Interview | The Noteworthys – BTS with a Blogger Extraordinaire

I was recently interviewed for, a Canadian site you’ll find a carefully curated collection of unique, high-quality, often hand-made items by emerging designers. They love to take you behind the scenes (BTS) to learn about inspiration and workmanship behind designers they feature. They also like to feature people like ME. Being ‘Noteworthy’ means following your passion in creating a life you love living. Now THAT is something I am totally down with! I can agree, being Noteworthy “ means taking a leap to of faith to follow your dreams.“ They asked, what does Noteworthy mean to me? Read the full interview here and see my top 5 picks from the store below. Top 5 Noteworthy Must-Haves  1)  Crystal Crop Top. Looking good Misty Fox! 2)  Leather Envelope Clutch (Large). Perfect for a digital girl on the go! 3)  Robin Waxed Tan Jacket. Love this + matching shirt = A+ 4)  Polka Dot French Bowtie. I need this!  5)  Karoo Oxford Dress. Adorable!  

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Speaking | Get School’d Workshop on Saturday – Sign Up!

On Saturday this weekend I’m hosting a lil’ workshop on building a brand online using social media. They’ve got a great series called Get School’d and last year I hosted one about Blogging. The Gladstone Hotel has made all the workshops free! Most of my talks are at conferences with tickets that are $$$ so this is a chance to come out and learn some stuff, ask questions without breaking the bank.

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Holiday Mode

This time is year is so hectic, ahhhhh! Lots of running around from now till Friday! Today mum is coming down to help me with some office elfing, aka getting presents ready and delivering to clients. This weekend at home was so nice, a great start to holiday mode. With Christmas on a Friday this year, I think it’ll be easier to really take some time to relax. I’m totally in in love with these little sweaters Telus sent over to help get into official #HolidayMode. The entire campaign is great. [vine id=”imeeM6z0dHx”] Do you know a tablet Dad? [iframe id=””] I probably spend the most time on my gadgets around my family but this holiday season, my goal is to spend less time staring at my phone and more face-time with the ones I love. I like putting on the (digital) fireplace, reading a book, or simply relaxing on the couch and staring at it. If  you don’t have one via cable already, pop over to the Telus YouTube and put this one on your tv. [iframe id=”” autoplay=”yes”] I love the Internet and technology and how it keeps me connected to the world, but, taking a break from it is totally awesome too. Your batteries need a recharge. Thanks Telus for helping me get into holiday mode. Can’t wait to cook Christmas dinner later this week! OK, off to do my efling! Enjoy the day!          

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Holiday | Commuter Commerce & TTC Laughs w/ PayPal

This weekend I assembled a small elf’s office in our spare room for getting all my christmas things organized.  We’re getting a tree this week and it’s time to transforms the house! I love the holidays! The other day I hung out on the PayPal streetcar to learn about commuter commerce and be reminded there’s a whole mall in your phone and you don’t need to leave the house to shop for the holidays. Commuter commerce is a trend on the rise, people shopping from their phones when they are in transit – ttc, GoTrain, bus, passenger, taxi, airplane. I have shopped while doing all these things. Mobile shopping is so easy and getting packages delivered is one of my fav things. If you don’t want to leave the house or deal with holiday madness, I’m here to remind you about PayPal. Heaps of stores here. If you tweet @PayPalCa using #PayPalWish with something on YOUR wish list, they might just gift it to you (Until Dec. 6th). Give Santa’s elves a break & help yourself too: check gifts off your list by shopping on the #PayPal streetcar. — PayPal Canada (@PayPalCA) November 26, 2015  

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This Is My Life | Cyberbullying

