sorry but i just don’t have a face for radio ok

This weekend was a good one for me. I didn’t clean my room (like planned) or have thanksgiving dinner but I did make changes to my blog, hang out with friends and do a radio show. Take a peek around, I’ve added some pages, changed links from redish to hot pink, and a few other tweaks here and there. Let me know what you think. Big, UPS to Patrick from Toronto City Life for helping. You rule dude. We’re kicking things up a notch at the office. PAWS UP. On Sunday afternoon while many of you were stuffing yourselves, I was a guest on Perpetual Radio Network’s Social Media Show. I dropped  in to discuss Toronto International Film Fest (TIFF), New Zealand Fashion Week (NZFW), the Virgin America Provocateur contest/win, influencers and much more. Give a listen or download the podcast for the train ride home today. It’s free and awesome. Happy Monday 🙂 P.S Check out Ontario Microfit: This program offers substantial benefits for home and business owners who develop small or ‘micro’ renewable solar power systems of 10 kilowatts or less. Yay envirinment!

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eye spy with my new litte eye

Good Morning Saturday!! It’s lovely out. I got a new camera yesterday, Cannon PowerShot SD1300 I 12.1 mpx + 2 year warranty. If you have been reading this blog for more than six months, you will know exactly why I need a warranty. If you are newer than that, search camera here and you will understand. Let me show you around a little, welcome to my house… My girls – Gwen, Love, Angel, Music, Baby. Smellin good. Mum’s fav passage by Billie Jean King “there are no shortcuts to achieving your dreams” thanks Mum. Love you. Gold angel for good luck and love. They are everywhere around my house and Mum’s house. Thanks Julie, rest in peace, I love you. Tiffany’s silver bracelet from a boy, white gold diamond ring from a different boy (both who now have kids and might be married? Oh memories.) The septum piercing I took out last month, vintage earings. The gold thing is from an award my Dad won for a hot rod he built in the 80’s. Love you too Dad! Me and frog magnet. A penis magnet. Morgan & I at George Strombo‘s party, Carly, Brock & I at the Diet Coke party all during TIFF last month. I love photo booths. I’m sure that does not surprise you. Sabrina is whiping up a quiche for brekky. She really is quite a darling. Makes a wicked quiche! Imma eat you SOON! This does not need explaining, I’ve shouted from the rooftops already. My girl Barbie, one of many around the house. She is special because she has a video camera in her chect (kinda jealous) and an LCD screen in her back (not jealous) for recording videos. Thanks Mattel! Her and I need to spend more time together. Perhaps we will take…

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I AM ART: Nuit Blanche tonight. See you on the street!

Here’s a couple things I’ve done and loved fronm Nuit Blanche in past years. I live in the Zone and am totes excited to stayup all night being and BE ART exploring art. 2009 – on Queen Street with my sister Jenie. 2008 at U of Toronto with a bunch of peeps. If you wanna join me lemme know. I have two free flights and mad coupons from Virgin to give away. So aside from just being fun, you might really get something great. I like the artness of this video too. So cool. SEE YOU TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

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TIFF day two: apparently somebody is famous

Oh man. Was in bed all day today. I need to rest. I am almost Tiff’d out. Premiere tonight thanks the lovely Cadillac Insider. Going to see CLIENT 9 The rise and fall of Eliot Spitzer. Have to go get my tickets but I don’t want to go outside yet. It sounds windy. Not as sunny today. Yesterday was an awesome day, an awesomely looooong day. Yorkville all day Tastmakers Gifting Lounge for  nails done, makeup and more. Thanks for the presents guys! That neighbourhood is growing on me, could also be that it is Film Fest so buzzing. Joe Fresh makeup is really nice. My lipstick didn’t leave marks when kissing cheeks of all the zillion people I saw throughout the day. Diesel Lounge for lunch on the patio and a mini photo shoot with hot NY photog Raphael Mazzucco. He is apparently a pretty big deal, shooting covers of Time, Sports Illustrated and Victoria’s Secret. Can’t wait to get those photos. He was also very good looking;  tall, long hair, charming. Went to Vitamin Water Backyard Social. Was fun. Did this interview with O’Nizz and had my phototaken heaps. I could really get used to this kinda stuff. Met a few peeps that made a point to come say hi and were really happy to meet me for the first time. HI GUYS! Vitamin Water party had a great bar, top shelf selection. Food was good too. Everyone was on Twitter which was fun. Hardly took any pics of my own. This is Blondetourage member, singer/actress and also ex-MTV babe Anna Cyzon. We in love, she has a great look eh. Blonde Jovi. haha Went to private secret location roof thing on King Street after with some friends then home to change for the CBC party at the…

