Casie & Emily’s Review of Prodigy Game on iPad

On a rainy day last week I was almost late to pick Embot up from daycare so we decided to go for burgers and test out Prodigy Game. Em spent hours playing over the next few days. In that time she created an avatar for herself, explored Prodigy Game’s world, enhanced her math skills and even described it as ‘really fun.’ Prodigy is a free math game with over 20 million students, teachers, and parents using it worldwide.  It combines gaming and education for students in grades 1-8, alleviates math anxiety and teaches valuable math skills aligned with the student’s curriculum at school. Prodigy Game was also recently named by Canadian Business as one of the top 10 fastest-growing start-ups in Canada. Companies like this are educating our young people and also providing cool jobs for our tech sector! I wasn’t very good at math in high school and did summer school or night school every year until I graduated. Safe to say I’ve always been on the highly creative side. It’s important to work on these skills as a kid so you’re equipped with the tools you need to excel in the future. Last year, our provincial government implemented a $60-million math strategy, but math scores in Ontario are still low with half of Grade 6 students not meeting the provincial standard. Prodigy Game addresses that major issue in our education system and helps students tackle – and beat – their math anxieties. Emily doesn’t mind math but she reallllllly loves her iPad. Legit this kid could watch videos all day of people making slime or doing funny challenges on YouTube. I was so glad to see her using it to play an educational game, by choice. Parenting WIN. Em was on Level 3 when 2 kids about her age passed by and saw her playing. The younger one said…

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Win an iPad Air from @155Redpath! #NeighbourGood

I’m a huge fan of doing good and bring joy to the lives of others. So, this blog post is part of sharing greatness! My friends at 88Creative work with 155 Redpath and they are giving away brand new 16GB iPad Air! I’d love for one of you guys to win it. To celebrate the local community and do a little good along the way, they came up with #NeighbourGood. What’s #NeighbourGood? It’s a free coffee handed to you on your way to work, a good deed done on your lunch break, or a kind gesture from a stranger on your commute home. And at 155 Redpath, it’s our way of being a great neighbour to our future residents. A few years ago (actually 2009!) about 10 friends and I organized Pay It it Backward Day where over 400 people purchased a coffee for the person BEHIND them in line. This broke a world record for the most acts of coffee kindness ever (at the time). It was an awesome example of NeighbourGood! It was super fun too. This is my sis (Raptors girl beside me) and some babes  that day. It was so much fun! How to Win the iPad Air from 155 Redpath It’s easy. All you have to do is register on their website and follow us them Twitter for one (1) entry. Don’t forget to enter your Twitter name on the registration page to make sure you’re in. Share your NeighbourGood story with them on Twitter or Instagram tagged #NeighbourGood for an extra entry. See full contest deets on their blog. TOTALLY NOT SPAM —> We’re giving away an iPad and all you have to do is follow us on Twitter and register here – — 155 Redpath (@155Redpath) November 12, 2013 While We’re Talking 155 Redpath… Check out this awesome video. It was shot & edited…

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I read the New York Times via Flipboard on my iPad.

I have a thing for personality theories and quizzes. Somehow by answering questions, they manage to put you into a box that no matter how creative (or not) you are, you’re just another section of society. The tattoo on my right ring finger is based on a well known and fairly old (now) personality theory called True Colours that breaks individuals down to blue, orange, green & gold. It’s used lots in the workplace to enhance coworker cohesiveness. My colours are blue (analytical, organized) & orange (outgoing, confident). O’Nizz posted this personality quiz by the NY Times this morning. The New York Times thinks I’m a Trendsetter. Modern in your way of thinking and fun loving in your outlook on life, you are on the pulse of what’s hot and what’s not. You are not afraid to ruffle a few feathers in the name of style and creativity – moving forward with the times is what’s important to you. You are an emotional spirit and you make really strong connections. Good friends and lots of laughs are the recipe for really happy days. And nights! Lively and confident, you’re someone who likes to make a big impression. You understand that first impressions count and that you won’t always get a second chance. You’ve got great taste and strive to be one step ahead of the crowd. Your passion for fashion means you’ve got a bit of a reputation amongst your friends for creating your own style. Keeping an eye on the trends, you know what suits you but while adopting the values of society in dress and taste, you are just as concerned with inward, spiritual beauty as with looks. The key is to allow yourself to appreciate life’s journey while holding fast to that which matters most to you. What are you?

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stylus for iPad is real neat guys

Yep, its way easier to cut copy paste which I was having issues with before. I feel more creative now. Is it the ipad or is it the Mac product with my stylus and accessories that make using it a pleasure?  I reckon both. Sitting across the row is an older man, about Dad’s age, business suit, writing notes on a pad of paper. I glance over and think, “Man, what are you going to do with that paper?” the pages are ruffling and he’s got all these papers and they are in a stack on the seat beside him. He sips his wine. I drink my beer.  He is clearly not enjoying this trip as much as I am. It’s neat the difference in age and generation. Never had a job where I would write things down like that. I’ve always had a laptop or blackberry. It’s five years ago, six in January, that I started my very first full time job. That year I also started blogging.   We arrive in San Juan later today. I don’t think I can give up Internet for a few days. I’ve got to many exciting things to share. This IS my life and I am “L.I.V.I.N”. iPad makes me wat to write more stories. 2011, I’m gonna write more. Well, more than I do already!  Love you. Bye xo P.S. Porter doesn’t have tall cans anymore. Probs a good idea. Last time I went to Boston I got wiki-wasted.  Posted from my iPad at over 30,000 feet!

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ipad drawings #borderlineartistic

Drawfree for iPad is fun.

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…staying up waiting for @VirginGR’s Project on #iPad.

Here’s a sneak peek on the new app that comes to the app store tonight at 12:01am. I need to download it right away so I can play with it before I meet Richard Branson. Maybe I can talk nerdy to him? There’s a contest associated with designing the new cover and some more technical info on Mashable if you’re into it. I’ll share it with you tomorrow! Nighty night! Phot is by the lovely Lynsie Roberts. She shot me in September before New Zelaland Fashion Week.

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