#Esakaquest 2015 – Find Eska, Win Prizes!

This summer Eska Water is back for round 2 of Eskaquest. Torontonians are invited to explore the city in a Toronto-wide scavenger hunt. This year, ESKA will is teaming up with six Toronto influencers (including me!), and challenging Toronto to ‘Find ESKA’ for the chance to win tickets and prizes from June 22nd to July 31st. During the six week campaign,we’re each giving away 2 prizes per week. There’s two ways to get in the game, follow clues that ESKA releases on social media, or take a peek on the microsite (here), which contains a map hinting at the general location for each giveaway. The first person to successfully find the influencer wins the prize. Follow Eska for Clues Follow on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as we release daily clues to help you find the next #eskaquest giveaway location. My Eska Prize Giveaways are July 8th & July 11th Stillwater Spa gift certificate$300 Dinner for 2 at a Summerlicious restaurant The rest of the Eskaquest crew includes blogger Yashy Murphy, Indie 88 radio host Brent Albrecht, MTV Live alumni Paul Lemieux, Sheena Snively, and  Daryn Jones. We’ve planned a really fun giveaway so I’m pretty excited to put the plan in motion. I’ll have more details next week! Until then follow ESKA water for another giveaway on Saturday. CASIE

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New Bike, Snacks, Shoppers, #SMDay

Well hello my friends. 😎✌This photo was taken yesterday and although I look very smiley, I’m not feeling great. I’m so tired. I’m not sure if it’s the small time change last week with my trip to Calgary or lack of sleep but I’m lethargic. I miss the cottage. It’s been weeks since we’ve got to have a good cottage hang and it’ll be at least a week before we get back up to Muskoka. I’m in Ottawa this weekend then back for The Queen’s Plate. In other news, I had some good things yesterday… I used to have a Red Schwinn cruiser bike that I LOVED. I rode that baby all over town for a coue simmers, Junction to Beaches and back. Unfortunately some jerk vandalized my bike and it was unridable, went to the bike graveyard. RIP. 2 years ago I purchased a new one from Bikes On Wheels, Queen West and it was stolen before summer was over. Last year I didn’t ride at all it made me sad. YESTERDAY, my brand new Schwinn Cruiser was ready for pickup. 🚲👍 Schwinn Canada has welcomed me as a bike ambassador and I’m back on the road baby! I’ve got a few things to add (bell, basket, lights) before we’re full time but one little cruise yesterday made my heart sing. 💛 If you stop by your local Shoppers Drug Mart you might see their new ‘Summer Covered’ Campaign. Next week I’ll be sharing some of my fav products for summer roadtrips and cottaging. I’ll also be featured on the SDM social + website. Received a shipment of this yesterday. Have you tried it yet? It’s Social Media Day today and in 2010 and 2011 I spoke at Toronto events. It’s amazing how social media has changed my life and taken…

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Off to the Races! Woodbine Oaks at Woodbine Racetrack

This weekend I went to Woodbine Racetrack for Woodbine Oaks, the first leg in Canada’s Triple Tiara of Racing, the prep race for The Queen’s Plate. I’ve been to the Queen’s Plate a few times and this summer I’m excited to partner with Woodbine Racetrack for the ENTIRE race season. I’ll be attending major races from from now till November. Better get some new hats! Since I’ll be at the races a fair bit, I decided to get a lesson in exactly HOW to bet and the fine details about horse racing. Some people pick based on names and numbers, which is ok (and what I had done previously). In my session learned about the odds, how they change, and Win-Place-Show. Picking a horse to win with 20-1 odds can really work in your favor! Grandad would be proud. Wish me luck! #OfftotheRaces pic.twitter.com/k2b5djXFpR — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) June 14, 2015 Both my mum’s dad and dad’s dad were really into horse racing, so it’s natural I like it too. When I lived in Australia, going to the horse racing was a HUGE thing. One of my fondest memories was going for a surf at Bronte in Sydney’s north beaches then rushing home to get ready for race day. Threw a friends dress on with my ocean tossed beach hair, grabbed a hat, and I was off to the races.  We had such a fun day. Paris Hilton was there too. This weekend I bet on a couple races and even won a few $$ back. It’s so exciting when the race starts and you see your horse leading the pack. Everyone is standing up and yelling, it’s exhilarating! The next big event is the Queen’s Plate on July 5th. It’s HUGE and one of the most stylish events of the summer. Last year, Sean and I raced home from…

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 Photo Diary: New Hair, New Boots, Boats, Babes, Champagne, Rain

