the lake looks icy cold

I can see Lake Ontario from my window and let me tell you, it looks damn cold ,nearly frozen. I was feeling quite chilly myself and went for a dip in my pool. The water was surprisingly warm and since it is enclosed in glass, the sun was shining brightly. Perfect for a lazy Sunday! Thanks to American Apparel for the suit. It’s evening and I’m watching Thomas Crown Affair on FOX. God, I love this movie. It just started!! Woo Hoo!

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where would you like to wake up tomorrow?

I just watched this video on Fifty People One Question. I like the site concept. They have asked two questions and received nine hundred and sixty-four responses from five hundred and thirty-one cities. It was quite lovely watching this video. Fifty People, One Question: Brooklyn from Crush + Lovely on Vimeo. My answer: I’d like to wake up at Bondi Beach on Hall Street with my sister and a few of my best friends. It is beautiful there. It’s summer, it’s over 25 degrees Celsius and the forecast says sunny all week.

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weather report: minus smiles across the city & negative winds

I went for a walk today at lunch. I was wearing my earphones even though my ipod battery was dead. Hold your thoughts. They keep your ears warm and I also have a strange pastime of eavesdropping on other peoples conversations. Yes, it is true. It’s more fun on the subway then walking, but whatever. Anyhow, what I did overhear was all kinds of people ‘cryning’ as my Dad calls it (crying/whining) about the weather. We are going to have damn cold days coming, so what, deal with it, stay inside, hibernate, read books, learn something. I love summer, I do not like being cold, however I do really, really not like complaining. It is not good energy for yourself OR anyone around you. Whether you mean for them to hear you or not.I got back to the office and thought, I need to ditch this bad attitude. I dove into my work and managed to knock off a few hours. Then the sun came out and I was smiling again. ♥

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the good word? the beats are sweet

I’m definitely digging the poetic lyrical stylings of wordPEOPLE. Lead singer Missy C passed over their newest album ‘The Peoples Eatery’ for me to check out and I am impressed. I have a love for well written lyrics and lust for beats with rhyme and style. There’s a common sound between older Black Eyed Peas or Roots albums that is positive & uplifting, makes you bob your head while you listen. Missy C has a soothing voice that makes me wish I knew the lyrics so I could sing along. I also know that she has wicked style, looking forward to seeing her on stage! The emcee ape.X can rhyme the way I like, quick but clear. Makes you want to listen to it over and over. My favorite tracks are ‘Just Don’t Know, ‘People’ cause of the fat fast pace and the album title track ‘The Peoples Eatery’. The track ‘Swinga Things’ has a really light beat that’s super catchy; reminds me a bit of Lilly Allen. I love it.The sound of this entire album is kinda R&B, funk, rock, with some old school flava; an eclectic mix of music to my ears. I can see myself dancing at their next show or on a sunny summer afternoon with pints and friends (same thing). I’m looking forward to their next show. They just played in Guelph last week. I’m keen to check out the live performance for stage presence, seems like they have a lot of energy, and well, that is exactly what I like.

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mail is great, especially when it has style

I love getting mail. Makes me happy. I mean real old fashioned snail mail. The kind mum sends in the summer when she’s sailing on her boat and abandons the internet. The kind with stamps. The only people who really send me mail are mum and companies that want me to test out, chat about, review their stuff. I get all my packages delivered to my office because I love when they get dropped off at my desk and the girls go ‘oooooooh what did you get this time’ and it makes me feel even happier to get it. This year I have been given subscriptions to Wired (totally love the most) and Flare (props to Canada). Flare arrived this week. Getting mags for free and delivered is much more fun than buying them. I like this section on of stuff. I buy alot of vintage stuff and this is ‘stylespiration‘. Yes, that is a word, I just added it to the Urban Dictionary.

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put on that ruskie baby

I’m love my ruskie hat, plus, it is warm as hell. It’s winter in Toronto and the wind is once again whipping at my windows. There’s something about Russian girls and theses hats that is super hot. I keep thinking to myself ‘each day is one closer to summer’ hoping it will keep my spirits up. I usually get the S.A.D.ness this time of year and I’m tryna fight it. Taking vitamin D and B50 complex helps alot.

