Speaking | Social Media Marketing 101, Workplace One

What are you doing next Thursday evening? I’m speaking at Workplace One about social media & branding along with Daryl from Lou Dawgs/NextStep Consulting and Sheldon from Sysomos. Workplace One is a shared boutique office space for entrepreneurs, professionals and anyone in between. It’s gorgeous in there! This is a free event and a great opportunity to learn about social media for your small business or personal brand. We’ll be talking branding, analytics, monitoring, how to grow your audience and more.  Food had been generously donated by  Lou Dawgs and beverages by Natural Vines and Steamwhistle. We have limited space available so please register sooner than later. For more information see the event page here or leave your questions in the comments. Hope you can make it 🙂  

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Redefinition: A re-definition can change the world.

This year’s TedX theme was Redefinition “A changing definition can be the most powerful force on Earth. A re-definition can change the world.”. Great job by the entire team. I left Friday feeling inspired, that we are the future and we are changing the world around us. Took some street style to see what the smart kids were wearing Friday at TedXToronto. Lots of babes in the house. When I say house I mean Royal Conservatory of Music, Telus Centre. Awesome work by the organizing team  (below). See the guy on the far right? Co-Chair Ryan Merkley and I served as founding members of the Youth Advisory Committee Council in Cambridge 10+ years ago. I was Director of Public Relations, he was Chair. We governed youth issues that affected Cambridge youth with the City Council. That was my first real experience with PR! Dr. Draw was amazing on the violin. Dancers were great too. Sep 23, 2011 | Source: Keek.com This performance was controlled by words used combined with the #tedxtoronto hashtag. VIP Loved this kid, Nicholas, 17 year old math whiz who’s invented a new way to micro search the web. Fascinating. Great talk by David Miller. Afterparty was at Steamwhistle! Lovely to hang out with my kiwi girl Kristen. O’Nizz and I love photobooth.

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Speaking | Connecting Digital Women & Brands

Thursday & Friday this week Toronto hosts the She’s Connected Social Media Conference which brings together hundreds of women from across Canada who have a passion for digital, social and all things online. Friday at 1pm I am speaking on a panel called “Social Media Rock stars: Veteran, New and rising stars” with a whole bunch of successful Canadian women in media. Panel includes: Carrie Burrows , Proud member of the Walt Disney World Mom’s Panel Casie Stewart , Lifestyle Blogger, Personality & Co-founder GenYTO Christine Cushing , TV Personality, Chef & Entrepreneur Tracy Moore , Host, CityLine, City TV Lianne Phillipson-Webb ,Founder, Sprout Right Shannon Mischuk , Blogger, Shasher’s Life Moderator Tom Gierasimczuk , Editor in Cheif, Marketing Magazine Unfortunately, the event is not open to the public but I do have a public event coming up October 6th at Workplace One that you can attend. I’ll get details about that out to you today or tomorrow. Hope you are having an awesome day 🙂

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Space, Google, Something Strange in the Neighbs

Tonight O’Nizzle and I are hosting a show with some astronomers for SPACE. Pretty stoked. Not too sure what we’re gonna be doing but I’m into it. Plus, we have to go to Hamilton! Mega adventure! Last night I went to a party hosted by GOOGLE and The Rapture played. It was pretty rad. Lots of nerdy babes. Heaps of business people. Was totally surprised none of the ‘social media’ peeps were there. Met some rad peeps. Tomorrow is TEDxToronto and I’m attending in person as a delegate. Really looking forward to being inspired and seeing/meeting other delegates. Check out this speaker vid by  The Biz Media featuring someone you’ve seen here before, Mr. David Miller: Saw this on a walk yesterday… the balance of marriage? What are we saying here, wife, kids, party girl taking you out on the town? Hmmm. Watching the Facebook F8 Keynote right now. Are you watching it? It’s kinda crazy how Facebook wants us to feellike it is our ‘home’ for all our online stuff. I’m all for sharing but it kinda freaks me out. They’re releasing ‘Timeline’ so we can create & cultivate the stories of our lives. Watch it here if you’re into it. Zuckerberg is a strange guy I bet. The new FB allows you to add a big photo at the top of your page kinda like a blog. Very blog like actually. Get ready for backlash!!

