Day 135: Are We Running Today?

For about a week of this month, I fell off my fitness game, I just didn’t feel like it. I’ve learned over the past few months of working out that consistency matters more than exactly what you do. I find I’m happiest and most productive when I get moving and sweat at the start of the day. It helps me relax, relieves stress, and opens my mind. Some days I totally zone out to music or a podcast. This week, I’m back at it! Since January, I’ve joined monthly challenges on the Nike Running app hosted by Amy (aka @lesbest) and they’ve been SO HELPFUL with motivation. This week I need to run 20k to make up for the week I missed, so I can get 60km for the month. Today I broke my own record for fastest 1 mile and I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF. Late 2019 when I started, it was a struggle to run one full kilometre and now I feel great when I run 5Km. For the record, I usually walk a little of the 5km but I’m getting there. Today I dreamed about running a 5km for charity, a race but only really to beat my own best time. Today was a great day! We had a BBQ for dinner then took a family trip to town. Picked Em up a new bathing suit and I got two new plants. Watched Floor Is Lava on Netflix before Em went to bed and I finished reading my latest book Invisible Girl by Lisa Jewel. GOOD READ. If you’re looking to get running or join a challenge, add me to the Nike Running Club app (CASIE STEWART) and join my challenge for August. We’re gonna start with 2km a day! I’d love to have some new…

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Fitness | Running Through the Six

I started getting my a$$ in gear a week before NYE and man do I ever notice. Along with feeling better and my face thinning out, I feel great all over. I actually look forward to waking up and hitting the pavement. I roll out of bed and get into my gear, and head outside. I was always a fit little person and I’m heading back in that direction. BF has noticed too which makes me feel even more awesome. YEAH BABY.  This morning I did my fastest KM yet of 5.35. I used to stress about what to wear when I worked out and I’d pace around back and forth and then get so overwhelmed I didn’t go. It seems silly but working out for the longest time gave me anxiety. I still can’t bring myself to go to a gym for a solo workout. Before the holidays Columbia Sportswear invited me to pick out a few items from their #TestedTough collection. I didn’t realize that the shirt & pants combo I picked out WERE ACTUALLY A SUPER HERO OUTFIT INSIDE. I’ve run a couple times in this gear (it’s inside out) and it’s really kept me warm. For the first time, I really DON’T GIVE A S#*% about what I wear because I’m running past anyone judging me.  

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WORK! Nathan Brannen is running yo. Stay tuned for him at the Olympics!

Listen to this shit man!“Nathan Brannen of Cambridge, Ont., who had been granted an extension of the Olympic qualifying deadline, ran 3:34.65 at Rome’s Golden Gala meet to qualify for the Beijing Olympics.His time was a new personal best and is well under the Olympic A+ standard of 3:36.60.” Fuck yeah. Show them who’s got it going on babe!!!! Love ya!! Cambridge bitches represent. xoCheck his ass out here ♥

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I Can See Clearly Now

This month started with the Solar Eclipse in Aries, right in the middle of Mercury Retrograde. I booked an astrology reading for the Aries Full and my fav astrologist, Kait Fowlie, gave me some things to think about and reminders that I’m on the right track. Toronto only had a partial eclipse but it was so wild to watch it happen! The sky went dark like nighttime but it was the middle of the day. I was outside for the whole event and did a cold plunge on the roof during the minutes of darkness. I’ve been focussed on my workouts lately, my weeks have been filled with yoga, pilates, running, weight training, and lots of long walks. I even started a tap class! I am very out of practise as it’s been 20+ years but it’s a super fun way to burn calories. I love it! My fav season (Taurus!) is just around the corner and my birthday is in a couple weeks. Here’s to seeing clearly and making my dreams come true!

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Be My Light, Be My Yellow

This summer has been so busy, can hardly believe we’re almost half way through August. WHERE DID THE TIME GO? These bright yellow photos were from the KIND Summer Fair last month. This week I’m taking some time to recharge at Stoney Lake with Sean and some friends. I’ve been swimming, tanning, sea-dooing, cooking, laughing, running, reading, and doing yoga. It’s amazing how a few days at the lake will refresh your perspective, help you sleep, and brighten your mood. Sean and I did this almost every weekend for years. Yesterday I did a self-tape for a commercial from the cottage. I can’t tell you what it’s for but if you are reading this please put out some good vibes that I book it! Can you spot two differences in these photos?? We’ll be back in the city on the weekend then it’s the homestretch of summer before we go to Italy in September (more on that later!!!). 😁 In other news, this is one of my fav songs right now. Good lyrics.

