Day 32: It’s Winter Again!

Woke up to about an inch of snow and it’s -3 outside. Went for a run anyways. When Sean got back from his, he was covered in snow!

My nails are looking pretty bad. Please don’t zoom ?

At night, I joined a Houseparty for Brock’s 30th birthday and watched Ocean’s 8 in bed. Found some new hair inspo!

Day 31: Counting Ducks

I went outside first thing in the morning despite the fact that it was pretty cold and snowy. I was determined to do some type of exercise. After getting to the end of the road, I kept going and eventually did 3.3km.

In the afternoon I watched a movie on Netflix and did some food prep. We are having roast vegetables and steak bbq. Sean worked most the day doing calls and emails. It’s quite cold and windy, the next few days are going to be the same.

Thankful that’s my hair is growing into a nice shag but my nails look terrible. This is the longest streak I’ve gone without eating any takeout or having my nails done. It feels weird when I type because so many of my nails are super short, they don’t tap the keys anymore. I hate it but at least I have hands?

Yesterday I saw a beautiful black & white duck outside the window and today there were two. The Bufflehead is one of the rarest ducks in North America and Canada’s smallest living duck.

Tonight we’re going to finish Ozark and maybe start The Trial, a new murder show also on Netflix.

This cold weather has me feeling quite unmotivated. Each day I try to do something productive but it’s been the bare minimum the last few days. Watching the news and seeing what’s happening around the world is so sad and depressing. I keep thinking about friends & family, and their friends & family, knowing it’s hitting close to home.

Please stay safe, this will be over eventually. ?

Day 30: Netflix & Chill

Today we watched 8h of Ozark. That’s it. That’s the post. ? The show is long and slow, we still have one ep to go. Ate so many snacks, I’m a total couch potato. We also watched the extra episode of Tiger King so that brings us to 9+ hours.

Tomorrow is a new day, a short week, I’ll cook, clean, and exercise. I’ve come to the realization that if I make it through this lockdown with a few extra Lbs, at lest I’m alive. This situation is new for us all and we’re trying to find our way through it as each day passes.

It’s totally fine to lack motivation and to recharge my batteries with a full days work on the couch eating Easter chocolates. ? It’s gonna be ok.

Stay safe. Stay home.

Day 29: Take a Break

Sean set up the hot tub and we had a lazy day. Tomorrow is our 8th anniversary, we casually dated for 2 years before that. Sean has been in my life for 10 years and I cant imagine life without him! ❤️

On Saturday night we had some drinks and went to Club Quarantine via Zoom. It was fun to connect and ‘hang out’ with people even though we are all at our houses. ?

Taking a break from productivity, news, and house work to sit on the couch and watch S3 of Ozark.

Day 28: The Bright Side

Remember a couple of weeks ago (Day 19)when I was collecting onion skins for fabric dye? Well, it didn’t really turn out, the colour was a washed-out beige and not very cute. However, I discovered you can dye clothing with turmeric which makes fabric BRIGHT YELLOW. I tested it on this (formerly white) sweater from Superette and it LOOKS AMAZING. I love it so much, this yellow is my favourite colour. ??☀️


I did laundry at home because the washing machine up here has been out of service for a week. On the way back, we stopped at an appliance shop on the highway, which was surprisingly open. The man working came out to the car, and after letting him know what we needed, came back out with the part to fix it. I am so impressed with Sean’s handyman skills, he has now fixed the water, the washing machine, and the plumbing. ❤️

It’s nice to be back.
I cut my bangs a little more.

Day 27: Good Friday

Beautiful sunshine today. I’ve been working on some little creative projects to send friends by mail. I spent hours cutting words from magazines and watching romcoms during our first week here. I always loved cut and paste as a kid. I find I’m really going back to basics during this time and doing things I used to love back then.

Had a nice chat with Sean’s parents and my parents. We don’t usually celebrate Easter but it’s nice to checkin with loved ones. I can’t wait to hug friends and family when this is all over!

We drove Emily back to her mum’s house in the city and spent the night at our place. Filled up our water jugs, got any remaining groceries, and some tools. I picked up my sewing machine, patterns, and a bunch of fabric I’ve been holding onto for ages.

I’ve dreamed of having space and time to make things so, I’m trying to make it happen. Not working with a schedule or deadlines, taking each day as its own and creating when the time feels right. Some days I feel inspired and other days I just want to Netflix and relax.

