Ted Baker London – NYC 5th Avenue Grand House

Started the day in style with Starbucks, sunshine and a smile. This is the lovely Patricia ⬆ and ⬇ that’s not how you spell my name but I didn’t care one bit, I was in NY and it was Friday. ❤ This was en route to the essence NY head office, (Justin Bieber’s concert sponsor). NY cabs are cheaper than Toronto, feels like you drive for ages before you hit $20. Cool 3d art installation painting downstairs. Great view from upstairs. Our next stop was the Ted Baker London 5th Avenue Grand House. It is gorgeous. Still looks like an old house in many ways, even how the clothes are hung and accessories displayed.  Right away I said, “WHEN CAN I MOVE IN?” I loved it. I adore the new prints from Ted. I got a this great new bag, pants, a few scarves, and much needed grown lady wallet. I absolutely love travelling. It’s less than three weeks before I head to California for six days with bloggers and best friends. I can’t wait!  Working on a post this week for the NY Ted Baker blog about my fav Toronto spots. Any suggestions? LMK! See other posts w/ Ted and me here. I’m going to make this week really, really great. We’re closer to Friday than normal and we are closer to the end of summer I care to admit. Put a smile on that face of yours and flash it around. <3 CASIE  

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Globe & Mail: Casie & Lauren at Soho House w/ Grey Goose

Just came across this photo of Lauren and I in the Globe & Mail from Grey Goose’s Cherry Noir event at the Soho House the other day. Yesterday at the Queen’s Plate I was hanging out with some of the reps from Grey Goose and Sean and I got to deliver the Grey Goose horse blanket to the winner of Race 7. Lozzie and I rolled up to the SoHo House all Blonde Girl Bike Gang style on our  bikes. Too bad our summer has been so mehhh, we’ve not been able to bike together much. Trevor is a Brand Ambassador for Grey Goose who travels around mixing cocktails and talking about the brand. he was there yesterday at the race doing a TV spot, if you caught it or see it on TV today, you’ll see my in the background! That’s all for now my friends. Will share Queen’s Plate pix later! <3 CASIE  

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Red Bull Solstice on Friday at Cabana Pool Bar

Hey lovelies. It’s been a busy month with heaps of events, NXNE, MMVA,  Vancouver, and Montreal. I’m dying to get back up to the cottage and will be doing so after Red Bull’s Solstice event at Cabana Pool Bar on Friday night. I was there last weekend, it’s a pretty sliiiiiiick summer party spot. At @CabanaPoolBar w/ @CommunityAgency. Party is poppin! pic.twitter.com/h1AjNcLLn5 — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) June 15, 2013 The event is free but there’s gonna be a HUGE line. I can offer a bunch of you VIP to attend. I’ve got 4 passes for 2 on the VIP line bypass guestlist. All I need you to do is tweet me and I’ll pick winnas tomorrow. Red Bull parties are ALWAYS a blast, I’ve been to a few over the years! This party starts at Cabana Pool Bar on the Polson Pier at 5pm on Friday and goes till late at Sound Academy. Tweet Would love to party with you as the sun goes down on the first day of summer! If you don’t win from me you and all your peeps can RSVP by visiting redbullsolstice.com. Much love, CASIE

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You Want Me Down on Earth, But I Am Up In Space

