Went for a nice walk at sunset yesterday before dance and am so happy the weather is finally nice. I always feel a warm spot in my heart walking down Palmerston, my family is from Palmerston North, New Zealand. Can’t help but think of them and the beautiful NZ countryside.
I don’t usually read my horrorscope (:P!) but this week it seems the Toronto Metro has me in mind. It’s coming up to my birthday month and I’m feeling great about the next year.
Last night at dance was so much fun! I absolutely love being in Army of Sass. We get in a good workout, learn a new combo, and practice our routine for the show in June. My stomach muscles were hurting from laughing so hard, it’s really great to be surrounded by so many wonderful ladies.
Spent yesterday afternoon working out of the Women’s Mecca office in Liberty Village. It’s absolutely beautiful and the skylight fills the office with sunshine. Was happy to stumble on one of my fav books kicking around the office. I read over this one every couple months for motivation and creative stimulation.
Visiting my sister in the Beaches and recording an audition video for something fun. Put out good vibes for meeeee! We used to live at Broadview/Danforth and take the subway over this bridge all the time. Brings back fond memories!
Shoutout to my friends at Thomas Sabo Canada for sending this beautiful gift, I haven’t worn and anklet since I was a kid and love it.
So nice to have NO SOCKS weather again. Are you following me on Snapchat BTW? Add me: casiestewart!
In other news, get outside and soak up some of that sunshine today. REMEMBER, you’ll never be younger than you are RIGHT NOW!