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change your perspective

Have you been feeling down? Is the cold weather and season giving you a reason to frown? Have no fear for I am here and we will take that thought and toss it!! Change your perspective. Each day, hour, minute that passes is one closer to Spring, Summer and sunshine. There are a million things to be happy about. Each day is a new day and you have new thoughts and new things come into your life. Be happy about that. I never know from one day to the next what will come up in this online diary. It is exciting for me to write my thoughts down, the memories are what keeps me going. Pictures of the beach and me make me smile too.

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she was full of zeal

I’m really excited for 2009.Time to shine, feeling divine.I love how it rhymes. Shit. Did it again. Crime. Fun. I had a wonderful day today. Spent the morning sleeping followed by a little breakfast snack and coffee. Had a great visit with the lovely Karrera. I did a little exercise in my room. Proud of myself for getting a jump on the ‘New Years I’m gonna start the gym‘ phenomenon; I feel like I’m ahead of the game and gearing up for summer! Each day that passes is one day closer to summer. I’ve also gathered up heaps of supplies for the workshop. I have designed some really rad stuff for Spring/Summer 2009. I’m going to be working in the gallery space until it opens in the Spring, inspiring! I’m also stoked because I made a plan for August to join Karrera for Shambhala. Helloooo 2009, the year of opportunity!

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degrassias – what generation?

I found this little note from my first day on set at Degrassi. in 2007 I was doing a bunch of random jobs that summer including background work and PR. I started thinking to myself as I sit here in Holding for my first day at Degrassi High…. Here I am working on a show I’ve never seen surrounded by a bunch of people whom either I’ve only met over the last six weeks or never seen before. Its great, as I hear the sound of “Its Raining Men” on the set, I’ve managed once again to avoid being used or getting on camera. It’s a total dream when you get to spend the day sitting in Holding, getting paid to do whatever it is your little heard desires until they call for lunch or “everyone on set”. I’m hoping that today I make to lunch at least. I’m hiding in the back area hoping not get get noticed or called. Made it past lunch. Thank god. Unfortunately, I had to walk past the cast a few times on camera holding hands with Jessica as if she was my girlfriend. Someone in the cast is at a gay bar with a rich guy and from what I can tell he is barely, if even at all out of the closet to his friends on the show (or in real life.) I wish I had seen this damn show at least once. Turns out that guy did come out of the closet and I still, to this day, have not seen the show. Something totally ‘fab’ did happen that day; I was given a pair of boots from wardrobe because I didn’t bring any heels with me. After we finished shooting for the day I was leaving the set heading to…

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it’s chalottage time again!!

If you are unaware of what a Chalottage is, you can find it in the Urban Dictionary defined by yours truly. I’m looking forward to a few trips out of the city in the new year to relax at the chalottage. Last winter we had a total blast heading up north and we had even more fun once we got there! Chalottage A place you go in the winter because it’s near a ski resort, ski hill or some type of winter activity AND a place you go in the summer because it is near water or for summer relaxing. part Chalet part Cottage, Chalottage. Winter: Lets go to the Chalottage for skiing this weekend!Summer: Lets go to the Chalottage and go to the beach this weekend! Ex. Collingwood, ON: Ski at Blue Mountain & sun, sand, surf at Wasaga Beach. Source: Casie Stewart, Toronto, ON

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pants off party

My invite is on its way I guess… “I have a Jager machine in my bus and one in the dressing room. I also have a new dressing-room rule, which I started over the summer: You must remove one article of clothing- your pants, your top- ore else you are not allowed in my dressing room. So in order to come back and dance and party you gotta take off some clothing. That gets the fucking party started so quick. Everyone’s walking around topless, and shit’s going, music’s bumping, girls are dancing on the table, and you’re like, Okay this is perfect.” – Tommy Lee tells the new issue of Playboy

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winter workout

So, this winter I’ve decided to actually work out while hibernating instead of just sitting on my couch and dreaming of summer like I usually do. Fortunately I live in a condo where there are two gyms, a court, yoga studio and pool. I really haven’t any excuse to be out of shape. My goal is to be the most fit I have ever been. I used to live in Australia at Bondi Beach, known as the most famous beach in the world. When you live in a place like that, you are surrounded by babes and beauties and you force yourself to be in shape. This however, was several years ago and I was running, surfing and doing regular yoga. I’ve been going to thew gym a few weeks and am starting to see results. I hid my face because I just came from the gym and before that just came from my sleep in my bed and look tired. The muscles are on their way!!