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downtown where the hippies all go

Met a friend early for coffee, planning awesomism for 2011. Can you believe 2012 is just over a year away? Go live up your life man, might be over soon. Got my hair done, back to blonde roots and trim. I love hair done day, Darren Kwik is my stylist. He is really good and he gives great style. He told me the other day that a girl came in and asked for “the Casie Stewart”. Love it. Let’s start an army, bloundetourage style. Posting this via WordPress Mobile on Motorola Backflip from Telus. This phone is pretty rad, good photos, love the apps, have all my accounts hooked up so I stay connected. Big thanks to Telus and Motorola, I’ve been on the network since March and as a Telus first timer, I’m happy. I’ve been typing this walking up Queen Street West and hardly looking up. Just about got clothes lined by a window washer lady with a bucket.  Suck it, I vacuumed earlier with the new unit. It’s nice. There are lots of babes in this city, eh? Girls and Boys, we are a stylish bunch Toronto. Yes we are. 11 days till NZFW. omg. the pressure is setting in!

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The Proof is in…the Whisky!

Last week I stopped by the Roots store on Bloor to hang in the lovely Dougals Coupland room and taste Proof  Brand Wisky for the first time. They had a variety of cocktails to test out and the whisky gets two thumbs up from me. The bottle is really cute, has a  stylish design and is only $19.95 for the 500ml.  I met the creator, a former LCBO employee who gave me the dirt on the brand. They’ve got a rum and vodka launching in the next year. I really like the way the bottle looks. I reckon the trio of whisky, vodka, rum would make a nice set for bottle service either at home or a resto. Jonathan Roy was performing, he’s a babe and his Dad, Patrick Roy is a pretty big deal in the world of hockey. This guy was bringing sweaty back. You can check out the Proof site at Ran into one of my most fav MTV coworkers evahhhhh, the lovely Miss Sheena from MTV Live. We had a very passionate embrace as you can see. She picked me right up like a wee doll. ILU SHEENA. Happy Monday internet friends!

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gosh darnit, somebody pinch me.

Was up early. Can’t sleep in anymore. It’s like I’ll be miss something. I like to be busy, work hard. It’s a crazy cycle of inspiration, the more you do the more you can do. The guy beside me needs to STFU & stop talking so damn loud, honestly. Itunes – Days like This Spinna Club Remix. I escape. This is the song, listen to it and keep going. Today has been fun so far. Made it to my meeting today, late. Cabbie dropped me at 333 when I needed to be at 33. RAN. Yes ran in my coyboy boots and little black dress holding folder + purse with laptop two blocks from Jarvis to Yonge Street. ON THE HOTTEST SWEATY ASS DAY. I was so hot when I got there. Thank god I sat with Miranda at first so I could wipe my forehead with kleenex like a sweaty warthog. Imagine Pumba and Timba mixed together. Yeah. That went well. After I cooled down during meeting I  went and  had a dress contest. 1, 2 or 3? DRESS 1 DRESS 2 DRESS 3 They were all pretty cute. I like dresses. Short ones. They are my most fav thing to wear ever. Boots, short dress, smile, silverish jewels.  I picked dress 3. It is shorter in the front than back, rayon and elegant feeling. It sways in the wind and I feel like someone is about to take my photo. On my feet are vintage Capezio cowboy boots. I need to plan a fall swap clothing swap and invite you ladies over. Someone remind me! So I changed. I have to be at something at ther Roots Store on Bloor for 6pm then dinner at 7:30 then home. I really like home. I am physically ready for Fall…

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it started in attempt to keep more memories

