Day 516: Back from Burnout

Spent the last week at the cottage and it was so nice. Worked s few days and had 4 days of vacation. I needed it. I had burnout. Last night I felt refreshed and got a jump on work for the week. I was excited this morning. Aside from the fact that I have a torn muscle in my leg and have been limping for a couple of days. Been really trying to rest it as I’m booked to walk in a big fashion show on Friday for Evan Biddell. Ahhhhh!

In other news, our plants are really growing + she’s back from burnout, ready to blog again.

Day 515: Cruisin’ Together

Cruisin’ together at sunset on the lake. Nice end to a lovely week up north. There’s nothing like nature to reset your mind and body.

Day 514: That’s how the light gets in.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.

Leoanrd Cohen, “Anthem”


OH MY, WHAT A GREAT DAY! I went to visit mum for the first time in almost a year. I wanted to make sure I was fully vaccinated before going to visit her. I know there’s still a chance of transmission but I needed to see her. I missed her so much. We went to Winners (as usual!) got groceries, then I helped a bit in the kitchen. It was so incredibly nice to be home and hug her again.

I love you mum.

Day 504: The Fitzroy

After work, I biked over to see my girlfriends at The Fitzroy to try on dresses for an upcoming wedding. Emily’s mum is getting married next month and I want to wear something nice. It’s been AGES since I’ve dressed up and gone out somewhere fancy, this is the perfect event. I’m not telling which dress I picked but I’d love to know your fav.

Leave a comment on my IG pic here!

What to do in Niagara Falls?

What to do at Niagara Falls? When we think of Niagara Falls, our minds instantly wander to the group of three waterfalls that span the border between the province of Ontario in Canada and the state of New York in the United States. The image we have in our heads has been printed on millions upon millions of postcards and sent around the world by the estimated 13 million visitors that go each year.

Niagara Falls is a unique location and has a lot more to offer than just the waterfalls. The great thing about a trip to Niagara Falls is that you can do so heaps of activities in a short period of time. If you’re looking to get the most out of your weekend away, here’s a list of five of the best things to do.

niagra falls, canada, water, nature, falls, waterfall, tourism, travel, blue, niagara falls, scenic

Horseshoe Falls

Horseshoe Falls is the largest of the three main waterfalls in Niagara and even though it is an obvious pick, your trip would not be complete without a visit.

Additionally, if you want to experience the falls firsthand, you can take a boat trip and get upfront and centre. Be ready to get a little wet!


When it comes to nightlife, gambling is something that is at the heart of Niagara Falls, on both sides of the river! There’s a great selection of casinos so you won’t find it difficult to find one you like. If you’re in the mood for gambling, try your hand at online sports betting. You can take in the excitement of a game and the activities of Niagara Falls at the same time. A win-win to me!

Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens & Butterfly Conservatory

Horseshoe Falls is spectacular, but if you are looking for the perfect peaceful follow-up, then head on over to Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens & Butterfly Conservatory. The site is an amazing 100-acre space, which is home to thousands of species of plants, including an amazing collection of butterflies.

WildPlay Mistrider Zipline

If you can’t get enough of the waterfalls, there is another exciting way to get the perfect view! The zipline allows you to fly 67 metres high and reach speeds of 40 mph. ? If you want to be one with nature, I can’t think of a more hands-on approach!

Niagara Skywheel

If you’re not feeling adventurous, or want to unwind after the zip line, this is a sightseeing opportunity you don’t want to miss out on. It is Canada’s largest observation wheel, towering 53 metres, and is the perfect way to round off your trip. Sit back and enjoy the breathtaking views of both the Horseshoe, American Falls, and the Niagara River.

Next time someone says that the only thing Niagara Falls has to offer is the waterfall, you know what to tell them! I hope you enjoy your trip.

Day 503: Bloom with D Luxe Lab in Yorkville

My friend invited me to stop into the re-opening of D Luxe Lab, a premier cosmetic treatment clinic located in the heart of Yorkville. It’s absolutely beautiful!

I sat down for a chat with the female founder, Dema Najjar scroll down for my interview with her. Dema is an immigrant to Canada from Syria and a graduate of Rotman Business School’s MBA program, alongside many other talents. I had a consultation followed by treatment with Dr. Basil.

