Saw this from Gary Vaynerchuk earlier today and just thought I would INFORM YOU. HUGE pet peeve on Twitter is people who RT everything nice someone says about them. It’s not necessary! It’s bad party form. You wouldn’t do that in real life so, don’t do it on the internet! * BTW thinking about cutting my hair like this again?  To be honest though, I fav all the nice things people say about me, great for uplifting spirits on a bad day or reminding yourself just how awesome you are! Fav is different than ReTweeting though. WHAT IS A BIRDY BRAG? READ THIS: BE HUMAN, PEOPLE! <3 CASIE buy propecia without prescription buy prozac without prescription buy sildenafil without prescription buy tadalafil without prescription

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These Vids Will Warm Up Your Monday!

Oh helloooooo! Really had to pull myself out of bed this morning even though I had heaps of sleep on the weekend. All this cold and snow makes for perfect sitting on the couch reading, working, in jammies weather. Can’t believe it’s almost Christmas! Mum is in NZ with the family, HI GUYS! In other news… Check out these awesome vids made by Seattle’s Travels and Gunnarolla on our Thailand trip. Oh man, today with this cold ass winter I really miss the hot hot sun! Contiki Thailand (iPhone 5s slo-mo) If you do nothing else today, watch this short love letter vid from @seattlestravels of her #contikithai adventure — Contiki Holidays (@ContikiCAN) December 15, 2013   Christmas Safari! ♫ (ft. Nanalew & Hey Nadine) Post by High On Life Sundayfundayz. Stay warm out there! <3 CASIE   buy lasix without prescription buy nexium without prescription buy prednisone without prescription Buy prevacid without prescription

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There’s a Christmas Elf in the House

Wrapping presents and making things. I love this tine of year so much! Gonna get heaps done around the house before the we have family over for Christmas. First year we’re doing it at our place. Yahooooo! <3 CASIE

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Work/Life: GelaSkins Update for Y’all!

Well hello from my new office at GelaSkins! I’ve been here for a week and I thought it’s time to post a lil’ update.  I’ve joined the team as Social Media Director and over the next few months I’ll be building a team and helping strategize how to make waves for some exciting company news. I’m loving it so far and working with awesome people. What is GelaSkins?   We have a very cool office. This is only one little sneak peek! The space is super creative with art everywhere, hardwood floors, gaming, AppleTV, sweet couches, full kitchen, and a gym downstairs. There’s also a roof top patio and beer taps. It’s great the office is a 10 walk from our house too.  I get two songs in from door to door. 🙂 News about my new gig was published last week on Canada’s top Tech website TechVibes and this week in Marketing Magazine ‘On The Move‘ section. Woot! When I joined MuchMTV, Metro did a story about about blogging my way to MTV and last year when I joined Community, Marketing Mag wrote ‘The Perks of Being an Influencer‘ (with that great shot by Steve Carty!). Quotes from the News & GelaSkins Co-Founder TechVibes:  “This is an exciting time for GelaSkins as a company,” says Drew Downs, CEO of GelaSkins. “We’re growing steadily and in the coming months we’ll be making some giant leaps into what will be the future of our company.” “Adding someone like Casie is definitely going to help us accomplish our goals as we grow,” he added. “We’ve had our eye on Casie for a while because our products start conversations and there are few people better to help manage those conversations than her.” “Joining GelaSkins is the next big step in my career. I’m excited…

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Emily’s Ice Cream + Canon’s Blogtography Program

Last night I had dinner with the other 4 Canadian Canon Blogtography Ambassadors and some great people involved in the program from Edelman Toronto and Canon Canada. We arrived at The Drake Hotel not knowing what they had planned for us. Each of the Canon sessions we’ve attended over the past six months has had a different theme where we learned tips and tricks from professionals similar to what video production companies austin texas employ in their work to try with our cameras. Over the last six months I’ve really learned how to take photos. I mean, I’ve been using a camera as long as I can remember but snapping shots is different than knowing how to use a camera outside of the auto. I took that photo above. We were on the trolly in High Park this summer and Emily had just gotten this massive ice cream with sprinkles, it was hot and about to drip everywhere. I cropped it and used one of the filters in my Canon Rebel SL1 then sent it off to Canon as part of my 20 favorite photos. Last night they gave each of us one of our prints, blown up and in a frame. The image was printed using a Canon printer which, in true Oprah style, we each got one. (Imagine “You get a printer and you get a printer”, it was kinda like that.) We were all amazed by the high quality, shocked by the generosity, and extremely grateful. As you already know, Canon is very famous and has been loved by many people over the years. You can look for Canon printer cartridges compatibility online at stores such as Toner City so that you are never without cartridges to print off all your amazing pictures. After almost a decade…

