Cali Sober & The Holidays

Here’ an excerpt from a piece I wrote for Twisted Extracts about the term ‘Cali Sober‘ and the holidays. If you’re not familiar with the new-ish term, it’s essentially not drinking (or drinking less) but still using cannabis. When I learned it at the Pretty Elevated event a while back I thought ‘hey, that’s me!’.

Casie Stewart, cali sober, cannabis, sobriety, Twisted Extracts, legalization, weed lady,

I shared some thoughts on how the holidays are often all about drinking and to have some other options than beer and wine at your holiday hangout. Scroll down to read a snippet or check out the whole article on here.

Side note, if you haven’t tried Twisted Extracts, I highly recommend them! I absolutely love their cara-melts or jelly bombs that come in CBD, THC, or a 1:1 combo. They’re the perfect dosage and the CBD is good quality.

Casie Stewart, cali sober, cannabis, sobriety, Twisted Extracts, legalization, weed lady,


I’m not here to define exactly what sobriety means to you, but navigating the holidays as someone who doesn’t drink can be a bit awkward. Drinking culture is such a big part of society and I think it’s time to redefine holiday hosting without all the booze.

This year, if you are hosting a holiday get together, please have other options than just beer or wine for your guests. Making a signature cocktail? Try creating a temperance cocktail or an option without alcohol. If there’s someone who isn’t drinking, be considerate of their choices, and if they don’t mention it, don’t pry with questions. We all have our own reasons for making changes, maybe they’re not drinking that night, that month, or ever again. That’s their decision to make!

If you’re attending holiday events, be respectful of where and when you are using cannabis. Check with your host to see if they have a preferred place for you to break up your bud or smoke a joint. I wrote some tips on cannabis etiquette for Twisted Extracts a little while back (see here).

More important than anything else, please be responsible and don’t drive high.

Happy Holidays!

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Today was a great day. Opened the windows, 8 degrees in November. Did a corporate talk on social media first thing in the morning. Rode my bike in the sun. Had a great chat with mum. Met with an author I’ve been following for years. Explored an old, recently renovated building I’ve been curious about. Had a couple great calls. Was at the gym before everything.

It’s amazing to feel so different after working out for a couple weeks, eating well, and not really drinking. Glad I didn’t wait till 2020 to kick start my glow up! I feel like a sunshine!

Rooftop at the Art of Banksy Building on Sterling

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LOVE GIVES FREEDOM | Telus x Nonie Collab to End Bullying

This year at NYFW, Canadian designer Nonie launched the LOVE GIVES FREEDOM shirt in partnership with Telus, where all proceeds go to the Telus Friendly Future Foundation to help End Bullying.

Casie Stewart wearing the Telus X Nonie collab in support of the Telus Future Friendly Foundation to End Bullying.

Over 1 MILLION Canadian kids are affected by cyberbullying EACH MONTH.

I’m proud to work with Telus because they’re so much more than a tech company. Through the Friendly Future Foundation, they’re educating students about online safety, providing resources, and helping parents navigate the digital space our kids are growing up in.

This week is National Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week but our efforts to End Bullying are year-round. We can all work together to make the internet a kinder, friendlier place. Learn more about the collab and sign the Telus digital pledge to end bullying here.

We’re in this together! Spread some kindness my friends! ? 

To learn more about my ongoing partnership with Telus, see previous posts hereRelated image

If You Want Change, You Have to Be Willing to Be Uncomfortable

Pre-yoga at Solis Movement, nice space, pretty change rooms

I had such a great day yesterday! My heart is warm with kind messages from friends all over after sharing about the last year. I was kinda scared to post how it’s been hard but it was a weight I need to lift off my chest. I’m thankful to have a supportive gang around me and grateful to the internet for bringing us together.

I tried a hot yoga class at Solis Movement that included infrared heat and let me tell ya, IT WAS VERY HOT. I loved it. We were all dripping with sweat! Feeling a bit of the burn today but highly recommend checking it out. It’s located in Etobicoke and a great way to warm yourself up and get moving on a cold day.

Lori & I before our mega sweat sesh ?

Since I’ve been going to the gym regularly, I’m starting to really love the feeling I get from it. This winter I am 100% open to trying any workout class and am *actually* making use of my gym membership.


Writing this from St. Joseph’s Health Centre Hospital in the X-ray waiting area. Hopefully, this is my last visit and I can put this injury behind me.

UPDATE: All cleared to not come back. The bone is broken but held in place by my ligaments. No need for surgery. Pretty weird but also kind of amazing? ??‍♀️ I have often said I’m ready for a bionic arm one day because of tennis elbow in this same arm, guess now it will go up to the shoulder. Lol. Ok bye! ??

Sending love!

P.S. The title is via my burrito yesterday from Thrive Organic LOL

Inspiring burrito!

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56% Of Canadians Don’t have a Will, Don’t Be One of Them!

I’m in a Facebook group for my neighborhood, someone asked about wills this week and it was CRAZY to see how many people don’t have one. This is a short post with a code for you to go to and get yourself a will. You can create a legal will in minutes for $99-$150.


