Day 322: Saturday Sun

I had been looking forward to this day all week! April and I planned to go for a big walk in the sun and it was GLORIOUS. I started out from my place in the Junction Triangle, met her Dundas West, then we went to Kensington. I hadn’t been in that area for ages since being at the cottage for most of the pandemic. It was pretty busy there so we grabbed a quick coffee, kept our masks on, and headed to Queen Street. Since we aren’t able to gather with friends right now, we were hoping to run into people we knew along the way, and we certainly did! It was so nice to catch up with a few random friends neither of us had seen in ages. We continued west on Queen to Parkdale and I walked back home to the West Toronto Rail Path. I did about 19,000 steps! Once I got home I changed into loungewear and parked myself on the couch for the afternoon. Amazing how a big walk & heaps pf fresh air will tucker you out.

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The Weekend: Saturday Sunshine

Good morning, good morning! Went for a early coffee and chatted with Mum while I walked through the park. I planned to sleep in but I could see the sun peeking in, inviting me to go out & play. It’s lovely out! Planning to get deep into the archives inside my TB drive using my new Ultrabook from Dell. Haven’t been able to go there since switching to Mac & giving mama my PC Netbook. I can’t wait to see what I find. It’s amazing how you forget things as time passes. I started this blog as a journal to keep more memories and it’s totally worked. I’ll post some of my findings later today. Check this old pic I found cleaning up today. Teenage model, long hair, braces! Ahhh. Don’t laugh.

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Day 520: Stoney Saturday

We drove up to ‘Scottage‘ on Stoney Lake to spend a couple of days with our friend Jake. It was such a relaxing time. I spent most of Saturday laying in the sun, floating, and reading my book. I was due for a battery recharge and couldn’t have asked for a better place to do it. We had a big bbq for dinner and finished it off with a delicious birthday cake for Sean from Pusateri’s. His birthday is Sunday but since there were other guests, it was the perfect way to celebrate. Jake is the Manager for The Tragically Hip and their drummer Johnny Fay was staying there with his partner too. So cool! Young me never imagined I’d be hanging out with the Tragically HIp and singing HBD to Sean togetehr. What a trip!

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Day 327: The Sun is a Star

The weather this week has been so nice. I’ve gone on some great long walks. met up with Aisha on Wednesday to go for a distanced walk with her and Kermit, her cute pup. We started out a warm drink and followed the sun walking around the Junction. I swear, every time I see a friend lately, I jump and scream, hugging myself to show how much I’d hug them if it wasn’t a pandemic. The sun is a star and so are you, don’t forget it. Each day we have more minutes of daylight, and in a few weeks, we’ll have another hour. Before we know it, daylight saving time will kick in on March 14th and spring will be here close. Kermit is so cute, he’s 5 months old and has a lot of energy. The fluffy fur!

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Day 48: Ray of Sunshine

Nice little Saturday! Ran in the morning, did a dance workout in the afternoon. Spent most the day inside. New running shoes are so great. This movie was pretty good. Had a few White Claw at night and chatted with some friends. I really hope the weather gets warmer next week!

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Face The Sun Like a Flower, Shine Girl!

Oh hello there! Woke up early and did some work, cleaning, went for a walk. It is finally a *tiny* bit warmer and it makes such a difference! I’m not even mad about how cold winter was, it made it easier to stay home, organize, tidy the house. Thankful to myself right now for all the Kon Mari, We have less clutter around the house and it makes me feel more relaxed, happy, and we’re enjoying the space. Next on my to-do list is the patio. Had a very chill weekend at home. Saturday I took Em out around the west end to a gallery for a music video launch. Yesterday I went to check for plant sales and came home with a bunch of beauties for the house. Today I opened the windows and my GOD does it ever make a difference. It’s insane how the few degrees and some sunshine makes everything seem better. We’re not at bare ankles and trench coat just yet but I’ll take it! Opened the windows. #dlws — CASIE STEWART ☀️ (@casiestewart) March 11, 2019 Feeling pumped for this week. Have 2 shoots and a speaking gig plus a dinner I’m really looking to on Wednesday with Tokyo Smoke. This weekend we might open the cottage. Sending sunshine your way. Put a smile on your face and flash it around!