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Sheepdogs and Lights at Mod Club

Awesome time last night at the Festival Music House. Having it at The Mod Club is so much better for the music compared to last year’s event at Roosevelt Room. See all posts from last year’s event here. Lots of music industry peeps & execs were there. We caught Lights and The Sheepdogs.  Mum, next time there’s a Sheepdoggy show I am taking you. These good pix from are from RockIt on Flickr. I didn’t take my camera (again). Heard Lights just got engaged. Congrats sista. Remember that time she did a shout out to me and all my “internet amazingness“. Props to her for being so adorable. I think she’s great. I wore these down a$$ tiger tights Secret sent me. Rarrrrrrrr! For a girl who hardly ever wears pants, a shipment of tights like this really kick starts the winter wardrobe. This year for Fall/Winter they have lots of texture (light rib, cable rib), colour blocking and animal print. I practically screamed when I opened the package. THANK YOU SECRET! Sammy & I are heading back to Mod Cub for the final night of Festival Music House. If you see me, say hi!

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we will all be history one day

[<a href=”http://storify.com/casiestewart/i-got-to-thinking-about-how-many-times-i-am-late-o” target=”blank”>View the story “I got to thinking about how many times I am late or tired from Blogging.” on Storify]</a>

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George Strombo’s TIFF Takeover at The Hazelton

Cue Katy Perry TGIF cause last Friday night Keri, Lauren and I had an awesome time at The Hazelton and I’d do it allllllllll again.Red carpet love from your three fav blondes 🙂 There were thousands of people gathered around watching. I wore a top from Bicyclette, American Apparel Late Night Disco Shorts and Jeffrey Campbell pixie wedges with Zebra nails & matching purse. Most of these next photos are from Keri’s blog, check it here. I didn’t take camera. I spy Julian & Notable.ca. I met CLIVE OWEN. I love him. My fav role he played was in Closer with Natalie, Julia and Jude. He was beautiful and charming in person, just like in my dreams. Mega swoon. Bono, Jason Reitman, Gerard Butler, Juliette Lewis, Jon Hamm and heaps more celebs were there too. Thanks for another great party George. CBC Live tweeted that we were there along with all the celebs. How cool is that Mum?! Finally met Amber Mac. Her name comes up all the time, she said the same, although we had never met in person before. Super nice girl. Been following her for years. Sarah Was super cute and said “ahhh my fav bloggers all together”. Her post is here. More blonde blogging babes! Lynsie is covering Fashion Week in London. Congrats girl! Kris was my fav meet of the evening. I was certain he was Chris Martin from Coldplay but he is an actor on Tudors who is also a Pentathlon, riding and fencing champion. Mega catch there. For sure my fav party of the whole Toronto Film Festival. It was great to see all kinda of people I hardly see on the regular. Thanks Strombo & CBC for doing it up again this year.  You were a good date too Keri 🙂

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Gladstone Tweetgasm August 2011: Brock + Sockhop

This month’s Tweetgams was Monday night The Gladstone  hosted by the lovely Brock McLaughlin. Doesn’t he look like James Dean. Swoon. Tweetgasm is fun. I’m going to host one in October. Stay tuned for that. Boogie down baby. I went for 60’s Twiggy mod. Auditioned for a ghosty show today with Lauren O’Nizzle. It was fun. I hope they pick us. There were some nice outfits. I’m going to have a theme for my Tweetgasm too. Idea submissions encouraged. THE END.

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Puma party Anthem & Don’t Party, hearty. ♥

While surfing in South Africa last night I came across We-Are-Awesome & Don’t Party followed by Liver Beats. Total radness, these cool kids got it going down. I like their taste in music, style and this video is great. I really want to go to South Africa. This one dude in the vid looks SO familiar. From NZ or Australia travels familiar, long time ago. Could be wrong. The We-Are-Awesome peeps are friends with Puma too. Remember when Puma Social rocked the Burroughs building in March. So fun. I forgot about the giant cop in the Smoke’s Poutine/Puma vid haha. We trained hard that night 😉 Puma Social released a new video:

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Psychology of Narcissism & how it effects brands.