Putting yourself out there on the internet or *IRL takes a lot of courage. Having a blog opens you up for all kinds of criticism, haterade, or anonymous comments. My world, the one I’ve created online, is pretty positive, but I’ve had my share of cyberbullying. It’s important to fight back against trolls, for example you could use an instagram story viewer app to save any abusive posts so that you can use them as evidence against them. It’s also important to learn how you can avoid being exposed to this kind of harassment and Telus has an award winning Canadian program about how to protect you and your family online. They offer online info and offline info like in-person training sessions for business customers and their fams. Thanks for this @TELUS! #TelusWise — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) August 20, 2015 Telus is one of my longest standing relationships and this program is one of the reasons I love them. Not to mention the owl for this campaign. I like owls. I’ve had more than one stalker over the years and had to contact the police several times about something internet related. I don’t share this stuff often because it’s hard to talk about. There’s also SO MUCH sad/bad news out there I want this to be a happy place for you when you’re having a bad day or want a cheer up. The things about bullying is it can stay with you forever. It’s hard to forget the way they made you feel. A couple of years ago a ‘friend’ had been commenting mean things under an alias for months. It was really hurtful, the things she said were spiteful, stuff only someone who knew me would say to be mean. I did some investigating and finally tracked the…

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Tech | Another One Bites the Dust: RIP Rdio

The list of social sharing services I’ve seen disappear over the last five years keeps getting longer. A bit of sadness for Rdio this week as it’s been purchased by Pandora for $75M and filed for Chapter 11. I’ve been using Rdio since early 2012 when it came to Canada after I was introduced to it at SXSW. Around them I took part in a round table to discussion on the future of music streaming and music piracy with a bunch of music execs and media. covered the session (here). After my free year of Rdio was up, I continued to pay $9.99 for the service the last few years, with my own money. Rdio was there for countless road trips, dance parties, summers on the dock, sing-alongs in the boat, and Christmas parties. I made heaps of playlists and Rdio has been part of all my fun the last few years. I mentioned it as one of my fav apps in interviews w/ ApexPR & Mad Hatter Tech. It’s crazy how attached you become to a service, how integrated it becomes in your life. I was really sad when was purchased by AOL and dissolved, felt heartbreak over Dailybooth, and another wave of sadness when Viddy shut down. Transfer Your Rdio Playlists to Apple Music Today I’ve been transferring my Rdio playlists to Apple Music. TBH I don’t mind Apple Music but I really loved Rdio. I decided to fork over the $4.99 to have do the work of moving my playlists over from Rdio. Luckily, I think Apple Music will be around for a while. I am really feeling this 90’s hip hop & R&B playlist from the commercial with Mary J. Blige. You’ll love it too, heaps of good jamz!  

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Speaking | TEDxWesternU Livestream

Hello & good morning. It’s early on Saturday morning and by the time you read this my talk will probably be over. See below for the TEDx Western University livestream. I’m the opening keynote at 9:20 and speaking about Social Media & The Human Condition. If you miss it the video will be online eventually. Here’s hoping all goes well! There’s some great speakers today. Check out the full schedule at [iframe id=”″]  

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This Is My Life | I’m doing a thing.

I’m doing my first TEDx talk this weekend at Western University and I’m pretty excited about it. The theme is The Human Condition and I’m talking about the internet and myself.  I think you will find intersting. PLUS it’s only about 15 minutes!  I’m not sure what time I’m on stage yet but I would really love you to watch me. I don’t ask for much and I seriously  think it will be entertaining and maybe you’ll even have some feelings. Last night my sister and I went to visit mum for dinner and had an EPIC sing along to Adele on the way. I will edit the video this weekend but you might pee your pants. This is a small indication of the passion we had performing. We all went out to buy lotto tickets together and this is my mum on the phone. Is she not the cutest ever. LOVE YOU. I should check mine, imagine I won? Made me happy to see this on the table at mum’s house. I asked her for dinner to make shepherds pie and self-saucing chocolate pudding like she used to when we were kids. Nothing quite like family time and laughs around the dinner table. Since Scion Canada gave me a car this week I’m trying to make the most of every moment. I’ll make sure to tell you when my talk is on Saturday as soon as I find out. When I don’t think about it I’m kinda nervous but when I practise and start rehearsing or talking to myself in the mirror. I feel excited! Hope you’re having a great day 🙂   

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Spring in November, Isn’t it Lovely?

