Kobo 7-Day Reading Challenge

Growing up I spent heaps of time at the library with mum. Each summer we joined the Summer Reading Club and went back and forth to the Preston Branch carrying books in the wagon, the stroller, or homemade bookbags. Mrs. Macdonald, the librarian, was a familiar part of our lives and helped us learn to love books and reading. Since joining the internet, I’ve read less books, well, I’d say less books overall since college/uni. This year I set a goal to read more books, scroll less websites. So far I’ve not done too bad! Last week I started a 7-day reading challenge with Kobo to discover the joy of e-reading. The new Kobo Glo HD is the latest eReader, it’s 6″ screen is super clear and reads just like paper. There’s 4GB of storage which is a LOT of books. Up to 3K! This is my first time with an e-reader and I really like it. I find it much easier to read on this device than phone or iPad due to the screen (Carta E Ink). You can also customize the light, font, and margins to personalize your experience. Next week I’ve got a GIVEAWAY for a Kobo Glo HD so we can be twins. If you’re keen to get reading before I then, DL the Kobo app on any device (with this link) and get a $5 credit towards your first purchase. [symple_spacing size=”10″] Things I like most about my new Kobo: – It’s SUPER light, nothing like carrying around a few novels ? – Fits in a small purse or the pocket of my trench coat – Battery lasts ages – You can read in the sun, no glare! ☀️ – The Kobo app has so many books and recommendations, all you need is wifi ? This weekend I started YOU by Carolyn Kepnes,…

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Chilean Girls Night In w/ Montes Wine

Last week my BFFs and I celebrated Jen’s birthday with a wine tasting thanks to Montes Wine.  Montes was founded  in 1987 and is the the pioneer producer of premium quality Chilean wines. Our night started with an informal tasting with a totally awesome sommelier, Lesley Prevost, followed by a delicious selection of Chilean catering. Learning heaps from @purplelips! She’s awesome. TY @MontesWines! pic.twitter.com/NPODF26IkL — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) April 26, 2016 We were treated to four of their premium wines you can now find at the LCBO: Montes Twins Sauvignon Blanc 2015 Montes Twins Malbec/Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Montes Alpha Malbec 2o12 Montes Alpha Cab Sav 2013 We all really enjoyed the Sauv Blanc, it was light and fruity, with nodes of tropical fruits pineapple, grapefruit and orange blossom. I could deff see myself drinking this all summer. I think it would be really nice w/with some fruit/Perrier on ice. I really enjoyed the Malbec/Cab Sav blend, it has 14% alcohol and low acid (good for me with acid reflux ? ). The other two reds pair really well with meat & cheese. Look at those angelic faces, Montes Angels!  Nice discussion over these two. ??#MontesAngel pic.twitter.com/nDfFgBhJki — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) April 27, 2016 If you’re looking to try something new at the LCBO (and love Chilean wine), give Montes Wines a try. They’ve also got a carmenère at the LCBO I’d like to pair with a nice BBQ at the cottage. Spring, get here alreadyyyyy!  Later this month I’ve got a giveaway with Montes Wine that’s open to anyone in Ontario. Will let you know when it’s live! 

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FYI Spring Sale @ Polette Eyewear – 25% off!

It’s spring and who doesn’t love new sunnies! The eyewear company in France I’ve been rocking for the past 2 years has a sale on rn for 25% off! Use code ‘Spring’ at the checkout, sale ends on April 26th. Writing a quick post from the cottage as I’ve been working my BOOTY off doing yard week etc around this place to get it ready for summer.  I’ve been taking time to relax since my Costa Rica trip, that digital detox was like hitting the reset button. I’m looking forward to a great week! I’ve been part of the Polette Blogger team for a bit now and amassed a big collection. I love that they’ve got heaps of different styles, new ones all the time, and you can afford to pick up more than one pair. They’re got a new means of distribution cutting out rhe middle man and sending you glasses right from their factory where they have a lab and lenses. They’ve got great prices and so many original frames. I love getting their emails because there are SO MANY NEW ONES all the time. I never leave home without my sunnies no matter time of day or season, but I also find I lose/break a few along the way. These are a few of my favs! A photo posted by ? C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 18, 2016 at 12:10pm PST A photo posted by ? C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 3, 2016 at 9:33am PST A photo posted by ? C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Oct 22, 2015 at 4:20pm PDT

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Fashion | Celebrating Spring Style w/ Hudson’s Bay & Fashion Magazine

