Pretty Princess Tam Tam & Leather Lover lunching…

Welcome to 50 Shades of HEYYYYYY! Bad joke, whatever. I got bored of the book and only made it half way. In other news, yesterday I peeped the 2013 leathers from Danier. I could use a new jacket, mine is ripped. There were some pretty lovely coloured leathers and a few bags I could have easy just walked out with. (I kid, I kid.) No really though. Love you leather long time. These are some of my favs! Upstairs was the preview of Princess Tam Tam 2013,  (who I was just introduced to) with adorable french llingere. “Princesse tam.tam, c’est une marque de femmes pour les femmes… Une saga unique, des produits et des couleurs étonnantes et détonantes.” Hello, I love you too. The styles are super cute, as the shapes and colours.  I’m crushing on the bright undergarments that would undoubtedly give you a bounce in your step (but not your bra!). Ha! Thanks Brill Communications for this lovely little camisole from Princess Tam Tam and vest from Danier. I’ve put a new leather on my holiday wish list and have my eyes on spring swimwear. I’m thinking these ones would be a good fit. Check these guys out on Facebook at and Only 20,000 days till summer! CASIE 🙂

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Duck Hunt, Voting Day, Obama for the Win

Good morning, good morning, and how are you today? I say to myself in a singing voice, just like Mum used to as a kid. I’m wearing the Maison Filipi Duck Hunter Camo Bow Tie I was sent not too long ago.  Actually, it was in the summer but it’s flannel and more appropriate for today’s weather. After work I’m being interviewed by Cision about Movember. I had to look up my first post about Movember to remind myself how I learned about it. Every blog post is a note to ‘Future Me’. I won’t remember all the details of each day or event twenty years down the road, but I will remember the feeling I had when I read this again for the first time. Tonight I am going to clean my room and watch the election. Have I told you how much I love my job? Simple things like leaving the house  early, seeing the same people in the morning, dressing up in outfits, morning coffee, fresh air before starting the day, I appreciate everything so much more. I love the work I’m doing. I feel like I could not have planned this all better if I tried. I am incredibly excited for the next year. Sending my love and positive vibes to Obama-Biden today. I really hope he wins. I’ve ben blogging about him since 2008. HAVE AN AWESOME DAY!  And please, please if you are in the USA, VOTE! <3 CASIE

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Rdio & Sync in the 2012 Ford Fiesta

Earlier this year I drove to Austin, Texas from Toronto in a Ford Focus with two friends, it was the playlist that made the long drive bearable. This summer I’ve been used Rdio, a music streaming service that is fairly new to Canada. You can use listen your favourite music on all devices online or off. You can also create playlists with friends and share your tunes on Twitter & Facebook. Rdio has been a hit at the cottage, awesome on the subway, and perfect for road trips. My free trial ran out last month and I IMMEDIATLEY went to pay for the service. That’s how you really know something is amazing. Below you will find my road trip playlist from my Montreal trip in August. It’s good to work with. It took about six hours to drive with traffic so having access to TONS of music in the car was essential.  I have the Rdio app on my iPhone and connected it to the Ford Fiesta using Sync & USB. You’ll need to turn on Bluetooth in your smart phone in order to connect it using Sync. If you are having trouble at all the manual has step by step instructions on getting you connected. Make sure you plug the phone right into the USB jack if you are not using Bluetooth. I got frustrated wondering why it wasn’t working until I realized… I plugged it into the car charger and not the actual car. Whoops! Using a USB to connect is a fool proof way to get your music from device to car. Happy Music Monday 🙂 CASIE  

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Nuvo Burlesque – I’m in an Army of Sass and it’s HOT.

