TGIF – all i hear is click click keyboards

I’ve got some exciting news… I’m heading to NEW YORK and CUBA with my favorite for Christmakkuh. So excited. OMG. Leaving in two weeks… I didn’t update my blog yesterday but let me tell you, tweets are flying with what I  am doing 24/7/365. If you’re ever bored and have already trolled this blog, go read my tweets. You just might pee your pants.  I laugh and love it. For example, today I had toasted coconut after a Boston creme #FML. My friend posted these old pics on Facebook yesterday and I had a chuckle. I’ve changed so much over the years. These were all in about 1998-199. I looked TOTALLY different in 2001 here. New show at work, Jersey Shore. haha so funny;  beers +bitches +beach +protein +tanning +hair gel +cologne = guidos.  I’ve been talking with an accent all day and I can’t get enough.  I’m watching the repeat right now. Tonight is heart for the Holidays at Marben. Come out. Have drinks fun & party with me and a zillion of TO’s coolest., smartest & best looking GenY peeps. See ya there! Happy Friday! TGIF

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holy effing elf shit, it’s december already!

Doesn’t it seem like January was just the other day? Urgh. Well, anyhooters… Feeling positive and ready for the new month. I just got this new stuff in the mail from Givenchy… I can’t wait to test out all these goddies…The mascara is blue/purple. The shadow is black/metallic. The gloss is pink/sparkley.  Yes, I love. (love blogging!) It felt like Christmas at the office yesterday, two bags were delivered and one big one with goodies for Heart for the Holidays on Friday. Remember to get a ticket, if you can’t come then make a donation, and lets all have a good time. I’ll be one of Santa’s little helpers doing good deeds and drinking holiday eggnog juice. I keep all the fragrances out so the girls can try them when they come over. This one was an instant hit. At first spray is citrussy and refreshing then once you let it sit on your skin for a few, it’s gorgeous. It’s right up there with Givenchy Play that I also wear (even though it’s for men). Good holiday gift idea: Available at shoppers until March only and it $60 for the 50ml. I have a fragrance gift set to give to one of you guys this month too. Stay tuned for that! Opened my advent calendar today! Thanks Mum. Love you xo Have a great day! p.s. Hills/City finale is tonight on MTV 9-11:30pm from NYC. I’ll be on @mtvcanada & my Twitter if you wanna follow the gossip/drama 😉

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how to having a mo-fucking-tastic time

…just go to the Movember Gala. So many photos from the night. Michelle has more on her camera that I will post later. I met a bunch of great people and had lots of fun being a judge. My category was best Mo Bro and Mo Sista so I got to mingle and look for a hot looking boy & girl that came with each other. Swim suits won for sure, they were awesome.  Michelle and I were the babes that put the winning sashes on the winners. We stood on stage the whole time, it reminded me of my old beauty pageant days.  Sigh. I’m modelling in a show for Puma at the flagship store in Yorkville tonight then it’s home to bed.  [yes, i get to keep the clothes! woot] I’m getting up early tomorrow to hit the AA rummage sale. Luckily, I have VIP line by-pass. [haha suckers!!] The lineup today is like 500 blocks so you gots to get there early. This is my favorite photo from last night, just try not to smile. Ok, don’t stop yourself, let out a laugh. Go, do it. Have a great day & happy Friday 🙂

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this is for the stylsh ones with a passion for fashion

So, this is quite exciting and big…the FIRST EVER American Apparel rummage sale in Toronto. Get ready to throw some elbows! Prices are up to 85% off! Absolutely everything is under $50 and prices start at $2. Honestly. Can you believe it? It’s free admission and located at 590 King St. West [King & Portland]. It’s on all weekend and for exact times check the Facebook event page. When you get back from the rummage sale with hands full of new gear, empty out your closet and throw your clothes up on They promote the recycling and reuse of clothes and accessories. I’m all for it. This Toronto based company was started by a friend of mine and told me that 85% of used clothes go unrecycled! That means style is going in the garbage! AH! NO! Most of my really awesome clothes are second hand and I love clothing swaps. I’ve got a stack of photos and stuff to upload to the site this weekend. You’ll start seeing ads around the city and on the subway soon but we know you saw it here first. I love this awesomely-cool-stylish-art-attack by blog friend Gloria writer of Keep up with other cool Toronto Blog Girls by visiting the site here.