During fashion week I worked with   Denim & Supply Ralph Lauren to celebrate spring style with Hudson’s Bay and Fashion Magazine. The event was in the contemporary department on the 3rd floor and there was no shortage of activations including a Sandro sponsored photo booth, Maje sponsored nail bar (gold nails!), BCBG sponsored gelato bar (chocolate coconut? yes, yum), an amazing fashion illustrator, candy bar, and mojito bar.  Here’s some of my fav ? from the night. Most are from Snapchat & iPhone 6s but the pro ones are by David A Pike. Before the event I stopped by the Denim & Supply section at HBC to check out key trends for Spring/Summer 16 season. Things to note – cropped denim (cute for tall and perfect for short peeps like moi), dresses (top I’m wearing is a dress), wovens, anything white, and shredded denim. I really love white denim for summer, and picked a pair of the cropped whites for myself. I was really torn between this white dress and the military jacket. There are a bunch of great jeans and tops as well. I think I’ll go back for the cropped denim jacket. Gotta have at least one of those in the wardrobe.

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Fashion | WILDFOX Fairytale Collection Launch

The other day I hosted a party at the Toronto WILDFOX shop w/ HIGH STREET fashion. We had champagne, a candy bar, onsite fashion illustrations, and a great DJ. The night was celebrating the launch of the WILDFOX Fairytale collection 2016. I was a huge fan of the brand years ago and it’s nice to see the latest is still totally up my alley. A nice mix of mermaid/fairytale fun with a side of rock n’ roll. Here’s some of my fav photos from the night. All pix by Pedro Marques unless otherwise noted. See more at #wildfoxinthe6ix on Instagram or Twitter. Thanks everyone who came by! The new collection is now in store and online. I’ve got my eye on a few summer items. Can’t wait for cottage season!     The hostess with the mostest @casiestewart & I last week at the @wildfoxcouture @highstreetfs  A photo posted by Chantel Bedward (@its_pinkie) on Feb 11, 2016 at 5:48am PST

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Travel | Treehouse Glamping in Ontario w/ Glamping Hub

My first trip of the year wasn’t to a sunny destination, it was up north to a tiny little solar-powered treehouse north of Toronto. Glamping Hub invited me to stay at a destination of my choice, so naturally I picked a cool one. Glamping Hub is home to some of the coolest non-traditional camping spots around the world. They’ve got luxury camping available in tree houses, yurts, tipis, camper vans, safari and fancy tents. I’m hoping to explore a few more of their destinations in South/Central Ontario. Here’s my first Glamping Hub experience!  [symple_divider style=”solid” margin_top=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″]

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Happy New Year! * Sweet Sixteen*

Well ladies & gents, 2016 is here and I am so glad.  16 is a favourite number of mine and to be honest 2015 was a hard year. Felt I was getting off track a bit and my health wasn’t 100%, so,  I’m facing 2016 with a clear head and excitement. The tattoo I have on my left arm is 16 dots, evenly spaced, in two shades of green like a beaded bracelet. It’s a perfect square, and 16 2x 8, my fav number of them all.  This is the sweet sixteen!  [symple_divider style=”solid” margin_top=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″] Today was a good day, went out for a drive around 9:30am, the streets were bare and the air was calm. After, I made a nice breakfast and spent some time cleaning up the house. I had this plan where I wanted to go out and take a great photo with my GoPro and a confetti cannon. After driving around with BF and child, we wound up getting lunch and coming home. I went out to an alley near our place by myself, set up my camera, and popped the cannon. Much to my disappointment, it wasn’t recording video and the confetti made a beautiful display, then flew away in the wind. That moment will forever be in my memory and NOT on Instagram. Whoops! It’s ok, everything doesn’t always go as planned! I took a deep breath, laughed it off to myself and went back home where it was warm. This is my first selfie of 2016. I mean it’s my ACTUAL first selfie in the 20 I took to get a nice one (which we all know is what happens). I added some lighting to brighten it up a bit, but the first one is always the best. I continuously take a pile to get the perfect one and then, voila, the first one…

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This Is My Life | Snow, Holidays, Glamping, Boots