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Turn Your Face to the Sun and Shadows Fall Behind You

Hello and good morning! I’m feeling good vibes today despite not feeling great the last couple days. Spent the last 24hrs inside the house with Sean doing next to nothing but watching Netflix and taking naps. I feel recharged! Watched a good movie called The Angel, a few more eps of Maniac, and a full season of how to Live Mortgage Free (which really got us thinking!).  The past 2 months have been kind of intense. I went on to Portugal and Mexico, had TIFF and Fashion Week, all on top of my regularly scheduled work. I still have heaps to write about. I know from the outside it all seems like fun and vacation but let me tell you, there is a LOT of behind the scenes things you don’t see. Being on all the time is exhausting. The start of a new month brings renewal and I am excited. We have 3 months left in the year and before we know it, it’ll be 2019! What’s your 2020 vision? This week I’m speaking at an event on Wednesday and a TV commercial I’m comes out in a few days. Sean and will be spending the weekend at the cottage and most likely repeating our tradition of Swiss Chalet on Saturday and then hibernating till Tuesday. I’m working out of the office all week and not doing many events so I can focus on getting into a routine. I’ve booked a few sessions with my trainer and evening yoga. Last week I made it to 2 yoga classes which is more than I’ve done in ages.  Today is a great day to make a change in your life. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Your life is your movie, you’re the director, it can be any kind of movie…

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Monday, Take the Sunshine Wherever You Go

This weekend was just what I needed. After a busy Friday night celebrating 2 of my best friends I spent most of Saturday & Sunday on the couch with my nose in a book. Simon Schuster sent over an advance  copy of Hidden Bodies by  Caroline Kepness. It’s got murder, suspense, sex, and modern lingo like Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, etc. There’s a book before this one with the same character I need to go back and read now! Highly recommend.  I didn’t realize there was a Second Cup at the Stockyards shops when I was there on Saturday, so I decided to try all the baked squares. The pecan was my fav followed by the lemon and Nanaimo. I love Nanaimo bars.  Really got me thinking about holiday baking and making some shortbread soon.    Sean made me the most lovely dinner of steak and scallops last night w/ sprouts, roast vegetables, and kale. Saturday night we stayed in watching Trainwreck w/ takeout. Something I love about the colder months is staying in the house with someone you love. Today I’ve been in Facebook ads reporting all day and will be heading to the Beaches later to see my sister.   I’m really looking forward to reading more of my book once I wrap up all my duties for the day. Sorry this is a boring update lol. Tomorrow I’m Sirius Xm at the Todd Shapiro Show and later this week I’m judging the finals for the travelcuts Travel Documentary Film Festival. Never a dull moment!    

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Sunday Magazine Selection: Wired, W, HouseBeautiful 

The sun is shining, and I’m gonna head outside, make the most of the day. Spent the morning finishing up House of Cards Season 3 and reading magazines. I won’t share any spoilers but man I really love that show. Clair Underwood (played by Robin Wright) is amazing. I remember doing a magazine review a few years ago (2011) and putting a little cut out of my face on the magazine, funny. Finished S1 of Transparent on Shomi today. Good show. The music is really great. I’ve added NextIssue added to my weekend relaxation routine since starting the trial last month. I love reading magazines but buying a whole stack is 1) heavy and 2) expensive. This morning I  read Wired, W Magazine, and HouseBeautiful. I’ve been given a code from NextIssue that allows you to get free 60-day trial of the app too. Download NextIssue – Easy as 1,2,3! Click here -> Enter code 60Free Enjoy! I love scar Jo’s hair right now and am still on that mission to grow mine out. Now that I made it through House of Cards without being influenced by Claire’s hair, I feel I’ll make it to a bob no problem. This *slight* winter warmup has be thinking about the cottage and what we can do this spring to make some changes around there. We’re building a new deck and I’d love to get some new patio furniture and curtains. There’s so many great design ideas out there. I’d love to get my sewing machine in action and actually MAKE new curtains for the cottage. These lamps are lovely. I’m sure there’s a Pinterest on how to do this in detail. It’s been ages since I made anything but I really want to this spring. (I feel like I say this every single year but this time I mean…

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Girls Day Afternoon! TFC, Sunshine, Tanning

