NXNE Interactive 2013 – Ticket Giveaway! #nxnei13

Wednesday this week kicks off NXNE! I absolutely love this festival. Think SXSW more Canadian.  I’ve been attending and doing giveaways for NXNEi since 2010 (photos below).  I spoke on two panels last year about the Psychology of Narcissism and on Social Giveaways. This year, the Interactive festival runs June 12-14, is curated by FITC and two lucky people, will win a pass to attend. You’ll get to experience the intersection of media, technology and culture with the world’s best visionaries and leaders. It’s not hard to win. Tweet this button and you’re in. I’ll pick a winner at two on Tuesday, as in tomorrow, June 11th.  Tweet  If you are in digital, social, or have any passion for anything internet, you will find something here to stimulate your senses. NXNEi 2010 NXNEi 2011 NXNE 2012 Explore Digital – Media / Culture / Marketing / Music / Film / Startups / Web / Comedy / Art 2013 will be huge. “@fitc excited to be curating @nxnei again. Intersecting media, tech + culture. Get ready for awesomeness #nxnei13” — NXNE Interactive (@nxnei) June 11, 2013 NXNE Interactive 2013 Explore Digital – Media / Culture / Marketing / Music / Film / Startups / Web June 12-14: Workshops+Conference nxne.com/interactive NXNEi Speakers Johnny Cupcakes • Saul Colt •  YouTube • HootSuite •  TeamBuy • The Score • john st. • Jay Goldman • Etsy <3 CASIE

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Coca Cola Surprise Notes – Spreading happiness!

Remember this post from a couple weeks ago? Turns out I took place in Coco Cola project Surprise Notes and I didn’t even know it! Coca Cola / Surprise Notes Happiness is spread with unexpected notes scattered through the city. @casiestewart U made a stop at our #randomactsofkindness installation – hope u like the vid compilation of the day 🙂 youtu.be/A_n7A0ssK0A — Melanie Chung (@MelanieC47) June 6, 2013  

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Montreal! Here I Come! Vroooooooooom!

No, I’m not driving to Montreal but I AM en route to MTL via Porter Airlines for the F1 launch event Film Fashion F1 hosted by Community and sponsored by Porsche and Martini. I’ve loved racing since I can remember so this is pretty exciting. I’d love to being Dad but this is a work trip so I’ll be busy the whole time. Sorry Dad, will take pix! My first race was the Toronto Indy in high school and a friends family business sponsored a driver. It was AMAZING! I had full pit passes and spent part of the afternoon during the qualifiers lounging on a boat outside Ontario place with some Hawaiian Tropic girls.  I really wish I had photos but it was WAY before I was on the internet and digital cameras weren’t invented yet. [No comments on that please!] The last time I went to the Honda Indy in Toronto I arrived to my spot just as the cars were crossing the finish line and landed some camera time on TV. That kinda stuff always happens to me! Boarding my plane now. Hope you are having a lovely day!    

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Modern Comedian – Mitch Was a Writer

Yesterday I walked down an escalator that was broken so it was stairs. I’m always reminded of Mitch Hedberg when that happens, his joke ““An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs. You would never see an Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order sign, just Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience.” So funny. On this ep. of Modern Comedian, Lynn Shawcroft talks about MItch Hedberg. Lynn is a hilarious Canadian comedian who was married to Mitch Hedberg the last 6 years of his life. Mitch Hedberg was my fav comedian of all time. Follow her online at @shawcroft. * don’t mind the bad audio, it’s an old video!

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Bacardi Best Seats Contest Coming Soon!

Guys, Bacardi Canada is launching a HUGE contest SOON called Bacardi Best Seats. I gave away a pair of tickets to see Ke$ha and Pitbull today. Stay tuned for the MASSIVE CONTEST announcement next week. 🙂 Huzzah! Love ya, CASIE

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This One’s For The Birds

 This is the birds dress. Last week it was ducks. I have about four of the same style dress in different prints. Cardigan is from GAP at Dufferin Mall and I used my CAA card to get 10% off. Huzzah! Thanks CAA! Photos taken and uploaded with HTC One. I really love this little phone. I listen to 102.1 The Edge when I take the streetcar in the mornings. it’s the funniest show. They have this “What’s Wrong With You?” contest where people call in and say what is wrong with them. Sometimes it’s so funny I have to hold back the giggles.  Some people have real problems! Ha. New fav coffee shop Hula Girl near Dundas Station. Had a great coffee this morning! They don’t accept debit so tomorrow I’ll be prepared so I can taste something from the snack counter. I’ve got a busy day on my hands (again). Here’s to making it a great one! 🙂 <3 CASIE

