Last week I got to try out Google Cardboard. It’s a small Oculus-like box that attaches to your Android phone where you can experience virtual reality games etc. I went on a roller coaster ride and it was pretty trippy. You hold up the box to your eyes then move as if you are on a coaster, I nearly fell over!
1188 Films (Sean’s company) has been working on some pretty rad VR stuff for Oculus Rift and Google Cardboard. I ca’t wait to see what they come up with next. My love for technology knows no bounds. I volunteer to test out everything! I was trying out the Body Mind Change + David Cronenberg Oculus Rift experience and did not know what was going to happen… then, a monster popped out and I totally jumped and screamed. The office at 1188 roared with laugher at me. HAHA GUYS VERY FUNNY.
My other latest technology toy is the Muse brain Sensing Headband. It’s been a neat journey so far trying to make myself relax. I may seem like a care-free, fun loving person, but TBH I can be really uptight sometimes! This is a snapshot of my (lack of) calmness last week on Monday right in the middle of TIFF. The second photo is Friday afternoon, post TIFF. HUGE DIFFERENCE.
I’m going to test out my cottage calmness this weekend. You unlock different milestones the more calm you are. I’m going for a SERENITY NOW mentality.
After I did a session on Friday last week I took the streetcar. A man across the car was playing his music loud, like NO HEADPHONES loud. The driver even yelled for the person playing the music to turn it down. It took every ounce of my patience to hold it together, it is so frustrating and RUDE for someone to do that. So, I reached into my purse, pulled out my headphones, walked across the streetcar and said “Hi, I think you need these”. He was a bit shocked but I insisted he keep them. I felt instantly calmer and was thanked by a few passengers on the car.
I think the Muse Headband is working. 🙂
Have an awesome day. Nice and sunny out there, go soak it up!
New Technology: Muse Headband + Google Cardboard http://t.co/1qHw2eyNL1
We love seeing people share great stories on using Muse! Here’s @casiestewart’s blog entry on her path to serenity: http://t.co/CWWFATwdx2
Turn your #iPhone into a virtual reality unit with @GoogleCardboard http://t.co/KmSIvhgfD6 @casiestewart #Toronto http://t.co/3X3ZqPDcGc
RT @faulhabercomm: Turn your #iPhone into a virtual reality unit with @GoogleCardboard http://t.co/KmSIvhgfD6 @casiestewart #Toronto http:/…
RT @faulhabercomm: Turn your #iPhone into a virtual reality unit with @GoogleCardboard http://t.co/KmSIvhgfD6 @casiestewart #Toronto http:/…