Holiday Hippie Market

It was so lovely out today! Had a very slow morning watching holidays movies in bed and playing Nintendo. After doing some stuff around the house I put on a cute outfit and biked over to the Holiday Hippie Market on Ossington. This new location was so GOOD. Heaps of vendors and such a great vibe. It was pretty busy all day and there was a huge lineup when I left. Hopefully, that means they’ll be back to this same location again soon. Highly recommend checking it out, follow @hippiemarketlife on IG for updates. See posts from my past visits here. Stayed in last night, ordered pasta, and finally watched the first two episodes of ‘And Just Like That‘ (the new Sex and The City). I’m honestly not sure how I feel about it but I will 100% be tuning in as new episodes come out.

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Back on My Morning Routine

I’ve been back on my morning routine this week and it feels so good. Running first thing in the morning is an incredible way to start the day! I set out my running gear before bed so I can roll out at 7 am jump into my clothes, grab my AirPods, and hit the road. This week has been kinda cold but once you get moving it’s super refreshing. I love running to the south end of the West Toronto Rail Path and seeing the sun come up over Dundas West. It blows my mind that I’ve been running consistently for over two years. I started on Daylight Savings in 2019 and I’m extremely thankful for starting this habit before the pandemic hit. I feel like it saved my sanity through those hard months. Let this be a reminder, it’s never too late to start a new habit. It’s also ok to skip a day, think long term, consistency is key! In other news, I’ve been listening to Will Smith’s new book on Audible and it’s great, raw, real, honest. After seeing him on tv and in movies for so long, it’s nice to hear him tell stories about his own life. Highly recommend! I enjoy listening to audiobooks on my runs because when I feel like taking a break or slowing down, the words keep me going. Some other celebrity memoirs I’ve enjoyed on Audible are by Mariah Carey, Matthew McConaughey, and Jessica Simpson. Happy listening, reading, or running!

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That’s a Wrap!

I’m done counting the days and as we say in film “that’s a wrap”! This panini may never be over but I want to focus on the future, the positive. There’s no way possible of knowing how long we’ll be wearing masks, need vaccine passports, and have the threat of Coronavirus. As the holidays approach, people are getting together, things are opening up, I’m calling quits on my daily pandemic diary. Back to regular blogging! It’s been 600+ days since I started counting and to be honest, pretty proud of myself for keeping it up this long. Looking back through the posts from the last two years is pretty emotional, to be honest. Day 1: Social Distancing was on March 13th, the last day I went to the gym. I shared a lot of myself during this time, the good days, the bad days, the crafts, the fun, and the anxiety. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with all these posts but it’s a nice time capsule to keep memories of this moment in history. I’m basically a historian haha. Today, I’m writing this from a restaurant, after work, while having a glass of wine. Mask off as per regulation, Vax Pass scanned. Our lives will never be the same but maybe they can be better? I’ve changed so much through this experience, today I feel stronger and hopeful for a bright future. Behind the scenes of what you see here or on social, I’ve been working on some really cool stuff and I’m excited to share it with you. With love,

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Day 630: Canadian Street Rod Nationals

Today I pulled out a vintage shirt that belonged to mum. Our parents had a hot rod shop when we were kids called ‘Toys For Boys‘ and they went to heaps of car shows. This is from the Candian Street Rod Nationals in 1979, before I was born. I love it so much, fav colour. This shirt and many of my other vintage hot rod shirts were made at Tiger Brand, a manufacturer that used to be in Cambridge, ON (hometown). It’s amazing that after 30+ years they’re all in perfect condition. My friend Jeremy used to be part of the company so I tagged him in my photo today. He ended up sending the screenshot to the family that owned it and this is the message I got back. Love it! I was gonna call this post ‘Tiger Brand’ but yesterday my title was ‘Eye of The Tiger‘ so that might be weird lol. In other news, I left my Apple Watch charger at the cottage and even though I ordered a new MagSafe charger, the thing will NOT CHARGE. Pretty sure it’s bc of the voltage but alas, another day without my watch. Will go to Apple tomorrow. This is the first time since getting my watch last December that I haven’t tracked my fitness. I hate it! I can’t believe I’ve become so attached to this little device. If you’re considering ordering one, DO IT. I love it so much. Got a manicure after work today and I can’t even begin to tell you how a small thing like that can really change everything. I feel put together again. HOPE YOUR WEEK IS GOING GREAT!

