hump day: fashion forward and puking rainbows

I’ve been really busy at work lately.  It’s fun for me. Today, I had an awesome gathering at my desk about blog redesign. That stuff gets me really excited. haha. “talk nerdy to me”.  I also set up a MuchMusic tumblr. I got included in a big meeting recently about the olympics & social media. Cool stuff.  We’ve got another big meeting about social media plans for the Help 4 Haiti telethon. I love being part of all this stuff. One of the MOST exciting things to cross my plate is that MTV Canada is launching  a fashion/beauty magazine in March and…[drum roll please]..I’m the Editor in Cheif! Can’t share too many details yet but it’s gonna be fun. I always wanted to work for MuchMusic , dreamt of MTV and  visioned work for a fashion magazine…now I do! OMG. It’s alot of work but that means an opportunity to show I can handle it. I just feel sofuckingexcited every day,  I almost puke rainbows. Also, #GenyTO anniversary party is coming up (Feb.5)  and tomorrow night I’m having a little Jersey Shore Finale/Makeover party. Look out! Girls gonna be gettin’ Snookified! Have a  great day xo

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toronto life on the wild side

If you subscribe to Toronto Life magazine, I arrived in your mail box last night. I’ve not seen it yet but it’s out there….I got a twitpic from ModernMod. The article is about Cityplace the new-ish downtowen area where I’ve lived for the last two years. They chose a few people connected to the area to chat about living there and the lifestyle. They mentioned my rent (which is pretty easy to find out anyways) and that I was a Sunshine girl.  I hope my copy arrives today. Go get yours this week!

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TGIF: 2010 First Week Edition

This is me at work today & rocking my favorite sweater, that yes, is my own vintage circa 1988. Twitter Over the holidays I had a bunch of messages from people sounding like “Teach me about Twitter”. This made me happy. Jeff even said ‘I think I’m gonna Tweet” and my heart melted. I’m doing classes on using Twitter for Personal & Business just let me know if you’re interested, you know how to find me. I’m booking Saturday & Sunday sessions starting February. Google All week I’ve been exploring stats and facts about social media. I educated my team about using Google alerts and Google Blog search. Both are really awesome for keeping tabs on your personal brand or business and really hearing what people are saying. Internet I’ve answered like a zillion questions people have been asking me on formspring. I really like it. I realized more and more how the internet is changing thanks to social media. We are all becoming more connected. This image breaks it down pretty damn good [click to view larger]: Facebook I went back to using FB connect & Disqus on my blog this week (feel free to comment and test it out!) The thing is, people always comment on FB but that doesn’t show up on the blog. I’d rather people commented on the blog and published the comment in their FB newsfeed. Get it? This year, I hope comments on FB & blog will show up both places this year so everyone can join the conversation. Happy Friday. Have a wonderful day!

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techvibes: uniting the tech community

Oh, look who it is…ME! Click the image to go straight to the article. If you read it, would be nice of you to leave a comment. I named Renee & Carol Zara as tech stars to watch this year, they’re smary & savy babes I met in 2009 and I’ve got good ‘techvibes‘ about them for 2010. Have a great day 🙂

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do before you die? i wanna live. long and hard.

Couple things on my list: Wind a beauty pageant Bikini contest serve at a soup kitchen on Christmas day go to NYC skydive bungee jump over Lake Taupo in NZ Yesterday I got to pop over to a shoot with the dudes babes from our new show The Buried Life. I watched a couple episodes in a screening and it’s a good one.  Positive, inspiring, full of adventures, achieving goals and helping people along the way. What’s on your list? What should I add to mine?

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something you always wanted to ask? go ahead.

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countless ways social media will change in 2010

..canada and the olympics?