This week was a busy one. Not like ‘fake busy’, I mean I was full on running from one thing to the next every single day. I directed something Monday that was the 2nd day of shooting for a campaign. When we wrapped around 6pm, I went back to the 1188 office then over to RAINA+WILSON studio to celebrate the Globe Style Summer Issue.   It was only Monday but I was ready to wind down with a cocktail. Grey Goose was sponsoring and they had grapefruit juice, my fav. 416 Snack Bar was catering and the food was A+ too.     We were treated to a small private show by Calvin Love. The style issue comes out TODAY, Friday, June 12th. You can download it for FREE from iTunes right here.   Tuesday was rainy and my hair was a mess. I find it much easier to work and concentrate when it’s rainy out. When the sun is shining I wanna shut my computer and play outside.   You know what I mean?   I went to the Stage TEN office on Tuesday night for a live Pet Skills show.  It’s the world’s first live, interactive, web show! I’ll be sharing more about my involvement with Stage TEN soon.     The lower East side of Toronto is quite pretty, especially driving over this bridge when the sun is setting. It was almost 8pm here.   The bridge says ‘This river I step in is not the river I stand in’. It means the water is always changing, no river is ever the same. Think about it. Read more about it here.   Working together has been quite fun lately. I enjoy the morning drive and singing along to the radio.   Dylan and Sean dressed the same this week. So cute.   Really hoping we can get our car out for a drive soon. We’ve had…

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Don’t Hate, Appreciate! Selfie Queen, New Tricks, New Treats

Omg heyyyyy! It’s FRIDAYYYYY or FRIYAY as kids call it these days. Woke up to find out my blog was BROKEN. Urgh. Always a scare. I imagine it’s like your child being unable to function. My blog is my baby and when it’s got a cold 403 error and not operating, my heart sinks and I panic. It’s ok tho, fixed now bc you are reading THIS! Went to dinner at the Trump Hotel last night because I am I fancy lady for a press event with LG Canada. I was given a brand new, unlocked (from Korea) LG G4 to test drive. I love new gadgets so much. My fav things about this phone so far is the selfie camera.  It’s got that beauty feature to perfect your skin (no editing required), there’s a front facing flash, and you can signal with your hand to take a selfie. Earlier tonight, things got a bit weird, but awesome w/ @LGCanada and it was fun. #LGG4 pic.twitter.com/SffJ6YAo5r — CASiE STEWART ? (@casiestewart) May 22, 2015 The PR team was like ‘Casie you’ll love these selfie features’ as then handed over the phone. Then, in the middle of the product demo I got called a ‘Selfie Queen’ in front of everyone. I don’t mind. I’d proud of my selfie skills. I have been taking photos of myself before they even had a name.  You’ll get about 12,300 results if you google my name and ‘selfie’. That takes real dedication! This is an oldie from 2008 when I lived in the East end at Broadview & Danforth. I was an IT recruiter in the financial district back then, seems like a 100 years ago now. After I passed by the new Yo Sox store to see Ryan and the gang. The once pop-up is now…

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Weekend: Wonderland, Cottage Life, Bike, Bondage!

This weekend was a great one. Went to Wonderland w/ Sean and my sister, opened the cottage, got a new bike, and managed to catch some sun. We went on Leviathan which was crazy/scary/awesome. If you’re going to Canada’s Wonderland for the day I suggest getting a Fast Pass. The upgrade is well worth the time you’ll spend waiting in lines. The rides are really fun but I’m impatient! Don’t like waiting! Sean and I went on the Merry-go-round. It’s cheezy and slow but I like it. I realized I’m not really into the super-fast-whip-you-around coasters like I used to be. This was romantic. Thank you Shannon Kelly and the Canada’s Wonderland team for inviting us. We had a blast. I think my sister went on every single ride that was open! The park was just as fun as I remember and it was nice to be back after about 10 years. Arrived at the cottage in Muskoka post Wonderland with daylight left to get the place open. There’s heaps of work to be done to get it ready for summer fun.  I raked leaves for at least 2 hours It was great to be out in the canoe again. So Canadian! Before Sunday dinner Sean and I  jumped in the lake. It was SO COLD but also refreshing, liberating.  I used to be all ‘nooo’ and scared about jumping in before it’s warm but switched my perspective and decided I’m lucky to have the opportunity and it’s not gonna hurt me. YOLO! Sunset steak dinner on the dock is just about as good as it gets. Watching the sun go down here gives me great inspiration and mental clarity. It feels SO GOOD to be back. Sparks were flying. We Sean set up this nifty little WatchBot nanny cam on the cottage…

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Top Chefs + Top Brewers = WIN! 🍻Brewers Plate! 🍻