We didn’t do anything in the city other go to the house. We made a plan to head out first thing in the morning. It was nice to be home but I can’t wait to get back to the woods. ?????

Day 26: Days Go By

It’s quite cold and windy up here today. Sean and I set out to run together then parted ways at the end of the road. I did 3.5km and then we did a short abs workout.

I’ve wanted to be a workout couple and being isolated together, it’s slowly starting to happen. ?I finally made those vegan + GF sweet potato brownies (these ones!). They turned out a little more like fudge but they’re delicious. Another success with the food processor!

I had to check a date calculator for what day of isolation we are on because I lost track. I’ve been eating a lot of junk this week and not working out as much. Feeling pretty sluggish and unmotivated. I know this won’t last but some days are harder than others. I was working out so much and really loving life before this happened. I’m trying to keep some workout schedule but I feel lazy and anxious.

My favourite part of the day has historically been first thing in the morning but I’ve really come to love magic hour up here on sunny days. The light shines so brightly in the windows, it almost makes you forget what’s going on in the world around us.

In other news, my hair is really growing and I’ve been taking Hair & Nail gummies each day (these ones!). In my Instagram memories, I discovered this hair I posted 5 years ago, it’s almost exactly the hair I have now. ?

I always loved this song and music video. Good one for today and the days pass by and we’re approaching our first month.

Please hang in there, we will get through this. If you’re looking for inspo, I’ve been sharing some things that inspire me on Instagram Stories and things to do on Pinterest.

How To Avoid a Video Chat Faux Pas

Since we’re all faced with this new reality of connecting from home through technology, my friend Jen Kirsch FaceTimed me to chat about how to avoid mishaps on your video chat. The article is in the Toronto Star today, click below to read.

The print version, available today!

Read on the Toronto Star

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been more social than normal. FaceTime, Houseparty, Zoom, Google Hangouts, it can be exhausting! During the first two weeks o(f isolation), I was video chatting with several people a day!

Tips for Video Chat Success:

  • If using a phone, get a tripod or stabilize the phone (simple iPhone tripod, or tripod with a ring light)
  • Check your wifi settings, faceTime needs wifi, if you’re in a limited wifi area, data might be your best option
  • Wear something presentable for your meeting ex. casual attire for work, a shirt when chatting on Houseparty, maybe something spicy for a date or friends hang. Pants optional and not required.
  • Log in to the video chat early to check your lighting
  • Brush your hair or wear a hat
  • If in a big group, someone should be leading the chat ex. boss, host, or person having a birthday
  • I personally like lip gloss and mascara for daytime
  • If using Zoom, change your background with something fun or download one of these nice design ones to give your home a makeover (or hide the mess!)

Find more tips in the Toronto Star article! Have a great day!

Casie Stewart, signature, iPad Pro.

Day 25: New Ways

Wow, 25 days! If I didn’t have this diary, the days would have meshed together into weeks and I would have no clue what number it was.

I didn’t make the brownies or go for a run yesterday as planned. I put my workout gear on first thing in the morning and never made it. Y’know how that happens? BUT TODAY, I did a Peleton workout, a bit of yoga, and joined Sean for 4.5km on his route and it was so nice. Not far from here are tennis and basketball courts I had no idea about. I’m not particularly good at either but maybe it’s time to practise?

We went out to get supplies yesterday afternoon which took a couple of hours. It’s a 20-minute drive anywhere from the cottage and Walmart is about 45 minutes. The stores were civil and pretty well stocked. We wore masks and had hand sanitizer for our hands. We both changed our clothes as soon as we got home.

BFF Quarantine but make it fashion

Today I used leftovers to make fried rice for lunch and we all sat at the table. For dinner, we made a delicious roast chicken with vegetables and salad. I’ve been really loving the food processor Sean’s parents got last summer. It’s so useful! I tried out a brussels sprout caesar with spinach and it was SO GOOD. I tried one at a restaurant ages ago so I found one on Pinterest and gave it a try. I made a board of some things that are inspiring me right now with recipes, garden tips, and natural fabric dyes.

This is such a new weird way of life!

Day 24: Lake Life

This morning I woke up and really felt like I needed a workout. Sean was up before me (as usual!) and suggested we go for a canoe.

