New Zealand: Aeroplan + Moments Worth Millions

What would you do with a Million Miles? Where would you go? I visited New Zealand and Portugal #withAeroplan this year and if I had a million miles I’d be off to India, South Africa, and Japan. I’m so inspired by adventure! Travelling is the best way to enrich your soul, feed your curiosity, and expand your mind. Portugal #withAeroplan  Aeroplan is back this summer with their incredibly cool contest, Moments Worth Millions. They’re giving away 5 Million Miles over the course of 5 weeks where 5 winners will each win 1 million miles. Think of the possibilities? 5 weeks. 5 winners. 5 million miles. Do you know how many trips you can take with a million miles? You can take 20 friends to Hawaii in economy or a handful of besties in business. You can take 40 trips from Toronto to LA or take someone you love on a first class trip around the world.  To enter the contest, follow @Aeroplan and share your favourite travel memory and tag #withAeroplan. Last summer I wrote about the Million Miles contest and how I was planning to use my miles to visit family in New Zealand. Little did I know I’d be heading there so soon with mum over the holidays. That trip created so many memories and was really special for mum and I.  Road trip sing-alongs in the car while driving the other side of the road, exploring the North Island, Eketahuna, Taupo, Dessert Road, visiting family, friends, and spending our last moments with Nana. It was an experience that enriched my life in so many ways my heart swells with love thinking about it.  If you win the contest and need a great travel buddy. I’m always here haha. Love you!  buy Cialis Soft

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Tramping in New Zealand

OK, I know what you are thinking and I THOUGHT THE SAME THING. When I arrived in NZ we picked up the rental car at the airport. Next, we pulled into a parking lot at the airport to change into summer clothes. I took a few laps of the airport to get used to right-hand drive and being on the other side of the road. I was fine.  I drove us down to the Viaduct in Auckland to look at the boats. [Mum is really into sailing and has a boat, sailed from Ontario to the Bahamas and lived there for a year.] We went into a sailing shop and I saw this mug… We walked out of the store and very serious I came close to mum, and whispered in her ear “mum, what is tramping?“ I was so serious. Tramping? What is a tramping club? Mum, WTF IS TRAMPING? Because to me, ‘tramping’ would be something to do with tramps or going out to find a man. Something you might have done in college that involved a lot of shots. Nothing I would ever do, now. In New Zealand… TRAMPING IS HIKING! Tramping, known elsewhere as backpacking, rambling, hill walking or bushwalking, is a popular activity in New Zealand. Tramping is defined as a recreational activity involving walking over rough country. Wikipedia WELL, THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW. Here I am thinking something bad and it’s totally hiking.  So, I went tramping on Piha beach and it was AMAZING.

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Happy New Year from Coromandel, New Zealand!

G’day from down under! Haven’t had great wifi the last couple days and it’s actually been quite lovely! We’ve got a small cabin at a park on the beach about 2 hours north of Auckland. I was 12 when I was last here. It’s so great to spend time with my cousins and family. Today we’re having a New Years Eve H?ngi, a traditional M?ori method of cooking for special occasions. Instead of cooking it in the ground, uncle Donald and Linda are cooking the food all day in a beer keg! How cool is that? Luckily they remembered to remove these Custom tap handles for your beer keg which they picked up when they bought the keg, beer and all. Today I went fishing w/ my cousin and caught this big snapper! Being out on the water was incredibly beautiful and HOT. My god the sun here is brilliantly warm and sun block is essential because there’s a hole in the ozone layer. I’m going for safe gradual tan and we’ve still got 2 weeks to go. Tomorrow we drive to Taupo and stay in a farm house Airbnb for one night. Next we head to Palmerston North for a couple days then out to the coast near Masterton for the weekend. Sending love and sunshine from the future (18 hours ahead of Toronto)!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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New Zealand Here We Come!

