Jane Dope – Casie Collection!

Look at this vintage beauty! The art (of me!) was created by Jane Dope, a lifestyle company started by Cannabis industry legend Abi Roach. They’ve got all kinds of cute merch featuring some of Canada’s leading Women in Weed. Personally, I really want to order this specific bikini with w33d on it. Introducing the Casie Collection from Jane Dope, designed to celebrate the athletic, outgoing, and undeniably fashionable side of every Jane Dope woman. This collection features a vibrant array of tees, accessories, and stash bags that perfectly blend functionality with flair. Each piece is crafted for the active lifestyle, offering both comfort and style whether you’re hitting the gym, exploring the outdoors, or just keeping it casual. The Casie Collection embodies the spirit of the dynamic woman on the go, making it easy to stay stylish while embracing life’s adventures. Perfect for those who live their life with energy and style, this collection is your new go-to for all things chic and sporty. In case you’re new here, I’ve been openly part of this space since the early days of legalization, read an article about me on Lift.co here. Need a little stash pouch for your purse, makeup, or anything? Get this one! I often carry a huge purse while I’m on the go or travelling so having these little bags to organize my stuff is essential. The journal below is an image of my friend Jacqui Childs, love it. Check out all the collections here. Abi, thank you for including me in Jane Dope! I heard that they’re coming our with a line of makeup and maybe some other stuff. Make sure you’re following Jane Dope on IG here!

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Spring Isn’t Far Now!

In just a few days the sun will set at 7pm, and we’ll be one hour ahead. I can’t wait. Have been loving the sunshine and warmer temps lately. Spring isn’t far! Here’s a few things I’m Enjoying:

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Flowers Will Bloom, So Will You

It feels like spring feels like it’s playing hide and seek, last week we had double digits temps and today we’re under a blanket of snow. There’s only 3 weeks before the time change and we’ll have brighter days. Good things come to those who wait, right? My workouts have become my go-to therapy. There’s nothing like a good sweat sesh to boost those endorphins and kick winter SAD to the curb. I’ve been hitting the gym, yoga & pilates classes, and lots of long walks outside. These moments of movement are like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day. As I’m here hustling through the last stretch of winter, I’m to sending good vibes your way. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, know that warmer days are just around the corner. Spring might be playing hard to get, but we’re not backing down. Stay warm, stay active, and remember – the flowers will bloom, and so will you. 🌷✨💖

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Sweet Summertime Sets

In the winter I was really all about wearing jumpsuits. So much that my friend Raymi asked if I was a janitor bc I wore them so often. LOL! See Raymi’s blog here. In warm temps, one of my absolute fav things to wear is summertime sets. They’re the best! I have so many different ones and I can’t wait to wear them all. Posted this cute one in my Stories yesterday and it’s been ages since I got so many DMs about an outfit. If you want to match me you can buy it here. In other news, have been going to the gym and mixing up workouts with more yoga. Still running a few times a week. It’s almost getting too hot to run later than 8 am now! I love it. Today I walked High Park for an hour at 7 am. Got a delivery from my friends at Smartwater yesterday, roof top fridge is stocked! I feel this alkaline water is the best water and I will drink all of it in no time. TY Smartwater Canada! Do you use Slack for work? I thought this was quite cute. I love how Slack has a lil’ sense of humor. Remember you’ll never be younger than you are right now so make the most of it! Have a great day! Wear sunscreen.

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Another Trip Around the Sun

Today is my birthday! I woke up and went for a run in the sun. I feel better than I have in a long time. I’m happy, healthy, and excited to see what the next year will bring. Growing older is such a gift and I intend to continue celebrating each day! Tonight I’ll be attending my fav class at the gym, eating a healthy dinner, and going to bed early. Cheers to another trip around the sun, HBD to me!

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CN Tower Climb: 1,776 Steps in 21.5 Mins!