I am seriously loving this weather! I went for a bike ride this morning to get a coffee. I’ve been a bit slack on blog posts this week as I’m seriously prepping for a TEDx talk this weekend.  I’ve been giving myself a little goals of doing some work and then rewarding myself with a coffee or with lunch. I’ve got a lot to get accomplished this week! Next week I’m shooting a holiday project with a major design company and I’m really excited about it. I set a goal to do more video so I’m pretty stoked about all the collabs I’ve got coming up. [vine id=”eLKeuduiF0T”]  In other news,  I recently discovered how great dictation is on my MacBook, I can literally talk and it types everything I’m saying. I’m doing this today because I’m feeling a bit frazzled! 😛 Prepping for a speaking gig involves lots of talking to yourself. Dictation and iPhone voice memos are my saviour this week. THANKS APPLE! Scion Canada hooked me up with a car for the week, which I am LOVING! I’ve never owned my own car and it’s so freeing to just jump in an hit the open road. Today I’m heading West with my sister to have dinner with mum. [vine id=”e33FP9rUlTm”] Yesterday I went to WEST (wearables) conference at the MaRS discovery District. On this panel is one of Sean’s business partners, J.Lee Williams,  talking the future of VR in film and television. I also stopped into a preview of ALDO Spring/Summer 2016. Take a little scroll through my fav items in this little Vine. You’ll find these at stores early next year. I’ve been making more short videos so pop over to to see my recent creations.  [vine id=”e3L7BnJ10BM”] OK, time for me to get a move on. Forever being distracted by the internet!…

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Tech l New Gadget – Samsung Galaxy Tab S2

Today is an exciting day, new tablet! This is my first post from the new gadget and I’m going to be spending heaps of time with it this weekend. I used to draw all the time with my old iPad but I gave it to mum a couple years ago. I’ve got my stylus ready to reactivate my old blog borderline artistic. Yahooo! Big thanks to Samsung for hooking a sista up. Pretty stoked about this new addition to the family. New gadget day IS THE BEST! Thank you #Samsung. Been ages since I had my own tablet, gave my 1st iPad ‘Andy Warhol’ to mum years ago. Gonna create some neat things w/ this new baby. #tgif #bloglife #mailbag #tech #tablet #GalaxyTabS2 A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Oct 16, 2015 at 5:48am PDT

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This is My Life | My Name is Casie, Not Cassie

I made this video ages ago and it’s based on a true story. The true story of my entire life explaining that, no, my name isn’t Cassie, it’s Casie. Like Casey Casem, Casey Neistat, Casey and Finnegan, Casey at the Bat, Casey Affleck. It’s just spelled with an ‘ie’. I often meet people who know me from the Internet but have never met me in real life, calls with clients, agencies, all kinds of people and it happens ALL THE TIME, they call me Cassie. When it does, it’s an awkward situation for us both. So, in attempt to save us BOTH the embarrassment, the video.  Lucky for me, if you Google my name anywhere in the world, you’ll find me. So, maybe I’m the worlds most famous Casey spelled Casie? I dunno…I hope you find it funny. I didn’t know how else to explain it. In other news, my friend sat Untitled&Co named a skirt after me! I’m stopping by their store to shoot some items next week. Woot woot! ? ? ? CASIE      

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Fashion | RUDSAK x Emily Haines + AW15

Last night I went to the opening of Rudsak’s new store in the Eaton Centre. The special guest was Emily Haines of Metric who is collaborating with them on a new collection. I was fan-girling inside when Emily Haines walked in because my sister and I to listened to her Live It Out album about 100,000,000 times. Bag Rudsak, Shirt dress Joe fresh Last year Rudsak (est. 1994) did a capsule collection for their 20th anniversary inspired but rock musicians in history. This is the first time collaborating with a musician. The partnership came together though Rise Branded Entertainment, a division of Universal Music Canada. “I’ve always been fascinated by the close relationship between fashion and music. Suppose it’s because personal style is such a powerful form of self-expression, it’s very much an art form in itself,” – Emily Haines Her twist on the classic cropped moto will be showcased at four Rudsak stores this month: Calgary’s Market Mall, the Toronto Eaton Centre, Carrefour Laval in Laval, Que., and on Ste-Catherine Street in Montreal. We were all given a little envelope with a key in it. ONE lucky person’s key would open a bird cage and inside was a customized Rudsak jacket. The jackets are amazing. I have 2 moto styles from the last few years I live in them as soon as the temp cools. Spent some time reading the new lookbook on the way home and there’s heaps of nice items. I’m quite keen to get one of these leather iPhone cases ASAP. In other news, THE APPLE ANNOUNCEMENT IS TODAY.  Starts at 10am PDT. Will update you with the look book after this week. Have TIFF things all day and am feeling pretty excited because I’ve got 3 events before 2pm and the Apple announcement in the middle. Must know all things about new gadgets.  ALSO, I’m speaking…