It’s been three weeks of rehearsal for our shows in December. I waited a couple weeks till we had something to show you. I could literally make GIFs of everything we do. Lead by creator & choreographer of Nuvo-Burlesque Carla Catherwood, and commercial choreographer Lindsay Ritter, we are the ARMY OF SASS. I saw the Electronic Cabaret a few times this summer and I knew I needed to be part of it. This is one of the coolest things I’ve done in the last year (at least). I have a video of us doing a routine but I am shy to show you my skills just yet. This is a sneak peek of what we’re working on. I hope you come to the show. There are about 50 of us. It is burlesque like you have never seen before and I am SO STOKED to be part of it. My sister Jenie is also in the troupe along with the lovely Jaclyn Genovese, Carolyn Van and a whole bunch of other babes. PERFORMANCE: Friday December 7 & 14, 2012 WHERE: The Virgin Mobile Mod Club, Toronto Until next time my friends, <3 CASIE & the Army P.S. If you’d like to dance with us there is a DROP-IN CLASS Wednesday night’s 8:30-9:30pm at King West Fitness. LMK if you decide to come. It will be the highlight of your week!

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Social TV, Dance Routines, Everyday, Awesomism

It’s been a busy day! Arrived early at the office, did some writing, and a conference keynote all before noon. I posted the slides from my presentation  with Stephen Henrik  (The Globe & Mail) on the Pulp&Fiber blog. The subject was ‘Role of Social TV in Building the Brand’ read it here.  For the record, if you know Stephen, he did not say “shake that” during the presentation. Last night my sister came with me to dance at King West Fitness. We are BOTH In the Army of Sass from now until December. We perform at the Virgin Mobile MOD Club Theatre on December 8th & 14th. Book your calendar. The show is ALWAYS sold out. It’s going to be AWESOME. Jenie and I haven’t danced together since we were kids and we’ve never actually been in the same class. Nuvo Burlesque’s ARMY of SASS Toronto  Nuvo-Burlesque Dance on Vimeo.     [View the story “Army of Sass – FW 2012” on Storify] Army of Sass – FW 2012 Storified by CASIE STEWART · Thu, Sep 20 2012 14:04:25 Rolling 40 women strong in my Wednesday’s #armyofsass #performanceandtraininggroup @meghannorah @aidanmorris Catherwood So many ladies in class for @nuvoburlesque #armyofsass last night. @ King West Fitness STEWART Rarrrr #armyofsass w/ @nuvoburlesque & @jeniestewart. @ King West Fitness STEWART In other news, check out this chill track by artist “Everyday“. He’s from the same mgmt that brought us The Weekend. I blogged his first video with Kate Upton over the summer. I’m into it. Hope your day has been magical. If not, you still have time to make it awesome. Go out and get it! <3 CASIE

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Canadian National Exhibition 2012

The CNE yesterday was so fun. I had not been since I was a kid. Rode the midway at sundown. Played some bingo. Tried bacon wrapped hot dog in beer batter covered in bacon w/ Nutella. Saw a Styx cover band. Scored free parking. Saw soem surfing babes. Drove top town in Hawaii’s car watching the air show. This weekend has been perfect end of summer fun. Hope you’re having a great one! CASIE

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I’ve Been Meaning to Write You… So I will Today!

[View the story “Letter Writing Party tonight 8PM. BE THERE.” on Storify] Letter Writing Party tonight 8PM. BE THERE. Lower Ossington Theatre, Performance Bar. PWYC! Storified by CASIE STEWART · Fri, Aug 17 2012 15:50:34 When was the last time you wrote someone a note and sent it in the mail? People don’t do it much but I really love the art of writing, sending, and receiving. This week I recieved a hand written note (thanks Erica!) and sent a love note to someone special. Sent a handwritten love note today. Did you?CASIE STEWART Send a love note tonight at the Performance Bar, Lower Ossington Theate <3casiestewart See my post on the SummerWorks blog here: Performance Bar – Letter Writing Party tonight! " " SummerWorksSummerWorksWhen was the last time you wrote someone a note and sent it in the mail? People don’t do it much but I really love the art of writing, se… After I write some letters I’m heading to the Mod Club for Chick-A-Boom Room’s Electronic Cabaret: Part 2. I’m stoked. I went to the first one and it was so good. Steve Jobs & Apple images with a ton of dancers on stage in electronic inspired , glowing outfits. Love it.