This weekend I did the CN Tower climb for the World Wildlife Foundation! I made it to the top of the tower in 21.5 minutes. It was hard but I was really determined to beat my last time of 23 minutes. Some of the fastest times I saw were around the 14-15 minute mark, the fastest of the whole climb was 11 minutes. I don’t know how that is humanly possible! They must have run the whole way, 2 steps at a time! I probably could have done it a little faster if I wasn’t out late the night before but oh well! 🍻 Happy with my results and tbh idk if I’ll ever do it again. Twice is enough for me! Overall, proud of myself for doing it. Thought I would be sore the next day but I was totally fine. Running has clearly paid off! My next big fitness activity is the Toronto Marathon on Mother’s Day in May (I’m doing the 5k!). 😁 In other news, check this out! I had a shoot a couple of months back for my gym, The Body Engineers, and I’m on the poster for the new challenge that starts this week. If you’re interested, sign up here. In the last challenge, I came in 2nd place out of the whole gym and was the only woman in the top 3. 🎉 She’s a fitness girly now!

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Spring is Nature’s Party!

Went for a run this morning for the first time in 2 weeks. I was going out pretty consistently in the first two months of the year then kinda fell off my game in March. Good thing is, you don’t need to wait for a certain day to start again, there’s no time like today. Thankfully it was less cold than recent temps and the sun was out. Spring is nature’s party! So happy we made it through winter and it will be Taurus season soon. I’m starting a new challenge with my gym in April and am ready to give it my best. I was in a challenge for the first 6 weeks of the year and came in 2nd place, and was the only woman in the top 3. 😁 Have been going to more yoga classes lately and overall feel pretty good. Looking forward to warmer termps, gardening, and flowers in bloom. 💐

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HELLO 2023, IT’S ME!

After a nice relaxing winter break, I’m relaxed, recharged, and ready for a new year. You can’t deny the fresh feeling of January, it’s like a reset. My theme for this year is TRYING NEW THINGS. I’m applying it in a few different areas and have no doubt it will bring me closer to my goals. I started the year not hungover and went for a nice run through High Park.😁 Sean and I stayed in for NYE, watched a show on Apple TV (Tehran), and went to bed around 12:15. It was glorious! Today was my first 2023 workout at the gym & I’ve joined a 6-week challenge. I’m dedicated to making some serious gains by the end of it. I love working out, it really helped me get through some hard stuff last year. Last week I tried my first Lyra Class at a studio in my neighborhood. It was fun but hard! Working out the past year definitely helped, upper body strength is key. In other news, tomorrow I’m starting a weekly pottery course that will take me into the spring. It’s a dream come true! Have wanted to try pottery since watching Ghost as a kid haha. I’ve got a few things I’d like to make and look forward to learning a new skill. Here’s to a New Year & trying new things!

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TITIKA’S 100 Fit Women – Casie Stewart!

I guess my workouts have paid off in more ways than one! I’ve been chosen as one of Titika Active’s 100 Fit Women. The image below is from their November newsletter that went out to their entire database! That same day I attended an event they were sponsoring and was totally caught off guard when someone from their team said “hey I recognize you“. 😁 Titika 2023 Ambassador I picked out a whole bunch of my fav items from the website that you can see here. As an ambassador, I have been given a discount code ‘CASIE20’ that works sitewide, even on sale items. I’ve been wearing Titika to the gym and running for the past two months. I love how stylish their collections are and the buttery soft leggings. Check out my picks from Titika & use code CASIE20 Titika is a female-founded, Canadian company, started by Eileen Zhang, a George Browm College grad. In 2015, she was highlighted as a change maker in the fashion industry by the BBC, and in 2016, she designed sportswear for Madonna’s Hard Candy gym in Toronto. There’s a great feature on Eileen here on Style Canada (2021). I look forward to sharing more activewear with you soon! I did a photoshoot with my gym recently so will hopefully be able to share some images of me actually working out. In the words of Hal Johnson & Joanne Mcleod, keep fit & have fun!

