yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Wheels #DrawFreeForiPad # I got a message for you… #DrawFreeForiPad # Conclusion: I am always late/on the go. # Phone dying. Might be at the JD party @thedrakehotel later! Byeeeee # Its Patric Roy not Roi right? Someone told me wrong. # 12seconds – Patric Roi, your son is hot. #proof # Sunshine park hang. # there is guy here with silver duck tape on two fingers. # at Hemingways where I used to work, these are the NZ All Blacks. see you in New Zealand haka's. # Dress 1 and dress 3 both win! I am at H&M on Bloor! Thanks team. Love shopping with you xoxo # Dress 3 wins. # Dress 2 # Couple options coming. Dress 1. # I'm at Yonge/Bloor killing time till 6pm. Anywhere I can watch the #YandR at 4:30? #firstworldproblems # Downtown traffic. I hate you. That is all. # i hope this dinner is not a bait n' switch. # just got ticket for @androidTO. new block of tickets opened today. event is oct. 26 # Photo: # got a new theme for my site…new baby is gonna be so beauty 🙂 excited. stay tuned! # haha RT @TourLife: Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends # Leaving town this weekend, first time home in almost a year. Pretty stoked. # make the best of every good thing – care bears # #lifeinaday video gallery is pretty rad. #

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gosh darnit, somebody pinch me.

Was up early. Can’t sleep in anymore. It’s like I’ll be miss something. I like to be busy, work hard. It’s a crazy cycle of inspiration, the more you do the more you can do. The guy beside me needs to STFU & stop talking so damn loud, honestly. Itunes – Days like This Spinna Club Remix. I escape. This is the song, listen to it and keep going. Today has been fun so far. Made it to my meeting today, late. Cabbie dropped me at 333 when I needed to be at 33. RAN. Yes ran in my coyboy boots and little black dress holding folder + purse with laptop two blocks from Jarvis to Yonge Street. ON THE HOTTEST SWEATY ASS DAY. I was so hot when I got there. Thank god I sat with Miranda at first so I could wipe my forehead with kleenex like a sweaty warthog. Imagine Pumba and Timba mixed together. Yeah. That went well. After I cooled down during meeting I  went and  had a dress contest. 1, 2 or 3? DRESS 1 DRESS 2 DRESS 3 They were all pretty cute. I like dresses. Short ones. They are my most fav thing to wear ever. Boots, short dress, smile, silverish jewels.  I picked dress 3. It is shorter in the front than back, rayon and elegant feeling. It sways in the wind and I feel like someone is about to take my photo. On my feet are vintage Capezio cowboy boots. I need to plan a fall swap clothing swap and invite you ladies over. Someone remind me! So I changed. I have to be at something at ther Roots Store on Bloor for 6pm then dinner at 7:30 then home. I really like home. I am physically ready for Fall…

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wake me up when (my) september (dream) ends

This September kicks off a bright start the the next few months. I’ve got a full calendar until Christmas!  After that, I’m thinking about a vacation but who knows where I will be  by that time.  I only ever imagine I would be where I am right now. Look up at the sky, be thankfull. The beauty of working for myself is that as long as I keep living and have internet access, I’m working. I promise myself to make the most of each day, set high goals and document it. September is a ver exciting time in Toronto as we host the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). I’ve not gotten an movie tickets and I need to get on that. I’ve been invited to some pretty neat stuff in Yorville during the day throughout the festival. Wasn’t able to attend before cause I was working for THE MAN, now, going to that stuff is my JOB! I am THE MAN. The next three months go like this (GenYTO & TweetgasmTO are in there for both Sept. & Oct. somewhere too)… Sept. 9-17: Toronto International Film Fest Sept. 18-28: New Zealand Fashion Week Sept. 30: TEXxTO Conference Sept. 30-Oct 3: Boston Friends visit TO Oct.4: Contract with TrendHunter (3 Months Oct-Dec) Dec: Go visit Mum in Bahamas on the Boat for Christmas. Working on something else cool for October that I will share next week. So many thing on the go that Google Calendar & Tasks are my new BFF.  I am so excited about things happening my head might explode. Please thing responsibly today, your thoughts become things! CIAO darlings xo P.S. VOTE FOR CASIE! I have till 7pm to STEAL THAT LEAD. Jamming to this right now.