I’m determined to get to SXSW 2012. (Sounds like doomsday when you say 2012 after anything. Damn you Hollywood!) As I was saying, I am determined to be there. Speaking would be even cooler and that might happen. Lucia included me in her panel discussion called “Psychology of Narcissism & how it effects brands”. Something I can talk lots about (haha). Read the description below and if you like it, give us a thumbs up here. I love learning, talking about and being involved in influencer marketing and “peep culture”. I think this one is a winner. Description: Society spends increasingly more time online, watching and reading about strangers. Is peep culture creating more narcissists or simply helping us connect through the sharing of our intimacies? Do users share content that they are truly passionate about and believe in or do they simply share content that influences how others perceive them? This panel will duke out diverse opinions on how brands use the internet famous to spread buzz about products and services, what this means for the future of marketing and how this effects everyone’s behavior online. As time passes will positive sentiment towards an influencer inevitably change to negative? Is influencer marketing changing how we behave online and in our everyday? Is peep culture and narcissism shaping our world, playing a part in marketing and influencing our sharing and buying decisions? Come join our internet culture obsessed panel consisting of a psychologist, blogging pioneer, community manager and online lifestyle blogger/ self proclaimed narcissist. Front row seating for big egos only. Also, check out the snow in NZ! My fams & friends in Auckland & Palmy got the most show in 30 years.

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stella block party was a stellar block party, blog party.

Welcome to the party. Please drink responsibly. The lights were  my love of the night. More of this please. So pretty. These shots are so tumblrey or hipster bride. If you are reading this and getting married (I know there’s a few!) and don’t know Hipster Bride yet, well, be thankful you are reading this now. It’s full of inspiration. This one is cool. Beautiful clear sky & bright moon tonight. I love this city. Reminded me a bit of the supermoon, that night was special. Bit of a stalk party, cameras everywhere. I bet they make a wicked video from the night. Saw a couple videographers capturing moments in time. Look at that sky & view, so nice. Loved people walking by wondering what the heck this ‘pop up party’ was. Lights and music were in everyones eyes & ears. You couldn’t miss it. There was a lineup the entire night. You‘re alright but I’m here, darling, to enjoy the party. Now THIS is cool. Never seen one of these before… Say, wha? What’s a beer pumper? Oh yes, this is a beer pumper my friends. Trexxx on the TAPS! OMG YES! (Ok, wasn’t actually working but still cool.) Want that truck to put out MY fire ifyaknowhatimean. Had a bunch of peeps I’ve never met IRL who read my blog come say HI. HI GUYS, nice meeting you! Truly great meeting people who read/love this blog and no it’s not creepy/weird when you say “Hi, my name is ____ and I read your blog/follow you Twitter/FB.” (Google+ would be kinda creepy though to be honest. Ha. Seriously.) Always say HI, I love it. There were a ton of babes on the block. Seriously, babes everywhere. Nice one Keri for winning the contest & getting to host the party downtown.…

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Power of Women Event in Toronto @ MTCC

Good morning from MTCC! I’ll be adding updates to this post today. Got the full speaker list and super exited for the day’s events. Follow my Tweets @POWlive for what’s happening and inspiring quotes from speakers & guests. Looking forward to sharing with you! So many women here, about 4000+! As I post this the auditorium is filling up. Lots of smiles & laughs in the crowd. There are about 4000+ women here! Lots of giveaways & goodies for the attendees. The list of prizes is awesome! The book buying station is full of things to inspire & enlighten your life. Excited to hear Susanne speak. She has written SO MANY books! Reckon I’d like to read Ellen’s book. So excited for Ellen’s talk. Speakers view from the stage. Today is exciting 🙂

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Don’t stop believin’, ever.