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TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook

That’s my day in a nutshell, everyday. I read about TGIF in an article from Ad Age this week.  It’s lovely outside and my day is busy, busy, busy. Some Tweetness in my day: The Agenda & LA Times blog editor Tony Pierce recommended you follow me on Twitter. Blogging babe Lisa aka Urban Native Girl wrote for a magazine. Raymi’s in the Torontoist. New word: Framilies Thanks for comments BTW, don’t stop. It’s nice to get feedback. You come and look and read and laugh and when you comment it’s like giving back. Ok bye for now. #TGIF

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friday the 13th: me = highly excitable

I have always had this thing about threes. I make a conscious effort not to do things in threes, I stick to two and four when I notice. I used to be much worse but I’ve gotten over it a bit now. Earlier this year I got a tattoo I wanted for years. In order to change my negative thoughts about 3 or 13, I booked my much wanted tattoo on Friday the 13th. Now, I have a positive outlook every time one of those lucky days rolls around. This is me laughing at a Tweet re: a new word I learned – Twoosh. It’s when your Tweet is exactly the max allowed 140 characters. Twooshbag is when you do it alot-lot. Twitter is really fun. If you like fun, you should join and follow me so we can laugh together. Twilight New Moon cast members are at Much today for MOD. They’re got barriers set up and the crowd is gonna be huge. I’ve never seen the movie/read the books but the fact that people go ape shit over it is  pretty exciting. There’s people lined up and it’s not even 10am. I love working here. Happy Friday the 13th. Go do something that scares you.

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have no fear she’s here, she’s here

Fearless? Who is? She is. Standing out in a crowd. That Ting Tings girl, she’s fearless too. National Fearless Day is Nov 19 and Virgin’s King Branson has a little video contest for Canada. Most fearless video wins $5000. I’m not entering. It’s for the fearless. The most fearless Canadian. You can if you’re fun and awesome. Yeah you scaredy cats.

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first day

It’s my first day at Much MTV today. I’ll update later as I am running out the door now and expect it to be a busy day. I hope you all had a great weekend. I’ve got a bunch of photos from Sat night. I was Zombie Wonder Woman…aka Dead Sexy Wonder Woman. It was great. Have a wonderful day 🙂

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a stewart won the koodo party, but not me

click the pictures to see for yourself.

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natural chic magnet

Last week I got a new mascara in the mail as a member of  Chick Advisor’s Product Review Club. ChickAdvisor is a girls resource for reviews and advice on stuff they like. It made my lashes longer. It’s  lite on your lashes, soft almost. It’s a good day mascara. I do two coats. It brushes on nicely. The brush is a combination between that skinny plastic kind d the fluffier brush one. My lashes feel soft and not all mascara-ish. I would use it again.  My current favorite is the vibrating mascara, it’s a bit more expensive. Twitter came out with lists yesterday. I made one list so far it is a growing collection of Toronto Blog Girls. I’m on a couple lists made by other including Toronto Twitterati, Social Community Alliance and Toronto Arts. I got a really lovely shout out this week from my penpal Hillzy on her blog.  Keep blogging sista! Big thanks to Two Belt & E1E ♥

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the only rule: don’t spill it