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SiriusXM’s Canada Laughs & The Todd Show Shapiro Show

Hola! Man,  it is HOT today. I was out and about, stopped by a cafe in Liberty Village to a break from the heat. I love this weather but when you need to get around the city and you’re carrying things and sweating  and dripping, you just wanna go home/jump in a lake/pool/cold shower. Yesterday I was back at SiriusXM on the Todd Shapiro Show. You can download the podcast in iTunes or listen here (yesterday’s ep will be up tomorrow). Heading back to the SiriusXM studio now for today’s show. I’m not sure who guests are but it will without a doubt, be funny, Brian @redban is live on #SiriusXM 168 with @iamToddyTickles @RoddyColmer @Boomer_Phillips & @casiestewart. @canadalaughs — Todd Shapiro Show (@ToddShapiroShow) August 18, 2015 Baby love me cause I’m playing on the radio…   Met with Telus today to go over events and things for the next few months. Lots coming up! Excited to share. Check out my beautiful Ted Baker iPhone case. I love it. I had a different Ted Baker case before today and they’re my fav ones I’ve ever had. Thanks Telus! You can find this one and the others at any Telus store. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Aug 19, 2015 at 12:08pm PDT CASIE

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The Evolution of the Camera @ We Are Wearables TO Sept. 9th

On September 9th, We Are Wearables and Best Buy Canada are pleased to present“Capturing the Future“ an event that looks at the evolution of the camera and the documentation of our lives. This is the largest event they’ve had yet and I’ll be speaking on a panel, while wearing a camera that’s live broadcasting my experience to the whole room. Cool eh? I can’t wait. The event will 100% sell out so get yourself a ticket. There’s over 220 people on the list already!  You must be a member who is RSVP’d to attend. There is no cost to sign-up or attend as a member. Food from Pizza Pizza and beer from Amsterdam Brewery will be served during the networking part of this event. [symple_button url=”” color=”black” size=”default” border_radius=”3px” target=”self” rel=”” icon_left=”” icon_right=””]Get a Ticket[/symple_button] For more information and to see the night’s schedule & speakers visit Follow the buzz on twitter @wearewearables & #WWTO and mark your calendar! CASIE  

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After 5 Years, We’re Taking Our Relationship Next Level…

It’s with great pride I announce my official Ambassadorship with Telus!  Over the past five years I’ve worked with Telus on a number of things (see here) and they’ve helped me out with service, covered roaming, and been there every single time I’ve lost/destroyed my phone.  This week they announced #TeamTelus, 15 hand selected bloggers from across the country. “The Team TELUS line up stars 15 awesome, interesting, smart, creative, down-to-earth, caring and stylish personalities from across the country. To recognize Team TELUS for their support, we are providing them with mobile (and in B.C. and Alberta, Optik TV) service, devices, VIP access to events and reader giveaways.” Read more about TeamTelus here and get to know the rest of the group! Tonight we’re all celebrating our awesomeness at TELUS HQ in Toronto. Earlier today a couple of my Telus peeps showed up with a HUGE box of goodies to welcome me to the team. My welcome box was picked specially for me and includes a few things they knew I’d love including a new Ted Baker iPhone case (my brands are colliding!), Kate Spade portable charger (fashion + tech together), selfie stick (obvious one there!), a gold Shine fitness/sleep tracker (wearables!), a Bluetooth speaker, chocolates, and a Shoppers gift card.  I’m really happy to make it official after working together since 2010. My first EVER mobile phone was with Telus back in the 90’s when they were Clearnet. I’m excited to see what fun adventures and things I’ll be covering with the team this year. Check out the rest of TEAM TELUS here. TIME TO CELEBRATE! CASIE  

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Today is #BestFriendsDay! Tell Your BFF You <3 Them!