Thanks Amex for a great night. Journey was awesome live. A night to remember with a bunch of really good people. We got the star treatment from start to finish. Amex has been a good friend, remember last year’s Amex Canvas event when I won my lovely iPad Andy? Won tickets to Ke$ha last night too. Thanks team!  Gotta work my way up to a Gold card. Hint hint 😉 Private dinner was in this lovely area on the water. Thanks for this little guy. Now all I need is a trip & new luggage to match! Short & sweet preso about the new Amex Gold Rewards Card. Lots of features, points & perks. Check out all the deets here. Tweet wall was done really well. Put photos up with Tweets. Nice to see you Breanna! Rannie was out photog. Love this pic. Lamb, chicken, beef, bacon. Yeah. Yum. Mega VIP, drink tickets, food. So awesome. Mucho gracias. Motorola DEFY, glasses from New Zealand, tasty treats. Brownie was divine. Eva your hair looked gorgeous. I wanna braid Sammy’s like that! Louisa from She Does the City, new BFF. SUPER MEGA PACKED HOUSE. Anyone know what band was playing on top of the Amex Lounge? I met Erica Ehm aka Yummy Mummy Club & her lovely husband. She Tweeted our pic and said “here comes trouble“. She was very nice and I told her how I loved her on MuchMusic when I was a kid 🙂 Neat to Molson Amp. it so full them magically empty in a flash. The end.

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Beerfest 2011, The Sheepdogs, Sunshine & Rain

Welcome to the Social Media Lounge. Turned out great cause we had food & beer service inside our lounge with a roof over head. Considering how hard it rained here & there, appreciated it heaps. You get one glass like this to fill up with different beers. I had heaps of beer tokens and was the Suga Mama for my peeps. I surprisingly didn’t get drunk and was sober when I came home. Thankful for that. I’m growing up, clearly. I also love being Suga Mama. My Converse at the start of the day. Crisp, white, cute. My Converse now. Dirty, muddy, ruined. Sheepdogs chilled in our lounge for a bit. ET Canada was there doing stories. I love guys who look like Jesus. I’m not religious but that look has me hooked like Sunday morning. Nice meeting you babes. You’re gonna be huge. These pix are for you Mum!! Told them about you 🙂 Fan girls. (fatal attraction to cuteness) Top of the Budweiser Big Rig! Spent lots of time on that thing last year at BudCamp. Saw a bunch of my BudCamp babes around too. Not confirmed if I’ll be there again this year. Here comes the rain. We got drenched. It was AWESOME. Everyone was swayin’ in the crowd singing along to the Sheepdoggies. It was very rock-festivally. Dear God, yes please. With a side of bass. Party on Wayne. Sheepdoggy Style. Front row. Shan, check that beardo brother in the background! haha Sick stache buddy. Whatever happened to the Beardo Brothers anyways? I loved those guys. (I checked, they’re like, old now.) This is only a selection of photos I took of these guys. They are for my, uh, personal collection. Hey B-ROCKlyn. Olympus PEN cam, ILU! Thanks to TorStar for the brolly. Comics FTW! Wearing KINI…

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Got a new camera today! Say helloooo to my new  SPROCKET ROCKET! Flash has my middle name. 🙂 Pretty stoked to shoot with this baby, gonna be interesting. The Lomography shop Queen West invited me in to be on one of their Lomo Magazine LomoAmigos. GRACIAS! Other Amigos include Elijah Wood, surfer Candice O´Donnell, actress Amber Tamblyn, and David Arquette. See them here. They have so many cameras in the shop. Beautiful space, nice hard wood floor. I want a ring, camera flash light ring. I picked the black one of these (boring I know!). Thought about the neon yellow but I like my equipment to match.  TBH, it’s HARD to take photos with a non-digital. I told Jane at the shop “I’m about to find out how ‘good’ of a photographer I am”. I’m going for Borderline Artistic style, we’ll see what we get. These (blog) photos were taken w/ phone cam, Motorola DEFY. Went mobile for a change this morning. Cruisin’ on bike in the rain isn’t really time for the PEN. Took a bunch of shots during the day with the Rocket, gonna drop off my film tomorrow and see how we turn out with the first round. Wish me luck!