OK, this post is kind of long, the TL;DR is I’M GOING TO NEW ZEALAND! I’d been saving up money & Aeroplan miles for months and in an amazing twist of events, Aeroplan is sending ME AND MUM and we’re going on a 21-day road trip next month. I’m so excited. I’ve wanted to go back and see my family for SO LONG and I’m thankful to Aeroplan for helping us get there, especially around the holidays! ???? It’s been hard to keep a secret until now but get ready for non-stop NZ for the next few months!Scroll to read a lovely story of how this came together! Last year around the holidays time I really missed my family, as I do every year except the one Christmas we had together when I was 12 (see above). I said to Sean, maybe next year I’ll get back to NZ for their summer. It was kind of a dream because it’s really far and expensive and you need to go for a while (few weeks). A few months into 2017 I started saving for a trip. I figured the only way I was going to actually get there is if I started focussing on it with active intentions and putting some money aside. In August I was in touch with Aeroplan about helping them promote a giveaway. A couple weeks later we started talking about a video project that you will see before the holidays. Another thing we talked about is how much I wanted to go back to New Zealand. I remember that call so well, it was a Friday morning, I was wearing a blue leather jacket, walking my bike and drinking a coffee after a manicure. We talked about the video project, going to NZ and they said…

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TBT: New Zealand Fashion Week 2010

Next year is my 10th year of blogging and marks 9 years of Can you believe it’s been so FREAKING long? It amazes me when I think back to why I started this  bloggy blog and where it’s taken me since. THIS IS MY LIFE has been a public diary to keep memories and I’ve travelled round the entire world writing stories about my adventures. One of my fav trips ever was going to New Zealand for Fashion Week. A contest I knew online told the peeps at NZFW that I was a Kiwi and a Canadian blogger they should have attend. It was one of the best experiences of my life and I get to stick around for an extra week to spend time with my family.  I made friends on that trip I’ll have for life. This is me hanging out w/ top NY celebrity stylist Derek Fabulous and world famous designer Nicole Miller.  I blogged heaps that trip and you can creep them posts right hurre. I did a few interviews on that trip and one earned my first EVER magazine cover. Me, cover! Photo was taken by fashion photog Lynsie Roberts as press shots before I left. Click image to check out her website.   Here’s to more great adventures and TBT stories. Mum, TBT means Throw Back Thursday. <3 CASIE buy Bactroban without prescription buy bupropion without prescription buy cipro without prescription

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Drug Driving Ad from New Zealand

Love this Drug Driving ad from NZ. Us Kiwis are creative ones. Lorde is killing it on the music scene right now too. Blogged about her in November last year and now she’s travelling the world. Represent Team New Zealand, oi! Hope weekend is treating you well. I’m taking it easy today and lazing/working around the house. <3 CASIE Overnight US Shipping Drugs Pharmacy Around The World Trusted Online Pharmacy US Overnight Pharmacy

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finally found the magazine cover i was on in new zealand

This article ran last year after New Zealand Fashion Week about bloggers & how fashion’s front row is changing. I never did get a hard copy! The Tempo magazine is inside the NZ Herald that comes on weekends (I think!). One of my cousins got it delivered to her house. How awesome is that? Her Canadian cuz gracing the pages of her mail. Would love to get back to NZ this year for NZFW. Air NZ isn’t the travel partner so that puts a wee damper in getting there. I had the best time last year. See my coverage here. If you click the image will take you to article on Have an awesome day!

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this one time, in new zealand…

I was there for NZ Music Week in the start of May. I was about 18.  I heard this song Sophie by Goodshirt and totally fell in love. I feel in love with lots of things that trip. My sister and I were in the homeland all alone and we made heaps of new friends, one of which I visited last year. (HI KMS!) Love how a song can bring back such fond memories. xo CASE

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Beautiful Alchemy – Nick Von K, New Zealand #video