We had to take a bunch of stuff out from the basement including the hot tub, which we might set up later today. I am so happy it’s finally getting warmer, we’ve been waiting for this. The sun has such an influence on my mood, it always makes me feel like everything is ok.

The first canoe of the season is always pretty magical. We were hoping to be the first ones on the lake but there was a rower passing by before we set out. Saw a few other canoes out later in the morning. There is still a bit of thin ice across the lake but most of it is all melted. There were so many birds out singing in the sun.

Today I am making sweet potato brownies, pasta salad, and tuna salad. The other day I made this great granola recipe and I made a another batch yesterday. It’s so easy and we’ve all been enjoying it for breakfast or a snack. I’m planning to go for a long run today and get in a yoga class in the afternoon. I’m hoping it’s warm enough to do it outside!

Video: First Canoe of 2020

Day 23: Seasons Change

The lake melted yesterday! We’ve wanted to be here to see it happen for years. In one day, it goes from being icy to flowing water. It’s beautiful. Sean set up a timelapse to capture it and I took photos throughout the day.

Today is Monday and the TDSB starts online classes for students with assignments due end of the week. We’ve got Em set up on a desk in the master bedroom so she has her own workspace.

Cut My Bangs!

I caved and trimmed my bags yesterday. I like to dry cut with them combed straight, then use the electric shaver to get a straight line, and clean up with good scissors. I’m so glad to have grown my hair out last year, I can only imagine I’d be about to shave my head right now. I love having my hair done at Sassoon but luckily, I’ve got a lot of experience in cutting my own bangs so I’m happy with the result. No disasters!

After dinner, we finished Unorthodox and How To Fix a Drug Scandal, both good shows. Today we made coleslaw, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, pie dough, and another round of Instant Pot rice.

If you aren’t making rice in your Instant Pot, you are missing out, it’s so easy. Add 1 cup of rice to 2 parts water or broth in the pot, a bit of butter and salt, set to cook on the rice setting (10 or 12 min depending on pot size), and voila, the BEST rice!

Good song for today!

P.S. TUESDAY IS FULL MOON! See some of my rituals in this video from the fall. I’m going to do a few of these today including writing some thoughts & intentions on paper & burning in the fire.

Day 22: Make Something Each Day

Yesterday I made granola, a chickpea lentil curry, spicy roasted chickpeas, roast potatoes, and Sean made meatballs. I spent some time drawing on my iPad and decided to test out my old Crimper. It still works!

The granola was a recipe from Pay Chen in The Kit. I modified for what I had and MY GOD IT IS DELICIOUS. I forgot how much I love granola. I am now a forest dwelling, yoga lady, who makes her own granola. I am not surprised at all.

Em made a mask from an old bathing suit and we went through my art supplies. I did Soca Yoga and some stretches while watching movie in front of the fire. TY Amy for the reco, great class!

There was an Amber Alert to stay home that came thorough our phones. This is the second time it’s happened, the last alert was for anyone who had travelled outside the country. We have not left the compound for one full week and Sean is planning to get supplies Monday. I’m gonna stay here with Em while he goes out. We made the strategic decision for him to go during the week so people who can’t go M-F, can have the weekend. We have a running Google doc with everything we need for the house and he will wear gloves, a mask, and change clothes as soon as he gets home. Aside from some groceries, need a part to fix the washing machine.

Made a pavlova for Jake Gold’s birthday party on Zoom. We don’t have birthday candles so a big one had to do. It was BYOC – Bring Your Own Cake, everyone lit candles and sung HBD at the same time. Welcome to life in the year 2020.

Sean and I started Unorthodox on Netflix and I feel asleep on the couch around 9:30pm.

Day 21: Reality Check

The news today is a very sobering reality of just how intense this situation is. I have been watching the live news reports on CP24 from 1 pm-3 pm and my chest is tight with anxiety. It is hard to believe the world we are living in, it’s not a movie or simulation, this is real life. It’s heartbreaking. Ontario alone could see 15K deaths and over 1M cases have been recorded around the world. Today I sent a couple of invoices for the last round of work I did and to be honest, I’m not sure what’s next?

This Day in History: Covid-19

The Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic was declared on March 11, 2020. I am putting this information here as a reminder to look back on one day when this is all over (it has been floating around on Facebook). Premier Ford said we are looking at 2 years for this to fully be over and once the first round of the virus starts to ease up, we could see a second and third wave.