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The 7 Vices of Highly Creative People

An oldie but  goodie, came across this again while cleaning up old bookmarks. The article blog post was originally published on Salon in February, 2000. THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND. I was born a creative person and at times I’ve wondered if my vices are helping or hindering. It gives me comfort that many of the greats were open about their vices too. This list is a pretty good one, you’d enjoy the whole article on Salon too I’m sure. The 7 Vices of Highly Creative People Drinking – For [Winston] Churchill, like many other great drinkers, alcohol was a tool used to feed creativity and social discourse.  Smoking – Smoking has often been linked with creative genius. Gabling – The world is full of stories of highly creative people whose success was based on the big gamble. Oysters – Certain foods are frequently associated with highly creative people. None more so than the oyster. Fashion – The highly creative always choose their wardrobes with a more consistent flair. Sex – The sexual appetite and prowess of those possessed by creativity can’t be argued. Abuse the Card – The highly creative travel an expensive road, and the best way to stay between the yellow lines, or at the very least keep food on your table, is to Abuse the Card. Here’s to the crazy creative ones! Love to know if you have any to add to the list below? LMK in the comments or Twitta. <4 CRAZIE CASIE

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Dailybooth Archive 2009-2012, This Is My Life in Photos.

Ok computer, anyone remember Dailybooth? DailyBooth was the original photoblogging site for people to take a photo each day with a caption. The goal was “your life in photos” in order to document and share. It allowed you to post on Twitter and follow other users within the service for  real-time updates. I loved it. Wrote about my Dailybooth romance in this post. Last year in Auston for SXSW I met a Dailybooth friend IRL. It was awesome! In August, 2009, the site had over 3 million unique visitors a month with a growth rate of about 35% a month.[2] On 11 November 2012, it was announced that Dailybooth was closing down, with users able to access and download their content until 31 December. The site was completely deleted after that.  Demi, Ashton, and iJustine used to use it heaps. I download all my nearly 800 photos from my database and put them in a video as a memory. That’s why I started blogging in the first place, to keep more memories. I learned how beat map photos in iMovie when I made this. I’m no expert video editor but I’d like to get better at it. I’m hoping to get a new camera soon so I can start filming some epic si*t. Huzzah! I’m the couch at the cottage watching movies and computing all day. It’s great! Happy Sunday 🙂 <3 CASIE  RIP!

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Burgers Priest: The Way Burgers Should Be (1970’s)

This comes out tomorrow, but by secret connections of the internet, I’m sharing with you today! My friends at Biz Media really love great burgers and wanted to capture the essence of what really made fast food great in the olden days. They matched that pure burger love with vintage video production to make this great throwback. The brand new Burgers Priest on Queen West opens Saturday at 6pm. Here’s to vintage awesomeness, burgers, and good friends! CASIE

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We face neither East nor West: we face forward.

I totally underestimated the time it takes to get from our place in the West end by streetcar to downtown. I don’t know why I always imagine the TTC to be a quick mode of transportation. (What was I thinking?) I really should have taken a cab. It’s the first time I’ve taken the streetcar from here. (I should have taken a cab.) I don’t mind the rain today, I’m at The Spoke Club for Disaronno’s Mixing Star competition. (Toronto round of the event I was in Vancouver for the other day.) This one will be fun as the PR team is here and I know way more TO media than Vancouver. Follow the event on Twitter @DisaronnoCanada, it’s me behind the brand today. Check out this beautiful sunrise I saw this morning from the bedroom window. Forget the rain, I had a bright start to the day! Sending sunshine your way too 🙂 Love, CASIE * title quote from Kwame

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Canada’s Marketing and Innovation Conference – The Art of Marketing

I’ve attended The Art of Marketing for the past few years. Of all the conferences that go down in our great city, this is by far one of my favourites  They consistently get great speakers and I always leave feeling inspired and full of knowledge.  The lineup for 2013 is no exception! The Art of Marketing 2013 – Speakers Biz Stone – cofounder of Twitter and named one of the world’s most influential people by Time magazine. Seth Godin – Bestselling author of LinchPin, Tribes and Purple Cow. Charles Duhigg – New York Times reporter and bestselling author of The Power of Habit

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I’m gearing up to start shooting the new season of THIS: The Hot Internet Show on Coral TV. We’ve been signed on  as a partner by Kin Community, THE LARGEST LIFESTYLE CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE, so, I need to step up my game here. One of their partners is THE ELLEN SHOW. Sorry for yelling, this is all very exciting.  I met some od the team from NY last night and they are just lovely. I’m wondering what you might like to see on THIS? The show is co-produced by me and I’ve got the freedom to be creative and plan episodes. In the past I’ve covered events, tech apps, gadgets, travel accessories, and summer accessories. I was thinking about doing some things with a tech-style theme and more around blogging (since that’s my expertise!) I’d love to get any ideas from YOU! If you don’t want to comment or Tweet me shoot an email to coraltv @ casiestewart.com. Some of my old eps below.