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Halloween 2022: Witchy Woman

This year’s Halloween was pretty chill, although I wore a witch costume almost everywhere I went from Friday to Monday. She’s a witchy woman! On Friday night Sean and I were at his office and saw there was a show at Velvet Underground. It turned out to be TikTok star Akintoye and he was INCREDIBLE. Next, we stopped by Baby G on Dundas and saw Fluffio, I hadn’t heard of them but they were GREAT. On Saturday, we took a family adventure to the Parkdale Spooky Market which was fun. The sun was shining and it was SO WARM OUT. We picked up a few things then I walked home. On Monday, I dressed up for our all-hands meeting and wore a family heirloom, this scary old lady mask my dad used to wear to take us trick or treating. It’s a classic with my friends and we always laugh at it. Was fun to see how many people dressed up for the meeting this year! Our Funday office in Armenia carved pumpkins and I ran polls to guess who did each one. I did not get wild on actual Halloween, went to my fav class at the gym, and wore my fav Valfre outfit. Look at me, a workout witch! Abs are coming in! I was really slack with my workouts this summer, feels good to be back on my game. That’s a wrap on Spooky Season 2022, time for Christmas music!

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A Different Kind of Busy

Busy at the gym, making good meals, getting good sleep, taking care of myself. Before the pandemic, I spent so much time out in the world doing things that didn’t reallllly make me happy. I was in this pattern of going out all the time, eating garbage, drinking. It was fun, at times. I still like to go out here and there, but not as often. I’m happy being a different kind of busy.

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Five Good Things

It’s been a hard few months but winter is nearly behind us and hopefully this pandemic too. I’m looking forward to wearing my transitional coats, rain boots, and flowers starting to bloom. Hang in there, things are getting better. Here are five good things helping me stay positive: 1. Connecting with friends and family. I went to see mum last week, it had been months since I’d seen her. We had a nice walk and laughed over dinner. Nothing quite like a hug from mum. LOVE YOU! 💖 2. Getting outside. Even if it’s just for a walk around the block, fresh air and vitamin D are magic. I try to run each morning but if I don’t get there, I go for a mid-day walk or an evening stroll. Longer days make all the difference. ☀️ 3. Keeping busy. The gym has been keeping me busy and I’ve been planning dates with friends I’ve not seen in a while. Now that things are opening up there’s more fun to be had out in the world. 🤗 4. Practicing self-care. You don’t need to wait for the weekend to do that face mask, have a nice bath, or pamper yourself. I love a good self-care hour or evening during the week. I’m pretty dedicated to sleep lately and rarely go to bed without a calming meditation. 🛌 5. Trying something new. A friend and I have started a crypto class and Nelson and I are launching a PODCAST. YAY, NEW THINGS. 🎉 I’m pretty excited about it and it feels good to step out of (…or maybe into?) my comfort zone. I’ll share more on this soon.

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Four Weeks of Working Out

I’m totally a gym person now. Over the past four weeks of working out, I have amazed myself at my own strength. I’m lifting heavier weights each week and I truly look forward to pushing myself a little harder. I had planned to only go for the month of February but I feel like I can’t stop now. Today I did a plank (3×45 seconds) with 35 Lbs which is a personal best! My classes are not more than 5 people and the trainers work close to help you get the right form. When I look back to how nervous I was in my first class I feel like a totally different person. I look forward to my next class the way I used to look forward to going out. ? I’m still running regularly but I’m terrified of slipping so if it’s icy, no run. One of the best things during winter is getting nice and toasty at the gym. Let this be a reminder there’s no time like now to start something new and to do it for YOU. Happy Friday and I hope you have a great weekend!

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The Best Is Yet To Come

On Friday I worked from the Hvr office in Yorkville. We’re gearing up for some very exciting things including a new podcast! Nelson and I are co-hosting with a bunch of amazing creators, brands, and business people. We spent part of the afternoon organizing the main office room for our new podcast studio and Nelson ordered all the gear. Also took my new bag from Spruce Vintage out for a spin, fits my computer and work stuff perfectly! ? If you’re not on Hvr yet, what are you waiting for? Hvr turns every webpage into a social space where you can chat with friends without leaving the browser app. Visit this link to download on iOS or Android and skip the waitlist while we’re still invite-only. Here’s an example of one of my posts in Hvr, when you’re on the app, you can comment on any page or post to share with friends. Fun. ? The last few weeks I’ve mostly been at home or the gym. It’s so nice to get dressed up, leave the house and work in an office. Looking forward to spending more time here as we set up the podcast and kick off PR. Idk if I’ve ever been so excited in my whole life. The best is yet to come! Weee!