  • There are now 11,283 Confirmed Cases in Canada on this day with 173 deaths.
  • Gas prices are at a record low 68 cents. 
  • School cancelled since March 13th until May 1st (kids aren’t likely going back until September)
  • Self-distancing measures on the rise.
  • Tape on the floors at grocery stores and other stores to help distance shoppers 2m from each other.
  • Limited number of people inside stores, with 1 per family, therefore lineups are outside the store doors.
  • Hand washing stations in the Store Entrances and Pexi-glass barriers installed around the Cashiers/Check-out
  • Non-essential stores and businesses mandated closed.
  • Parks, trails, entire cities locked up.
  • Entire sports seasons cancelled.
  • Concerts, tours, festivals, entertainment events – cancelled.
  • Weddings, family celebrations, holiday gatherings – cancelled.
  • No masses, churches are closed.
  • No gatherings of 50 or more, then 20 or more, now 5 or more.
  • Don’t socialize with anyone outside of your home.
  • Children’s outdoor play parks are closed.
  • We are to distance from each other.

In Canada:

  • Shortage of masks, gowns, gloves for our front-line workers.
  • Shortage of ventilators for the critically ill.
  • Panic buying sets in and we have no toilet paper, no disinfecting supplies, no paper towels, no hand sanitizer.
  • Shelves are bare at times and most are being re-stocked nightly.
  • Manufacturers, distilleries and other businesses switch their lines to help make visors, masks, hand sanitizer and PPE.
  • Government closes the border to all non-essential travel, calls Canadians home and makes it mandatory to self isolate for 14 days.
  • Stiff Fines and Jail time for price gouging on essential items.
  • Fines are established for breaking the rules.
  • Stadiums and recreation facilities open up for the overflow of Covid-19 patients.
  • Press conferences daily from Prime Minister Trudeau.
  • In Ontario: Premier Ford gives daily updates on new cases, recoveries of Covid 19 and any new Bylaws/Rules
  • Government incentives to stay home.
  • Barely anyone in the street or on the roads.
  • People wearing masks and gloves outside.
  • Essential service workers are terrified to go to work.
  • Medical field workers are afraid to go home to their families.
  • 1,600,000 applications for Employment Insurance as people go without.
  • Government has made a CERB (Canada Emergency Response Benefit) available for families that don’t qualify for EI with $500 a week for up to 16 weeks.

That’s all for today. I need a break from the internet.

Day 20: Good Kid, Mad Hope

Day 19: Find the Sun

It was nice & sunny today. Woke up early and did a morning workout in front of the fire. I started my onion fabric dye bath and this sweater will be yellow-ish by tomorrow.

Emily has been working on her blog. I’m so proud! She’s adding a link to my blog in her post today.

Had a nice walk in the afternoon. Made banana bread. Had poutine for dinner. Went back on HouseParty after a few days. Nice sunset. The lake is melting.

This whole isolation thing is starting to get to me. I wonder who long it will be like this?

Feels good to have a shower and get dressed in regular clothes. Y’know?

Day 18: Reach Out

Before isolation, I’d been going to the gym 5-7 days/week between 6-7 am from November to March. Over that time, I gained muscle, confidence, a new attitude, and lost 25Lbs. I wasn’t happy with who I was for a long time before I started working out. I was overwhelmed and burnt out. April 2020 marks 15 years of my blog and I’ve spent that whole time being online, sharing my life, and being social. I was tired and needed change. Part of that process was growing out my hair, it’s getting kinda wild. My new hair inspo is Debby Harry!

Got a surprise call from Sergio and it was so nice! I love how technology is bringing us together during this weird time. I am here for calls from friends near and far, anytime, on any platform. I’m available, reach out. ?

If you need or want to escape I will take you for a walk in the woods.

Did some work on my garden and it’s coming along. The lettuce is enough ‘for a garnish‘ as Sean calls it. The celery making some moves too.

I saw the news that said ‘Don’t Go To Your Cottage’ and I have anxiety that we’re gonna get cottage shamed. We’ve been here for three weeks, we are staying and isolated. Having things delivered, minimal trips to town. We come up here all year and there’s lots of work to be done. It’s the best place for us to be right now.

Emily and I went for a nice walk in the woods about 4k. Today was a pretty good day. It’s been really nice watching winter melt away, things are starting to bloom, and there’s no ice on the road.

I hope the sun comes out tomorrow.