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Payless Summer Preview Sale w/ Savings from CAA

I’ve been biking heaps since the weather has FINALLY warmed up. One of my fav things this time of year is shopping for new spring things! As I was browsing the CAA website  last week I was pleasantly surprised to see I can save 10% at Payless with my membership! I like shoes. Actually, I love shoes! Each summer I wear heaps of flat shoes and often wear them out from all my walking, biking, concerts, and activities. So, affordable little flats are perfect. Plus, a girl can never have too many shoes! I went to the Payless store located conveniently across from the Eaton Centre on Yonge Street. There are over 40 stores in the GTA and you can also order online. There’s heaps of shoes for men, women, and kids, with all kinds of accessories. You’ll save 10% if you show your CAA card when making a purchase.  Plus, their Summer Preview Sale is on now! I’m super impressed with all the life-side assistance savings from CAA. I’ve had my membership for about 3 months and already saved more having it than the cost of the membership. Remember my trip to Boston? Next on my list is a movie date and dinner where I use my CAA card to impress my BF with my savvy savings. Had lunch with Mum and Dad last week and they BOTH recently renewed their memberships. We’re a CAA family!  To see all the life-side assistance savings from CAA visit caasco.com or check them out on Facebook and Twitter. They have a blog too! Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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Beautifully Terrifying Thunder Clouds

The clouds flying in to Toronto this morning at 6am were so incredibly beautiful. It was like a movie. Floating through the air with these big fluffy things. It was turbulent and lightening ready to strike any moment.  I could see it flashing across the sky in clusters f clouds. All I could think was ‘please get us safely to the ground’. The landing was smooth and I exited the airport within about 15 minutes. Photos are taken with HTC One and the video was magically put together by the phone’s photo assistant, Zoe. She’s awesome! I’m planning to show her off in an upcoming Coral episode of THIS. Subscribe to the channel at youtube.com/coral. It’s so lovely outside. If you’re stuck in the office make sure you pop outside for a tour around the block, catch some rays. Have a beautiful day,  CASIE This was a neat social campaign from YVR during their construction. They asked people to share photos on Instagram and Twitter tagged #YVRCANADA then displayed them in large stickers in the airport as it is being renovated. Vancouver, I like you.

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Disarming in Vancouver

When I type Disaronno my phone changes it to disarming. Always makes me thing of the movie ‘Closer’ that word. It’s cloudy with a chance of rain here today. We’re getting set up for Disaronno Mixing Star Vancouver. The Toronto event is end of May. Back home tonight on the red eye. Did you RSVP for my Ted Baker London event on Thursday? It’s gonna be fun! Make sure you follow @disaronnocanada for my updates today. Lots of cool cocktails being made! Sending you sunshine from Vancouver! (Even though it’s not too sunny!) CASIE P.S. Did you RSVP for my Ted Baker London event on Thursday night?! 25% shopping party at the Yorkdale store! * posted from HTC One!

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Ted Baker London Celebrates 25 Years

On Thursday, May 16th, Ted Baker London celebrates 25 years of beautiful style, design, and adventure. You’re invited to join the national celebration hosted by ME at the Yorkdale’s Ted Baker London store. Designer, aesthete, traveler, connoisseur and debonair man-about-town; there’s not much Ted Baker doesn’t know about this business we call fashion. The Toronto flagship store has only been open for a few months and I was happy to be one of the hosts that night. Remember that beautiful blue dress? Ahhhh, yes, how could one forget. I’ve also got a GIVEAWAY for one of Ted’s 25 Year’s limited edition taxi print scarf. See below for details! Event Details: RSVP Here.  As a Canadian Ambassador for Ted Baker, I feel it’s my duty to let you know some of the great items in store for Spring 2013. I absolutely love this brand. I feel like all the clothes were made with me in mind. They’re extremely well made with acute attention to detail. My Summer Favs for Guys & Gals Ted’s also been busy designing a range of limited edition pieces featuring the exclusive London cabbie print. Ted totally knows how to celebrate. The scarf you can win is this limited edition print. It’s lovely! Ted Baker London Scarf Giveaway Want to win Ted’s 25 Year’s limited edition taxi print scarf? Tweet a photo that says “Around the World in 25 Years” tagging @casiestewart and @ted_bakerUSA with #teds25years to enter. Feel free to get creative, share your own style, or on of your very own adventures! Tweet #teds25years In true Ted Baker style, I’ve packed my  Ted Baker London jacket, scarf, & purse and I’m jet setting to Vancouver for my first time today. I’ll be back just in time for the shopping celebration. Make sure you RSVP and I hope to see you there! Have an excellent…