I created a will when the company launched and had Sean create one before he went to Israel this past summer. I can’t imagine life without him but since we aren’t married, what would happen to the house and my whole life if he died?

It’s never fun to think about life without someone you love or the world without you in it, but the fact is, we all die. If you have pets, kids, assets, what will happen to all that stuff?

Take a few minutes to create an online will and save your kids, spouse, or family having to deal with legal fees and drama once you’re gone.


56% of Canadians don't have a will. I know it's hard to think about, but we all die. Find a  Willful code for 15% off in this post!

Willful Wills are available in Alberta, Canada, British Columbia, Canada, Nova Scotia, Canada, Ontario, Canada, Saskatchewan, Canada. This post contains affiliate links. 

Rebuilding Your House: I Broke My Collarbone

Casie Stewart, Toronto blogger, injury

A year ago today I slipped on some ice at mum’s house, breaking my collar bone, getting a massive black eye, and severe nerve damage to half my face. It was right after receiving an Alumni Award from the President of Conestoga College. What a DAY.

It was horrible. I was in severe pain most of the winter and did you know that having nerves repair themselves feels like you have a hair on your face that’s not there? Something so simple as taking a selfie was hard for months because I couldn’t move my arm above 90 degrees. I felt like half my face looked different. Does it? I declined attending a lot of events because I didn’t feel good about myself.

This is a couple of days after the accident and before it got worse. This night I was up for an Ontario Premier’s Award so I had to attend the ceremony. My eye was watering the whole time and I was so self-conscious about the makeup running.

This past year has been all about rebuilding, reprogramming myself, changing old habits, and loving myself more. I’ve been working on strength and can finally Chaturanga Dandasana again. I’ve been thinking about what happened a lot the last few days and I want to remind you that what you see on the internet is only a fraction of someone’s life. I’ve always been honest and real on my blog but this was something I wasn’t ready to face head-on, I didn’t know how to deal with it so barely mentioned it at all. I felt bad about not being strong, my arm was so weak and my confidence was broken. A year later, I’m feeling better and have another X-ray tomorrow that is hopefully my last.

Hello, it me. Your happy internet friend!

I want to remind you to check in on your strongest, happiest friends, they might be struggling behind the smiling selfies you scroll through. Reach out to them! Check on each other! We all need love and to know our friend’s care!

Sending my love to you through the internet.

The Caterpillar

The Caterpillar

I know it’s been a minute. I swear I’ve started posts and just haven’t been able to finish them. I’m in a cocoon stage right now now. I am the caterpillar.  I’m working on myself. I’ve been going to the gym, eating healthy, getting good sleep. This past year I really suffered from burnout. I’ve spent more than the last decade updating the world and the internet with my life and tbh, I’m tired. I need to find myself again. 

From Cleo Wade‘s book Heart TalkOrder here

I’m excited about the winter incubation to stay home, work on myself, and emerge in the spring a strong, beautiful butterfly. Looking into 2020, I want to start the year feeling refreshed.

2020 is going to be the year of ME.

Thank you Indigo for these cute snaps from their holiday preview today. There were so many nice things I’ll be ordering a few online (with Rakuten of course!). A couple of people asked about my hat this morning and it was a total STEAL from Amazon, buy it here.

In other news, I have a great post coming with my fav books I’ve read this year (there are a lot!). AND another post with the new Roomba we got for the office, it CLEANS THE FLOOR.

Hope your week is off to a great start. Sending love across the internet to your screen, from mine.

It’s A Long Road, You Got This

Last weekend Cory and I went on a BFF adventure to take photos at some walls we’d had our eyes on. This might seem weird to you but if you live that ‘blog life’ sometimes you need to shoot stuff and create content.

Our main goal was to this up this rainbow wall on Orfus road so we packed a bunch of clothes and set out on a nice sunny day. When we arrived, much to our surprise, there was a HUGE pink wall painted with a massive red heard. Very on-brand for me! It was perfect. I highly recommend it for fun photos, kids, family, or capturing content.

As we were leaving, I noticed the wall was one side of the YM Inc. building and I was flooded with flashbacks. My first job after university was at YM Inc., I was Assistant to the Purchasing Director. One winter when my boss went to Florida for a month, I decided to start a blog. It was on blogger, I could write text using a WYSIWYG Editor, upload photos, and share links. I posted mostly CGI photos I drew on the computer, told stories, posted really short thoughts and ideas. The first few years hardly anyone read it. There was no Twitter, Instagram wasn’t invented, YouTube only just launched.

Some of my first posts:

At that time I had no idea where I was going with this blog thing but I liked it. It made me feel relaxed to write things down and document my life.

Almost 15 years later, I still feel this way about writing my blog.

I found something I loved and I did it every day. Eventually, it became the ‘thing’ that I did and it opened up career opportunities and so many more things I could only dream of at the time. Don’t give up.

If you’ve found something you love to do, stick at it. Go confidently in that direction. Do it every single day. With some consistency, confidence, and determination, you can make anything your reality.