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Day 629: Eye of the Tiger

BRB MANIFESTING. CHARGING IN THE SUNLIGHT. Think my eyes look pretty cool here! Alexa play ‘eye of the tiger’. ? Amazing how bright sun on your face can set the tone for your whole day. I love letting her warm rays charge me up. Have been thinking about this quote recently, one of my favs. Discovered it in high school and put it on a magnet that’s travelled with me to every place I’ve lived. It’s on the fridge in our house now and serves as a good reminder to never doubt yourself, take chances. “Our doubts are traitors,and make us lose the good we oft might win,by fearing to attempt.” ― William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure Have confidence in your strengths & stay strong through the hard moments. Great things will come your way if you stick to your goals. Keep pushing through, you got this.

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Day 627: Grounded. Centred.

Had a nice run in the woods this morning then a cold plunge in the lake. I love being up here at the cottage so much. Nature calms me, helps me feel more myself. Grounded. Centred. This coming week is a big one and I want to be prepared to handle anything. Taking an easy day to watch more holiday romance movies and spend some quality time with my computer. In other news, I think my daily pandemic blog diary is coming to an end and I’ll stop counting the days soon. I’m ready to get back to my old blogging self and leave this panini in the past. With love from the lake xo

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Day 624: We All Want to Be Loved

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Day 623: What if it turns out better?

How many times have you been in a situation, or given an opportunity but worried the outcome might be bad? Never? Well, that must be nice! LOL. I’ve found that through the pandemic my anxiety has gotten worse and it’s not that I think things will go bad, it’s just that I feel anxious something might go wrong. The thing is, what if it turns out better than you expected? Better than you could have ever imagined? What if all your hard work, late nights, long days, sweat, tears, finally pay off like you always dreamed? It’s possible. One of my fav books from when I was little is from the ValueTales series, “The Value of Believing In Yourself“, the story of Louis Pasteur (published 1977). Pasteur is known for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization. The story is about him finding a cure for rabies because he believed in himself. Funny side note about this book, I got a new copy for Emily when she was a kid and didn’t remember the part of the story where the dog passed away. Sean was like, “um the dog DIES?! What kind of story is this?!” HAHAHAHA. Safe to say, neither of them feels the same passion for the book as me. Whoops! (I’m sure mum will find this hilarious.) Believe in yourself, anything is possible!

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Day 622: Morning Light That Shines

Worked from Sean’s office today and it was nice to be back at my desk. I’ve been spending so much time at home I almost forgot what it felt like to ‘go to work’. The morning light that shines in from the south-facing windows is enough to keep me coming back. Drove to Hamilton in the afternoon to pick up our first round of merch for Funday. After months of design meetings and emails, our order was ready and turned out amazing! Needed to get some steps in so I took a long walk after work. It’s really nice to be downtown. Hard to believe I used to go out ALL THE TIME. These days once the sun goes down, I really just want to be home. As the days get shorter, here’s to finding that light in your day!

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Day 621: You Have Everything You Need

Wore this outfit on our weekend drive to Orillia when I was really excited to pick up the stock tank. It wasn’t available to Sean and I went to the liquidation store and got Wendy’s. These pants are from Zara kids last winter and my sweater belonged to mum when I was a kid. Dad made this car in real life, IRL! Leaving this look here as a reminder to wear more of the clothes I don’t wear that often. You don’t need new clothes, you have everything you need!

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Day 619: Things That Make You Feel Alive

We drive up to the cottage last night and it was so great to wake up here. Went for a walk/run on the road and the cold air was so refreshing. Most of the leaves have fallen, you can see right through the forest. Went for a dip in the lake when I got back and you may think it’s crazy but I love it so much. It hurts and it’s hard, but the feeling after is hard to describe. It’s a high that you don’t get from anything else, it does something to your mind and body. Watch my video here & do more things that make you feel ALIVE! I look forward to cold plunges in the lake so much that I ordered a stock tank to set up on our patio in the city. It’s on backorder but we’ll have it soon. I also ordered platform Ugg slippers and can’t WAIT for both to arrive. Hope you are having a relaxing weekend. Love from the lake xo

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Day 618: Me & My Plants

Hello from me & my plants! To be honest, I keep wondering if I should stop counting the days but we are still in a PANDEMIC even though some things are “normal-ish”. Sometimes it feels like the pandemic is over but as of today, Ontario has a 46% rise in cases. I don’t mind being home, to be honest. I love the slower pace of life, the excuse to not go anywhere, the opportunity to bail at any time. I also love my plants so much. Anyhoo, saying “hi” and Happy Friday! Hope you have a great day!