On Saturday afternoon I went to a TFC game with some of my old girl gang from Community Agency. It was so fun! We had such great seats! Meghan got hooked up with them from something. It was the perfect spot to soak up the sun. Toronto won, there were fireworks. It was a lovely ladies afternoon! Beer & hot dogs for everyone! Thanks Megs! Working with a few of the girl on a pop-up party with Perrier later this month. Stopped by Marben on Wellington before heading home. They did some renos, looks great. This cheese plate was divine. Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Might head back to Field Trip at Fort York w/ Sean later. Broken Social Scene and some other bands are on tonight! CASIE

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Rudsak Sample Sale – On Now Till Sunday!

I’ve been going to Rudsak shows at fashion week for a while but I am yet to own something. I remember one year they had these amazing fur/leather hats and I was like I NEED THAT NOW.  I’m heading to check out the sample sale tonight before it opens tomorrow morning, 9am. I really hope I find the perfect black leather jacket. RIP this Muuba jacket (above). It was very thin sheepskin and both pockets just about ripped right off and fell on the floor.  I just retired it about  a month ago.  I scored in the Crystal Light X Holt Renfrew shopping spree/fashion show a couple years ago. That was a fun day with these ladies. 🙂 When the email rolled in about the Rudsak sample sale, I knew I was in luck and so are you. The prices are up to 70% off so you could really score something amazing like one of these gems. They have a great selection of trench coats that I am now drooling over. Is it 5 o’clock yet? Location: 60 Atlantic Avenue Liberty Village, Toronto Rudsak Sample Sale Hours: Thursday, April 24th 10am – 9pm Friday, April 25th 10am – 9pm Saturday, April 26th 10am – 5pm Sunday, April 27th 10am – 5pm

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Spring Is Here! | Ted Baker Prints, No Socks, Sunshine

Oooh that sunshine is NICE! I took one look outside today and knew it was the day to bust out these Ted Baker flower pants. I’m wearing my fav shoes from last summer, cutout brogues from Browns. They killed my feet last summer but I’m hoping they’ll be a-ok today! Weekend seemed to whiz by. We filmed for 10 hours on Saturday in Ajax for Cooking with Cuisinart. The next three episodes are done and you’re gonna like them. Totally different that that first pilot episode. Much better! Spent more of yesterday relaxing and then watched Saving Mr. Banks, GREAT MOVIE. Brought back so many memories of our Disney Vacay to California last summer. Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth! Today I’ve got a lunch date with Ainsley Kerr then the Lacoste Spring/Summer preview after work. Hope your day is off to a great start. Make sure you soak up some of the sunshine out there! ♥ CASIE

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Sweet Sunshine | Pink Hair, Flowers, NastyGal, JShoes

  Finally, finally the sun came out and the temperature warmed up. Yesterday was a beautiful day! Dug up my Sunflower dress from American Apparel, put on mala beads from Tiny Devotions (for good vibes), and was happy that a trench was warm enough. Loving my purple, pink hair too.   These beautiful flowers arrived at my desk and let me tell you, they smell just like Spring! Ordered some dresses from NastyGal and they only took 5 days to get here. Fastest yet! Super excited for these babies that arrived at the office on Friday! Two pairs of JShoes, a brand from the UK launching in Canada soon. I’m documenting a day in the life of them during World MasterCard Fashion Week next week. Just realized my Saturday spa appointment was for an hour BEFORE I put it in my calendar. Gottttta run! 🙂 Enjoy the day, soak up some sunshine, and send good vibes to people around you . <3 CASIE

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Early Riser, Morning Sunshine

Woke up early after a super long day. Dance was great last night. Routine to Rack City, no joke. Filmed an episode of Coral TV, comes out tomorrow. Arrived first at the office. Sunshine halo at my desk. I’m so slow leaving the house.  I have a taxi problem. Wore a hat. It’s getting colder. Can’t wait to buy a new bike. Don’t have a case on my iPhone just screen protector. Work is going good. Going the to Casby awards tonight. Seeing the Hip on Saturday. Ready for the weekend. Working full time is tiring but so is freelance. I’ve been drinking less. It’s really sunny today. Maybe I’ll go for a walk at lunch. You will never be younger than you are today, do something special, do something fun, tell someone you love them. Have an awesome day, <3 CASIE

