Storia App: Keep, Share, Collaborate on Stories

* updated post 04/2015 For the last few weeks I’ve been on a team of Beta Testers for the new Seflish Storia app. With Storia you can build stories, collaborate with others, or keep them private. Something that makes this different from other social apps is you can make your stories public or private and still share them with people you choose. It’s a more provate and curated feed than something like Facebook. Last week I had a chat with Anastasia Ashman from Storia about some cool ways people are using the app including house hunting, sharing family photos, and couples things you want to keep between the two of you. On the weekend I was part of a collaborative, real time story about Superbowl Sunday between Selfish users. It was cool to see what everyone was up to.  See the full story here. Below are a few of my public stories. I’ve been documenting my ukulele progress and different nail designs. I’m on a LOT of social networks but the content is kinda all over the place. With Selfish I’m updating stories based on topics and documenting as time goes on. My ‘Lights, Camera, ACTION!’ board is documenting behind the scenes of a few shoots I’ve had recently.   I would love to know your thoughts on Selfish Storia and collaborate on stories with you. You can download it from the app store and it will soon be on the Google Play store for Android. You can also sign up and use the web version at It was originally developed as a web app so there’s a bunch of features and editing options to check out! <3 CASIE

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Protecting Canada’s Wildlife w/ Telus #ShopWildly

What do trees, burrowing & short eared owls, polar & grizzly bears, beluga whale, and the Monarch butterfly all have in common? Besides being endangered special in Canada, they’re some of the animals Telus is helping to save. They’re also the ones I donated to! Over the next 5 years Telus is giving $5 million to protect our wildlife. They sent me on a wild shopping spree with $1,000 and I spent it on a  few of my fav Canadian animals and trees. My purchases are going towards protecting our Canadian animals and their habitats, ensuring that wildlife in Canada can stay wild long into the future. Last year as a gift, Telus adopted a Giant Panda from the WWF in my name. I’ve been with Telus for as long as I can remember. My first ever cellphone was with them ages ago when they were Clearnet.   Show your love for Canadian wildlife at Thank you Telus for all you do! 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Get School’d: BLOGGING at The Gladstone Hotel

Hey guys! On Dec. 22nd I’m hosting a session on BLOGGING at The Gladstone Hotel in their new workshop series. Tickets are going fast and I’ve been told there’s just a few more.  The night will cover tips and tricks on starting a blog and how to build an audience. Get a Ticket  The Get School’d series brings you knowledge on diverse topics such as growing and maintaining a beard, blogging, learning ukulele, indoor gardening, wine tasting etc. The goal is to be fun and educational. I’m planning to take a few upcoming classes myself. If you’re gonna be there, let me know. Feel free to come with questions, I’d be happy to answer them for you! CASIE @casiestewart will be hosting out first #GetSchoold workshop. Learn from the best #blogger in #Toronto on 22nd Dec 7 – 8.15pm. Tickets selling fast A photo posted by Gladstone Hotel Toronto (@gladstonehotel) on Dec 12, 2014 at 12:27pm PST

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My Tiles Arrived! What is Tile and Why Am I Excited?

With the Tile app you can locate anything you want. I’m ashamed to admit how many times I’ve lost my phone, wallet, or something valuable. If you’ve been reading my blog for a few years, you might remember a few tragic incidents! Now, I don’t have to worry! A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Nov 11, 2014 at 8:02pm PST Tile was a Kickstarted I supported in 2013, they surpassed their goal raising $2.6 million, the most successful campaign to at the time. Pebble watch blew this campaign out of the water with $10 million not long after. Tile is a $25 Bluetooth-enabled chip that attaches to a possession (ex. keychain, wallet, boyfriend, child) and is locatable on Tile’s iPhone app. What makes Tile different from almost every other similar device is that Tile’s users are all connected through the cloud, creating a giant search net that negates the disadvantage of Bluetooth’s extremely short range. Connecting my Tiles was super easy once I downloaded the app. Press the ‘e’ to activate bluetooth, it makes a sound, place Tile on phone screen to connect, name the device, done. I’m pretty stoked to have them since it’s the LONGEST I’ve EVER waited for something I bought online. That’s Kickstarter for ya, had to wait for production since they were just a prototype at the time. I’ve got one on my keys, wallet, and Sean’s keys so they are never lost. 😉  If you wanna join the Tile crew, check out OVER APP for World AIDS Day In other news, one of my fav editing apps, Over, has gone RED for World AIDS Day. The new pack is full of great designs! I purchased it for $4.99, all proceeds go to AIDS research. This app is awesome for adding text…

