Meet The 2016/2017 Team TELUS Advocates (waves hi!)

I first met with Telus PR in 2009, since we’ve done some amazing things together. Back then, ‘influencer marketing’ was something for celebrities (Paris, Britney, Beyonce) and I was still working at Much/MTV. Since then, Telus and I have done some really fun things together like mobile updates from around the world, scaling a building, building a garden, and donating to charities. Last year, TELUS created #TeamTelus Advocates, an official group of influencers across Canada to help them spread Telus vibes across the country through community involvement, sharing experiences, and talking about tech. I’m happy to share I’m on the 2016/17 team w/ a bunch of great Canadians! I’ve got a few stories planned over the next couple months including getting my dad set up his first android, travel packages (I’m away most of October!!) AND MY NEW iPHONE 7+! OMG, I can’t wait to get my new phone and take that camera on adventures. Check out some of the #TeamTELUS Advocates below, see full list here. In case you missed the videos we did this year, check out the Mother’s Day one below and scroll a little bit more to see my excited face after scaling down Toronto City Hall at the Rope for Hope for Make-A-Wish Foundation the year before. [youtube id=”7fShXKG4Udw”] Recently, I wrote about my love for the Telus mobile network when we’re up at the cottage, I seriously have the best service up there. Next week I’m joining the Toronto team for The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. October 1st 1pm, Beaches, Toronto. Details here if you want to join me! Thanks for following my adventures, and since a lot of updates come from my phone or via mobile wifi, we really Telus to thank for keeping us connected. I’m excited to share adventures and stories with you this year. Next trip announcement coming soooooooon, there will be…

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Weekend Roadtrippin’ w/ Enterprise CarShare

Last weekend I had my first Enterprise CarShare experience. I applied for a membership a couple weeks before, then downloaded the app for iPhone, logged in using my Member ID, and started browsing cars and dates.  In my experience it’s nice to have a small car for city driving that’s convenient to park and good on gas. Once my car was booked in the app I was ready to roll. I scheduled pickup for Friday at noon and arrived at the pickup location shortly after. Tapped my card on the windshield sensor and it was unlocked. Spent the afternoon running errands in Queen West then popped over to visit my sister in the Beaches. It took a few tries to get used to locking and unlocking the car but it was a breeze overall (instead of using the power locks you tap your member card to the windshield sensor).

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The 8th Wonder of the World, Beautiful Niagara, Ontario

When I was growing up, visiting Niagara Canada was something we did a few times a year. My parents are from New Zealand, so the wonder of the falls and all that surrounds them was something we wanted to show ALL overseas visitors. Now that I’m a grownup, (yay adulting!) I’m looking to visit for a nice relaxing weekend of togetherness. A few years ago we went to Niagara for vacation and it was so fun driving around and discovering new things. There’s heaps of attractions in the Niagara Region, so I’m making a list of fun, couple stuff we can do together. It’s a great getaway that’s not too far from anyone living in Ontario or just over the USA border. Road trip time! This month, Niagara Canada is stating their claim as The 8th Wonder of the World. The region has so much to offer – it’s truly one of mine and Sean’s fav places to escape for romantic couples getaway. And of course, those falls are a massive 176 feet with 150,000 gallons of water crashing down per second, now that truly IS a wonder. Fun Couples Things to Do In Niagara, Ontario Nightlife – I really love casino carpets and stage shows so we definitely want to pop over to the Fallsview Casino Resort and check out one of their amazing presentations. Everyone (including us) has heard about what an unbelievable experience it is to play casino games in Las Vegas and this is something that we would love to get to do one day. Our friends can’t stop going on about it, so I can’t wait until we can join in with their conversations. I have played a few online casino games like those that involve a combination of Online Fishing, Real Money, and eye…

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Being Your Own Boss Has Its Perks – Cottage Workation!