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Focus Your Power

The title of this post is a reminder for myself as much, if not more, than anyone else. Focus your power. Believe in yourself. You can do hard things. A couple of weeks ago when I heard gyms were opening up I was keen to get back into one. I got an email with a 4-week special at a spot REALLY close to home so I went for it. To be honest, I was a ball of nervous anxiety before my first class. I didn’t know what to expect, what to wear? If it would be too hard if I would enjoy it. In about 5 minutes of being there, my anxiety was gone. I knew it was a good idea and I made a friend. This is my third week going and I love it. I never really knew how to work out, to use the machines. When I used to go to LA Fitness before the pandemic I did free weights & Nike Training app workouts + running. But NOW I’ve learned to LOVE squats and lifting heavier weights, using ALL the machines. I’m proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and trying something different. I can’t wait for my next workout. ☀️ FOCUS YOUR POWER ☀️ Workout set by my friend! Check out Sasha Exeter x Joe Fresh!

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That’s a Wrap!

I’m done counting the days and as we say in film “that’s a wrap”! This panini may never be over but I want to focus on the future, the positive. There’s no way possible of knowing how long we’ll be wearing masks, need vaccine passports, and have the threat of Coronavirus. As the holidays approach, people are getting together, things are opening up, I’m calling quits on my daily pandemic diary. Back to regular blogging! It’s been 600+ days since I started counting and to be honest, pretty proud of myself for keeping it up this long. Looking back through the posts from the last two years is pretty emotional, to be honest. Day 1: Social Distancing was on March 13th, the last day I went to the gym. I shared a lot of myself during this time, the good days, the bad days, the crafts, the fun, and the anxiety. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with all these posts but it’s a nice time capsule to keep memories of this moment in history. I’m basically a historian haha. Today, I’m writing this from a restaurant, after work, while having a glass of wine. Mask off as per regulation, Vax Pass scanned. Our lives will never be the same but maybe they can be better? I’ve changed so much through this experience, today I feel stronger and hopeful for a bright future. Behind the scenes of what you see here or on social, I’ve been working on some really cool stuff and I’m excited to share it with you. With love,

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Day 363: Counting The Days

Socially distanced. Wearing a mask. Staying home. Staying inside. Working from home. Distanced walks. Banana bread. Zoom meetings. You’re on mute. Loungewear. Self-care. It’s wild to think back to March 13th, 2020. I remember going to the gym in the morning, meeting friends at Drake Commissary for lunch, eating inside. Picking up beers from the brewery, walking home in the sunshine. I went for a walk at magic hour, sat inside at the bar for a pint near our house. The next day my sister came over and we watched Contagion thinking, no way this could happen here. I’m not exactly sure how to ‘celebrate’ one year, it’s not the kind of thing you’d throw a party for. A party is technically illegal these days. I’m gonna keep counting the days until the pandemic is over. Hopefully the end is near but looking at how the vaccinations are rolling out, it might be a while. A couple of friends in Canada got their vaccines this week and I can’t wait to get mine so we can all hang out. I miss seeing friends. events, concerts, yelling in a crowded bar, karaoke, fashion shows, press-previews, or grabbing one last drink at a dive bar. Today we watched The One on Netflix and finished the 8 Episode series. Good show! Sean chopped wood and we had a nice fire, cozied up on the couch. Pretty sure it was only 9 pm when we both fell asleep.