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it’s quite warm here in sunny california

Hey look, it’s me your fav little blogging munchkin’ baberoo. This is me at SFO airport about 45 mins an hour ago. SFO, it’s quite nice for an airport. I’m at the hotel now soaking up some free internet before I attenpt to tackle the Golden Gate Bridge and go see the home of Michelle, Steph and DJ Tanner. I meet Virgin America tomorrow so today is all MINE. MINE! Ok listen up… I have something for you…wanna come to a party with me on Saturday? You MUST be AT LEAST 19 and you must be cool. I have two special tickets with some hot young hipster’ who likes vodka’s name on them. The band USS is headlining with a couple other guests. If you like music & boooooze this is your cup of tea! Tickets are courtesy of Smirnoff Canada and the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project so you gotta show them and me some serious love aiiight. How do you win? Hmmm, why should I pick you? What will you do for me? Lets see if anyone is creative and start there. Comment away!! FYI: THIS PARTY COMES WITH A WARNING LABEL> YOU WILL GET CRUNK. Saturday, October 23rd. Doors open at 9pm Courthouse – 57 Adelaide St. East for more details

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spinning the sunshine

I was looking at what I posted around this time last year and saw this video,  same dress I’m wearing today. Around this time last year was the crazy Tamil protest on the Gardener I found love in a zombie tattoo I finally got a helmet and Porter was in town from the islands I played hopscotch on Queen Street I wrote about our generation and why we’re not lazy Posted on this exact day,  May the Forth be With You 2009 I was in cartoon motion, dreaming of being a cartoon. I wore pants and a tuxedo shirt while biking to work. I wrote a really long run on sentence and through about Andy Warhol. I was closer to god (in a NIN animal kinda way) I played with Charlie in Kensington Market, vintage close & second hand books. I got my hair done before my birthday, suprisingly, I get my hair done today too 🙂 I love looking through old posts to remind myself of things and inspire me to keep creating new things. I’ve got a lunch date with the lovely Rayanne today and I’m really looking forward to it. Toot-a-loooooooo!!!!!!

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342: Watching Trains and People

Absolutely love that Saturday sun, it feels so nice. Natalie and Chloe (her dog!) came to my neighbourhood for a distanced walk today. We walked the neighbourhood and sat on the wooden platforms, watching trains and people as they walked by. Before meeting up, I’d been so lazy, eating snacks, and nearly wasted the whole day. I slept in till 8:30 (late for me!), took a slow morning, did some things around the house, finished some work, and watched a few more eps of Younger on Prime. In other news, last night I watched Barb & Star Go To Vista Del Mar and IT WAS HILARIOUS. Highly recommend! Earlier this week I won an Instagram contest for a free code to watch it from the ladies at Auburn Lane. THANK YOU!

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Being Yourself is Exhilarating

On Saturday, April 1 at 10 am, Sean and I hopped in the car, drove to Budapest Park, and went in the lake with 20+ people. SO FUN! The cold dip was hosted by my friend Meghan Yuri Young x Soho House Toronto x Othership. The water was cold (obviously) but the sun was shining and the sand felt warm on my feet. We started with breathwork led by an Othership Guide, did 2 min in the lake, then had coffee and hung out at the beach. On the way there, I got a notification from the Co-Star app that said ‘Being yourself is exhilarating”, what perfect timing! I’ve been leaning into trying new things and honestly, it’s so much fun. When we got home I walked over to Lucky Tiger Vintage at Lansdowne for their first-ever bin sale. I waited about 45 mins but it was totally worth it. Everything was $5-20 and I came home with a huge bag of goodies. 🤗 10/10, a fabulous day!

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A Break From All The Hustle and Bustle

Took the train to Kitchener recently to spend a weekend with dad & family. Was nice to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, have a nice slow weekend. I didn’t realize I could catch a train to KW from the Bloor Up station right near our house. It was a nice ride! Up until about a week before I don’t think I’d taken the Go Train, ever! The train goes out near the airport, past Brampton, Guelph, and into downtown Kitchener. I had a window seat and watched the sun go down the whole ride. Dad and I got up early on Saturday and went to St. Jacobs Market. I hadn’t been there in a *very* long time, it was just as I remembered it (even though dad said it’s changed a lot). Took a nap on Saturday afternoon and noticed this cutie grabbing a snack outside the window. I watched quietly and admired her beauty. Went for a 7km walk w/ dad on Sunday morning, it was perfect. The greatest gift is spending time together hanging out. It was quite cold but energizing. We looked at houses in the neighborhood, walked through a park beside the grand river, and tackled a few hills.

