2000 small acts of kindness one big difference

I would like to take a minute to remind you ALL that tomorrow is Pay it Backward Day. I’ll be at the PIB headquarters as Chief Firecracker located at Second Cup, Queen & John (across from Much Music). However, if you can’t make it there, find one of the 170 locations across Ontario. Finally, if you can’t make it to Ontario, you can still take part by making a donation through the secure donation form on the Daily Challenge site. This time, our goal is to raise $10,000 for the Sick Kids Foundation in less than 12 hours.  Second Cup will donate $5.00 to the cause when you buy the person BEHIND you in line a coffee. In April, we had over 600 people take part in about four hours. I KNOW we can do this. Flow 93.5 will be broadcasting live, Metro news & Notable TV will be there and MANY other cool do-gooders. Last time I got asked out on a date by a total hunk so you never know what might happen! See you tomorrow 🙂

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MuchMTV Employment post

Hi and welcome to my online profile for Digital Marketing Coordinator with the MuchMTV Group. Thanks for checking me out. Connect with Me: Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo, YouTube, References: I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Casie for a little less than a year now. She’s an active blogger and all-round web content generator. She’s bright, energetic, connected, passionate and communicates well. I’ve been to several corporate events with Casie and she’s almost always the life of the party. Casie’s a blackberry addict, a twitterholic and well known as an online blogger. MTV would be lucky to have her on the digital team and I endorse her as an online bright spark.” “I have had the honour to work with Casie on many different social media events including all the GenYTO community socials, a professional organization that she helped get off the ground. (www.genyto.com).  She is an incredibly talented, outgoing, and trendy person, but more importantly she is great at creating and engaging communities. Her blog, www.casiestewart.com – This is My Life, is one of a kind.  She has a creative and witty way of making the most uneventful moments fun; the sign of a great writer and a truly imaginative mind.  Her marketing talent far surpasses many people I know.  I would highly recommend her for any social media and marketing position.” Renée Warren Social Media Facilitator www.reneewarren.com Twitter: Renee3 | [email protected] “When it comes to web 2.0 and online social media, Casie is the Queen.  I’ve watched her and worked with her steadily throughout the last year or so and what she does in the online arena is stupefying.  She ‘gets’ the Internet, loves it passionately, and people listen to her.  Fueled by that love and passion, watch Casie get the word out.  Watch her connect people.  I’ve seen what…

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snail vs. email – both are good

I’m sharing with you three things I got in the mail recently that made me smile. Enjoy! One – made me smile and feel pretty Casie? It’s me [friend]. Hi. I just wanted to let you know that one of my facebook friends just wrote me. The subject line was “Pretty Woman” and the message was: “Ya… who is CASIE STEWART?? Sweet……” I thought you should know. Kay bye have fun! Two -love  you friend & thanks for caring hey pretty lady. What can I do to encourage you to stop eating McDonalds, you have such a beautiful mind, body, and soul, why pollute it with garbage. Do we not have enough vices! Friday I’m in Love with McDonads on 12seconds.tv Three – i like music I got the new EP Runaround from Scissor Sisters guitarist Del Marquis from my friends at The Musebox in NY, NY. I like Scissor Sisters and this guy is a total babe. Been listening this morning. So far so good. Me likey. Thanks guys!

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the process of changing apples to oranges

I wake up. Twist and scream. I think, why me? Sometimes live throws you curve balls. You can catch it. Pain, I can handle it. X-ray day today. Most people don’t like the doctor but it helps when he’s young and handsome like mine. I’m grateful for the friends/family who have been helping me. I’m thankful for Mum. I rung her so upset this morning and she saved the day. She made me feel better. Then I remembered it’s her birthday. I felt horrible. Finally did some laundry. I got flowers last night from the house where I fell. They’re beautiful. Getting read to go now. I can do this. It’s gonna be ok. Positive thinking. I just read over your Billie Jean King quote about achieving your dreams, Mum.  The one in the frame. Thank you. I love you.

