Lac-Leamy Casino: Vegas Vibe w/ Canadian Kindness!

Last weekend Sarah and I had so much fun at Lac-Leamy in Gatineau. We took off Friday from Porter and flew back Sunday afternoon in time for Easter. Overall the entire experience was super fun, our favourite was the food and great service. Awesome local getaway if you’re in Ottawa, Toronto, or surrounding area and looking for a Vegassy getaway without crossing the border. Here’s a video recap of our girls getaway! Lac-leamy Casino Recap Here’s a little recap of our BFF weekend at Casino Lac-Leamy in Gatineau. It was super fun and relaxing! See more about our experience on the blog! Their Now Boarding theme runs till April 22. 🙂 Posted by casie stewart: this is my life on Friday, April 6, 2018 Casino Lac-Leamy sent me and my lovely guest to experience their ‘Now Boarding’ promotion that runs till April 22nd. All the staff were dressed in flight attendant uniforms, they had dancers performing each night, and a variety of other games and promotions happening. We tried to do it all! Sarah and I had two great dinners, checked out the cafe, learned to play table games, hit the slot machines, played Blackjack, got a massage, went to the pools, hit the club, slept in, ate chips in bed, and had brunch in the executive lounge. I was very glad I had practiced on the two up casino on my phone before playing!It was perfect. On Friday night we had had dinner at La Baccara, a great spot for foodies. It’s no wonder they’ve won so many awards, the food and service were both incredible. Sarah had a specially prepared vegan meal (they knew she was coming) and I went for the lamb (I love lamb, I’m kiwi!). The food presentation was out of this world and…

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Opening the Cottage 2018

Ok it wasn’t summer but it was realllllly warm in the sun. I sat out on the deck reading my book for a while and came in with a little tan line. We were walking out on the lake and have been hearing it crack all weekend. It’s very thick, we weren’t even able to cut through it with the chainsaw. The sound is like a quiet *boom* and you can feel it in your stomach or chest. We heard a loud one while we were walking so that’s a wrap on that! Lol. It’s absolutely stunning tho. Lots of neighbours were out on the lake today. Families, baby strollers, dogs. I love being up here and slowing down. There’s lots of instruments and time to do creative projects or take naps. I’ve read a lot this weekend. Sean cut down a couple trees and I kept a few pieces for a friend and making stuff. The wooden cutting/cheese boards we made last year were a real hit. I love spraying things with rose gold Krylon. Feeling great and ready for a good week. I’m directing a shoot on Tuesday. Thursday, Sarah and I are flying out for a girls getaway. Sunday is Easter and we’ll be back up here for a couple days. Can’t wait to see what state the lake is in by then. 12 degrees on Wednesday!

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Mammary Memory, Thanks Facebook!

Two years ago today I was in Cabo with Sean on a sponsored trip w/ Sunwing. It was an ok trip. We had a pretty strict itinerary and were at a remote resort but the sun was beautiful and we had a great room. When I look at this photo, I think about how I had to post a certain number of things each day and it was kinda stressful. This was one of the photos I posted to IG during the trip to document stand paddle boarding. The other thing I see when I look at this photo is the size of my boobs. Six months after this trip I had a breast reduction. For years I would hide them, they never fit properly in a bathing suit, or a bra, especially a sports bra. I hated them and was at the point where I was willing to pay for the surgery myself when the phone call came in. I am so glad I went through that process and have smaller boobs now. The biggest change, aside from working out in 1 bra only is the effect it had on my mental health. I’m happier. I’m more confident. I was always a happy person with confidence but the change for me is in how I feel on the inside. I don’t stress about shirt buttons popping open anymore, I can just throw on something and get dressed really fast, I wear tighter stuff without feeling likes someone might say “whoa Tits McGee!”. That happened a few times before lol. I can laugh about it now, but having huge boobs was something that I really stressed about. I had a DD and was 100Lbs when I started high school, it wasn’t fun. For the last few years before the surgery, I never wore v-neck, low cut,…

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New Year New You!? Same Me!