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Tech | We’re All Just Trying to Figure It Out

This might be one of my fav photos I’ve ever taken. I love it. Snapped with iPhone on a whim while leaving my sisters place. It brings back memories, nostalgia, I’m not even certain what exactly, just old times. Found the quote below over the weekend and it resonated with me. I’ve been reading here and there about impostor syndrome, the inability to unable to internalize accomplishments. When you feel like someone is going ‘figure you out’, realize you don’t know what you’re doing, see right through your whole charade. ‘Impostor Syndrome is the domain of the high achiever. Those who set the bar low are rarely it’s victim’ (Forbes). — CASIE STEWART November 24, 2014 It’s ok to not know what you’re doing, We’re all trying to figure it out as we go. I used to get severe anxiety before going to events, being on stage, speaking. It’s not that people wouldn’t like me, it’s that they would, and sometimes I didn’t know exactly what I was doing but I was going on experience, and making it up as I go. Being in the world of social media before it was a business (or industry!) has taught me to realx and roll with it. Preparation, constant innovation, and trying new things has kept me ahead, made me a ‘pioneer’. (It always weirds me out when someone calls me that, the thought of ME being part of the start of something.) A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Nov 11, 2014 at 3:17pm PST So I got to thinking about blogs and authenticity and why people even blog these days, and I thought about why they started. A blog, formerly WebLog was a place for non-tecnical users of the…

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Tech | Oculus, Wearables, and My Connected Life

One of 1188’s latest ventures is Occupied VR and last night they were on ETalk! Ben Mulroney tried the experience they designed for David Cronenberg’s Body Mind Change. (You might remember me taking part in Body Mind Change last year.) The Rift Teaser launches on the 24th of November. I tried it at the office and it was intense. It’s amazing how immersive Oculus is when you’re tapped into sight and sound. It totally freaked me out, I jumped up out my seat and screamed!   Later this week I’m attending the monthly We Are Wearables meet up at MaRS Discovery District. There’s still a few tickets if you’d like to join! (Free) There’s a Smartwatch Panel w/Motorola & TELUS with a discussion on Nielsen’s recent Connected Life survey on Canadian Trends in wearables and wearable consumers. I was really into social media before it hit the mainstream and I’m really into wearables lately. Sometimes it’s hard to believe how huge social media has become, I can only imagine the impact wearable technology will have on us over the next five years. I want to know and learn as much as I can! I’ve been thinking about how connected I am to the internet and it’s rare I go 15 5minutes without my phone having a notification, checking email, or taking a photo.  I was working away and my battery died this morning and to be honest, I was so productive for that period of time!  Techlogy makes us more productive and distracts us all the same. I’ve got lots to get done today so here’s to productivity! It may be freezing cold outside (if you are in NA) but try not to let it get you down. Put on all your winter warmies and greet the day with a smile. <3 CASIE      

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Tech | Buffer Festival Industry Day 2014

About a week ago I attended the first ever Buffer Festival Industry Day. Here’s a quick little snip of some of  my fav moments! It was great listening to top YouTubers talk about their experiences in brand building and projects. I was right up front to admire Harley from Epic Meal Time’s beard. He was my fav on the panel and it was neat to hear how the Epic Meal Time brand has evolved. A couple years ago I was at a Biz Media party and the team from Epic Meal time was there (blog post here w/ photos). They made a bacon volcano and bacon roses to go along with a suite of other epic meat creations. There was a meat photobooth too. I arrived just in time to catch my friend Brad Ford from Contiki chatting about brands, fans, and influence.  This is one of my fav topics and it was cool to hear how the other brands were working with influencers. I can speak first hand about the awesome job Contiki has done in connecting with ambassadors to tell their brand story.  I’m working on a little something new with Contiki but no details just yet…you’ll know soon enough! Take a look at my adventure to Thailand with them last year here. This was an awesome event for anyone looking to beef up their knowledge of how to make it on YouTube. I can only imagine how much the landscape will change by the time Buffer Festival rolls around next year. Something not to be missed! Hope your week is good. I’m off to the OBEY Clothing spring preview then to hang out with Globe Style and Sophie Kinsella, author of the Shopaholics series. Have an awesome day! CASIE