Day 17: Opportunity

Today I slept in a bit (8am!) and woke up feeling better. It’s amazing the difference a day makes. I need to set a reminder that this situation isn’t permanent.

Last night Sean said to me, “we have the opportunity to make this the best, most memorable experience“. It helped shift my perspective, creating space to think differently. I chatted with a friend who has a child the same age as Em, she inspired me to take a more relaxed approach to the whole home education thing. The school stuff will work itself out and until then we’ll wing it.

We have an opportunity to teach Em the things we know, how we work, life skills, gardening, cooking, making stuff. This situation is already stressful, we will figure out what works as we go. There are heaps of resources out there and the teachers are working to have online class material available. I made a Google Doc with a bunch of online stuff to do, you can access it here.

The ice is starting to melt. Mum, don’t worry we won’t go out there! You can’t see it but there is a concrete dock under where Sean is standing.

After breakfast, I worked with her to create a WordPress blog for her art. We talked about brainstorming, branding, I showed her fonts, hex colours etc. I work from the kitchen table so it was natural to sit and blog. She has been working on designing images and it’s nice to see her excited.

We made a TikTok and I had her show me do most of it, she knows the app better than I do. (FOR NOW, haha.) I watched a YouTube on how to add VO to TikTok using screen capture on iPhone for another video. We dyed her hair in the middle of making this, which I now realize is hard to tell. I will pay more attention to the production of our next video. ?


This is our first one lol ##iusedtobesobeautiful ##foryoupage ##fyp @pasta_chan

♬ Absolutely Anything (feat. Or3o) – CG5

I finished my March challenge in NTC after not running for a few days. I’m looking forward to smashing Amy’s challenge next month w/ 45K, I want to do 50. Her January challenge was ‘A KM a day keeps the Dr. away’ and February’s 35K was ‘Love Yourself Month’.

Last night I made banana bread and today Sean is making dough for pizza. Everyone is isolation is doing the same things and I love it. This is a good read in The Star featuring my friend Jeremy Potvin. I love this idea from him, tasks to pass the time. I’ll look into bread making for tomorrow.

“It helps build a routine. At home, I make a goal of finishing a certain number of tasks before I do the next turn on the bread.”

Jeremy Potvin (Weedbox / EspressoDeals)

Did you watch this video today? It’s so good.

As we go through this together we’re learning new things, adapting, and changing how we live our lives. A silver lining to this pandemic is learning to make and grow things and how to communicating with the people we care about.


Day 16: Challenges

When I was a kid my mum made this rule that if my sister or I had a friend over, we would both have a friend or some mix of friends to make it an even number. She started this because if only one sister had a friend over, someone from the group was left out and would end up upset, left out, angry, or crying.

For a long time, until my mid 20’s, I would never do things in threes. Even the simplest things like eating nuggets, buying things, or actions I had to repeat, it was almost always two or four. I was conscious of it daily. I’d hold back on eating something if it made it three or I’d have two more to make it four. I hated things in three, I avoided it wherever I could.

When I was 18, I dated a guy for two years and three was his baseball number, I tried to like the number but it was never going to work out. I carried my fear of three (Triskaphobia) until I was about 26 and then one day, I decided to stop.

My grandad always said 13 was lucky and one day I made a tattoo appt for Friday the 13th. I had drawn it on paper, sixteen evenly placed dots to go on my left forearm. Eight dots of two different custom shades of green, two by two, in a pattern around my arm like a beaded bracelet. Sixteen, a square number, two times my birthday number 8, the fourth power of two.

Since that Friday the 13th, I have been tattooed on that day a bunch of times. This month, Friday the 13th was my last day out and about in the world before isolation diary started. Today was our first full day up at the cottage with Sean’s daughter and I felt that fear of three sneaking back in like when I was a kid.

Today was challenging. I am finding it hard to stay calm and positive. As much as I am outgoing and fun, I crave order and structure. Dealing with this pandemic is challenging. Being an entrepreneur, a partner, a parent, they’re all tough jobs and they’re even harder right now. Also, being a pre-teen girl and living with one has its challenges. Living in the age of the internet comes with challenges. Living through a global pandemic where nobody really knows what going on, while isolated, has a lot of challenges. Trying to stay calm and not freak the F out right now is challenging.

We are all in this together and we’re also all figuring out how to adjust on our own. I don’t know how to do this. I am trying. Behind the smiling selfies and colourful photos, there are challenges that I’m facing too.

