never dancing on my own when i’m w/ you

Went to Robyn at Echo Beach w/ Raymi & Teach Friday night. It was awesome. Echo Beach is a new fully outdoor venue inside the Molson Amphitheatre. Stoked to hit that up a bunch this summer. Close to home & cool outdoor spot. Total win. Raymi Teach & I had VIP. Beauty sky. Girl you know it’s true. Glitteratzi graffiti. Love our downtown airport. Toronto is such a cool city. Got ready at Raymi & Teacher’s place. Left my mark there too 😉 New kicks, ILU. Dr.Martens were the shoe of choice last night. Hey Teacher. Ran into my boy Ish. We were in American Pie together years ago. Ran into his GF that time at Bicyclette. Hi Gay Bachelor Blog! It went dark and we danced. A little more over here. Robyn was great. She’s so cute, blonde & little. Love her! Speaking of cute & blonde. heh heh Tan is coming along nicely. Think I lost a few LBs too. This Olympus camera (xz-1) takes super high quality photos. HD CLEAR. DANCING ON MY OWN. Raymi you have lovely lady hands. Mine look like childs. Want us to come glitter & glam up your event/concert/whatever? Email [email protected]. Enjoy the day!

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Made this today w/ Raymi the Minx. Enjoy. Das funny.

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This afternoon I’m heading back to Centennial College with my (digital) brother Andrew Stewart. We’re chatting a PR & Digital Media class about social media and our lives. I love this city! Andrew works at Strategic Objectives PR and is going to discuss social media from an agency perspective. He was the brains behind the NYE weekend in Montreal this past December. I’ll be speaking about how I built up a big following, grew my network and turned something I truly love into my job, living an exciting, positive life! I walk on glitter BTW. Reckon imma plank in the classroom. I bet they will think it’s funny. Maybe we can group plank? That would be way cool. Yeah I said ‘way cool’ dude. Ok ttys. Love you.

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models, moguls, movers & shakers

I was featured on the Modls Moguls blog today. They said all kinds of nice things about me. Read it here. “Don’t be fooled by her funky style and big smile, Casie Stewart means business. Recognized for her Social Media savvy, Casie’s list of accomplishments in 2010 alone reads like the ultimate resume.” How amazing is this shot I took this morning at Cherry Beach. Perfect form!  

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she does the city royal high tea at windsor arms

Special guests. Goodies. Lauren, Raymi, Anna Windows 7 presentation (didn’t pay much attention, was busy talking shop aka internet) Photos. Blogging. Meta. Food at Windsor Arms – tres fantastique. I indulged. A fair bit… Rolled sandwiches – genius! Got into these too. So yum. Lookin’ good ladies. Out table was full of cutie pies. Thanks Jen for the invite. It was lovely to see all the ladies together and gab over high tea. See the whole set of photos from She Does the City on Facebook here. Ta-ta for now!

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somebody cover this bunny in chocolate! ♥

Happy Easter, long weekend & Sunday Funday. I don’t really celebrate but I AM celebrating myself  today by cleaning my room and going to the spa with a friend. I also love dressing & and having fun. Gonna wear these all day 🙂

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I totally know her!

The main reason I started blogging over five years ago was to keep more memories. Totes worked 🙂 Found all these babies on Google images. Self portrait in the park. Was spinning here to get the blurry background. Self photography – advanced class. The day I announced I was quitting my job to go work for CTV – MuchMTV. Shot by Lynsie Roberts for new Zealand Fashion Week press. Amex Celebrity painting thing with these fine babes. Also the day I won ipad Andy. New Zealand chatting the lovely Hannah at Nom D during Fashion Week. Here was shooting with Kelly Kruschel in Liberty Village. Marcel made an XBOX Theme of me. Party sponsored by Audi for Fashion Week in Toronto last year. I want to drive an Audi. I want to drive an Audi. I want to drive an Audi. I want to drive an Audi. Custom made silkscreen printed dresses from Peach Berserk – MMVAs 2010 & Love a Heart Auction 2011.