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Day 300: It’s Been Three Hundred Pandemic Days

Today marks 300 days since the pandemic hit. I remember Friday, March 13th, 2020 so vividly. It was the last morning I woke up at 7 am to hit the gym. I started keeping a diary as a way to remember this experience, never thought it would last this long. Also, might have beat my own blogging-streak record with almost 1 post/day for this entire period. That week was the last time I had a big brand photoshoot, my hair was freshly cut and super blonde. Earlier in the week, I went to a massage and swam in the pool at the Shangri-La, recorded a podcast, went to an event, and on Friday night, had a pint inside the local bar. On March 13, 2020, we went to Walmart and the shelves were empty. Panic buying had started, TP, paper towels, and disinfectant wipes were sold out almost everywhere. Staff were wearing gloves and people started making masks at home to wear when they went out. On Monday, March 15th Sean and I decided to pack a bunch of stuff in the truck and head to the cottage. We usually open it up in March/April so thought why not spend a few weeks until this ‘whole thing’ passed over. As cases started to rise, an announcement was made that the kids wouldn’t go back after March Break and they’d eventually start virtual school. What a year It’s been. Despite the tragedy and loss, I’ve learned a lot this year and grown tremendously as a person. Trying to be gentle with myself these days and lean in to this slower way of life. I’m grateful for friends, family, our home, my new found love for cooking, exercising, and taking care of my plants. This week we are seeing 3,000+ cases a…

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Day 275: Start The Week Off Right

Monday is my business day at work and I look forward to it each week. I spend some time yesterday working on brand development for a new client just to get a jump start & start the week off right. I really love being back in an agency and it’s great to work from home. I met our agency co-founder at a party once almost a decade ago saw him briefly for a few meetings this summer when we could. Other than that, I’ve only met everyone virtually! I wonder how many companies will keep doing things this way? I did my first run on the treadmill before my first meeting and it’s SO GOOD. I really loved using the treadmill at the gym last year so I feel like I’m back on my groove. I’ve also got similar weights to those at the gym so no excuses, gonna be even more fit in 2021!

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Day 250: Turtleneck Season

As much as I really don’t enjoy being cold, I love wearing wool, scarves, tights, and turtlenecks in winter. I recently ordered a couple of cashmere-cotton blend turtlenecks from Joe Fresh and they’re great. You can use Sasha’s code SASHA25 to save 25% making them under $20! They can also double as a mask. ? Leopard jacket is also from JF, it’s the ‘Jilly Jacket’ in kids xl. The scrunchie I made about a month ago matches the print perfectly! Ran a few KMs in the city before heading to the office. Found this sculpture not far from the house, not sure if it’s Drake OVO or something by birdo?! We arrived back at the cottage just after 7 pm and Sean opened his new Oculus Quest 2. I’m really keen to try some of the VR fitness with this. Last winter I was able to go to the gym and use the treadmill but this year, once it gets icy, I won’t be running outside. Looking for more ways to stay fit without having to go outside. I’ll post a review of Oculus Quest 2 once I’ve tried a few games.

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Day 244: Friday the 13th, The Sequel 2020

The last Friday the 13th was in March this year, it was the last time I was out in the world pre-pandemic. Woke up early and went to the gym, not knowing it would be my last time there, ever. For lunch, I met some friends at the Drake Commissary we dined inside. On my way home, I picked up a few beers from Henderson Brewery, mask free. The term ‘social distancing’ was all over the news the following day and Canadians were told to stay home. Sean and I watched Contagion and had no idea we’d still be in this global pandemic, 200+ days later. That week, I’d done a talk at my old high school to the graduating students, had a hair appointment, photoshoot, and wrote about going to the gym. On Monday, we made a decision to come to the cottage and packed up everything to stay up in the woods for a ‘little while’. It’s crazy to think back to the start of this pandemic and where we are today. Cases are on the rise and the modeling shows we might see 5,000+ cases a day come December. We could go into full lockdown mode again. I’m glad to have kept this diary, even for my own memory. I’d have no idea how I passed the days if I hadn’t documented what I’ve been doing or how I’m feeling. Who knows how long we’ll be in pandemic times but one day I’ll look back at this and how it changed the world. Maybe I’ll make it into a book! Sending love form the woods, hang in there, we’ll get through this. Here’s my first pandemic diary post back in March 2020:

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Day 241: Pandemic Anxiety

I wasn’t feeling great today. Kept waking up in the night thinking someone was walking through the cottage. Woke up with serious anxiety, went for a run, did a meditation, took a nap. Called mum when after my rest and talked it out. Had a cry, felt a bit better. Mum has a magical way of calming me down, looking at things rationally, and helping me see clearly. A nap always helps too, everything seems more intense when you’re tired. Today, Toronto announced new ‘red zone’ restrictions as cases keep rising in the GTA. Ontario is now seeing over 1,000 cases/day which is kinda scary. As of Saturday, restaurants can no longer have indoor dining, gyms can’t hold fitness classes, no indoor meeting spaces, and bars have 9pm last call. They’re also encouraged people not to hang out with anyone who doesn’t live in their household. It’s crazy we are living through this right now. Being at the cottage feels like we’re escaping and sometimes I start doing something where I forget what’s going on, then I remember. It’s normal to have anxiety, especially now, I’ve found that exercise and meditation have been really helpful. A couple of years ago I was gifted a membership to the Calm app and really got into guided meditation. I found that I really missed using the app and purchased a new membership in the summer. I love the sleep stories by Matthew McConaughey or Harry Stiles. I swear I’ve never heard the end of the story, I always fall asleep! Their website is offering a free week if you’d like to give it a try. If you’re feeling pandemic anxiety, it’s normal, take some deep breaths, go outside for as walk, call a friend, or do something that makes you feel happy. We’ll…

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Day 240: A Second Spring!

We have had the absolute best weather for the last couple of days! It’s been around 20 degrees during the day since Saturday. I’m working most of the day but I love sitting outside for coffee and lunch to soak up some vitamin D. April is here for the week and Sean is back in the city with Emily. So nice to have some quality girl time! I’ve been pretty good with working out the last week and did 4km today before 8am. Last week I treated myself to new running pants for the first time in months as my old ones were falling down. I also ordered Bala wrist/ankle weights and I love them. I tagged them on IG today and they replied, ha! I really hope this warm weather lasts a while, I am NOT READY for winter snow or slippery surfaces. I love running outside so much, not sure what I’m gonna do this year without the gym or a treadmill. Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus Gonna soak up as much sun as I can and make the most if each warm-ish day while I can!

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Day 233: Saving Daylight

Most people usually dread the Monday after Daylight Saving Time. Not me though, I love waking up early and today marks one year since I started working out. Last year, I took that extra hour when I woke up early to start gong to the gym. I didn’t enjoy it at first but I learned to love it. I would spend 5-10 min on the treadmill and 10-15 min with weights. I wanted to establish the habit of going and knew that I didn’t need to work out for a long period each day for it to become a routine. After about a month I started to feel different, mostly my mental health, I had more energy and I was happier. After two months, I really started to notice a difference, my arms were getting toned and I saw a glimmer of an ab or two. By the time I went to Cuba in January, I was feeling really good. I lost about 30 Lbs since this time last year, improved my eating habits, and learned to love exercise. It was cold running outside today but the sun was shining through the trees and the air was fresh. Started a holiday wreath. It’s been ages since I made one. I picked a few branches from the woods between meetings and did a bit more after work. Today I felt that same creative energy I had back in the March/April quarantine. I’m happier when taking a bit of my day to make something creative, a craft, sewing, or try a new recipe. I’m committing to working out each day (M-F) like I did last year, I feel it was a BIG part of what kept my spirits up in the winter months. Creativity and exercise can change your mood. Do something…

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Day 183: You Don’t have to Monetize Every Hobby