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Real and Imagined

Got sent an advanced uncorrected proof from Simon & Schuster Canada. Thank you! Can’t wait to start it today, deep in the forest woods of Muskoka. I absolutely LOVE getting books in advance. Something so magical about it. We spent heaps of time at the library as kids. Summer reading club FTW.  Thanks Mum for that. YOU ARE THE BEST MUM! Got to have lunch with her and Dad with my sister this week for my birthday. Prettyyyyy awesome. Love you guys! Just watched Beauty and the Beast on VHS. I forgot he gave her the massive library. I love that library. And the dress. Belle is my fav Disney Princess. (You have one too, don’t lie to yourself now!) It’s kinda cold and gloomy up here this weekend but that’s perfect for writng so I don’t mind one bit. Enjoy the day 🙂 CASIE

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Peter Shankman at TEDx Times Square

I originally shared this on the Pulp & Fiber blog at work yesterday. I saw a tweet from Peter Shankman with this video from his talk at TEDx Times Square in New York last month. This 15 minutes will give you a a laugh and make you think about the importance of amazing customer service and how it relates to social media in business. He tells you how to get the audience you want by taking care of the audience you have. He’s all about creating great content and sharing things that are awesome. You can follow Peter on Twitter at @petershankman and there’s a good chance if you tweet him, he’ll tweet you back. Peter is a broadcaster, an advistor to NASA, an Ironman, a skydiver, a social media star, and an all around great guy. I’ve been following Peter for a few years now and he is definitely someone I enjoy following and learning from. We’ve never met in person but we’re friends on Twitter and Facebook and I’d call him a friend. He wished me happy birthday this week too. Hey @casiestewart …Happy birthday! 🙂 — Peter Shankman (@petershankman) May 8, 2013

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Palladium Momochrome Boots in the Park

Took myself for lunch in the park yesterday. It was lovely. Sun shining bright, people on bikes, shirtless hipsters catching rays, picnic blankets, and puppies playing. This weather puts everyone in a great mood. Video of the Day, Shot w/ HTC One + Zoe These are my new Monochrome boots by Palladium, I was sent them last week and love. Super bright! They come in a bunch of colours. Unfortunately I missed the preview at SoHo House this week but you can see photos from the lookbook by Sidewalk Hustle. Look at how cute Hawley and Kate are in theirs! Adorabs. Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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You’ve Changed, There’s a Spring in Your Step

Wore some bright pants from Gap today. Brought the sunshine everywhere I went. New Killigrew cotton mixed with poka dots. Ted Baker London scarf, Tom’s, and a smile. Everything has changed. For the better 🙂 CASIE

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Early Bird Gets The

I did morning yoga on the dock at 6am. It was magical! One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.Oliver Wendell Holmes — BODY BREAK (@bodybreak) April 26, 2013   Yoga deck. I see you greeting me with nothing but love. #cottage #thisismylife (@ Morrison Lake) [pic]: 4sq.com/YdX9pf — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) April 28, 2013 Here’s to a great week. <3 CASIE

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Stolen Girlfriends Club #TGIF

Weekend styles from Stolen Girlfriends Club in New Zealand. Got this last night. They’re always ahead down under! Follow @stolenGFclub ❤ Happy Friday, have an awesome day! CASIE

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ANZAC Day Reminds Me I’m Proud to Be Kiwi

Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand (like Nov. 11 in North America). If you’re just tuning in, my parents immigrated to Canada and I have dual citizenship (Canadian/Kiwi). All my family except Mum, Dad, & sister live there. I’m thankful for Facebook because I see so much more of them now! In spirit of Anzac Day and my love for New Zealand, some of my fav NZ people and blog moments below. Fav kiwi jewellery designer, Nick Von K NZ with Gala Gonzalez, Am Lul & Rumi Neely from Fashion Toast Front row at NZ Fashion Week 2010 w/ Derek Fabulous With Derek Fabulous & Nicole Miller A great Kiwi, the wonderful Isaac Likes MY FAV Kiwi Sweets Driving with my Cuzzy Arriving at Auckland airport, awesome! Auckland is totally online.  