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Fashion Connect Toronto – #FCTO

Got there early & was hoping for a packed house. Started to fill up FAST! View from the stage is fun. Love taking these pano shots. For info in the panelists and the event see Follow the peeps on Twitter here: @soniyamonga @theflist @jumaonline @aditya8020 @shopabletv @wearethirdocean. My shoes: Aldo. Outfit was from Bicyclette, posted about it yesterday if you missed it. I was tweeting DURING the panel replying to people. MHP was like “who is tweeting for Casie”. Nobody tweets for me! (reminded of ‘nobody puts baby in a corner’ for some reason) Glasses from friends at Rightsleeve. I am a SUPER HERO: Super Blogger/Lady Blogga. Hey LEESA! Super cute. We blondes get along so well. Told everyone to say HI! HI FRIENDS! Skipped to the loo and met this beautiful lady named Jean. I imagine I will be kinda like her when I grow up (if I ever do). Corner. Love the many settings on this Olympus camera (XZ-1 is my new party cam). I fell back on the step ofter I took this shot, didn’t see it. Bruised my booty too.

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fashion + technology = fashionconnectTO #FCTO

I’m on a panel for FashionConnectTO an (XConnect Project) Thursday at The Gladstone Hotel. It brings together desigers and fashion people to talk about fashion & technology. There are almost 200 people attending at the moment. Other Panelists are Aditya Shah – Loosebutton, Alia Juma – Juma, Jackie Lee – SHOPABLE TV, Leesa Butler – the f – list. Get a free ticket here before they are all gone. It starts at 6pm. I’m popping into Bicyclette on Queen Street tomorrow to play dress up for an outfit. Wee!

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“an all-around plugged-in pioneer” #personalbranding101

I recently wrote an article for Levis about Crafting Your Persoal Brand. It came out this week and I’m pretty proud of it.  I shared some tips that will help you (or anyone) to build and showcase their talents online. I hope you will check it out. “Casie Stewart knows a thing or two about leaving an online footprint. Recognized by Klout as one of Toronto’s top tweeters and bloggers, she has plenty of tips on how you can leverage social media channels as an invaluable element to your personal brand.” Here are some tips on building your personal brand to help  establish yourself online: Set a goal: Make a plan for your brand. What are you passionate about? What do you want to be known for? Start a blog: Use WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger or Posterous to create a free home for your online activity. Find a mentor: Find someone who is doing what you want to do and introduce yourself, learn from them and get inspired. TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook: Create profiles for yourself online and update them regularly with things that align with your brand. Get Involved: Seek out events related to your passion and get involved by volunteering. This is a great way to grow your brand, meet others and learn from experts. I’ve been building my personal brand online for over five years. At first, no one read my blog, and I had no followers on Twitter. We all have to start somewhere but have the potential to go anywhere. In the words of Napoleon Hill, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

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New makeup for me, Givenchy! Thank you #LVMH xo

My job has perks and today was a good one. This morning team Givenchy & LVMH had a few people at Sephora in Yorkville to see the new makeup products. Now that’s MY kinda breakfast. I’ve been doing work with Givenly LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moet Hennesy) for the last few years. They’ve been really great to me & my blog with giveaways, goodies and donating prizes for charity events. Thanks, guys! Keri browsing all the new stuff, looking glam. Clearly, I NEED A MANICURE but this blush jelly is good for all skin tones. This is David the General Manager for LVMG Fragrance Brands. Charming you are David! Thanks for having us. I’m learning how to work the Olympus PEN better too. Today I figured out how to paparazzi style shoot. Look out. Stalky stalk, stalk. Haha, I love being creeeeeepy. I’m going to have a BLAST playing with all these new products. From what I’ve tried in the past they are really, really good.