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Sweet Summertime Sets

In the winter I was really all about wearing jumpsuits. So much that my friend Raymi asked if I was a janitor bc I wore them so often. LOL! See Raymi’s blog here. In warm temps, one of my absolute fav things to wear is summertime sets. They’re the best! I have so many different ones and I can’t wait to wear them all. Posted this cute one in my Stories yesterday and it’s been ages since I got so many DMs about an outfit. If you want to match me you can buy it here. In other news, have been going to the gym and mixing up workouts with more yoga. Still running a few times a week. It’s almost getting too hot to run later than 8 am now! I love it. Today I walked High Park for an hour at 7 am. Got a delivery from my friends at Smartwater yesterday, roof top fridge is stocked! I feel this alkaline water is the best water and I will drink all of it in no time. TY Smartwater Canada! Do you use Slack for work? I thought this was quite cute. I love how Slack has a lil’ sense of humor. Remember you’ll never be younger than you are right now so make the most of it! Have a great day! Wear sunscreen.

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CN Tower Climb: 1,776 Steps in 21.5 Mins!

This weekend I did the CN Tower climb for the World Wildlife Foundation! I made it to the top of the tower in 21.5 minutes. It was hard but I was really determined to beat my last time of 23 minutes. Some of the fastest times I saw were around the 14-15 minute mark, the fastest of the whole climb was 11 minutes. I don’t know how that is humanly possible! They must have run the whole way, 2 steps at a time! I probably could have done it a little faster if I wasn’t out late the night before but oh well! 🍻 Happy with my results and tbh idk if I’ll ever do it again. Twice is enough for me! Overall, proud of myself for doing it. Thought I would be sore the next day but I was totally fine. Running has clearly paid off! My next big fitness activity is the Toronto Marathon on Mother’s Day in May (I’m doing the 5k!). 😁 In other news, check this out! I had a shoot a couple of months back for my gym, The Body Engineers, and I’m on the poster for the new challenge that starts this week. If you’re interested, sign up here. In the last challenge, I came in 2nd place out of the whole gym and was the only woman in the top 3. 🎉 She’s a fitness girly now!

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Spreading Joy w/ Evan Biddell & The Playsuit

If you’ve missed me talking about the Biddell Playsuit the last few years, you’re sleeping! There’s a good chance you’ve seen it on TikTok, in a fashion show, all over Instagram, or on the news. Since creating and selling the playsuit during the pandemic, Biddell has now sold OVER ONE MILLION dollars in Playsuits alone. This outfit is legendary and if you don’t have one yet, visit his shop and add CASIE20 to your order for a little present. I’ve known Evan for a decade (at least) and last week, he was a guest on our podcast, Cast of Creators. IT WAS AWESOME. He is so honest about his career, time on tv shows, ups & downs of running a business, starting a TikTok. It’s a great interview and so much fun. Tap the play button below or listen on the website. Last week I was a model in Biddell’s ‘WALKOFF’ at Lavelle on King Street. It was so fun. When I got there he said Iooked like Pamela Anderson and someone else said I looked like Nicole Richie. In the words of Paris Hilton, I was SLIVING. (I’m listening to her book right now.) I loved the whole night and especially everyone who slayyyyyed in the walkoff. Biddell has a show at Fashion Art Toronto next month and it’s going to be epic. Who says epic anymore? Ha, whatever. I’m ready for fashion shows & fun events light up the city again! Bring on spring and strutting down the sidewalk. 😁

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TITIKA’S 100 Fit Women – Casie Stewart!

I guess my workouts have paid off in more ways than one! I’ve been chosen as one of Titika Active’s 100 Fit Women. The image below is from their November newsletter that went out to their entire database! That same day I attended an event they were sponsoring and was totally caught off guard when someone from their team said “hey I recognize you“. 😁 Titika 2023 Ambassador I picked out a whole bunch of my fav items from the website that you can see here. As an ambassador, I have been given a discount code ‘CASIE20’ that works sitewide, even on sale items. I’ve been wearing Titika to the gym and running for the past two months. I love how stylish their collections are and the buttery soft leggings. Check out my picks from Titika & use code CASIE20 Titika is a female-founded, Canadian company, started by Eileen Zhang, a George Browm College grad. In 2015, she was highlighted as a change maker in the fashion industry by the BBC, and in 2016, she designed sportswear for Madonna’s Hard Candy gym in Toronto. There’s a great feature on Eileen here on Style Canada (2021). I look forward to sharing more activewear with you soon! I did a photoshoot with my gym recently so will hopefully be able to share some images of me actually working out. In the words of Hal Johnson & Joanne Mcleod, keep fit & have fun!