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in memory of a great one: swayze

I love Patrick Swayze and still swoon over him every time I watch Ghost, Dirty Dancing or carry a watermelon. He battled hard with his Cancer and will forever live in my memory. I loved him most when he danced. I was never lucky enough to meet him, despite  day dreaming about it the last twenty years.  As a young dancer I was fortunate to have Patsy Swayze, his mother and renowned choreographer judge me at a dance competition. It was Rhythm Dance competition, Humanities Theatre,  Waterloo, circa 1993.  My first year doing a solo. The adjudicators sat in lit tables behind the first few rows of seats. They recorded comments on tape while you performed on stage. After, they listened to the tapes and calculated the scores  of each category. As dancers, we got to keep the tapes. I have a stack of them packed away from years of competitions. I was nervous and excited from what I remember. She spoke about me on the podium after and I don’t even remember what place I came in. The thing that stuck with me all these years is what she said about me on the tape “It’s too bad we don’t have lighting from the audience to show this child’s facial expression because she truly does deserve”. Patsy, you raised a great son. You both made a big impact on me. Rest in peace Patrick. I’ll never put you in a corner xo

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that was a night and a half, lets do it again!

Whoa. I had the kind of night filled with excitement that less fortunate souls dream of. Kinda feel like I’m still there… I was gonna tidy/pack while watching television at home alone…UNTIL…. I got a message from the famous Shawn Hawaii inquiring about the Sprout Up. Was I attending? I was now. Threw on an outfit. (Mum knit the vest in the 1970’s). Jumped on the trolley and headed to meet Hawaii. First stop, Sprouter SproutUp in Yorkville. If you like being surrounded by smart entrepreneurs and cool people, go next time. You’ll thank me. It’s Oct 14th, second Wednesday. Don’t worry, I’ll remind you. Second stop was the Globe’s Beatles party at the Berkley Church.  The party was fun and we got a killer giftbag with the new Beatles Blueray disk. I also got flowers. Yeah, awesome! We cruised to the Annex for a bite and beer and then took it up a notch in the Distillery district.  Belmont cigarettes was throwing an entertainment industry party. Knew about a zillion people and I still have drink tickets in my purse if you want them. Ran into stylish Ms. Sass from Zucket.com among many other notables including PJ Phil! Belmont has some sexy new skinny cigarettes and I snagged a bunch of packs.  At home I put on my Super Woman costume and danced around. Oh, who , will I be at Twestival on Saturday?? Did you get your tickets for Saturday yet? Sheesh, do it now. I’m paying $5 of your night, use CASIE as your promo code. It’s ON A BOAT! Tonight is TedxTO party at Brasaii and the opening of TIFF. It’s definitely going to be Notable. RSVP here if you haven’t yet. See you on the red carpet! Bring your camera! p.s. Quite Waldo-ish today 🙂

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attention, ladies and gentlemen of the internet…

Toronto is a city full constant excitement. I get messages once in a while saying it seems like TO is the city for me because we’ve always got something going on. This week, is NO exception, it’s one of the busiest times of the year when the city is filled with stars and red carpets. Tomorrow marks the opening of TIFF and the first day of our first TEDxTO Conference.  You’ll find me at the afterparty hosted by Notable TV at Brasaii on King Street. TED is all about ideas worth sharing and the event will be full of interesting people sharing great ideas. To RSVP head to Notable’s registration page and get your name on the list! Twestival Local is on on Saturday. What is it? Around the world cities are joining together to raise money for a local charities. Our charity is Toronto based Meal Exchange. All the proceeds go directly to Meal Exchange with a goal of raising $5000 to facilitate 178 youth leaders and over 6250 meals being distributed. Totally awesome! Just think about it, you’ll be on a boat, partying with Toronto’s social media community, hot DJs, deliecious free food and flowing drinks while cruising the harbourfront with a view of our beautiful city. When you get your tickets enter promo code CASIE for $5 off. How can you say no NOW?  YOU CAN’T! Check out the Facebook Event page. There are some badass prizes to be won including Palm Pre (that I want to win) if you dress up as your favorite celebrity. I have a feeling Toronto’s own Paris Hiton might just show up 😛