This week we are working form the cottage.☀️?✌?  I find I’m really productive up here. It’s a nice mix of working hard, writing, and taking breaks, snacks, and naps. I usually spend the day writing and doing blog biz things then after 2pm, I go down to the dock, float in the lake, or read on my Kobo. I’m about to finish She’s Not There by Joy Fielding today. ?? ? This will be my 10th book since April, summer goals ✔️!!! A photo posted by ? C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Aug 8, 2016 at 8:22am PDT Today is Sean’s 40th birthday! I know, he looks so young, what a babe! I baked a layered red velvet cake yesterday for later and we opened presents this morning. We’ve got some friends joining us end of the week to celebrate together. If you’re following my Snapchat you’ll have seen these photos and the MASSIVE WATERMELON I got the other day. It’s seriously the biggest one I’ve EVER SEEN. I might cut into it this afternoon. ??? In other news, SEAN GOT ME A CLAWFOOT TUB. I’m in love with it. It’s SO BIG. It’s not set up yet but it will be eventually. I’ve dreamed of having one of these and I’m absolutely over the moon. I sat in it, inside the garage for about 20 minutes yesterday, with no water. It’s MASSIVE! Sending you sunshine from cottage country, here’s to a great week!

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Cerulean Sea, Blue Skies, Boston Besties

This weekend in Boston was really fun. ?? ✈️  The friends I was visiting totally surprised me and flew in a couple we both know from San Francisco, (who used to live in Boston). I totally screamed when they walked in the backyard! ? I love surprises and they totally hid this from me for the last week. THANK YOU BOB AND ELLEN ILU! ?   They pulled together all my Boston BFFs and we had heaps of fun eating great food and lounging by the pool. On Friday night we had dinner with Kristen (in photo) and from then till Sunday morning when I left I was smiling and laughing. I took a break from Snapchat and Pokemon to spend some real FACE TIME with my friends. It was great! It’s been 2 years since I saw any of the crew and some even longer! They always say I bring the sunshine and I totally did, it was an absolute perfect day on Saturday. ☀️? I got home last night after another great flight with Porter Airlines. I absolutely love flying Porter. I’m not 100% on my next vacation destination  *yet* but early August we are up at the cottage for 9 days and I can’t WAIT. It’s Sean’s birthday that week and last year we rented a Seadoo. Have a post-op appt with my surgeon today and hopefully everything is a-ok. Still recovering and in some pain. I’m really happy with the results tho, it’s the first time in my life I’ve been able to comfortable wearing a bathing suit top! ☀️ Here’s to a great week! ☀️  

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Cottage Open, Spring is Finally Here! 

Had a great time at the cottage this weekend. The weather was fabulous! Spent some time reading my book in the sun yesterday between yard work.  There are heaps of leaves to rake, gardening, cleaning, etc. Check my Snapchat story HERE for videos and the wonderful sounds of nature ?

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Travel | My Digital Detox Diary on The Co.

I know I’ve Mentioned how great my last trip to Costa Rica was but was the first real vacation I’ve taken in a while. I’m feeling inspired and I’ve got a fresh perspective on life. I wrote about the experience on The Co. by Jones Media and it’s on the front page today! Read it here!  Today I’m picking up a little Ford Fiesta and cruising home to spend some time with mum. Tomorrow I’m speaking to the grade 6-8 kids at her school about bullying and following your dreams. I wish i had someone like me come and tell me everything will be ok, it’s cool to be weird, and that the job I’d be doing didn’t exist yet. Still eating healthy since my trip and exercising daily. About to go for a run! ? It’s truly amazing what a good getaway will do, staying at Anamaya Resort is a magical experience. Here’s to a wonderful day! A photo posted by The Co. (@voiceoftheco) on Apr 12, 2016 at 11:31am PDT

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Travel| Refreshed, Recharged from Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica!