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Tech | Download Your Classic MySpace Blog

I’m finally getting around to seriously book writing like I’ve been talking about for 10 years. Found a blog post from 2005 where I said I was writing a book [insert crying emoji]. April marks 10 years of blogging on my own blog platform. I rediscovered my old MySpace blogs today now that you can finally download them. MySpace had originally deleted ALL blogs without warning. Downloaded a heap of posts and went through all the HTML files renaming them. It felt good. Unfortunately I’ve lost my first, first ever blog from MicrosoftSpaces back in 2004 (they stopped helping users recover them in 2012). How To Download Your Classic MySpace Blog: Dig up that old login you haven’t used in ages and login to MySpace Go to to settings Click Account On the left you’ll see an option to migrate old photos to a new album and download old blogs Download. Took about 60 seconds to download my 100 posts in a .zip file Fall in love with your elf again OR have heaps of laughs at your MySpace selfies   One of the things I learned today was I haven’t changed that much. Well, I have but some things are still the same. I’m really inspired my going back over my old stuff and incredibly thankful that I didn’t give up and stop writing even though sometimes I really didn’t feel like blogging anymore.  See 10 posts titled ‘Sometimes I don’t feel like it‘ here. Recovered these old quizzes I shared back in 2006 from MySpace. Hahahaha Buzzfeed, you’re just stealing old ideas! Still love the Olsen Twins, still style twinning Nicole Richie, and still love summer. I remember reading this quote in high school and thought, I will write things worth reading and do things worth writing about, watch me! And that was after I’d already written…

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Events | Samsung Galaxy Alpha launch party #GalerieAlpha

Came across these photos from the Samsung Galerie Alpha launch last week. It was a cool event with art stations scattered around the Neubacher Shor Contemporary art gallery, Queen West. Thanks Best of Toronto for the snaps! Almost the entire circle of Toronto Internet was there. Fun night!

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Tech | My DNA: 23andMe Launches in Canada

This week I went to the Canadian launch of 23andMe. The privately held company is located in Mountain View, California and they specialize in genomics and biotechnology. I love this stuff. I don’t know heaps about it but I want to learn so I was reading the blog made by Dan Miller that’s all about these types of kits! Using a saliva-based DNA sample, they provide genetic reports on ancestry, family history and connect you with your DNA relatives. They have over 650,000 paying genotyped customers and 20K are Canadian. CEO + cofounder Anna gave us some insight on how 23and me works. Informative article on FactCompany here -> Inside 23andMe founder Anne Wojcicki’s $99 DNA Revolution. I saw Anne on CTV this morning in Montreal. All Canada’s top media was there for the Canadian launch. CBC in my face right here! One of the neat things knowing about your genetic makeup is disease prevention. For example, people who have the BRCA gene are more likely to get certain types of Cancer. Angelina Jolie had a double mastectomy after testing positive for a likely lethal BRCA1 mutation. After learning about the company we were given a 23andme kit with expedited shipping so we could learn about our own genetic makeup. Mine was in the mail by the end of the day! You have to spit into this small container and put on the lid to mix in a chemical liquid with your sample. Once complete it goes into a bio bag and back in the box for shipping. I registered my sample and now I wait. It should take about three weeks to get an email that my results are in. When I get a notification, I’ll be able to login and see reports, ethnicity, ancestry, DNA relatives and more.…

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Tech | Muse Headband + Google Cardboard