Writing has always been there for me. It helps me deal with my feelings, to remember them, to learn, to move, change, and grow. I’ve been writing here for 15 years and never imagined I’d be documenting this situation that feels like a movie, but it’s not.

I feel a weighted blanket of anxiety on my chest and it’s heavy.

I went for a long walk in the woods, to the end of the road, then a bit further. It was eerie and quiet. The only sound was nature, moving and melting. I was about 1.5k from home when it started raining, so I turned back, and let the rain wash over me.

I don’t know how long this will last, how the world will change, or if anything will go back to the normal we used to know.

I do know that tomorrow is a new day. I am responsible for facing my fears and challenges, just like I did with the 16 evenly spaced dots on my left arm, that one Friday the 13th.

We will get through this.

Day 15: Stocking Up

Today we went to the city with the trailer to get supplies, my plants, our bikes, and Emily. Having new clothes feels like a dream. This pose is inspired by my friend Maca in Montreal, she always takes these at her studio. Check her out at @hey.maca! You will love her. Read my post on IG, maybe you have some tips to share!?

The drive was a breeze because there was no traffic. It was pretty weird to be on the roads with so few people.

We picked up Emily from her mum’s and she got in the car with fresh baked cookies, homemade soup, and fresh ice tea. It is really great to have a supportive co-parent team, especially now. Her mum also sent a folder with lessons, a schedule and some work she’s completed. I am so thankful! Despite my efforts to plan, I’m not a homeschool expert so teamwork is key. We are all figuring this out as we go.

Sean stopped into both offices to get some gear while I packed up all our remaining food and got everything on our list at the house. I put most of my plants into two big bins and I can’t believe how much I missed them. Is that weird?

I was pretty surprised to see how busy the neighborhood was, SOOO many people out walking, riding bikes, two families playing soccer with their kids’ in the courtyard. Do people not understand STAY TF HOME? Do you want this all to be over? Yes? Ok, stay home pls. The curve is not flattening!

Maybe this will help? Briony wrote a book inspired by Go The F*ck to Sleep and had some of her friends read it.

I am stoked to have my Apple Pencil to work on a letting course I started last year. I packed heaps of art supplies, my tap shoes, a light-up skipping rope, clothes, and a ton of beauty products. Apparently being a hoarder all these years is coming in handy!


Day 14: Sunshine

Feeling good today. Danced in the morning sun to my fav Friday mix from the radio. Did some work then jumped rope. Tuned in for a great talk w/ the founder of Fohr about the state of influencer marketing. I’ve got a blog post with the details to share. Sean and I played outside on the frozen lake near the cottage. It was so warm in the sun. Sean set up the Muskoka chairs on the front deck and tanned in the sun to a meditation.

We finished Tiger King. I really like the outfits. The story is wild. Tomorrow we’re going home to get supplies and pick up Emily. She’ll be here with us for two weeks.

I feel like next week I’ll be more productive and creative. This week I felt so many emotions with everything going on, the weather, my moon time, it was a rollercoaster.

It’s going to be different with Emily here but I think it will be fun. We chatted about things she wants to do and I’m looking forward to the homeschool part. My mum spent heaps of time teaching us and it was so valuable to learn from her and spend quality time together. I hope the weather warms up so we can get started on the yard work.

Here’s to staying home and making the most of the time we have.

Have a great weekend. ?

Day 13: Making Space

I woke up not feeling great but pulled myself out of bed to make coffee. The Y&R has 2 new eps on the Global TV app, happy to see that!

I’ve been staring out the window a lot and I’m thankful to be up here. The other day I wanted to go home, I was thinking about my plants and organizing my closet. It might also be nice to put on some of my fancier clothes and do my hair & makeup.

I did a few workouts and spent a couple of hours doing actual work in the afternoon. I rearranged the kitchen furniture to make more room for exercise.

I have been saving onion peels to make a fabric dye, they turn things a nice yellow. Kept a bunch of recycling to use for planting seeds and vegetables. I don’t know if this will work but it’s worth a shot. Who knows how long we will be living in isolation, might as well try!

Today I am thankful for technology to keep us all connected. I’m grateful to have Sean here with me. I am hopeful that after isolation we will emerge with new survival skills and stronger connections to the people we care about. We will get through this.