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TBT: New Zealand Fashion Week 2010

Next year is my 10th year of blogging and marks 9 years of Can you believe it’s been so FREAKING long? It amazes me when I think back to why I started this  bloggy blog and where it’s taken me since. THIS IS MY LIFE has been a public diary to keep memories and I’ve travelled round the entire world writing stories about my adventures. One of my fav trips ever was going to New Zealand for Fashion Week. A contest I knew online told the peeps at NZFW that I was a Kiwi and a Canadian blogger they should have attend. It was one of the best experiences of my life and I get to stick around for an extra week to spend time with my family.  I made friends on that trip I’ll have for life. This is me hanging out w/ top NY celebrity stylist Derek Fabulous and world famous designer Nicole Miller.  I blogged heaps that trip and you can creep them posts right hurre. I did a few interviews on that trip and one earned my first EVER magazine cover. Me, cover! Photo was taken by fashion photog Lynsie Roberts as press shots before I left. Click image to check out her website.   Here’s to more great adventures and TBT stories. Mum, TBT means Throw Back Thursday. <3 CASIE buy Bactroban without prescription buy bupropion without prescription buy cipro without prescription

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Canon Blogtography: Holiday Portrait Session

I  LOVE the holidays! Nothing like meeting up with friends, letting your hair down with colleagues, boxing day deals, and making memories. In our most recent Canon Blogtography Session at Herman & Audrey, I was pleasantly surprised to see Christmas decorations, a tree, and lights.  It may have only been November but there was no stopping me from putting  on the Christmas music! You can bet I started with Mariah! In this session we learned how to take portraits. It was my most favourite session all the ones we’ve had so far. We went over a variety of ways to shoot perfect holiday portraits and what lenses to use. We worked on depth, putting things in focus, and shooting under low light. ex. candle light. I’ve been taking my own portrait since 2004 when I started this blogging so it was really wonderful to learn how to actually do it right. Our session was lead by top Canadian portrait photographer Steve Carty.  He’s taken a few of my portraits before, see here and here for video. Tips on Taking Portraits from Canon Canada My Portraits from Our Session We were encouraged to snap shots of each other. These are a few of my favourite shots from the session. I’ll share some they took of me before Christmas comes! Andrew Dobson  Corinne McDermott Steve Carty Nelia Belkova It definitely helps to have a tripod when you are shooting group shots like this around the table for example. You can pick up a tripod from any camera store. I love to use a tripod and the self-timer for taking self-portraits and making sure I’m included in group shots.  Aren’t they cute? 🙂 For more tips and tricks on taking great photos visit and check out Steve Carty’s portraits for creative inspiration. Happy Holidays…

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so what i’m crazy, that leaves me with all the freedom

“People will laugh at you because you’re different. You will laugh at them because they’re all the same.” This quote came in a Twitter post by an experienced blogger I follow on Twitter named John Chow. People have always said “You’re crazy” or as I dance by myself in the middle of the dance floor with my arms over my head “That’s Casie, she’s crazy“.   For a while I thought, “Oh no, they think I’m crazy” but that was followed by thinking, “no, you are just different and they are all the same.” (Yes, I have had this conversation with myself more than once.) I would rather be seen as crazy, than ordinary any day.     As soon as someone says you are crazy, they really give you the power and freedom of expression to do whatever you want. You can transcend all boundaries of what people consider normal because they already know you’re ‘out there’.   This motivates me. Buy Propecia without prescription Buy Sildenafil without prescription Buy Trazodone without prescription Buy Zithromax without prescription

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Please RT this for my sister @CarynnMichelleR! #B1BlazersCarynn