I’m home. The last week has been so wonderful. I wrote down some thoughts about my Anamaya Resort/Costa Rica experience last night and it’s hard to explain it all in words, but I’m gonna try. Working on an article about my first real digital detox (SPOILER: it was awesome!), and posts about staying at Anamaya Resort, the yoga retreat, the INCREDIBLE food, activities, new friends, the circle (I’ll explain), the treehouse, and a style guide to packing light for jungle living. One things is, Anamaya is an incredibly amazing place to go alone, with a family member, partner, or when you really need to hit the reset button on your life. After 7 days of gluten, dairy, and mostly sugar free free, with no red meat, heaps of fresh juice, tons of water, sunshine, and fresh warm air, I feel alive, and calm. [iframe id=””] Picked up groceries today and loaded up on healthy grains, coconut milk (instead of my usual lactose free), heaps of veggies, fruits (papaya and plantain too), and I’m going try and keep this way of life going. Made a new BFF and am hopefully going back to stay with her in Costa Rica in October. Here’s to a wonderful week and *hopefully* spring like temperatures!

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Anamaya Resort – Welcome to the Jungle, Pura Vida!

Good morning from Anamaya Retreats in Costa Rica! Yesterday was our first full day here and it was magnificent. I’m really making an effort to take a digital detox on this trip but documenting is something I love. I’m running on wifi and often not able to connect with the online world. I’ve been taking photos, making notes, voice recordings, I wanna remember all my thoughts and feeling on this journey. It’s absolutely beautiful, photos don’t do it justice! Feels good to be back on the yoga mat too, I’ve been a bit slack this winter and this trip is like hitting the reset button. Our menu this week is all gluten free and local, Anamaya has a farm that we’re visiting Wednesday to see where a lot of our food comes from. We are staying in a treehouse that is 50ft up with a yoga/hammock deck, and a loft bedroom. It’s the most beautiful treehouse I’ve ever been into, it’s fully equipped a king size bed, drinkable running water, and AC. It’s giving us some good inspiration to build one at the cottage.

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Return on Enjoyment: Finding That Work-Life Balance

I find taking vacation or ‘staycations’ essential to my sanity. If you’re following my Twitter or Snapchat you’ll know that I’m always on the go doing something, events, speaking, dinner, travel. I love it, but tbh it’s pretty exhausting. Putting heaps of energy out (friends, work, or social) can take a lot out of you. In a recent TD survey, they found that us millennials have a hard time finding balance between financial and work commitments, and taking time to relax is a challenge. I can totally relate to this. TD found that 46% of millennials don’t take their allotted vacation days, mostly due to heavy workload (31%) and lack of travel funds (29%). Back when I was working in an agency, I hardly ever took vacation, felt pressure to work late, and when I did take vacation, found myself constantly checking my phone and responding to emails. I know I’m not alone here! The survey found, 90% of Canadian millennials agree that vacation time, even mini-vacations or “staycations”, are essential to keeping them happy. Taking time to recharge doesn’t have to be expensive, I find a good binge weekend with some cooking, takeout, and a nap (or two!) boosts me up. Having a financial plan and a budget will help you get that ROE – Return on Enjoyment. ? This weekend we opened the cottage, going there, even for a 24 hour getaway gives me leaps and bounds of energy. Don’t have a cottage? Make friends with someone who does (heh heh) or check out options like Airbnb or Glamping Hub for affordable getaways. Millennials like us can save for activities by creating a financial plan to account for funding life’s pleasures (or unexpected moments). We could all use a little more vitamin SEA, amiright? ? Other activities with…

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This is My Life | Special Day of The Year ☀️

I’m pretty excited because today is one of my most fav days of the year, the day we open the cottage! ????✌?️?????✋? We’re en route to Muskoka to see how it handled the winter and do some cleanup. It’s a fair bit of work but I take joy every moment. Being up there is so relaxing, the fresh air, lake, trees, country roads. It’s so calming. Make sure you’re following me on the Snapchat ? for a little bit of cottage life.

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Travel | CO/NNECTED: Tech Travel Must Haves

I wrote about a few of my fav things, read it on The Co. here. I’ve got a few items I don’t leave the house without, this stuff is in my bag for work and long trips.  Gadgets & tech for a worldly adventure or a weekend getaway. The Co’s travel and tech expert Casie Stewart shares the ultimate globe trotter’s guide to staying connected while abroad. [Read more] PureGear braided Apple  Belkin BOOST↑UP™ adapter This is Ground Cord Taco, Fitzy Cord Keeper Happy Plugs, Telus Rudsak Clutch Other things I never leave home without? Burt’s Bees original, a Sharpie, and a great pair of sunnies. Happy to share any other fag gadgets or travel apps. If you’ve got a question or something to share, leave a comment or tweet me @casiestewart. Wishing you safe & happy travels!  