Listening to Christmas music and planning to decorate the house today. I might have had too much coffee but that’s OK! Woke up to snow and now it’s REALLY the holidays.  Have a couple things to get done first but I’m dying to pull out the decorations and get started. Is it too early for egg nog? Booked a stay at a solar powered tree house in January via Glamping Hub. They reached out about a stay and I thought it would be nice to be nested in the forest in the middle of winter. Since the cottage is closed I need to keep my wilderness connection alive. It’s about an hour north of Toronto and you can bet I’ll be documenting my adventure. I’d like to try actual glamping this summer, in a tent. Remember how last summer I really wanted to get a tent set up? Next year I’ll do it at the start of summer instead of trying at the end. Yesterday I finally unboxed a paid of boots that arrived from Sorel Footwear via Klout Perks a couple months ago. Turns out, they’re super cute AF! I didn’t know Sorel had so many nice boots. These ones also come in a taller version or shorter in a bunch of colours.  This post isn’t sponsored by them but I would be happy if it was, I love these new cuties on my feet. *waves to Sorel across internet!  A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Nov 24, 2015 at 5:19am PST I think yesterday was my last day getting away with just a leather jacket. Time to bring out the big guns coats! When it gets cold, remember, there’s no bad weather just bad outfits.      

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Tech | Another One Bites the Dust: RIP Rdio

The list of social sharing services I’ve seen disappear over the last five years keeps getting longer. A bit of sadness for Rdio this week as it’s been purchased by Pandora for $75M and filed for Chapter 11. I’ve been using Rdio since early 2012 when it came to Canada after I was introduced to it at SXSW. Around them I took part in a round table to discussion on the future of music streaming and music piracy with a bunch of music execs and media. Canada.com covered the session (here). After my free year of Rdio was up, I continued to pay $9.99 for the service the last few years, with my own money. Rdio was there for countless road trips, dance parties, summers on the dock, sing-alongs in the boat, and Christmas parties. I made heaps of playlists and Rdio has been part of all my fun the last few years. I mentioned it as one of my fav apps in interviews w/ ApexPR & Mad Hatter Tech. It’s crazy how attached you become to a service, how integrated it becomes in your life. I was really sad when 12seconds.tv was purchased by AOL and dissolved, felt heartbreak over Dailybooth, and another wave of sadness when Viddy shut down. Transfer Your Rdio Playlists to Apple Music Today I’ve been transferring my Rdio playlists to Apple Music. TBH I don’t mind Apple Music but I really loved Rdio. I decided to fork over the $4.99 to have movetoapplemusic.com do the work of moving my playlists over from Rdio. Luckily, I think Apple Music will be around for a while. I am really feeling this 90’s hip hop & R&B playlist from the commercial with Mary J. Blige. You’ll love it too, heaps of good jamz!  

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Spring in November, Isn’t it Lovely?

I am seriously loving this weather! I went for a bike ride this morning to get a coffee. I’ve been a bit slack on blog posts this week as I’m seriously prepping for a TEDx talk this weekend.  I’ve been giving myself a little goals of doing some work and then rewarding myself with a coffee or with lunch. I’ve got a lot to get accomplished this week! Next week I’m shooting a holiday project with a major design company and I’m really excited about it. I set a goal to do more video so I’m pretty stoked about all the collabs I’ve got coming up. [vine id=”eLKeuduiF0T”]  In other news,  I recently discovered how great dictation is on my MacBook, I can literally talk and it types everything I’m saying. I’m doing this today because I’m feeling a bit frazzled! 😛 Prepping for a speaking gig involves lots of talking to yourself. Dictation and iPhone voice memos are my saviour this week. THANKS APPLE! Scion Canada hooked me up with a car for the week, which I am LOVING! I’ve never owned my own car and it’s so freeing to just jump in an hit the open road. Today I’m heading West with my sister to have dinner with mum. [vine id=”e33FP9rUlTm”] Yesterday I went to WEST (wearables) conference at the MaRS discovery District. On this panel is one of Sean’s business partners, J.Lee Williams,  talking the future of VR in film and television. I also stopped into a preview of ALDO Spring/Summer 2016. Take a little scroll through my fav items in this little Vine. You’ll find these at stores early next year. I’ve been making more short videos so pop over to https://vine.co/CASIESTEWART to see my recent creations.  [vine id=”e3L7BnJ10BM”] OK, time for me to get a move on. Forever being distracted by the internet!…

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Events | Woodbine Racing 2015 Season Comes to an End