Hmm. What in the world was I doing at this time last year… Archive ART HIVE Time! I will not be paid in fancy lunch. “There’s a lot to be said for not giving two flying fuck’s Mr. Darwin.” – creative salt I got new prescription glasses in the MAIL. Woke up thinking it smelled like back to school. Caught a robber on a bike in Liberty Village. Wardeobe malFUNction at work with breast. Rain drops were falling down in rounds & floating in the wind. OMG TWINS. Met at the stupid Koodo party. I found Selah Sue and dated the internet. Photo shoot with Kelly Kruschel on a sports field. First heard the term: Socialnomics Found the most CREEPY house in the city Wrote a short story of a girl I know. Went to a party at London Tap House. (Weird cause GenYTO is there TONIGHT!) Wrote about a Mullet Man. Time travel is fun. I just went through some posts from August 2008 and my style has changed a bunch. I started writing more after that time. My friend Simon said to me one day “stop posting all this crap and write your own stuff”, so I did. One of the greatest things about having a blog is the ability to go back and see things you forgot about, really remmeber the past and how it made you feel, who you met, what you wore. I love seeing how my life has changed and how much I’ve grown over the years. I inspire myself to keep working hard and reach my goals. Hope fully you inspire you too, or maybe I inspire you (?), either way, I hope you are INSPIRED! Have an awesome day & I will see some of you tonight at GenYTO. Our guestlist is…

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be my guest

It’s all about me over here all the time, after all casie stewart : this is my life started as a journal about 5 years ago to keep more memories.  It’s certainly worked to keep memories and has brought me lots of wonderful things like friends and opportunities. It’s been a place where I can share and appreciate all the small things and get through tough times and celebrate the good ones. I’ve got lots of exciting things on the go and I’ll be sharing them with you, in due time & all right here. Until then, I’d like to make it a little less about me and a little more about you – I’d like to include a guest post here and there. What about you ask? You know me, I like positive, inspiring, fun. I like photos and pretty things. I’d like to know your thoughts on what I do, real talk and stories about us. Maybe something you’ve always wanted to share, something I said that made you think or laugh, something you think people would like to see. No pitching or selling yourself, come out to genYTO Aug 26th if you wanna talk business with the team. I’m looking for your thoughts on things similar to what I write about. Maybe it’s your TTC tale or the way stage lights hit your face and make you feel like you can do anything. I’m up to your challenge. If you’ve got something you’d like to share title your email GUEST BLOG: [name + twitter] and send it to [email protected]. I would prefer you send a txt file no more than 300 words and 1 or 2 photos. If you have another idea, you can ask me about that too. Peace out. Peach.

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talking @tweetgasmTO & @oldspice w/ @perpetualradio

On the first episode of the  Social Media Show on Perpetual Radio, Karim Kanji interviewed Saul Colt, the Mayor of Twitter and myself. I had the video of the show here but the audio was not great quality. It may have been my internet, will be better next episode. You can listen to it here or download the Perpetual Radio podcast from itunes. Topics TweetGasmTo Old Spice Social Media Marketing Campaign Vote for your Favourite SMS Album Art! We’ll be back on as guests on September 5th to chat about more awesome stuff with a couple new guests.  Stay tuned! This cute pic was drawn by my friend Randeep Katari. I love his sketches! Please keep blogging. 🙂

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meet my new bestie emily haines from @metric

Yesterday evening I cruised over to Union Station for the free metric show hosted by Samsung. Show was to announce the launch of the new mobile device which seems pretty cool, android, big screen 5pm camera, touch keypad. O’Nizzle and I scored some last min VIP tickets and were front row for the whole show. Thanks Samsung! DANCED UP A STORM! I high fived Emily.. Oh yeah. I’m famous. Heh heh. We made an article on (how ironic?) and were quoted: “She approached three girls who were leaping and screaming beside me and shared a moment of “crazy eyes” with them that gave them perma-grins for the rest of the night.” Yeah that’s us and those were eyes of love. I’ve seen Metric a bunch of times but this was by far the closest I’ve ever been. We were in the media area and after seeing a bunch of MuchMusic & MTV people I was asked  “who are you here for?”, I proudly said “I’m here for myself, as Casie Stewart”. Do you know how good feels? Damn good. Blonde blog bots as O’Nizzle called us – Kate Killet, Me & O’Nizzle. SO FUN GUYS!! Thanks to Virgin Radio for putting this on too. Make sure you vote for me to be the Virgin America Toronto Provocateur!! Contest ends of this month. Have an awesome day!