I’m very happy with the results, workin’ to keep my face looking rested and refreshed!

As a female immigrant in Canada, how did you best prepare yourself for becoming a business owner?

I moved to Canada with the intention of establishing a connection with Canadian culture and community. I completed an Executive MBA at Rotman School of Business and then integrated the Canadian work force. I spent 5 years working in the financial industry at MCAP, which allowed me to build and expand my knowledge base of this industry, as well as to grant me exposure to meet new and different people.

From this, I was able to better understand Canadian culture and experience daily life as a Canadian. Through my work with MCAP, I gained valuable insight into agreements and deal-making, which encouraged me to pursue a Global Professional Masters of Laws at U of T. 

During the past ten years in Canada, I have had the chance to work in finance, marketing and accounting, and through my network, I have been fortunate enough to be exposed to many wonderful people who have encouraged me along the way.

A couple of years ago, I took a step back and began thinking of how I could combine my Canadian experience with that of my family’s in Syria. After evaluating the cosmetic beauty industry market and establishing that it was the right time for me to enter this market, I took the giant step in pursuing my passion.

I wanted to bring something new to the industry and ensure that I would be adding value to the client’s experience.

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Day 502: Business Casual

The world is starting to open up again but tbh, I’m happy mostly staying home. I haven’t dined inside a restaurant yet and I’m not sure if I’m ready to go to events. I’ve still got another week until I’m fully vaccinated but the risk of getting covid is still there.

Yesterday my new bag from Sasha’s latest Ela Handbags collab arrived and I love it. Check out the whole collection here. See my post on Instagram here.

Michelle gifted me this great vintage blazer that belonged to her mum. Throw on a fun jumpsuit and it’s business casual baby!

Day 501: Mellow Yellow

Today was a good day. Went for a run in the morning. Took my bike out for a spin in the evening, it was really hot out. Felt sunny so snapped some fun photos. Pop over to Instagram to like my post!

Here’s to a great week!

Top is old Zara & the bead charm is from my friend’s company Santa Isla.

Day 499: See You In My Dreams

Starting to feel better from the vaccine side effects. I want to get back to myself. haven’t run in days.

Tomorrow we’re helping Sean’s parents pack up their house for a few hours. I plan to spend the rest of the day working in my room and I am happy to do it. Feel so grateful for my space and the projects I’m doing. By end of summer, I’ll be sharing more about my work with Hvr and our new app. I am so excited!

Looking forward to this week. I love Monday because you never know what the day might bring. Sending you sunshine and ALL THE BEST FOR A GREAT DAY.

Watched ‘See You In My Dreams’ on Netflix today, cute movie, bit sad. This song is nice tho.

Day 498: Take Time

Take time for yourself. Take yourself on a date. Take yourself for dinner. Take yourself for ice cream. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Don’t take time for granted.


You’re looking at the face of a Toronto woman who is fully vaccinated. Had the afternoon off work to get my 2nd dose of Pfizer and biked down to St. Joseph’s Hospital for my appointment. Pretty smooth process, everyone was nice, I wore a dress.

On my ride home I stopped into my new favourite takeaway shop in Roncy, Sunnyside Provisions. It’s really cute, they have heaps of local food, soups, sandwiches, snacks, beer & wine. I got the roast beef sandwich (incredible!), local fish for dinner, a couple of cocktails, and a Flake bar for dessert. (As kids we used to get Cadbury Flake bars sent from our fam in New Zealand, they were so hard to find here!)

Sean is still up at the cottage until tomorrow. I’ve got a half-day on Friday and plan to do next to nothing all weekend. My reaction to the first vaccine was brutal and I was sick for three days. Really hope that doesn’t happen again but if it does, I’m prepared.

Please stay safe out there. This weekend we pass 500 days and the sooner we all get vaccinated, we can hopefully have some type of normal-ish life. Whatever that means, I’ve never been normal!

Sending love,

Day 495: She Wore Red Lipstick

On Day 495 she wore red lipstick and felt a renewed sense of self. With her dark pandemic locks, she put her unwashed hair in a braid, threw on some jewelry, and headed out on her vintage-style bike. She met up with a friend to catch up, the daily download on everything. The girls walked backstreets of Dundas West and got popsicles on Queen West.