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we bring the fun, we bring the fire, we are the future.#genyto

First of all, thank you everyone that came out last night. It was one of the most epic GenYTO night’s we’ve had. It was HUUUUGE! I arrived early and there were already a few peeps ready to get the party started. Soon as 8pm rolled around, the sun was setting and a steady flow of people filled the London Tap House patio. Before we knew it, we had a full on PARTIO happening. There are five of us on the organizing team and we all have red marked name tags, they are Erin (above with Jonathan), Renee (below) , Daniel & Dave. Dave in the pink shirt. I met a heap of new people who were happy to be attending a GenYTO for the first time. Heard comments all night about how many new faces there were around. I love that. This group started in Feb. 2009 with about 30 people meeting at an uptown bar near Young and Eglington. Last night, our guest list topped 300 and there was lineup to get in for part of the night. Amazing, eh! There were lots of babes around too. That’s Daniel on the right beside tattoo’d stud. Fiiiiine ladies. Digging this track reco from @JoelReilly, below. He made this for me today. I called him Wayne and now I’m Garth. haha So funny. Sean Ward show in the haus. There were a heap more photos you can see here or check me on FB for the album. Stay tuned for September GenYTO info. We’ve got some things to share with everyone and it will without a doubt be a night NOT to miss. Happy Friday everyone. TGIF MoFo’s! p.s. sorry to be annoying but did you vote for me in the Virgin thingy? it’s over in 4 days. don’t worry 🙂

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it started in attempt to keep more memories

Hmm. What in the world was I doing at this time last year… Archive ART HIVE Time! I will not be paid in fancy lunch. “There’s a lot to be said for not giving two flying fuck’s Mr. Darwin.” – creative salt I got new prescription glasses in the MAIL. Woke up thinking it smelled like back to school. Caught a robber on a bike in Liberty Village. Wardeobe malFUNction at work with breast. Rain drops were falling down in rounds & floating in the wind. OMG TWINS. Met at the stupid Koodo party. I found Selah Sue and dated the internet. Photo shoot with Kelly Kruschel on a sports field. First heard the term: Socialnomics Found the most CREEPY house in the city Wrote a short story of a girl I know. Went to a party at London Tap House. (Weird cause GenYTO is there TONIGHT!) Wrote about a Mullet Man. Time travel is fun. I just went through some posts from August 2008 and my style has changed a bunch. I started writing more after that time. My friend Simon said to me one day “stop posting all this crap and write your own stuff”, so I did. One of the greatest things about having a blog is the ability to go back and see things you forgot about, really remmeber the past and how it made you feel, who you met, what you wore. I love seeing how my life has changed and how much I’ve grown over the years. I inspire myself to keep working hard and reach my goals. Hope fully you inspire you too, or maybe I inspire you (?), either way, I hope you are INSPIRED! Have an awesome day & I will see some of you tonight at GenYTO. Our guestlist is…

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I’m from downtown and I’m here on a mission.

HI. The good news is: EVERYTHING. Ahhh. Working hard will get you places. Creativity and a positive attitude (really) help too. I’ve not commented much on the Klout thing. I might have mentioned a while back when Bre was making a stink about Klout, wondering how they rank, etc. Klout is the ‘Online Standard for Influence’. If you don’t know what I’m talking about checking out this list of 10 Most Influential Tweeters in Toronto (I’m on there #6). Earlier this summer I got a free flight from Virgin American & Klout. (Vote for me in the contest here.) I couldn’t manage to make the trip while at my old job so I never used it. I bet all the people who cried about not getting one would hate to hear that! Yesterday an article was published in Tech Vibes by Jas Banwait (who didn’t get a flight) about Klout, influence, and measurement. People who didn’t get flights seem to really have lots of opinions on Klout.  Those of us who did, just seem grateful. The world is a funny place. It was a free thing and it certainly got people talking. I’ve asked my share of questions about Klout and I think what they are doing is pretty neat. I find it all quite interesting. Social media & measurement, social and the connection with new media. The measurement of something so new and massive without regulation is hard. I have always been a social person involved in lots of things with lots of friends. The internet just gave me a microphone, it allowed me to amplify my voice. Ok, part 2… The bad news is: NOTHING. I’m a delegate at the TEDxTO conference in September. YAHOOOOO! I’m really looking forward to attending. I missed the application deadline last year…