Post by BartenderOne. Here’s the deal! Carynn is participating in the B1 Blazers bartending challenge. She needs to get as many votes (mentions) of her hashtag #B1BlazersCarynn. I don’t  ask for much from you guys but this is for family! Carynn is the oldest of my four sisters and she’s really lovely. Carynn is a sassy little bartender who can whip up a mean cocktail with epic skills. Hopefully by doing this she’ll really dazzle me at Christmas this year! (hint hint love you Care!) The next round finalists will be announced at 5pm on Wed (this week) so we have until then to rack up the votes! Tweet this Nice Little Message to Carynn w/ the Hashtag in 1 Click! Tweet to @CarynnMichelleR Post by BartenderOne. Buy Buspar without prescription Buy celexa without prescription Buy kamagra without prescription

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Travel | Good Time Adventures in Koh Tao, Thailand

We went on an afternoon snorkelling cruise with Good Time Adventures around Koh Tao, Thailand. It was absolutely amazing! Our crew was so much fun and we drank, swam, jumped off the boat, and visited beaches. The shot of Jenni above was assisted by our Tour Leader, Luke, way to go! These photos were taken with my Canon Rebel SL1. To see the group I was travelling search #ContikiThai on Twitter or Instagram and visit this Twitter list. Thank you to Contiki, Tourism Thailand, and Good Time Adventures for this experience. It was absolutely amazing. I’ve got a few more pic from this cruise on my Instagram here too. Hope this warms up your Monday! <3 CASIE

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Check out ‘We Got Snow’ by my friend Leah Daniels!

Leah and I were in Thailand together and got along really well, heaps of laughs. She’s a Canadian Country singer and this little tune is a great way to kick off December 2013.  Our crew on the trip was anxiously awaiting the release of the ‘We Got Snow’ video after it was stuck in our heads most the trip. I love the kazoo part.  It’s perfect timing for the holidays! Get it here on iTunes. They made this great set in her basement and it was directed by none other than the awesome Tim Deegan, former MUCH VJ. Leah Daniels – We Got Snow – Official Music Video Have a great day my friends, the holidays are just around the corner and I’m already filled with joy! <3 CASIE

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I’m Back from Thailand, The Trip of a Lifetime

It’s 5:14Am right now and I arrived in TO last night at 6pm. My BF and the EmBot picked me up from the airport with flowers and I ordered us Swiss Chalet from on the way home from YYZ. Festive Specials of course, quarter chicken white with fries. My last two weeks in Thailand have been the trip of a lifetime. Made friends I’ll have forever, memories to keep me warm for years, and experiences I only ever dreamed would happen. I’ll be sharing stories from my adventures over the next few weeks. You can check up on all the peeps I was in tour with via this list. Feel free to creep my Instagram for photos that will  warm you up all winter. I’m going to try and keep the same excitement in photos that I’ve had on the road. There is so much beauty in life to capture. It’s kinda nice to come home with the snow for Christmas. I’m happy to be sitting on my couch right now. Not sure where my next adventure will be just yet but I’ll take you with me, as always. Thank you for following my journey and reading my blog along the way. I appreciate you! With love from Canada, <3 CASIE

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Koh Samui to Koh Tao and Back

The days are all mixed together and I have no clue what time it is. Make sure you are following me on Twitter and Instagram for the play by play. Posting this from on top of a jeep on jungle safari. Nbd. Love from Thailand! CASIE Buy Cytotec without prescription Buy Diflucan without prescription Buy Doxycycline without prescription Buy Finasteride without prescription

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Maesa Elephant Camp in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Yesterday we visited ปางช้างแม่สา aka Maesa Elephant Camp in Chiang Mai. There are over 75 elephants there and they have a pretty good life! They are retired logging elephants and aren’t able to go back into the wild once they’ve worked. They are treated very well and do activities like soccer, basketball, and painting. Lauren and I rode Bajan, a 61 year old elephant. He was massive, bigger than the other ones! It was so much fun. We rode through the mountain jungle for about an hour. The camp is about 45 minutes from downtown Chaing Mai. Absolutely amazing experience. Today we are flying to Koh Samui. With love, CASIE   Buy Tadalafil without prescription Buy Abilify without prescription Buy Aciphex without prescription

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SPA-mazing! Shangri-La Chiang Mai