When I was in NZ last year I met Nick Von K., designer of accessories for people with awesome lifestyles. Heaps of rad things. I browsed the collection and picked out this super sharp claw; silver cast eagle claw on silver chain. It will cut you. He just created a this video for his new line Beauful Alchemy. He told me “the film is about transformation; how when inspired, you can be transformed, and your inspiration can take new forms and take on a life of its own.” I like this idea. The video does have one boob shot in it, this is your NSFW warning. I would seriously love to own/give you all of these pieces. There are no stockists in Canada yet but I would LOVE to see some, at least one right here in Toronto. This is Nick, you can find him on Twitter or at

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i love when new zealand is trending

Remember last week I shared with you the Air NZ video with Snoop? Air NZ is at it again with this creative & cute safety vid w/ Richard Simmons. I saw it on Mashable and coincidently there is a Quantas ad for NZ right abovethe video, doh. Take note of the uniforms at the start of the video. They are designed by Trelise Cooper a top NZ designer. My first frigh ever was w/ Air NZ, I was two. Best airline food I’ve had ever! Another thing I noticed, video for Air NZ is “FIT TO FLY” and so is JUKARI the workout I did last week. Whoa, SAMES.I wanna go back to NZ so bad.

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new zealand composer & artist: juliet palmer #TTC

Meeting a hot babe for movie date 😉 (@ Yonge-Dundas Square) Meeting peeps (@ Spoke Club w/ 2 others) Audition for something Kiwi. #teamNZL in force here. (@ Instil Productions) this is my party right now #lovelovelove (YouTube omg looks sooooo nice. RT @unbrelievable: Mountains make me feel at home 143. Photo: this is freaking crazy dude. stop spam. read books. #captcha Photo: @40deuce no, i never get excited about anything. so true 🙂 RT @atubanos: @erin_bury You’re as bubbly and adorable as you seem in ur pics and writing:) have #smmeasure in calendar as a weekly meeting. chat is the new rt, pure engegement right there. i love seeing the conversations happen. i really like the way you handled this whoops dude RT @40deuce: whoops. last tweet should have said reach is “tough” #smmeasure omg @LadyBlogga. i honestly thought i typed @ladygaga. #srsly my mind they are same i guess 🙂 hey @meganberry lots of questions about @klout right now, can you give any insight to measurement? #smmeasure i’m all like @ladyblogga remix blastin, bikini blogging and checkin’ out #smmeasure #crazyawesome this is my party right now #lovelovelove (YouTube “tv is a dinosaur that’s going to fade away” – my mum #internet #smmeasure chat is really interesting Key things big brands need to know: 1. Size doesn’t matter. Influence does. 2. Earn it, don’t just pay for it. Four Reasons Brands Must Check in to Foursquare. Now! via @theyinspire @wakestockcanada I wanna do this next weekend ok! thanks guy #lunch whoa @google image search is different now. like, don’t like? i’m not sure. # “You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic…”…

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the batch in new zealand. you don’t say?

I’m watching the Bachelor, well listening to it while I do things around the house. Anyhow, one of the destinations for the show that is on next episode is New Zealand. Looks to me like they are in the beautiful and warm North Island where they take a helicopter flight over the massive hill ranges followed by a bungy jump, Possibly in Taupo? I watched Dad bungy jump there when I was 12. I wanted to do it so bad. You had to be 13. I’m still upset about it. Most of my family lives in New Zealand and they are cool. I have Canadian & New Zealand citizenship which is very lucky, thanks to Mum & Dad!! If you are looking for the best trip of your life and a way to show yourself how awake and alive you are, get moving and plan a trip to the Land of Plenty!! Music video by OMC performing Land Of Plenty 1996 Universal Music NZ Ltd.