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hello hello baby you called, i can’t hear a thing…cause i’m on vacation in boston with friends mooohahaha

Oh hai. I can haz vacay? You betca ass I can! (Did you know I was on that game show once “You Bet Your Ass”. If you find my episode on line I will give you a prize.) Woke up had a glorious brekky blueberry scone, eggs, toast, coffee. The weather is lovely just like at home. I went to the oldest bar in the USA last night called The Bell In Hand. They had a Cuervo promo and I successfully did NOT drink and Tequila or get drunky. Throat was killing yesterday and I prayed that all the meds I took last night would work and y’know what, I feel like a million freakin’ bux today. My flight from TO to Beantown was so lovely. Porter Airlines is seriously the way to fly. So classy & hastle free. I would love to have a deal with them (hint hint). I tweeted Porter and I was leaving the tarmac and by the time I landed in Boston I had replies from @porterairlines wishing I had a great flight. My in flight experience was just divine. I sat beside a man named Bob, this is him. A charming Canadian from Calgary living in Boston. Excellent chat the whole 1.5 hours and we spant most the time laughing at our own jokes (ok, more like him laughing at mine haha). I love meeting new people and it’s true that I make friends easily. He was intrigued by my positive attitude and surprised that my ‘day job’ is a real job. I probably said it 5 times “Yes, I watch TV and Twitter/Facebook professionally”. I landed about 6:30 and met B & E at the airport. I’m stoked to have a great weekend. Hope you do too! YAY VACATION FTW!!!!

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i didn’t have time to blog today but i really wanted to.

I’ve got pix from Gaga & Warped tour to share with you but for now, I share with you this little bit of awesome.I’ve been crazy busy the last little while. Today was the finale of The Hills so I was crazy busy. It’s almost midnight and I’m at the office working until the final After Show is over. I’m really looking forward to my bed and tomorrow. I have a fun night planned with someone special then I fly to Boston Thursday for the weekend. I’m excited about life, you should be too. You will never be younger than you are right NOW! Love ya xo CASIE ♥

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warped tour: mike albertini reporting for casie stewart

Tonight is the Toronto stop of the Vans Warped Tour and this Lady Blogga has called upon a little monster to report from the ground. I’ve  partnered with Warped Tour to give Mike Albertini two tickets, media access and back stage passes to get the dirt and have a hella good time in my place. It’s summer and I’m crazy busy so I though I’d share the fun so we don’t miss out on any of the action.   Have any questions for him or  tasks? Tweet him here and tell him I sent you! Did I mention I’m hiring an intern? If you are interested or woudl like to recommend someone. Email me. HAPPY FRIDAY ♥

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i never really know how you feel, then this happens…

I got this email the other day and it really made me happy. I though I’d share with you because every once in a while, someone writes me something and I really really admire and love it.  It’s a crazy thing the internet and how we connect with people these days. I feel so happy when someone says I’ve touched their life in some special way. Don’t every be shy to email me. I read everything and  I reply. Have an awesome day. Don’t let the heat bother you, remember just how cold it gets in winter! brrr. Soak up the sunshine baby! I’ll be at Tequila Sunrise for #loserkaraoke tonight. If you’re around come on by & say helloooooo! The email: Casie, I’ve been following your blog and work now for months and as of late it has been resonating with me on so many different levels. I wanted to say thank-you for being so open to putting your thoughts and ideas and life out there through your work. It is truly inspiring and something I aspire to do through my own work. I’ve been contemplating a trip to Australia over the past couple days, going back and forth between putting down a payment or not, and then tonight I went to your blog and saw that you posted something about your time in Sydney. It was almost like a sign, this wasn’t the only time this has happened to me with things you post, but is the most recent and really struck a chord with me. Needless to say, I’m booking the trip. I admire a lot of your work, from the blog to Much and MTV, and the many other adventures and endeavors you take on. Just wanted to let you know, thank-you for being so open and honest and doing…