I mean new me kinda because you’re like,  you’re always changing. Right? Maybe you’re looking to make some changes in your life this year and there is no time like RIGHT NOW. Tomorrow you’ll wish you started today. I really want to get fit this year. I’ve been home a couple days and made yoga + hit the gym. I feel good. I’m not sure when or IF jet lag is going to kick in but I’m ready for it. Update: I feel it today. I don’t have heaps planned this week in an effort to maintain self-care and get a fresh start on 2018. When I go to the gym I don’t stay for a super long time but I’m proud of myself every single time I go. I’ve had gym anxiety my whole life, until now. I hated going up until I had my breast reduction last summer. It took a while to be emotionally ready to workout, but last summer I signed up for my first every gym membership. YAY ME. Before the operation, I hardly ever worked out and when I did never wore anything with cleavage to avoid getting unwanted attention. I used to wear 3 sports bras to keep those bad boys still if I wanted to run. I was always fully covered in t-shirts for yoga and tank tops were out of the question. For years, I had a hard time getting dressed in the morning or for events. It gave me anxiety. Sean used to be like ‘are you ready yet?‘ and there were so many times I was upstairs in tears or not wanting to go anywhere. I would try on a million things and nothing would fit those big boobies and don’t even get me started on working out. This year I’m excited to…

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Tramping in New Zealand

OK, I know what you are thinking and I THOUGHT THE SAME THING. When I arrived in NZ we picked up the rental car at the airport. Next, we pulled into a parking lot at the airport to change into summer clothes. I took a few laps of the airport to get used to right-hand drive and being on the other side of the road. I was fine.  I drove us down to the Viaduct in Auckland to look at the boats. [Mum is really into sailing and has a boat, sailed from Ontario to the Bahamas and lived there for a year.] We went into a sailing shop and I saw this mug… We walked out of the store and very serious I came close to mum, and whispered in her ear “mum, what is tramping?“ I was so serious. Tramping? What is a tramping club? Mum, WTF IS TRAMPING? Because to me, ‘tramping’ would be something to do with tramps or going out to find a man. Something you might have done in college that involved a lot of shots. Nothing I would ever do, now. In New Zealand… TRAMPING IS HIKING! Tramping, known elsewhere as backpacking, rambling, hill walking or bushwalking, is a popular activity in New Zealand. Tramping is defined as a recreational activity involving walking over rough country. Wikipedia WELL, THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW. Here I am thinking something bad and it’s totally hiking.  So, I went tramping on Piha beach and it was AMAZING.

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I’ve Got No Roots, But My Home Was Never on the Ground

People often think short hair is low maintenance, it’s not. I  mean it’s quick in the morning on a daily basis but this short blonde hair is totally high maintenance. Through my partnership with Sassoon this year, I’ve had regular salon trips to trim my hairline and bleach + tone touchups every 6 weeks or so. The crazy thing is, I’m almost always just between having it cut or needing a cut. I wouldn’t change it though, this short blonde hair is something that makes me unique, stand out, feel good, I love it. I really love getting my hair done at Sassoon Toronto. Kimberly, who does my blonde is hilarious and I would love to have beers with her. She is also blonde, same age, has a beardy BF, and incredibly good at getting the perfect blonde. Last week 2 things happened that were super great but stressful. One, I learned never to change my blonde and two, was in a commercial shot by 1188 (Sean’s company!). At my Tuesday hair appointment, I told Kim that I wanted to go ash blonde. A little more ashy blonde, this on someone with long hair isn’t that big of a change. On short blonde, it is major. My hair is normally the ‘Baby Blonde’ you see below, ash is the light blonde in the bottom right. Big difference! SO, Kimberly did what I asked and gave me a beautiful ash blonde. When I sat up from having the colour washed, I was like WHOA. No. Omg no. I didn’t like it. To anyone else, it was a cool ash blonde but to me, I looked like someone with brown hair! I don’t know what I was thinking changing my look. I’m never doing it again, and the week of a shoot fml. The team at Sassoon, especially Kimberly were so cool about it and we gave it…

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New Zealand Here We Come!

OK, this post is kind of long, the TL;DR is I’M GOING TO NEW ZEALAND! I’d been saving up money & Aeroplan miles for months and in an amazing twist of events, Aeroplan is sending ME AND MUM and we’re going on a 21-day road trip next month. I’m so excited. I’ve wanted to go back and see my family for SO LONG and I’m thankful to Aeroplan for helping us get there, especially around the holidays! ???? It’s been hard to keep a secret until now but get ready for non-stop NZ for the next few months!Scroll to read a lovely story of how this came together! Last year around the holidays time I really missed my family, as I do every year except the one Christmas we had together when I was 12 (see above). I said to Sean, maybe next year I’ll get back to NZ for their summer. It was kind of a dream because it’s really far and expensive and you need to go for a while (few weeks). A few months into 2017 I started saving for a trip. I figured the only way I was going to actually get there is if I started focussing on it with active intentions and putting some money aside. In August I was in touch with Aeroplan about helping them promote a giveaway. A couple weeks later we started talking about a video project that you will see before the holidays. Another thing we talked about is how much I wanted to go back to New Zealand. I remember that call so well, it was a Friday morning, I was wearing a blue leather jacket, walking my bike and drinking a coffee after a manicure. We talked about the video project, going to NZ and they said…