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Day 608: Make A Walk Work

Dear Diary, today I went for a walk at 3:45 to pick up an order from Indestructible Mfg about 15 mins from the house. I went for a run this morning but I think I really need to stay prioritizing a walk in the day. With clocks changing this weekend I want to make sure I get some sun each day. Having less daylight and the colder temps has gotten the best of me sometimes and I know I need to actively prepare. In 2020 I wrote a series of things to help beat Seasonal Affective Disorder, see them all here. This is the first time, in a long time that I’ve had a full-time job and don’t want to fall into old habits. When it gets dark by 6 pm, it’s easy to keep working and miss the day. Note to self: make a walk work. Used a set of velcro rollers I ordered online and they actually looked better IN my hair than after. I need to practice and use a hair oil when I take them out next time, my hair was mega frizz. In other news, work is going great and I’m excited to tell you (SOON!) what I’ve been working on for the past year. Catch that sun while you can. ☀️

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Day 607: Burn So Brightly

My order from Zara arrived and I’m so happy w/ my latest finds in the kid’s section.? Both this sweater and bright pink jacket are kids 11/12! My post from November 2020 came up in my Twitter memories today, posted a Moonomens IG on that day too. Saw this post by GFDA today and absolutely love following their account, good advice, always. “Burn so brightly that you catch the world on fire”

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Day 596: Secret Location

Checked out a wedding venue w/ Brock & Lauren after work. Hadn’t been here before, a secret location, speakeasy style venue behind a small bar on King West. Perfect mirror selfie spot in the back!

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Day 595: Blonde Me!

Went to Sassoon in the afternoon for a fresh round of highlights. Ready to say sayonara to my natural pandemic look and brighten things up w/ a bit more blonde. Posted a video of my new look here!

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Day 594: Full Moon, Happy Heart

Went to the Stackt Market w/ Cory before our ladies dinner date. It’s so lovely there! Took a bunch of photos, looked around, admired the sun setting over the train tracks, under the full moon. We had dinner at Clio, the new restaurant on the 3rd floor of the old Spoke Club. Gail is a member there so she was able to book us all a table. I had the kale salad, scallops, and broccolini, all delicious. Met up w/ Sean at the office after, stopped on Ossington for one cocktail and was in bed before 11. Nice to be out but I also love being home. ?

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Day 593: Blue Is The Warmest Colour

I never used to wear blue but now I do! I always stuck to pink, yellow, red, orange, green, never thought blue looked good on me. Idk why, that’s so weird lol. I’m a lot more adventurous with my outfits now that I have long hair and am more fit. Yay me! Also, if you haven’t seen Blue is The Warmest Colour, it’s a movie that premiered at TIFF a few years back. These new jeans were a gift from Everlane and I love them. Use this link for 10% off your first order! Cory had this gorge blue blazer in the car so I threw it on, perfect outfit! I made a Reel on IG too, watch it here. Being a creator is a funny thing, we pick a location, change in the car, and bang out a few sets of photos. It’s ridiculously fun. It wasn’t until we got back in the car after the last set that we realized Cory locked the keys in the car! Thankfully CAA came to the rescue in record time. Went for Gus Tacos and Craig’s Cookies after, overall a fabulous day. Hope you have a magical Tuesday!!

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Day 592: Run for Your Life!

Went for such a nice run this evening and then a bike ride. It’s quite cold today but perfect for getting that heart rate up. Not looking forward to really cold temps but I love running in the winter, as long as it’s not slippery. I usually head out in the morning but today we had contractors over to fix one of our exterior walls at 8 am and Sean was already on his run. Someone had to be home! Planning to run the rail path before work tomorrow as I’m meeting some friends for dinner in the evening. I’ve not seen a couple of these ladies in almost a year so really looking forward to it. Hope your week is off to a great start!

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Day 588: Demolition of Self

This is around the corner from our house and I love it. So simple and random but yet so deep. The leaves are really pretty right now and I’m looking forward to going back up to the cottage. Not sure when I’ll be there but it’s always on my mind. Sending you sunshine through the internet.