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the art of marketing, mining & justin bieber

The Blondetourage! Blonde blogging babes Keri & Lauren. The Art of Marketing yesterday was really great. I enjoyed the speakers. Each one made their presentation very personal to the room and to Canada. Gary, Jeffrey and Guy were my favourite. It was a pretty rad day. I was interviewed by The Biz Media & My City Lives for the event video. We like to blooooooooooog. (That’s how you say it right Keri Blog? ;)) Keri & I crashed the Mining Conference. Cruised riiiiight pas security. You are gonna see more of this. I live right next door. I have no idea why I am not crashing more conferences. If you know one I should attend, LMK. We lingered behind this set and were on BNN. Did you see us? It was so sunny & pretty out. Oh, how I so love sun. Then I saw this unit penix Fenix. I was hoping to Chilean Miners were there for autographs and photos. Are they still famous? Maybe their run is over and they have gone back to work now. Quite a structure though. OMG I would not like to be a miner, I’ve never been in a mine have a I Mum, Dad? What about the Sudbury one? Then is was timne for Guy Kawasaki‘s talk to close out the day of TAOM. I snagged a VIP seat up front w/ Michael. Look, GUY. He talked about how to be enchanting. I was waiting for my photo to show up in the presentation. He was really nice.  I reckon if we had a lunch we would get along great. Gary too. Jeffrey from Kodak  (behind Michael below) seemed like a rad dude also, he smiled at me when I passed him. OMG fan girl. Ok now for the Bieber part. Guy’s…

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saturday magazine review: vanity fair march 2011

this is what we call the peanut gallery. this is the closest i’ve come to reading a book lately. that should change but i love the internet so much, why should we not have/do what we love? here we go… sequin lacoste number – yes, totally unconventional chic… like, no way i’m wearing that anywhere but in this very blog post mmmmm’k. will i be wearing this when the weather warms up? i just got ruffle socks from american apparel. i have a fatal attraction to cuteness. i would like to write like this for a brand ex. grey goose. i guess that would come with working via agency?  i am good at creative writing, you don’t even see my good stuff.  someone please let me to show off for you. i would also like to take a dance class soon. i wanna be in magazines top 40 high earners: top 12 are men, first woman, lucky #13, is kristen stewart. team stewart all the way. manniston is #18 and a.jolie #21. james cameron is #1. this list make me smile cause i’m a stewart and i’m canadian. hehe. the man is toast. hypnotic nerd gaze. smartert than i? no. THIS is UGG > Australia. not canadian winter you idiots. stop insulting the brand and yourself by wearing these booties in the snow/slush/rain/winter. it is not working for you, it never will. the end. can i have one of these, pretty please? and thank you. what IS in a name? Leonardo Dicaprio – Appian Way: in Italy, found a road names Appian Way while filming Gangs of New York, “the road on which the Roman Army marched as they set out to conquer the world” he thought a good name for a company starting out. Kevin Spacey – Trigger Street…

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the wind whipping past our windows is wild.

this sunset was really rainbow colours. had to see with own eyes though. so much traffic every day.  i don’t have a car. sun looks pretty through these eyes. if i come to your computer store, i will dailybooth. big time blogging, look out world. me in a nutshell. this too. like seriously. been on the streets again eh nus? it was not warm enough for this gramma. you need a jacket. was really windy today, lost my ice cream. see my lashes? whoa. keri lost a burger.

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must. get. fit. before. summer.

Work it sister. Work it other sister. Did get your tickets? The last FREE SESSION at The Motion Room is Saturday. I will be working out w/ Raymbo and friends + the new Russian drill sergeant. If you wanna join our awesome workout, call right now 647 351 8671. Before you miss your chance at fame fitness.

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don’t pay attention to what they write about you

Stayed up late last night making something I’ve been meaning to do for ages. Kinda proud of it now that’s it’s more nice looking. Something that is always changing though! Click the photo to see what I’m talking about. LMK what you think too 🙂

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setting the wheels in motion