I got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone…  I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn. I threw your sh*t into a bag and pushed it down the stairs cleaned the house, baked cookies, and make kale chips. Happy Fathers Day! They are a little burnt but I DON’T CARE, I LOVE IT. I crashed drove my car the Lexus all day yesterday to the Bowmanville zoo (photos coming) and around town in massive traffic, but I DON’T CARE, I LOVED IT. This is my Dad & I – Love you Dad! He’s in LA for the LA Roadsters Fathers Day show. I don’t care, I love it. With me in photos is Nataleigh from Coral TV. Photos by Shannon Litt Today is the Field Party, one of the BIGGEST MMVA weekend shindigs. It’s run by my friend Karine Delage and last year I filmed an episode of THIS on Coral TV at the event. It’s the spot everyone goes before hitting the red carpet (or bar) at the MMVAs. Tonight, I’m planning to go to the Universal Music party and the 235 Films party for the Drake video (my BF worked on Started from the Bottom).  Last year he (BF) won an MMVA award for DWW’s ‘Big Wheels’ vid. This year, The Field Inc. is  celebrating  10 MMVA noms for their awesome directors.  Huzzahhhhh! The VIP giftbags are valued at $500 (um, HELLO!) and include the Just Dance video game (I have/love this on XBox!), Green & Black chocolate (YUM!), Atlantis Niagara Ice wine, Hypnotiq, Fireball, Sleeman, John Allans products, Calvin Klein underwear (M/F?), MJ Cosmetics, and treats from Bath & Body Works. The Field Party & MMVA Gifting Lounge 2012 Have a wicked day! Love your guts 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Whatever Weather

I can’t believe I’m wearing winter clothes in June. Hardly rode my bike the last few weeks cause we’ve had so much rain and it’s been chilly. Just finished from a haircut at Evolve Hair Studio with Sonya. This sweater was a gift from kiwi designer Adrian Hailwood during NZ Fashion Week in 2010 when I was a VIP guest. On the bright side, since this is the first summer I’ve worked full time in over two years, I don’t really mind the weather. I can only imagine how hard it will be to gaze out the window when it’s super sunny and warm. Hope the day is treating you well 🙂 CASIE Posted from WordPress for Android on my HTC One

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Girls, Tattoos, Attitude + Sun

I haven’t decided to colour in the owl on my arm or not. I like it like this. I think it’s time for some new work. I have a few ideas but it’s time to get drawing. Some nice girl tattoos on this blog I found. My right arm has tattoos because I’m left handed and I draw them on first. Had a jerk chicken sandwich on the patio at Harlem Underground yesterday. Was ok, made me miss Ackee Tree, that place had the best jerk sandwich ever. Loving this warm summer sunshine. The lake waves are crashing on the dock. Rdio cottage mix in the background. Beaut! Enjoy the day! CASIE

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I’m gearing up to start shooting the new season of THIS: The Hot Internet Show on Coral TV. We’ve been signed on  as a partner by Kin Community, THE LARGEST LIFESTYLE CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE, so, I need to step up my game here. One of their partners is THE ELLEN SHOW. Sorry for yelling, this is all very exciting.  I met some od the team from NY last night and they are just lovely. I’m wondering what you might like to see on THIS? The show is co-produced by me and I’ve got the freedom to be creative and plan episodes. In the past I’ve covered events, tech apps, gadgets, travel accessories, and summer accessories. I was thinking about doing some things with a tech-style theme and more around blogging (since that’s my expertise!) I’d love to get any ideas from YOU! If you don’t want to comment or Tweet me shoot an email to coraltv @ casiestewart.com. Some of my old eps below.

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What Do You Crave? @CoralTV Event at Beer Academy

Recognize these ladies? We’re just a few of the awesome hosts on Coral TV, Canada’s premiere lifestyle channel on YouTube. I’ve been a host for about a year and it kicked off just before Banff World Media Festival last summer. It’s been heaps of fun, I’ve covered a ton of tech topics and apps. Today we’ve having an event at The Beer Academy for you to learn about our channel, sponsorship opportunities and meet the hosts. If you are interested in attending please email Sarah as per below and say you saw my blog post. I’m rocking my Coral shirt and will be at the event from 5-7pm. Learn more about Coral by visiting coraltv.ca and see ALL the channel videos at youtube.com/coral. We’ve just joined the Kin Community, The #1 Women’s Community on YouTube, and have some exciting things planned for  this year! Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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Ted Baker London Celebrates 25 Years