This weekend, before heading to the cottage Garret, Sean and I stopped by Woodbine for the last big race of the season, the Breeders Cup. Over the past few months I’ve attended a bunch of great times there with friends. Almost everyone I took this season came home with $$. I’m still working on my luck! A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Oct 18, 2015 at 11:31am PDT Saturday night @WoodbineRacing with this babe @casiestewart #Crown15 pic.twitter.com/SxF4dRsqsa — Garrett Tonge (@GTONGE1) October 24, 2015 One of my fav events of the summer is the Queen’s Plate. Carla had never been to the races so I took her as my date. It was a nice sunny afternoon and we started with the Hats & Horseshoes party. All season, Woodbine hosted a selfie contest with a $1,000 gift card prize. It was easy to enter, snap a selfie with the racetrack in the background, post to Twitter or Instagram with #OfftotheRaces and you were in. Aside from the Queen’s Plate there’s Woodbine Oaks, the Pattison International, and Breeders Crown. Before Dawn moved back to Scotland I took her for an afternoon at the races. Woodbine Oaks was a fun one for us as there were rock n’ roll bands playing for us to jam out to. My sister Carynn was the big winner of the summer with a near whopping $100 for the day. We went in the middle of October and it was an absolutely gorgeous day. We dined at Futures where they offer a sit down lunch, private viewing area, and full buffet. They also make some pretty good cocktails here! 😉 I’d like to thank Woodbine for a fun summer. It was great sharing my #offtotheraces experiences and taking friends for the first time. My Grandad…

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4 Companies Offering Great Customer Service

One of the things I really love about Telus is their commitment to customer service. They feel great customer service starts from the ground up and they’ve made a commitment to telling Canadians they need to Expect More from their telcom providers. Today I’m sharing a couple other great customer experience stories from other companies putting customers first. Little Burgundy – Broken Boots Near the end of summer I purchased a killer pair of boots designed by Jeffrey Campbell from littleburgundyshoes.com. I’ve been wearing them regularly but recently the cool cut-out heels broke.   I didn’t want get stuck on the phone ringing customer service so I sent a tweet with some photos to @LittleBurgundy and they replied within about 30 minutes. It took about 5 min to fin d a new pair of booth in store and the return was easy. I really love when a company is socially connect and able to help their customers over Twitter.  Nice work guys! Now I will check out the sales and probably buy more. 🙂 @LittleBurgundy hi guys, @JCshoes I ordered <2 mo ago broke this week. Both of them! Can you help!? ?? pic.twitter.com/eiXtpAEHnK — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) October 21, 2015 Go Daddy – Server Upgrade I’ve been with GoDaddy for my website hosting since switching over to WordPress from Blogger.com years ago. I’ve had nothing but great customer service from their team. I’ve had them renew my domain (until 2022!) help with a hacking situation (on the 1st day of TIFF!) and more recently with a server upgrade. GoDaddy recently changed their hosting and the plan I was on no longer had analytics. As a blogger and online business owner, the stats are important to me. I had considered switching to another host when their help team offered to look into my situation. Instead…

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Cottage Life | Video + Wood, Boats, Dock, A Fall Beard

[youtube id=”uEihYSAjbKA”] This weekend we did a few big jobs involved with closing up the cottage. On thanksgiving morning we took the big boat out of the water (which involved me driving the truck with big trailer attached). Add that to my skills! Once the boat was away we stacked HEAPS of wood. Skills include driving truck w/ massive trailer. pic.twitter.com/WauYIFPu1j — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) October 12, 2015 Was pretty exhausted after so Sean and I took a break and I did a festive thanksgiving take on the ‘flower beard’ we did in Calgary this summer. So cute. We stacked HEAPS of wood. It’s was big job but the weather was nice, worked up quite a sweat. Last task of the day was taking out the other small boat and the dock. We put on wetsuits and went for it. I think we were both surprised we did it by ourselves (and my strength!). Sean is strong, my muscles are not as good for heavy lifting. Over the winter I’m planning to work on my editing skills so I can make more + better videos. I would love if you subscribe! Kowing you’re subscribed motivates me to work harder and produce more entertaining things for you. I’ve also signed up for Skillshare, if you use this link you can sign up for a free month. I figure this year I should learn some new skills/perfect old ones instead of just sitting on the couch or Netflix & chilling. 😛

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Fashion | Converse Holiday Preview 2015