Love beer? Love food? Love summer? Love rock n’roll? Who doesn’t!? The Brewers Plate is a local sustainable feast celebrating TO’s breweries, chefs, farmers, and food artisans. It takes place May 13th, 2015 at Corus Quay. So, put May 13 in your calendar (Wednesday next week) and go buy a  Brewers Plate ticket right NOW. It’s a one-of-a-kind evening of unique food and beer pairings from 20 Top Toronto Chefs and 20 Top Ontario Brewers. Once you get a ticket ($95) you can eat/drink as much as you can handle (responsibly of course tho).  Last year’s event was sold out. Text this post to your BFF, BF, parent, or a pal you’ve not seen in a while and say ‘wanna go to 🍻🍛??” For tickets, click HERE. 🎫 To see what chefs are coming, click HERE. 🍔🍢🍤 To see the line up of brewers, click HERE. 🍻 🍻 The theme is ROCK N’ ROLL and I suggest pairing your fav band t-shirt with jeans, maybe a blazer? Thinking I might bust out this Iron Maiden shirt in some type of stylish summery fashion. Kinda like this but no tights. To make it even BETTER, the night supports a great cause, Friends Of The Greenbelt Foundation.  Check out all the sponsors and more about the event at brewersplatetoronto.org. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU GUYS THERE! 💛☀️ CASIE WIN 2 TICKETS TO BREWERS PLATE NEXT WEEK! a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Live in Colour, Brown Eyed Girl

When I was young we used to go camping every summer near Orangeville. All the Kiwis and Aussies my parents knew got together for the Down Under Summer Games where we had a traditional Maori Hāngi, gumboot toss, and my sister and I performed with the Maori Culture Club. It was so much fun! My Grandpa Doug converted a school bus into a camper with kitchen and we drove that up a few times singing oldies the whole way. Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison was one of our favourites. Air Optix Colors encourages you to Live In Color and as you know, that’s something true in my life too. My closet is full of bright colours and sometimes my hair too. Nina Dobrev also wears them, and takes selfies. After trying almost* all the Air Optix Color contacts the last few months, I gotta say, I like brown eyes too. Tried them last thinking they’d be the least noticeable but they’ve got a nice look to them, have never seen my eyes this dark. The science behind the contacts design works to enhance your eyes in three ways where the outer ring defines, primary colour transforms, and the inner ring brightens. Important to take care of those peepers too! A photo posted by @airoptixcolors on Apr 24, 2015 at 2:02pm PDT Next time you visit the eye doctor ask about Air Optix Colors or swap them out for your regular contacts. For info visit airoptixcolors.ca. Any questions, as always, ask me on the Twitter! Remember, you’re never going to be younger than you are today so live a little, YOLO! <3 CASIE     * I didn’t try hazel contacts because I already have natural hazel eyes. * This post is sponsored by Alcon + Air Optix Colors but the story is my real…

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New Shades, Patio Season, Parking, Sunshine, Wine!

Hello, hello, what a beautiful day! Put these flowers in the 1188 office yesterday to brighten up the kitchen area. It’s so nice to be working back downtown, vs last summer when I was up in the Junction. Wore these little adorable Lacoste oxfords and really hoped they didn’t hurt my feet come end of the day. You know how that happens every spring! The old summer shoes come out and your feet get all nasty lol. Picked up these glasses at a garage sale last weekend. I love garage sale season! Mum and I went to one when I was home a couple weeks ago.     Time to so something different with my hair soon. Not cutting it but colour. Have had blonde for months now, I’m ready to spice it up! *Note to future self, don’t get eyelash extensions again, your real lashes are beautiful. This was nice to see on our way to work in the morning finally, mobile payments! Thanks John Tory!  American and International friends, you will be happy to know we no longer have a crazy crack smoking mayor and our new mayor is quite swell. Was walking down Queen Street West and caught these two guys reading the paper in perfect form. Yesterday was SO NICE, the streets were packed. Went to a tasting at the iYellow wine cave w/ Vinho Verde wines from Portugal.      Nice to see Ken Samuel and meet the Wine Ladies. We had a great chat!    Thanks Re:Source Media, Angela Aiello (Executive Producer of CNBC’s “Wine Portfolio”), and the crew at iYellow for a nice evening. The wine was great too! In other news… Can’t wait. Planning to go to the cottage for my birthday weekend (May8th). I’m ready for a getaway! Hope you’re having a great week and enjoying…

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Celebrating 40 Years! Over The Rainbow X Fidelity Denim