Whether you’ve been reading here for years or you’re new to the space, you’ll know my blog a positive place on the Internet. If you’re ever having a bad day, you can always pop over in and see bright colours, and something to put a smile on your face. Usually me, shining back at you from across the Internet. 🙋💛 I was recently contacted from 3M to help spread the word about Best Friends Day, June 8th. As a long time lover of Post-It Notes (yes, they’re all over my home office, work desk, books, purse) and firm believer in spreading love, I was IN. It’s the perfect time to tell your BFF how much they mean to you. Late last year 3M joined forces with students across North America for Positive Post-It Day, encouraging people to grab a note, write something nice, and share it around campus. This movement on October 9th sparked a whole bunch of events where people were sharing positivity on Post-Its to friends and strangers. Today is Best Friends Day and I’m encouraging YOU to share a note with a BFF you care about. It could be a BFF, sister, brother, GF, BF, mum, dad, or anyone you wanna remind of their awesomeness. I didn’t have a lot of BFFs growing up but over the last few years I’ve developed a few relationships with BFFs who are now like sisters to me. A couple of my positive Post-It BFF Day notes below! Spread the love for Best Friends Day by writing a note to someone on a Post-It. If they’re close by, sick it somewhere they’ll find it, or snap a photo and tag them and @PostitCanada on Twitter or Instagram it with the hashtag #BestFriendsDay. Looking forward to seeing your messages! There’s already heaps of tweets today. 😎✌🎈 Today is #BestFriendsDay and the perfect opp to tell your BFFs how much you 💖them.…

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Hot Pop Factory’s New Laser Cutting Studio

Received a neat gift in the mail, a personalized pack of laser cut coasters from my friends at Hot Pop Factory.  You may recognize their name from previous posts about their 3D printing. jewellery, and courses (see posts here). I love their work! How neat are these! The glasses image is from a pair of sunnies I own that say ‘Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye’. Co-founder Biying Miao emailed to say she was sending me a little something to do with their new laser cut studio in Toronto but I didn’t know it would be so awesome! The team has opened the new laser cutting studio and mad ie super fast, professional, and to make your idea reality. Simply visit this link for info and email them with your design for a quote. How Get Something Laser Cut 1. Design or download a black and white image 2. Send your design to Hot Pop Factory’s Toronto laser cutting studio or local maker space. 3. Decide where you’d like to put that design, it could be on a wooden or leather coaster or even a mason jar or vintage leather belt (Image 03 Attached)   4. Your artwork can then be turned into a custom product by a laser cutting machine 5. Pick up or get your finished product in the mail when complete. Ta da! I reckon these would make a great gift for parents, friends, wedding, or to commemorate a special moment in your life. Big thanks to the Hot Pop Factory for thinking of me and sending such a lovely gift! <3 CASIE  

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A Blog Post About Blogging for Bloggers – WP 4.2, Mobile

I don’t usually blog about blogging but this blog post is about blogging because I have some blog updates to share on my blog. You know that I like giving tips and advice to those of you who want to start blogging. I’ve told you about SEO, the articles on MangoMatter about web hosting, different ways to come up with content, the list goes one! But today I’m going to be talking about WordPress! Ok, the new WordPress came out yesterday and this update has some neat things to help you as a blogger, communicate and share, globally. You can watch this quick video or read more about it after scrolling my list of favs from their post. If you blog you should watch it because it will make you a better (WordPress) blogger. Even more embeds: Paste links from and Kickstarter and watch them magically appear right in the editor. With every release, your publishing and editing experience get closer together. Host of new characters: Native Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters, musical and mathematical symbols, and hieroglyphs. Streamlined plugin updates: Goodbye boring loading screen, hello smooth and simple plugin updates. OMG! Emoji are now available in WordPress! Get creative and decorate your content with ?, ?, ?, or?!! IS YOUR BLOG OPTIMIZED FOR MOBILE? UPDATE IT TODAY. LIKE NOW. Google announced that the Mobile Friendly Update began rolling out YESTERDAY. This update is going to be the largest Google update ever and if you don’t get on it, you’ll notice a drop in traffic. And it might be huge. If you don’t know if your site is optimized for mobile, check this link to find out There’s a good blog post on from yesterday that states: Postscript: SEO Clarity’s Ryan Heuser sent me some early data…

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Name Change, Storia, the visual storytelling app