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when i put them on it’s business time

The little girl beside me is Irish and with her parents. She’s staring outside the window preying with every breath to capture a glimpse of the Jonas Brothers. She’s talking about Vanessa and their bus and I’m reminded of when I was young. I had those teen Bop posters of Joey Lawrence and Johnny Depp all over my walls. After that phase  I graduated to drawing all over my walls with quotes and thoughts and messages from friends when they came over. Mum let me do it; creative expression. Thank you. I watched the number 23 last night and he drew all over the walls too.  “The bus!” she shouts, this little girl is so cute. Where’s my little business phone? Gah, I lose it a few sometimes a day. I wear my eyeglasses to help me concentrate. It usually works. So far so good. Two cops in full uniform sat down beside me. I stare at the gun he doesn’t notice. Good. Someone else sat down and their cologne overpowers the sweet smell of coffee, not good cologne either, something cheap. They’re playing house music on Sunday afternoon. I wear my earphones to concentrate  too, although I’m not playing any music. It’s quite chilly today. This week I got prescription glasses in the mail from GlassesUSA. Thanks guys!

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it went like this: Beans says: m.google.com/sync i stumbled upon it last week but tahnee has actually been using it amazing! wireless sync! c a s i e  s t e w a r t says: NO FUCKING WAY FUCK OFF LJHGLUJGFKLUJHGFLUJHGFDLU, Beans says: i shit u not c a s i e  s t e w a r t says: SHIT YOU GAH A Beans says: i shit not c a s i e  s t e w a r t says: a fucking MAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZING OMFG OMFG. TIWILG = oh my fucking god. this is why i love google. You got me at hello. You also got me ‘even if you drop your phone in a pool’ or like over 20 stories from your condo, or in the toilet, or in the car door, or in a beer, or off a bridge, most of which I have done. The reason I love Google is because it to me, is the most human and accommodating to my life. When you want to stay connected to your life, it’s there.  It fits in with everything I do , it connects me, makes it simple and helps me be smarter and more efficient in the things I do everyday. Imagine dating someone like Google?

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it was so weird at the time, i couldn’t stop myself

i’m not sure what happened but it did. i light went on. it was a few things that lead me there. creative people around me, compliments on creative work, being surrounded by smart, successful, creative business people. thinking about ‘it’s not how good you are it’s hot good you wanna be’, one of my favorite books. i feel like i can’t really go back now. they say if you do what you love you will have success, i love doing this. i love writing and taking photos and laughing at myself and remembering thing things i forget. it makes me happy to do social good; social good in funness, good causes, good people. i stayed up all night. learning about things. reading blogs, commenting. drawing in sketchbook.when i have an idea i write it down. i’ve found some neat stuff lately and most i’ve posted on my tubmlr blog. it’s all the things i find around the internet that i don’t put here but like to share. i read a great article called ‘the 7 vices of highly creative people, posted on salon.com, Feb. 9, 200o. i know i have my vices and bad habits, but i have good ones too. read it here. “If you go through life free of bad habits, you won’t live forever, but it will feel like it. ”

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the sun is at just the right angle over the moon