On Thursday, May 16th, Ted Baker London celebrates 25 years of beautiful style, design, and adventure. You’re invited to join the national celebration hosted by ME at the Yorkdale’s Ted Baker London store. Designer, aesthete, traveler, connoisseur and debonair man-about-town; there’s not much Ted Baker doesn’t know about this business we call fashion. The Toronto flagship store has only been open for a few months and I was happy to be one of the hosts that night. Remember that beautiful blue dress? Ahhhh, yes, how could one forget. I’ve also got a GIVEAWAY for one of Ted’s 25 Year’s limited edition taxi print scarf. See below for details! Event Details: RSVP Here.  As a Canadian Ambassador for Ted Baker, I feel it’s my duty to let you know some of the great items in store for Spring 2013. I absolutely love this brand. I feel like all the clothes were made with me in mind. They’re extremely well made with acute attention to detail. My Summer Favs for Guys & Gals Ted’s also been busy designing a range of limited edition pieces featuring the exclusive London cabbie print. Ted totally knows how to celebrate. The scarf you can win is this limited edition print. It’s lovely! Ted Baker London Scarf Giveaway Want to win Ted’s 25 Year’s limited edition taxi print scarf? Tweet a photo that says “Around the World in 25 Years” tagging @casiestewart and @ted_bakerUSA with #teds25years to enter. Feel free to get creative, share your own style, or on of your very own adventures! Tweet #teds25years In true Ted Baker style, I’ve packed my  Ted Baker London jacket, scarf, & purse and I’m jet setting to Vancouver for my first time today. I’ll be back just in time for the shopping celebration. Make sure you RSVP and I hope to see you there! Have an excellent…

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Real and Imagined

Got sent an advanced uncorrected proof from Simon & Schuster Canada. Thank you! Can’t wait to start it today, deep in the forest woods of Muskoka. I absolutely LOVE getting books in advance. Something so magical about it. We spent heaps of time at the library as kids. Summer reading club FTW.  Thanks Mum for that. YOU ARE THE BEST MUM! Got to have lunch with her and Dad with my sister this week for my birthday. Prettyyyyy awesome. Love you guys! Just watched Beauty and the Beast on VHS. I forgot he gave her the massive library. I love that library. And the dress. Belle is my fav Disney Princess. (You have one too, don’t lie to yourself now!) It’s kinda cold and gloomy up here this weekend but that’s perfect for writng so I don’t mind one bit. Enjoy the day 🙂 CASIE

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Ride & Shine

Took the long route to work today so I could ride more. Biked an hour at lunch too. My arms and abs are feeling the burn from so much riding. Reckon I forgot just how great of exercise it is. I’m stoked to be wearing this Napapijri poncho again, got it in Nov last year so we’ve not spent a full summer together. These khakis I picked up from GAP last week on a mega sale with a matching shirt. My first job ever was at that store so I’ve always had love for it. Crazy things is that I am still the same size as when I worked there at 16. Huzzahhhh! Have driven past this sign so many times, took it’s photo today. Love the typography. Hope you have a RAD DAY and RAD WEEKEND! Much love, <3 CASIE

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The latest campaign from Perrier for ‘Secret Place’ is pretty rad. I showed it to my work peeps and we loved the complex digital journey. I really like mix between branded entertainment and game.  In Secret Place, you’re at the Ultimate Party and you get to live out the experience from the perspective of each of the 60 guests. Hmmm, sounds interesting… This is the part I love It took them 18 months writing scripts and scenarios to produce a film shot from each character perspective. Then, they had to build in the functionality to seamlessly switch characters with one click. Mind blowing! “Imagine having to reproduce the sound of a bottle on a bar as many times as there are people in the room who can hear it.” I can’t imagine. There’s are a bunch of different rooms to explore at the ‘Secret Place’ party, it you haven’t done it yet. I encourage you to give it a go. This scene gets pretty sexy… The prizes are parties at some of funnest places around the world including Ibiza, Art Basel in Miami, Saint Tropez, Rio for Carnival, and Sydney for NYE. The experience is available worldwide but open to 20 countries to play in the major markets for Perrier France, United States and Canada. I would love to win but unfortunately (for me) I’ve worked with Perrier and this is my second sponsored post. Last summer I told you about The Drop short film, see here. Visit perriersecretplace.com to see how many lives you’ll live. I wish you luck. It’s quite a journey to go through the intricate video. If you win, I’ll happily be your +1! Have an awesome day 🙂 CASIE  