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Halloween 2022: Witchy Woman

This year’s Halloween was pretty chill, although I wore a witch costume almost everywhere I went from Friday to Monday. She’s a witchy woman! On Friday night Sean and I were at his office and saw there was a show at Velvet Underground. It turned out to be TikTok star Akintoye and he was INCREDIBLE. Next, we stopped by Baby G on Dundas and saw Fluffio, I hadn’t heard of them but they were GREAT. On Saturday, we took a family adventure to the Parkdale Spooky Market which was fun. The sun was shining and it was SO WARM OUT. We picked up a few things then I walked home. On Monday, I dressed up for our all-hands meeting and wore a family heirloom, this scary old lady mask my dad used to wear to take us trick or treating. It’s a classic with my friends and we always laugh at it. Was fun to see how many people dressed up for the meeting this year! Our Funday office in Armenia carved pumpkins and I ran polls to guess who did each one. I did not get wild on actual Halloween, went to my fav class at the gym, and wore my fav Valfre outfit. Look at me, a workout witch! Abs are coming in! I was really slack with my workouts this summer, feels good to be back on my game. That’s a wrap on Spooky Season 2022, time for Christmas music!

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Find Your Calm

There’s something so peaceful about being up north in the winter. You can stand on the lake and listen to the ice move. The cold air is so refreshing. Easy to find your calm. We drove up on Thursday and worked from the cottage Friday. It was the first day in a while that I didn’t close the rings on my Apple Watch but, f*ck it, I earned a break. On Saturday, I shovelled snow, played Nintendo, ate snacks, and finished watching Pieces of Her on Netflix. Good show, Toni Collette is one of my fav actors and does a great job playing this role. Sunday was pretty warm and the top layer of the lake started to melt. I don’t expect the ice will go out until sometime in April. Our lake group usually makes bets on when it will fully melt. I haven’t made a prediction yet! Things I love: long walks on frozen lakes, the smell of a cold winter day, carrying wood to make a fire, and being at the cottage with you. Been on a pretty good track record with the Calm app. I usually do a sleep meditation or Sleep Story at night and the 10 min Daily Calm before I get out of bed. I think it’s helping with sleep and focus. Working hard to keep that calm in my life. Something you might not know about me is that I always check the wind speed. Every day I ask Alexa about the weather and then I ask her about the wind. If it’s over 10 km/h that means no wide brim hats. If it’s 15 km/h + in the summer I’ll opt for shorts instead of a dress. I don’t like running when the wind is +25+ km/h but I love the…

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Winter Wander with Ease

I had such a great day on Saturday. Such a treat when the weekend rolls around and I have little to no plans. Love a Saturday winter wander, stopping into shops, taking in the sunshine, and letting my mind free. Started the day at Othership, my first visit the new sauna + ice bath spot on Adelaide. It was amazing. I’ve already booked to go back again and will share more about the experience in another post. After Othership, a friend and I had brunch at Oretta. It’s the first time I’d been for brunch since at least December 2019. I’m not really a ‘brunch girl‘ but we went for the special and paired our meal with coffee and a mimosa. It was lovely! I spent the next two hours casually walking home through Queen West and Dundas West, before hitting Junction Triangle. It was cold but sunny and I was happy as can be. The past two years have been hard but I’ve really found joy in little things like a nice long walk by myself. As the world starts to open up again, I vow to not get caught up in the rat race like I was. I’m looking for a simple kinda life.