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5 Things To Do In Prince Edward County

Last week my sister and I went on an adventure to Prince Edward County. PEC is southern Ontario with a coastline on Lake Ontario’s northeastern shore. It’s been about 20 years since either of us were in The County. I have fond memories of Jenie and I camping at Sandbanks Park with our parents, playing on massive sand hills, making things with clay. Our trip was courtesy of The Drake Hotel and their PEC property, The Drake Devonshire. We were there to experience Countylicious, similar to Winterlicious/Summerlicious where restaurants feature 3-course prix fixe menus for $40/pp (+ tax & tip). In 24 hours we did so much more than just eat great food.  The County has so much to offer so here are a few thing I recommend for your PEC road trip. 5 Things to Do in Prince Edward County Visit Wineries There’s 40+ wineries in PEC and a whole bunch of breweries. If you love great wine, you deff want to visit the and make a plan of places to visit. On our tour we stopped into Wapoos Winery, the very first one in the region. It’s absolutely beautiful and right on the water. Check out the Wapoos menu for Countylicious here. If you happen to drive a Tesla, they have a charging station. Eat Great Food There is no shortage of great places to eat in Prince Edward County. Starting today, Countylicious kicks off with a celebration of fine dining featuring prix fixe menus from local restaurants. Chefs have created unique, County-inspired menus with an appetizer, entrée, and dessert. I highly recommend checking out The Drake Devonshire, Courage Bar, and The Public House at Jackson Falls. Visit a Farm Have you ever smelled fresh carrots from a farm? Had arugula straight from the earth? I can tell you that the produce from Blue Wheelbarrow…

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Casie & Emily’s Review of Prodigy Game on iPad

On a rainy day last week I was almost late to pick Embot up from daycare so we decided to go for burgers and test out Prodigy Game. Em spent hours playing over the next few days. In that time she created an avatar for herself, explored Prodigy Game’s world, enhanced her math skills and even described it as ‘really fun.’ Prodigy is a free math game with over 20 million students, teachers, and parents using it worldwide.  It combines gaming and education for students in grades 1-8, alleviates math anxiety and teaches valuable math skills aligned with the student’s curriculum at school. Prodigy Game was also recently named by Canadian Business as one of the top 10 fastest-growing start-ups in Canada. Companies like this are educating our young people and also providing cool jobs for our tech sector! I wasn’t very good at math in high school and did summer school or night school every year until I graduated. Safe to say I’ve always been on the highly creative side. It’s important to work on these skills as a kid so you’re equipped with the tools you need to excel in the future. Last year, our provincial government implemented a $60-million math strategy, but math scores in Ontario are still low with half of Grade 6 students not meeting the provincial standard. Prodigy Game addresses that major issue in our education system and helps students tackle – and beat – their math anxieties. Emily doesn’t mind math but she reallllllly loves her iPad. Legit this kid could watch videos all day of people making slime or doing funny challenges on YouTube. I was so glad to see her using it to play an educational game, by choice. Parenting WIN. Em was on Level 3 when 2 kids about her age passed by and saw her playing. The younger one said…

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Helping Communities Grow w/ the TD Common Ground Project

This post is sponsored by TD and the TD Common Ground Project On a sunny Sunday afternoon, I took a drive to Morningside Park in Scarborough. This year as part of Canada 150, TD is revitalizing over 150  community green spaces across Canada. It’s so nice to adventure and stroll through a new park discovering things along the way. I took some time to sit in the sun, watch the water, and admire the light shining through the trees in the middle of the forest. ???? When I was a kid in Cambridge, Ontario  I spent heaps of time at Riverside Park near our house. Playing there as a kid, volunteering for summer camp in high school, riding bikes, and watching friends play baseball when I was a bit older. To this day I always take a drive through the park when I go home to see how it changes and go for a walk if I have some. Sometimes I just sit in the car and listen to music with a friend like the good old days. So many memories.  A park is such a big part of a neighbourhood and city. TD’s Common Ground project encourages Canadians to come together in green spaces across the country. The scale of projects varies and there are 7 flagship projects, the outdoor gathering space at Morningside Park is one of them.  There are 82 projects in Ontario, with 7 in Toronto, find them all here. Next time I’m in KW I’ll be checking out Waterloo Park to see the new bridge connecting the two universities, provided through the TD Common Ground Project. Step Into the Forest – 360 Photo of Morningside Park, Scarborough I hope you’ll look up your local TD Common Ground revitalization project (here) and see what spaces are changing near you. For more information about the project find my…