Last week I went to the media preview for Converse 2015 Holiday. I’ve been wearing these kicks my entire life. Mum reminded me the other day that I had them as a wee little kiddo. I’ve gone through heaps of pairs over the years and love how they change slightly, yet remain the same. This year Converse released the Converse Chuck Taylor Chuck II. The new Chuck II is nearly identical to its predecessor, with advances in construction and technology, including Nike’s Lunarlon cushioning. They’re more comfortable! This neon colour is limited edition FYI. A photo posted by StephenThomasM (@stephenthomasm) on Sep 29, 2015 at 6:27pm PDT “[The Chuck II] continues to reflect the spirit of the Chuck Taylor and what it’s meant all these years. It still has all of the most recognizable exterior attributes of the Chuck — that’s important to the consumer. We’re just addressing the new needs of the consumer while staying true to this iconic sneaker,” said David Allen, GM and VP of Converse North America. There’s two new styles from the Holiday 2015 Collection I’m majorly crushing on. First, these rubber Chuck Taylor high tops. I can see myself wearing these all winter, summer, spring, and fall. They’re waterproof and have a sleek zipper down the back. Get on my feet you guys!  ???? Second is not released in Canada yet but they will be soon.  I’m not supposed to say anything about the collab just yet but I found this tweet on Twitter and won’t go into detail and just leave it here… You can see why I love them! Give your feet the warmth they deserve this Winter with the exclusive #Converse Woolrich pic.twitter.com/0psx3J2mSU — Foot Locker EU (@FootLockerEU) October 2, 2015 MAJOR SWOON BABY! ✌️??? CASIE

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This is My Life | There’s Harmony in Autumn, and A Luster in it’s Sky

That’s a wrap on summer! Had a nice relaxing weekend at the cottage. Still a few weeks before we close the place up. The leaves have just started changing. It’s beautiful. Yesterday Sean and I heard this crazy loud noise when we were out for  drive. It was Ontario Watercross Racing – snowmobile racing on water.  I didn’t know this was a thing! They have to keep going at pretty fast speed to stay on top of the water. Saw  few go down and get pulled up from the bottom of the lake. The course includes going around a couple buoys then sliding back to the sand. It’s super fast. We watched a few runs and victory laps on the grass before heading home. They’re REALLLLLLY loud. (Sorry this is showing up so small!) Picked up a few of these little guys . I love this time of year! I know I say that about every season but they each have their charm, they really do. Been thinking a fair bit about halloween and what costumes I want to go with this year. Had a nice sunset cruise in the boat last night. Perfect way to close out summer at the cottage. Have a pretty crazy adventure planned for next weekend at the cottage. A brand is sending two private planes to take some friends and I  and flying around Muskoka and to Port Carling. I’m excited. Will share more about that later. There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been! Percy Bysshe Shelley Here’s to a great week! ?✌️ CASIE

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This is My Life | Why Does Monday Suck Though?

‘Mondays are fine, you hate your job’ Years ago I worked as a tech recruiter in the financial district. We had a team meeting each morning at 8am. Thus meaning I would leave the house each day at 7:30am, dressed in a business type suit, with my briefcase style bag, Lenovo Thinkpad computer (it was 2008), and head down to Bay Street.  Around the 1-year mark on a Monday just before lunch, my boss pulled me into his office and said ‘Case, what’s wrong, you don’t seem your happy self?’ It was true. I wasn’t feeling it.  I didn’t want to do this job anymore.  I thought about quitting but I didn’t have much money and being lay off and getting two weeks would be much better. So, I toughed it out and kept going in for those early mornings. At this point, since my boss brought it up, I came out and said ‘I don’t wanna work here anymore’. He told me he knew and it was ok. we talked it out and I cleaned out my desk after lunch. They gave me 2 weeks pay and I never looked back. If you have going into work on Monday morning, BE THE CHANGE. Do something about it. There are heaps of new jobs in new industries being created each and every single day. or, if you’re not ready to leave your job, spend the weekend working on your hobby so you’ve got something exciting to think about. Work to make THAT your job. I work pretty much every single day, often less on weekends but sometimes more! Doing something I love means it doesn’t always feel like work. I mean sometimes I don’t feel like it but most the time I do. We only live once so don’t spent weeks, months, years doing…

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Travel | Working From the Cottage Today 

Hello, hello? What’s that sound? Waves crashing in the background! Stayed a little longer at the cottage this weekend and am working from this little spot after spending 2 hours on emails + editing in the hammock. It’s a rough life! Biebs just released the video for What Do You Mean and I’ve been playing this tune over and over. I’ve always been a fan of his! Back in my days at MuchMusic & MTV he performed at the MMVAs and I was SO close. Once I got to meet in him NYC. Here’s to a great week my friends. SUMMER IS NOT OVER. This week is gonna be mega hot, get your togs on an hit the beach! ☀️? CASIE

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This is My Life | Sirius XM, NKPR, Greta Constantine, ALO Restaurant, H&M Studio