Good morning. Not hung over at all. Whoa, craziest guy. Red beard, so weird. I think he was upset I took his photo. Probably thinks I took his soul or something. Oh, Queen Street. God she was cute, blonde and red lipstick, suitcase, selling clothes in the park. I love it. She turned and smile at me right after this. Like attracts like, again. See looks like Agyness Deyn. Sabrina and I did a social experiment and checked out three vastly different scenes. First stop, a singles event we got invited to. Not my thing but the girls outfits were cool. This one was my fav. Next stop, Prince Perry & the Gladstones CD release party on the roof at the Spoke Club. Much more up my scene alley. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, such nice artwork there right now. Just noticed this one. A hot girl pulled us in while walking home. She reminded me of Terrie Hawkes (yes, she was that hot). She offered us shots from the bar at Brant House… ok, twist my arm. Bad night for this guy, was on the floor and couldn’t stand up. There were lots of drunk people. I was sober when I arrived but that changed pretty quickly. My camera broke, this is about the zillionth one I’ve ruined (bows head in shame and sighs). The steel case was already breaking and now the screen is cracked. Can still take photos just can’t see them right away. AH! Will make for some interesting shots I imagine. Nap time!

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it’s nice to know there’s still romance out there

It was so warm out last night. We ordered take-away Terroni and got some wine to sit in Bellwoods.  We watched people and lazed around. It was lovely really, one of my favorites. When is the Bellwoods garage sale? I love that thing. Listening to lots of Sia today. I missed her. There were heaps of weirdo’s around which made for a very entertaining scenery. This tall bike was very amusing to me as you can tell from my gay-face.  I saw a girl riding around in the park earlier but I didn’t have my camera to capture her in action. Made some new friends and they had the cutest guy. I’m not usually a big fan of animals but this guy was so damn cute. I finally met headband guy that Jeff and I had seen around town a couple times. Turns out, all the jokes I made about him being in a band were true…he is actually in a band. They’re from Ajax and called The Johnstones.Funny dudes. I feel like today is a Wednesday because I feel boring. I’m getting my hair done tonight and thinking about NOT shaving the sides again. We’ll see what Darren has in store for me. blanket michael jackson i’ve got it #willandgrace on 12seconds.tv 12erator: My Favorite Character On X-Men on 12seconds.tv

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interest in spying on people engaged in behaviors

So nice out yesterday. I could have let the day last forever. Today too.  I like it hot. They were talking about mozzies while we were sitting in the grass and I was like ‘no, what mosquitos? I don’t feel them’. Biggest loser. Today I’m scratchy-mc-scratcherton. The baddest bikes around. Pete was having a one night stand with this one and testing it out. Cervelo got the green jerz in Tour de France and they’re partying this week. Picture makes me giggle cause the leg looks kinda like the bike to me. I was in friend heaven last night hugging everyone so tight. I missed you guys! I haven’t seen so many favorite faces all together for a while. I met some cool new people and my purse is full of business cards. Lost my keys but my glasses have been located. Pretty much everyone in the joint tweets. I met two people that were don’t, how weird. Follow @pinkbrickroad and @dariusbashar, they’re cool kids. Patio was beau-teeeee-ful. Fun, sun, friends, beer, music, like OMG can it get any better. Then I met this guy who is nice (sorry I forgot your name) and we chatted but he had something to say, he doesn’t get my blog. Like really, what is the point? Um, well, ah….it started because I wanted to remember stuff better and I was bored and I like writing. Now, people read it and like it and some people even say I’m inspiring. How cool is THAT! Me thanks Mum and Daddio for inspiring me. My stickers are always a hit. I make stickers because I think it’s better than a business card at this kind of thing. They get stuck on peoples clothes and name tags and they wear them around proudly. You can’t wear a…

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the likeness of man but more than average

She said I want to make a Frankenstein man, one with all different parts that’s mix of all the best parts. I laughed. I agreed, I’d like to make that kind of man too. The sun sun is really bright today. Drove with Sabrina and taking the train after work. Via rail for the first time. Girls weekend away. Much needed, much deserved. I got the same cup today, the one about being mislead as a child. I think that day was a Friday too. I like Friday’s and Saturday’s and  I like Sunday’s even more. I’m still using mouse on left hand, home and work, tennis elbow aches have been the worst this week. More than it has been in a while. Tony Pierce told me it might be stress, now I think he’s right. Last I recorded  12seconds a few times and posted a few things to my tumblr blog. It’s called Oh Casie, I think you’ll like it. It’s a big mix of all the shit I see on the internet.  Kinda like that spot in your house where you empty your pockets after a night out and then find that stuff again later.  For me, usually near the front door or bedroom table.  First time taking the train, oh the luxury of having wireless and the ability to order a drink. God I’m lucky. Thank you. Let’s go weekend, I’m ready for ya.