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No Dress Rehearsal, This Is Our Life

I’m at the Drake Commissary to do some writing on a new project, biked here in the sunshine, feeling it warm on my face. As I was walking to the door I checked my phone and saw that Gord Downie has passed away. Sad, I was hoping a miracle would keep him alive,but we all knew it was coming. Listening to Tragically Hip over the summer has been a tradition as long as I can remember, driving up to Grand Bend or Wasaga Beach in the 90’s, summers in college, missing home while at Uni in Australia, and all the time at the cottage. Thank you Gord Downie and the Hip for so many memories and being the most Canadian, Canada loving band of all time. You will be missed. ?❤️ Years ago The Hip played Bridle Bash at my friend Lorne’s house for a few hundred people in the backyard. We were so close to the stage and everyone sang along and danced into the wee hours of the night. Another summer a bunch of us went to see The Hip for Canada Day at Burls Creek. We had a whole gang at the cottage and it was so much fun. I remember dancing around in the field with Carly and everyone singing at the top of our lungs. Sean has no beard here. Two summer’s ago Mark & Sean set up a huge screen on the dock and we watched the last Hip Concert on CBC from the lake. So many great memories over the years. I’ll think of the great times and celebrate his life whenever I listen to the Hip. Sending sunshine in your general direction,  

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Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want to Come

I wore tights today for the first time this year. And a hat. I’m glad that berets are back in style because I have a few and love wearing them. It must be that French feeling you get when you wear one. Fall fashion is my favourite in that you can wear something cute with a light jacket and never be too cold. I don’t even mind the winter, light layers are the key. ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing’ – source is unclear on this one Over the past couple months I’ve been beefing up my wardrobe with essentials for fall and a few arrived today! In exchange for sharing my favs, Romwe and I have a deal where they send me clothes. Honestly, what a dream! My three latest picks arrived today and I’m wearing the pink rose jacket in these photos. I picked this wild all-over print shirt because it will look great over a bathing suit in summer and under a sweater in the winter. The olive green sweater was on my wishlist and it matches my eyes so, it’s perfect. The cropped rose jacket is light enough to wear under a warmer jacket in winter. Other items on my winter Romwe wishlist are this yellow mustard jacket and all the stuff below. The prices are good and there’s no extra shipping costs. I’m kinda of obsessed with embroidered things, light pink, and dark green right now. Wishlist JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.  

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Best Buy Life and Tech Show 2017

Earlier this month I attended the Best Buy #LifeandTech event at YD Square. This is my second year attending and honestly, it feels like Christmas for tech lovers! I got to test out and bring home some of the coolest tech around. You can find everything mentioned in this post at I’ve been working with Best Buy Canada for the last couple years and it makes ME SO HAPPY. I love being invited to test out the latest wearable tech, smart home gadgets, and overall life-enhancing products. Here’s a few of my favourite things from the Best Buy Life and Tech show! SMART HOME SECURITY: One of my ultimate favs is this Ring Wi-Fi Video Doorbell Pro. I haven’t set it up yet but I can’t wait to creep anyone who comes to my door or walks past. Since moving into a house with a front door (from a high-rise condo) I get so freaked out when I’m home alone and someone knocks on the door. Who does that! Unexpected! Gah! I get all packages delivered to the office so it’s extra weird if someone sends something to the house. I feel that this new burglar alarm will give me peace of mind and make me feel much safer. I like that I can see everything in real-time too, so if there was a burglar, I would be able to have an instant description of them! With the new Ring, you are able to monitor hour home with audio and video from anywhere. The rep I chatted with was from Minnesota and he showed me his backyard while we were chatting in YD Square. He’s able to record video, sound an alarm, or say something to an intruder if he see’s someone suspicious around. So cool! Imagine yelling ‘HEY…