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Cold Plunge Season 2022

Did my first cold plunge of the season this weekend! It was with 1,700 people at Woodbine Beach, the largest group plunge ever. It was incredible! Everyone set up their stations 9-10 am, the music was great, we all did breathwork, got our blood pumping, then went in as a group. Lots of screaming as we went in, then the volunteers encouraged everyone to breathe through the cold and focus. By the time we hit the 2-minute mark, everyone was smiling and screaming. I didn’t take that many photos but shared a bit on Stories here. Kinda wish I took my phone in the water. The energetic vibes were so inspiring. Swipe through this post from @bowen416 to see what it was like View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ryan Bowen (@bowen416) Thank you to the event hosts Othership, CityShred, JayBird, and Unbounded. This photo was from last year, today there was 4x the amount of people! The weather has been so warm the past week I’ve not filled my cold plunge tank on the roof yet. I always hated the cold but I really love it now. Have written about cold plunge experiences for the past few years, see posts here. Looking forward to running this week, it’s lighter an hour earlier. 😁

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Find Your Calm

There’s something so peaceful about being up north in the winter. You can stand on the lake and listen to the ice move. The cold air is so refreshing. Easy to find your calm. We drove up on Thursday and worked from the cottage Friday. It was the first day in a while that I didn’t close the rings on my Apple Watch but, f*ck it, I earned a break. On Saturday, I shovelled snow, played Nintendo, ate snacks, and finished watching Pieces of Her on Netflix. Good show, Toni Collette is one of my fav actors and does a great job playing this role. Sunday was pretty warm and the top layer of the lake started to melt. I don’t expect the ice will go out until sometime in April. Our lake group usually makes bets on when it will fully melt. I haven’t made a prediction yet! Things I love: long walks on frozen lakes, the smell of a cold winter day, carrying wood to make a fire, and being at the cottage with you. Been on a pretty good track record with the Calm app. I usually do a sleep meditation or Sleep Story at night and the 10 min Daily Calm before I get out of bed. I think it’s helping with sleep and focus. Working hard to keep that calm in my life. Something you might not know about me is that I always check the wind speed. Every day I ask Alexa about the weather and then I ask her about the wind. If it’s over 10 km/h that means no wide brim hats. If it’s 15 km/h + in the summer I’ll opt for shorts instead of a dress. I don’t like running when the wind is +25+ km/h but I love the…

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Four Weeks of Working Out

I’m totally a gym person now. Over the past four weeks of working out, I have amazed myself at my own strength. I’m lifting heavier weights each week and I truly look forward to pushing myself a little harder. I had planned to only go for the month of February but I feel like I can’t stop now. Today I did a plank (3×45 seconds) with 35 Lbs which is a personal best! My classes are not more than 5 people and the trainers work close to help you get the right form. When I look back to how nervous I was in my first class I feel like a totally different person. I look forward to my next class the way I used to look forward to going out. ? I’m still running regularly but I’m terrified of slipping so if it’s icy, no run. One of the best things during winter is getting nice and toasty at the gym. Let this be a reminder there’s no time like now to start something new and to do it for YOU. Happy Friday and I hope you have a great weekend!

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Focus Your Power

The title of this post is a reminder for myself as much, if not more, than anyone else. Focus your power. Believe in yourself. You can do hard things. A couple of weeks ago when I heard gyms were opening up I was keen to get back into one. I got an email with a 4-week special at a spot REALLY close to home so I went for it. To be honest, I was a ball of nervous anxiety before my first class. I didn’t know what to expect, what to wear? If it would be too hard if I would enjoy it. In about 5 minutes of being there, my anxiety was gone. I knew it was a good idea and I made a friend. This is my third week going and I love it. I never really knew how to work out, to use the machines. When I used to go to LA Fitness before the pandemic I did free weights & Nike Training app workouts + running. But NOW I’ve learned to LOVE squats and lifting heavier weights, using ALL the machines. I’m proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and trying something different. I can’t wait for my next workout. ☀️ FOCUS YOUR POWER ☀️ Workout set by my friend! Check out Sasha Exeter x Joe Fresh!

