Travel | Postcard from Montreal

A couple years ago Sean and I drove to Montreal in a Fiesta for a weekend sponsored by Ford Canada. It was really fun and the weather was warm. We stayed at the W Montreal which I totally love, ate good food, and spent afternoons in the sunshine. This is the video Sean edited of our weekend ‘Postcard from Montreal’. Summer, please come back soon. I’m dying to get back up the the cottage ♥ CASIE

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Take Me Back, Back to Cali

Sean and I went to California for a week this summer, and it was SO FUN. I love the sunshine, the shops, the lifestyle by the beach. We rented a convertible and drove the Pacific Coast Highway, ate good food, worked on our tans, and spent much time at Disneyland. This cold weather does not seem to be letting up for all of us in Canada so instead of being wah wah CRYING about it, I’ll relive our summer love in LaLa Land. We stayed at the Disneyland Resort, and thanks to Disneyland and their Canadian team for the invite. It was amazing to live like a kid and experience all the fun of the most magical place on earth. Hopefully these pix brighten your day! Room service prezzie from Mickey Mouse! Surf’s up in Malibu Oh what I would give to have my feet in the sand right now Now this is love! His face vs my face lol ♥ Hollywood Saw a concert at the Hollywood Bowl Sunset in Laguna Take me back back to Cali. <3 CASIE

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Travel | Ontario Winter Vacation at Blue Mountain Ski Resort

I’ve spent the last 24 hours in our little chalet tucked away in the woods. Later this afternoon we checkin to our next destination, The Westin at Blue. Looking forward to skating on the pond later and swimming the heated outdoor pool. I love vacation! It’s been ages since I had a nice relaxing Ontario winter vacation. Winter vacations aren’t for everyone and I know a lot of people who would rather sunbathe on a nice hot beach but there’s something so peaceful about relaxing in a white winter wonderland. Different people love a nice snowy holiday for different reasons too. Some love to take their all mountain ski and bomb down a slope, others (like me) like to have a relaxing holiday of chilling in heated pools and hot chocolate, and others use the cold as an excuse to drink lots because it will “keep me warm!” Although, it doesn’t matter what your reason for the holiday is, as long as you have fun! We woke up to a whole bunch of fresh show. It’s quite cold and windy. Perfect weather to hibernate and enjoy the scenery. The only sound out here is my boots crunching in the snow with each step. <3 CASIE Lipitor without prescription Plavix without prescription Prednisolone without prescription Sildenafil without prescription

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No Regrets by Gunnarolla on YouTube

I met Andrew aka Gunnarolla via Twitter when we found out we’d both been chosen to go on the trip to Thailand with Contiki. He is simply amazing and super talented. One of my fav people from the trip for sure. This is us with Sam and Leah on the last night in Thailand making up a song on the spot. It was simply hilarious. The video below is Andrew’s latest tune. I watched it with joy knowing I was there for a few of the shots. They all move really fast so you might not see me but me and the Internet know I was there! No Regrets by Gunnarolla on YouTube In other news, Andrew introduced me to a new platform called Subbable where you can support your fav YouTubers. Remember, these peeps are making things to entertain you with their own money, gadgets, and talents (like us bloggers, most the time!). Shout them if you love ’em! I gave some love (aka $$) to Andrew’s profile yesterday and now patiently away the arrival of my Red Box. LOVE YOU MAN! Here’s to an amazing 2014 and living with NO REGRETS! <3 CASIE Buy Cozaar without prescription Buy Diflucan without prescription Buy Finasteride without prescription

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Travel | Thailand w/ The ContikiThai Crew!