I wish I never got tired. I could soak up stuff around the internet for hours and hours. I’m addicted to learning, reading, pretty things and blogging. I read a great article on ReadWriteWeb – 10 ways social media will change in 2010. I love this stuff. The ability to connect everyone around the world to information and each so fast really blows my mind. good ones: online-offline integration, women rule The IOC been getting pissed about people taking photos of stuff. We should totally have heaps of sourced stuff for the Olympics. Canada is SO ONLINE and it all starts in 39 days. I wanna feel like I’m there, the Vancouver Project is trying to make sure we can all be there. I’m back to using disqus comments, shall you help me test them? That wold be nice. Facebook Connect also got a recent makeover. Have a great day. Welcome back to work ♥ girls are from suicideblonde tumblr of v’s one size fits all collection

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advanced twitter search

If you don’t know what you’re search for, it’s hard to find it. Depends what you’re searching but twitter search is kinda fun. Advanced options make searching for what you want  easier, not harder.  Positive attitude comes up in the search bar as a winky face 🙂 i like it I watched 50 First Dates today. I imagine losing my memory…writing a post of what I did everyday, it would be the only way to go on. Ya, great idea…make a new movie about a girl with a blog who forgets, there’s an idea. Talk about social media robot! New event, new people everyday. Online update, real life modern Truman, human. By the way, there’s body scans and pat downs at the airport now, wear nice undies and good bra if you have boobs. Check out this kid, barefoot bandit! He’s a little badass.  I loved catch me if you can… Frank Abagnale Jr.

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this is the best year ever:2010

Count it down with me…goodbye 2009, HELLO FUTURE! I had great meal to finish up the year followed buy a house party with a bunch of people I love. There’s no better way to spend New Years Eve than with people you love and admire. Keri and had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with blog LEGEND Tony Pierce. I’ve got a whole post of great stuff just from brunch. I learned heaps from him about blogging and the internet. [THANKS TONY!] Guys’s got mad stories about when he started his blog amost 10 years ago, getting free trips, almost free girls (haha) and even a CAR! I’m really really excited for 2010. I feel like it’s the future and i’m ready for it. This time last year I was in a  job I hated with big dream about blogging and where I wanted to be. Now, I am doing social media at MuchMusic MTV and i’m living the life I always dreamed of. It’s a new year, set your goals higher than before, reach for the moon. You are a star if you believe it and there are no limits to what you can achive. I’m ready to conqued the world internet! I hope your first day of 2010 was wonderful and everyday there after. Now we’re going to see Avatar 🙂

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nothing screams euro like salmon pants

Hotel Nacional is a really nice place to stay and had people from all over. Highly recommend going there. They’ll let you into the pool and all the different areas even if you’re not a guest. We had a gay old time trying to guess who was from where based on the way they did or didn’t speak English. There was a lot of Euro’s and you could spot them based on their style. We saw a bunch from peeps Brazil too. As far as I knew Americans weren’t allowed in Cuba, however, this is not the case. They don’t stamp your passport and you can’t fly direct. I made friends with an American girl who came from Cuba and an Aussie living in NY who flew in from Toronto. In the woods of Snookie…..”parties here”!

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dear santa: get up on me, love casie

Talk about geek chic. Saw these on Etsy a while ago and Kelly tweeted she woulds love to see me in them. Agreed! They’re so damn adorable/sexy/nerdy…my favorite. A #twabe is a Twitter babe. I went through a stage where I tweeted it all the time. I have shirts with the twabe hashtag too. Yeah, pretty amazing.

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you don’t bring a gun to a snowball fight

A bunch of peeps in DC organized a snowball fight in on the weekend via social media. These are the best videos I saw, there are heaps. It was all fun and games until a cop in an unmarked hummer got pissed his car got hit with a snowball and pulled a GUN. Here he is admitting it: In-fucking-sane. I doubt this would happen in Canada. Imagine? Gah. No way. Brutal.

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casting call: bloggers

Looking for bloggers in all kinds of categories. If you blog or you know a cool blog TELL ME NOW! I’ve got some really exciting stuff coming up at work in the new year. I’m excited to have the opportunity to include people I know and cool bloggers. Hope to meet some new ones! Thanks in advance!

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I used to surf waves but now I surf Internet.

Social media is party of my life pretty much all day, everyday.  Today I’m on the hunt for learning stuff I don’t know yet. I watched this video about Google Wave today and it made me wanna test a wave for work. I think it’s probably pretty cool if you don’t have like 20 people like the waves’ i’ve been riding. I think it deserves some attention from me considering how much I love you Google. If you know something cool & interesting or where to find facts & stats, please share. Then we can all be smarter. ♥ Thanks in advance.