My (Own) Space

My (Own) Space

I had such a nice weekend. I am always shocked at how happy I am to stay home. I had plans to be at a media brunch Saturday and it didn’t work out. Instead, I spent the morning cleaning and doing chores w/ Emily. We had a family thing in the afternoon for about an hour. The rest of the day I spent in the kitchen and it was magical. I made spaghetti w/ vegetable noodles, taco essentials, instant pot butternut squash soup, roast chicken & vegetables. I also used the cannabutter we made via sous vide at the cottage and made chocolate Rice Krispies. They turned out fantastic, not strong and super tasty. I’m sure mum will find it amusing that I modified her signature recipe.

Sunday I woke up, made coffee in my Keurig that’s right beside my desk. I started writing a couple of posts on the blog. It’s so wonderful to be home with all my things. Sean and I have our own rooms so when I’m in my space, it’s all my things, art, clothes, beauty products, colours, blankets, plants. It’s my sanctuary.

Over the winter I spend the most time here. Last winter while I was recovering from my broken collarbone, the Marie Kondo show came out and inspired me to clean the whole house. I’d wanted to make my space more ‘me’ for a while and I finally had the motivation. I went through all my clothes, the boxes under the bed, bags of old stuff, the ‘things to fix’ pile, jewelry, and anything else I had hiding.

The last year, living in a space that’s less cluttered has been so nice. I can’t even begin to explain the positive effect it’s had on my life, including my mental health. Knowing where things are when you need them. Knowing where your clothes are, that they fit, look good.

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A DNA Test and One for Gut Health

Last year I explored taking probiotics and started earning about gut health. It really opened me up to know more about my body, what foods are best and expanded my knowledge of microbiomes. A couple of weeks ago I got an email to try out a gut health test from Atlas Biomed. Obvs I was 100% down. They also sent a DNA Test which I had Sean do because I did one a few years ago.

Side note, since I did my DNA test, we’ve been very interested to find out Sean’s DNA results and what percentage of neanderthal DNA he has. This is because when I did my test, we found I had a larger percentage of neanderthal DNA than the average human. He’s been bugging me about and calling me ‘Cave Casie’ since lol.

Atlas Biomed launched in Canada this past summer and offers DNA & Gut Health testing in order to help people in heath & wellness. They’re the first company to offer both test directly to the public. Read more about their launch here.

“Our mission is to deliver knowledge directly to consumers to help them live longer, healthier lives and we’re excited to be able to bring our products to health-conscious Canadians.”

Atlas Biomed CEO Sergey Musienko

The Gut Health Test

  • Learn how microbes protect you from disease
  • Understand how diet affects gut bacteria
  • Optimize microbe’s vitamin synthesis
  • Dietary fiber breakdown and butyrate synthesis
  • Personalized food recommendations
  • Probiotics and beneficial bacteria report

The DNA Test

  • Disease risks influenced by genes and lifestyle
  • Carrier status, child risk for hereditary diseases
  • Impact on vitamins, nutrients and food intolerances
  • Athletic predisposition to performance and injury
  • DNA ancestry, origins, and Neanderthal genes
  • Unique personal traits determined by genes

It takes a couple of weeks to get the results so I will be anxiously awaiting the results to get our health & nutrition recommendations etc.

Thank you, Atlas Biomed for sending!

If you want to order your own gut health of DNA test, visit The tests are £149 each.

Atlasbiomed sent me the test for free but this is not a paid review. 

The 2019 Breast Cancer Campaign w/ Estee Lauder

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, a woman is diagnosed EVERY 15 SECONDS. Multiple women will be diagnosed by the time you read this post.

I was asked to be part of Estee Lauder’s 2019 Breast Cancer Campaign with a goal to raise $9M for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. By joining the campaign, I’m here to raise awareness and money to help fund more research so we can *hopefully* beat breast cancer. It breaks my heart hearing stories about how many people die from it and also talking with friends & family about our own personal connections to breast cancer. It can affect anyone.

This year, an estimated 268,600 women in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, and 62,930 women will be diagnosed with in situ breast cancer. An estimated 2,670 men in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

25 years ago, Evelyn H. Lauder created the Cancer Campaign and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (#BCRF) and since have raised millions to find research, education, and services. All Estee Lauder companies participate in donating the BCRF and you can shop their pink ribbon products here.

It really is something that can never be done by any one person; it has to be done by a group.

Evelyn H. Lauder

For every in-feed IG post shared in October and tagged both #TimeToEndBreastCancer & #ELDonates@esteelaudercompanies will donate $25 to @bcrf up to $250K, which will fund an ENTIRE YEAR OF RESEARCH.

Casie Stewart, Estee Lauder, model, Breast Cancer, BCRF

Hair @sassoontoronto 
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SPEAKING: Women on Influence

SPEAKING: Women on Influence

On Wednesday night next week, I’m speaking at an event hosted by The Big Idea Agency. It is a discussion on big brand authenticity and transparency and I would love to invite you. I’ve also asked Telus to donate a giveaway so you’ll have the opportunity to win something awesome. I’m excited, I feel these conversations are extremely important for all of us in the space to learn and grow.