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Keep Going

This week has been pretty good. I’ve been out running every day except Monday when we had a massive snowstorm. I find it really helps my mental health. I remind myself daily to KEEP GOING no matter how cold it is or if I’m tired. I miss going out and seeing people but I’ve also made new routines that include making nice dinners, taking better care of my skin, and going to bed early. On Sunday I met up with some friends for a hike around High Park, it was cold but refreshing. Didn’t realize there was a skating rink there! My skates are at the cottage and since I broke my collarbone a few years ago, my skating skills are not what they used to be. I’m scared of falling! Trying to not let the winter SAD get me down and am working at finding joy in little things. If you’re looking for some ideas to boost your mood, I wrote a few posts about beating winter SAD. Happy Friday & have a great weekend!

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There’s No Bad Weather

I’m a firm believer that there’s no bad weather if you have a good outfit. Not a lot going on here these days with the panini running the show, but that doesn’t mean you can’t treat the sidewalk like your runway. For most of the pandemic, I got up, got dressed and did my hair. Getting ready always makes me feel like I have my sh*t together, even when I don’t. These days I’m a little more lax on my WFH outfits but I still make an effort. Although we’re not doing much, I love putting on a cute outfit when I go for a ‘mental health’ walk. DAY OR NIGHT. Me and my outfits have deff brightened a few peoples days during this panorama, mostly senior citizens but I’ll take it. You have no idea the power of a great outfit until you put it on. Go for it. I solemnly swear that if you feel like garbage, putting on a whole look and going for a strut will brighten your day. Me and my outfits have deff brightened a few peoples days during this panorama, mostly senior citizens but I’ll take it. Advanced style! The bar for fashion is pretty low in a pandemic. Go for it, you literally have nothing to lose. When I need the motivation to pull it together and leave the house, this song always comes to mind. Do you know it? A Fatboy Slim jam from my party girl days “when they know what is what, but they don’t know what is what, they just strut, what the f*ck“. Works every time to get my ass in gear. Last weekend I walked down to meet a friend on Ossington and went to a winter garage sale. I didn’t buy anything but it was…

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2022: Be Consistent

Well, well, well, guess who’s back? I really jumped the gun when I stopped counting the days about a month ago because shortly after, Omicron took over our lives. December feels like a blur, I was mostly at home, Sean was up north. I hung out with friends, went to an event, things started to feel normal, right before they weren’t. Covid was everywhere. Sean and I were both sick over the holidays and spent Christmas alone together in the woods. I really enjoyed a break from work, life, and the city, even though I was sick for 90% of the time. The past year has been exhausting for a suite of reasons and it was nice to check out for a bit. I have opened this blog to write something more than a handful of times but I just couldn’t do it. I haven’t felt like myself and I haven’t felt like sharing. Up until this week, I still had a brain fog that left me feeling like a dull pencil needing to be sharpened. I took a break from running and didn’t start the New Year with goals and aspirations like usual. BE CONSISTENT This year I commit to ‘Be Consistent’, that’s my theme. I will keep running, eating well, drinking less, and working on myself. I am going to come out of this damn pandemic a better person. ARE YOU WITH ME? Over the past week, I’ve been back to my morning runs, got my hair done, and have been cooking great meals in our new air fryer. I’ve not been doing much other than watching Amy on Jeopardy, finishing 3 seasons of Succession, taking care of my skin, and going to bed early. I also started a class on crypto with a friend. It’s boring-ish life…

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Back on My Morning Routine

I’ve been back on my morning routine this week and it feels so good. Running first thing in the morning is an incredible way to start the day! I set out my running gear before bed so I can roll out at 7 am jump into my clothes, grab my AirPods, and hit the road. This week has been kinda cold but once you get moving it’s super refreshing. I love running to the south end of the West Toronto Rail Path and seeing the sun come up over Dundas West. It blows my mind that I’ve been running consistently for over two years. I started on Daylight Savings in 2019 and I’m extremely thankful for starting this habit before the pandemic hit. I feel like it saved my sanity through those hard months. Let this be a reminder, it’s never too late to start a new habit. It’s also ok to skip a day, think long term, consistency is key! In other news, I’ve been listening to Will Smith’s new book on Audible and it’s great, raw, real, honest. After seeing him on tv and in movies for so long, it’s nice to hear him tell stories about his own life. Highly recommend! I enjoy listening to audiobooks on my runs because when I feel like taking a break or slowing down, the words keep me going. Some other celebrity memoirs I’ve enjoyed on Audible are by Mariah Carey, Matthew McConaughey, and Jessica Simpson. Happy listening, reading, or running!