Last week I stopped by Toronto’s iconic Over The Rainbow to celebrate as they turn 40. In honour of this exciting milestone, OTR is doing a series of fashion collabs throughout the year. The first is a limited-edition jean designed by Canadian denim darling Jason Trotzuk of FIDELITY.   I had a chance to have a few laughs with Jason, who flew in from Jason flew in from LA – where the FIDELITY factory is located, just for the event. The jeans come in a classic blue denim or white, with OTR details including rainbow striped detailing on the back pockets and inside waistband. Over The Rainbow is THE place to go for a great pair of jeans, they’re known for honest service, knowledgeable staff, and innovative products. I’ve had some good memories there including last summer  2 summers ago when I hosted the Back to School Blogger blowout (see post here). Enjoyed the beverage selection. Fresh cold pressed juice in a rainbow of colours! Every month for the rest of the year, Over The Rainbow will be doing collaboration with some really rad brands including Tuck Shop Co., Naked & Famous Denim, Line Knitwear, Moose Knuckles, and more. See the full list here. I’ll make sure to keep you updated so you can pick up something from the limited collections yourself!  A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Apr 28, 2015 at 9:47am PDT Thanks Faulhaber Communications x FIDELITY x Over the Rainbow for my own pair of the limited edition denim. They’re super comfortable! Follow the hashtag #OTR40TRS for all their best moments! <3 CASIE

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Weekend Reads + Things to Watch: Marketing Mag, NextIssue, News, Film

   Woke up feeling ok, battling a sore throat but dragged myself out for some sunshine and a coffee. Still rocking that winter fur but looks like next week will bring those spring temps we’ve all been waiting for. Listened to CBC Radio q w/ Shad this morning wearing this face mask from The Face Shop (thanks Faulhaber!). Working away in the home office looking like Hannibal Lecter hoping Sean didn’t walk in and get a fright. Update: He didn’t. Did you watch the Bruce Jenner interview last night with the rest of the world? I thought it was a good interview and it was interesting to hear Bruce’s story and struggles he’s been facing. I’m not a regular watcher of Kardashians so I’ve not seen much about him besides the tabloid stuff. This week I upgraded my NextIssue Canada subscription so I can get ALL the magazines including Hello Canada and US Weekly. If you wanna test it out try code ’60free’ for 2 months. Follow this link -> NextIssue 60free. They just added some more French and English titles (see here) along with new search options.  I’m anxiously watching for the Royal Baby. I’ve always had a love for the Royal Family, it stems from my mum. She named me Casie Diana Stewart after Diana, Princess of Wales.  Rest in Peace Dear Diana, ILU. Read MORE magazine via NextIssue today as well, always one of mum’s favs. Loving these jumpsuits, looking good Jessica Alba. I could wear in these things all summer.      In other news: I was featured in a story about The Future of Social Media in Marketing Magazine this week. Read it here. New photo by Kayla Rocca.     Our film, Behind the Red Carpet is NOW ON iTunes IN CANADA. You can rent/buy it and watch me on your TV/tablet/phone screen in the comfort of your…

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Internet, TV, Fried Chicken, Fur Coat – Just a Regular Day!

Left the house today all like WHAAAAAAAAAAT IS THIS COLDDDDD? Grabbed a fur from the closet and shut the door. Can’t even believe it snowed yesterday. One of the only good things about winter is you can throw on a huge jacket like this (from LeChateau) with a pair of sunnies (YSL/Smart Buy Glasses) and you look like a cool old granny. The rings help! They’re part of that haul from the Shop for Jayu SS15 look book shoot. Today I was interviewed for tonight’s Global National news about YouTube’s 10th birthday. I didn’t really know that YouTube and my blog are the same age.  THREE CHEERS FOR INTERNET OGs. Mike Drolet and I chatted about how YouTube has changed the world, jobs, trolls, and more. Tune in tonight at 6:30pm for the full interview. I’ll post a link to it here tomorrow once it’s live. I rung mum to tell her I was gonna be on TV and said, “that’s why I always have my nails done, never know when tv will be calling!”. Ha. I kill me.  I would like to do more tv. I love the lights and being on camera. When I was done I came downstairs and Sean and the 1188 boys had picked up lunch from The Chickery (David Adjey’s place).  IT WAS SO GOOD. I didn’t fill up in the mac n’ cheese but it was good too. That’s all for now. From the Internet to the TV tonight! Hopefully I look ok now that I’ve told y’all I’ll be on there. Ha! If I have lipstick on my teeth I will just die. <3 CASIE

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Friday! Beaches, Bondi, and It’s Not Cassie! 