About The Event | Women On Influence: Maintaining Authenticity & Working With Big Brands

If you’re an entrepreneurial brand partner on social media and wondering how to maximize your impact working with big brands, join us to sip on Prosecco and listen in to a valuable conversation with long-time blogger and influential communicator Casie Stewart. Casie will be sharing her experiences working with corporate marketing teams, staying true to your own brand and having an impact on the outcome. This event is perfect for women growing their social media following and looking for insights into how to be in the business of influence.

TO ATTEND: Please RSVP to [email protected]

Make Time For Yourself

You only live each day once, tomorrow is a new day. How are you spending your time? 

A few months ago I was feeling really burnt out and over everything. I had no energy to go out, write, do anything creative. May was a really stressful month and by the time June/July rolled around I was stressed TF out. All I wanted to do was stay home, watch Netflix, my room was a mess, I’d piled up boxes and paper that needed to be processed. I didn’t have the energy to do it.

So I rested. I took time to chill. I’m grateful for the privilege to mostly work from home, to work on myself, and to breathe. I started spending a bit less time on asocial, taking breaks. I began to really love seeing the + beside my name on IG Stories, showing I hadn’t posted anything in 24 hours. That felt like a win with me. I’ve been updating the internet for 15+ years about my life and what I’m doing, burnout is real and it’s ok to take a break. I thought about what I wanted (even though I’m constantly trying to figure out exactly what that looks like!) and I focussed on it.

Made some other changes too. I got serious about drinking less and explored being sober curious. I even spoke at an event where I shared some stuff I’ve never talked about. I was hesitant at first but I figure, if I can make this change in my life, it might be helpful to someone else going through the same things. It was the first TIFF in 10 years where I didn’t get drunk, I didn’t even drink at parties. And y’ know what? IT WAS AWESOME AND I STILL HAD FUN.

I started intermittent fasting and stopped the late-night snacks. I’d been stress eating at all hours but the night munchies before bed were making me slow and tired during the day. I started going to bed earlier. Drinking more water, eating more plant-based meals. I cook on weekends. It’s been a gradual life change vs a diet or restrictions. I want to live happier and healthier. Today I fit into a pair of Ted Baker pants that have been in my closet for years, they’re a size 2!

So, here I am three months later and I can say, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER! Over the next few months, I’m planning to up my exercise to combat the winter SAD. Sean has been running every day and it’s really inspiring.

I guess my message is you can make a change any single day, you don’t have to wait for a new year, new month, new moon. September always feels like a new start for me. I like to make a plan to work on over the winter so I have things to look forward to in the spring. Change is good, baby.

New Chloe Glasses from!

On a side note, I ordered these glasses from and was telling one of my BFFs that I got them. I’d been looking at them for a while but she didn’t know that. She had recently just purchased a pair of Chloe glasses in Germany (that I hadn’t seen) and guess what, they were the SAME ONES! Ha! She’s the kind of friend where we are always doing the same things without knowing. Little things like this give me so much joy. ?

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People want to see THE REAL YOU.

People want to see THE REAL YOU.

I shot this in an alley with my tripod (aka Julia), notice how one photo doesn’t even have a doorknob or leaves. Wtf? I feel into the damn IG trap! I edited my photo for Instagram to take out imperfections but like why?

Can you spot all the differences???

It’s easy to get looped into thinking you need to edit to make things seem more perfect for the gram but it’s really not necessary. What is perfect anyways? Perfect is honest, authentic, being true to yourself.

I love posting Stories bc they’re real and raw. Sharing that side of my life and being real has been my MO for the past 15 years of my internet life and it’s worked out a-ok.

Don’t feel you need to put internet gloss over those human parts of your life, people want to see THE REAL YOU.

Today we’re going to the cottage for 5 days. I can’t wait to make a fire, read my book, make elaborate meals, and sous vide some weed to make cannabis oil. ?✌?? There’s also a full moon on Sunday! ?? See here for some rituals I like to do.

Sending you good vibes and sunshine! ??☀️

We All Wear Crowns ?

We All Wear Crowns ?

Feeling excited today! The sun is out, it’s layering weather, and I’m expecting mail. I’m really looking forward to the weekend, Sean and I are going to the cottage for five days, just the two of us. I’m planning to cook, read books, have a fire, relax, it’s going to be so great.,

The photo above is my outfit from the Booby Ball ‘Under The Sea’ event on Friday night. Thank you Ryan Emberley for the snap! I went as a mermaid queen and made a crown + shell phone to complete my look. I’m so happy with how it turned out., This winter will be all about DIY projects in my little boudoir studio at home.

I got a couple of shipping notices today for stuff I ordered recently and I can’t WAIT for them to arrive.

These Chloe glasses are on their way from I wanted these in the summer and when they reached out about doing a post on the blog, I was so happy to pick these out!