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chasing your own tail around the christmas tree

Holidays are pretty much the busiest time of the year…for everyone. This week I’m running around like freaking MANIAC. It seems, so is everyone else I know/need to see/like/love/try to avoid. Tonight is the finale for one of our shows at work, you might have heard of it, Peak Season? Anyhooters, I’ll be tweeting away for that tonight. Tomorrow I’m getting my teeth whitened thanks to Pure Med Spa. Hope it doesn’t hurt! Wednesday is the ever famous HoHoTO that I’m planning to make an appearance at. Thursday, is  pretty much the last day before I leave to finish up all my work for blogMuch/MTV cause Friday is filled with holiday jazz. Thursday night I’ve got my sista coming by to pick up holiday prezzies for the whole fam-dam. Ah…take a deep breath…all I really wanna do is this…..

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i like the way you work it: google android

I can hardly believe this is my life… Last night at the Notable TV Schmooze I got a new phone, again. Boooyah! This is my THIRD phone this year – Koodo, Rogers, Bell. Thankyouverymuch. Is that Telus calling? Cause I still wanna try an iphone y’know. Lessons learned: 1) You don’t ask you don’t get. 2) If you ever have any doubt that you can achieve if you believe, don’t ! 3) Think positive, live positive & positive things will happen to you. I won a Samsung I7500, with the Google Android OS. Here’s the specs for all you little nerds: Android 1.5 OS Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE, dual-band UMTS/HSPA 528 MHz Qualcomm MSM7200A CPU 3.2-inch HVGA capacitive OLED touchscreen display 5 megapixel camera with LED flash Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS 8GB internal flash memory microSD slot 3.5 mm stereo jack Metal case, 11.9 mm thick Party was fun. Familiar faces and a bunch of new ones. Didn’t stay too late. Food Dudes made good foods. Ater the open bar and a couple h9ours I could have used a massive sandwich. Overall, I’d call it another successful Notable Night! Thanks for the good times and new phone too 🙂 Twitter Twabes: @laurenboutette & @keriCDN p.s. found this on my desk today!

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white on blackberry: social media device search

Remember the post to all Canadian phone companies? The one saying I want a social media phone…one for someone who is super social? What is important to me in a new unit: – Camera with a flash that can take clear photos day or night (Twitpic) – Keyboard that is easy to type when walking or with one hand – Ability to Tweet/Facebook – Multiple email accounts – Easy internet browsing (Blog, Tumblr, Posterous) – Cut, copy, paste – Video Camera (12seconds) – Wi-Fi – Backup contacts (for people who lose/break shit) Bonus: – BBM – Blackberry Messenger – 3G I got my first response from Rogers and my brand new white Blackberry 9000 arrived yesterday. The catch is, I have to give it back, but I do get to try it for a while. so i’s kinda good. Already not sure the white leather back is gonna stay clean? Chatted someone from Telus about their phones today and other inquiries are rolling in. This is my search for the ultimate social media phone for my socialness. XO CASIE

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the hemingway: beer. booze. babes. butts.

A couple years ago, 2007, I was in a job I began to hate so one day, I flat out quit. I started doing freelance PR. It was good glam for a while but then I was poor ass. So… I went to work at Hemingways, Toronto’s very own Little New Zealand in Yorkville. It was really fun. I hadn’t worked in a resto in a few years. It was a bit tough at first to adjust to the lifestyle but it really didn’t take long. I made friends with a heap of awesome people, mostly hot girls. I worked there for the best busiest time of year too; end of summer before Flm Fest – Christmas. I was proud of myself for not getting sad about not making enough money doing freelance work, instead I pulled up my socks, hiked up my miniskirt and started serving. No matter what job I was doing, I never lost sight of what I truly love…being social. Instead of complaining about  the waitress life I took more shifts and worked as much as I could. It was a good strategy and worked well to bond with other employees. I got a call in December from an old colleague, in recruiting who had an opportunity he thought I’d be great for. Turns out, I was great for it! I left Hems for that job and stayed there until recently leaving to work for the MuchMTV Group. It’s amazing to think of all the changes I’ve gone through. Been going through lots of photos lately, there’s only about 10,000 from the past five or so years. Wendy was one of my fav’s. She was a little crazy one just like me. We partied alot together. It was more than fun.  She moved away to Japan…

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tonight we get together and gab about the goss

I’m having a bunch of babes over to watch The Hills/City finale tonight: @kericdn @kaponetwo @biancaswane @elsacohen @rochlatinsky @destiniya @carolzara & maybe @jhoo04 Cast Confessions: From The Hills And The City (9-10 p.m. ET), The Hills Season Finale (10-10:30 p.m. ET), The City Season Finale (10:30 – 11 p.m. ET) and finally Dan & Jessi host The Finale: Live In New York (11 – 11:30 p.m. ET). MTV’s got Audrina, Whitney, Roxy, Kristin, Holly, Stacie, Lo, Brody, Olivia, Erin and Justin Bobby all packed into one amazing night. OMG. It all starts at 9 ET!