Went to Starbucks with my sister this morning and as usual I said my name for the order. I don’t know if I’ve EVER had my name spelled right by a barista there. Today is clearly a special one! Stayed at Jenie’s house and went for a stroll on the boardwalk in the morning.  It’s SO beautiful down there. I alsolutely love it. Vow to spend more time there this summer. As a West end girl it always feels so far away but one trip on the streetcar and it’s like you’re in a different city.  Today reminded me of living at Bondi Beach in Australia. I loved it there so much. Left and piece of my heart and will definitely be back someday. Hope to take Sean to NZ and Australia for a tour!  Came across this old throwback to 2004 when I lived there. Long brown hair! I was so tanned and thin back then. Ahhh, the beach life!     Heading home to see my parents and go to a friends baby shower this weekend. She’s having twins!  Really looking forward to seeing all my old friends from back home. It’s been AGES!  Wishing you a wonderful weekend. It’s absolutely beautiful outside today! 

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Shooting w/ NKPR, My Fav Shirt, Periscope from a Church

Last week I was on set for a day with MD Media and NKPR for an exciting TV project we’ve been working on. My first shoot day was about 2 weeks ago, remember I was on set with Tim Warmels (The Bachelor) here. This is one of my most fav shirts, picked it up at Philistine Toronto, Queen West last summer. We used a few of my things as props, beloved Ted Baker London makeup bad and Dermalogica products. I absolutely love their tinted moisturizer with SPF. It’s perfect for summer when you don’t have to wear as much makeup. The long thin tube is a tinted primer with SPF that’s great as well. I love being on camera! Those bright lights on the face feel so great. Been wearing these glasses heaps lately. They’re another steal from Polette Eyewear in France. Polette was started by a young entrepreneur, Pierre Wizman, who decided to quit school and build his first company at the age of 16. He wanted to make affordable, yet stylish eyewear available for all. Check out all the rad styles at polette.com. We were at a church so decided to snoop around. And they did a live periscope from inside. It was kinda fun. Hey Tory! It was raining that day but I’m totally ready for any showers that come my way with my bright red Stutterhein jacket. I love this thing! Here’s to a great week filled with sunshine and positivity! Sending some your way 🙂 <3 CASIE  

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What’s your fav room in the house??? #housie

In my latest little project with TD Canada I’ve joined them in celebrating the places we live. Whether it’s your first place or a fresh start somewhere new, there’s always one room in the house you like the most. In my last place I loved the living room, remember this view overlooking Lake Ontario and downtown Toronto? I spent hours staring out those windows. TD Canada is encouraging people to share their fav room in the house with a #housie, a 360-degree video selfie of your home. My fav room in our house is the roof top patio. Last summer I had a lovely garden up there and spruced up the place with some new furniture. My TD Canada #housie A video posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Apr 6, 2015 at 9:11am PDT How to create your own – I’m sure you know! Love to see your fav room in the house and how you celebrate your home. I need to celebrate today by doing some cleaning! Once uploaded to Twitter or Instagram your vid will be added to the others on tdhousie.com. <3 CASIE  

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Garden Party! Ted Baker London SS15 Preview at Casa Loma

Last night I went to Toronto’s castle to check out the Spring/Summer 2015 collection from Ted Baker London. I love Casa Loma, it’s especially beautiful at magic hour or in the summer (great garden out back!). These are one of my latest pairs of shades from Polette Eyewear in France. Polette is an online optician, a leader on the French market, glasses are made-man, and come in a various material (wood, hand-polished acetate, plastic, metal). These are the Monroe. The Monroe Apple has purple mirrored lenses and light green frames! Looooove. The Conservatory inside Casa Loma was decked out like a beautiful garden party complete with a string quartette playing pop songs.  You’ll have to believe me because I accidentally deleted the Vine I made. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Mar 11, 2015 at 5:08pm PDT More gorgeous prints are coming to a Ted Baker London store near you. In the GTA there’s stores at both Yorkdale Mall and the Eaton Centre. I would like to make a flower wall like this too. Love these colours and this peach bag. I have the FW2014 version in Candy Apple Red. One of the things I love about the Ted Baker London brand is the attention to details. Ted is alllllll about the details. The clothes were beautiful and the food was great too. We had deep fried asparagus, candy sushi, ahi tuna, and my fav was a tiny little beef cupcake. Whoa just had a beef cupcake w/ mashed potato icing and it was DELICIOUS! Thank you @faulhabercomm & @ted_baker! #Pinch_Me — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 11, 2015 BANANA PHONE! Ok, that’s all for now, off to DX3 conference and then Stage TEN TV to talk about making shows. Stopping by…

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Travel | Nuit Blanche à Montréal