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Plant Stores & Vintage Shopping

Cory and I made a date to go for a nice Saturday walk in the sun. It’s hard to stay positive with the compound stress of seasonal affective disorder, Covid, and general life anxiety, but seeing a friend and getting outside always makes me feel better. One great way to beat winter SAD is to plan a day with plant stores & vintage shopping. The Urban Gardener is my fav local plant shop, I swear just walking in there will boost your mood. It’s warm, green, and filled with beautiful growing plants. I picked up a new lil’ guy to bring home with a nice new planter pot for him to live in. Our next stop was Pictus Goods on Dupont which is filled with heaps of lovely goods for your home, candles, jewellery, and fresh flowers. Super cute shop! Highly recommend checking it out. They also have a GREAT selection of nice cards. Our third stop was a private shopping appointment at Nouveau Riche Vintage which DID NOT DISAPPOINT. Tbh, IDK if I have EVER seen such an incredible collection. They have heaps of items for sale including designer, denim, coats, and accessories. The best part for me was the exclusive rental section we got to check out that’s filled with the best outfits you can dream of. SO GOOD. I didn’t get anything but Cory scored a few goodies. I will deff be back there again!

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Day 404: Error Spring Not Found

This happens every year so we shouldn’t be surprised! Still, every spring we hope, we truly hope that warn sunny days will arrive by May. The long-term weather has us above 10 degrees next week and into May, so I feel pretty good about that. My birthday is Saturday, May 8th and I would love to tan outside. Just throwing that out there to the universe! Today is pandemic diary day 404, in website owner/internet terms, a 404 error is when a website doesn’t load. It indicates that the server is reachable but the specific page is in error. You’ll most often get a 404 when the page name has changed or the URL was typed in wrong. Since we had snow yesterday, ‘Spring Not Found’ is an homage to a 404 error where you’d get a message like ‘Page Not Found’ or ‘Server Not Found’. I thought it was funny. ??

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Day 240: A Second Spring!

We have had the absolute best weather for the last couple of days! It’s been around 20 degrees during the day since Saturday. I’m working most of the day but I love sitting outside for coffee and lunch to soak up some vitamin D. April is here for the week and Sean is back in the city with Emily. So nice to have some quality girl time! I’ve been pretty good with working out the last week and did 4km today before 8am. Last week I treated myself to new running pants for the first time in months as my old ones were falling down. I also ordered Bala wrist/ankle weights and I love them. I tagged them on IG today and they replied, ha! I really hope this warm weather lasts a while, I am NOT READY for winter snow or slippery surfaces. I love running outside so much, not sure what I’m gonna do this year without the gym or a treadmill. Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus Gonna soak up as much sun as I can and make the most if each warm-ish day while I can!

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Day 226: Gloomy Monday

The sky is grey and it’s raining, again. We’ve hardly had any sun over the last week, today is a gloomy Monday in the woods. Friday was beautiful and over 20 degrees, but I was inside working the whole day. We had a really relaxing weekend, I swear I could have used another two days to charge my batteries. I did nothing but watch Netflix all day on Saturday and it was glorious. I’m on S3 of Gossip Girl now. Yesterday I did a bunch of food prep and then took I nap. Things are really exciting these days lol. Sunday afternoon, we met up with Emily’s mum in Gravenhurst to do the switchover. This morning, ‘Stage 2’ is trending on Twitter and Ontario is seeing the highest Corona cases since the start of the pandemic. Sean and I are thinking to stay up here in the woods for most of the week. The cottage isn’t fully winterized but I would be happy to stay up here as long as we can. Please stay safe and wear a mask. We’re all dreaming of the day this is over. I hope you have a great week.

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Day 160: Where Did August Go?

Wow, this month has really flown by! I’ve been working a new gig for the last couple of weeks and have been really slacking on blog updates. I’m still here but I’ve been finding it harder to update and have also not really felt like sharing too much. This weekend we came back to the cottage to get it ready for Sean’s sister and her fam to have a week here. On Saturday we had a nice distanced hang with our cottage bubble, floating in the lake and enjoying the sun. It’s crazy that August is almost over. March and April felt like they were never-ending and somehow, we’re near the end of summer. This time of year I’m usually gearing up for a busy September with TIFF and Fashion Week. Not sure what the next few weeks are gonna look like. I did, however, book a hair appointment for this week and I am so excited. Not planning to change the cut or colour too much, I’ve really grown to love this darker, covid shag. Heading back to the city for a bit and will be back to the cottage for the long weekend. Here’s to a great week!

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