Last week I got to try out Google Cardboard. It’s a small Oculus-like box that attaches to your Android phone where you can experience virtual reality games etc. I went on a roller coaster ride and it was pretty trippy. You hold up the box to your eyes then move as if you are on a coaster, I nearly fell over! 1188 Films (Sean’s company) has been working on some pretty rad VR stuff for Oculus Rift and Google Cardboard. I ca’t wait to see what they come up with next. My love for technology knows no bounds. I volunteer to test out everything! I was trying out the Body Mind Change + David Cronenberg Oculus Rift experience and did not know what was going to happen… then, a monster popped out and I totally jumped and screamed. The office at 1188 roared with laugher at me. HAHA GUYS VERY FUNNY. My other latest technology toy is the Muse brain Sensing Headband. It’s been a neat journey so far trying to make myself relax. I may seem like a care-free, fun loving person, but TBH I can be really uptight sometimes! This is a snapshot of my (lack of) calmness last week on Monday right in the middle of TIFF. The second photo is Friday afternoon, post TIFF. HUGE DIFFERENCE. I’m going to test out my cottage calmness this weekend. You unlock different milestones the more calm you are. I’m going for a SERENITY NOW mentality. After I did a session on Friday last week I took the streetcar. A man across the car was playing his music loud, like NO HEADPHONES loud. The driver even yelled for the person playing the music to turn it down. It took every ounce of my patience to hold it together, it is so frustrating…

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TheTech | Business of YouTube: Buffer Festival Industry Day

There is no doubt that video is a powerful platform to connect with your audience. If you are a brand, blogger, or you want to be famous on the Internet, knowing how to work the YouTube machine is to your advantage. The key to this is to build a large follower base and have plenty of views on your videos. Luckily, you can buy these, just make sure you use the best site to buy youtube views otherwise you might fall to victim to one of the many scam sites out there. You might not like the idea of buying views and followers but it has been proven to lead to their authentic counterpart, and many people have chosen this path to the top. There are plenty of alternatives to Youtube you can also use. I had the opportunity to travel to Thailand last year with some of Canada’s top YouTubers and it was a learning experience. There’s a real science to cracking the YouTube code and the more you know, well, the better you’ll be! I’ve partnered w/ the CFC to let you know about Buffer Festival Industry Day on October 16th. The one day event is not a YouTube fan event, but rather a chance to soak up information about the business of YouTube from some of the top YouTubers in the world. YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine (to Google) and 1 out of EVERY 2 internet users visits YouTube. Innovation is key to relevancy in our ever changing internet world, so if YouTube is on your radar you don’t wanna miss this. About Buffer Festival Industry Day: This one-day conference is for industry professionals looking to optimize YouTube as a content and talent development platform and a marketing and distribution channel. It provides a unique…

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This morning I was welcomed by good news! At December’s Daring Independent Film Festival, It’s All About Me – Feature Documentary won the AWARD FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY 2013! This is pretty exciting as we were also selected for the Ottawa Film Festival in October and won the MADA (Make a Difference) Award at COMMFFEST Global Film Festival in September. Award Winners at Daring Independent Film Festival 2013 Here’s Jenie, Mum, BF and I at the premiere in September. Watch the trailer below. I’ve heard it might be turned into a TV doc and we’ve been optioned for a radio show series starting later this month.  I’ll keep you posted for the launch. Always me chuckle that’s it’s called ‘It’s All About Me’ because Mum used to give me the gears that I was ‘all about me’, well Ma, it paid off! Look at me now! Mooohaha. She comes back from NZ today, can’t wait to give her the news. I have laurel leaves guys, me. Gah. Enjoy the day, stay warm out there! <3 CASIE Isotretinoin without prescription Kamagra without prescription Lasix without prescription Levaquin without prescription

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Saw this from Gary Vaynerchuk earlier today and just thought I would INFORM YOU. HUGE pet peeve on Twitter is people who RT everything nice someone says about them. It’s not necessary! It’s bad party form. You wouldn’t do that in real life so, don’t do it on the internet! * BTW thinking about cutting my hair like this again?  To be honest though, I fav all the nice things people say about me, great for uplifting spirits on a bad day or reminding yourself just how awesome you are! Fav is different than ReTweeting though. WHAT IS A BIRDY BRAG? READ THIS: BE HUMAN, PEOPLE! <3 CASIE buy propecia without prescription buy prozac without prescription buy sildenafil without prescription buy tadalafil without prescription