Last night I stopped into The Hazelton for Macallan Scotch tasting.  Wasn’t sure if I was gonna to make it through. I thought, ‘I don’t know if I can handle drinking scotch but I’m sure going to try’. I had a good time at the vodka tasting last time. I arrived with Keri and sat down right across from Cheryl who I know as @Cherrysberries. We had a lovely Quebecois man named Mark showing us the Macallan. It wasn’t long before I spotted a bunch of familiar faces around the room… Toronto bloggers Zucket & Hyfen Twitter peeps Jingle_jangle,  _topshelf, Reado & Karmacake Some things I learned: pay attention to how the scotch feels in your mouth distilled beer is whiskey women have better sense of smell takes 12 years to make a 12 year whiskey no right or wrong way to drink scotch don’t put it in the freezer ice ball has less surface area than an cube and melts slowly The whole time I was tasting these I thought “I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Here it goes down, down into my belly.” haha Macallan 12 – added water, comes from Spanish oak, little bit of wood smoke, valinna woith hints of ginger, smooth palet, sweet toffee finish, dried fruit… Macallan 15 – fine oak – lighter in colour Macallan 18 – fine sherry oak, darker Macallan 21 – like a fine ballerina on stage exquisite single malt Whiskey stones are better than icecubes. If you don’t get the expensive ones you can go to Lake Ontario, bend down, pick up some stones, wash with wiskey, put in the freezer, use as ice rocks. To ensure they don’t ruin their wood supply, they don’t cut more than they plant; they plan ahead 100 years for…

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all the things you love

Thank you everyone who entered the Harijuku Lovers contest. The contest closed on Friday and I apologize for being late at sharing the winner. I drew the winner while I a Zombie in spirit of Halloween. The winner is Bianca Swayne and she is from Toronto. Bianca, your present is on it’s WAY! Entries flew in from Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia, and even Sweedish blogger Ewa. Some of the things contestants love include: being in love eating sleeping hanging with friends hugs and kisses from family pets Christmas time winning contests sunshine traveling talking on the phone The funniest one was: “I love cats that pee in the toilet. Specifically my cat. But since she isn’t yet, any cat is good enough.”

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it all started out to keep memories anyways

I started this blog in 2006 so that I could remember more stuff. I found I was always forgetting and a couple friends started to get annoyed, as did I. Now, I love this blog, I love it everyday. I look back in time and be reminded of people, places, things, and thoughts; stories from Mum, travel,  movies I saw, genius ideas, stuff about style. I’m proud of a couple girls I know who’ve been inspired to start their own blogs. Keep it up ladies, mama loves you!! They are: Cara’s Wild on Rice, Irie’s The Shnitz, & Katie’s Tales ans Snippets. I finally cleaned my room and unpacked most of my stuff last night. It was great waking up to a floor I could spin around on without falling into a bunch of boxes. I hope you all have a really great day.

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i got a penpal sanasaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Something made is just the best. When someone makes you a card and you get it, it’s like, totally amazing.  Jenie painted me a watercolor card at Christmas. It was beautiful. This is very exciting to me…meet @hillzy, my first penpal since I was a kid. She sent a survey: The Casie Stewart-vey ♥ V.1.0 CS 2009 Here’s just a few of my answers: Q1) Favorite colour: green Q4) I firmly believe: 1) you can achieve if you believe 2) in love 3) it doesn’t hurt to be easy on the eyes Q5) If  I could pack up and leave Toronto, I would go: back to Bondi Beach, Australia Q9) Things I must have in my handbag: 1) smartphone 2) pen/pencil/sharpie 3) sunnies Q10) My favorite part of the day is: when the sun shines through the clouds I got out the art box and there’s lots of goodies in there and I’m gonna send something back now. Something that nobody, nobody ON OR OFF the internet has…something I made. Art. * Side note: Hey Mum, who was my last penpal, was her name Darlene?

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did ya get my costumes from the cleaners?

It’s Monday morning…I’m looking forward to Friday and all the days in between. This week is jam packed with exciting things and it is going to be f-u-n. I’ve got my dress at the cleaners for the 1950’s Madwomen party on Tuesday. Wednesday is Fashion Week time with Notable TV‘s Fashion Week Affair in the evening. Thursday is my time. Friday is GenyTO. Saturday is zombie walk. Depending what you fancy there’s plenty of fun to be had. I’d like to wish Happy Birthday to the Amazing Saul Colt, Courtney ‘save it for later’ Greig and my friend I miss in NZ Simon a.k.a DJ MON. Thinking of you and your awesomeness. Have a great day guys 🙂