Day 12: Baking & BBQ

I swear if it wasn’t for this quarantine diary I would have no idea what day it is. It’s hard to believe we’ve been up here for over a week already, the days have started to mesh together. I’d have a hard time thinking about what I did to pass the time if I didn’t write it down.


This morning Sean let me run with him which he has never done before. I only went to the end of the road & back which is 1.25km, he continued for about 6k. At the gym I used to run 1-2km, it felt nice to be back. I’m on track to get 40Km this month. These little goals are really keeping me stay motivated.

Taking a break from beers & hangouts today. Thinking I’ll try some new recipes, do a bit of work, and relax. I made these amazing black bean brownies. HIGHLY RECOMMEND! We made steak & potatoes on the BBQ for dinner with a salad. It was nice to sit at the table together. I heated up a couple of brownies & added dairy-free chocolate fudge ice cream for dessert.

Sean painted my nails for me after the disaster manicure I did yesterday. He did a pretty good job! I have limited supplies here so the colour selections are very limited. ?

I haven’t been talking much about COVID19. We can all read the news and it’s anxiety-inducing to stay on it all day. It doesn’t look like the curve is flattening and it seems to just be climbing.

As of today, Canada has 27 deaths and last week the first death was recorded in the Muskoka region where the person died at Barrie hospital. Adding this to my diary so I can look back, once this is over and remember this day.

Canada has closed all playground facilities and off least dog parks. They also implemented mandatory 14-day quarantine for anyone who was traveling. I have been checking my temperature and had a bit of a low-grade fever but I’m feeling ok.

Today on the lake there were a bunch of snowmobiles zipping by, we also saw a family walking by. It was kinda crazy to see people out & about after being isolated here for so long.

Casie Stewart, signature, iPad Pro.

Day 11: Skipping

I haven’t been running but I picked up skipping again! My sister and I used to be a skipping demo team for the Heart & Stroke Foundation as kids. We would tour around to different schools doing routines to music, double dutch, and cartwheels in & out of spinning ropes. It was fun. I’m sure I have a photo of us in our uniforms under my bed at home.

Can’t remember the last time I wore a hat? This was sent to me from Van Der Pop.

I forgot how much of a workout skipping is, it’s hard! I started listening to Roz & Mocha again on 92.5 and if a song comes on I like (ex. Lady Gaga), I grab my rope and skip. I can still do most of these need to work on a couple of the harder ones.

We ventured out to get some supplies today like groceries, TP, and gas. We divided the list so we could do a quick job. Walmart wasn’t too busy and people were keeping their distance. It’s hard to believe this is really happening. A lot of shelves were empty but we get all the things we needed and don’t need to get anyting for another two weeks.

I went to the LCBO and then cracked a beer when we got home. I have had more beers in the last week than I have in a while. Not making new habits but being in quarantine is hard sometimes. I had a few FaceTime & Houseparty hangouts again. It’s a weird thing these online hangouts, have you ever joined a Houseparty and been like, ‘whoops nope, leaving now?‘ It’s awkward.

I took off my shellac using this tutorial which went great. However, painting my own nails? They’re brutal. I’m embarrassed. Gonna take my polish off today and go au natural. At this point, I’m giving up on having nice nails. Shorter nails are better for hygiene in this unique time anyways!

Day 10: Stay Home Club

Monday! I always loved Monday because it’s the start of a new week and you never know what can happen. Today though, I know what will happen and the unknown is kinda scary. I am trying not to think about everything too deeply but it’s hard.

I got back on the workouts this morning and it made me feel better. I love the IG Live workouts but at the same time, it’s a bit overwhelming to see what everyone is doing and how hard they’re working. I’m really trying not to eat all the snacks. I’ve been sticking to intermittent fasting but the night is hard, the anxiety kicks in and I want to grab the chips.

Fresh air is nice.

I got out the art supplies and painted a couple of pieces of paper. I’ve been saving onion skins to use as a fabric dye. I have a pile of recycling for making an indoor garden. We’ve been very conscious of waste as we don’t have pickup, I’m not sure what we’re going to do about garbage & recycling yet.

I made a curry but we are getting a bit low on supplies. We need to get groceries sometime soon. This is a helpful tip if your house is feeling dry, feel free to add something to the water to make it smell nice ex. citrus, vanilla, cloves & cinnamon, essential oil (not all at once!).