The other day some of my babe friends joined me at The Motion Room for the Saturday Re-Energizer Bootcamp. Say hi to the ladies! *waves at computer* Here we go! My sis is so fit. She’s going to be teaching Zumba soon. Pretty proud/excited for that. My new Reebok Easy Tone gear makes me feel like a superhero. Look like one too. Thank you Reebok Canada! Perfect form here. James is standing behind me making sure I don’t give up and keeping the ball from moving. Thank you from my muscles! Everyone in this photo is working it. Can you count how many? I’m motivated to be healthier since going to the gym. People always say it makes you feel good and it’s true. Wheels in motion, eating healthier. Snack break – Unnecessary wheels: apple (minus the worm, I dunno how he got there). Back to working out… Jenie is totally beating me here, I was having trouble. See, Kelly is laughing too. Working out with freinds like this is a blast. The staff are super nice and don’t mind our jokes and laughing. Eye spy a Minx named Raymi. Do we look alike? All the girls really enjoyed the workout. You will be hurting the next day if you go, a good hurt. If you wanna go check out The Motion Room call them at 647-351-8671 or go to Make sure you tell them yo know me. Now that I’ve sat here bloggin’ I’m motivated to go work  up a sweat at the gym. Hope you’re havin’ a really great day. P.S. Where’s the beach? Cause like, I’m ready for it. RAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa!

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i’m on tv today. does anyone even watch rogers daytime?

Today I’m on Rogers Daytime (again, HA!) for the Love a Heart Auction for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Show is on at 10am & 3pm. The auction is tonight and it’s gonna be hilariously fun/awesome. The whole group of 20 that are being auctioned off are a hoot; they’re are good looking with a sense of humor. What more can you ask for? Not much. The peeps being featured on ‘daytime’ today are Brock McLaughin and I along with Ally & Shannon who are running the auction/event. Babe #1 Babe #2 I’m stoked to have been chosen, mostly because I’ve wanted to be in an auction since Saved By the Bell/90210. I’m wearing a gorgeous dress made by Kingi at Peach Berserk JUST for this event.  Ah, celebrity…..I kid I kid. Did you know that the Peach Pit (aka Peach Berserk) makes custom dresses AND wicked custom prints. You can print a silk with your name/face and make a whole outfit. Not even joking.  I am so in love with the shop (hence why I always tell you about it!). Honestly though, I hope one of you reading this thinks “I wanna go on a date with Casie Stewart, I’m gonna make a bid“.  I’m super fun to hang out with, you can ask around. Srsly. Oooh BTW, you can also win a bag from Nella Bella and some other stuff. I think there will be lots of babes there. Valentine anyone? If you bid on me and you win, I will put your name on my arm for the night. P.S. I was mentioned on yesterday, that huge business site for business people and such. You better BELIEBE that they said “social media elite”. This week is social media week but it feels like social ME week! (Ok, that’s…

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won a pink buddha for good debating. #swmt

Say hi to the babes, Keri, Brown Barbie, O’Nizz. Oh you know who ate a few of these. (Clue: starts with CASE, ends in EEEEE) Is social media more art or science? I debated ART. To me, social media IS an art. Sure you can get ‘formula’ for peak times to tweet or try to follow a ‘method’ but that doesn’t mean shit if you’re not creative. If you’re not artistic with your message (whatever or wherever it you’re selling it), people ain’t gonna buy it. You will be more successful in this new industry if you take risks and be artistic. Everything I have done/do to build my brand is driven by creativity. Debate winner: Rob Campbell aka @smojoe! We didn’t win the mass debate but we DO have cool blogs. | this girl| I’m talking about #roboTO at this very moment. Look at that passion. It’s a party coming up that I started so we can all make robot costumes and have fun. Stay tuned. That’s how I won the final round of the debate. There was a creepy dude at the end that hijacked the whole conversation and mentioned 3D p0rn. So weird. Mugshot here. Sabrina looked at me from across the room and said “I want the pink buddha”. Then I won it for her. She derves it. He’s at our house laughing right now. This is so very cute, girl had a nice outfit. Proud of you Moffitt, brother. Look at everyone smiling in this photo. That’s good stuff right there. Then we went home and had a girl party. In other news, THIS pretty much makes MY LIFE. Click to open this in a new window and prepare to be amazed.