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Earth Day 2013 + Big Face Animal Shirt from The Mountain

It’s Earth Day! Today, more than usual, we give attention and praise to our cool green & blue planet!  I am so freaking happy the weather is finally getting warm. I try to trick myself into thinking if doesn’t bother me but, it’s almost MAY and cold. I was born May 8th and I prefer it to be hot by then. (THAT IS A HINT) This weekend, I was lucky to be up  north opening the cottage. Took some photos with my new Fuju XF1 and wore my BIG FACE GREAT HORNED OWL from The Mountain. I was sent it as a gift just in time for Earth Day. So great. WHOOOOOO is the coolest? Get it? Urgh, clearly I am not cool or funny. I also have the Boston Terrier but I’m saving that one, for a special occasion. A typical day at work at The Mountain twitter.com/TheMountainTee… — The Mountain Tees (@TheMountainTees) March 14, 2013 The Mountain seems like a pretty fun company (see tweet above if you did not already see tweet above). The Mountain produces tees made in the U.S. with water based inks and PVC-free operations and even invented a new dye oxidation system that cleans their dye waste water without the use of any chemicals. My friend Kenny at work has a couple, so when they emailed me I was totally into it. I want more friends to have them so we can be a wild kingdom. Mine is Youth XL for $14. If you are my friend and your birthday is coming you might get one. I was laying on my yoga mat in the sun staring up at this tree. It looked pretty and different colours in the sun. After a relaxing weekend staring at trees, sky, lake, and sunshine, it was time for me…

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You’re a Rainbow of Colours Going Round

Cool thing about Director/producer BF is access to fun props for green screen shoots. Now I can photoshop myself anywhere. FLY ME TO THE MOON GUYS! What a beautiful sunset last light. Had Burgers Priest by the lake and called it a night. Spring is near. I can’t wait to get a new basket for my bike. I need one that can double as a picnic. I made a SUMMER PICNIC board on Pinterest. If you like to park hang & picnic, let me know, I’ll add you! Just need your email (leave a comment or DM me on Twitter). We can picnic plan together like pals. Good fun! Heading up to the cottage this weekend and can’t wait. Been getting some good sleeps lately and using my best beauty products. I thought, what the hell and am I saving this for? I’m living NOW! Rest your arms, and rest your legs xo <3 CASIE

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My Boston Marathon 2013

* Note – I wrote this yesterday before the bombings happened in Boston. I was there all weekend. Thought I shoudl do a little update so I didn’t seem insensitive or something. It’s really horrible what happened. A friend shared this really great article in The Atlantic about the whole thing and I share it with you. “We actually have all the power here, and there’s one thing we can do to render terrorism ineffective: Refuse to be terrorized. It’s hard to do, because terrorism is designed precisely to scare people — far out of proportion to its actual danger. A huge amount of research on fear and the brain teaches us that we exaggerate threats that are rare, spectacular, immediate, random — in this case involving an innocent child — senseless, horrific and graphic. Terrorism pushes all of our fear buttons, really hard, and we overreact. But our brains are fooling us. Even though this will be in the news for weeks, we should recognize this for what it is: a rare event. That’s the very definition of news: something that is unusual — in this case, something that almost never happens. “  Read the full article here ORIGINAL POST from April 15th, 2013 12:30pm The actual Boston Marathon is today and I know a few people in it. I’m not much of a marathon runner (yet) but my weekend in Beantown was somewhat of a marathon too. We had an awesome time! I wish I was there longer to check out more sights and do more things. We’re already planning to visit again in this summer. Hugest thank you to my friends there for taking us around and showing us an amazing time. Feeling refreshed and ready for a great week! Make it a great one 🙂 [View the story “Toronto > Boston >…

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How Secure is Your Social?

I don’t talk much about Internet security but for someone who uses heaps of apps and has tons of info online, I really should pay more attention to this stuff! I know my girl Keri Blog will be happy I’ve learned about this app, she’s all about security. LOOK KERI A SECURITY APP! My Permissions App A friend showed me this app the other day and I was shocked to see ALL the sites who had access to my social info. It’s so easy to sign with Twitter, Instagram, Facebook these days that you forget the app can still creep your data. My Screenshots I had NO idea (because I forgot) that I had my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. were connected to SO MANY apps I no longer use. You can check your own social security at mypermissions.com. Huzzah! Hope you’re having an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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