Check out this great vid by my Vancouver buds the Sunday Fundayz. These dudes were so much fun to hang out with in Thailand. They’re the ones doing backflips and splits in my photos. We crammed heaps of adventure into our 10 days. Now that’s so dang freezing here I’m really wishing I was back in the hot, hot sun. If you love travel, subscribe to the Sunday Fundayz on YouTube, they’re constantly on adventure! They also have a clothing line of which I just ordered a pile of stuff. Thailand via Instagram: 46 Photos in 15 Seconds Made this little video using Statigram, an app that allows you to create a video from your Instagram vids. Super great for summarizing trips, special moments, or looking back at the year past. It’s free but for $1.99 you can add your own watermark as I did below. Stay warm out there, <3 CASIE

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Travel | Good Time Adventures in Koh Tao, Thailand

We went on an afternoon snorkelling cruise with Good Time Adventures around Koh Tao, Thailand. It was absolutely amazing! Our crew was so much fun and we drank, swam, jumped off the boat, and visited beaches. The shot of Jenni above was assisted by our Tour Leader, Luke, way to go! These photos were taken with my Canon Rebel SL1. To see the group I was travelling search #ContikiThai on Twitter or Instagram and visit this Twitter list. Thank you to Contiki, Tourism Thailand, and Good Time Adventures for this experience. It was absolutely amazing. I’ve got a few more pic from this cruise on my Instagram here too. Hope this warms up your Monday! <3 CASIE

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I’m Back from Thailand, The Trip of a Lifetime

It’s 5:14Am right now and I arrived in TO last night at 6pm. My BF and the EmBot picked me up from the airport with flowers and I ordered us Swiss Chalet from on the way home from YYZ. Festive Specials of course, quarter chicken white with fries. My last two weeks in Thailand have been the trip of a lifetime. Made friends I’ll have forever, memories to keep me warm for years, and experiences I only ever dreamed would happen. I’ll be sharing stories from my adventures over the next few weeks. You can check up on all the peeps I was in tour with via this list. Feel free to creep my Instagram for photos that will  warm you up all winter. I’m going to try and keep the same excitement in photos that I’ve had on the road. There is so much beauty in life to capture. It’s kinda nice to come home with the snow for Christmas. I’m happy to be sitting on my couch right now. Not sure where my next adventure will be just yet but I’ll take you with me, as always. Thank you for following my journey and reading my blog along the way. I appreciate you! With love from Canada, <3 CASIE

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Welcome to the Jungle … on Ko Tao in Thailand

Hi from the jungle! Where it is very hot. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt so relaxed in my entire life. By the time you read this I will be getting a massage at the spa on this beach. This is where I had breakfast. It was delicious. I have lost a few LBs because I’m not eating that much. A vacation like this is the perfect pre-holiday detox! Currently hiding away in my mosquito net bed where’s safe from mozzies. They are crazy! It rained all night and now they are hungry. Apparently they love me. Hope you are having a great day! With love from Thailand, <3 CASIE   Buy Amitriptyline without prescription Buy Amoxicillin without prescription Buy Clomid without prescription Buy Cymbalta without prescription

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If You Take The Ferry to Ko Tao, Sit on the Upper Deck

 Yesterday we took the ferry to Ko Tao from Ko Samui. So many people were throwing up and feeling sick. It was pretty disgusting. I went to the top level and had a great time with the sun on my face and wind in my hair. You have to pass through hell to get to heaven apparently. It was raining when we got to the pier. I loved the ferry ride and did not feel sick at all.  Having a GoPro is really awesome. You can expect more vids from my going forward. Arrived at the island around 4:30pm to be greeted by more rain. We are staying at Charm Churee Vila, a boutique resort & spa. It’s beautiful! Had a fairly early night after dinner and couple cocktails last night. This is Jenni & Luke from Contiki. The entire team travelling with us are so awesome. If you are ever looking for a really cool travel job, you’ll surely find one there. I want to go on more Contiki tours. We are doing all kinds of things the regular groups do in Thailand. I really want to discover Italy, France, and Africa with Contiki, This BBQ meal by the beach was absolutely amazing. Had an amazing sleep. It doesn’t get much better than this! Make the post most of each day my friends, the world is yours to discover! <3 CASIE

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I made cameos in some serious YouTuber’s vids guys.