Started the day at a temple where I was blessed by monk. We had free time to do whatever we like after that so I took the opportunity to treat myself. I spent the afternoon in the spa at the Shangri-La and it was fantastic! Had the BEST massage of my life. (It was my 6th spa of the trip too btw!) Check it out! So beautiful eh? It was a fantastic experience! Stopped by an art gallery before going back to the hotel. I am in love with Thailand. I’m here till the 28th and each day is full of adventure. Currently en route to a Thai cooking class with the groceries we just picked up! Make sure you are following me on Twitter and Instagram for the play by play! With love from Thailand! XO CASIE Online Greenline Pharmacy Online Lawrence Walter Pharmacy Online overnight drug delivery Pharmacy USA

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Thailand Adventures Day 1

If you’ve been following along, this blog post seems late. I am 12 hours ahead of Toronto so all the real action happens before I get time to blog. Here’s some photos from Day 1. Check my tweets for more info and please leave questions & comments below! It’s crazy I’ve only been here for one full day and we have 10 more to go! Much love from THE FUTURE! XO CASIE Buy Fluoxetine no prescription Buy Professional Levitra Buy Topamax no prescription Buy Wellbutrin no prescription

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Win an iPad Air from @155Redpath! #NeighbourGood

I’m a huge fan of doing good and bring joy to the lives of others. So, this blog post is part of sharing greatness! My friends at 88Creative work with 155 Redpath and they are giving away brand new 16GB iPad Air! I’d love for one of you guys to win it. To celebrate the local community and do a little good along the way, they came up with #NeighbourGood. What’s #NeighbourGood? It’s a free coffee handed to you on your way to work, a good deed done on your lunch break, or a kind gesture from a stranger on your commute home. And at 155 Redpath, it’s our way of being a great neighbour to our future residents. A few years ago (actually 2009!) about 10 friends and I organized Pay It it Backward Day where over 400 people purchased a coffee for the person BEHIND them in line. This broke a world record for the most acts of coffee kindness ever (at the time). It was an awesome example of NeighbourGood! It was super fun too. This is my sis (Raptors girl beside me) and some babes  that day. It was so much fun! How to Win the iPad Air from 155 Redpath It’s easy. All you have to do is register on their website and follow us them Twitter for one (1) entry. Don’t forget to enter your Twitter name on the registration page to make sure you’re in. Share your NeighbourGood story with them on Twitter or Instagram tagged #NeighbourGood for an extra entry. See full contest deets on their blog. TOTALLY NOT SPAM —> We’re giving away an iPad and all you have to do is follow us on Twitter and register here – — 155 Redpath (@155Redpath) November 12, 2013 While We’re Talking 155 Redpath… Check out this awesome video. It was shot & edited…

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I’ve mentioned it here and there around the web but this is my formal post, CONTIKI IS SENDING ME TO THAILAND! I leave on Saturday for 2 weeks away with about a dozen of Canada’s top YouTubers. I’ve never been to Asia and had to get a bunch of shots last week to get me prepped. We have an AMAZING itinerary planned by the great team at Contiki. I am honestly SO EXCITED. I’ve heard it’s a great time of year to go there and considering we might get snow today, I’m ready for some sunshine. I’ve been tracking the weather in Thailand and it’s been over 25 degrees every single day for the last week. I’ve been pinning photos and articles on a new Thailand – Nov. 2013 board. It’s so beautiful there!   I’ve known about Contiki as a great travel company from heaps of my cousins and friends down under. I love their NO REGRETS attitude and all the positive images they post  about travel and exploring the world. Like this one… Some Of the People Going Most of the peeps are YouTubers! I am stoked to meet them all. Grabbed this screen shot from Andrew Gunnarolla’s video about the trip. I’ve made a Twitter list of everyone going if you want to creep and meet my travel buddies. Former Much VJs Sarah Taylor and Tim Deegan are two you might recognize. I just got a new GoPro so I’ll be uploading vids to my YouTube channel along the trip. Subscribe here! Follow along our adventures with the #ContikiThai hashtag too. Top 5 things to Do in Thailand 1) Stock up at the night markets 2) Indulge at the spa 3) Hit the beach 4) Chill out at the temples 5) Dance at a Full Moon Party Things…

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I’m CAA Famous!