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what have you done for me lately? ooooh ya

I’ve never taken a red eye before but whoa. I took some sleepy time pills last night at 11pm as we were leaving LA, woke up as we were in final descent to Toronto after sleeping the  entire five hour trip. The last couple days travelling YYZ>LAX>DFW>LAX>YYZ really tuckered me out. Hibernating all weekend. Can’t wait for my trip to San Juan next week. Talk about fun in the sun! Might even leave my computer at home and just take ipad & phone. This weekend I’m putting together a week’s worth of posts with goodies for you. Photos from the Virgin America event in Dallas coming soon. It was really fun and I met so many awesome people. HAPPY FRIDAY 🙂 * fav hat from H&M, Yoga jeans from Shop Girls Gallery Boutique

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cyber monday electronic deal

today we have a sale on things that make you happy. they are free and if you sign up now you can have an infinate amount of sunshine. enter your email to get your daily dose of awesome delivered: delivered to you with love from feedburner life is supposed to amazing, passionate and not stressful or filled with worry. your thoughts become things and if you are thinking positive thoughts, positive things will follow. do something wonderful for yourself today, put on music and dance around, try on your skinny jeans, curl up on the couch in the afternoon with wine and a good book,  make cookies and eat them, get your nails done, call an old friend, take your camera for a nice walk, soak up some sunshine, make the most of every good thing. going out with the BLOUNDETOURAGE and Brown Barbie to the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange India party. gonna be a damn good time! will post pix tomorrow 🙂

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canada raises the most money/has the most babes

Last night was a blast. I can’t believe how many good looking MO bro’s we have in our city. Ok let’s do this. Happy Friday and here are some fun photos 🙂 This one’s an Aussie import, Movember CEO Adam Garone. Total Babe. Ladies & gentlemen, meet your judges: Keri & I were judging Best Mo in Character. Did you know that Canada raises the most Movember money? WE ARE THE BEST. Check out Sabrina (who by the way is on Twitter now as @itsbrownbarbie) These are a couple of my fav costumes The bushwackers had a bunch of fans AND came with a slew of other recognizable WWF old timers. You would have loved it Dad. Classic – always a pair of these kids. I bet this guy knows how to have a good time. Ringmaster said these were his slaves. Ron, Burgundy? Goose. Asian one at that!! Harry & Lloyd, also a classic. Did they even have Mo’s in the movie? Fun fact: My Dad’s name is Lloyd Give me your jackets. Then it was stage time and things got a weeee crazier…yes, that’s a bare bum Borat. Adam was like “Dude, get off stage, that’s gross”. Haha. She was a bull. Love that idea. That turkey won Ms. Movember Toronto. Can almost see ginger stache’s bush. Nice latex BTW. And finally, Mr. Movember Toronto 2010 is…Black Hulk Hogan!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at that moose nuckle. Heheheheh. Mo Bro Anthony was doing a weather cast. My Mo sistas @irieras & @itsbrownbarbie Gooden, handsome. MOtto for MOvember. DJ KC in the haus. Looks good on me I reckon, ya? What’cha gonna do BROTHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!??

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nice little saturday

Woke up feeling real creative and walked straight over to Zoey. It was sewing time. I fixed up a couple things that needed fixing, hemmed a dress and made some alterations to an old jem of Mum’s for the Smirnoff India party next weekend. Got some healthy groceries and supplies for detox week. I wanna slim down over the next two weeks before I’m on the beach in San Juan and LA. I am so excited. Gonna go to Ikea with a friend this afternoon and then to his new photogrpahy studio. Staying in tonight. I’ve been staying home and getting lots done this week. It feels really good. Making up for all the time I’m gonna be away next month. Skyped with Mum from the boat yesterday, they are in Charleston, SC now and finally have good enough internet to video. I miss you so much Mum. Can’t wait to visit you in the Bahamas mama. How cute is this we made the same face. Love! Hope you are enjoying the day 🙂

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dying since the day i was born

Good DAY to YOU my friends! I have a few things to blog about today but I will get to that after I do some worky. New clients on the roster. Cooling up some cool for them on the internwebs. Casie you are a brat. No I am not. Yes, yes you are. Whatever. Imma love my vacation next month in San Juan and LA. Tres exciiiiited. I went to Sobeys like this and I was not wearing any pants, at all. Just found out there is a Fiddle & Firkn going in downstairs. That is amaziiing. OK. BYE till later. Have a wicked awesome day. ILU. xo