Selects from our Thailand trip, Day 2! We went to the Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, and then got on a plane to Chiang Mai where we saw a ladyboy cabaret. Then, as tradition would have it, we got soaked. Follow #ContikiThai for more updates. Buy Amoxil without prescription Buy Clomid without prescription Buy Flomax without prescription Buy Fluoxetine without prescription

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Maesa Elephant Camp in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Yesterday we visited ปางช้างแม่สา aka Maesa Elephant Camp in Chiang Mai. There are over 75 elephants there and they have a pretty good life! They are retired logging elephants and aren’t able to go back into the wild once they’ve worked. They are treated very well and do activities like soccer, basketball, and painting. Lauren and I rode Bajan, a 61 year old elephant. He was massive, bigger than the other ones! It was so much fun. We rode through the mountain jungle for about an hour. The camp is about 45 minutes from downtown Chaing Mai. Absolutely amazing experience. Today we are flying to Koh Samui. With love, CASIE   Buy Tadalafil without prescription Buy Abilify without prescription Buy Aciphex without prescription

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You Are the Engine: Riding Bikes in Chiang Mai

Started the day with a bike ride around Chiang Mai. We cruised all over he place through streets, into the forrest, jungle style, rice fields, visited a hospital, and more.  It was super fun. You know how much I love riding bikes. “The bicycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine.” ~ John Howard I swear I’m not that much of a diva but in this group I really seem like one. 700 year old temple.   Wow! Such awesome! So Thailand! Rice. This afternoon we visit elephants and ride them! <3 CASIE Overnight US Drugs Online Pharmacy Around The World Trusted Pharmacy Online US Pharmacy

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SPA-mazing! Shangri-La Chiang Mai

Started the day at a temple where I was blessed by monk. We had free time to do whatever we like after that so I took the opportunity to treat myself. I spent the afternoon in the spa at the Shangri-La and it was fantastic! Had the BEST massage of my life. (It was my 6th spa of the trip too btw!) Check it out! So beautiful eh? It was a fantastic experience! Stopped by an art gallery before going back to the hotel. I am in love with Thailand. I’m here till the 28th and each day is full of adventure. Currently en route to a Thai cooking class with the groceries we just picked up! Make sure you are following me on Twitter and Instagram for the play by play! With love from Thailand! XO CASIE Online Greenline Pharmacy Online Lawrence Walter Pharmacy Online overnight drug delivery Pharmacy USA

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Thailand Adventures Day 2

OMG HI! This is some of what I have was doing while you were sleeping.  It’s fun being in the future! I’ve been using my GoPro and the APP is AWESOME! Photos from my Canon will be added later. Right now I’m short on time so these are all from mobile. Sitting in the BKK Airport lounge before flying to Chiang Mai. We started the day at the floating markets about an hour outside Bangkok. Thai Diet Coke aka Diet Coke light. It tasted the same which is DELICIOUS. Ryker was amazing at bargaining with this lady from our boat. It lasted about 15 minutes and he got a wooden wine holder.  The boats were super rocky and we spent lots of time screaming and laughing. This goes out to Britney the Queen! I was not scared and actually love snakes. True fact! Gave it a lil’ kiss and left some red lipstick. The Sunday Fundayz boys are a hoot. Parker = crazy. This was en route to airport. Thailand Ikea – THAIKEA! Ok now onto the next stop! Have an amazing day and remember to make the most of each moment. NO REGRETS! <3 CASIE Buy Overnight Drugs awc pharmacy Canadian Pharmacy Online

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Thailand Adventures Day 1

If you’ve been following along, this blog post seems late. I am 12 hours ahead of Toronto so all the real action happens before I get time to blog. Here’s some photos from Day 1. Check my tweets for more info and please leave questions & comments below! It’s crazy I’ve only been here for one full day and we have 10 more to go! Much love from THE FUTURE! XO CASIE Buy Fluoxetine no prescription Buy Professional Levitra Buy Topamax no prescription Buy Wellbutrin no prescription