This weekend Sean and I went to Montreal as you know. It was a short but fun trip. I love Montreal and even though we were gone and back within 24 hours, a getaway is always nice. Here’s a little sneak peek of what we got up to! Only packed one small Sully Wong overnight bag for the trip. I’ve become a master at packing lite! It’s quite lovely taking the Via Rail in the daytime. We sat at the front of our car and were able to experience the beautiful trip in the sunshine.  The sun was so bright the car was heating up, it felt like summer! There’s wifi on the train so we were able to get a bunch of work done. Sean’s beard is getting so big! Huge thank you to Fairmont Montreal for all the treats they sent to our room. A bowl of fresh fruit and a card arrived just after we checked in.  We popped over to the Apple Store to pick up a HDMI cable so we could watch some House of Cards and plan our night. Next they sent a gift bag with our media passes and some delicious chocolate treats from a French patisserie. @casiestewart you are very welcome! Have fun tonight! #NuitBlanche #MTLMOMENTS — Fairmont The Queen E (@FairmontQueenE) February 28, 2015 We stopped into a church on rue Sainte-Catherine for a poetry reading in the pews before heading to Place des Arts to see all the action. There was heaps going on! We walked through a couple domed filled with winter activites before heading up the stairs to try the ZIPLINE. It was longer than I thought and went over the entire crowd at Place des Arts. Huge thanks to Montreal tourism for the media passes because we were able to skip the line! Nuit…

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Montreal | Hi-Speed Blogging in the Sunshine at 90MPH

This week was a busy one and I’m looking forward to a nice sleep at the Fairmont Montreal tonight. We’re on the train heading to Montreal for Nuit Blanche and thanks to Montreal Tourism. Remember that contest I entered and a bunch of you guys helped me fill the train? I didn’t win the contest but they invited me to come along for the ride and experience Nuit Blanche Montreal. Bae working away, looking all cute. Earlier this week I was working form the new 1188 Films office and dressed the place up with some spring flowers.  There’s 8 days until daylight savings, if you;re counting down like me. This is the before face of going through the worst pain I have felt in my entire life. I’ve been having high blood pressure along with those chest pains I mentioned so I’m unable to take my old contraceptive and got a IUD. I wasn’t expecting it to be so painful and felt nauseous after, it was brutal. Good thing it’s a five year plan. I’m thankful my doc was so lovely and took great care. Lucky for me, House of Cards is BACk so we binged a couple episodes last night while I was in recovery. Much better today and back to my regular bouncy self. Claire Underwood, I love you. Maybe I should keep short hair? This internal ‘cut it or grow it’ battle never ends. We’re on the train for 4 hours, currently going aboout 90MPH. I’m glad to have NextIssue and will be reading magazines once I hit publish. I’ve been reading magazines I never used to buy since I’ve got them all at my fingertips now (Nylon, More, Condé Nast Traveller, Dwell). This cover of Vanity Fair is awkward, no? Loving the images in Condé Nast Traveller. Makes me want to just…

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Lookbook + Video: #JayuBlogged Fresh Collection SS15

A couple weeks ago I was on set at a Toronto studio w/ Canadian jewellery designer Sally Han of Shop for Jayu. Last summer Sally and I exchanged emails about their first look book and I wasn’t available to take part at the time but this round I was. We had heaps of fun on the full day shoot and I’m happy to share the final product! For my looks I went with, ‘Glamour Calling’, inspired by big hair and bright colours a là 1992, and ‘Vintage Traveller’ inspired by Twiggy & Pan Am Air in the ’60’s, with a bit of Edie Swgwick. The other bloggers featured are Jodi Blk in monochrome and Victoria Simpson from Haute Canada in with the pink balloons (and the legs!). Here’s a behind the scenes video by David Sztrimbley and a peek at the lookbook. See the whole thing here and check out the latest collection at shopforjayu.com. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Feb 20, 2015 at 3:57pm PST

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All The Girly Things Post on a Sunny Friday

First things first, HAPPY FRIDAY! Started my day with some work and an amazing croissant from Cafe Neon in my hood.  I’m all out of Tassimo so ventures out into the cold sunshine to treat myself.  I really love working from home and for myself. It’s been about six months and I’ve got myself a schedule. I can’t wait till summer when my schedule means staying up at the cottage during the week here and there and morning coffee on the dock after kayaking. I’ve started a new subscription with NextIssue, the Netflix of magazines and I love it. I spend so much time on my phone, and love magazines, but buying heaps and carrying them around is not practical for me. They’ve given me a code for you to get a 60 day trial (double the regular offer), visit this link and use 60free to sign up. Mum joined me at The Spoke Club for the press preview of Behind The Red Carpet film. Doesn’t she look amazing? Thanks for coming Mum! Love you. The film is on CBC’s doc channel 9pm, Feb. 23rd. I’M A JUNIOR MOVIE STAR! Ok, let’s not get carried away here. You CAN see all my film/tv stuff on IMDB tho. Let’s hope for more this year. I’m working on a few things and hope they pan out. You might be seeing even more of my face, if you can believe it. Are you on Snapchat? ADD ME OMG RIGHT NOW. You know I love short videos and this is your behind the scenes look at even more of my life and silliness and things I do in the day. You’ll not regret it. You’ll find me at: CASIESTEWART. Stopped into The Loft Toronto for a little snip to clean up my hair before the shoot this weekend.…

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I’m Gonna Master Ukulele One of These Days!