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Fake Ads V1.0: Givenchy Play for Women

Photos by Lynsie Roberts Remember last year when I posted about Givenchy Play? I kept the men’s cologne cause it smelled sooooo good. I still wear it sometimes. Last week a gift bag arrived from Givenchy with Play for Women. Lynsie and I decided to have a little fun the other day, she took these pix of me with the bottle.  The bottle is pretty neat ,it’s not made out of glass so good for taking on the road or keeping in your purse. You can smell it on myself or Lynsie before you can get it at the Bay next month. I love having my photo taken. It’s been a while since I actually modelled and it’s fun and not nearly as easy as it looks. I’ve  got a new vacuum arriving soon (hopefully this week). We’ll be doing some fake ads for that one too. Housewife in the kitchen? Yes, with vintage apron. Have something you wanna send in? Email me and I’ll give you the shipping address 🙂

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hardly no service for two days + didn’t internet

But it was fun. Seeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Exhausted from a whole day on the bus with the Bud gurlz. Sweet thangs they are. (HIIIIII to you if you are reading girls!)  Everyone was super nice and fun especially the security and event staff. One employee girl was bit snooty but I reckon it’s because I got an outfit and didn’t wear it. Yay me! I’m wearing it NOW as I BLOG. 🙂 Overall, we had a fun time. The food was pretty good too. Nice getting there before all the boys arrived on Friday. There were so many boys. About 150 winners each with a plus 1.  Watching them get off the bus and come down the gaultlet past the girls was charming. I missed the internet but not as much as I thought. Wilderness was pretty nice. Fresh air, stars, woodchips and fire. We stayed offsite at a house with full bathroom and tv which was great. Freaked out over chipmunks. I though I liked them, but no. They are cute from far but far from cute. Rascals, all nut eating and scurrying and stuff. They  need to have mobile charging stations at these type of things. The cabin stayers had no outlets. None!! I hardly had phone service and couldn’t checkin on foursquare.  Wahhhh. Chatted a dude about getting the mayorship but my phone was not playing nice so he got it. Learned for about $5,000 per carrier you can get a temp tower put up. That would be badass, wifi for everyone. WordPress mobile, twitter, facebook and posting via email to tumblr FTW. Talk nerdy to me. Lots happening this week, looking forward to it.  Tweetgasm at the Gladstone Melody Bar Monday night and GenYTO Thursday at the Tap House. Also The Virgin contest is over in 9 days…

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talkin that blah blah blah

It was weird not tweeting at all this weekend. I feel funny. Interesting & funny post about Gaga’s style I read here. I’m stoked for this week. I need to go to bed, I know I’m tired but I just can’t sleep.  Hate that. The amazing thing (or creepy?) about Facebook is finding all the people you met at an event right away. I bet everyone came home and checked FB. Posted my bloggy on the Budweiser FB page when I got home. Let the creeping begin. haha Saved having biz cards! Need to get some before NZFW for sure. I miss my stickers. They were the best hit ever. I like when  people ask ‘what do you blog about?’ Got that a bunch this weekend. Left my pillow at the house we stayed at, gonna miss that baby. There was a rose quartz crystal in the pillow case, that’s the one for love. I had them for years, the crystal and the pillow. It’s just a thing though, I’m over it.  Sabrina cleaned the house up so nice while I was gone. Totally wonderful to come home to. I’ve kinda cleaned my room. Love life. Later. ♥ Nice shirt.