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Panel on Panels at MaRS in Toronto

Last night’s panel discussion on panel discussions (meta) went really well. I was happy to chat a few people after who said they really learned something. Thanks to Johnny Bunning aka @emanintdot for snapping this photos of us. I forgot to get someone to take a few shots. Doh! I love sharing things I’ve learned over the past few years. I’ve learned heaps about blogging, the social web and building your personal brand. I’ve been invited to speak at the She’s Connected Conference in the Fall that brings together all kinda of females in business. Hope to speak at more conferences in the coming year. I’m a natural on stage! Although I love vacation, I really love working and it’s great to be back at my home office. It’s been a busy day with lots of phone calls. Planning some cool stuff for the next month. I wanna get in as many things as I can before the summer is over. I love this heat too. No chance of complaints from this lady! I watched this again and I feel like Optimism Girl today. If you’re not smiling, you will be after you watch this. Enjoy the day 🙂

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The Science of Social: Periodic Table & Google+

Came across this last night on Google+ via Drew Olanoff. Good find. So many networks, omg. How many are you on? Click the photo to see it in large size. Been playing around in Google+ for the last week. It’s cool. Has potential. I’m a Google Fan Girl so I love seeing & testing out their new technologies & products. If you aren’t in yet, sign up here. Chris Brogan wrote about getting started here. One thing I am really loving is following people that inspire me and getting to see their posts The newsfeed reminds me of a blog. It’s clean & easy to navigate. Talking about this makes me want to draw wireframes. I’ve not had many conversation or a ‘hangout’ on video yet but I will soon. I wanna carve out some time to dive right in & organize my circles. Sounds so nerdy & I love it. These are some screen shots from my profile. Home dashboard: Get started info: Activity happening: Mashable posted some pretty funny parody videos and this one is my fav. The “Hitler Learns” series never fails. Kudos to whoever out there on the internet created this, you are funny. Social networking FTW! Ha. P.S. Monday I’m speaking on a Panel at MaRs. The panel is a Panel Discussion on Panel Discussions. It’s going to be interesting. The other speakers are very smart & good looking. You should come. Get a free ticket here. If you ever want to host a panel, this will give you valuable information on how to avoid making mistakes.

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my debut as an animator

I’m not sure if I should call it “Damn You Internet” or “My name is not Casie not Cassie”. Watch & gimme your thoughts. I hope you haha.  I know it is probs funnier to me 🙂

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inspiration is everywhere, open your eyes

Stayed up late making changes to blog. I’m not done yet, it takes forever. A blog is a continuous work in progress, always evolving. I’m ready for it to get a makeover. Not too much change, more in function than design. Talk nerdy to me baby. It’s funny, people often think I spend ALL my time out & about on the town attending media events and having fun. Let me be honest with you, I spend heaps of time at home on my computer, alone. Part of me is very introverted and I place huge value on my time alone. In order to have heaps of energy to share, you gotta charge your batteries. Hung out with KMS in NZ on Skype for a bit. I love Skype, good way to charge up seeing old friends. I was shocked at his huge beard! Massive! Not alowed to shave cause he has a modelling gig on Monday. He just did an international ad for Samsung & his new tracks are about to drop in Australia soon. Keep up the good work, love you. Skype convo gifs are so cute omg. Last year, no beard, less fro. We hung out while I was in Auckland for NZ Fashion Week.  Chillin’ on Ponsonby Road post Stolen Girlfriends Club show.  I had awesome two tone pink/black nails that day.  The whole trip was so fun. I miss NZ. Saw this on Google+ via Alana Joy. Are you on G+? Add me here. I have invites if you want. Pretty much the story of my life, except the pad of paper is a computer. Got asked today “Where do you find inspiration for blogging?”. I find inspiration everywhere. I could sit at my computer (and have) for hours (ages) and tell stories, write about pop culture, review tech sites and products. Sometimes I…

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A Panel Discussion On Panel Discussions? You got it.