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I’ve mentioned it here and there around the web but this is my formal post, CONTIKI IS SENDING ME TO THAILAND! I leave on Saturday for 2 weeks away with about a dozen of Canada’s top YouTubers. I’ve never been to Asia and had to get a bunch of shots last week to get me prepped. We have an AMAZING itinerary planned by the great team at Contiki. I am honestly SO EXCITED. I’ve heard it’s a great time of year to go there and considering we might get snow today, I’m ready for some sunshine. I’ve been tracking the weather in Thailand and it’s been over 25 degrees every single day for the last week. I’ve been pinning photos and articles on a new Thailand – Nov. 2013 board. It’s so beautiful there!   I’ve known about Contiki as a great travel company from heaps of my cousins and friends down under. I love their NO REGRETS attitude and all the positive images they post  about travel and exploring the world. Like this one… Some Of the People Going Most of the peeps are YouTubers! I am stoked to meet them all. Grabbed this screen shot from Andrew Gunnarolla’s video about the trip. I’ve made a Twitter list of everyone going if you want to creep and meet my travel buddies. Former Much VJs Sarah Taylor and Tim Deegan are two you might recognize. I just got a new GoPro so I’ll be uploading vids to my YouTube channel along the trip. Subscribe here! Follow along our adventures with the #ContikiThai hashtag too. Top 5 things to Do in Thailand 1) Stock up at the night markets 2) Indulge at the spa 3) Hit the beach 4) Chill out at the temples 5) Dance at a Full Moon Party Things…

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We’ve Been Accepted into Ottawa Film Fest!

Heard this great news this weekend… We have been selected for the 2013 @ottawafilmfest ! Keep checking for more details! #documentary #Ottawa — It’s All About ME (@allaboutmemovie) September 18, 2013 Last time I was in Ottawa I was talking in the closing show with some Canadian celebrities for Ottawa Fashion Week. I’m not sure if I will be attending Ottawa Film Festival next week but it is definitely nice to have our film in there! Hopefully we can make it into a film festival somewhere warm and sunny one day. That one, I will have to attend! Buy Vardenafil Buy Amoxil Buy Fluoxetine

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I wish I could share posts to other sites like Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, Pinterest. Remember when it first came out? It has changed heaps. I think there’s potential. I use so many other Google products and have  thousands of photos from Picasa web albums that are now Google+ photos. We shall see… follow me Buy flomax online Buy fluoxetine online buy lasix online buy nexium online

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FASHION Magazine feature: Social Media Star

Yesterday FASHION Magazine published an interview they did with me this week. It’s the first in their new series on stylish movers and shakers leading the pack in the world of social media. It can be really challenging to make a splash in the world of social media. One of the hardest hunting grounds is definitely instagram. Although an instagram like bot can help you massively in this department. In fact, some bots are able to help you increase the number of followers you have too. This is definitely something you might want to consider learning more about. Thanks Renee Tse for the kind words. If you read it, leave a comment on the post! From Twitter to #TIFF, @casiestewart shares the the secrets to her social media success: — FASHION Magazine (@FashionCanada) August 23, 2013 Below is their kind intro. Click to read the interview! While social media may be just a hobby for some of us, Casie Stewart’s life is all about digital platforms. As the social media director of Community Agency (a circle of artsy and techy people) and a dedicated blogger since 2005, it’s pretty accurate to say social media has taken over Stewart’s life. From documenting her every movement on her blog to conversing with her 15,000+ ‘Tweeters’, she has built relationships across the world via social media. But out of every social media platform she’s on, Twitter is by far her favourite. Thanks to Twitter, Stewart’s living a whirlwind life she never dreamed possible. She’s partnered with companies like Virgin America, Ted Baker London, Thomas Sabo and Telus (just to name a few) and is currently the host of Coral TV, a platform for ladies who are interested in everything about the internet. Whether you’re looking for opinions on fashion and technology or…