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McDonald’s Fries in China Taste the Same

I had some time to kill so I waited in line at Maccas for about half an hour just to get some fries. I’ve tried McDonald’s in every country so far so I owe it to myself to keep this going. Have a feeling I will lose weight on this trip because although I am an adventurous girl, my eating habits are the opposite. The food on Air Canada on the way here was great btw.     Apparently this app ‘Momemt Cam’ is popular over here. Can someone tell me what the significance/rules are around this Starbucks sign is? Pretty stoked to get to the hotel in Bangkok and catch some sleep in a nice bed. The next 12 days are gonna be awesome! With love from HK, CASIE XO Buy Cozaar no prescription Buy Diflucan no prescription Buy Finasteride no prescription

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Hi from Vancouver, Next Stop Hong Kong!

 This is me after flying 5hrs from Toronto to Vancouver. HIIIII! It’s quite cloudy here, no surprise there! We’re about to board the plane for the 14hr flight to Hong Kong. I’ll hopefully sleep for most of the flight. Managed to sleep for 3/5 hours on the way here. I have no problem catching the zzzz’s! We have 4hrs in the Hong Kong airport which will be pretty neat I reckon. Stoked for the warm weather in Thailand. Had a great sandwich from Air Canada on the way here and watched ‘Now You See Me’.  A movie about magicians who rob bangs with magic tricks. I was in and out of sleep near the end so I don’t quite recall what happened. The view flying into Vancouver through these beautiful clouds over the mountains was breathtaking! Catch y’all on the flip side! <3 CASIE

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I’ve mentioned it here and there around the web but this is my formal post, CONTIKI IS SENDING ME TO THAILAND! I leave on Saturday for 2 weeks away with about a dozen of Canada’s top YouTubers. I’ve never been to Asia and had to get a bunch of shots last week to get me prepped. We have an AMAZING itinerary planned by the great team at Contiki. I am honestly SO EXCITED. I’ve heard it’s a great time of year to go there and considering we might get snow today, I’m ready for some sunshine. I’ve been tracking the weather in Thailand and it’s been over 25 degrees every single day for the last week. I’ve been pinning photos and articles on a new Thailand – Nov. 2013 board. It’s so beautiful there!   I’ve known about Contiki as a great travel company from heaps of my cousins and friends down under. I love their NO REGRETS attitude and all the positive images they post  about travel and exploring the world. Like this one… Some Of the People Going Most of the peeps are YouTubers! I am stoked to meet them all. Grabbed this screen shot from Andrew Gunnarolla’s video about the trip. I’ve made a Twitter list of everyone going if you want to creep and meet my travel buddies. Former Much VJs Sarah Taylor and Tim Deegan are two you might recognize. I just got a new GoPro so I’ll be uploading vids to my YouTube channel along the trip. Subscribe here! Follow along our adventures with the #ContikiThai hashtag too. Top 5 things to Do in Thailand 1) Stock up at the night markets 2) Indulge at the spa 3) Hit the beach 4) Chill out at the temples 5) Dance at a Full Moon Party Things…

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Urban Farming is Big in Japan

I never really thought I’d be into farming but urban farming, now that’s stylish. Came across this video about urban farming in Japan via @tasdesignbuild. I love sustainable architecture that either helps the environment or uses technology to make it functional.   This my friends, is an awesome beginning… In other news, you can now buy Joe Fresh online. Weeeeeeeee! <3 CASIE

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A Disposable Waterproof Camera is Always a Great Idea

It’s only been a couple weeks since we got back from our Disney + California trip. Sadly, the seasons are changing and Fall weather is on its way. I’m wearing layers and socks. We were all heading down to the pool on this day and I decided to pop into the hotel gift shop and see how much a disposable waterproof camera was. It was one of the best $20 I spent on the trip. It’s so rare to have actually printed photos anymore and these are just a few of the selections I’ll keep forever. We had SO much fun on this trip. I can’t help but start planning my next vacation. This time, I’m looking for a digital detox, somewhere I can go surfing and shut out the world. Here’s to summer, best friends, and daydreaming of California sunshine. Thanks again to Joyce, Angela and Disney for sending us on a trip we’ll never forget. Buy Tadalafil Buy Abilify Buy Aciphex

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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Duckface at Disney!