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xylophones and zebras

i don’t always have coffee but sometimes i do. i make patterns in some things and avoid them in others. i like to avoid doing things in sequence that seem predictable. like smoking for example. i rarely smoke at work or during the day. not that it makes it any better. i love croissants. plain. butter. i don’t mind so much when it rains. it’s like winter, you have to dress for it.  wellies are obvious.  sabrina said ‘you have so many’ rain jackets. that’s because when it rains i get sad sometimes and when i have a nice jacket to wear i shift my perception that day and go ‘yes! i get to wear my rain coat’. it’s about perception. thunder roar and lightning bolt. when i was studying kabbalah i learned about shifting how i traditionally look at things and seeing them from different angles. when you step outside your comfort level or normal behavior and look at things differently, you create open space for positivity in your life.  you just gotta stay focused.  you just gotta stay focused. this is what my cup said today, so true. the way i see it #297 When I was young I was mislead by flash cards into believing that xylophones and zebras were much more common.

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my two mums

When I was growing up Mum had a best friend named Pat Hope. They’re still best friends. They lived around the corner from us. Pat only had one son but no daughters. To us, she was like a fairy god mother. She was our second mum. She would pick up girly things on her travels like jewelry and dresses. She always had sweet treats with her. She had a room full of bunny things. She dressed beautifully and had great style. Her house was always beautiful and decorated better than any other…for every occasion. She would host elegant dinner parties with a long list of guests. Snacks on every table.  She rules, my second mum. They came to visit Jenie and I after work. Was excited to show Mum new comp and helmet. She was really happy. Had some wine and chatted while the Y&R was on. Found out today that it was Dad that got Mum into watching it before I was born. Dad picked my name from the show. Casey was Nikki Newman’s sister, a hot doctor. It’s great having them over for a visit. Thanks for making the trip guys. Love you!

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i find that haaaaaaaad to BAH-leeeve

hee we gow I’m between the clouds. I’m 34,000 feet  tall. Floating, flying, soaring. The sun is setting in the sky. Sitting right here, the power went off before we left and my heart dropped as I fought my own panic button. The lights didn’t even turn on. Why is there no wi-fi on this thing? I’m 130 miles from Washington, that’s twenty minutes.  I’m much further than that from home. I might be even further than that if I don’t make this connecting flight. I’ll have to spend the night in Washington in hotel all by myself and miss a day of work.  I missed my flight last time and I’m sure my boss would think I planned it. I watched some really cool documentary snippets. * Looked it up It was This American Life, Season Two, Episode 3 about Going Down in History. The kids in school talked about their lives and things then sat there to take one cheezy photo for the yearbook. That photo, the same pose they do every year represented nothing about what their life was really like at that very moment.  I liked it. It was one of those shows that was fast and creative and stays on your mind even when it’s over. One part was about two guys who escaped from an institution using rope they made from dental floss. Very creative. I was scheduled for the middle seat but I got the aisle. I’ve been wondering if the two beside me know each other or it was just in my cards to be lucky.  I can’t tell. The gate for my connecting flight is different than the one on my ticket .  Now, because of that, the girl said ‘you’re really close’ and looked at me happily.  I’m going to…