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Mentioned in @Marketing_Mag re: Nordstrom + Pinterest

“U.S. retailer Nordstrom has upped its social game by turning its in-store displays into real-life Pinterest boards.” My Quote: As an avid female Pinterest user in her early 30s who loves style and shopping, I think it’s great. By tapping into Pinterest in-store (which has a high female user base) they are connecting where customers hang out online to where they go offline. There’s a good chance customers who notice this type of promotion will take a picture and Pin an image making it a 360 social shopping experience. I think it’s good for certain brands with mass appeal, but as a shopper I don’t want to buy that one item that everyone else has. Casie Stewart, director of social media at Community Read the full article here. 

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Tech | Heart on for Social TV and Data Visualization

If you didn’t see this video on social TV from Twitter check it out. Pretty neat data visualization. I LOVE social TV. Something I’ve been really passionate about since working at a TV station a couple years ago. The magic of Twitter and TV fascinates me. I love real time communication, advertising, and interaction. I hope to work more in that space again one day. Last year at Banff World Media Festival, social TV was such a hot topic. Here’s my episode on Coral TV where I chat about upcoming trends, these are all relevant one year later! In other news, Vizify is a wicked way to visualize your social resume. Made this little ditty the other day. Cool eh! I made a movie of my twitter:… What do you think?  #Vizify — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) June 13, 2013   Almost the weekend! HUZZAHHHHHHH! WEEEEE. CASIE

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About Town w/ the New HTC One

It’s been one week with the new HTC One and I can say two things, I’ve never been stopped so much for someone to look at a device and I don’t really miss my iPhone. I’ve literally been stopped (by dudes mostly) in the elevator, at Target, at bars, and at dinner, just to show it off and have them touch it. It’s a good feeling. I took all these  photos with my new HTC One over the last couple days. I’ve really been enjoying the weather 🙂 Harmonica Devil in the Blue Dress Queen West   The Nursery at The Drake Hotel Set List for Alphonse Lanza’s New Band Pano of West End Sky Spring is in the Air Trinity Bellwoods Garage Sale The Golden Gates Alphonse Lanza Bathurst Bridge Princess Gates BMO Field Niagara Street Cottage Garage Sweep Pano from My Condo Morison Lake Floating Fire Funny Faces Bar Carving My Linus 3-Speed  jacflash  Greenhouse at Bellwoods I’ve taken over 400 photos, lots of selfies, and posted a few videos in the last week. The front facing cam on this baby is out of this world, you’ve never had selfies so fresh. There’s a couple photo skills I’m working on but overall, this is the best phone camera I‘ve ever had. Last week I went to a training session and it was super cool to learn about the technology behind this little guy. The pixels are bigger than other phone cameras which makes the images clearer.  All the apps and features on the phone come with sharing options, so, for someone like me who is a Tweets, blogs, and creates heaps of content, it’s perfect. HTC is launching a MASSIVE contest and I’m part of the prize. That’s all I can say for now. Keep your eyes here for details. I’m looking…

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How Secure is Your Social?

I don’t talk much about Internet security but for someone who uses heaps of apps and has tons of info online, I really should pay more attention to this stuff! I know my girl Keri Blog will be happy I’ve learned about this app, she’s all about security. LOOK KERI A SECURITY APP! My Permissions App A friend showed me this app the other day and I was shocked to see ALL the sites who had access to my social info. It’s so easy to sign with Twitter, Instagram, Facebook these days that you forget the app can still creep your data. My Screenshots I had NO idea (because I forgot) that I had my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. were connected to SO MANY apps I no longer use. You can check your own social security at Huzzah! Hope you’re having an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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Don’t be late to the meme!

