with a lovely lady named Nora who was working at the store.

It was such a beautiful day. So happy it’s MAY!

Day 46: It’s Gonna Be May

Wow does it ever feel great to get dressed in an outfit, do my hair and wear makeup! I’m not sure the last day I did this! I figured since I was leaving the house I’d pull myself together.

Went to the post office today and have made friends w/ Judy, our local essential worker postage lady. Each visit I’ve been bringing her a little surprise as a thank you for receiving my packages and working during this time. I am SO EXCITED to run in my new shoes, they’re beautiful and feel amazing. Will have to wait till it dries up a bit outside, it’s been pretty rainy.

Not sponsored, I paid for these with my own money. I would love to be sponsored by Nike lol.

I know it’s annoying but this is my fav meme of the YEAR! May is my FAV month, my birthday and it’s when the weather *usually* starts to warm up., may I am here for you and all your Taurus glory! One week until the day it’s all about meeeeee! LOL!

Day 45: It’s Ok To Not Be Ok

I spent the day mostly on the couch watching Outer Banks. It’s not a great show but I’m heavily invested now and want to complete my task. Ate some leftovers. Made some cards & bracelets to send to friends. It’s totally ok to not feel like doing anything or to lack motivation during this time.

If you survived another day, that in itself is an accomplishment. We are in the middle of a global pandemic and it’s hard to deal with.

Tomorrow is a new day.

#Takeoutday: My First Writeup on Muskoka411!

#TakeOutDay is a nationwide effort to help our favourite local restaurants by ordering takeout. The national campaign was started by Canada Takeout in an effort to help Canada’s hard-hit food industry and is now being co-signed by celebrities, chefs, and notable Canadians nationwide.

I chatted with a few notable Canadians to find out their fav spots to eat in the Muskoka region. See tweet below or read it here.

Last week we ordered takeout from Muskoka Beer Spa, they’re offering pizza from pie Muskoka, beer & food from Clear Lake Brewing, and several other local items. We even got meat pies! ?

Yes, there is one butter tart missing! ?

For more information on how you can help, visit

Day 44: Through The Woods

Personally, today was a good day. Ran 4k in the morning and took Sean’s route down the road and though Balfour Woods. It felt great to be out in nature and I made it back just before the rain. For lunch, I made tortilla soup with leftovers and then tried a recipe for sweet potato gnocchi. It was my first time and they turned out pretty good! Watched Netflix at night and made bracelets to send to friends in the mail.

Parenting wise, today was a very challenging day.

Day 43: Isolation is Exhausting

Was not feeling great today. Felt sluggish and unmotivated. Did not exercise. Started a new book, read outside in the sun. Hung some new plants in the kitchen window. Had a dip in the hot tub. My arm has been very sore. Have been applying CBD cream and heating pad all day. Made a nice lentil coconut curry for dinner with rice. Took an afternoon nap and then went to bed at 8 pm.

Tomorrow is a new day. Still have about 10k to conquer on my monthly NTC Challenge so hoping to get up early and go outside like I used to. I think my body and mind are exhausted. It’s ok to rest. This whole experience is tiring. Read a great article on Medium, see below.

casie stewart, autograph, famous, blogger, canada, toronto

Day 42: Baking Bread

I finally made bread! I didn’t take a photo because tbh, it wasn’t that pretty. I’ll try again but I turned out pretty flat, a flatbread. ?It tasted great right out of the oven with some butter.

Today was a lazy day and I did next to nothing other than baking bread and eating it. Took a 24 -hour break from Instagram to laze around and recharge my batteries. Found this book from my childhood and am rediscovering my love for bracelet making. We’ll see how I get on with this, would be nice to send these to friends in the mail.

Day 42: Dance It Out!

I spent most the day home alone as Seen was picking up Emily. It was such a beautiful day! Spent some time reading outside then did LA choreographer Ryan Heffington’s SWEATFEST dance workout on the patio. Emma Stone (actress) was there!

This workout has been giving me so much life lately. The steps are easy to follow and it will leave you feeling happy, lighter, and sweaty. The next classes are likely going to be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 1 pm EST on IG at @ryan.heffington.