Image result for chloe ce

This weekend I finally ordered a hat from Lack Of Colour Australia. I’ve been creeping the website and Instagram for months and have wanted one of these for ages. I’ve also found a few great hats on Amazon lately like this black boater hat. See my store here!

instagram image
Chamonix Child

Two weeks ago I went to a plant event with Native Shoes and was given a gift card. I finally decided on these super cute, warm, waterproof boots ‘Chamonix Junior‘. They fit a bit big so I went for the kid’s ones. They’re out on the truck for delivery today!

We have an exciting meeting today at 1188 and I really hope it all works out. Here’s to good vibes and great things happening!

Casie Stewart, signature, iPad Pro.

Van Der Pop & Cooking w/ Cannabis

Van Der Pop & Cooking w/ Cannabis

Last week I went to a cooking class hosted by Van Der Pop, a female-focused cannabis brand, and had my mind blown! I’ve been interested to try cooking with cannabis now that it’s legal but was kinda worried about stinking up the whole house, wasting the flower, or making a mess. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I learned you can sous vide your weed. SOUS WEED!

We learned tips and tricks from Monica Lo and her sous chef, Big Bad Wolf, both from San Francisco. Monica’s Instagram hangle is @sousweeed, (so smart!), follow her! I left feeling inspired and thinking up all kinds of things I could make for the holidays, as gifts, and to enjoy at home.

Casie Stewart, cooking with cannabis, Van Der Pop, cannabis, blogger, influencer
I was very interested in what’s happening here! For the record, we used thyme & rosemary in the class and not cannabis.

How to Make Cannabis Oil for Cooking

Casie Stewart, cooking with cannabis, Van Der Pop, cannabis, blogger, influencer
Save this photo with the recipe!

Here’s a few recipes you can try. Sean and I are going to the cottage this weekend and I’ll be having a go at making my first sous vide weed. You can use any kind of oil ex. olive oil, vegetable oil, bacon fat, duck oil. I am quite interested in making my own hot chili oil. Woo hoo!

THANK YOU Van Der Pop for a fun time, look forward to your next event!

Have an awesome day!


casie stewart yellow jacket and black hat

Some days I have it all together and others I am just a mess. This morning I woke up and started planning my outfit for Booby Ball on Friday in support of ReThink Breast Cancer. I left the house feeling positive and ready to attend a talk with the Rebel Mamas on talking to kids about cannabis put on by Drug-Free Kids Canada & Aphira.

Dropped my stuff off at the office grabbed my ‘Rebel Mama’ clutch and jotted down the street to be there for 11am and GUESS WHAT?! The restaurant said ‘CLOSED’, not like, just for the day, closed as not-yet-a-functioning-establishment-closed. Checked the email again, then the initial DM. Location changed. I could have easily gone to the right location but it was too late now. Or, had I not left the house, I could have casually worked from home until late afternoon. Urghhhhhh. And I stepped in a puddle, in Converse.

I’d planned to stop by Dollerama so I went there to get some supplies for Friday’s costume. Grabbed a sandwich. Set up my computer at the office. Stared at the screen. Felt garbadgey.


I considered going home again but I’ve got hair & makeup for the Fashion heals for Sick Kids show at 5. I stay at the office downtown. Felt distracted. I decided to look into flights to New Orleans for the group trip I’ve been doing for years. Forgot about my Aeroplan miles, booked the trip, only had to pay tax. Put this song on and wow, I feel so much better.

I love how a song can change your mood. Sometimes it’s your boyfriend bringing you a cookie from his morning meeting. Sometimes it’s finding an old gift card or remembering travel rewards. I wore a yellow shirt today and matched it with a pink-yellow camo, that usually helps too.

If you’re having one of those days, these days, know you’re not alone. We all go through them. Don’t get fooled scrolling shiny, smiling photos on the internet, its human to have emotions and no life is as perfect as it appears. You might see me smiling most the time but I swear Sean would tell you a different story! I remember years ago he said ‘you share all your sunshine with the internet and have nothing left when you get home‘ I think about this all the time. Today’s just one of those rollercoaster days. ?

Tonight I’m walking in the Fashion Heals show in support of Sick Kids and I am going to strut that runway so hard (not this hard lol).

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WE DAY 2019 w/ Telus + Google Nest Hub Giveaway

Last week Em & I went to #WeDayToronto and had a great time with @Telus and 20,000 other kids! Huge thank you to the Telus team for making this magical day happen. Scroll down for a giveaway I’m hosting in partnership with Telus on Instagram!

We saw Scott Helman, Nav Bhatia (aka The Raptors Superfan) and heard messages from Bianca Andreescu, Rupi Kaur and so many others. On our backstage tour, we walked past the Raptors winning trophy!

I think it’s really important for kids to see other young people who are making a difference in the world. As a kid I was very involved in my community volunteering, governing youth issues alongside city council, and being a leader as Miss Teen Cambridge. I wanted to take Emily to be inspired by young leaders making a difference in their schools, communities, and the world.