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Day 586: When Life Gives You Monday

After work, I biked over to a last-minute vintage sale on Queen West. April was going to meet me there but she had to work so I went solo. I wasn’t really looking for anything particular but I left with a beautiful silk blazer (with shoulder pads!) and a glass bowl I plan to use for plant propagation. Took home something for April in my bike basket. ? It was absolutely beautiful outside and it felt great to be on my bike in the sun. I cruised down the West Toronto Rail Path, down Dundas West, and back. Loving these warm October days and hope they stick around past Halloween. When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day. Ella Woodward Looking forward to an early night and my run in the morning. Sending you sunshine through the internet!

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Day 585: Thanksgiving Weekend 2021

Slept in a bit then went for a nice walk w/ Sean. The leaves are so beautiful. I left without my phone but ran back to get it. I should have changed out of my platform Crocs (not great for long-distance) so I only went to the end of the road and back. I took a little detour when Sean went off on his run and went into the woods to surround myself with trees. I just looked up and took in their beauty, breathed in the fresh air. F-yeah, forest bathing. ? We had a pretty chill afternoon. Sean had a broth cooking with the turkey leftovers and we watched a couple episodes of ‘Bad Sport‘ on Netflix. I spent a bit of time in the sun reading my new book, The Perfect Neighbour by Susana Beard. I absolutely love the new outdoor couch. Around 5 pm when it was nice and warm, we took the dock out. It’s always a little bittersweet and seems like a daunting task before we do it. Managed to finish the job in about an hour with no major injuries. Always a worry, trust me! The water was cool but refreshing. Looking forward to colder temps and making a nice ice hole for winter cold plunges. It’s insane to think we’re both are looking forward to the lake freezing, who are we!? Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend to celebrate the harvest. We’re returning to the city and after 5 days in the woods, I feel refreshed. Also, the blog is back on track and we’re up to date! Here’s a great (short!) week!

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Day 584: Sunday Sunshine

Woke up, had brekky, and spent most of the day watching shows. Was inside most of the day when there was a break in the clouds, ran out in my suit to soak up the Sunday sunshine. Feeling pretty relaxed and recharged. Looking forward to getting home to check on my plants and any new leaves that might have sprouted over the last week. Sending sunshine your way! Love from the woods xo

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Day 583: Giving Thanks

Spent most of the day getting the cottage ready for our guests to arrive. Sean and I worked together to prepare all the food. I made the most beautiful pavlova and can’t believe I didn’t take a photo! I hardly used my phone all day. Thankful for friends, family, time to relax, and being up here for the long weekend. We’re staying until Monday so we can be back in the city for work on Tuesday. Hope you and your family are having a lovely weekend!

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Day 582: Squid Game

Have you watched Sqid Game yet? We’re about to finish it tonight and I can’t wait. If you’re sensitive about death or murder, you’ll want to skip this one. I watch quite a few murders shows and found it too gory at times, had to cover my eyes. Pretty sure Squid Game will be the most popular Halloween costume this year. I looked for a few online and most are $$$$ or sold out. Looking forward to seeing how this show ends! Season 2 is confirmed, watch the new trailer below.

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Day 581: Woodland Creature

It was so nice to wake up here today. I love being at the cottage w/ Sean, this beautiful view never gets old. It’s hard to have a favourite season up here because they each have their own beauty. Right now the leaves are bright with colour, days warm, and the night cool enough to put on a fire. Soaking up every moment of cottage life like a woodland creature. I’m working today but taking a trip to town mid-day to go to Curries Music w/ Sean. This weekend we’re having two guests for a harvest dinner. I’m planning to do food prep tomorrow night so Saturday can be stress-free. Wish me luck haha.

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Day 575: Ditch the Carpet

Woke up and decided today was the day to ditch the carpet. Had to take almost everything out of the room, move shelves to rip it up. Big job but I’m glad it’s almost done. Still have a section of carpet under the bed but I’ll do that another time. I’m looking forward to reorganizing the space and maximizing the look of the concrete floor with some vintage rugs. The whole place is going to feel cleaner once we’re done. Thankfully it was REALLY NICE OUT so I could safely use the patio as storage. Over the winter I plan to do a full ‘Marie Kondo’ like I did a couple of years ago and clean out everything in the house that doesn’t bring us joy. How the hell do we accumulate so many things?! There’s stuff everywhere!

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