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Travel | Win a Trip for 2 to Cabo w/ Sunwing & Los Cabos Tourism

I bet the beach sounds preeeeeeety good right now. This weekend Toronto is looking at some really cold temperatures, -15 to be exact. So, perfect time to daydream about being on a beach like I was a couple weeks ago. Los Cabos Tourism and Sunwing Vacations sent a bunch of influencers to Cabo, there we documented our adventures, in food, fun, and nightlife. Watch the video below and visit to win a trip for two to Cabo! I wish you all good luck, you’ll love it! [iframe id=””]

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Travel | Treehouse Glamping in Ontario w/ Glamping Hub

My first trip of the year wasn’t to a sunny destination, it was up north to a tiny little solar-powered treehouse north of Toronto. Glamping Hub invited me to stay at a destination of my choice, so naturally I picked a cool one. Glamping Hub is home to some of the coolest non-traditional camping spots around the world. They’ve got luxury camping available in tree houses, yurts, tipis, camper vans, safari and fancy tents. I’m hoping to explore a few more of their destinations in South/Central Ontario. Here’s my first Glamping Hub experience!  [symple_divider style=”solid” margin_top=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″]

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Travel | Hi From Mexico

Cabo was amazing! More about our trip later. Some photos till then!  

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Travel | Byeeeeeeeee Winter, Next Stop Cabo!

Well guys, I’ve been home for a few days and it’s time to get back on a plane and get outta here! Hopefully I spend WAY less in the airport than I did last week. Sean and I are going to CABO with Sunwing Vacations. Here’s a little sneak peek of what I’m doing there.  I’ll be sharing all kinds of updates on Twitter @casiestewart, Snapchat ?  (casiestewart), and even on Periscope. I’ll be sure to take you on a hotel tour, to the beach, and maybe out to sea in a glass bottom boat.

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Travel | Made it to Detroit for NAIAS 2016 w/ Ford

Good morning! Well, yesterday was QUITE A DAY. Broke my record for longest airport stay (18HRS) also had my first ever airport shower (in the Air Canada Lounge). I’m now in Detroit, MI for the North American International Auto show. Staying at the Westin and had a great sleep, their beds are AHHHmazing! Today is a jam packed day of media things at Cobo Hall in the convention centre. This is my third trip to the show and I’m looking forward to seeing new car technology, concept cars, and what Ford is launching for the year.   Follow along on Snapchat (casiestewart) & Twitter  (@casiestewart) for all kinds of up to the minute shenanigans and me making the most of every moment.  

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Travel | I’m Delayed at the Airport So I Wrote You Some Notes

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Travel | Where Did My Scion Take Me?

One thing I love about my job is getting to try new products and experiences I (probably) wouldn’t  get to do otherwise. Growing up my dad had a hot rod shop and my love for cars started early. I used to spend heaps of time in the garage playing, sanding, hammering, and listening to golden oldies. So, when I get to drive a brand new car ‘for work’ it’s pretty freaking awesome. Here’s my experience with the brand new Scion iM. [symple_divider style=”solid” margin_top=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″] I picked up the Scion at Toronto HQ in Scarborough on a nice sunny day in November. I had a great week of planned for us including a trip to London, Ontario to speak at TEDx Western University. The car had five doors which were great for packing in all my things for a weekend away. I could have taken a couple passengers with ease.  Mileage was great, filled up once during the week for about $45 and again before I returned it (as you do). I took the car on a couple road trip including a visit to mum’s house in Cambridge, ON with my sister. This is us singing LOUDLY to ‘Hello’ by Adele. The sound system was pretty good and I was able to connect my iPhone to the NAV system in a couple seconds. One of the first things I test in a new car. The body kit gives this little racer a sporty feel and 17″ wheels (standard) look pretty pimp. Since it’s a hatchback, the Scion iM makes a great city car; easy parking and zipping around downtown. On my way home from visiting the parents after my TEDx talk I drove through a beautiful (double rainbow (you can’t see the second part in this photo but I saw it. Overall, good little vehicle,…