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Day 592: Run for Your Life!

Went for such a nice run this evening and then a bike ride. It’s quite cold today but perfect for getting that heart rate up. Not looking forward to really cold temps but I love running in the winter, as long as it’s not slippery. I usually head out in the morning but today we had contractors over to fix one of our exterior walls at 8 am and Sean was already on his run. Someone had to be home! Planning to run the rail path before work tomorrow as I’m meeting some friends for dinner in the evening. I’ve not seen a couple of these ladies in almost a year so really looking forward to it. Hope your week is off to a great start!

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Day 574: Spooky Season @ Legends of Horror

I went to the media preview of Legends of Horror at Casa Loma tonight with some friends. SO FUN. I love spooky season. Was so stoked I wore my witch hat the whole night. The experience takes just over an hour and it is AWESOME. There’s so much space at Casa Loma and Legends of Horror takes it all. You’ll find yourself winding down spooky stairs and wicked woods, then running through the castle basement and more, all the while being scared by creepy characters. here are some details from legends of Horror about covid/entrance etc. Tickets are ~$40pp but if you haven’t had a lot of excitement lately, I say totally worth it. MI was at the media preview so I didna have to buy a ticket but I am considering going back with friends and buying tickets. Legends of Horror at Casa Loma PARKING: Paid parking is available at George Brown College (south of Casa Loma off Macpherson Avenue). This parking is closest to the entrance at Walmer Rd. and Davenport Rd. There is limited paid parking onsite at Casa Loma, subject to availability. A SAFE EXPERIENCE FOR ALL GUESTS FACE MASKS/COVERINGS All persons (staff and guests) entering or remaining on the premises shall wear a mask or face covering which covers the nose, mouth and chin as required under City of Toronto by-law no.541-2020. PHYSICAL DISTANCING Guests will be required to follow social/physical distancing guidelines carefully, maintaining 2 metres (6 feet) of space from others. Family members and others (a “family unit”) who live in the same household can be closer together. GUEST SCREENING/CONTACT TRACING All guests are required to complete guest screening and contact tracing upon arrival. Contact information will be kept for 30 days for potential COVID-19 Contact Tracing. PROOF OF VACCINATION Proof of vaccination…

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Day 556: TIFF 2021

TIFF 2021 looks a little different than past years! We went to the Visa Skyline Drive-In at Ontario place to see Lakewood. Thank you Proof for hooking us up! The movie was pretty good but I think our fav was the local food trucks. I thought sean would enjoy this film as it’s called Lakewood and was shot in northern Ontario. It follows Naomi Watts as the main character and she spends most of her time running through the woods and dealing with a tragedy at her kid’s school. We both left thinking about what we could shoot up and around the cottage with a couple of cameras and the drone.

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427: Sun’s Out!

Had a nice run this morning, I love running in the woods! I am obsessed with my Apple Watch and love the notifications and positives vibes from Nike Run Club. Sun’s out! Spent some time reading in the sun and working on my tan. It’s amazing how this weather can make your mood. Sean, Em and I worked artound the cottage getting it ready for summer. At night we had a nice fire, listened to music, and roasted marshmallows as the sun went down. I am living for this weather!

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Day 388: Follow The Sun

I went for two runs love. I love my morning runs but after work, I was feeling stress and anxiety so I went out again. News is circulating that we’re going back into a stay-at-home order tomorrow. They’ve closed the schools again. Cases are rising. I don’t even know what to say. It’s hard to believe this is really happening. I’m trying to stay focused on the positive and stick o my workouts because it’s the only thing I have going on right now (aside from work). Grateful to have started work at Funday last month because I look forward to the projects on my plate and it gives me something fun to focus on aside from the news. I love this spot on Dundas West at sunset. As I exited the path, I turned to face the sun and it was shining so beautifully. I like to follow the sun when I’m running and soak up as much as I can. That’s all for today. Hang in there, we’ll get through this.