Some of my activities today included a Mexican inspired breakfast scramble, National Ballet on IG Live, multiple pushup challenges, a DJ set by Kardinal w/ workout (15min), making energy balls, making toasted coconut macaroons, a chickpea curry in the Instant Pot, and watching the entire first season of ‘Feel Good’ on Netflix.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Day 9: Sunshine

I finally washed my hair today. I feel so refreshed! Last night was super fun! We joined a live stream dance party, laughed w/ friends on Houseparty, and chatted with a few people on the phone. It has been a loooooooong time since I have been this social. I find I’m connecting with more people in a day than probably ever.

Today I was ready for a break from isolation hangouts, FaceTime, and Houseparty. We started watching Tiger King on Netflix which is a totally insane story. We’ve also been watched Collateral and an Icelandic show called The Valhalla Murders. Yesterday I watched Where’d You Go Bernadette on Amazon Prime and although Cate Blanchett was good, I thought the book was better than the movie. Sorry to be one of those people, it’s true!

Short update today. Need a break from everything. Tomorrow is a new day and I am planning to make coffee and workout like I used to. I love this video from Briony and love the idea of making a collage over the next couple of days. We have lots of knickknacks around there I could put to good use. Cut & paste, crafts are something I’ve always loved and I have heaps of letter I cut out the other days from magazines.

Sending love from the woods. Please stay inside or keep a safe distance from people when you are out!

Day 8: Alone Together

Hi from the woods! ☀️??❄️Went for a nice walk this morning. It’s very cold but refreshing. Saw one neighbour out for a run and shared a smile & wave with the 2 cars that passed us. There is true beauty in the way we are all connecting right now through technology. ?

How are you doing? I did yoga this morning w/ Misfits Studio and watched Snoop Dogg on IG Live. I think today I will try some new recipes and see what other workouts I can join in on IG Live. At noon I did a bit of the Fit Factory and some Barry’s for about 15 each. I didn’t feel like doing the whole class but something each day is better than nothing.

Sean packed a couple of film cameras and has been shooting film. Yesterday he cleaned the whole fireplace. He hasn’t seen it that clean since he was a kid.

He put a GoPro on the remote control truck. It’s pretty rad!

Yesterday was so cold & gloomy I didn’t feel like doing anything. I basically lazed around all day eating snacks.

The sunshine today makes me feel alive again.

I have a feeling tonight’s internet part will be LIT, lol. If the internet was ever going to crap out, tonight’s the night! Everyone will be online. I wonder who will be going live? I might hang out with my BFFs on FaceTime and put IG Live on the iPad.

Sending you love & sunshine!

casiestewart, blog, blogger, toronto, canada, travel, tech

Day 7: Give Yourself a Break

It’s raining and I woke up feeling tired. It could be the weighted anxiety blanket we’ve all been carrying or it’s the beers. Today, I’m giving myself a break from the routine, schedule, and everything to be in my feelings. Yes, there is a BBQ behind me in these photos.

The other night I watched two movies and sat by myself at the kitchen table cutting out words from magazines. I use to love cut & paste to make art so I figured why not give it a go. It’s still kinda fun and I picked so many good words in great fonts, not sure the next steps at this point. ? The green/white thing is a digital thermometer I was sent a couple of years ago. I’ve been checking our temperatures each day. I checked Amazon for a link to it and the price is over $685 right now for a product that’s about $120. Whoa.

How do I feel? Uncertain. Unsure. Idk how to feel about all this, it’s hard to process. Today I realized there might not be anymore Young & The Restless for the first time in 40 years. I know this is a bit silly when you think about the real issue but it was like a wake-up call. I’ve been watching this show my whole life.

Looking back to the things I was thinking about this time last week, the world has drastically changed.

Last Friday was my last time at the gym, I had a lunch meeting at Drake Commissary, and walked freely around in my neighborhood. I probably should have stayed home now that I think about it.

Today I’m giving myself permission to do whatever makes me feel good. I packed a bunch of beauty products and I’m gonna use them. I might listen to a podcast or book on Audible. I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I need to relax, chill, and not give myself grief for needing a break. This has been a heavy week with emotions flying high.

In other news, I changed my blog format so the front page is full posts, so you can single page scroll, no sidebar, the way it started. Last month I posted 50 Self-care ideas, most you can do at home and with things in your house, that list is here.

This perfect avocado was a simple pleasure in my day.