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420 Volcanic Artesian Water from New Zealand

G’day Mates & Shelia’s! Being from New Zealand I was pleased to come across this fancy volcanic water from NZ this weekend at Fresh & Wild. 420 is a super premium water in a bottle that’s easy on the eye, feels good in the hand and perfectly fits the clientele of elite hotel, bars, restaurants and cafes. Every drop of water has taken generations to filter through the surrounding landscape. That means the water you hold in your hand today actually fell onto the top of a mountain when my great, great grandmother was the same age as I am now. Which is a fabulous story to tell someone you’re trying to pick up in a bar. The 420 spring is situated at the base of NZ’s South Islands Banks Peninsula an extinct Volcano. The water fell on the Southern Alps hundreds of years ago and has spent its time meandering across the Canterbury plains to arrive clean and pure to consumers today. In September 2006, 420 water struck gold on the world stage, winning two top awards at the prestigious bottled water world design awards in Italy. 420 water came up trumps against a record 135 entries from 30 countries, taking home the award for Best PET Bottle and Best Press Marketing Campaign. The gala awards ceremony took place at the San Pellegrino Casino in Italy as part of the Zenith International Global Bottled Water Congress in Bergamo, north east of Milan. ARTICLE It tasted GREAT!! Represent NZ bitches!!! Yahooooooooooooooooo!

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Fiji Baby ! Me ♥’s the New Zealand tunes

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My New Zealand – The Haka

This video is of the New Zealand All Blacks doing the Haka, a traditional Maori War dance. My Dad used to do the Haka at rugby games when I was a little girl. He played some pretty hard core rugby in new Zealand before coming to Canada. The haka as composed by Te Rauparaha begins with a chant: Kikiki kakaka kauana! Kei waniwania taku tara Kei tarawahia, kei te rua i te kerokero! He pounga rahui te uira ka rarapa; Ketekete kau ana to peru kairiri Mau au e koro e – Hi! Ha! Ka wehi au ka matakana, Ko wai te tangata kia rere ure? Tirohanga ngā rua rerarera Ngā rua kuri kakanui i raro! Aha ha! Then follows the main body of the haka: Ka mate, ka mate! ka ora! ka ora! Ka mate! ka mate! ka ora! ka ora! Tēnei te tangata pūhuruhuru Nāna nei i tiki mai whakawhiti te rā Ā, upane! ka upane! Ā, upane, ka upane, whiti te ra! ’Tis death! ‘tis death! (or: I may die) ’Tis life! ‘tis life! (or: I may live) ’Tis death! ‘tis death! ’Tis life! ‘tis life! This the hairy man that stands here… …who brought the sun and caused it to shine A step upward, another step upward! A step upward, another… the Sun shines! Click here for more info on the Haka!

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Dance, New Jewels, Women’s Mecca, SUN LOVE!

Went for a nice walk at sunset yesterday before dance and am so happy the weather is finally nice. I always feel a warm spot in my heart walking down Palmerston, my family is from Palmerston North, New Zealand. Can’t help but think of them and the beautiful NZ countryside. I don’t usually read my horrorscope (:P!) but this week it seems the Toronto Metro has me in mind. It’s coming up to my birthday month and I’m feeling great about the next year.   Last night at dance was so much fun! I absolutely love being in Army of Sass. We get in a good workout, learn a new combo, and practice our routine for the show in June. My stomach muscles were hurting from laughing so hard, it’s really great to be surrounded by so many wonderful ladies.     A video posted by Carla Catherwood (@carla_catherwood) on Apr 16, 2015 at 6:47am PDT Spent yesterday afternoon working out of the Women’s Mecca office in Liberty Village. It’s absolutely beautiful and the skylight fills the office with sunshine. Was happy to stumble on one of my fav books kicking around the office. I read over this one every couple months for motivation and creative stimulation.      Visiting my sister in the Beaches and recording an audition video for something fun. Put out good vibes for meeeee! We used to live at Broadview/Danforth and take the subway over this bridge all the time. Brings back fond memories!   Shoutout to my friends at Thomas Sabo Canada for sending this beautiful gift, I haven’t worn and anklet since I was a kid and love it. So nice to have NO SOCKS weather again. Are you following me on Snapchat BTW? Add me: casiestewart! In other news, get outside and soak up some…

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Blunnies Come in Shoes Now: These are my new pair!