We put the dock in the water just before sunset when Sean got back. We both had to go in the water and it WAS SO COLD. At home Sean grabbed a few huge mirror doors we salvaged and this week I hope to use them for a creative shoot and maybe make a wooden trim.



Day 40: Quarantena, Meaning “Forty Days”

Wow, 40 days! Thankful I’ve kept a diary because all the days would have mixed into weeks by now. It’s taken about forty days to figure out what balance looks like right now. It’s been a bit challenging to adjust to this new way of life but I think we’re getting the hang of it. Below I’ve linked to a few of my favourite posts since the start of isolation.

We ordered takeout for the first time in 40 days today and it was so good! Muskoka Beer Spa offers pizza, beer, and a few other local pre-made items for pickup at the brewery in Bala. Aside from pre-made pizza from Pie Muskoka we got butter tarts and meat pies.

When we were driving back we say the most beautiful fox. I think we interrupted him having a little snack. Looked right at me!

Yesterday by 10am I’d written a blog post, done some client work, and ran 2.6K. Some days are productive others not so much. I did 3.85K today and I’m on track to complete my goal of 55k by the end of the month. I can’t believe how much I look forward to running. Order new shoes today because I’ve worn mine out!

Looking Back, 40 Days of Isolation

Day 39: Book Recommendations

Last night I finished the first book I’d read a while and then we watched 1917. I’m not usually into period pieces or wartime moves but it kept me in suspense the whole time. I started another book in bed before falling asleep. I think an escape from reality was just what I needed yesterday.

A couple of months ago I was wandering aimlessly at Chapters (remember doing that?) and surprised myself at how many books I’d actually read. I took photos of all the covers to make a blog post with recommendations. I guess I didn’t really find the time until waking up at 5:30 this morning saying, today’s the day!

You’ll notice a theme, lots of thriller/suspense, almost no self-help. Reading for me is a distraction from the outside world and I love a good story involving some type of crime or murder. Idk why, I just do.

This post isn’t sponsored, I bought my own Kindle and most of these books. A few in the list below were advance reader copies from the publisher via PR or Netgalley. All books are linked on Amazon and can be found in my reading list here.

I love reading on the Kindle. Until I got an e-reader, it had been ages since I’d read a whole book. I love traditional books but with Kindle, you have almost any book at your fingertips, you can read in the sun, in the dark, in water, or highlight things to look back on later.

I also quite enjoy Audible, especially when the book is read by the author. A great feature of both Audible and Kindle is you can preview the book before you buy it, this has really come in handy with recommendations and the discovery process of finding your next read. Kindle is also cheaper than hardcover or paperback and you don’t have to wait for shipping.

Here are some books I’ve enjoyed reading over the past two years. My last post with summer books to read was in 2016, where did the time go!

My Top Picks to Read Right Now

Jessica Simpson‘s memoir ‘Open Book‘ is one of the best books I’ve read recently. I listened to it over an 8-hour drive to visit my dad in February. It was 4 hours each way and I loved listening, it’s real, honest, and so relatable. The Audiobook is read by her and I highly recommend.

I finished The Swap yesterday and I recommend pre-ordering it for June 23rd. It’s a suspenseful modern thriller about sex, friendship, social media, and fertility. I received an advance publisher copy via NetGalley, good read!

Woman On The Edge by Samantha Bailey is a great read, I couldn’t put it down. A page-turning thriller with a story that’s so well written. I received it from Simon Schuster and then got to meet the author at a luncheon. So good I’d almost read it again.

When Life Gives You Lululemons is a sequel to The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger. A light, funny and drama-filled read, it’s from the perspective of Emily Charlton on her new adventure. Good summer read.

Feel Good Light Listening

When You Find Out The World Is Against You is a collection of personal stories from Oxford’s life. The book is read by the author and documents her life, parenting, and is filled with references to being Canadian. I listened to it at the cottage this month on walks or while doing things around the house. A good distraction from life right now.

At first, I wasn’t into The Year of Magical Thinking but I was in a book club so I stuck with it. As I made my way through it, it really grew on me and I’ve since gone back to listen to the stories. It’s relaxing, comforting, and a really good book to give you perspective on life and death.