Can you believe we met Donald Duck and made duckfaces? Oh yeah, it happened! This was right near Ariel’s Grotto in Disneyland Adventure Park. We had a cocktail and went on some roller coasters. Love Lauren’s selfie w/ the Duck himself. Disneyland was SO MUCH FUN! Deff worth going on a vacay there without the kids for some fun in the sun. It was wonderful to let loose and be young again! See the entire set here, all photos with Canon Rebel SL1. Thank you again to Disney Canada for sending on the trip of a lifetime! Enjoy the day! <3 CASIE

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It Helps to Have Good Luggage

We packed up to leave LA with our suitcases in the back seat of the convertible. The sun was shining bright, tanning my shoulders, and I could smell the sweet salt of the ocean as we left Santa Monica. It felt like I was in a movie.

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2013 Chevy Camaro Convertable in California

We had so much fun cruising around in the 2013 Chevy Camaro Convertable in California. We randomly decided to get a rental once we got to the hotel and I’m so GLAD they had this. It was $25 more per day than a compact car  from Hertz and so totally worth it! You deff need a car in LA. I can’t imagine being on vacation or living there without a car. I loved hitting the open road and driving to the beach, top down of course. I loved Venice Beach the most. It reminded me so much of where I lived in Bondi Beach in Australia. Did you know that the real Abbot Kinney was a tobacco millionaire who founded it in 1905? Oh the things you learn on Wikipedia.  

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We Can Live Beside the Ocean, Leave the Fire Behind

Went to Santa Monica today. Beautiful. So chilled out. I love California so much. I miss surfing, salt water skin, and sandy hair…. Sitting on the tarmac now about to head home. Can’t wait to go through photos from this trip, I have hundreds! Back in the office tomorrow then cottage this weekend. Will be a nice calm before the storm of TIFF! With love from California, CASIE   everclear santa monica buy Bactroban cream online buy bupropion online buy cipro online Buy citalopram Online

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Route 66? #disneyvacay

Ok not the real route 66 but the one at Disney Adventure Park. We went on so many rides today it was really fun. Just came back from cocktails at the pool and now it’s time for fancy dinner. With love from California, CASIE The @DisneylandToday California Adventure has a sick backdrop. — Lauren O’Neil (@laurenonizzle) August 26, 2013 Cars! — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) August 26, 2013   @casiestewart @helloLisaNg @laurenonizzle Great pic! And here’s one of you three from mid race #disneyvacay — Paul St. Onge (@paulstonge) August 26, 2013 Casie is eating #hotdoglegs for lunch — Lauren O’Neil (@laurenonizzle) August 26, 2013

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Laguna Beach + Catamaran Cruise

Yesterday we went to Laguna Beach. It was fun. Lauren, Sarah, and I had a little photoshoot after our BBQ cookout. I have heaps of photos to share but we are all meeting for brekky so I gotta run. Here’s some GIF action of us girls and tweets from the crew yesterday. [View the story “Dana Wharf Catamaran Cruise in the OC” on Storify] We drove home in our sweet convertible and caught the end of the sunset before making it back to Disneyland. Today we hit Adventure Park and go on as many rides as we can! Follow our adventures on Twitter/Facebook with #disneyvacay hashtag or click HOME above to see the live feed. <3 CASIE Tweet #DisneyVacay Buy Propecia Online Buy Sildenafil Online Buy Trazodone online Buy Zithromax online

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