The other week I recieved an email about the new Blundstone shoes. I’ve wanted a pair of boots for ages, so I replied right away and set up a time to visit the store. Blundstone boots come from Tasmania, Australia (I’ve been there) and all the shoe styles (like traditional boots) are unisex. Tried on both traditional boot in round & square toes, and the new shoe style. I went with the new shoe. They’re cute. Shoes retail for $149/pair and are available in Blundstone retailers across Canada and I got mine at the store on Queen West. Of course 😉 They come in three different colours. I picked chocolate suede. Ian Heaps of Blundstone Footwear said ““The new shoe style is perfect for those who want the Blundstone quality and comfort in a lighter format. “The shoes are great for around the office, but also transition well into the evening. They provide lasting comfort with Blundstone’s signature “slip on/slip off” convenience. They are everything you would find in a Blundstone boot, in a smaller, lighter package.” I love the way they get worked in over time. This pair belong to Casey from the Blundstone store on Queen (same name = awesome) and hers are about a year old (left) and the other ones are brand new. I’m pretty sure my uncle has a pair of these, they always remind me of New Zealand. Guess who else wears Blundstones? The Sheepdogs. Founded in 1870, Blundstone is Australia’s leading manufacturer of quality footwear and IS STILL a family-owned company. I reckon they’ll fit right into my wild lifestyle. I love the orange bike outside the shop, my shoes looked good with it. I saw this contest on the website and am sharing it with you. I don’t work for them…

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Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-25

Waking up Mum's to the smell of coffee is magical. # I can hear Santa wrapping presents. # Social Media comics # Thoughts: Is It Time To Abolish The Twitter Retweet Button? via @zite # Five essential SaaS solutions no small business should be without #seriously # DIY Color Oxford #fashion #shoes #goodidea # Yayo – who names a song that? And who wants to party # Top 10 things to do in 2012 via @lonelyplanet #travel #adventure # Love bringing Mum clothes cause she does fashion show for me. It's the reverse from when I was a kid and always did that. So cute. # Together on this Christmas Eve 🙂 ILU JB! # Wow, miss this old car. It was at my house for YEARS (in the garage if you remember!). Huge Mickey Thomoson tires! # I posted a new photo to Facebook # Gosh, I love this time of year.: Been rushing like crazy the last few days. Have heaps to… # Snow! # Copies! (@ Staples) # Shopping w/ Mum. She's so cute! (@ Winners) [pic]: # I posted a new photo to Facebook # Fire sale on trees $2!! Garland $.50! (@ Zehrs Markets w/ 2 others) [pic]: # Galen influenced me. # Told Mum I will push the cart (so I can tweet!) # Thinking of you! # Merry Christmas from Van Wilder 😉 # We made them sort the Happy Meal toys so Mum could have the palm tree one and I could get the nerdy one. [pic]: # Video: Mum and I playing w/ toys at Maccas haha # Weekend Tune: “Snow” from White Christmas: Happy merry everything everyone! Tis the season…

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New York Cab Lemon Sunflower Scrambled Egg, mellow.

To be completely honest, I wanted one of these mugs. Keri has one. Process Yellow C is fresh, bright and beautiful. It’s the colour of sunshine. I love when people call me sunshine. Any of you guys have a Pantone mug? Send me a pic! I will make something. The mug came with the epicly awesome HP Envy print/scan/copy machine today. I can’t wait to make stuff. Yay to making stuff! Ok, here’s the yesterday recap. It was a great day from the moment I woke up. Yesterday on Twitter This Happened: I am in looooove with everything! (@ Bicyclette Boutique) # You maaaaaaake me feel shiny & new… # Mix: @nellabellabrand bags, @metowestyle beaded heart, @rubyboutique fur # Daily reminder to take a sec & vote for my boy @shawnhawaii #ultimateblogger # had a kinda fun request from my agent @fairlieagency this morning. i love fun jobs! # just had lasagna. i love lasagna. what you having for lunch? # Photo: kinda like me. # Where do you want to live? — on the internet. # How are you? — Awesome. # If you had the opportunity to live one year of your life over again, which year would you choo… — 2004 in Australia # I was wondering if you’d like to grab a coffee, Thursday aft, you, me ? Riot Zone.? — who are you would help? # What do you think the world will be like in 50 years? — less fighting, less water, less trees. # Photo: i need these coins STAT. # 15% OFF Latex Clothing # Photo: i would get this for nerd boyfriend: Circuit Board Tie # How to Put Together an Effective Startup Press Kit via @erinbury – erinbury:…