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Sketches: Part I

I drew this sketch. It is called ‘Skin Trade: pornstars are entrepreneurs’. I have it posted on my wall at home and I thought, why not post it here. I was thinking to myself how really, if you can make money selling your body as you may wish to, you are an entrepreneur. This is not something that I have done nor have any desire to. I was just thinking in general. The Free Dictionary online defines an entrepreneur as “A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.” Thus, I would say I am correct. This is a sketch I did of my bike. It really is my pride and joy. Well, it was, until she got a flat tire because I left her in a bad hood over night . Now she’s not going for any rides. Next summer, this beauty will be back on the road and all over downtown. Just how she likes it.

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It was my beauty…

As you may be aware, I have a bike. I love this bike and I love riding it. A while ago I was riding my bike in a beautiful long summer dress which was flowing & big glasses gleaming. As I approached a traffic light ,I was paired beside a truck of men who were clearly involved in some type of labour work. They were obviously enjoying my bike ride just about as much as I was. At that point, the light changed, I proceeded to pedal forward. They drove forward. I continued, and they, totally fucking rear ended the car in front of them. I tried my best not to laugh, when an elderly man turned to me and said, “You better get out of here little lady, those boys are going to be mighty embarrassed if they see you around”. The End.

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THE TING TINGS ROCKEDTHE MOD CLUBLAST NIGHT! The Ting Tings ARE the UK’s hottest new musical export and they are becoming 2008’s most refreshing summer sensation with their #1 UK chart-topping debut album, “We Started Nothing.” Jules De Martino and Katie White, aka the Ting Tings, have been winning over critics and audiences alike with their irresistible blend of electro-pop sounds and dance-punk attitude. The Ting Tings – That’s Not My Name

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Last weekend was May 2-4, Victoria Day long weekend. I went up North with some of my best friends and loves up to our fav place, The Chalet. Since we are approaching Summer and it is usually warmer by now, I found it quite appropriate to rename it the Chalottage; combo Chalet/Cottage. We had an amazingly fantastic time and I created a keepsake for us all to hold on to the memories. Here friends, is my video: Chalottage has now been defined in the UrbanDictionary as the following: Chalottage A place you go in the winter because it’s near a ski resort, ski hill or some type of winter activity AND a place you go in the summer because it is near water or for summer relaxing. part Chalet part Cottage, Chalottage. Winter: Lets go to the Chalottage for skiing this weekend!Summer: Lets go to the Chalottage and go to the beach this weekend! Ex. Collingwood, ON: Ski at Blue Mountain & sun, sand, surf at Wasaga Beach. Source: Casie Stewart, Toronto, ON

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Vice Magazine – Show your love for NZ!!

Being a Kiwi, as great as it is, I enjoyed that VICE featured NZ in their global trend report. However, with all the focus on cities around the world, they managed to put NZ, the COUNTRY, not a city such as Auckland or Wellington, or hell, Palmy either!! Here’s what they said: “It’s slightly disappointing that no one in this majestic land actually looks like Frodo or Xena. Yes, that is all most of us know about New Zealand. Oh, and Flight of the Conchords, which isn’t the funniest thing ever, but it’s a little bit funny once in awhile. Eagle Vs. Shark was pretty good too—like Napoleon Dynamite but with cute accents and kind of sadder. What other good movies were made in New Zealand? Oh yeah, Heavenly Creatures. That’s an old fave. So anyway, instead of mythical creatures and lesbian schoolgirls, what we have here is a bunch of young cool kids being cool in their cool clothes that, we are slowly coming to realize, are the same cool clothes as everywhere else in the world. Globalization blah blah blah. Nevertheless, New Zealanders look like a pretty good time. It’s like new rave never stretched its poisonous tentacles all the way over there or something. NZ girls are good at mix ’n’ match. High-end designer pieces (Yohji Yamamoto Y’s, Zambesi) are carefully thrown together with more “street” items and bits of vintage. (MY FAV!) A simple black-and-white outfit accented with a Chanel purse plus arm tattoos plus pink hair with long bangs plus Docs equals “Let’s do this.” And wait, is that a tattoo of the Little Mermaid on her arm? OK, fine, let’s fucking do this. Everything is black-and-white, and color only occurs in the context of a perfect plaid shirt, which is harder to find than…

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