This week was a busy one! I was looking through photos and decided it would be a good idea to take a look back. Monday I was back on Sirius XM co-hosting the Todd Shapiro Show. It was super fun. Listen to it here.   I’m working on a big project at 1188 and we had a meeting over foot massages. SMARTEST IDEA. There’s a little spot at Queen/Portland, $25 for 30min. Not prices like Thailand but the massage was just as good! Work work.  Tuesday was the NKPR pre-TIFF media event at Natasha’s house. Tahnee was there! It was great to see all the fashion/media peeps after a long relaxing summer. The crazy is about to begin! Can’t wait for TIFF. Recognize these bachelors? Tim (L) and I shot a TV show earlier this year with NKPR. Todd isn’t a bachelor anymore tho. Brad (R) is on TV in Canada and a former Bachelor for those of you not from here.   The NKPR IT Lounge has been going on for 10 years. It’s a VIP gifting suite and portrait studio. Caitlin Cronenberg is shooting it for W Magazine again this year. I’ll be popping by on Sept. 9th. Wednesday night Greta Constantine hosted La Piscine. A glamorous night held at 77 Admiral Road, a three story brick mansion with beautiful backyard and pool. See more photos of peeps at the party on shedoesthecity.com.   Recognize this babe? Abe Hotaki was there stomping grapes in his underwear. He was at our cottage this summer for the Archibald Men magazine shoot.  Next week I’m attending a top secret party hosted by Rickey, if you don’t know Rickey, you will soon. #ChezRickey is sure to be an amazing night.  The tips I ordered for my new Jeffrey Campbell boots arrived. I…

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Sending You Good Vibes Through The Internet As I Type

Well hello there gorgeous! It’s a great day to be alive. Was up early to greet the day and have heaps on my TODO list. I’ve been working out of the 1188 office most the week on a new project and was so heads down yesterday I MISSED A HAIR APPOINTMENT. I would never! As I type this I’m sitting at Starbucks beside a very tall man who is working on something about biology and organic acid catabolic process. Makes missing a hair appt not really seem THAT bad, ha! It’s ok, I rescheduled for Friday afternoon.  🙂 Started wearing my fav Rudsak leather jacket yesterday. This time of year is bittersweet, I love fall fashion but summer is so magical, I wish it would last forever. These flowers are for you… A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Aug 27, 2015 at 6:14am PDT I like to blog when I first get up before doing any other work. It’s something I think about all day if I don’t. I guess that’s how some people feel about working out. If I spent 1/2 as much time jogging as I did blogging, well… we won’t go there!  Sending you good vibes through the internet as I type. Looking forward to the weekend! This weekend I’m doing a scavenger hunt with Ford Canada on Saturday and on Sunday CARLY IS GETTING MARRIED. I can’t wait to see her walk down the aisle. Looking forward to a slowdance with my man too. ?☀️?? CASIE

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Army of Sass – Pinup Girls Picnic

Earlier this summer, a bunch of ladies from my dance crew gathered in Trinity Bellwoods for a pinup picnic. it was so much fun, we drank, danced, and soaked up the sunshine in our vintage swimsuits, big glasses, and red lipstick. I’d been dying to wear this dress somewhere. Reminds me of the old flower print dresses mum and her BFF Pat Hope (my Fairy Godmother!) used to wear.

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August, The Month of The Quiet Hustle

Well hello there. Feeling refreshed today after a HUGE sleep. I put my head down during Wheel of Fortune last night (7pm-ish) and woke up at 2am. Slept until 10 am this morning too, I was exhausted from the weekend. Had a meeting this morning about some exciting news coming your way for TIFF. We met at Old School on Dundas a cute little spot that used to be Hudson Kitchen. This afternoon and tomorrow I’m back at Sirius XM for The Todd Shapiro Show. I’m talking entertainment news, etc. I’m confirmed to be speaking at the next WeAreWearables event in Toronto on September 9th. I’ll be wearing a camera the whole time! More details about how you can attend coming later this week. In other news, this week I booked a speaking gig at a big conference next year and might be changing my hair colour for Spring 2016. Lots of stuff in the works over! August is the month of quiet hustle, building things for the next few months. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. – Steve Jobs      This weekend I’m heading to my hometown for a friends wedding. I can’t wait to see all my old friends and share heaps of laughs together. Nothing like that feeling! Will be spending some time with Mum, haven’t seen her all summer. Off to another meeting before hitting the radio airwaves. Tune in to Sirius XM Canada Laughs, channel 168 at 4pm. Don’t let the rain get you down today, BE YOUR OWN SUNSHINE! ? CASIE