She’s almost 12 and I see her making new friends, being online, texting, growing up. I want her to feel empowered to make positive change, to stand up for herself and others.

Video Recap of WeDay Toronto

I’m proud to be part of the Telus team and all they’re doing to help communities across Canada including their efforts to End Bullying. Since 2007, TELUS & team have provided more than $26 million in support of the @wemovement, including #WEDay#WESchools, and engaging youth to #EndBullying. ???

Telus We Day Crew!


Share in a comment on how you can #EndBullying, or tips you have for me to share w/ Emily.

Enter the Giveaway on Instagram here!

?????: Google Nest Hub (value $169 CAD)
?????: You must be following @casiestewart & @telus on Instagram to win. Contest closes Friday, Sept. 27th 12pm. Not affiliated w Instagram. Canada only, sorry!??

BIG MOON ENERGY: Full Moon Rituals ???

This weekend I had a lovely, relaxing time at the cottage w/ Sean. It was just the two of us and I made time for yoga, stretching, reading, naps, and drinking heaps of water. 

Friday was a full moon and Friday the 13th, a special day for divine connection, with numerical significance (palindromic number date 9-13-19) and magical energy. The next Friday 13th + full moon isn’t until 2049. I don’t even want to think about how old I’ll be then! 

I’m not super religious or spiritual but I definitely believe in the power of the universe. I made this video on Friday with some of my rituals. I haven’t been doing these each month but I was inspired by Friday’s date and decided to give it a go. I’ll take any suggestions to bring good vibes and light into my life! ?⭐️

Full Moon Rituals

  • Put water out in the path of the moon to charge up
  • Light candles (white, yellow, purple)
  • Light a fire
  • Write things you want to leave behind, burn them
  • Manifest your dreams, write them down
  • Write a letter to the universe, burn it
  • Give thanks to the universe
  • Make 6 wishes on the moon (mum says to make one for world peace! ☮️)
  • Burn incense and/or sage
  • Dance (naked!) in the moonlight
  • Charge your crystals in the moonlight
  • Eat good food

Healing Energy of The Moon

This past full moon signified BIG female energy it was the 13th moon and females typically have 13 cycles in a year. The full moon signifies the end of turmoil, renewal, new beginnings. It’s a time for growth expansion, a new cycle, a time for cleansing, where the truth is revealed, signifying positive change.

On Saturday morning I woke up early, feeling refreshed, drank some moon water, and read my book in the hot tub. It was magical! Who knows 100% if moon rituals work, but for me, going through the motions brings clarity & joy. I also heard that Victoria Beckham is really into moon water so it can’t hurt!

This week I’m feeling energized and ready for the changing seasons!

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Happiness & Social Media/Life Balance

That’s a wrap on #TIFF19 for me! This week I’m working on a Vitamix commercial w/ 1188 doing props & set styling. I love it!

Over the past couple of years, I’ve been all about JOMO vs FOMO (see this post). The joy of missing out is something I’ve come to love, I think it comes with age and experience. This is the first TIFF, I didn’t go partying, stay out late, or drink alcohol. I put my happiness and health first, yay adulting! 

Finding Balance: The Telus Happiness Workshop

This summer I spent a week in Vancouver for the Telus Creator Summit with the #Telus_Partner team from across Canada. It was 4 action-packed days of volunteering, adventure, food, drinks, and learning about the many sides of Telus business. I had heaps of fun and made new friends but by the last day, I was totally exhausted.

Telus anticipated this and used it as an opportunity to bring us together for a Happiness Workshop. We put down our phones, learned about disconnecting, and finished with yoga, meditation, and lunch. Not something you would expect from a telecom giant but that just goes to show how Telus is different.

During the workshop, something amazing happened…

The whole group of bloggers, YouTubers, and content creators started talking about how much social media stresses them out. The pressure to create, stay positive, be healthy, have a clean house, great photos, have good engagement, make money, collect the money, have good relationships, be a good parent, be a good partner, AND remain sane while living this crazy internet life.

IT WAS SO REFRESHING. It felt like a weight was lifted knowing we all have similar feelings about social media anxiety, it connected us.

The Telus Happiness Workshop was developed with input from expert psychologists to tackle online issues facing youth including excessive digital use and comparing themselves to others. As a group, we talked about spending too much time on your phone, social media anxiety, and the importance of taking breaks

Telus Creators in Vancouver w/ Telus WISE Ambassadors

Have you ever taken a social media break?

Over the holidays this past year, I took a 5-day Instagram break and let me tell ya, it was great. It’s not until you take a break that you realize how often you pick up your phone, scroll, and have feelings of self-doubt looking at other peoples highlight reel. I try not to do it, but we all do.

Telus gave a bunch of teens a 24-hour challenge to not look at their phone and it’s amazing to see their reactions.

Watch this: Telus 24-Hour Challenge

Take the Telus Happiness Workshop

The Happiness Workshop is available online or face to face, in both official languages, and hosted by a TELUS Wise Ambassador. The online workshop can be done alone or in a group, ex. in a classroom. I highly recommend taking the Happiness Workshop with your kids, it’s geared towards teens but I reckon everyone on the internet could benefit from it.