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Quick Update from the Treehouse in the Woods

Helloooooo! This week has been absolutely amazing. My batteries are recharged and I’m fuelled with a fire that will last forever. ☀️?????? We have had so much fun out here. It’s truly amazing to connect with nature and disconnect (a bit). We’ve survived the last few days with no running water, a portable burner for cooking, and logs on the wood stove. Thankful for snow to melt! A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 5, 2016 at 2:05pm PST Woke up early to a pink sky so I trekked to the top of a hill behind us to appreciate it. Video on Snapchat ? casiestewart. TECHNICOLOR DREAMBOAT ✌?️???❄️☀️ Loved being in the woods the last few days. Getting into the swing of 2016 & will share my thoughts on treehouse living on the blog. This suit was my mum’s ski suit in the 80s ?✌?️ #discoveron #cottagelife #glampinghub #vintage #travel A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 6, 2016 at 1:21pm PST Heading back to the city today!  

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Travel | Detroit in January w/ Ford Canada

Early January (after the tree house adventure) I’m flying to Detroit, Michigan for the North American International Auto Show. This is my third time at the show with Ford Canada as part of their global blogger/media outreach. A couple years ago I attended the show and Ford snapped this great photo of me right before the auditorium filled up for a major media announcement. The NAIAS is very exciting and a super cool experience. I even made it into the Detroit Free Press, see here! Last year 5,000 journalists attended from 60 countries. Happy to be heading back! On Earth Day 2015 I was in Dearborn, Michigan to learn about Ford’s commitment to sustainability. Can’t wait to find out what secrets and launches will be revealed in January. TELL ME ALL THE THINGS. The press preview (Jan 10-12th) features 750 vehicles, interactive displays,  as NAIAS is North America’s largest and most prestigious auto showcase. I’ll be documenting my experience with Ford and sharing all kinds of BTS about launches, announcements, and other fun stuff we get up to. Make sure you’ve got me on the SNAPCHAT: casiestewart. This year we’re staying at the Westin instead of in Dearborn, MI. It’s been ages since I visited the D and have a little bit of time to explore when I arrive and the start of our media adventures. Canadian Bloggers Attending #FordNAIAS 2016: Andréane Viau Ann Bacciaglia Chad Cranston Daniel Bader Daniel Desforges Davindra Ramnarine Eric Novak Jennifer Van Huss Jessica Terry Justin Connors Kathryn Lavalee Knowlton Thomas Matthew Tully Mike Grenek Nancy Polanco-Chansavang Shannon Leverette Shannon Mischuk Vernon Chang I’m ready for a year of adventure and excitement!

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I’m Going to a Treehouse!

2016 is almost here and I’m feeling excited, finally. The last couple of months my energy has been low and I’ve been spending more time at home recharging. Well, it worked!  I’ve got three trips planned for January and this year will be full of adventure. [symple_divider style=”solid” margin_top=”10″ margin_bottom=”10″] The first on my travels is a short stay at a treehouse North of Toronto via I’ve been working with them to plan a stay at one of their many glamping (glamourous camping) locations in Ontario. I’ve never been one for camping but glamping or a quaint cabin in the woods is right up my alley. This is a new take on the winter cottage, cottage life! We’ve chatted about building a tree house at the cottage in Muskoka and something like would be a DREAM. I can’t wait to take you on my adventures! The Glamping Hub location I’m staying at with April next week is a solar-powered treehouse hidden between trees, located on 6,000 acres of forest and trails. It’s the peaceful escape I’m looking for without being TOO far from the city. I hope that it’s snowy and we spend our days reading by the fire and cooking up hearty, healthy meals. If winter has left by then (you never know these days!), we’ll take advantage of the trails. If you’re keen to book a weekend in a fancy tent, cabin, treehouse, cozy cottage, or some other unique space, check out Canadian Weekend Getaway or other glamping spots around the world at

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Travel | Travelcuts DOCUMENTARY Finalists – Vote for Your Fav

Hola and Happy Tuesday! Last week I viewed all the entries for the travelcuts documentary film festival and piked my favs. There were a handful of awesome entries. I’m dying to jump in a plane and go on an adventure after watching. It’s easy to vote, just share the hashtag that goes with your fav entry. I’ve listed each hashtag with the videos below. If you visit you can see the 3 finalist videos and easily vote there too.  Voting goes until Nov. 17th and the winner will be announced the following week at the screening. Exciting! ?☀️✈️?????✌️??❤️??