I worked with Anne T. Donahue at The Keg before I moved to Australia in 2004. I have always been a fan of her and the way she writes. Her book Nobody Cares is a collection of personal essays about life in your twenties and thirties, she talks about failure, feminism, body image, alcoholism, and growing up in our hometown. The audiobook is read by her!

I have gone back to The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck over and over. I’m not into self-help books that tell me how to live my life, this is not one of those. It will help you shift your perspective and think about that really matters to you, in YOUR life. I’m glad I purchased it on Audible because it’s a good kick in the ass when you need to get back on track.

Mystery & Thriller

My favourite genre to read are books that involve a couple, best friends, or family that have some type of twist and there’s always a murder. For some reason these books give me so much joy, I can’t stop reading them. This list is in no particular order, my most favs are bold.

Glad I finally put this list together, I’ve been meaning to do it for months. If you have any recommendations I’m all ears, feel free to share.

It’s still freezing outside but I’m feeling better today.

Day 38: Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like It #20

Fitting that the 20th post in this series is being written in 2020. It’s been a while since I wrote one of these. This year started out pretty good, we woke up January 1st at the cottage and six days later I was in Cuba. The month flew by and I saw a lot of friends in February. Little did we know what March would bring and now, April is almost over and the world is a different place.

We’re in a global pandemic, the death toll is rising everyday, people are out of work, businesses are collapsing. Yesterday 19 22 people died in a mass shooting in Nova Scotia. It’s a lot to process. I feel tired, sad, grief.

I woke up overwhelmed by it all. I’m cold, my arm aches, maybe it’s the weather? I didn’t workout today. All I want to do is lay on the couch, read, or watch a movie that makes me feel warm inside.

Around noon, I pulled myself together and put on a nicer sweatsuit for a trip to the post office. It was the first time I’d driven somewhere alone since lockdown. My weighted blanket of anxiety was heavy on my chest as I got in the truck and backed out the driveway. Why did I feel so nervous? I’m an experienced driver, I’ve driven the truck on the these roads heaps. I had a mask and gloves, my tracking numbers.

You have to mentally and physically prepare every time you leave the house right now, plan your route, give yourself extra time. It’s hard to adjust to the way things are right now. Some days I’m happy in the isolation bubble, creating, making things, then days like today, it all hits me and I’m filled with anxiety.

It’s ok to not feel like it, to want a break from it all. None of us have experienced this and the whole world is navigating it one day at a time. When I feel a wave of panic or anxiety I like to look around the room naming objects, pointing out things to be grateful for. It helps refocus on the little things like having a fridge, bananas, or clean drinking water. I’m thankful to have Sean my by side, a roof over our head, food, friends, family. We have so much to be grateful for and I think we’re all realizing the things that matter most.

I got a text from dad as I was writing this and it was just what I needed it at the time.

Thanks dad, for the reminder. ❤️

It’s ok to not be ok right now. Things are tough and we’re floating around with uncertainty, not knowing when and if things will go back to the way they used to be.

Give yourself time to grieve, be in your feelings. It’s ok to feel sad. Productivity might look different these days and that’s ok too. If we stay home and try to stay healthy, we’ll get through this.

Reach out to your friends, family, or send me a note. I’m right here on the other side of the screen, going through this too.

Tomorrow is a new day. ❤️

Day 37: My Blog is 15 Today!

At the start of the 2020, I’d planned that this year, finally, I was going to have a blog party. Well, that didn’t quite work out!

Today marks 15 years since I started writing ‘Casie Stewart: This is My Life‘.

My first online diary was MSN Spaces during university in Australia (2004), next I moved to (2005), and finally, found a home at

I have grown and changed so much over the past 15 years. I’m really thankful to everyone who has been part of this blog. It’s been a huge part of my career development and me growing as a person. I was in my early 20’s when I started and over the years, keeping this diary has helped me work through so many ups and downs. Glad I didn’t give up, there were many times I didn’t feel like blogging but writing was what helped me though.

Thank you for reading, commenting, reaching out, and for your friendship. Maybe next year I’ll do a Sweet 16!