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swinging from silk ropes over you

A couple years ago I got my first taste of a Cirque show at Fashion Cares in Toronto. I was amazed by the high flying action of the performance as they twisted and turned in long silk ropes above our tables and later on stage. My first thought, I wanna be suspended like that and wrapped in silk. I’ve not seen a full live show here but I would like to. I’m amazed by the balancing and contortionists. I used to be able to put my feet behind my head in some bendy ways but I pretty much stop at the splits now! There’s a new Cirque show called Banana Shpeel, A New Twist on Vaudeville. It’s a comedy and seems like it will be right up my  (and your) alley, down to the leading little blonde saucy lady. She’s adorable and ind full of sass. I didn’t see a plan for when it comes to TO yet but I will keep and eye out for us. It’s playing soon in New York and Chicago,  so if you can, go see it and tell me all about it!  More info here.

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ride that wave right into the sunset baby

I’m proud to announce, I have Google Wave invites. I love Google and I’ve said it before. I think Google is a company that understands how humans communicate and interact and they are consistent in their efforts to make it easier for us. Also, Google stuff is very affordable so that everyone can participate making it something adopted by pretty much everyone online. I’m not exactly how it happened but I imagine it’s related to my natural socialness and all the other stuff I do involving the internet.  I announced it on Twitter and now I’ve got a bunch of people requesting and I’m not sure who to give away the last few to? I have a contest open right now to and all you have to do is tell me what you love…you can enter it here. I’ve contacted a few people and if they don’t get back shortly I’ll move down the Wave list and maybe I’ll shoot you an invite too. Comments are good luck 🙂

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my memory lacks initiative

I cruised home then flew to my hair appointment last night and in my head I could hear ‘tonight’s gonna be a good night’….. The thing I love most about going to see Darren is checking in every six weeks with  updates about our lives. Both of us always have things to be excited about. I sit down in the chair, he plays with my hair, we chat and before I know it I’m root free and feeling beautiful. I took him and a friend as dates to the Indie Week launch. I got a media pass and I WAS social media in full force. I met a zillion bands and uploaded Twitpics of them so I could remember who’s who. That’s the great thing about the internet, it helps you remember stuff. I spent most of the time chatting to everyone on the patio  abut their bands and me being awesome. It was a blast. I had the pleasure of FINALLY meeting the lovely little Carly from Fairley Agency in person. She’s adorable and her blog is Kap One Two. Totally forgot that Ashley works there also 🙂 I got a bunch of crap in my gift bag to look through tonight, had my nylons ripped & got my ass tapped with drum sticks. Overall, it was a good night. I’m heading out again tonight to Hideout, Reverb and Bovine Sex Club before leaving for Montreal tomorrow. I will gladly give my media pass to someone this weekend. If you would like it leave a comment.

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tell ME something for once and i’ll give you a prize

I love this photo. Jenie  and I ran into Johanna and Cassie on our way home from Nuit Blanche on Saturday night.  She just sent me a bunch of photos. Thank you. Ok, so I always tell you things I like, things I love…when the sun shines bright through the clouds,  pretty things, dressing up and riding my bike blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It’s your turn to get something free in the mail now. I’ve teamed up with Matchstick to give you a Harijuku Lovers gift set valued at $250.00. I want you to tell me something you love. To enter, send an email to [email protected] with a photo, video or message about something you love. Please also include your full name, age and province.  Unfortunately this contest is only open to Canadian residents (excluding Quebec) that are over the age of 18. Really creative or hilarious entries may be posted and the odds of winning really depends on entries. I’ll pick a winner by random draw in a 12seconds video and send your info over to Matchstick who will take it from there to deliver the package right to your door. Contest closes Oct. 23 at 5pm. For official rules and entry crap that nobody wants to read click here.