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a little walk down memory lane

didn’t bike today. drove in with sabrina. feel really bad about having no helmet. as if today will be the day i get in an accident because i know i need a helmet and i told the internet i’m getting one. i’ll get one after work. feeling hungry and tired. i wonder what catering will bring for lunch? something good i hope. my youngest stewart cousin is six month pregnant. seems like that’s what all my kiwi cousins do as soon as they get close to twenty, marry & make babies. i guess having family around makes a big difference. i’ve grown up without having aunts, uncles, cousins and stuff around. i have to look out for myself. i never went to an ontario private school like some other kids i know. not saying that mum and dad aren’t there because they are, but after them, it’s the friends i call family. friends are good family, you get to pick them. i’m gonna get a pedicure at lunch today. it’s been a while and i just wanna relax. i wore a sweater today that i got in niagara falls, NY when i was about 10. we went with the burchells for a dance competition. showstopper – american dance championships. i got it at united colours of benetton, it has a nautical theme. i’ve always loved it and it still fits so i’m keeping it forever now. i do that with clothes. it’s not just a sweater, or skirt…it’s a memory of where and when i got it and how it makes me feel. i get attached to my clothes and that’s why i keep them, i donate and give away some, but most of them stay.  i’ll be a hundred with the most massive collection, when I think about that…

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a brief interruption

In case you were wondering, or if you weren’t, I’m gonna tell you anyways.. I’m still vibrating my eyelashes every morning with the Maybelline mascara. The mascara is really quite good. Been a while since I actually liked one for the product vs. the price. Smelling ever so sexy in Givenchy Play.  Play comes out in August and features Justin Timberlake in sexy photos. Maybe you remember my sexy ones to match? I’ve got a new pair of prescription glasses on the way from Glasses USA thank-you-very-much. Black rimmed ones like an old man but good for a young lady. Tomorrow night is #Genyto at the London Tap house downtown. I’m looking forward to seeing smiling faces like the ones in this photo of @kathrynboland,@rlangdon, @MichelSavoie & @kevrichard . There will be lots of cool kids there. It’s Rayanne’s birthday too so look the fuck out. Someone on Twitter just said I look like Toni Collette bur more bitchin’. That’s hot.

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on the edge: martin streek

Rode against the wind the whole time and my hair is frizzy like Andy Warhol. My teeth hurt from wearing my retainer. I don’t mind because they are  so straight when I wake up. I haven’t dealt with death that much, lucky me I guess. My family is all in New Zealand so if someone passes, I’m not there to be with them. That’s unlucky. My high school had a really high suicide rate. Yesterday Martin Streek, my fav man at the Edge called it quits.  I saw Shane‘s Facebook and was shocked when I read his blog and got the story. I used to run into Martin and his smiling face often. We made friends one summer. My most fond memories are the summer days when Jenie and I used to go down to The Edge and hangout out with him while he did the Thursday 30.  It was so much fun, as soon as he saw our faces he would say ‘OMG, it’s the Stewart Sisters, you guys are so hot’ .  We’d give hugs & hang.  He was always full of smiles and jokes.  I’ve gotta find the photos now, I think I know where they are. He will be missed by me, was always my favorite man on the radio. I remember the Jager tattoo, he was  really fit for his age.  Nice eyes too.  Rest in peace my friend. FYI: There’s Martin Streek nooner on the Edge today.  I’m listening live. ♥