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eye spy with my new litte eye

Good Morning Saturday!! It’s lovely out. I got a new camera yesterday, Cannon PowerShot SD1300 I 12.1 mpx + 2 year warranty. If you have been reading this blog for more than six months, you will know exactly why I need a warranty. If you are newer than that, search camera here and you will understand. Let me show you around a little, welcome to my house… My girls – Gwen, Love, Angel, Music, Baby. Smellin good. Mum’s fav passage by Billie Jean King “there are no shortcuts to achieving your dreams” thanks Mum. Love you. Gold angel for good luck and love. They are everywhere around my house and Mum’s house. Thanks Julie, rest in peace, I love you. Tiffany’s silver bracelet from a boy, white gold diamond ring from a different boy (both who now have kids and might be married? Oh memories.) The septum piercing I took out last month, vintage earings. The gold thing is from an award my Dad won for a hot rod he built in the 80’s. Love you too Dad! Me and frog magnet. A penis magnet. Morgan & I at George Strombo‘s party, Carly, Brock & I at the Diet Coke party all during TIFF last month. I love photo booths. I’m sure that does not surprise you. Sabrina is whiping up a quiche for brekky. She really is quite a darling. Makes a wicked quiche! Imma eat you SOON! This does not need explaining, I’ve shouted from the rooftops already. My girl Barbie, one of many around the house. She is special because she has a video camera in her chect (kinda jealous) and an LCD screen in her back (not jealous) for recording videos. Thanks Mattel! Her and I need to spend more time together. Perhaps we will take…

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today in the news

being nice will get you places. # create it, design it, now let me see you work it. # Bullshit = Twifficiency. There I said it. # I need some photo’s taken of me STAT. Anyone? # dang. My Twifficiency score is 53%. does that mean i’m really efficient or a big tweeting-time waster! # My Twifficiency score is 53%. Whats yours? # now tell us a dirty joke. — your mom. that’s a dirty joke. # what is your favorite type of dessert? — Pavlova. # Did you vote for mama kiddies? # I want your horrorI want your design # found it. # can’t find passport. need #hakastrength @kristenannehill. # Looks like I’m going to New Zealand in September. #

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yesterday in the news exciting things happened that i can not yet share with you but when i do you will be happy like me

if you’re happy and you know it # i need to write a short bio. wanna help? # omg love you Mum! Skype is the best. They are on a boat and I am clearly excited. # On skype with Mum from her boat somewhere Taddoussac River outside Quebec. So neat. They saw Beluga whales today. Mum said it’s is like NZ. # proudly not watching #bachelorpad # drum circle babe. calling. # Check out our #SXSWi panel feat @unmarketing @thatericalper @Kathy_Valentine & me! Yahooots # okok there are a bunchof brunettes # Most the bloggers I know are blonde. Who are the brunettes? # Where do you get your sunglasses? They’re cool. — Kensington Market & vintage shops all over the place. # how soon could you travel on a moment’s notice? — Soon as I get a ticket via email. # what is your favorite store to shop at lately? — Apt. 909 Vintage or CTS. # Photo: these guys are gonna get older and i’m looking forward to meeting them later. # RE: @rlangdon The music was really good too.Rock the dance floor baby! # I think foosball is a combination of soccer and shish kabobs. #MitchHedberg # I haven’t slept for ten days, because that would be too long. #MitchHedberg # A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer. Mitch Hedberg #

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you bring a whole new meaning to the word #loser