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You’re Part of It, We’re In This Together

Yesterday I treated myself to a nice brekky at the Drake Hotel before afternoon meetings, SummerWorks, and a media dinner. I was feeling meh and a dining experience for one always makes me feel better. I’m working on some new things to launch at in September. This space hasn’t changed much since it started in 2005 and I feel that it needs to grow along with how I have. It all started as “people, places, things & thoughts, in attempt to keep more memories” and it’s an amazing memory bank for me but I feel it could be better. I’d love your thoughts on things you would like to see me do, write about, or cover. Some ideas from around my head and the Internet are: Monday Inspiration Memory lane – stories of meeting people IRL Contests App/Product reviews New music Travel Tuesday WIWT (what I wore today) – my outfits Blogger interviews more videos Hat & collar from H&M I just went to this totally RAD media preview of the X-Men exhibit at TIFF and have a really fun SummerWorks theatre show to tell you about. I’ll be writing all day and trying to keep mute as I’m fighting a cough. I have little to no voice at the moment so don’t bother calling me, Tweet! I hope your corner of the Internet is full of sunshine 🙂

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Life is Like a Blog of Chocolates

You never know what you’re gonna get. You start a blog, you write, you post, you share. If you are interested in blogging that’s a good place to start. And, if you’re prepared when opportunity presents itself, you’re lucky. I’ve grown so much over the past seven years writing this blog and I’m extremely grateful for all the awesome it’s brought into my life. This is my sister Jenny 😉 Mum rung me from the boat this morning and they’ve sailed into Canada after being away for about a month. I can’t wait to see her. She’s so inspiring. Living out a childhood dream today casting kids for a commercial. I always wanted to to this. TBH it’s not that glamorous! Getting kids on camera and judging them as they act out part of the scene. I was pretty nervous at first but after a few, it’s easy. Having gone to heaps of auditions is helpful. Got this last night 🙂 If you are around & about Queen West pop by the Great Hall & get a SummerWorks programme. GO TO SOMETHING! Most stuff is free and you will be glad you did. Get cultured! There’s a gallery across from Dog & Bear at Dovercourt where Nina Arsenault has a piece of performance art. It’s super interesting. She is a great writer. Jenie and I went by there on Friday. I’m gonna pass by again on my way home. I wrote about Nina’s Live Art piece on the SummerWorks blog here. Hope you’re having an awesome day!  

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Don’t Get Mad, Get Rad!

Hola! Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Jenie stayed over after an awesome night at a few SummerWorks events. I was up early to meet the team from Coral TV for brekky. Was the first time all the hosts on the channel have met up with the team. First of many! We’ll be doing cameo’s on each others show before you know it. This week Sara Lynn and I had promoted vids on YouTube and both are over 4,000 views. Crazy awesome! Lucy, Candice, Me, Julie, Sarah Lynn Photo by Julie Stopped by Eaton Centre & the 3F store on the way home. Saw ‘Don’t Get Mad, Get Rad on a shirt, like it. Was so lovely to walk in the rain, the sun was almost peeking out. La Senza sent me over a lingerie set from the new ‘Show Off’ Collection and I exchanged it for sizes today. The entire collection is incredibly BRIGHT. I picked this fun set. Va va voom! Feelin’ the love La Senza, thank you! Lots of sales at 3F right now before new Fall/Winter stuff comes in. I got a denim jacket in coral and didn’t even realize it was called ‘coral’ until I got home. The annual Perseid Meteor shower is tonight. Science is AWESOME. It’s going to be magical. Hope you have someone special to share it with. MIght take a drive into the country when it peaks around 1am. Lauren did a great post on CBC with all kinds of details of what to look for and where. WE ARE ALL MADE OF STARS!  OLYMPICS FTW! Official outfit. Blogging is a SPORT!