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the sweet taste of kerosene

I was connecting to the lyrics this morning and fighting a wave of sadness.  Coffee, double latte. The office was freezing as I took off my sweater to cover my legs under my desk.  ‘Be productive and you’ll get distracted’ I told myself.  I listened to my blip station, starting on the second page after the Michael Jackson. Wasn’t in the mood for him today, started with Pretty Young Thing but it didn’t work like it usually does. ‘Get on your bike and ride around at lunch’, I tell myself, ‘that always works’.  It did.  I ran into a friend who joined me for a sit and chat in the park before I headed out on a  Liberty Village tour. It was lovely. My hair‘s not pink anymore, it has a peach slice in it now. I got peanut butter cookie mix and Cheerios. I hate buying groceries. I never know what to get and I always think I don’t like anything, but I do. I love cooking but hate groceries. I like to make things up with whats around the house. Creative cooking.  Had a creative weekend, enjoying the flow that comes with a new sketchbook. Came up with a good idea at lunch today. Ran into Golly on my way back. We met last year and I wrote a cover story about him in an arts  & business magazine. He’s a positive soul, cheered me right up. I’m really looking forward to the TV lineup tonight.  It’s one of those days I’m glad I have cable. Just got a call to go with Karrera and L.B. to John Butler Trio. So excited, must be my lucky day. It was sold out and I was sad I had no ticket. Love you friends. You’re the best. in the dark of…

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some consider it to be an embarrassment

Their middle name. I don’t. Mine is Diana, after the Princess of Whales. Mum loved her. We had a bunch of different paraphernalia with her on it around the house. That’s a funny word ‘paraphernalia’.  I always thought she got married the year I was born but it was really the year before.   There were vases with a wedding picture of her and Charles in the main bathroom at home. I think they’re still there actually. I always look for things at garage sales with her face on it. More and more books get added to the collection all the time.  I love her too.  She was always so elegant and well dressed among all the other things that make her wonderful. I ran into a pair of her shoes a couple years ago at the Bata Shoe Museum. It was Nuit Blanche 2007 the year they had Lower Bay station open.  Every once in awhile you get asked ‘if you could meet anyone from history who wold it be?’ I want to meet her.  I always want to meet her.

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slept in past noon for the first time in ages

Omg it felt so good to wake up in the afternoon for once. I always get up early, morning person. Often spring out of bed and wake up smiling.  Today is a beautiful day. So much talk about MJ on the tv, going on now about how he was so in debt. Who lent him all those millions? Got flowers again last night cause Jeff won another medal.  There’s a heap of rocking bodies at the track meet. It makes sense but I just didn’t realize how many until I got there! The beaches are swim at your own risk, that’s too bad. Put my rainbow bikini on first thing when I got up. I’m heading out tonight for Pride. Pretty excited. I went to the Underground, I don’t like it there. So dirty and it made me feel like I’m in College. There was a live band and they played lots of stuff for sing along which made it fun. It’s the kind of place you should expect to get beer spilled on you. There’s bras of  good little tramps all over the ceiling, nice decor. I love the Pride commercials with the mayor and the police, so gay. Wanted to hang out with Sabrina last night and was standing there wishing she would walk in the door.  Few seconds after she walked in with little Michka and we were all excited. It was perfect. At Pride in 2005 on Dyke Match Saturday, same day as today. That was one of my fav years. We may actually have had the most fun ever that day. Outside time now. GO ENJOY THE DAY. It’s beautiful.

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gearing up for the best party of the year dudes

Canadian Track and Field Champs last night, got a media pass (p.s. it’s cool to blog). I found it nerve wracking to watch a friend race. It was beautiful sitting there in the sun.  I love summer nights. I got to go on the track and I also got flowers because Jeff won a medal. Girls love getting flowers.  Baton Rouge for dinner was not really that good, I expected better. That’s what you get for setting expectations!I was thinking about making voice notes on my bike ride to work. I always have great ideas but typing on my non-qwerty keyboard while riding is like a deathtrap. God, Mum’s prolly having a heart attack thinking about that. I think it will be fun to voice note, upload. Morning ride podcast maybe. I was practicing chatting to myself this morning and enjoying it as I so often do. We’re good friends, me and my thoughts.  Haha, crazy person. There’s gonna be so much Michael Jackson at Pride this weekend. Wore Superman undies today, Spiderman yesterday and Big Bird the day before. Having a theme week I think…leading up to dancing in the street  & fun outfits all weekend.  I really hope it’s sunny on Sunday. It never rains on Pride. I think it’s all the positive energy and gayness that the universe joins forces with mother nature to keep the sun shining down on everyone.  Yeah, that’s my theory. I’m still using the vibrating mascara. I like it. If you wanna get a coupon for it and try it out Matchstick & Maybelline give you one here. My site’s been kinda slow lately and I’m gonna fix the baby and make some changes this weekend. Sorry, it bugs me too.  Lunch bike ride time.  Have a good day.