Day 36: How to Bleach Dye Your Denim

This little project turned out so good! I’d seen this DIY on Pinterest and Instagram (@primandprimp) so I decided to give it a go. If you want to try, it’s easy, here’s a how-to.

You Will Need

  • Jeans
  • Tape
  • Plastic Bag
  • Bleach
  • Spray bottle
  • Gloves
  • Somewhere to bleach with good ventilation ex. outside
  • A couple hours

1: Tape Your Denim

Pick a side you want to bleach then tape along the middle seam. Make sure to really get in there so the tape goes right to the edge of the stitching, you don’t want bleach to leak onto the darker side. Once done, grab your plastic bag, roll up the leg that’s not being dyed, and secure the bag. Tape to seal.

2: Spray

Get your gloves and workspace ready. If you’re able to go outside, great. I like to use the lid of a storage bin and cover with a garbage bag to avoid making a mess. If you have to do this inside, open a window and turn on a fan.

Start spraying your denim and make sure the whole leg is covered. Don’t forget the inseam and sides. If you don’t have a spray bottle, a sponge will work. Use what you can find!

3: Wait

Set your project somewhere safe where the colour can develop. I had mine outside on the lawn for about 2 hours then moved inside to the shower for about 45 minutes until the colour stopped changing. It might be a bit drippy at the start, so keep away from anything bleach will ruin.

4: Wash

Rince the dyed leg in cold water. You might find he tape is starting to come off because the fabric is wet. This is ok.

Throw your new jeans in the washing machine and then the dryer. This part was the hardest for me because I couldn’t wait to see my experiment!

5: Wear!

Put those bad boys on! Old pants turned new pants and you are a Quarantine Queen. If you try this please LMK! I’d love to see what you make.

Sean came into the kitchen like “what are you doing?’

I think next I’ll try a pattern with tape & sponge, like stars or polka dots on another pair. These jeans had been in a ‘give-away’ pile cause they’re a little big but I’m so glad I was able to upcycle them and make them new again.

All my clothes are going to be customized when this is over. I just ordered an embroidery kit. ?

If you have questions, message me on any platform, or leave a comment. Left them open just in case.


Day 35: Stages of Isolation

I’m at the stage of isolation where I have now cut and dyed my hair. It’s just temporary but I feel like a change, so why not?! Nothing holding me back from making things and doing stuff at this point.

Inspired by Briony (amazing Toronto artist) and Martina Martian (fav artist in Australia), I’ve been drawing on iPad Pro more. Made this line drawing yesterday. Took ages but it’s nice to just sit and create.

Click to see the video animation from image to art!

I used to love drawing on iPad and when I got my first one a decade ago, my old blog Borderline Artistic was thriving. I was drawing almost daily and posting art I made. Around that time I created the ‘Unnecessary Wheels Collection‘, might start that up again. It’s nice to get back to creating just for fun. Not sure I can stop now!

I also bleach dyed a pair of denim and they turned out AMAZING.


Day 34: Use What You Got – Tie Dye DIY

My tie-dye yesterday turned out really good. I decided to crop this top and make a couple of matching scrunchies. I used old promo shirts I found in a drawer and made them into new clothes. ?

How to Tie Die with Bleach

The process was pretty easy and not too messy. It took about an hour from start to finish, including a short cycle in the wash.

You Will Need:

  • Clothes 
  • Gloves 
  • Bleach (you will be mixing 50/50 w/ water)
  • Water
  • Squeeze bottle (I used one of these)
  • A Plate – to rest your things on
  • Garbage bag – to set up your area
  • Rubber Bands
  • Paper Towel
  • A well-ventilated space

Before You Get Started

It’s a good idea to make sure your fabric has been washed at least once.

Decide on a style you want to create, I watched a couple of tutorials with different tie-dye techniques and went to town. It’s hard to mess this up so don’t worry. This video on Pinterest has a lot of methods in 5 min (spiral, shibori). The video below is short & sweet with 3 different ways to tie-dye.

Open a window, let some fresh air in, you want to have good ventilation since you’re working with bleach. Get your gloves and workspace ready, tape the garbage bag to your space do you don’t stain ruin your kitchen table/counter/floor. ?