@MilkAndCocoMama @casiestewart dare we call them the best ads in the history of the internet? They’re certainly Top 5 — CAA South Central ON (@CAASCO) November 11, 2013 Look for these ads on a website near you! If you see one please tweet me a screen shot. I’ve been a CAA member since I can drive and am happy to be featured in advertisements for a great Canadian company. Check out all my posts tagged CAA here. Learn about all the life-side assistance benefits of having a CAA Membership here. Be safe on the roads out there, heard we might get snow today! <3 CASIE buy lasix no prescription buy nexium no prescription buy prednisone no prescription Buy prevacid no prescription

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Bring on the Holidays! #canonblogtography #elf

Last night the Canon blog crew met up for a photo session on portraits with a holiday theme. We had turkey dinner, a tree, and I busted out the holiday tunes starting with Maria of course. I love the holidays! Decorations, music, giving presents, seeing friends, family gatherings, and the food. Here’s a little sneak peek of some photos from last night. We were getting tips from Steve Carty at Hermann & Audrey. See my photo tips by the last session with him here. I took this one of Andrew. Some cute ones Andrew took of me. I am overtired. Love the tree one. <3 CASIE buy doxycycline no prescription buy finasteride no prescription Buy flomax no prescription Buy fluoxetine no prescription

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Party in the #FHQ! Congrats Faulhaber on the Office Expansion!

Last night was a busy one! I went to four events before 9pm and made it home in time to watch a movie and get to bed at a decent hour. I’ve really matured over the years, eh? Pictured above one of my fav bloggers Jay Strut on the #FHQ couch at Faulhaber’s event. They just did a MASSIVE expansion of the office which now includes a showroom.  The team brought together a stellar group of people and so many familiar faces filled with hugs and love. PR often is so behind the scenes to make  magic happen. I’ve been working with the WONDERFUL team there for some time now. You might not know it was them but they are behind all my stuff with Ted Baker, essence cosmetics (Bieber in NYC!), Thomas Sabo (the UK trip!), Dermologica,  and a few more things here and there. I’m lucky to work with such a wonderful team. Keep up the great work ladies, I love ya! Check out and follow them on Twitter at @FaulhaberComm. MUCH LOVE! <3 CASIE Buy cozaar no prescription Buy cymbalta no prescription buy cytotec no prescription buy diflucan no prescription

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Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

Oh helloooooo! Today marks one week before I am off until December. See that happy face, oh yeah. Throw two weeks on hot sunny Thailand in there to make it the ultimate break. There’s a bunch of really awesome content creators going on this trip too. All those deets coming soon in a blog post near you (as in right here! :P). Wore cat tights today. Meow! Ordered them from etsy here. So cute. There’s a tail up the back. This is my most popular Tweet that ever was tweeted out of 112,000+. I started yesterday morning with a few shots (not the fun kind!) for my upcoming trip to Thailand. Had to get Hep A, Tetanus, and a couple others. My arms are so sore today. I feel like I was lifting mad weights.  (Maybe I should start lifting something though really?) Now that I am back on iPhone I’m loving the TimeHop app again. Each day I get a reminder of what I posted on that day up to 7 years before. It’s awesome to see my changes in hairstyles and outfits, along with friends, family, and experiences. As you can see I was up early today. I remember this day so clearly! It was the opening of Brandy Melville and I was there with April, Rachel, Lauren, and Vitina. The blog post from that day is here. I still have the flower backpack they gave me. Ahhh memories, oh how I love thee! Coral TV ep about the app below. This one’s for you! <3 CASIE be happy! Title quote is by Omar Khayyam via BrainyQuote.     Buy celebrex no prescription buy celexa no prescription buy cipro no prescription

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Maori All Blacks Rugby w/ The Family!

Biggest Canadian crowd for rugby in Canada. Maori All Blacks powerful, but @RugbyCanada did us proud! — Kevin Newman (@KevinNewmanCTV) November 3, 2013 buy viagra no prescription buy acipex no prescription Buy amitriptyline no prescription

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Rdio New Music Weekly – feat My Girl @SURY_JK!