Aside from going over digital safety, the workshop talks about digital breaks, limiting the social comparisons, and practicing the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) as opposed to the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). For more information visit

If you want to see something crazy about internet usage, check out We learned this in the workshop and it will BLOW your mind!

I have a partnership with Telus and love working with them. Check out some of the great stuff we've done together here

Image result for teluslogo



TIFF19: Take a Peek Inside Twitter’s #TwitterHouse!

Yesterday was the ‘official’ start of #TIFF19 and I got a first look at #TwitterHouse! ??? Hosted by Twitter & Elevation Pictures, it’s the first time Twitter has reallllly had a big festival/event presence in Canada.

Please enjoy this quick little tour!

I was the first person to sit in the director’s chairs! ✌??

I am SO looking forward to this weekend bc I’m attending  @Twitter’s #SheInspiresMe panel w Jennifer Lopez, Constance Wu and the cast of #Hustlers. Huzzahhhhhhhh! I love Twitter so much. It’s my fav social media platform. I’ve been by there Twitter Canada office a couple of times, check it here.

I love this time of year SO MUCH and am trying to enjoy every single moment! I’m grateful and thankful for every opportunity that comes my way. Please lmk if there is anything you REALLY want to see or if you have a question for @JLO? I doubt I’ll get to talk to her but hey, it’s #TIFF, anything can happen!!!!!

If you aren’t following me on Twitter, do you even tweet?

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Toronto International Film Festival 2019!

Toronto International Film Festival 2019!

I’m not sure what else to say right now other than, I’M SO EXCITED!

Today is media day for TIFF, the day before the festival officially opens. This is my 10th year as a media (blogger) type person and each year I cover events, entertainment, lounges, and of course, film.

So far this year I’ve seen pre-screeners of two Canadian films, Black Conflux, and White Lie. (I’ll share a movie reviews post early next week.)

Last night I attended an event for Warner Bros ‘TheGoldfinch’ This is my attempts at painting a colourful ‘goldfinch’ at the event last night w/ The Crazy Plate Lady. Check out her amazing work here, she’s INCREDIBLE.

Yesterday I started my day with a fresh manicure then picked up a sweet red Volvo S60 so I can drive around to everything which is INCREDIBLY CONVENIENT.

Today tho, today is one of the most wonderful days of the YEAR. I’ve got a full day of visiting TIFF gifting suites to experience a range of products and services including a facial, botox, makeup, a blowout, and more.

What is a Gifting Lounge?

A gifting suite (or lounge) is a popup location, often during an award show of film festival, where companies give products to celebrities in exchange for the famous person takes a photo with the product, wears the gift on a red carpet, or while standing in front of a step & repreat wall displaying company logos.

One quick google search for ‘celebrity gifting TIFF‘ will bring up a slew of articles about the business of TIFF gifting. As a media, I get to go behind the red carpet to see and experience some of the stuff celebrities do. Media receive heaps of things but I will tell you right now, the celebrity bags are jam-packed with high-end designer items and top tier experiences you can only imagine. Remember my Biologique Recherche facial from Visage Medical two weeks ago? It costs about $400. On that note, my skin STILL feels good from it, soft, clarified, it feels cleaner, not clogged if that makes sense.

TIFF ’19 Lounges I’ll be Visiting:

  • Essentials Lounge by EGPR – a one day lounge for media only and in its 10th year!
  • Bask-It Style by GLO Communications – Celebrating its 11th year, this lounge is hosted at Thompson Hotel where celebrity guests can ‘bask’ in great products.
  • Ann Kaplan’s 2nd Annual Pre-TIFF Glamfest – Hosted in her home ‘Mulywood‘ on the Bridle Path, former Housewives of Toronto star has a lounge in partnership with her husband’s medical clinic offering a range of beauty and cosmetic services.
  • NKPR IT Lounge – Hosted by NKPR in partnership with the Property Brothers, this lounge has gifting, a Rolling Stone portrait studio, and also presents the TIFF Producer’s Ball.
Skean peek of the invite for Anne Kaplan’s Glamfest!

I’m working on a TIFF giveaway for will hopefully have details confirmed today.

The next few days are going to be full of adventure and exciting experiences. I have a loose idea of where I’ll be and when but it’s TIFF and anything can happen!

Good luck to all my media and film industry friends! If you’re reading this, my up-to-the-minute action will be on IG Stories or IG profile at


Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like It #19 – It’s Ok.

You would think that after being away at the cottage for nearly two weeks I’d be clear-headed and ready to hit the ground running but I’M NOT. I’m distracted, frustrated, and wondering what I’m doing with my life!

I played this song yesterday and sang out loud in my room. I’m just not sure what to do! I thought a lot about what I’ve been working on the last while and I don’t really want to do the same stuff anymore. I need a shift. Change.

Check back in a week, maybe I’ll feel different, maybe I’ll feel same?