Have you been to a panel discussion before and thought…Who are these people? Who picked them? Did they prepare? What are they even talking about? I know I’ve attended conference sessions and thought a bunch of those things. A panel is best when it is informative and you have experts sharing information of VALUE. On July 18th, I am speaking on a panel with some of Toronto’s most rad people: Alex, Erin, Joseph, and Nicolemoderated by Sonya. We ‘re taking a playful look at the panel discussion and how to get the most from them. Some of the topics that will be discussed will include: How to pick a panel How to prep for a panel What makes a panel work How to drive people to an event Examining different panel archetypes Panel Etiquette Good and bad introductions Speaking in soundbytes 101 – Speaking 140 chars at a time Panel Pet Peeves Moderating 101 Hope you  make it out to MaRS at College & University to hear us. This team has heaps of experience and I’m honored they chose me to be part of it. Tickets are FREE too.

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if you missed it here it is.

Remember how I’ve been saying I wanna be on TV for the last few weeks (months)… Mum ring me early this morning all excited after watching it online. Ben referred to me as “famed blogger Casie Stewart”.  Head explode! Name was spelled “Casey” for a second at the start but said they will make sure it’s fixed next time. There WILL be a next time. SM Expert FTW. I love TV and the internet. Watch it here on CTV: Social media & the Royals.

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What if they call me a “Social Media Expert”? UPDATE: They did.

So, Rockstars don’t call themselves ‘Rockstars’ but it’s cool cause everyone else calls them, which is what makes them rockstars. Say Rockstar one more time in that sentence haha. Do you know a ‘real’ Social Media Expert, am I one? I have heaps of Tweets/Blog/Posterous/Facebook/Skype/Flickr/Blogger/Google+/YouTube and more but that term is usually associated with douchebags. I’m not a douchebag. Catch me on eTalk tonight for the Royal Tour coverage (starts at 7pm on CTV). Got to tape in the studio, I was standing in front of that eTalk sign above. Didn’t get a photo of us shooting. Doh. I used to work at CTV behind the scenes so was a pretty rad to be back today in front of the camera. Saw a bunch of old colleagues and was dressed to impress.  Wore high shoes, nicely tailored dress, hair up, bow, red lipstick. Zing! I hope I come across smart and cool. I really hope I don’t look bad. (It’s nerve wracking ok!!) I’ll be at an event this evening so I won’t see it until I get home. I’m not sure how long it will be either. My segment is about the big role social media is playing in Will & Kate’s visit, the photo one of our MP’s posted of them (below) and the Royal Tour app. The Royal Tour App is one of the most popular in Canada right now. The Blue Man Group were also there this morning. I touched a BLUE MAN! They use blue oil paint and it is very messy. I had some on my finger. One of the BMG guys was pretty cute, well, for a Blue guy. 😛 I love being in front of the camera. I really want to be on TV. Look what they did to C. Perez, Senior Producer. He got…

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DEFY: dare, face, challenge the power

Started using a new phone, Motorola DEFY from Telus. This thing is (almost) indestructible. The Motorola Defy™ with MOTOBLUR™ has a water-resistant, dustproof design, and a scratch-resistant display. Powered by Android 2.2 and available only from TELUS. I can also Create a Wi-Fi® hotspot to share internet with up to 8 devices (ipad, laptop). Camera is 5mp, only thing that would make it best phone yet would be front facing camera. I can swipe to text on the touchscreen which is pretty rad & surprisingly accurate. You know I’m hard on my gadgets and this phone is made for someone with a lifestyle like me. It’ made to be life proof. This is the commercial you may have seen on TV recently. Party looks fun eh.