I’ve loved sewing my whole life. I also have a new sewing machine that I’ve hardly used for about 8 years. I want to sew, but never had the time or made the time to do it. As a kid, I spent heaps of time sewing with mum. I even started my first business in grade 3 sewing gym bags for classmates. Early into quarantine, I took the time to make things for the pure enjoyment of making them. I did heaps of tie-dye, turmeric dye, made friendship bracelets, and practised line drawing on iPad. The art of creating gives me so much joy. It inspires creativity in other areas of my life. I loved sharing the things I made on social media and mailing some to friends. I was reminded you don’t have to monetize every hobby, it’s incredibly freeing to create for the sake of creating. This weekend, I started sewing again. I took a few items of clothing that were ripped or on their way to donations and made a few scrunchies. The big pink ones are a soft rayon fabric and flop when you doa top know. they used to be part of Joe Fresh shirt from years ago that had a mark on it. It was so fun to make them and patch together my old clothes to make new patterns. I spent most the day sewing, listening to music, watching Netflix, and letting my creative juices flow. After posting my creations, I had a few people saying they want to buy or ask where to order. I’m not there yet, I might never be! For now, the Quarantine 2.0 version of me is Casie Sew-Art. I’m back at my machine baby, who knows what I’ll create next!

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#IMakeALiving MicroConference w/ FreshBooks: June 24th, 11am!

Hi, I am doing a short talk at an online conference on Wednesday, at 11 am. I’m the opener and will be chatting creativity, content, & social media tips. I think it will be fun! ? It’s the shortest presentation I’ve ever done and it looks kinda zany as a visual! #imakealiving By FreshBooks presents 5-Minute Mentors Signup is free and there are 9 great speakers each talking about business for 5 mins + Q&A. Get To Know The Other Speakers: Jon Rettinger is a tech YouTuber w/ over 15M views/month Lisa Carmen Wang is a former USA National Champion and Hall of Fame gymnast turned Serial Entrepreneur Dr. Nicole Garner Scott is a highly sought after serial entrepreneur, finance expert and coach. Mark Asquith, ‘the British podcast guy‘ is a U.K. podcast expert and CEO & co-founder of Rebel Base Media, a podcast tech and strategy company. Dani Nagel is the owner and designer behind popular art apparel line Dazey LA (@dazey_la), a brand with a mission to empower people through conversation. Follow her! I am obsessed with her whole social media presence and style! Neal Schaffer wrote ‘The Age of Influence‘ and I am really looking forward to what he has to share. Corissa Saint Laurent is a serial entrepreneur, professional speaker, and trainer on entrepreneurial wellness, marketing, and branding. Elaine Pofeldt is an independent journalist who specializes in small business and entrepreneurship. She is author of The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business, a look at how solopreneurs are making bank. Meghan Telpner is a Toronto-based author, speaker, nutritionist, and founder of the Academy of Culinary Nutrition. Forbes, and ranked her as one of the top 100 female entrepreneurs in Canada! I’ve been following her for years! REGISTER HERE

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Day 18: Reach Out

Before isolation, I’d been going to the gym 5-7 days/week between 6-7 am from November to March. Over that time, I gained muscle, confidence, a new attitude, and lost 25Lbs. I wasn’t happy with who I was for a long time before I started working out. I was overwhelmed and burnt out. April 2020 marks 15 years of my blog and I’ve spent that whole time being online, sharing my life, and being social. I was tired and needed change. Part of that process was growing out my hair, it’s getting kinda wild. My new hair inspo is Debby Harry! Got a surprise call from Sergio and it was so nice! I love how technology is bringing us together during this weird time. I am here for calls from friends near and far, anytime, on any platform. I’m available, reach out. ? If you need or want to escape I will take you for a walk in the woods. Did some work on my garden and it’s coming along. The lettuce is enough ‘for a garnish‘ as Sean calls it. The celery making some moves too. I saw the news that said ‘Don’t Go To Your Cottage’ and I have anxiety that we’re gonna get cottage shamed. We’ve been here for three weeks, we are staying and isolated. Having things delivered, minimal trips to town. We come up here all year and there’s lots of work to be done. It’s the best place for us to be right now. Emily and I went for a nice walk in the woods about 4k. Today was a pretty good day. It’s been really nice watching winter melt away, things are starting to bloom, and there’s no ice on the road. I hope the sun comes out tomorrow.

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