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i think this brain would be pretty tasty

Zombies……I can’t stop thinking about them…. As soon as it turned October, it’s like my body knows it’s Halloween and I wanna dress up and wear masks and makeup and wigs and stuff. I don’t like scary movies or blood and gore but I love to dress up Zombie. The walk is coming up Oct. 24th. There’s gong to be a bunch of us and I’d love you to join in the bloody fun. I saw some photo’s on Tony’s blog of the Hollywood Walk last week and I’m pretty sure that’s what got my Zombie thoughts into overdrive. One more thing… I mentioned a while ago that fellow blogger and comic drawer extraordinaire Mr. Sean Ward has taken up residence in San Francisco.  His crew just produced this new video. Check ‘er out! Have a great day 🙂

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gone with the windows

Nuit Blanche made me really, really miss my camera.  I can’t go on without one any LONGER! This photo is from Torontoist and by fellow top TO blogger,  Andrew Louis. Queen & Spadina was a busy, busy place at 3am when we all came back to my house. Almost everyone we went out with last year was away and the night was much less artistic in their absence. My new room is my favorite place to be right now.  There’s scattered unpacked boxes, electronic equipment and clothes. I’m watching a movie called Leaving Normal from 1992 and having a wonderful Sunday night. I purged a bunch of clothes and have a huge bag of good stuff for Mum to give to these teenage girls she knows my size. I’m snacking on plain puffed wheat Kashi and drinking hot water with fresh cut ginger. The challenge is to remember to drink it before it gets cold. I had a bath too. My oldbathroom had a stand up shower and I feel like I’ve graduated to absolute bliss! I’ve got lots to share this week. So much I had to plan it out, the blog beat’s picking up tempo…

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yes you can sail the seven seas!

I’ve told you about my friend and little blonde blogger Keri, The Canadian Explorer. Recently she went on Canada’s largest Navy ship. I love her show. Here’s the most recent episode on board the HMCS unit. Enjoy 🙂

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blog in full sentence, tweet the headlines

Wake up at 6 am reach for water forgetting the pain and feel a sharp knife in my back. Take in medicine, deep breath, exhale. I lay down slowly as not to get that knife again and fall back to sleep. Wake up reach for water, the knife strikes again, twice. I take twice as long to get ready. Slowly put on underwear with out falling, I dress in comfy clothes. Dust off the running shoes and the knife strikes as the cat scurries by. I ignore the pain and I and I tie them up. Reminder to eat something before medicine and get change for street car. Off the bike for a while.  Everything is taking longer, taking longer. I wait for the streetcar, preying for a seat. Every bump or stop on the ride is amplified to me right now. Standing would be torture. I see a girl with a backpack, strangely I wish I could wear a backpack. I’d look like a highschooler in these Lulu’s and flower hoodie.  Cute boy briskly passes me on the sidewalk; I’m almost at medium pace. No head  turns. I want an iphone badly. Riding public transit is good for writing. Each car is full of stories waiting to be told.  I look like I’m aggressively texting non stop about something important. I am, my thoughts are important. The pain medicine sinks in as I swivel in my desk chair. Brief red carpet outing last night…

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hello hollywood glamour!

The night was warm as over four hundred fine people walked the red carpet boarding the yacht. Toronto is full of do-gooders and together we surpassed our goal raising over $600o for Meal Exchange. Thank you everyone that purchased event tickets, raffle tickets and came out to have fun! Along with raising awareness of an awesome national student-founded, youth-driven charity, our donation will result in mentoring over 214 youth and providing over 7,500 meals to those in need. Thanks to Mariposa Cruise Lines for giving us a great spot to have a party and the Argo girls for coming out too. They’re lined up here to chat with Rob from Check out the photos from our wonderful photographers Rosa Park, Say Yeah, and Chris G. The next Twestival is in the new year and will an opportunity to tweet,meet and give for a global cause.  It will obviously be a night not to miss!  Have a great day. I did an interview for Daniele Rossi’s Creative Bender radio show after getting back on land. Take a listen, it’s short & sweet.

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that was a night and a half, lets do it again!