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382: The Sun Made the Drive

This week I had a genius moment. I took my seamless background stand for photoshoots and set it up using only half the width. It’s perfect for video calls, IG Stories backgrounds, or Reels. I have heaps of really nice wrapping paper I can pop to use as backgrounds. Sean and I drove up to the cottage after work and the sun made the drive so beautiful. We’re spending the weekend up north, just the two of us. Looking forward to a nice lazy weekend, running in the woods, and watching the ice melt on the lake.

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Day 380: Always Be Growing

Today was a good day. I feel like I’m learning more about myself at high speed the last 2 weeks, testing my abilities by doing new things. It feels good. I’ve been on a 7-week streak of Peloton workouts and consistently running 2km before I get ready for work in the morning. I find getting outside first thing really sets me up for the day. I have time to get fresh air, exercise, put things in perspective, or burn off some anxiety. I know I said this the other day but I love smoothie bowls, honestly, they’re so beautiful and easy to make. Delicious and extremely good for you. Look at this vision of beauty. I stan. One of the characters in the show I’m watching (The Arrangement) said “If you’re not growing you’re dying” and it really stuck with me. I often used to say, “innovate or die” and I think it’s really important to always be growing.

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Day 375: Healthy Meals for Me

Ya girl is kinda exhausted! I took a nap after dinner and then went for a walk before the sun went down. Moving to FT from PT is definitely an adjustment. I enjoy the job but it’s just different being on for so many hours a day. I feel like WFH vs work in an office is a bit harder to handle. In an office you have camaraderie & water cooler chats, whereas being at home, it’s just you and the computer or Zoom-style meetings. In other news, I’ve been testing out some new healthy meals and thought I’d share! As part of my fitness journey over the past two years, I’ve moved towards a more plant-based diet. I’ve been doing intermittent fasting to curb my late-night eats and trying to up my intake of fruits, veg, and fiber. Some meals I’ve been really enjoying are smoothie bowls and these high-protein, vegan breakfast patties from TMRW Foods. I also ordered their burger & ground products to try later this week. I find that I’m less tired when consuming fewer meat-based products and my skin feels better. ? This dairy-free coconut yogurt from Liberté is also SO GOOD in a smoothie or bowl topped with fruit, creamy coconut oatmeal, and All-Bran buds. I love how beautiful smoothie bowls look and they are absolutely delicious as an afternoon snack! That’s all for today, going to bed early so I can get a full 8 hours. Since getting an Apple Watch I’m committed to completing my fitness and sleep goals. I’m still running each morning and it’s been so nice having warmer temps. YAY SPRING!

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Day 370: Sunrise Cold Plunge in Lake Ontario

This morning I woke up nice and early and went to Humber bay part to meet some friends for a cold plunge in Lake Ontario. The sun was just coming up over the horizon and it was cold but beautiful. It was the first time IRL meeting Amy Shio, aka Les Best the wonderful woman who has been a big part in inspiring me to run daily. Megan, Amy, Eric, Phil, and I ran into the water just after 7:30 am and stayed in for about 45 seconds. I wasn’t expecting the waves to be SO HIGH but it was still fun. When I came out of the water, it was so cold that part of my hair was FROZEN! I reckon next time we’ll pick a spot that has less waves and rocks because it was a little scary! Hoping to go back in the water again next week. Happy Friday!

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Day 365: A Year of Cottage Living

Living in the woods for a year will change you. I remember when I started dating Sean and spending time at the cottage, I dreamed of us running away to live in the woods. I’d eat healthily, build a garden, go for long walks, and letting my hair grow out. Today marks one year since we packed up our essential items and moved up to the cottage to wait out the Covid-19 Pandemic. We thought it was a great opportunity to open the cottage a little early and get some jobs done around the property. We had no idea it would last this long. The first few months were filled with online workout classes, dance with Ryan Heffington, and long runs outside through the woods. Over the summer I read a bunch of books, perfected my tan, and safely hung out on the water with cottage friends. In August, I spent a week in the city and it was so nice to walk with friends, sit on patios, or hang in the park. I started a new job in August we both worked from the cottage for most of the fall. I was starting to miss home and good wifi, I wanted to get back to some kind of normal routine. In December, we had our first family Christmas at the cottage complete with a tree, presents, and fireworks. Sean and I spent a nice 7-day stretch at the cottage the week before NYE. We came back to the city on January 1, 2021. Sean spent most of January and February 2021 at the cottage alone or with Emily while she was doing home school. I wanted to spend some time at our house in the city, I missed my stuff, my closet, and the comfort of our space. I…

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