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today in the news

Totally whatever… #loserkaraoke # You are so good looking. My party feat @jeremywright @michaelnus @randeepk @photojunkie # I don't feel like it today # I pretend that I am partying hard when I am not …see photo for fake party animal # If I do not get in to #tedxto y'all need to rethink what is important. # I'm so hip right now #hipsterhop # #geeeeks CASIE + @photojunkie @jeremywright at #thecrush dinner /via @MichaelNus # I eat #iphone4 for lunch # Uh, asked for unicorn puking rainbow and I got it! Careful what you wish for!! Thanks @randeepk # Omg cuhest -@photojunkie and me #thecr # Stella ella ola chop chop chop singing… # Small and tan and young and lovely…the girl from? Toronto. # Yes @tera_kristen I drew it on then had it tattooed! in reply to tera_kristen # The view of #Toronto from Sound Academy right now, beautiful /via @robsarj # just did this sweet infinity tattoo on the lovely @casiestewart /via @TourLife # Hair cut, tattoo, sent invoice, ininerary, en route to dinner, today is a great day. # RSS board # Hideout boarding # New artwork done, just a little guy # Ink me @tourlife # Quick tattoo before dinner with #thecrush & @jeremywright (@ New Tribe Tattooing & Piercing) # Wicked smart. # Told a running girl "you have a nice bum" drove away and she is still smiling. #kindness # I could really use a wish right now. Like shooting stars. # International – transcending boundaries and timezones. I'm ready. # …and I do my little turn on the catwalk… # Me right now @ my stylist Darren Kwik # My hair right now is…

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i love this city.

Rannie took this beautiful photo from our balcony before out shoot yesterday. We took photos for the Vitamin Water Canada blog and in his 140 project. Stay tuned for that. Good day yesterday mostly around the house working on a couple upcoming projects. Went for an evening stroll with Sabrina to Bellwoods and visited a friends roof patio for some wine and sunset. Stopped by CTS on the way, my fav shop. They had a bunch of items that were $1 and I picked up a couple vintage dresses I can totally do a Pretty in Pink switch to. I’m giving Zoey (my sewing machine) a workout this winter. Heading to the Fairlie Agency for a little co-working woith Carly-Anne today. Haircut at 4 with Darren, think I’m gonna buzz it one last time for summer. Dinner with Jeremy and some friends tonight, we finally all get to meet his crush. Loser karaoke after that but I’m gonna have to call it an early night. I still haven’t packed for Bud Camp  and we leave at 7am. Check out this vid I make a cameo in by My City Lives. I’ve been in a few of their videos one on the red carpet and one about genYTO. Check out their site to see more stuff about our wonderful city and some other cool peeps talking about it. Gotta run. Lots of work to do. See ya on the internet loves!

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Hipster Hop: @vicecanada & @INQmobile Pheromone Party

Now this was a fun time. INQ Mobile & Vice teamed up to throw this donut party complete with bottled pheromones to turn up the temperature even hotter. Gimme pheromone pumps girl. The party was for a new phone. I didn’t really get to try it out. Open bar, good tunes and more babes with beards than I could handle. Fritz Helder & crew. (Note beards/babes ratio – told ya!) Party was at Air­ship 37, a ware­house just south of the Dis­tillery. Team Stewart happening here. Good Looks obvs run in the family. Hottest photog ever w/ Violca from Masion. I brought my business cards as you can see. Hi cuties. This babe was the art director of the party. He just flew in from France. He was very cute. He had a strong French accent. I got him with my URL too. Danced a bit to DJ’s Ryne­col­o­gist and Your Boy Brian. This is my friend Stephen. Saw a couple of the actual cool kids from MuchMTV too. Fistpump w/ Renee. It was def a lovely time. Happy Monday suckas. Make it a good one 🙂

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dear god make me a bird so i can fly far, far far away from here.