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Game, Set, Match! Bacardi Canada Raquet Club & Cocktails

Last week I went to the Rogers Cup with April. It’d been a while since we had a good girl hang and the night was perfect. Huge thanks to Bacardi Canada for treating us like social royalty; they sent a car service and took good care food & drinks for the night. Great way to get back into city life after my cottage getaway! Rogers Cup with my girl @casiestewart! Lotsa balls flying around here! #BacardiCourtside #RogersCup A photo posted by April Wozny (@aprilwozny) on Aug 12, 2015 at 5:02pm PDT   Bacardi was serving (?) perfect summer cocktails inside the Bacardi Canada Raquet Club. Their goal was to capture the court side cocktail vibe with Bacardi classics: The Bacardí Mojito, Bacardí Cuba Libre, and Bacardí Limónade. April and I made the most of every moment by checking out all the booths and entering all contests or promotions happening. We laughed our heads off the whole time. Fingers crossed we win that Jamaica trip! Shoutout to Woodbine Racetrack for their photo booth (see SQUAD above), we had fun getting the right shot haha. I’ve been working with Woodbine this summer, see all my posts from the races here. Try making these selected summer favs from Bacardi Canada at home. They’re refreshing, and perfect for patios, poolside, or parties. I quite enjoy the lemonade and the Mojito is a close second. Bacardí Mojito: 1oz Bacardi Superior Rum 3-4 Lime wedges 6-8 Fresh Mint leaves 0.5oz – 0.75oz Simple Syrup Top with soda water/club soda Garnish: Fresh Mint Method: Gently press together the limes & sugar. Bruise the mint leaves by clapping them between your palms, rub them on the rim of the glass and drop them in. Next, half fill the glass with crushed ice, add the BACARDÍ Superior rum & stir. Top up with crushed ice, a splash…

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Get a Haircut and Get a Real Job.

I’ve been growing my hair long(er) for the last couple months and I’m ready to cut it. I’ve had it! Was looking through old photos from a Google Search and came across this one from LA. We went to Disneyland and spent some time in California a couple summers ago, it was the best. Love this American Apparel Dress, miss those yellow glasses. Spent the morning analyzing Facebook analytics for a client campaign then helping another client set up her first WordPress. I love doing both! It’s not a ‘real job’ like the olden days but I’m pretty happy that it IS A REAL JOB in 2015. I love THE INTERNET so much. Can’t believe 10 years after starting this blog, I’m here and made a career of it. Who KNOWS what kind of jobs there will be 10 years from now. If you are reading this and in school, GET ALL THE SCHOOL YOU CAN so you’re ready to take on the world with great skills. I know I said this already but I’m SO stoked for the weekend and getting back up to the cottage. We’re gonna stay for A WHILE. I’m doing a makeover to my blog AND getting a new computer. I can barely contain my excitement. HUZZAHHHHHH! <3 CASIE

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Thomas Sabo AW ’15 Press Cocktail: LoveBridge + #CharmClub10

Last week I went to a beautiful event at Malaparte in side the TIFF Bell Lightbox. It’s a great event space that’s bright, with a bar, and theatre screen. I was last there for the Nike Women NTC training sessions earlier this summer. Media and editors gathered to sip champagne and check out the latest Fall Collection for Thomas Sabo. You might remember a couple posts about Thomas Sabo and my trip to England with the brand a few years ago (see here!). The brand is originally from Germany and is planning to open 6 more stores in the GTA. I had an opportunity to meet the founder in England in 2012. The Canadian flagship is at Yorkdale Mall. Thanks Ryan Emberley for this snap. I’m wearing one of my favourite Ted Baker dresses. They gifted us all with a customized Love Bridge bracelet from the new line. Mine says CASIE. I’m kinda wishing I got something a little more creative or inspiring. Next time. Thanks Ryan for this snap too. Love it. I saw the balloon, looked at him, and he knew immediately what was about to happen. After the event I was invited to an intimate dinner with bloggers and editors. We each had little cakes at our table setting and an invite to join the Thomas Sabo Charm Club. Over the course of the dinner we picked out charms to add to our bracelets. Mine’s been ordered and I’m looking forward to it arriving. Mostly because it will be a huge surprise given I don’t remember what I picked! Doh. Thanks Faulhaber and Thomas Sabo teams for the invite and gifts. Find Thomas Sabo Canada on Twitter at @ThomasSaboCDN and see all charms and available jewellery at thomassabo.com. <3 CASIE * All photos except last 3 by Ryan Emberley. Check out some of his work…