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The Wilderness, Downtown People

It’s hard to sleep in up here. The air is so fresh and it’s oh so quiet. The lake is still as a rock, frozen in time. Watched the sunset on the roof. It was realllllly cold. I had tears running down my face, almost turning to icicles. Sean took some snaps with the camera, camera. Nice to have a break from the city and be back up here. It’s warm inside with the fire and heat but I can’t wait for summer! Good luck to all my peeps running in marathons today. Sending love to Boston too. Enjoy the day xo ❤ CASIE

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Spa Week is on Right Now!

On Monday night I took Sean for a Spa Week treatment to Richmond Spa. It was SO nice. After a long weekend in Boston and feeling anxiety over the bombings, it was a chance to completely shut off my brains and go offline. We each had a 30 minute deep tissue massage with exfoliating back scrub, detox foot bath (with different detox foot bath systems), a foot massage and a paraffin treatment on our hands. IT WAS SO GREAT! Spa Week runs until Sunday and you can get all the participating spas by visiting spaweek.com and entering your city. Last night I used this Collagen treatment I got in my Spa Week gift bag and OH MY GOD. I could use these every night. they were so cooling before bed. I had a great beauty sleep and woke up refreshed. Next on the agenda is to bike more now that the WEATHER HAS FINALLY DECIDED to get warmer. I can’t wait for summer. This is my first summer in years that I’ll have a FT job. Luckily, our office is right beside Bellwoods in my fav hood. Love ya! CASIE

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You’re a Rainbow of Colours Going Round

Cool thing about Director/producer BF is access to fun props for green screen shoots. Now I can photoshop myself anywhere. FLY ME TO THE MOON GUYS! What a beautiful sunset last light. Had Burgers Priest by the lake and called it a night. Spring is near. I can’t wait to get a new basket for my bike. I need one that can double as a picnic. I made a SUMMER PICNIC board on Pinterest. If you like to park hang & picnic, let me know, I’ll add you! Just need your email (leave a comment or DM me on Twitter). We can picnic plan together like pals. Good fun! Heading up to the cottage this weekend and can’t wait. Been getting some good sleeps lately and using my best beauty products. I thought, what the hell and am I saving this for? I’m living NOW! Rest your arms, and rest your legs xo <3 CASIE

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My Boston Marathon 2013

* Note – I wrote this yesterday before the bombings happened in Boston. I was there all weekend. Thought I shoudl do a little update so I didn’t seem insensitive or something. It’s really horrible what happened. A friend shared this really great article in The Atlantic about the whole thing and I share it with you. “We actually have all the power here, and there’s one thing we can do to render terrorism ineffective: Refuse to be terrorized. It’s hard to do, because terrorism is designed precisely to scare people — far out of proportion to its actual danger. A huge amount of research on fear and the brain teaches us that we exaggerate threats that are rare, spectacular, immediate, random — in this case involving an innocent child — senseless, horrific and graphic. Terrorism pushes all of our fear buttons, really hard, and we overreact. But our brains are fooling us. Even though this will be in the news for weeks, we should recognize this for what it is: a rare event. That’s the very definition of news: something that is unusual — in this case, something that almost never happens. “  Read the full article here ORIGINAL POST from April 15th, 2013 12:30pm The actual Boston Marathon is today and I know a few people in it. I’m not much of a marathon runner (yet) but my weekend in Beantown was somewhat of a marathon too. We had an awesome time! I wish I was there longer to check out more sights and do more things. We’re already planning to visit again in this summer. Hugest thank you to my friends there for taking us around and showing us an amazing time. Feeling refreshed and ready for a great week! Make it a great one 🙂 [View the story “Toronto > Boston >…