Animals! RT @jane_bot: Your mom’s tits are handing out free samples. # Its huuuuuge! RT @faris: Hooray! The Giant World War II is over! # Lords of Dogtown on IFC. Love this movie “who wants a free surfboarrrrrrrd?” # Photo: this is neat (via waaallisonthirteen) # Photo: there are so many nice pictures of her. love it. (via whatcourtneyworetoday) # Next weekend i’ll be at Bud Camp. It just sunk in. I should detox till then I reckon. # Photo: i should learn to play guitar. hot babe teachers apply. (via fashionfever) # does your gramma have an old fur jacket? cause i need it. # i was here!! #babe # met some fans last night. they were really excited to meet me. then i got excited too. it was great. # please come clean my room. i will pay you in blog tips & skills or awesomism. # nice saturday reading here hehe # i love you. # RE: @webdesigniinc that’s a great idea. # RE: @AndrewFstewart Stunning! # RE: @MichaelNus nice junk. # Love this photo > Me and @randeepk (#broforce east) #scottpilgrim afterparty /via @MichaelNus #

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today in the news

Scott Pilgrim, love you. (@ Scotiabank Theatre w/ @dmrestivo @kyxer @rlangdon) # Ate 1/3 of popcorn, half mini eggs then totes dropped eggs on floor at seat. Don’t trip. The movie is just starting. #scottpilgrim # I need snack size like ACTUAL snack size, this movie theatre monster drink and popcorn do not go with my outfit at all. # Photo: everything was beautiful and nothing hurt (via fothermuckers) # shit damn. #scottpilgrim #fridaythe13th # Photo: it really is beautiful: Niagara Falls, Canada -cityoflove # Photo: A haiku from Tavi – tulletulle: # Photo: twilight #ftw haha # My closet has a bed in it and a tv. I wish it would clean itself into a room. # Chrome, I like you. # Photo: like this shot via girlcrushing # Photo: › “Gucci Chuck Taylors with the dragon on the side.” – Push @howtotalktogirlsatparties: # Photo: i have dreams so vivid that i begin wondering if they in fact weren’t dream. but forgotten memories…. # Photo: i feel this. (comicallyvintage:When scientists meet.) # photo tagging on twitpic – new today? # hipster hop hot shot @INQmobile, total babes: @crystalgibson & @michaelnus # branding – another soldier down # men in black at the hop last night # Photo: # shopmyclothes: # #ff #youngandrestless #FTW – @luckypennydaily @mommydoings @jylui # it’s almost 4:20 do you know where your children are? # hey what time are we meeting for Scott Pilgrim tonight?? # OH: “i’m going to lite you on fire” @picard102 # Scott Pilgrim massive group geek date tonight #ftw #

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casie stewart vs. teh interweb

I’m running late again because the internet so damn distracting. Weak excuse I know. I just can’t be tamed, creativity killed her. “Sorry I’m late guys, it was the internet!!” Going to Scott Pilgrim vs The World with a heap of people. Got tickets already. Hopefully some are already there. Movie is at 7:30. I you see me say HI. Today is also Friday the 13th, explains how the shewolf in my closet came out strike of midnight last night.  Owwwwwwwwwww owwwww! Tonight is tame time. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee! BTW, someone reminded me of this today. Ever seen it? 420 photos one train ride, no internet.

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omg. i am totally going to be late for this bbq. sorry.

Don’t have long. Gotta run. Roof lunch beer BBQ at GCI Canada shortly and I don’t wanna be late. I wonder if they will have gift bags? They sent me VIP to the Barbie show for LGFW. I love Barbie. Do you know I hve all my Barbies at my condo right now. I would love to play with them. Maybe later.  A  gift bag was delivered to CTV for me but marked FORA, so they kept it. Naturally. Hope my PR girly sends a new one. I guess it was like a parting gift for the girls I used to work with. Ha! You’re welcome. Went for dinner with a babe to Joe Mama’s last night. Goat cheese, pistachio salad I love you. Must clean room today. Omg the days are flying by. I have some serious work to do post BBQ in the sun. Still winning the Virgin Provocateur votes but PLEASE tell you friends, I must win this thing. If you vote the others down Richard Branson will say cheeky things to you. How naughty! Vote here. My friend Crystal designed this Social Media Monopoly and it was on Mashable yesterday. I shared it on FB and didn’t even see that it was HER, MY FRIEND. Iwas like OMG, getting on Mashable is a social media geek wet dream. CONGRATS GIRL, keep up the awesomeness. One day I will be on Mashable too! I’ve seen a couple peeps I know on there in the last year so I know it can be done. Ok I am so late. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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in yesterday’s news some things happened and stuff