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Bot & Sold on Twitter (RE: Article from @FastCompany)

A couple of times over the last few years a photo of me has been used as a Twitter bot. I didn’t think much of it. I figured there was nothing I can do other than report for spam.  To be honest, my first thought was “you’ve made it” then it happened over a handful of times and it was kinda unsettling. Have I been targeted? What is going on here and why does this keep happening? Yesterday, Keri sent me this article from FastCompany  “Who’s That Woman In The Twitter Bot Profile? by Jason Feifer. I got a couple Tweets about it too. @casiestewart remember how there was a twitter bot of your Sunshine girl pic? Seems like you weren’t the only one! — Breanna Hughes (@unbrelievable) August 9, 2012 They’re sometimes called “bimbots”–the army of Twitter bots with pretty profile pictures. Who are the women pictured in those photos? This is the story of the quest to find out.” Omg, it’s a thing. I read on… “After dozens of searches, a pattern emerged: Most bot photos had a long digital tail, having been posted on dozens of sketchy porn sites or blogs devoted to the barely legal. Occasionally, I’d be able to track a photo back to what seemed like an original source–like when a bot’s photo showed up alongside many others of the same woman, all posted to the fratboy site Barstool Sports. The site claimed her name is Aurora. But when I reached out, as was always the case, nobody cared to explain where the photos came from. …I tracked two bots back to the 2009 SUNshine Girls calendar, a lingerie showcase produced by the Toronto Sun. (I guess newspapers have to make money somehow.) The calendar only offered the models’ first names, and the paper’s photo…

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Stick Up for Yourself, Son

Never Mind What Anybody Else Done

Feeling so excited. I might just take off, levitate, hover, from one place to another. It’s a holiday in Ontario but when you are an entrepreneur you don’t really get many days off, you don’t want to. Hopefully you are doing work you love that doesn’t ‘reallllllly’ feel like work. Friday, I fully made myself not work and I slept the entire day. Today, I’m working and getting ahead on things for the week. Have a video shoot today for something in LA LA Land. I am crossing my fingers, sending all my positive energy into the universe, hoping that a few things that have come up lately work out. You can cross yours too. I think it will help. This time last year was the calm before the storm of work and events that kicked off in September. Here’s to good things happening! Set your goals, write them down, tell your friends, tell a stranger. The best way to make them a reality is to believe in them.  Your thoughts become things!! This song always makes me feel like I can do anything. In Other News: Check out my latest episode of THIS: The Hot Internet Show on Coral TV, talking Creative Blogging (watch for my vids in the promoted section of!)  My latest post on the SummerWorks blog: Dare Night Lockdown Please like my Kurations on & Enter yourself! Madonna tickets & weekend getaway! Helloooo. NEXT, GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND GO OUTSIDE! P.S. Mum, if you get Internet, call me. Love you. (She is in NY sailing back to Canada right now!)

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The Weekend: Girls Night, Dinner, Justice, Osheaga

We had girls night on Thursday, us five Spice Girls took to King West. Look out. Michelle, Lauren, Me, Sarah Irie, Hollywood Friday we had 1188 dinner at Parts & Labour for Sean’s birthday. It was nice. They make a mean beavertail. I had a burger but it was mixed up with Matt’s and came rare with cheese. I order ‘no cheese’ everything. Last night I went to my first concert at Fort York, M83 & Justice. M83 was great. I felt like Justice was a light show that went along with a pre-recorded mix. It was fun though. There were LED light sticks flying all over the place. Looked awesome with the bright lights and CN Tower glowing in the background. This week SummerWorks starts and I’m stoked to see some theatre. See my most recent interview with a ‘sexy transexual’ on the SummerWorks blog here. See the full festival schedule at . LMK if you have tickets to something, I’ll be around! Check out Matt’s posts from Osheaga. Would have loved to be there. He presents to you OSHEAGRAM! Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Just had my nails done w/ Barbie! Huzzahhhh 🙂

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Give Me a Hint of Your Light!

New post on teh ol’ SummerWorks bloggy blog. Festival starts August 9th! There’s a free workshop you can apply to called Making & Breaking on August 4 & 5th. It’s a two day workshop in contemporary performance. I’m doing it! LMK if you apply. Details here. Check out the OFFICIAL song of the performance festival: “The idea for the song and video came out of wanting to get people excited about the Festival, and re-iterating that SummerWorks is a celebration of incredible, exciting work and artists. SummerWorks wants to ‘give you a hint of its light and be your spark,’ (lyrics from the song) says Michael Rubenfeld, Artistic Producer of SummerWorks Performance Festival.  