I’ve been using Rdio since 2010. I LOVE this service. Currently listening to Lightbulbs by Fujiya & Miyagi. Have a bunch of posts tagged Rdio from the last two years here if you wanna check’ em out. Sury is in this Rdio New Music Weekly – featuring Yamantaka, Sonic Titan. The extended version will be released soon and I’ll update the vid then. Animation studio Tendril. <3 CASIE

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We Wouldn’t Be Seen Dead Here in The Day

Another night another costume! Brock, Lozzie and I went to the Rue Morgue/Netflix Canada party at Courthouse. It was SO GOOD. I have never been to a Halloween party with so many ahhhhhhmazing costumes. Honestly, there were heaps. I saw a few peeps that didn’t recognize me until I started talking to their face. I love Halloween so much. I am not a religious person but if there is one thing that I practice, it’s Halloween! It’s at least a week-long celebration every year. Roxy, Lauren, Becca There was some craaaaaaazy stuff happening at the Rue Morgue party. This girl above was getting tortured. The girl below had a glass box put on her head then it was filled with bugs while she was tied to a chair. No escape/terrifying. Another girl had REAL leeches stuck to her body then ripped off. Scary! SIMPSONS FAMILY. He actually had sound bites in his costume. He made the finals. I ain’t ‘fraid no ghost. Brockbusters! Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de Muertos) is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico and around the world in other cultures. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. It is particularly celebrated in Mexico, where the day is a bank holiday. The celebration takes place on October 31, November 1 and November 2, in connection with the Christian triduum of Hallowmas: All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day.[1][2] We were going to the ladies room and this huge guy in a straight jacket and chains ran at us. I was terrified and actually scurried to hide behind something. It was so creepy. He was locked in a cage the rest of the night. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. SHARKNADOOOOOOOO! MILEYYYYY. Tim Horton’s Hallowselfie. So Canadian. — GORE-n HallO’wNizzle (@laurenonizzle) October 26, 2013 Family…

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I’m not that girl from Freaky Friday anymore! I’m a real adult.

Had a laugh as I was looking for a quote to do with Friday and I found one from Lindsay Lohan “I’m not that girl from Freaky Friday anymore! I’m a real adult. In fact, I hate children! I hate them all!”  Oh Lindsay! I’m wearing leather and fur today. It’s cold outside. Glasses are from Top Shop. These are some things on my desk. Went to Milagro for lunch with my ladies. It’s been a busy week of World Mastercard Fashion Week. I gave my pass to someone to use today. I’m giving up fashion week to hang with my fams and have dinner together for the first time this week. Went to the Caesarstone REVEAL party last night. This is Sury, she’s lovely! Tonight we are going to this MASSIVE halloween party with Rue Morgue and Netflix.You are more than welcome to join the party! Going out tonight as ‘Fashion Zombie’ to @RueMorgue + @Netflix_CA party. RIP #WMCFW. #beauty #brains #blood — CraZie SCARE-art (@casiestewart) October 25, 2013 Not gonna lie, I’m pretty exhausted. It’s been a big week. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND! Buy Amitriptyline no prescription Buy Amoxicillin no prescription Buy Clomid no prescription Buy Cymbalta no prescription

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Frank & Oak for Little Burgundy Launches by the Fire

ON Tuesday I skipped out of work to hit the tents and watch a few WMCFW shows. It’s nice to see everyone there but the fashion has actually been quite underwhelming. I want more energy on the runway, excitement, fashion should be fun and not so serious. I saw socks and sandals on the runway too which I can never seem to wrap my head around. I just won’t! Your #ootd Is Showing: @WMCFashionWeek edition! Feat: @laurenonizzle @casiestewart @jessdenomme @MyFashAvenue @K_0623 — Chris Howson (@TheChrisHowson) October 23, 2013 [View the story “Yesterday Seems So Far Away” on Storify] After shows I went with Lauren to the Frank and Oak for Little Burgundy party. It was so fun! They had Parts & Labour catering, PBR, bourbonade, and a campfire outside. Heaps of plaid and beards around too. Saw a bunch of friends there along with some of my crew from Community. I love the Frank & Oak style. Thinking I’ll subscribe for my BF at Christmas (let’s just hope he doesn’t read this!). So there was that @FrankandOak @LittleBurgundy event with @casiestewart, Axl Rose, @laurenonizzle #FOxLB — Best of Toronto (@BestOfTorontoTV) October 23, 2013   Check out the Frank & Oak for Little Burgundy collection on their website at Happy hipstering! <3 CASIE Buy Isotretinoin no prescription Buy Kamagra no prescription Buy Lasix no prescription Buy Levaquin no prescription

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