Had another ukulele class last night and I feel like I’m starting to get it. I knew learning a new instrument was going to be a challenge but it’s really like learning a new language. Fortunately, I can read music and the chords already. Also, a simple strum on the ukulele sounds quite nice. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 26, 2015 at 6:17pm PST I’m finally getting the G7 chord and my fingers are moving in time to make strumming sound like an actual song. I’ve really got to make a point to practice more though. Even if I pick up my uke for a few minutes a day I’ll have it by summer. If I sent 10% of the time I spend on computer playing I’d be a pro! I’ve been documenting my progress on Selfish app with a story called Learning Ukulele. The photo below will take you to the app so you can check it out. I’m digging this app so far. Have a few stories about travels, my nails, blog stuff, etc. Thanks to The Gladstone Hotel and Toronto Institute for the Enjoyment of Music (TIFEM) for great classes. I’m hoping they have a few more at Gladstone to help me along my ukulele learning journey. TIFEM has a whole bunch of classes including a free class on Sunday afternoons.   Had my nails done yesterday and I’m convinced they help my play better! Have any ukulele apps I should know about? Songs for beginners? I’ll take all the help I can get! Can’t wait till I can play a little ditty for you! Have an awesome day. <3 CASIE

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My New Friend from France, Polette Eyewear

Eyewear have always been a staple in my wardrobe. I’ve always had a large variety of costume glasses of different shapes and sizes. I’d much rather have a bunch of affordable styles instead of one or two fancy ones.  I like variety but I’ve also been known to lose and break them (unfortunately!). Late last year I was contacted by Polette eyewear in France and offered a spot on their blogger team. In exchange for sharing my fav glasses from the site, I get to pick a couple pairs EACH MONTH.  Perks of the job guys, squeeee! I can’t wait to stock up and share new shades every couple weeks. My First Polette Eyewear Order:  Devil – rose coloured lenses Léosummer – yellow/green fashion lenses Gracie Mile B – blue/black lenses Polette has a pretty neat story. Founded by Pierre Wizman, a young entrepreneur at 16, he launched the website in 2011 with his biz partner and just like that, they were in business. Their goal was to be the only intermediary between the consumer and manufacturer to cut down on price without skimping on quality.  When you visit polette.com you’ll see there’s a wide selection of styles starting at $6.99. One of the cool things about placing your order is first you pick the frame, then lenses (anti-scratch, reflective), then lens tint (ex. red/black), and finally tint level (red ones above are 85%). I didn’t really understand this at first but I know for next time now! I’ll be posting my new glasses monthly as they arrive. Would you like a pair too? It’s been ages since I did a contest so enter below and we’ll send you your choice of glasses including prescription if you need them (mine are not prescription). Contest doesn’t include Vintage or L’Atelier collections. BONNE CHANCE! <3 CASIE a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Target Canada: For good times and bad times, I’ll be on your side forever mooooore!

Before I get to todays regulary scheduled news blog post I would like to take a minute to remember some of the great times I’ve had with Target Canada over the years. I have a few posts posts mentioning the brand and had the opportunity to work with them on a few things since they arrived in Canada. I’ve visited a store nearly once a week since one opened close to my house about a year ago. Did nearly all my holiday shopping there too! A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Sep 9, 2012 at 12:28pm PDT Who remembers that AMAZING Target Lounge at World Mastercard Fashion Week a few years back??? Toronto has NEVER seen such luxury. And we probably won’t again tbh. It was marvellous. Food, open bar, two floors, charging stations, tables to work at, open every night before, after, and during the shows. I’ve never had such a great time at WMCFW. Oh behalf of media & bloggers, everywhere, thank you Target for showing us how to really go ALL OUT. Let’s not forget the recent Toms for Target collab. They sent out Together Sweaters to bloggers and media around North America to promote the collection. So cute. Keeping mine forever. This blanket from the Toms for Target collection makes a great poncho. Can’t wait to open the cottage again. Got my Instax Camera from Target this summer. Decorated our roof patio with Target things this past summer including items from the Oh Joy for Target collab. Target partnered with popular bloggers/Pinners to create a whole collection. Thanks for recognizing us internet people! A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jul 13, 2014 at 2:22pm PDT And finally, I’m…

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TBT: Diary of a Background Performer