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Live Art Performance About Digital & Social Interaction?

I’m totally into it! This week on the SummerWorks blog I started my interview series with a few of the performers in the Live Art Series of the festival.   Summerworks Blog Post Details: Art, emotion, interaction, and a dose digital media? – Interview with Brial Lobel, his performance Purge is the one with deleting Facebook friends and stuff. Totally into it. I delete FB friends all the time.  Get to Know Erin Brubacher – Her performance is called  Nightcap. She collects hand-crank egg beaters and have lived & performed around the world. We are LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS for the Summerworks Festival August 9-19th. All the details are HERE if you are interested. Volunteering is an excellent way to get to know people, make friends, and gain experience. Plus, it’s super fun to be involved in cool things. If you are already volunteering, LMK so we can hang out! Happy Friday! I am safely in Boston and tomorrow I am going SKYDIVING for the very first time. Virgin. Omg. Not even scared. No really, I’m NOT SCARED AT ALL.  

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Flower Power, Rain Shower

This was a fun lil’ afternoon project yesterday. Took flowers and make my first summer flower crown. I used to make heaps of things as a kid, I really should make more. You should make more. I’ve penciled in some time with my sewing machine, Zoey. We’re well over due for a hang out. I can’t wait for my hair to grow now.  Any tips? Send peanut butter solution to the glass castle in the sky. What you need: Flowers Glue gun Flower tape Fun attitude Creativity Good movie helps 😉 Behind the scenes. The cat is watching. Hope you had an awesome weekend. Source: via CASIE on Pinterest

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-15

The Queen’s Trunk Pop-Up Shop, This Weekend in Toronto!: As a lover of #fashion Art fears business fears art via @thisissethsblog # #sprinkler #nofilter #olympus #penready @ Muskoka Lake # Just posted a photo # #Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-08: – If you’ve watched my show on @CoralTV… #thisismylife # Sunday at the office. # “Float On” # Photos from the @SummerWorks VIP soirée at The Great Hall Thursday # Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn…: The sweetest sight ever… #thisismylife # #nofilter @ Morrison Lake # Queen & Spadina closed for 2 weeks is gonna be insanity. # The 3 Phases Of Social Media #readthis #content # Watertower by Tom Fruin

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Another Day For You and Me in Paradise

 Dear Diary, Great sleep. Good day. Lots to get done. Heat wave. Sunshine. Summer love. Tomorrow is Friday the 13th and I wanna get tattooed. Tuesday night I popped into ‘Mattel Game On’ at GCI Group’s rooftop and played some games with friends. It was fun. I didn’t win the grand prize but it was nice to see the media peeps. I went last year too, see that post here. Recognize anyone? After games night I scooted to Bloor Street for a foodie event. We were at Noka Japanese thanks to Ken Samuel and the food was DELICIOUS. This plated selection is called the Threesome. Creative one haha 😉 First time trying this beer from Kensington brewing Company. It was good but given I had a couple before I got there, I probably would have liked any beer! Thank you @inyourmouthTO for an awesome dinner sampler at #NokaToronto. Loved the pork belly!!!! — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) July 11, 2012 Photo shoot yesterday was SUPER short.Being confident and not camera shy is something you just gotta get over. I’ve had lots of practice but this time I shocked myself! It went like this: 1:30 Arrive 1:33 Water & touchup 1:35 Put on Rdio w/ Empire of the Sun – Half Mast 1:36 Smile, spin, pose, jump, curtsey, smile pose 1:38 Check photos on photographers camera 1:40 Done. Did you happen to chatch this outfit cruising downtown West yesterday? I loved walking behind her in my vintage dress w/ cowboy boots. Complete opposite. I saw about 100 eyeballs pop right out of peoples heads. There’s some fun comments on Instagram. Sending you positive vibes for an awesome day!

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The Queen’s Trunk Pop-Up Shop, This Weekend in Toronto!