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At the start of September, Lauren O’Nizzle (my bff) and I packed the car with all our gear and hit the road to Camp Timberlane in Haliburton for Two Islands Weekend.  Imagine, 250 campers, mostly 30-40, sleeping in cabins, eating in a mess hall, doing group activities, and an open bar for the entire weekend. It was so much fun! The organisers invited me early in the summer to come to camp as a guest and my email reply was something like ‘OMG YES I WANT TO COME OMG‘. I went to camp as a kid but this place sounded legit amazing. There were heaps of activities like Beyonce Dance Class, archery tag, dance party, karaoke, talent show, jazzercize, movies, camp sing-a-long, and heaps more. We were a bit of a situation when we arrived. Both of us were super excited after the 3hr drive, parked the car, and walked down the big hill past everyone, wearing huge sunglasses, city clothes, and more luggage than two people need for a weekend. We were so extra, haha!  For our first event, Welcome Drinks, we wore matching INTERNET sweaters by Shelfies from a shoot with Becca Lemire a few years back. Everyone stared at us like we were weird but we didn’t care. We ARE weird! And matching outfits were part of our weekend plan! Also duh, internet is our jam! I don’t know what I was expecting but it was totally a real camp! There were about 8 girls in our cabin and we slept in stacked bunks. We made heaps of new friends and had so many laughs the whole weekend. The organizers did an amazing job of wrangling everyone to and from activities and meals. Thank you! On the last night, there was a talent show followed by a dance party. I…

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Last week was full of adventure! On Wednesday morning I was at Union Station for the launch announcement of where Margaret Atwood spoke and Elisabeth Moss read from Handmaid’s Tale. My fav moment was when Atwood was talking about Handmaid’s Tale and said ‘there’ll be no makeup in the dystopian future, WORST!‘. I didn’t expect that from her, she’s the best! I showed up just before it started and jumped into one of the last media seats. I love the opportunity to do this stuff! I took the UP Train from Bloor (near my house) and was there in about 10min. Audible is an Amazon company (love Amazon!) and their Canadian programming includes 100 new titles from Canadian authors in (Eng & Fr), original programs, lectures, and comedy. There’s a whole bunch of books on Audible read by celebrities including Samuel L. Jackson reading Adam Mansbach’s “Go the F— to Sleep”, Anne Hathaway reading L. Frank Baum’s ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’, Naomi Watts  reading ‘Summer‘ by Edith Wharton, Kim Basinger reading ‘The Awakening’ by Kate Chopin, and Dustin Hoffman reading ‘Being There‘ by Jerzy Kosinski. I love that you can listen to familiar voices. Don Katz, CEO of Audible, said they hope to be the largest employer of actors in Hollywood.  That’s a lofty goal but possible I reckon. Maybe I’ll read one someday! Later in the day a bunch of media peeps boarded a branded Audible train to Montreal. They hooked us up with Audible swag and iPod Touches charged, and loaded with books. After about an hour on the train, I went into the last car, behind us to find a full-on charcuterie spread w/ full bar, candy, popcorn, coffee, shrimp, and more. It was fantastic! The fanciest train ride of my life! I grabbed my computer and sat back there for…

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It’s In The Cards

Today was so much fun. I’m feeling really excited and inspired this week. It’s one of the busiest few days I’ve had in a long time with a different job each day and 3 different cities but I wouldn’t have it any other way! I met up with a blog OG friend Danielle Meder, who recently started Drawing Tarot where she combines ‘a thoughtful Tarot reading with a live watercolour portrait session‘. Mine portrait is above and I framed it when I got home. The reading was just what I needed today, this week. I’d like to go back again in a month or so. You can book an appointment to see her at the Darling Mansion or her studio near the Junction Triangle here. Tonight I bailed on going to anything TIFF so I could stay home and put in a few hours on a presentation and get a good sleep. I have no FOMO only JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) because I know that self-care is important and if I don’t take care of my priorities, I’ll lose my mind. This week is a crazy one, especially after my very relaxing summer. Monday was filled with TIFF stuff and celebrities (Justin Trudeau, Angelina Jolie!). Today I was the #LifeandTech event with Best Buy Canada. Wednesday morning I’m at a top secret event then head to Montreal on the train for the night. I fly back to Toronto early Thursday morning then to New Orleans, Louisiana in the afternoon. On Friday morning  I’m speaking at a conference and fly back to Toronto in the evening. On Saturday I’m in front of the camera for a commercial and Sunday I am doing N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Popped into Studio Fitzroy today, my favourite dress boutique to rent a dress for my talk on Friday. Took my sister…

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Panago Pizza Picnic Party in the Park 