Years ago I used to work in film & tv as a background actress. I spent hours, and hours sitting in holding waiting to be called to set. It was a really fun experience and I met heaps of cool people. One summer I spent months working on the set of American Pie: Beta House. There were heaps of really cool people on that set including now CP24 weather reporter Patricia Jaggernauth, recording artist Ish Morris, actress Meghan Heffern, and my sister (who had her own trailer for part of the summer).  Eugene Levy was in it too. Below is a little diary entry  wrote while sitting in background holding on the set of Degrassi at Degrassi High in 2008. This photo was taken years later when I worked at MuchMusic & MTV and was given a Degrassi shirt. I started thinking to myself as I sit in Background Holding for Degrassi High…. Here I am working on a show I’ve never seen surrounded by a bunch of people whom either I’ve met over the last six weeks or are new faces. Its’ great. I hear the sound of “Its Raining Men” on the set, I’ve managed once again to avoid being used or getting on camera. (This is often a goal! lol) It’s a total dream when you get to spend the day sitting in Holding, getting paid to do whatever it is your little heard desires until they call for lunch or “everyone on set”. I’m hoping that today I make it until lunch. My first experience as a Background Performer was working on the set of “American Pie presents Beta House”. I was booked with my sister to do four days of continuity at a mansion in Thornhill. The place was beautiful! We met at Background Holding,…

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Day 5/365 and We’re in Business, Baby!

What a whirlwind yesterday was whoa. I took a walk to get my nails done (manicure Monday!) and decided it was cold enough (-20 something w/ windchill) to whip out the vintage mink coat I inherited from Sean’s aunt via his mum last summer. Went well with my new YSL glasses & long read leather gloves. This coat is heavy and insanely warm. After about 10 minutes of walking, I opened it to get some air, I was sweating! I know how people feel about fur but this thing is already made and would be sitting in a closet if not worn by me. It’s back in hanging in mine now for a special event in the dead of winter. A friend of mine loved the coat but didn’t like the fact it was mink (understandable). She got a really similar faux version from Lily Lulu Fashion. It looks great and can’t even tell it’s faux fur. A floor length mink coat really isn’t practical for a girl on the go. Chuckling to myself as I wrote this. A few years ago I made a New Years resolution to take care of my nails. I’m not really into ‘resolutions’, I like setting goals all year but I felt this was something reasonable. Having your nails tidy and polished makes you look put together. Notable.ca posted yesterday that having your nails done is one way to look richer than you might be. I got this fancy shellac design to kick of the start of 2015 business. You like? In other news, my hair is crazy right now. I can’t decide that to do with it. It’s the awkward in between stage before a bob and the colour is so faded. I’m bored with it. Looks like I’ll be rocking hat head…

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Ok Here We Go, Bundle Up! ❄️

Ok it’s back to the grind and totally freezing outside. I know it’s hard to keep your head up but you MUST. Your attitude will shape everything around you. Grab some summer photos and keep them close by for inspiration. Make sure you have super warm gloves, hat, scarf, jacket, boots. The only way to get through this it to bundle up! It appears that I am frozen in. #dlws pic.twitter.com/ScBHTDmsv5 — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) January 5, 2015 Here’s to a great first day back. I’ve planned out heaps of new and old things to write about and I can’t wait to share. With love, CASIE * Also, on a positive note, I feel it’s appropriate to bust out my vintage mink coat!

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365 Chances to Create the Life You’ve Imagined

So, yesterday I wasn’t feeling so hot and I was hoping I was just tired from a busy weekend but today I am worse. My throat is sore and my whole body aches. I’m trying to look on the bright side, it’s forcing me to sit on the couch and spend some time with my computer and there’s a chance I might drop a few lbs before the New Year. I’m drinking heaps of water, have chicken soup, and Sean is home sick too. Our house is quarantine. I don’t get sick very often but I’ve blogged about it a few times: Entrpreneneurs Don’t Call in Sick, They Work Down with the sickness: How to do a Thyme Bath Sick, Mucus, Cold, Gross Looking back, I usually only get sick in winter. Apparently ‘it’s going around’, from my limited interaction with other humans the last 24 hours. After a really busy year I think a few days thrown up on the couch will do me well. I’ve finally set a date for the release of my book on Amazon and have an ISBN number. There’s no turning back now. When I wrote my first book, JEANS, back in 1996 there were waaaaaay more hoops to jump through in order to self-publish. Thanks to the Internet, you can now publish at the touch of your fingers. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Dec 12, 2014 at 2:03pm PST I also signed up for ukulele lessons and I will be able to play by the time summer rolls around. I’ve been meaning to to both those things for a while so feeling pretty good the wheels are in motion for 2015. I have a great feeling about this year. 365 new days and…

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