There’s a new look for the app Storia, formally known as Selfish.  Over the past few months I’ve been in a small group of beta testers helping to improve the app before they launch in the app store. Aside from the name change, they’ve added faster image uploads, more collaboration options and they’re about to release better offline support, and font editing. For me, the name change is a big thing. Y’all know love sharing and so sharing an app called selfish felt a little backwards. Storia is for collaborating on stories with others and sharing things around a topic. A few things I’ve been documenting in the app are travel adventures, behind the scenes of recent shoots, snippits from the blog, and spring style. My blog and travel stories are authored only by me but a bunch of my others, like spring style have collaborators. Currently the app is only available on iPhone in Canada and Russia. It’ll be on Android soon. It’s been cool working with an app while in beta and then seeing it launch. Our small group has given heaps of feedback and seeing those changes come to life is pretty neat. You can check it out by using the web version at Would be cool to collaborate on a story with you. If you wanna join my blog story, you’re welcome! Could use some more peeps in the fashion for sure. 🙂 TTYL <3 CASIE          

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Muse, The Brain Sensing Headband

I first tried Muse a few months ago when the weare1188 office got one. It was right at the start of film fest and my calmness level was nonexistent. By the end of TIFF, my Muse session showed a very high level of calm. This, I’m sure you can understand. “Muse is the mental equivalent of a treadmill, which helps you exercise your brain with focused attention training.” As an easily distracted person who’s always on the go, focussed attention training is something I could work on. I have been working on it the last month with a new headset fro Future Shop as part of the Tech Crew I’ve joined. Over the next few months I’ll be sharing my experiences with new gadgets and also giving some away for you to try.   First up, Muse, the brain sensing headband.  “It improves your attention by training you to become aware of your distractions quicker and react faster to regain focus on what you’re doing.” You can read more about Muse and brain training at Scroll down to see some of my session data and WIN your very own Muse. How Muse Works Once you download the app, you connect headphones, and place the headband on your forehead. The 5 sensors light up in different colours to let you know it’s connected. In order to calibrate the device you need to make sure the sensors are working. This is a screenshot of mine fully connected. After a brain training session you’e given some data about how active/calm your brain was. As you can see in this session, I was pretty calm. Until the end! Please enter below win a Muse headset from Future Shop. Contest is open to anyone in Canada except Quebec (Sorry MTL friends!). You’re able to enter each day.…

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Windy Weather Forecast

Recorded this 6 years ago at the AGO in the Frank Gehry stairwell. I was standing in front of a fan. It was raining out. The wind whipping at my windows reminded me of this today. Not sure what my fascination with the wind is but here’s another windy forecast. This was a pretty exciting day, #PIBTO, we had over 400 people buy the person in line behind them a coffee. Great memories. Anyone remember? I have 75+ videos on my Vimeo channel. I think it’s about time to get making videos again. It’s been YEARS since. <3 CASIE  

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I Can Do Anything. I Can.

I wrote this years ago and just found it and that’s why I love having a blog. I don’t think I’ll ever stop blogging. It’s been 10 years. I’ve written so many things. I can hardly believe so much has happened in that time. I think bloggers have to love their blogs. You spend so much time there, blogging. It’s a collection of stories and photos. Happiness, reminders, lessons, friendships. Trips around the world and my old hometown. I’m going to blog forever.  It’s the best thing I thing I’ve ever done. <3 CASIE

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Distracted Driving is a Modern Problem

Last week I mentioned the OneTap app in a post along with the importance of NOT texting while driving. If you have an Android phone, download this app right now. Think of the olden days when people drove around without distraction of a mobile phone, then think about now…so many distractions. Even the smallest things like a sputter from your car can cause distractions! If your car is very loud and splutters all the time, you might want to soundproof your car. It will stop distractions from your car that the OneTap can’t prevent as well as making conversations inside the car much easier. Now, soundproofing your car doesn’t have to be expensive either, as long as you get it from the right place. OneTap is an app that keeps drivers focussed on the road. I know updates can be distracting (my phone is buzzing all day!) but there’s no text, email, tweet, or status update worth risking your life. Looking at these texting and driving statistics should be enough to make you realise this, as there are a shocking number of accidents that happen as a result of it, and I’m sure those involved would turn back time in an instant and put their phone away before turning on their engine. All kinds of small distractions can be so easily avoided. When you look away from the road it’s like driving blind and an accident can happen in a split second, which could end badly for everyone involved, it might end with you being charged with something like vehicular homicide and requiring the help of someone like these criminal attorneys to take on your case. Key features of OneTap App • Prevent distractions from calls, texts and alerts • Activate manually, or let it detect when you’re driving and…