Summer isn’t over! Ok, I know you can feel the change in the air but we’re still got a few weeks of sunshine left before we all hibernate for the winter. Last week to kick off Labour Day long weekend, some of my BFFs and I ordered Panago Pizza to the park (yes you can do that). I ordered a bunch of decorations on Amazon Prime two days before and we got everything set up in the park before Harmony arrived. We were actually all there on time (for once) when the birthday girl arrived! It was perfect! You might recognize these pizza boxes from earlier this summer when I posted about them here. To celebrate Canada’s 150th this year, Panago partnered with Toronto-bred, Vancouver-based illustrator Chairman Ting . The boxes have heaps of Canadiana on them from Mounties to mountains, beautiful forests, lakes, trees, a moose, the CN Tower, and heaps more. I coloured one and posted it on Instagram here. If YOU colour YOUR pizza box and tag it #ShareMoreCanada, Panago’s social team will be keeping an eye on the hashtag and giving out #RandomActsofPizza. We saw this cool guy carring a huge beautiful painting. Great way to meet girls in a park I tell ya! You can only get the Chaiman Ting X Panago pizza boxes till the end of summer. So, celebrate the last few wonderful weeks of great weather and order your friends/yourself a pizza! PIZZA FOREVER! Artist Designed Pizza Boxes + Pizza from Panago! ?? #ShareMoreCanada

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Interview w/ Sassoon Toronto’s Kimberly Wallace + #SassoonStyle Giveaway!

I’m sitting at Sassoon interviewing Kimberly Wallace while she does my hair. I’ve been coming to Sassoon since the start of 2017 and she’s my favourite colourist here. I’ve been following her on Instagram so we instantly start talking about the event I was at last night, her changing hair colours, and all the time I’ve spent at the cottage this summer. Safe to say there are lots of laughs and good chats every single time we’re together. I asked Kimberly a few questions about trends and tips to keep your hair healthy and happy. Interview w/ Sassoon Colorist: Kimberly Wallace What type of shampoo/conditioner do you recommend for my type of hair and why? Colour safe shampoo ex Kerastase Chroma Riche, because it’s for colour treated or highlighted hair. Great for blondes! What are trends you see for hair and beauty this summer? I’m finding that lived-in colour, balayage, ombre, are very popular.  Looks that are low maintenance. That way, you can feel like your hair is sunkissed but you don’t have to come into the salon every 4-6 weeks. What is one hair tip that I can share with the world? Be realistic with your hair goals. For example, if you have thick dark hair like Kim Kardashian and you want to go blonde in an afternoon, it’s not going to happen in one session. Or asking for pink hair but have brown colour, that’s not going to happen in one session either. Another thing to note is pastel colours are great but they only last two weeks. Instagram filters and editing can be deceiving, what you see isn’t always what’s real! (We chatted about how the Instagram is sometimes a web of lies, don’t believe everything you see on IG!) Being blonde is a full time job! A post shared…

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Best Buy Appliances Dinner at Baro w/ Celebrity Chef David Rocco

This week I had a totally amazing dinner on Wednesday night with about 100 other media people from around the city. We were ushered up to the 3rd floor of Baro, King West, and greeted by an amazing tablescape and cocktail bar. I was happy to see Ryan Emberley, friend and amazing photographer who I credit for the great photos! The dinner was hosted by Chef David Rocco and Baro Executive Chef Steve Gonzalez presented by Best Buy Canada to showcase their new appliances. We are hoping to renovate our kitchen, so checking out new appliances is something I do now. Yay, adulting!  The chefs used the most pimped out badass appliances I can only dream of having! LG’s 4-Door French Door Refrigerator with Ice & Water, Samsung Smooth Top Induction stove, Bosch Built-In Dishwasher, and a few other smaller kitchen appliances for making the meal. They all cater to the new trends of being energy efficient, compact, stylish, and connected. I wrote about Best Buy Smart Home earlier this year here. It was great to see a bunch of friends. I’ve been really hibernating this summer so it was nice to be out of the house and share laughs over a great dinner. I sat with Gunnarolla and Gracie. We were all invited into the kitchen to help David Rocco and it was amazing. He is so nice and fun. He was prepping some cheese to put into the risotto when he cut a piece and handed it to me on the end of a sharp knife. I was totally swooning at that moment! Dolce Vita! David Rocco Interview Time! What is one ingredient you always have in the kitchen? Always have two olive oils on hand. One for drizzling and one for cooking. One litre of olive oil is made up of 1,375…