Speaking: The New Clean @ Stackt Market

Speaking: The New Clean @ Stackt Market

On September 12th, I’m speaking at a talk hosted by Irisa inside the Stackt Market. It’s a bit different in most talks I’ve done as it’s not about social media or marketing, we’re talking about alcohol, cannabis, sobriety, and sober curious.

It’s no secret that over the last couple years I’ve stopped going to so many events and drinking as often. I made a lifestyle change to drink less in an effort to be healthier mentally and physically. There was a long period when I moved to Toronto and started going to media events where it was common to drink most weeknights and weekends. After work drinks, tweetups, long lunches, brunches, everything had booze and it was common to be at an open bar. I didn’t want to have that life anymore.

Learning about the Sober Curious movement inspired me. I don’t want to completely cut alcohol out of my life but having a positive relationship with it puts me in control. I’m now more comfortable going to events sober and not using alcohol to deal with social anxiety. Obviously, there are those who do abuse alcohol and they are the sorts of people who might want to seek out Clean & Sober Recovery Services in order to get their lives back on track. I drink here and there but mostly with close friends or at home. As I’ve gotten older, it’s WAY harder to recover from a big night out and not nearly as cute to be totally wasted. I know that for some people cutting out alcohol (or even limiting it) can be incredibly tough, although I don’t believe that I had an alcohol addiction, I know that if I was unable to stop I would have had to look at going to a place like this Pacific Ridge: Residential Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center to help me recover if I was completely dependant on alcohol. Thankfully, this isn’t the case for me, but I know plenty of people who are struggling with this sort of addiction, even if they can’t admit to it just yet.

The Pretty Elevated pop-up is presented by Irisa Cannabis and on until mid-September. They’ve got a whole bunch of workshops and talks happening, check out for tickets and event times.

If you weren’t able to get a ticket to our talk (it sold out in 24 hours!), please come anyway! Tickets are free and we expect there will be a few who don’t show up. The panel is hosted the lovely April Wozny, a close friend, and advocate for mental health & addiction. She’s been sober since 2015 and will be sharing stories about sober life including sex, dating, and relationships.

I’m really looking forward to this event and being part of the conversation around living a sober-ish life! On that note, still a big fan of cannabis.! Mainly because it can be great at times when people have to deal with things like anxiety. You can Click here to read more if you want to learn how cannabis can help people deal with their anxiety so that they don’t have to deal with that issue anymore in their life. It’s a lot better than some other solutions. It’s not just anxiety that it can help with either, but there is so much more that it can help with! Definitely worth it if someone is struggling in their life. If you think medical marijuana can help you, then depending on which state you live in you could have access to medical cannabis strains that alleviate many illnesses as well as uplift one’s mood, fear not as there are now 33 states that allow for medical marijuana providing you apply for and own the likes of a Missouri marijuana card or the card of your residing state.

Just Make The Thing

A couple of months ago, the guys at Occupied VR and I got really into AR filters on Instagram. The first one approved in the app was for The Holy City VR at Cannes Film Fest. The Spark AR program is now out of Beta and now anyone can submit filters to Instagram to be approved.

Monday I submitted my first filter to the app! IT IS NOW LIVE!!!


I had been wanting to make one for ages but hit a couple of roadblocks as developing a filter involves learning Spark AR, a program from Facebook. About a week ago I decided to send Sean some text I’d made on iPad to see if it would work for a filter. It totally does! He made the background pink and they added the same hearts you see on this very blog. I was so excited to try it for the first time! Big thanks to Sean & Daeve for helping me. Check out Daeve’s other filters here!

Earlier this month, I started a blog post called ‘make the thing’. For the past few months, I’ve been very tired, uninspired. I needed to take a break to get my mojo back. I spent heaps of time at the cottage this summer and also declining events to stay home. It feels good.

September feels like a new start. There’s 4 months till Christmas and 2020. What’s your 2020 plan?

Make it happen. Start now.

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Celeb Inspired Biologique Recherche Pre-TIFF Facial

Last week I had a Biologique Recherche facial at Visage Medical Spa, a cult beauty fav The Olsens, Nicole Richie, and heaps of celebs. Honestly, my skin has been glowing ever since, it’s like I have a teenager face. 

Biologique Recherche is from France and has alpha-hydroxy, salicylic acids, horseradish extract, and it exfoliates TF out of your skin. My custom facial included caviar, collagen, and placenta! ? Highly recommend!

Watch the video on IGTV!

The Visage Clinic space is beautiful. I am totally obsessed with all the designer wallpaper. The swans are GUCCI!

This is inside the FACE LAB where we used the Biologique Recherche tools to examine the elasticity and moisture (or lack thereof) in my skin. Visage Clinic is the only company in Canada that currently has these tools. I received a printout of my diagnosis and it will stay on file at the clinic for my follow up on a few months.

The magic!

This experience was a gift and I am so grateful! Thank you Ashton Marcus PR & Visage for the invite. I am down to try just about any beauty service. Anything to maintain a youthful glow!

This week is the calm before the TIFF storm that kicks off next week. Excited, can’t wait!

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