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End Distracted Driving with #JustOneTap

I’m not gonna to lie, I’ve texted while driving. Even worse, been stuck in traffic and taken photos. I’m sorry, it’s not ok and we are all guilty of it. I’ve made a point to put my phone out of reach or on the passenger seat. I know that if I get caught that I could get in trouble and have to attend an online traffic school or worse, get into an accident. That is something I’m sure no one wants. I know I don’t. Distracted driving is one of the main causes of accidents and if you’ve been involved in once recently you should contact an Accident claims specialist. There are plenty of lawyers out there that you can use, so you won’t struggle to find the right one for you. If you are unsure about who to use, then it might be a good idea to check out a law firm like lamber goodnow to give you a better idea of what sort of law firm you should use. Distracted driving is a HUGE PROBLEM and a Canadian-owned, Calgary-based startup has an app for that. AppColony has developed OneTap, a brand-new, free app for Android phones ( IOS version coming soon!) designed to help end distracted driving in Canada. They surveyed Canadians and found some statistics we can’t ignore. OneTap automatically senses when a user is driving and blocks out unnecessary distractions, while allowing you to stay connected. Even though you can just contact someone like this springfield il car accident attorney if you do get into a crash, it’s obviously better to avoid it altogether, not just to help decrease your own stress levels but also in case someone gets hurt. This tech is a brilliant potential solution to this ongoing issue. For more information on the…

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#TBT Thailand: Panoramic Views of Somewhere Warmer Than Here

Came across these photos on my phone and forgot I even took them. I love how panoramic photos capture a time and place. Fond memories. These were all taken on my trip to Thailand just over a year ago with Contiki Canada. They took 17 of Canada’s top content creators on the trip of a lifetime. We had so much fun. these photos were taken in Bangkok, Chaing Mai, Koh Tao, and Koh Samui. Go back in time and relive my trip in posts tagged Thailand. I would absolutely love to be somewhere warm right now but have too much going on to drop it all and get away. So, instead I’ve cranked the heat and dehumidifier and am sharing  travel photos. Enjoy! With love, CASIE

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There’s No Need For Cable, LONG LIVE INTERNET TV!

OK, so yesterday we got cable and I’m pretty excited that I can PVR Young and The Restless. (Yes I still watch it. If you follow me on Twitter you’ll know I have conversations about the show with a particular group every now and then! I’m homesick, watching yesterday’s show right now actually.) Getting cable seemed SO exciting but it turned out to be disappointing. The 200 channels we were given were 200 of the crappiest most basic channels! Yes, HD is nice but we already had a few good channels with a $30 HD antenna. We could watch Jeopardy, news, and the other shows I like including NCIS, CSI, Y&R. However, the most important thing here is, ALL THE SHOWS I LOVE ARE ON THE INTERNET. Internet TV is where it’s at! The only reason we took the package deal was that it made Internet cheaper and faster. Clearly the most important thing to us. Can’t wait to binge House of Cards on the 27th. Last night my bf said “Let’s watch something on Netflix, and pretend we never had cable. It was better that way.” If only we had a hdmi converter back then, as there would have been a lot more shows we could have watched. Now that we consume a lot of TV shows and films online, using something like an HDMI converter does come in handy. The cable guy also switched the HDMI cable for the Apple TV so we had to reconnect it. THANKS! Oh, and they also gave us a landline (look it up) with a new (gasp) 647 number. We don’t even own phones to plugin to it. Who needs a landline? It was 10+ years when I had one and I lived with my Mum back them. So, I profess and…

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Give Your Facebook Page a Checkup!

Do you know about the Likealyzer? It’s a free service from Meltwater (social analytics) that pulls in data from your Facebook page. I’ve not been using my Facebook page much the last year but it’s a GREAT resource. This tool with help you know more about what posts your followers like and how to grow your audience .Just thought I’d share this tidbit with you! Make sure you LIKE my Facebook page while you’re Facebooking. Find me <3 CASIE  

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