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Fools Gold

Did you get fooled today? I didn’t. I wrote about corporations pulling pranks as a marketing attempt for the Pulp & Fiber blog though. Check it out here. This mixtape is pretty good. Listening to it now meow. Makes me think about being at an outdoor music festival in the middle of hot, hot summer. Ahhhh, soon enough my friends! Hope day is good! <3 CASIE

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Boston Bound with Travel Savings from CAA

Last weekend I booked a trip with Sean to visit some friends next month in Boston. I go there about twice a year for a mini vacation. He’s never been to ‘beantown’ so I’m pretty excited to show him around the gorgeous city. Mum is always first to remind me about the importance of travel insurance and for this trip I was able to purchase it online through CAA using my new CAA membership. As I was checking out all the life-side assistance benefits from CAA I was happy to find out I can save money on a Boston CityPASS. The CityPASS allows you to check out some of the greatest attractions in the city at a discounted price.It’s valid 9 days from day of first use and you get to skip most ticket lines with your CityPASS in hand. You know I hate waiting in lines! CityPASS gives you admission to these 5 must-see Boston attractions: New England Aquarium (Never been!) Museum of Science (Never been!) Skywalk Observatory So cool. See photo below! Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Never been!) Harvard Museum of Natural History OR Revolutionaty Boston at The Old State House The Boston CityPASS was $89.95 and with CAA I saved $45.96 PER TICKET. After having my membership for a mere two months, I have saved more than the membership itself costs! Yeah! I went to the skywalk last year it it was so neat! There’s a full 360 view of downtown Boston. The night I was there the Blue Jays were playing the Red Socks at Fenway Park and I took this photo. I think the Jays won. If you love travel like me, you’ll be happy to know that CAA’s wide variety of travel benefits also feature these fine cities. Atlanta is famous for its…

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Drambuie presents AUSTRA at Canadian Music Week

What are you doing on Saturday, March 23? That weekend is post fashion week/Canadian Music Week and there are SO many things going on. Well,  I’d like to extend an invite for you to come to see Austra at the Danforth Music Hall. I saw them last summer at Fort York in the pouring rain and it was SO GOOD. They are on world tour right now and this is their first stop post SXSW. Wanna go? Send a tweet to @casiestewart and @drambuiecanada that you want to see @austratalks on March 23, 2012. I’ll pick winners early next week and have tickets couriered to your own house. If you don’t have Twitter, get it or leave a lovely comment below.  This will be a good show. Tweet to @casiestewart Date: Saturday March 23rd, 2013 Location: Danforth Music Hall (venue / map) Time: Doors 7pm About Austra: Austra is a Canadian electronic music band from Toronto, Ontario, formed in 2009. The band consists of Katie Stelmanis, her former Galaxy bandmate Maya Postepski and former Spiral Beach bassist Dorian Wolf. austramusic.com

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You’re a Sensation

The other day a bunch of us went out to Sensation, the launch for a massive house music thing this summer sponsored by Bud Light. It was at Andrew Richard Designs, one of my fav venues. I have seen it magically transformed so many different ways over the last few years. Thanks Becca and She Does the City for these pix. This mermaid outfit was so awesome. I want to be a mermaid too. WHO DOESN’T!