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how to having a mo-fucking-tastic time

…just go to the Movember Gala. So many photos from the night. Michelle has more on her camera that I will post later. I met a bunch of great people and had lots of fun being a judge. My category was best Mo Bro and Mo Sista so I got to mingle and look for a hot looking boy & girl that came with each other. Swim suits won for sure, they were awesome.  Michelle and I were the babes that put the winning sashes on the winners. We stood on stage the whole time, it reminded me of my old beauty pageant days.  Sigh. I’m modelling in a show for Puma at the flagship store in Yorkville tonight then it’s home to bed.  [yes, i get to keep the clothes! woot] I’m getting up early tomorrow to hit the AA rummage sale. Luckily, I have VIP line by-pass. [haha suckers!!] The lineup today is like 500 blocks so you gots to get there early. This is my favorite photo from last night, just try not to smile. Ok, don’t stop yourself, let out a laugh. Go, do it. Have a great day & happy Friday 🙂

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get a heart on this holiday season

You can’t rain on my parade! It’s gonna rain all week and if you need some sunshine you can find it here. I was happy to see a Christmas Tree standing in the window of the bank on my way to work this morning. I’m not really a big Christmas-loving-person but I really love giving. This season, I’m planning to some some serious giving of my time, energy,  PRESENTS to you my readers. For the holidays, a bunch of us behind #GenyTO have launched a campaign called Heart for Holidays. Our goal is to raise $20,000 for Hospice of Canada. Our donation does directly to families affected by terminal illness and give them food and gifts to be able to enjoy what might be the last holiday season they share together. We’re having a party on December 4th and we’d all love you to come. If you can’t make it, it would be really nice of you to purchase a ticket so you can still be involved in the giving. Trust me, giving feels so good inside. If you would like to donate a prize, gift basket or some moolah to our event for Hospice of Canada. Email, Tweet, or holler at me and we’ll sort out the details. Have an awesome day! Happy Monday Tuesday!

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Impact National Conference – Nov.20, 2009

I came in to catch the tail end of a seminar about personal branding & brand leadership. Something I get asked about from time to time and one of my favorite things. Think… Whats the impact of your personal brand – what does your brand say about you? Does it change? Is it different from work to play, drinking vs sober? It matters. For my brand, I chose to use stickers, poster Queen Street downtown Toronto, show up at parties with buttons. Offline stuff to drive peoples attention to what was happening  online, here. I like different types of marketing to define my personal brand, I’m a ‘different’ kinda girl. Jeff  Adams just took the stage as the lunch keynote…I’ve been looking forward to this. You can see my Tweets here.

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mo money mo mustaches

Do you know what Movember is? If you don’t you should go learn so that next time someone brings it up you don’t look like a dork. I’m a Mo Sista on a Mo Team and I love me some mustaches. …and mustache rides 🙂 haha You can support me and my Team by donating some dough right here. You’re welcome to join the team and grow your own MO too. I got a huge box from Prostate Cancer Canada last night and it’s FULL of Movember Party gear including pageant banners for the best Mo Man and Mo Sista and a stack of stickers. There’s a Mo Love button too, oh I love. I’ll be hosting mini Mo Parties and collecting donations all month. Have a wonderful day & happy Movember!

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a stewart won the koodo party, but not me

click the pictures to see for yourself.

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rumble tumble jumble…bundle blog

my tumblr blog is a collection of photos and things i from around the internet. it’s like a scrap book of pictures you’d stick on your wall with that blue sticky stuff when you are a pre-teen. the ones from the teen mags. it’s things that inspire me. it’s people who are inspired. sometimes it’s funny and that’s inspiring too. i choose to be happy and the simplest photo can do it. this one gets me

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