On the ride home, Casie stopped to take a photo of ‘billboard’ and thought, ‘that would be a great place for my face’.

And as she typed this she thought, “Why don’t I write in the third person a little more? It’s kinda fun.”

At home, she opened her mail to find a Tiki Party gift complete with Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum. Although she had work to do, knowing she had ice in the freezer, she reached for the blender.

She worked and typed will dreaming of Pina Coladas in a tropical destination. Thought about buying some nice jewelry from Hestia Jewels. One day, she will travel again, her suitcase is ready and waiting. Outfits too.

Day 494: Ice Cream Date

Woke up super tired today, not sure why. I find I’m more tired than ever these days and I guess it’s just pandemic fatigue at this point. ?‍♀️ I was out and about this weekend and after not doing much for almost a year, it’s exhausting!

Took myself on an ice cream date after a nice long bike ride. I try to get outside for a run or ride each day to clear my head, get exercise, and fresh air. The ice cream at Gaspar Cafe near our place is incredible! I rarely do dairy but when I do, I pretty much always have chocolate.

Yesterday I started watching Virgin River on Netflix and it’s not particularly good but somehow I’m almost done the first season. I have a soft spot for shows that I can put on in the background while I’m writing that doesn’t take too much focus, especially if they’re murder or romantic comedy.

That’s all for today! Here’s to a good week!

Day 493: Yacht Girl Summer

Spent some time on a friends’ boat this weekend. Left from the dock at The Boulevard Club and anchored down at Hanlon’s Point Beach. It was such a beautiful day! Soaked up the sun & laughed heaps with Sandy. So fun.

Day 492: Bike & Beach

Woke up thinking about our dinner at Sabai Sabai last night, the food was incredible. Sean came back from the cottage for a hot minute before heading back up north with Emily. He showed up with flowers from the garden for me, so lovely! What a legend. ?

I biked over to Parkdale in the sun then went for a long walk with Sandy to Lakeshore. I am living for this weather and hope we see lots more sunny days. I was at the cottage for most of Summer 2020 so it’s great to appreciate Toronto summer and explore the city.

Day 491: Dinner at Sabai Sabai in Yorkville

Had the afternoon off work and went to Yorkville for an appointment at D Luxe Lab. It was so nice to be out! I wore new boots from L’Intervalle boots and my fav green dress.

After I met up with Marie (aka @Karmacake) at The Pilot for a LONG overdue catch-up. We’ve known each other for a decade and never really sat down to chat.

I was going to head home but then Natalie offered to take me for dinner at Sabai Sabai in Yorkville. They serve incredible food from Northern Thailand & Laos. I haven’t had a meal that good in ages! Two of the owners, Seng & Jason treated us to amazing cocktails, food, wine, and lots of laughs. It was a bit chilly on the patio but we were having such a good time it didn’t bother us. We had deep-fried garlic shrimp, khao soi, and sausages. It’s located at Yonge Bloor and I highly recommend it!

Here’s to a good weekend!

Day 489: Hang In There, It Will Be OK

Sometimes you need a reminder that things are going to be ok. We’ve gotten this far and we will get through it, through everything. You are strong, don’t forget. Take time for the things that make you happy. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Find your joy again. Step away from the computer, put on your shoes, go outside.

Hang In There, It Will Be OK.

Necklace is the Herringbone Chain from Mejuri, I’m obsessed.

Day 488: I Went to the Mall

After a month I was finally able to visit an Apple Store, I went to the mall! I had a return and would you believe I couldn’t do an exchange by phone or mail, I had to wait until restrictions changed and I could visit a store in person. Made a shopping appt on Monday night on the website and only waited about 2 min once I got there. I had great service and laughed quite a bit with the employee who helped me. I was legit so excited I put on a dress, jewellery, touched up my hair & makeup, made an event of it.

Had dinner at Saku Sushi on the patio while I waited for sean to finish work. Michelle came and joined me and it turned into a double date when her bf & Sean arrived. The food there is so good, highly recommend it, and they always have nice cold Sapporo.