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Community Service

On Friday, March 1, some of the girls from Community Agency and I cleaned up Trinity Bellwoods Park over lunch. If you don’t know it, Bellwoods is in the heart of Queen West, between Strachan and Bathurst. It’s one of my fav places to hang out in the summer or bike through with friends. If you search ‘Bellwoods’ on my blog there are heaps of entries! March 1st was YWCA’s Big Day of Change, a Canada-wide day of action for young women to do something good in their community. Friday this week is International Women’s Day (IWD), an annual commemoration that began in the early 1900s. Our ‘Community Service’ was organized by my friend & Copy Writer Carlimia. She was featured on She Does The City earlier in the week with 12 women who organized events to make positive change. Thanks to Becca Lemire for snapping some shots too.   We had so much fun doing this together that we want to make Community (Agency) Service a regular thing. It felt so great to be outside in the sunshine at the park again. I can’t WAIt for Spring/Summer to be out in the warm air. Luckily daylight savings isn’t far away! Do something nice for someone today. It will help you avoid a case of the Mondays. 🙂 CASIE   See more photos by She Does The City on the Community blog!

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Jimmy & Michelle Mom Dancing?

Saw this on the news this morning and had a good laugh. Michelle Obama is the coolest First Lady EVER. I’m trying to remember my Mum doing these moves as a kid. I’m sure she had a few, the snaps. This will give you a good laugh. Enjoy! Was so nice to visit Mum this weekend. This is her, Jenie, Sean, and I back stage for The Sheepdogs concert at Echo Beach last summer. I was probably showing them something amazing on TEH INTERNET.  I’m getting so sick of winter. I want to ride my bike and play outside already! In other news, I cleaned James Dean, my lil’ 11″ Macbook Air last night using this program called Grand Perspective. It lets you creep inside your computer and see what taking up the most space. Somehow all kinds of my gmail.imap messages were saving on my unit and taking up HEAPS of space. I deleted them and now my computer is fast again. Get to know your data people! It’s gonne be stormy tonight. Hopefully this is the last hurrah before Spring comes. Have yourself an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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Call me.

Today I had a call with someone I did not know in London, UK. (So many London things lately!) I gave her business tips for her website and some things to do in the internet that can help her business. She booked a call on clarity.fm and I then I called her. We chatted for about 20 min.  Her Review: The time spent chatting with Casie seemed like 5 minutes! She gave a to-do list targeted for my brand with well-thought points of the benefits and ones not worth my time for now. I got exactly what I wanted out of it. For my call, she was an expert on social media, online shopping, branding and trends. If you ever wanna ring me and ask advice about your business, career, life, outfits, whatever, you can ring me through Clarity. It’s $1.50 a minute! Clarity was founded by Canadian entrepreneur Dan Martell last year. He had one wish for his recent birthday and to help make his wish come true, I am donating an hour of my time on Clarity this Saturday, January 5th. I’ll tweet out the link in Saturday morning and you can ring me for freeeeeeeee. I forgot about this great lil’ vid Steve Carty shot of me this summer, it’s on my Clarity profile. In other news, changed my Twitter header/background to this cartoon of me that was published in Walrus magazine last year. I hated that article. No press is bad press though, right? Urghhhh. Love the drawing though! THANKS GUYS 🙂

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Alicia Keys Rocks Canadian Designed Eyewear – AND THE WINNER IS….