As a lover of fashion, The Queen, and all things royally British, I share with you an invite to The Queen’s Trunk Pop-Up Shop this weekend July 14th & 15th. There will be lots of  vintage, designer, accessories and shoes. Brands include: TopShop, Whistles, Karen Millen, Joseph, Miss Selfridge, Apostrophe – Notting Hill, Ted Baker, All Saints, Rare, TFNC. Sizes range from 2 to 12/14 Canadian/American or 6 UK to 12 UK A portion of the proceeds will go towards Breast Cancer Research, Canada and The African Famine Relief Fund. Cash and credit cards accepted. Prices are determined on condition, rarity, and designer and range from $5.00 to $600.00 CDN. What a steal! Most of the items are brand new, some have been worn only once at a Red Carpet Event, Press Photo Shoots or on a TV show or Film and are all dry cleaned and in pristine condition. The Queen’s Trunk, a pop up shop, is supported by Amber Joliat of MISFITSTUDIOS, and created by Canadian/British actress and singer-songwriter, Karen David. (Scorpion King 2/Couples Retreat/and new Fox tv series, Touch). Date: Jul 14-15 and Jul 21-22 Venue: Misfitstudio (694B Queen St W) I could go for some V.Beck’s style any day! And, in the spirit of the Royals, check this out. Last summer st She Does The City’s Royal High Tea! For more info in The Queen’s Trunk visit the Facebook page here.

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Step Right Up and Get Your Tickets!

Last year about 100 people saved $5 on Toronto Festival of Beer tickets. I would love it  to be 200+ this year! It was a total blast. Super hot day, lots of sun,  got rained on, splashed in mud, drank 200 beers, and saw a bunch of bands. The Sheepdogs!   Beerfest 2011 Blog Post Get a ticket at Use CASIE as your discount code to save $5 on each ticket.  It’s one of those summer weekends you don’t wanna miss.  Happy drinking my friends!  

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Feel well. I have no energy. No energy but that to work here with my computer and iPhone. (Which actually takes quite a bit of energy TBH.) I would like to sleep for days but that is not an option. Send love <3 BTW iMovie for iPhone is pretty neat! Happy SUMMER.

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TECH: Take a look, It’s in a book, A Reading Rainbow!

I’m so glad digital kids get to experience Reading Rainbow. OHHHHH YES. I like wizards & fairies, princes & princesses, and pirates. Right now, just like I did as a kid. I actually like all these things. Ocean adventures? Travel? Things that go? Yes, yes and yes. I first visited the genius academy. Obviously! The app picks books for you (the kid) based on selections then the books come aliiiiiiiive! There’s video fieldtrips, easter eggs, and games.  I grew up in the library and spent every summer in the Summer Reading Club. I LOVED RR. I really should read more books now. But I read the whole internet every day?  It’s like a thousand books. 🙂 LeVar was on Jimmy Fallon last night. Jimmy did a cover of the Reading Rainbow song as The Doors once. I chatted with LeVar in 2008 at a dinner I did some work with Women’s Post in honor of  Winnie Mandela. I can’t find any photos or links but it happened! There is on Women’s Post link but it’s got a warning on it. He was super cool &   high energy! We bonded! From Mashable: Reading Rainbow is Back Their app makes good business sense. Many children who grew up watching the television show now have children within the app’s target age range of 3 to 9 — giving Reading Rainbow a clear nostalgic edge over other children’s books in the App Store. But the project is also a sincere attempt to encourage reading. Its digital enhancements of children’s books look more like the subtle, story-building interactivity of pop-up books than distracting bells and whistles. Where the app most departs from its television roots is in the virtual world outside of its books. Each story, for instance, comes with games and puzzles. Kids design their…

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Oh My God Becky, Look At Her Blog

It’s hot. Good day. Good meetings. Played in park. Played in sprinkler. Getting hair did. Nice to have good agent. Love working with agencies too. Drinking lots of water. Trying to decide if I have heat stroke. Got flowers from cutest hipster babe. Park date. Love summer. Love life. Sunshine xo

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Fashion Friday: Wanelo, NastyGal, Sherway Gardens winners