I got a gold iPhone 12 Pro and am very excited to play with the camera. Ages since I’ve had a new phone! I got Apple Care but I’m not taking this precious thing out of the house until I have a case. Ordered a tempered glass screen protector and mirror case. ?

Day 487: Summer Rain

We decided to spend an extra day at the cottage to avoid long weekend traffic. Took sean out on the wakeboard at lunch and soaked up some sunshine. I find it a bit hard to work from the cottage so Sean let me usehis office setup and it made everything better.

We know it was going to rain so took the boat out of the water in the evening and as we were getting back to the cottage it started POURING. We both got soaked but I didn’t mind, something magical about a warm summer downpour. Always loved this song, it this came out in 2000 when I graduted high school & started college, Summer Rain by Carl Thomas.

Not sure when I’ll be back up north this month. Looking forward to being at the house, catching up on blog posts I’ve missed the last little while, and focusing on work. Will be nice to see friends and ride my bike around too.

Sending sunshine your way. hope things are looking up!

Day 485: Nice Little Saturday

Went for an afternoon trip to Port Carling today. Attempted to go for tacos but the wait was 2 hours long! There were heaps of people and we ended up stopping by the grocery store then coming back to the cottage. It was. so nice out, I sat on the dock, had a beer, and finished my book. Managed to get a couple of tan lines too so I would call it a nice little Saturday!

Day 484: Treat Yourself – Bespoke Facial at Youth MediSpa

With restrictions opening up we’re finally allowed to access more personal care services. I was so excited to go back to Youth MediSpa for their bespoke facial treatment. My last visit there was in July 2020 (Day 122) for a little Botox touchup.

After months of being at home, I’ve really started taking good care of my skin but some things can’t be fixed with a good cream or face mask. This year I turned 39 and some skin concerns I have are signs of aging, sun damage, redness, and hydration. I was keen to get the bespoke facial from Youth MediSpa because it’s catered for each person and their skin needs.

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Day 482: Gamer Girl Aesthetic

When I first got a Nintendo Switch a couple of weeks ago I had no idea how much I’d actually like playing. I know I’m late to the game but safe to say Animal Crossing is deff a new hobby addiction. It’s a great way to relax, take a break from the internet, work, reality. I spend time on my island, building things, fishing, collecting shells, planting flowers, shopping, and selling stuff at Nooks Cranny lol. I don’t think this makes me a Gamer Girl but I read an article on gamer girl aesthetic today. I also have Zelda and Mario Kart. ?

Day 461: Working Outside

Spent most of the day working outside and it was so nice! We had perfect weekend weather and it felt great to get my hands in the dirt and pull some weeds. We watered all the plants, took some stuff to the dump, and I cleaned up a set of steps.

Took Sean out on the wakeboard and then spent a few hours reading my book. I’m currently halfway through That Summer by Jennifer Weiner. I read her previous book, Big Summer, a couple of months ago, both good!

Day 460: To The Cottage

Sean and I drove up to the cottage in the afternoon and after the week I had, I was so ready for it. We plan to do a bunch of yard work around and clean things up outside. I hadn’t been back up for a couple of weeks so am quite looking forward to sun, relaxing, and getting my energy back up.

Day 459: SHE’S BACK!


At this point, I am pretty certain I had a reaction to getting my first Pfizer shot I got just over a week ago. During this process, I learned that *if* you had Covid, you might have a more severe reaction to the vaccine. I had never been tested for Covid and didn’t have any symptoms during the pandemic, but will never 100% know unless I take an antibody test. I have no regrets about getting the vaccine and will 100% still be getting my second dose as soon as I can.

Day 458: Sick Day 3

The good news is I don’t have Covid, bad news, still sick. I was worried it might be strep throat so made an appt to see a doctor.

They did a rapid test to determine it’s not strep but a viral infection (?). I’m not 100% sure if this is connected to the vaccine but after looking at all the possible side effects of the Pfizer vaccine, it looks like it.

The doctor said to keep resting and drink lots of fluids. I am really hoping I feel better, being sick is the worst. Thankfully my work is lovely and said to take the time I need. Here’s to hoping I wake up feeling better tomorrow.