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wet and muddy all over the place

On Saturday I went to Edgefest. It wasn’t the most fun I’ve ever had but Karrera and I sure made the best of it. Metric @ Edgefest 2009 from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. I confirmed my girl crush on Emily. It was the first time I’ve seen Metric in real life. Yep, kinda love ‘er. I was happy to see today that Metric is now following me on Twitter. We hung out in the car for a bit and tried to escape the rain, no chance. However, there was a beer tent with an overhead that saved the day. It really should be called something line ‘Line Fest’ because if you want to get a beer, food, use the loo or see anything, you gotta wait in line. I hate lines. I don’t really know what I was expecting in all honesty. The line for the porta-potty was the worst. For events or weddings in Palmdale or Lancaster CA, Platinum Pro Portables can provide luxury porta potty trailer rentals. Maybe if they had known this before hand, there would have been far more portable toilets at this place. I have a friend that jokes ‘Just do it, it’ll be warm for a second’ and let me tell you, I almost did. It would have been great to have my Wellies, I ruined a pair of shoes for the day. There was heaps of people sliding around in the mud. I coached this drunk lassie to take her shirt off with a bunch of by standers. It was quite comical. She seemed to really love the attention. We cruised home after Metric. I wanted to see her and I did. She was great. I think that will be my last Edgefest. I felt like it would have been more fun if…

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i like when the sun shines through the clouds

I love biking in the rain. It’s so refreshing riding through the puddles. Yesterday I rode home and I got 100% soaked. It was great. The rain was warm and the only thing that make it not great was that I don’t have my Wellies. Bugger, still haven’t found them. The other day before it decided to rain so much we hit up the Spoke patio for a friends event. We pretty much just went for sitting in the sun. It’s so lovely up there in the early evening.  We’re not buying condo’s at the moment. I’ve had a couple thoughts of moving back down under lately.We were surely the youngest people there. It was kinda funny because there were these cougars who had very obviously had their share of work done and they were snarking at us and giving us cut eye. Michka was ready to snap but she kept her cool.  There were lots of fake boobs around. Beans was looking sexy like a Miami real estate agent. I liked it. It fit with the whole theme of the night.  I really enjoyed watching the photog’s creep around with their cameras. It was pretty awkward. They’d make eye contact and mutter “Photo?” or “Take your photo?”. I think I’d hate that job, always rather have photo taken really. I met a really cool girl but I can’t remember her name. Not suprising! We went off  about Facebook and Twitter and Blogging, the internet, my favorite stuff.  She said she was gonna read and comment on blog. I like when people do that, not just say they will. I’m sure she’s out there somewhere. I’d really appreciate if the sun would come out already.

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island adventure guy

I had a stellar weekend. It was super sunny and I made the most of it. On Saturday I went to the island with Raymi , Phil and friends. Lots happening on the island on a lovely Saturday. There were heaps of kids in interesting costumes. I wanted to get close to take their photos but didn’t bother.  I’ll just keep those memories to myself. There’s  an art installation that plays music when you bike. We found it to be quite fun. The island it really pretty. I haven’t been for ages. Next time I’ll take my bike for sure. There’s a zillion photos from the whole day. This is the art work out, good thing Raymi got it on video so you can enjoy reliving the excitement. There’s more photos Raymi’s blog. She posted yesterday. I slacked off and made a nice dinner for friends and avoided the internet. The ferry ride back to the mainland is way more fun once you’ve spent the afternoon in the sun drinking beer. We all went back to my house for some pizza and swimming. It was great.

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