I’ve posted about Clearly Contacts a few times over the last two years and built a pretty good relationship with them. Remember summer Sixties Summer Love, Ray Bans, and once I interviewed Canadian eyewear designer Derek Cardigan. Today, I got am email from PR that Alicia Keys is wearing Derek’s glasses in her new video! In support of Canadian talent I give props to Derek Cardigan AND Clearly Contacts is giving you a pair of these exact glasses. Deets on how to enter below! See Alicia Keys looking like a babe in these glasses…. Now see yourself in these glasses looking fabulous… How do I win? You know the drillio, tweet me and Clearly Contacts by clicking below. If you do it right away you have a better chance of winning. I would like to get your order in before Friday so you get them next week! The glasses retail for $89 and can are style ‘Derek Cardigan 7017 Shadow‘.  See his entire collection here and upload a photo to try them on without leaving your house couch.  I have a couple pairs and got Mum a sweet pair with polarized lenses last summer. You will be happy, trust me. Tweet to Win here Tweet to @casiestewart Clearly Contacts has awesome prices and is constantly offering great deals. They published a winter style guide if you want one more item to add to your wish list. Looking forward to picking a WINNER! I love the holidays and giving things away. Yippeee! Much love, CASIE <3 [View the story “And the @clearlycontacts winner is…” on Storify] And the @clearlycontacts winner is… Storified by CASIE STEWART · Thu, Dec 20 2012 05:43:26 @casiestewart @clearlycontacts I would love to win the new Alicia Keys glasses by Derek Cardigan! Pick me! #happyholidaysCarly-Anne Fairlie @casiestewart @clearlycontacts I would love to win…

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Vans Canada! New Store, New Stuff!

Vans just opened a brand new store on Yonge Street between Queen and Dundas. I’ve been a huge fan of the brand for years. See about a dozen posts mentioning Vans here. The last few collections have had so many cute things for girls and awesome stuff for guys. I snapped a few pix but I highly recommend you stop by and check it out for yourself. Tried on a few things and went for a great red striped button down, small purse with a tail, and leather change purse. I’m gonna pop back in the for the aztec shoes below and some sunnies. I really love the leather shoes for men. I imagine my future boyfriend having a pair.  The staff in the shop were young & hipstery and very friendly. Check out coverage of the opening party last week on 1LoveTO and StyleDemocracy.       I would like to get this red bag before summer. SUMMER! This is the purse I got. This sweater has Lauren’s name all over it.  Thank you Williams PR for letting me know about the shop! The new flagship store is located at 245 Yonge Street, Toronto. GO VISIT. Buy yourself something nice.   <3 CASIE    

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Thomas Sabo SS13 Launch at The Shard, London, UK

On December 5th I went to the SS 2013 launch of Thomas Sabo. It was at the Shard London, UK. There had NEVER been an event there and it doesn’t open to the public until FEBRUARY 2013. Amazing experience to be one of the first Canadians in the building and post the first Instagram’s checkins OF LIFE. Ermahgerd. I got to meet Thomas Sabo himself and the new brand ambassadors Poppy Delevingne and David Garrett. Poppy was lovely and energetic with an accent I wish I could borrow. David is an American/German, violin playing, bad boy with long hair, great style, and a beard.  Both total babes. There were a pile of celebrities there including including Formula 1 driver Nico Rosberg, Jade Jagger, British Pop group Sugababes and Ellie Goulding. The new GOLDEN SILVER line is all about tri-colour matching Sterling silver, rose gold and yellow gold. I wore that gorgesous dress from Ted Baker London, with a Ted’s purse, vintage jacket, Top Shop tights, Thomas Sabo jewellery, and Jeffrey Campbell shoes. It was so much fun. Here’s a little recap of my night! Makin’ history…

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Thomas Sabo UK Trip – Day 1 Photo Diary

On December 4th I went to London, UK with Thomas Sabo and Faulhaber Communications for the launch of Thomas Sabo Spring Summer 2013 collection. I have wanted to to to England for so long. Although only a short trip, it was awesome to travel in style, and attend the launch event with media from 18 countries. This is the first post of four documenting three days in London and a the first event in history at The Shard (brand new tallest building in the whole EU!). Check out Thomas Sabo at thomassabo.com. Huge thank you to Faulhaber Communications, Lindsay, Thomas Sabo and the entire company for taking me on this journey.  And Le Meridian Picadilly for a great stay! Here we go… Good morning London! CAT Footwear boots, Brandy Mellville shirt, Puma scarf Driver! UK has big money. I left Canada the day the Kate Middleton pregnancy was announced. Hotel was beautiful. (Taken with Mirrorgram for iPhone).

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