Been loving a couple online shops lately. I don’t buy as much in real life as I do in my dreams but I like the ideas they give  me to spice up my existing wardrobe.  This image is from the Wanelo email. Wanelo is “a way to find unique products and stores you have never heard of.” I’ve been drooling a bit, figured I should share! I hate the emails from Nasty Gal, they read my mind and know exactly what I want/am wearing. The ads follow me around online, taunting me with things they know I want. JERKS! These emails are what made me cave and buy a few pairs of Jeffrey Campbell shoes. Everything they send out is so nice and they have a monthly lookbook. I think I have all these outfits on some vintage variation. I love Jane Fonda in this Pucci Pre-Fall outfit. My fav collections are Cruise & Pre-Fall almost every year. One day I’ll have a boat and get to wear the cruise collections. Until then, I’ll settle for Mum’s boat and her vintages. 😉 Some wisdom shared by two of my fav fashion blogging ladies, Gala Darling, a Kiwi blogger living in NY and Gala Gonzales, an It Girl from Spain, living in London who travels the world for fashion. I partied with Gonzales in NZ at Fashion Week once. They’re both awesome girls you should know. Follow G.Darling and G.Gonzales. On this day last year I arrived in Pensicola, Florida for work. We stayed in Margaritaville. It was beauuuuuutiful! Planking was a thing at the time and I tried to create a new trend ‘mermaiding’, it never picked up. See some pix here. There were over twenty entries for the Sherway Gardens Spring Style contest and the winner is… VANESSA GRILLONE. Thank you…

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Heat Wave

Heading home. Sitting in airport waiting to board. Had an awesome weekend with friends in Florida. Vacation feels really good. Looking forward to landing in Toronto. Heard it’s super hot there today! Summer FTW. Enjoy the day!

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The Weekend: Boating, Floating, & Banff Blogging

I’m absolutely in paradise. If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you already know. Last night we roasted marshmallows on the dock and I fell asleep in my chair mesmerized by the lakeside fire. Please take one second to vote for me in the Banff 2012 Blogger comp, voting closes Tuesday. Please help me win, VOTE FROM EVERYWHERE! Go to Apple or BestBuy, Futureshop, Nana’s cottage, your Dad’s phone! Glasses broke. Boating & floating are two of my fav pastimes. We’re about to make the Great Canadian Outdoor Breakfast with fire cooking and BBQ.  After Imma take this kayak out for a spin! Happy long weekend, summer is finally here! Wear sunscreen 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Personality is Everything in Art and Poetry.

Exciting week just passed and I am SO ready for a getaway! Tomorrow I’m scooting up north to the countryside with Barbie to a friends cottage. Give me nature, lake, silence and sunshine. YES PLEASE. Ate pretty healthy this week and went running a few times. Feels good to hit the pavement. Got a haircut at Darren’s Studio and had my first spring picnic in the park. This Week in Venn via SAY Media: The Secret to a Successful Modern Media Brand – I love reading this blog post each Friday. Always an interesting & fresh perspective about marketing, internet and brands.    Coral TV – Edgy Veg Launches and I’m Coming Soon! This week Candice’s show on CoralTV, The Edgy Veg launched! She’s adorable. If you missed the news earlier this week, I’m the latest addition to the Women’s Lifestyle Channel, my show will be launching in about a month! I made it to the final round in the BLOG FOR BANFF competition. THANK YOU. Final voting closes Tuesday, no signup and takes one second. Please cast one click for me. You can vote from web, mobile, tablet so get ’em all in there! Discovered the spot where my next Dear Photograph submission will be taken from. Turns out Mum used to hang out exactly where I like to hang out now. Her photo is from the ’70’s I think. Mum, can you confirm? Check out the skyline, or lack there of! Please be careful this weekend, wear sunscreen, don’t drink & drive, and play safe. May24 is the kick-off to summer, make it a good one! Next weekend is Memorial Day in the USA and I’ll be in the sunshine state soaking up Florida rays. Can’t wait! Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE * title is a quote  by  Johann Wolfgang von…

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