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finally found the magazine cover i was on in new zealand

This article ran last year after New Zealand Fashion Week about bloggers & how fashion’s front row is changing. I never did get a hard copy! The Tempo magazine is inside the NZ Herald that comes on weekends (I think!). One of my cousins got it delivered to her house. How awesome is that? Her Canadian cuz gracing the pages of her mail. Would love to get back to NZ this year for NZFW. Air NZ isn’t the travel partner so that puts a wee damper in getting there. I had the best time last year. See my coverage here. If you click the image will take you to article on stuff.co.nz. Have an awesome day!

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Tech | Social Media Day -Toronto is one of most most social in the world.

I’d like to think I had something to do with that. I kid, I kid. We’re SO online and our  Social media Day meetup is SO BIG that Mashable wrote about us today. We Toronto peeps know how to have fun. Get social baby. Props to Michael Nus & Dan Levy for putting this together. Last year I spoke about running the social media for MuchMusic & MTV Canada & this year I’m speaking about building a personal brand. Over 350 people are attending so it’s gonna, kinda a big deal. Wish Mum was here to see me in action. I’m sure someone will have on video. Last year I was JUST getting into speaking and has my hands in my pockets the whole time. Won’t do that again. What am I going to wear? I should really have planned this out. Hope to meet some new peeps & will for sure see a bunch of familiar faces. Looking forward to it. If you have any questions, ask away! Follow @casiestewart

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Now, don’t get me wrong because there IS a difference.

I’m currently shopping on Dealuxe.ca to pick out an outfit for my talk on Thursday during Mashable Socal Media Day. Sign up here to come for the fun, there’s 250+ people coming already. Gonna be fun to see everyone. This skirt is cute too eh. Mum loves it. I’m also browsing EGOCLOSET to pick out something to review & while testing out their new online store. Thinking this uber cute Diamond Pocket Dress, Maxi Jumper or this Chifon tail dress. Loving those long flowy skirts & dresses. They were really popular in NZ last year & they are ALWAYS ahead in style down there. I love getting stuff in the mail, everyone loves mail.  The other day Keri & I came home feeling kinda blahhhh and my friends at Bud Light sent me a 12 pack just because they knew it was going to be a nice weekend. Thanks guys, it did make the weekend better and I appreciate it. Sometimes I wonder why I’m even talking about this…. should I keep quiet? Here’s the thing about blogging I don’t love: C.C Chapman wrote about it six months ago. The Mommy bloggers have been talking about it way before I brought it up,  good article on MomBlogMagazine about it here. PR email comes in about an ‘exciting’ new campaign that brand XX is launching. It is either a one day event or it spans several weeks but it is ‘perfect for my audience’. This is a what is called ‘Blogger Outreach’. The company knows from idea conception that they want to connect with bloggers although they bugdet nothing for the bloggers who are going to do a bunch of work. They know exactly who they are going to target because we are all on the same list.

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The blog days are over.

I went to bed fuming last night. Blood was boiling. I never tell you when I get angry, I think I’m going to start. To be honest though, it doesn’t happen too often. I had a few conversations with agencies & clients over the last few days that made me wonder what the hell I’m doing. Also made me wonder what the hell they are doing? I have heaps of PR friends in the city and I’m starting to wonder about those relationships. They’re in meetings coming up with all these expensive & fun campaigns for big name clients with the intent to do blogger outreach & connect with ‘top influencers’ but not putting any budget in the plan for that. Gimme a break.  Do you work for free? Why should we? This morning I logged into WordPress (blog publishing platform), like I have done every day for years and had a different feeling about it. Last night after talking with Mum and friends, I didn’t know if I’d be back to publish today.  I didn’t feel like it. Clearly, I am addicted to publishing and love writing so I’m back but I’m different. Every morning I read Mashable on Flipboard via my ipad and this morning they published an article that touches on exactly what had my blood boiling yesterday. How Social Media Is Changing Paid, Earned & Owned Media Those in the marketing and agency world are privy to the buzzwords “paid,” “earned” and owned.” Traditionally, they stand for the different types of media and can be easily broken down like this: Paid: Buying a 30-second Super Bowl spot Earned: Coverage on Mashable Owned: Your company’s website You should read it, especially if you work in PR, media or are one of my wonderful friends at an agency who regularly ask…

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