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you are as young as you will ever be

I feel so lucky. I have really awesome friends around me. I feel young and like I can take on the world. I can. You can. Yes we can. The last couple days have really been some of the best. I have spent heaps of time with people I really care about. Enjoyed the sun. Splashed in water. Had BBQ. Danced in the street. Someone special made me dinner. Got a tan. Phone chats with old friends. Soft kisses. Poetry writing. Photo diary. New office space (with windows!). Time alone. Pretty dresses. Rainbows. Sweet dreams. The summer has only begun and I don’t ever want it to end. Thank you everyone around me for inspiring me to share the light you give. * Side note, help me share MORE awesomeness (fun & positivity) by voting for me in to be the Virgin America Provocateur. It’s not a job it’s more of like being ‘the person’ who throws parties and gets people excited about the brand, the ambassador. I really think I’d be awesome at it! VOTE HERE. It’s super easy & takes 2 seconds.

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TFC game was awesome, you should have been there

Pure awesomism at the Toronto FC game Saturday. It was seriously 10. EPIC. Look at this badass crew on the field… Group photos are so fun, lets do more of that ok. I loved seeing everyone IRL, it was a first meeting for a bunch of us. I had been REALLY excited ALL day week. Being there DURING world cup, priceless. This is my fav cheer “when the reds go marching in”. SUCH good energy. TFC games have THE BEST fans. I tried to pay attention to the game but was totally distracted by the funnest crowd ever. We got to go right down to the field as VIP’s with total babe as an escort (not me, the TFC guy on the left beside Michael). Chatted Jonathan about doing it again so don’t worry, you can come then. I was obvs prepped for the rain. This guy was prepped to cheer on! Michael was the ONLY guy with brolly for the downpour. They’re not allowed at games but somehow, he got away with it. Must be the charm or good looks? It was a tie and the crowd still cheered their faces off outside. It was stellar. We were hangin’ @ Liberty Bistro for a while after the game. God it was so fun. The owner  and I go way back to when I used to work in Liberty Vill so he hooked us up with sweet table etc. Love that little spot. Before we got table, we had hedge. There are about 30 photos from the night in this web album TFC 2010. I can’t WAIT to go again. SO FUN. Have a great day!

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be authentically yourself. show energy.

Did you see/hear/read that Oprah is on the hunt and taking names? OMG. Imagine, I mean, imagine how fun it would be to turn a fun positive blog into a show? Things a around the internet, people, shows, trending topics, minute news, thoughts on stuff, and  nonstop energy & awesomism. A girl can dream can’t she?

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If you want it, go out and get it, cryin’ out loud! MTV & MSN have an open CASTING CALL to make a new reality show about a group of friends. Um, helloooo. Damnit, if I didn’t already work here, I’d be alllll over this shit. I’d love to see a show about hot bloggers, think Sex & the City vs. The Hills vs. something really nerdy & cool. How fun would that be? I’m looking at Crystal, Keri, Carly, Raymi, Rayanne, Breanna, Lisa, Lauren?? Beuller? If you enter. Please let me know! My advise: show how cool you are, be stylish, be quirky/wacky, don’t be too boozy, no drugs.

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remember to always wear sunscreen

Woke up extra early and booted out the house for a speed walk in the sun. Totally gorgeous out, feels like summer. Got some sun yesterday. I forgot to put on sunscreen before I left the house today. (I know Mum, tomorrow ok!) I’m for sure gonna get super dark this year by traveling on foot to the office. Hope you have a splendid day. I wore a long flowy summer dress!! Yahoooooooooo!!!

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united states of casie

Sometimes I feel like this too, heaps of blogs and twitter accounts, social profiles, multiple personalities. It ain’t easy but I can handle it. I’m crazy like that. I love this show. Toni Collette is beautiful and a totally wicked actress. The site has profiles all the characters she plays, I haven’t met them all yet, but I’m gonna. United States of Tara, good show. Part of why I love this show is John Corbett, I have been in love with him for many years. He melts my heart. I once dated someone he reminds  me of.  So handsome, both of them, heart melt sandwich. Heart melt sand wish. Heart melt. I posted his photo on tumblr, love.