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Travel | See The World Your Way – travelcuts FilmFest

After working with travelcuts earlier this year, I’m happy to share they’ve hired me as a travel expert to judge their travelcuts Doc Film Fest. Yeah baby! The festival will be a collection of short travel docs covering awesome featuring young travellers on exciting and unique adventures. This contest gives aspiring filmmakers a chance to show off their talents. It’s expected that a lot of people will enter this competition, meaning that the standard will probably be high. To ensure your film stands out amongst other entries, it might be worth looking into some specialized software. As many professional filmmakers make use of digital cinema package editing software, people entering this competition might want to look for an online DCP guide to include some advertising in your travel film. This is the first teaser trailer for the four-part mini-series. [iframe id=””] Now it’s YOUR chance to show us where you’ve been. At the end of November, we’ll have an official screening where the top three submissions will be showcased as well as the full-length videos from the mini-series. One finalist will be announced as the winner of the $2,000 travel card. Look out world! How to Enter the Travel Cuts Doc Film Fest Upload your video to YouTube and include your first name + last initial and #travelcutsDOC in the description. Videos should be 2-5 minutes in length, and must be created by YOU! If you’re using footage from a trip you took a while ago, make a nice new cut for your entry. Contestants must fill out the form on, only entries accepted will be those submitted using the entry form. On October 21st, we’re hosting on online Twitter chat from from 9-10PM and Id love you to join. I’ll make sure to remind you closer to the…

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Travel | 48 Hours in Calgary – Public Art Around Every Corner!

Had a chuckle watching this video shared by Tourism Calgary today. We were really busy and did heaps of things in 48 hours, there’s so many moments little moments I kinda forget. Good thing we had a camera crew following us around to capture them. See the full 2 min video here and check out all the fun things to do in Calgary at [youtube id=”IXcGPddYkx0″]   Get your camera ready—there’s public art around every corner. @casiestewart — Tourism Calgary (@TourismCalgary) September 2, 2015

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Travel | Working From the Cottage Today 

Hello, hello? What’s that sound? Waves crashing in the background! Stayed a little longer at the cottage this weekend and am working from this little spot after spending 2 hours on emails + editing in the hammock. It’s a rough life! Biebs just released the video for What Do You Mean and I’ve been playing this tune over and over. I’ve always been a fan of his! Back in my days at MuchMusic & MTV he performed at the MMVAs and I was SO close. Once I got to meet in him NYC. Here’s to a great week my friends. SUMMER IS NOT OVER. This week is gonna be mega hot, get your togs on an hit the beach! ☀️? CASIE

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Hometown w/ Ma Homies

This weekend I’m heading home to hang out with my parents, sister, and go to an old friends wedding. I’m pretty excited to see everyone. There will be heaps of people I’ve not seen in a LOOOONG time. I know we’ll have lots of laughs and I can’t wait to cut up the dance floor like old times. Me: Seeing everyone and the whole wedding thing gives me a bit of anxiety. Knowing I’ll be there with my sister is comforting though! Sean is getting construction started on the cottage so I’m taking mum as my date. Next weekend we have another wedding! My blog babe BFF Carly is getting hitched! If you ever get that chest pain anxiety, I know how you feel! Found this the other day via Tanvi Swar and I’ve watched it about 1,000 times since. Make sure you’re following my SNAPCHAT – casiestewart. I’ll be amusing myself with Snaps all weekend and sharing my hometown! Sending you sunshine through the internet.☀️☀️☀️☀️ ? CASIE

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