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Toronto Wine & Spirit Festival + Schick Hydro Hotel

I recently went to the Food and Wine Festival at Sugar Beach, it was my first time there! It was such a beautiful day! At the festival I stopped by the Schick Hydro Silk Hotel for a relaxing break. Sugar Beach has really cute pink umbrellas. Fish taco + lobster poutine. So good. From June to August, the Schick Hydro Silk Hotel will be travelling to different festivals in Canada, at the hotel you can  drop by to get yourself a sample of Schick Hydro Silk TrimStyle razor and Hawaiian Tropic after sun moisturizer or get a chance to spend some time in the Schick Hydro Silk Hotel, where you can relax, have some water, charge your phone, or even have a massage. In order to receive a sample of the new Hydro Silk TrimStyle razor, Hawaiian Tropic After Sun moisturizer, and Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration sunscreen, people are asked to snap a photo with the bushes from the commercial (get it? haha!). You may have seen it on tv. I picked the heart one of course. Hooked up w/ samples and a massage. I’m always down for a massage!   The Schick Hydro Silk Hotel will be at the following locations across Canada this summer.  For your chance to win a trip for 2 worth of $5,000 or 1 of 6 $500 prepaid credit cards visit hydrosilkhotel.ca. Thanks Schick Hydro for event tickets, samples, the charge-up, and massage! As an avid traveller, getting ready for vacation is one of the skills I’ve got done to a science.  Here’s a few items I keep in my summer travel bag or tucked away in my purse to help me look and feel fresh. Everything is small and compact, just what you need when you’re on the go from one destination to the another. A refresher kit of my own 🙂 Eye makeup remover…

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What a Day! Scavenger Hunt, Set Life, Zoo, and Shoes!

Started the yesterday meeting up with the #EskaQuest team in St. Lawrence Market. It was the first of my 2 giveaways with Eska Water. Read more about those here and follow @eska_water for clues. Saturday’s giveaway is for a $300 gift card for Stillwater Spa. Hellooooo! There were a few people waiting to meet me in order to win. ME! We had fun. Look at how cheezy I am in this photo, LOVE IT. Spent the afternoon working on an 1188 production. This is a RED Camera, fancy. Lauren, Steve, and I were extras on set. Years ago I spent an entire summer on set for a movie with my sister. We has heaps of fun and made tons of friends. I wrote about it not too long ago here: #TBT Diary of a Background Performer. I arrived back at the office to a super nice delivery from Nike Canada, NEW SHOES! The Nike Free Cross Bionic 2 is new in Canada and I’m looking forward to hitting the pavement with these guys tomorrow. This shoe is ultra-flexible, with breathable mesh upper and Flywire cables for dynamic support.  Yes, I run, but I don’t tell the whole free world every single time. I picked EmBot up from school for a girl date last night. We ate McDonald’s, ice cream, and went to the zoo. WILD TIMES. One of the zoo volunteers let us feed vegetables to the animals.   We were both especially fond of the peacock. Hope you’re having a great week. I’M READY FOR THE WEEEEEEEEKEND! <33333333 CASIE  

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Heading to Our Nations Capital, Ottawa!

Friday morning Mum and I are heading to Ottawa and it’s her first time flying Porter Airlines. I’m so excited to be travelling with her! Last time mum and I went on a trip together I was in middle school. We don’t often get to hang much, especially not in the summer is mum is usually at the boat and we spend heaps of time at the cottage. We’ll be seeing Serena Ryder, with special guests The Strumbellas at TD Place Stadium to celebrate Canada Day weekend. Earlier in the day, TD Bank and MusiCounts will be be announcing the 2015 MusiCounts grant recipients and have a special surprise planned for a local Ottawa recipient.  I’ll be doing a short interview w/ TD Canada about TD MusicCounts and sharing it with you next week. Oh hey @serenaryder! See you on July 3rd! #tdmusic #lansdowne #tdplace A photo posted by TD Place (@tdplace) on Jun 18, 2015 at 1:09pm PDT Feeling excited to take mum on a press trip and hang out at the hotel together. We don’t leave until 4pm the following day so hoping to take a walk on Parliament Hill. I’ve never been to Ottawa around Canada Day. Last time I was in Ottawa was March 2012 for Ottawa Fashion Week and it was very snowy. Looking forward to some fun times w/ mum and lots of laughs! 💛 CASIE

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