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after spending hours on twitter and tumblr

I feel like my blog here, my daily diary is missing my attention. I like to update is early in the day and the last couple weeks I’ve been so busy. See, the thing is, tumblr is so immediate and all about pictures and frequent updates and twitter is instant and short and wordpress takes longer for me to publish. It’s amazing how the world of blogging has changed since I started. My blog began on myspace with poetry in 2005, blogger in 2006 as, 2007 with a redirected and URL as In May 2009 I moved to fully hosted on wordpress. Moving to wordpress allowed me to have more control over the layout and design as well as widgets and plugins I wanted to add. Since I’ve been using posterous and tumblr, I feel like they’re all extensions of this blog, they’re all part of my life on the internet. Posterous is tech related things and nerdy stuff, updated almost daily. Tumblr is pretty girls and inspiring things from around the web updated daily. Twitter is everything in between! Oh god, I love the internet.

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ever wanted to blog for MTV?

If you’ve ever wanted to blog for MTV, your chance has arrived. As you know I’ve been rounding up bloggers and internet loving peeps for stuff at MuchMTV. Tomorrow night we’re having a wee meet & greet with Dan & Jessi from The Aftershow, pizza, watching The City and then seeing a live taping of the After Show. If you’re interested in coming and writing about it on your blog let me know! Your post will be sent around our office and you could be one of the peeps to post on the MTV After Show blog. Woot!

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there is no right and wrong. there’s only fun and boring.

I usually leave the house around the time the bank opens downstairs. No matter how I felt waking up, getting ready, taking photos or leaving the house, I leave the block feeling happy after I see them. Big smiles, happy to say hello and wave sending good vibes. I hardly go into the bank, when I loose my card several times a year. I actually go into the bank to do things I could do myself just for the fun conversation. Today’s Little Outfit: tartan tube dress, Le Chateau 10 + years ago GAP cardigan mirror locket, Bang On Saddle shoes, Aldo The conversation, that’s why I love twitter. I talk a lot and I’ve never been able to talk to so many people in so many places so often at the same time. How amazing is that? It’s amazing. Just ran into Norwayne ‘blogging?’ he says. ‘Yes love, writing today’s story’ I reply. Across the bridge and through the park all the way back to the internet. All into my blogging & walked past Tims AGAIN. Logging. Wish I went jogging, but I don’t. I think I won’t, cause I don’t feel like it! Have and awesome day. I love you, I really do. Don’t be shy to comment. Conversation is fun xo

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you are what you tweet

A while back I posted a wordle (here) that was a misture of my most common words used on my blog. I did this one of my most used words in Tweets. Most common word on both (aside from RT) is LOVE. LOVE. Love is all you need. ♥ I used Tweet Stats and Wordle.

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i feel like a celebrity in this room with you

Woke up and had as couple great phone chats with friends. Fun night out with the work mates last night. I seriously love my work. I love what i’m doing and the people. Tomorrow May 2, marks 6 months working with MuchMTV. I was in my old job for two years and knew it wasn’t where I wanted to be. I needed to be doing somehting I loved. I loved twitter and blogging and publishing and internet and I knew I could find a job where I could show that love in a big way. I found it. There are so many new jobs popping up all the time, we’re a lucky generation to be able to say “Hey I want  __________ and I’m gonna get it.” One of the video’s I did for My City Lives last week talks about GenyTO and the group of like minded individuals behind the idea that started it in Jan 2009. I’m so inspired by the friends I’ve made over the last couple years. You can watch the vid’yo here, having trouble embedding it for some reason. Heading to Marijuana March Freedom Festival with my sis now! BYE.

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just another day, no big deal.

Saw the World Cup. Got my Kiwi cousins on MOD (centre, white shirt). Dixie Chicks. Chased a massive condo fire. Now I’m going for dinner. Hope your day is awesome tooooooo! 🙂

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