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First, been listening to the new Taylor on repeat and I like it. I feel like she’s grown up the last for years and is probably sick of everyone’s bullshit. I can totally relate to that because I am 35 now and in my ‘I don’t give a f*ck’ stage where I will do what I want and not let anyone else’s expectations dictate how I feel. Second, this summer I’ve really taken time to relax and chill out. I’ve still blogged and updated the internet but it’s been less than years prior and it kinda feels good. I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon but I’ve learned it’s really important to give back to yourself. I’ve had a few meltdowns over the years after being totally exhausted and overwhelmed by trying to do too much. On that note, I’m realllllllly looking forward to TIFF this year. This week I was at the annual NKPR ‘Festival Countdown’ and it was so great to see everyone. I’ll put together a post about that exclusively. I’ve got my list of gifting lounges to check out in the first week and there will without a doubt be a bunch of parties. Yesterday I signed Sean and I up at the new LA Fitness near our house. I paid for it with my own money and I have been going for about a week now. I have never joined a gym before and I really like it! After doing yoga religiously this year, I feel ready to take it up a level. I refuse to spend this winter sitting on the couch again! Years ago Sean said I would be really fit if I only worked out as much as I watch Young & The Restless so that’s now what I try to do. Kinda silly…

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Sure Kid, Play w/ Your Fooooood!

If you scroll Instagram for one minute you’ll definitely come across a fully grown adult foodie who’s played with their food a little to make the perfect snapshot. Last month I got an email about ‘making playing with your food fun again‘ from Whippet asking Em and I to have a little fun with their new Whippet Sticks. So, we totally did! I picked her up from school and let her open the delivery of Whippet Sticks in coconut and brownie. They’re made with real coconut and chocolate, and no artificial colours with 0 G of trans fat per serving. So, a sweet snack, but not a bad snack! I’m pretty sure she thought I was legit crazy when I told her what we were doing. YES, PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD. I maintain a childlike fancy in my life and get along pretty great with a 9yo. We sat up on the patio deciding what we were going to do with our treats and ended up doing the ‘Sumo Squish‘ with a few, played tic-tac-toe, and made a few little critters. Emily lives with us 50% of the time and I really try to do fun things with her that don’t involve a screen. I so fondly remember doing activities with my mum like going for walks, the library, crafts, and making things in the kitchen. You can find Whippet Sticks at your local grocery. Pop by their Facebook page to see what other fun things people have been doing. Thanks Whippet for the fun after-school (summer daycare) activity.  Don’t forget to tag your posts #HowDoYouWhippet! I srsly recommend the coconut ones, they’re not too sweet and the dark chocolate is divine. Most importantly, HAVE FUN!  

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Yes, I am Still At The Cottage

But I’m starting to get cabin fever. I’m ready to come home. It’s been about two weeks up here and mostly just Sean and I here together. I’m so looking forward to friends, events, a conference, and my good blue shampoo. (If you are blonde, you’ll understand! My hair is yellow!) I also really need a manicure. Today I screamed at a chipmunk that startled me, like a total crazy woman. I want a Starbucks. I got a couple new bug bites taking out the garbage this morning (it comes on Mondays) and I just about lost my shit. Enough damn bugs! The views are beautiful but everyone has a breaking point. Sean and I cooked a great surf & turf BBQ last night w/ aglio olio (Italian pasta). Then we had a dip in the hot tub and watched a beautiful sunset. But I’m still ready to come home. Tomorrow Lauren and I are attending an entrepreneurship conference that includes an aerial yoga class. So fun! I’ve got a media preview at the Spoke Club after then a Sweat yoga class. I miss yoga. I’m not as good as I would like to be at self-starting a practice on my own up here. I do at home! I don’t know what it is about the cottage that makes me so lazy and eat all the snacks, I guess that’s what they call ‘relaxing’. I sent an RSVP for a TIFF event this morning and I am really getting excited about it. I’ve been doing TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) for about 10 years now and it’s fun. The city is so alive! The first couple days are the best and I love media day before the official opening. I’m going away to adult summer camp (Two Islands) on the…

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Woke up and went right outside to stretch on my mat. I’m really going to miss doing that over the winter! Can you believe it’s already August? I’ve been making the most of my summer but it seems to be just flying by! Next week we’re at the cottage for 10 days and I can’t wait. It’s been a few weeks since we were up there. One of my fav things on the way up to the cottage is stopping at a little Fruit Market and getting heaps of fresh berries, other fruit, and vegetables. Usually, when we drive through the Holland Marsh, I put down the window, and smell the fresh air outside. The vegetables don’t smell as strong this year because of all the rain I think. It kinda smells like fresh celery. ? Looking forward to waking up and having my coffee on the dock. Afternoon naps. Kayak and stand-up paddle on the water. Random DIY projects. Cooking. Silence. Time to read and write. Lots of sunshine. Quality time with friends. Been reading a poetry book called LOVE HER WILD sent over by Simon Schuster. It’s full of short ones that remind me of broken down tweets. Before I had a blog I wrote so many poems, it was my favourite thing. It’s making me want to write more! Love this one via @AtticusPoetry. Thank you @SimonSchusterCA ?? — CASiE STEWART ☀️ (@casiestewart) August 1, 2017   With love,   