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i’m available

It’s true. No, I’m not looking for dates but I am looking to get together to talk with cool smart people who like to work with other cool smart people. I’m finishing up a contract this week and available as a consultant. I like to create fun campaigns that engage people online and connect them with cool brands.  I also like to get people off the couch and create experiences. I’m not camera shy or afraid of public speaking and I love having my picture taken. Since leaving CTV as MuchMusic & MTV‘s social media guru/content writer, my life has been really exciting. Over the last two months…I did red carpets and celebrity soirees during Toronto International Film Fest (TIFF). I spent 10 days in New Zealand with as an International VIP sitting front row at NZ Fashion Week (NZFW).  I hopped on a plane to San Francisco and met with the Virgin America team as their cheekly-little-rabble-rouser in Toronto. This week I am the spokesperson for the Arm Yourself campaign with GSK and for the next year, I am your Virgin America Provocateur. I’m young, smart, creative and a bank rich w/ ideas. If you would like to talk email me! Oh, I am so funny 🙂 Creep me on LinkedIn here.

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a day in the life of a girl on a bike in city that never sleeps so she blogs her life away

Yesterday I went for a bike ride. I had lunch with a lovely Newfie named Brent Winsor who went to his high school prom with Jessi from MTV. We had BQM he paid, it was tasty. Actually his mama paid, THANKS MA! He has a wee Newf accent, that shizzz cracks me right the efff up. ENJOY Toronto BRENT! He said I am way smaller in real life than I appear on Twitter. Deff not the first tme I’ve heard people thinking I appear taller online. Larger than life? We also chatted w/  a CBC reporter about how Rob Ford was totes gonna win. Brent was a huge supporter although he can’t vote here. He likes controversy I think. heh heh I also voted. Rob Ford won. Knew that would happen. Anyone who takes on Mayor is going to have a hard job. I would hate that job. Peeps are so angry he won. Someone freaked out I had a different photo here. I took a pic of a blank ballot and drew in a vote. Not funny eh? Is this better? I aim to please 😉 In other news… I’m so excited peeps!  I’m part of this awesome campaign that is soooo close to my heart.  Curious??? Check out and make sure to follow me on Twitter at @armyourself_gsk. ok, Gotta run bike to a meeting! Busy day. Have a good one, no, no, have a GREAT ONE!

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hi, how are you today?

Fine. Sitting on the couch drinking water and eating Marmite on bread. Had a great night out with my sister last night. I’m closer to her than ever and it’s crazy how well we know each other. We are afterall sisters, but really good friends too which is awesome. I really appreciate her and that she lives in the city . We don’t see Dad that much cause he’s in Cambridge and Mum is sailing on her boat on the East Coast of the USA. LOVE YOU GUYS! Lots of stuff this week. Monday night is TweetgasmTO at the Gladstone. Tuesday night I have something I forgot to put in my calendar and I hate when I do that. Hopefully writing this now and reading it later will remind me what the heck it is. Thursday is Sabrina’s birthday. There’s always stuff hapenin’ on Thursday. Friday I will be at Dundas Square all day for an event follow me at @armyourself_gsk for deets on that. Friday night is the People Downtown Halloween party. Saturday, I reckon I will need sleep/home alone time. Sunday is Halloween yahooooooooo. I will be at Parts & Labor for a private show with Broken Social Scene that is hosted by Virgin America and the Torontoist. I really hope Emily & Feist are there. That would be great, I have a crush on them both. Next week I’ve got a spa thing at the Cosmopolitan Hotel and a lesson in DJing. Imagine I was a DJ? Imagining………..  In New Zealand I met this babe blogger from the UK named Gala Gonsales who DJ’s. I think that’s hot. This is gonna be a good week and busy week. It’s almost November already. So crazy. Looking forward to Movember and all the moustaches that will be floating around.…

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