Whoa. I had the kind of night filled with excitement that less fortunate souls dream of. Kinda feel like I’m still there… I was gonna tidy/pack while watching television at home alone…UNTIL…. I got a message from the famous Shawn Hawaii inquiring about the Sprout Up. Was I attending? I was now. Threw on an outfit. (Mum knit the vest in the 1970’s). Jumped on the trolley and headed to meet Hawaii. First stop, Sprouter SproutUp in Yorkville. If you like being surrounded by smart entrepreneurs and cool people, go next time. You’ll thank me. It’s Oct 14th, second Wednesday. Don’t worry, I’ll remind you. Second stop was the Globe’s Beatles party at the Berkley Church.  The party was fun and we got a killer giftbag with the new Beatles Blueray disk. I also got flowers. Yeah, awesome! We cruised to the Annex for a bite and beer and then took it up a notch in the Distillery district.  Belmont cigarettes was throwing an entertainment industry party. Knew about a zillion people and I still have drink tickets in my purse if you want them. Ran into stylish Ms. Sass from among many other notables including PJ Phil! Belmont has some sexy new skinny cigarettes and I snagged a bunch of packs.  At home I put on my Super Woman costume and danced around. Oh, who , will I be at Twestival on Saturday?? Did you get your tickets for Saturday yet? Sheesh, do it now. I’m paying $5 of your night, use CASIE as your promo code. It’s ON A BOAT! Tonight is TedxTO party at Brasaii and the opening of TIFF. It’s definitely going to be Notable. RSVP here if you haven’t yet. See you on the red carpet! Bring your camera! p.s. Quite Waldo-ish today 🙂

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attention, ladies and gentlemen of the internet…

Toronto is a city full constant excitement. I get messages once in a while saying it seems like TO is the city for me because we’ve always got something going on. This week, is NO exception, it’s one of the busiest times of the year when the city is filled with stars and red carpets. Tomorrow marks the opening of TIFF and the first day of our first TEDxTO Conference.  You’ll find me at the afterparty hosted by Notable TV at Brasaii on King Street. TED is all about ideas worth sharing and the event will be full of interesting people sharing great ideas. To RSVP head to Notable’s registration page and get your name on the list! Twestival Local is on on Saturday. What is it? Around the world cities are joining together to raise money for a local charities. Our charity is Toronto based Meal Exchange. All the proceeds go directly to Meal Exchange with a goal of raising $5000 to facilitate 178 youth leaders and over 6250 meals being distributed. Totally awesome! Just think about it, you’ll be on a boat, partying with Toronto’s social media community, hot DJs, deliecious free food and flowing drinks while cruising the harbourfront with a view of our beautiful city. When you get your tickets enter promo code CASIE for $5 off. How can you say no NOW?  YOU CAN’T! Check out the Facebook Event page. There are some badass prizes to be won including Palm Pre (that I want to win) if you dress up as your favorite celebrity. I have a feeling Toronto’s own Paris Hiton might just show up 😛

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you never met a M.F. quite like me

I wanted to go see Kid Rock over the Killers cause I love his wild-whisky-drinking-country-singing-long-hair-badass style. He was wearing a leather shirt with rhinestones when he started. Serious swooning over here. We caught about 20 minutes of Lynard Skynard. He has some serious muscles. I’m not sure how old he is buyt from my seat he looked FIT. The first sound I heard from the stage when K.Rock came on was one of my favorite songs ever. I taped it for you: More videos are uploading. Will add later. This one drunk guy said “is this like the good looking girl section”, nice pick up line buddy. ‘We’re all married” I said. There were so many drunken mullets and wire beaters. Good entertainment! Jenie ran into Kory and Lisa and bunch of other girls I know from back home in Cambridge. We crammed them in our box but then the security girl kicked them out. A few got to stay for the rest of the show. Fun times 🙂 I also got a $50 for Subway which is pretty rad. The Jets are so loud. They keep zipping right above our condo and scaring the bejebas out of me. Heading to the Lake to read my book and watch them overhead. Have a great day! Big party at Tattoo Rock Parlor on Sunday night hosted by the Magen Boys.  If you’re in the city on this fine weekend, come. Shawn Hawaii, my boy is DJ and I’ll be cuttin’ a rug on the dance floor! Facebook invite is here.

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