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Toronto Life + Beach Vibes

Had a nice relaxing weekend. We went to the beach and Scarborough Bluffs on Saturday as a family. It was so beautiful out, no rain! We had to delay the Airstream trip w/ Go RVing Canada but it’ll still happen before summer is over. Had lunch at my sister’s restaurant in the Beaches, Green Eggplant. Food there is amazing and portion sizes are HUGE. We all had takeaway that made for great snacks all afternoon. I started by day with yoga which was so good. After being sick last week I was really missing class and managed to go 4 times this week. I have an unlimited membership at YOGA YOGA so try to make it to as many classes as I can. In other news, the new Metro Food Basics is now open in the Junction Triangle. It was a whole thing because the neighbourhood thought a Metro was moving in and people didn’t like the idea of a discount grocery in the area. Read more about that here. There are heaps deals, if you’re into that! Looking forward to a good week. I’ll be at home/office trying to get as much accomplished as possible before we head up north for 10 days. It’s Sean’s birthday next week and we always spend it at the cottage. Sending you sunshine across the internet!

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Long Live the Weekend – Love You Canada!

Been having a pretty relaxing weekend. Can’t believe it’s already Monday. Back to the city tonight or tomorrow. I love being up here but I’m looking forward to going home. Feels like I’ve had more time at the cottage than home lately! My friend Steph is here from New York City. Sean and I met her last year at Anamaya Resort in Costa Rica. [Read about it here!] The weather has been a bit meh but it’s finally nice and sunny today. We created a super tasty wine spritzer with Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc mixed with La Croix, strawberries, and a bit of juice.

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Throwing Shade: New Celine Sunnies

I didn’t even know today was ‘International Sunglasses Day’ when I planned this post! It’s always crazy when those random days seem to line up with something you’re doing. A couple weeks ago I received an email from SmartBuyGlasses with an offer to pick out a pair of new sunnies for summer. It’s times like this I reallllly love my blog! I’d been eying a pair of Céline glasses for a while but couldn’t justify paying full price. Well, SmartBuyGlasses is the place to go! They’ve got heaps of designer sunnies at discount prices. I really like their huge selection of Carrera and RayBan (next on my wishlist!). I’m wearing the Céline ‘Tilda’ from SS15 which retails for about $500 CAD and on the SBG website they’re under $400. They’re made of acetate but have an expensive feel, as in they’re kinda heavy. I have a pretty big huge collection of sunnies ranging in price and save fancy ones like this for special occasions. They’re a little big on my head but I’m gonna try some Nerd Wax to keep them in place.

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At Home w/ My Biggest Fan: Dyson Pure Cool Link

When this was delivered Sean said ‘look, it’s your biggest fan!‘ ?  I don’t do product reviews often but when a piece of really cool tech comes along I’m happy to test it out and share my thoughts. A few people asked about the fan when it arrived early spring so scroll down for my fav features. tl;dr: This fancy fan is the best one I’ve ever owned. It’s quiet and you can monitor your home air quality from the iPhone app. Also, at high speed, you can be just like Beyonce! Since I was a kid I’ve been prone to seasonal allergies. They usually kick in around the worst times like March Break or Back to School. A member of the PR team from Dyson saw my tweets about allergies and offered I try the Dyson Pure Cool Link Tower. This fan has no blades and is easy to clean, plus it removes 99.97% of allergens and pollutants as small as 0.3 microns. Allergies can actually be made worse by indoor dust and pollens. I received the fan in the spring and used it in the living room for the last couple months. It’s great for cleaning the air of smells (when cooking), making the house feel fresh, and cleaning toxins out of the air. You don’t even want to know how much dirt is in the air or carpets. I can’t 100% say it was just the fan but I hardly had any reactions this spring. I found the fan really helped with the air quality in our house. It’ll be nice to see how the app tracks and monitors our air quality. COOL THINGS ABOUT THIS FAN: It has wifi! I downloaded the app and have been monitoring the air quality in my workspace. I also have smart lights up in here, helloooo future! Set it, forget…

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