This is My Life | My Name is Casie, Not Cassie

I made this video ages ago and it’s based on a true story. The true story of my entire life explaining that, no, my name isn’t Cassie, it’s Casie. Like Casey Casem, Casey Neistat, Casey and Finnegan, Casey at the Bat, Casey Affleck. It’s just spelled with an ‘ie’.

I often meet people who know me from the Internet but have never met me in real life, calls with clients, agencies, all kinds of people and it happens ALL THE TIME, they call me Cassie. When it does, it’s an awkward situation for us both.

So, in attempt to save us BOTH the embarrassment, the video. 

Lucky for me, if you Google my name anywhere in the world, you’ll find me. So, maybe I’m the worlds most famous Casey spelled Casie? I dunno…I hope you find it funny. I didn’t know how else to explain it.

In other news, my friend sat Untitled&Co named a skirt after me! I’m stopping by their store to shoot some items next week. Woot woot!

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? ? ? CASIE




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