You know what I’m talking about. If your boss comes up to you says something about the ‘harlem shake’ you better it’hope it’s not about doing one, or you might as well Gangnam Style right out of the office. We posted a b-l-o-g at work written by Dylan about people coming late to the meme. It’s basically THE WORST thing you can do for your company, office, or brand. You risk being known as ‘behind the times’ forever. When it comes to memes, either get on that bus early or don’t get on at all. The viral video game is all about speed. Going “viral” is a funny thing. You can’t know if your video will ever go viral. You can’t plan for it to go viral. You can’t predict it will go viral. You can’t guarantee it will, or force it to go viral. The only thing you can ever really know about a viral video is that its popularity has faded. Eventually, everything viral dies. Goes six feet under. Kicks the bucket. Buys the farm. Read it here: A VIRAL DEATH. This is serious people. In other news, we found a new guitar in the library and I am making Sean play it for me. He hasn’t played much lately and his fingers are hurting but he is so good at it. True Lies Romance.  (Good movie though!) CASIE

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How to: Add Text to Your Instagram Photos

In the first 2013 episode of THIS: The Hot Internet Show I fill you in on how I add text to  Instagram photos. This comes after a bunch of comments and requests so I am happy share my ‘secret’. Download the free version Overgram or the full version Over for $1.99 (more fonts!).  There are 17+ previous episodes of THIS and heaps of other great shows on Coral TV. Subscribe to our channel at      

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My 2012 on Storify: 46 stories viewed 30,553 times.

A bunch of stories have no views but they emailed this info to me and I thought wow, you made those. . It’s nice to know I have 46 memories in Story from the year. In 2013 I will create more. And better. I published 569 blog posts on last year. December 2012 (35) November 2012 (40) October 2012 (46) September 2012 (43) August 2012 (40) July 2012 (46) June 2012 (46) May 2012 (55) April 2012 (51) March 2012 (49) February 2012 (51) January 2012 (67) Below are some of my fav parts of the year told using Storify. [View the story “Have I told you how much I love Halloween? Cause I do. ” on Storify] Have I told you how much I love Halloween? Cause I do. Made a little roundup of some of my fav costumes. Storified by CASIE STEWART· Wed, Oct 26 2011 23:25:39 Zombie Girl (Toronto Zombie Walk – October 22, 2011) lessons in zombieism: halloween how-toyou will need chocolate syrup, cornstarch, red food dye, white face paint, black (eyeliner/shadow) and some green if you have it. take off your shirt. don’t wash your face or hair. dirtier the better. mix 2/3 chocolate syrup with corn starch and add a bunch of red dye drops. shake/mix. blood stained clothes, black eyes, i will eat your brainHalloween is JUST around the corner and I am stoked. I reckon I might follow the blood stained trend and wear some blood for the month of ROctober whenever I feel like it. The Zombie Walk is OCTOBER 23 at 3pm. Zombies meet in Bellwoods and I would love to have you join my Zombie Crew. Sexy Pirate I was a sexy pirate, but what should I be next? I went out as a Zombie and was sexier than the rest! I’ve been out as…

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Call me.

Today I had a call with someone I did not know in London, UK. (So many London things lately!) I gave her business tips for her website and some things to do in the internet that can help her business. She booked a call on and I then I called her. We chatted for about 20 min.  Her Review: The time spent chatting with Casie seemed like 5 minutes! She gave a to-do list targeted for my brand with well-thought points of the benefits and ones not worth my time for now. I got exactly what I wanted out of it. For my call, she was an expert on social media, online shopping, branding and trends. If you ever wanna ring me and ask advice about your business, career, life, outfits, whatever, you can ring me through Clarity. It’s $1.50 a minute! Clarity was founded by Canadian entrepreneur Dan Martell last year. He had one wish for his recent birthday and to help make his wish come true, I am donating an hour of my time on Clarity this Saturday, January 5th. I’ll tweet out the link in Saturday morning and you can ring me for freeeeeeeee. I forgot about this great lil’ vid Steve Carty shot of me this summer, it’s on my Clarity profile. In other news, changed my Twitter header/background to this cartoon of me that was published in Walrus magazine last year. I hated that article. No press is bad press though, right? Urghhhh. Love the drawing though! THANKS GUYS 🙂

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In my opinion, we can live without Instagram.

I wrote about the new Twitter and changes to Instagram sharing on the company blog. Would love your comments there about all these changes to our fav photo sharing apps! Read it here.

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