1: Rubber bands

Wrap your garment in rubber bands in the desired design. The item on the left is has been bunched up to make a wild style, the right is a spiral. Place each item on a plate.

2: Bleach

Mix 50/50 bleach water in your squeeze bottle. I like to use the lid of a storage bin and cover with a garbage bag to avoid making a mess.

Squirt bleach on every other pie piece. Once you’ve covered your area on one side, flip the item over and do the same pie pieces on the other side. Use a paper towel to wipe the plate before placing the other side down, so the bleach is even.

3: Wait

Leave the bleach on for 15-60 minutes. You might see the colour start to change right away depending on the type and colour of fabric.

4: Wash

Rinse in cold water and throw in the washing machine and then the dryer (or hang to dry).

5: Wear!

Did it turn out? Put it on and test it out! You have now upcycled old clothes to make them new again, check that off your Quarantine Bingo. What will you try next?

Final Product with a Crop & Matching Scrunchie!

Today we are taking a trip to the local post office to pick up some packages. It’s been ages since I’ve had mail so I’m pretty excited to see what’s arrived from my orders & work-related deliveries. Ordered a replacement Kindle, as mine went missing after our Cuba trip in January. I have a bunch of books already downloaded to get through and I’ve really missed reading. Finally ordered some new workout stuff that will fit properly, can’t wait to try everything on.

Celebrating the little things here!

Day 33: How to Dye Clothes with Turmeric

After getting heaps of comments and questions about my turmeric dye, I’m writing this post for you! It’s very simple to turn your clothes a beautiful bright yellow. THIS TURNED OUT SO GOOD. It has faded with a couple of washes but it’s still a nice yellow.


There are lots of tutorials on Pinterest, I checked a few and went for it. I made a COVID19 board that has a couple DYI videos if you’re looking for more info. I am so happy with the final result. I worked with a white hoodie, a leopard print top, and a vintage tank top that was a washed-out yellow.


You Will Need

  • Clothes – Older stuff that has been washed works best.
  • Gloves – Otherwise you will have yellow hands!
  • Turmeric – Find in the spice section at the grocery
  • Big Pot – To boil water
  • Tongs – To transfer the hot fabric
  • Roasting Pan – To rinse/transfer to sink/drying area
  • Sink – To rinse clothes
  • Water

How to Dye with Turmeric

Step 1: Soak Your Clothes in Hot Water

Soaking your clothes before you dye them will loosen up the fibers so the colour can really soak in. I soaked my hoodie in a roasting pot in the shower. I didn’t soak the leopard print or tank top before dying them.

Step 2: Boil Water & Add turmeric

Grab a huge pot and fill 3/4 with water. Bring to a boil. Once boiling add the turmeric. I eyeballed it and didn’t use a specific amount, kinda like my cooking haha. I started with about 1/4 tablespoon and then added about 2x more. The water will turn a bright amber.

Step 3: Add Clothes & Soak

Transfer the clothes to the pot and you will start to see the colour right away. I did each item separately as to not fill it up too much. Turn down the temperature and let sit for about 10 min. Make sure to swish it around a bit so it gets even colour. If your garment has long sleeves, make sure to create space in the armpit area so you don’t get a colour deposit that’s stronger in the armpits. It will look like a sweat stain!

Step 4: Rinse & Hang to Dry

Grab your tongs and transfer to the second empty pot/pan. Put on your gloves and run the clothes under cold water. Massage the fabric to make sure it’s thoroughly rinsed. Next, take the garment somewhere to dry. I put mine outside and hung them on a tree. It will drip, make sure you hang somewhere safe for the yellow dye to drip.

Step 5: Wash

Once dry, throw in the turmeric dyed fabric in the washing machine. Do not add other clothes, the dye might bleed!

Step 6: Wear!

Put on your new bright yellow clothes and feel happy you made something great. Maybe you love it so much you want to post to social media and tag me! I’d love to see what you make!

Comments are open, feel free to ask questions or give suggestions. I’m definitely going to try this again maybe with tie-dye? My next venture is trying a couple of white items with beets.