And that meaning is awesome. I’ve mentioned it before and the message is always the same, #loserkaraoke is a damn good time. This is me & Kristen singing ‘How Bizarre’, Team New Zealand in full force. I was rappin’ in full accent. Pretty good summer song if you ask me. I love walking into Tequila Sunrise and being greeted by friends and familiar faces having fun. The party was inside & outside last night as the place was packed and it was really hot out. Speaking of, look at this stud in mama’s cape… I was a weeee bit tipsy after the King St. Crawl earlier and after a few beerski’s was more than happy when Michael offered to drive me home. Ha! It’s so neat that each week all kinds of twitter peeps show up to have a good time. If something comes up on a Thursday night, I seriously consider if I should miss #loserkaraoke or not. I was never really a big ‘karaoke’ person but y’know what, I really love it now. I don’t care if it makes me a loser, because I’ve got a whole group of people who are are most awesome losers ever. We will sing our hearts out week after week and if you come too, you will love it. Karaoke is GREAT! You might also love that I wore a Wonder Woman outfit last night. Just for fun. Alas, back in the office today, Ms.  Casie Kent. BTW, I love this ad. Online, on line. I wanna be online like that, online at the beach under a sun umbrella with my laptop, working., drinking a cold beer.  Ahhh, a girl can dream can’t she! Happy Friday everyone.

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Perez loves New Zeland Blonde Girls

HE SAID:If you’re blonde and from New Zealand, then we are LOVING you this week! A few days ago, we introduced you to to the brazilliance of Ladyhawke. Today, we’d like you to meet Gin. This blonde from new Zealand remind us of a few of our favorite artists – like Skybox, Joel Plaskett Emergency and Macy Gray. Her voice is quirky and intoxicating voice – her tunes fun and charming. Listen to the delightful Under My Skin below! And then CLICK HERE to check out more songs from Gin.

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Went home recently to spend a few days at Mum’s with the fam. My uncle Jimmy (Mum’s twin brother) passed away in New Zealand and I wanted to be there for her. I didn’t realize how much I missed spending time together. My sister was there for a couple of days too! We went for nice walks in the neighborhood by the river, checked out the local thrift shops, and drive around remembering the places we used to hang out. I had three days off work and stayed a few extra days to work remotely. Grateful to have a job where I can work anywhere. Before heading home, Bonga and I went for wings at our old stompin’ grounds, Moose Winooski’s. It’s changed a lot since we used to go there on Thursday nights back in high school. The wings there are just as huge as I remember tho, so good. This is the first summer in 15+ years that Mum & Steve have been home and not sailing on the boat. Already planning a trip back soon. 🤗

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Beach Date

I took myself on a beach date yesterday and it was lovely! It’s been years since I went to the beaches, and I don’t know why I haven’t done this sooner! Found a nice little spot on the beach and started a great new book by one of my fav authors, Lisa Jewel. Felt like I needed a little escape, found out yesterday that my grandma in New Zealand passed away. She was my last living grandparent. It’s always hard when someone passes but this hits right in the heart and really makes me miss my family in New Zealand. I walked around the neighbourhood and was reminded how cute The Beaches are. I used to live in the East End years ago. Stopped into the store my sister works at, Charming Parrot. They have so many nice things in there! Resort wear, cute tops, beautiful silk dresses, and accessories. Say hi if you see her! I’m planning to get back to the beach more this summer. I want to visit the island too!

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Ok, I Like It, Picasso

The weather has been kinda nice and that makes me happy. Can finally wear cute outfits & transitional coats. Totally forgot about this stunning pearl duster jacket I got in New Zealand a few years ago. Had a pretty good week. Spent Thursday/Friday at the Hvr office and Nelson and I are really getting things together for the podcast. I can’t wait to start recording! Shoutout to Flow Water for sending over a case in honour of earth month. Flow has saved 150+ million plastic bottles from entering the environment and they’re focused on replacing plastic bottles with mostly renewable-resource-based, recyclable cartons. NICE WORK. GREAT WATER. Saw this on my commute to the office, ok I like it, Picasso.

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