anyone have a call centre offshore i can borrow for about an hour? # “excitement is my thing” this guy is like the polish prince gino edi…(YouTube # remember when we went to the @torontofc game. that was fun. (YouTube # “stop tweeting nerd” “nerd tweeter” haha(YouTube # This kind is really good. #icecream # Photo: this looks fun. thedaintysquid: # september 2009 – it’s amazing how fast time flies whoa. # i want that freaking sharpie pencil right now god damnit. get over to my house. right now. NOW! # #crazyawesome talking @tweetgasmTO & @oldspice w/ @perpetualradio # RE: @PerpetualRadio I like 3 or 6. # Hell yeah. RT @thatdrew: Today is 8/9/10. Lets get drunk. # i would snooki punch that fake cancer girl. hearing about her loserness boils my blood. # I think of you babes when I hear it, won’t get sick I reckon, such good #memories @raymitheminx @carlyannedotcom @laurenonizzle <3 # whoa @mrssharonnewman is throwin the smackdown. # Windows, I can not see through your rain coating but I like you. # time for the #YandR # today is emo day eh? cripes am i the only one who loves these days? #smile # RE: @MichaelNus @michaelnus talk about a wet dream. hazaaaa. # talking about helping you make your company cool on the internet makes me really happy. #

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the daily twitter talk for 2010-08-05

gx43 franco relaxo # this ship's a sailin' to #babestock RT @raymitheminx: Ahoy there @casiestewart # Just hi fived Emily Haines #stadiumlove # Thank you @SamsungCA & @metric! This is AWESOME! in reply to SamsungCA # 12seconds – Help I'm alive ….. and in love! # Up close and personal w/ Emily @metric ! #amazing # Q: Who you here for? A: I'm media front row at @metric for MYSELF YO! # Help I'm alive! Another awesome #virgin event @metric! #vip (@ Union Station w/ 27 others) # thinking about going to #beerfest never been? any hooks on passes? # AWESOMERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR # Abby just said she will 'tweet when she has an update' #YandR #nakedheiress # Photo: for some reason, just. can’t. stop. staring. # the office is busy today # FYI @sobeys on #fortyork has the most juicy + sweet watermelons right now for only $2.99 # shit happens. and i mean the good shit 🙂 # this is the mosy creepy house in toronto i have ever seen # it happens > # ask @heatherdegrassi!! RT @DowntownShallon Where did Fiona get a pig. #degrassi # yessssssssss! i love you internet, twitter, blog – just got a msg for VIP tix to @metric tonight. @laurenonizzle & i gon' be dancin!! # heck yes @michaelnus, i am totally pre-stoked for halloween and ZOMBIE WALK . ROCKTOBER! # Good post: Digital Natives – Savvy or Stoopid? by @laurenonizzle # Did you vote me to win this baby for @virginamerica yet? Tell yo friends! #Provocateur #ILU # RT @shedoesthecity Last call: METRIC!! Who wants VIP pass to Samsung's surprise concert at Union Station tonight? RT for a chance to win # ok, which one of you JUST googled "casies stewart is a…

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google image search ‘working out’ & this picture shows up pg. 11

Lisa found this one today. Weird eh. Especially considering I’m not into working out! I wonder what other interesting search terms will return my photo? If you find an interesting one, let me know. This is what happened yesterday, kinda: Working on the #unnecessarywheels drawing collection….gimme an object. Anything random! Photo: broken heart emergency 12seconds – Sounds like clapping but really is a nice drumming. Today on Y&R: Kevin is crushed when Ryder doesn’t show up to court. Watch the full episode on /via @YandR_CBS Drum circle. Wanna come? (@ Trinity Bellwoods Park) Boys in bands in line in front. (@ The Beer Store) Photo: RT @crystalgibson: God put me on Earth for three reasons: To make loud music, gay videos and cause a… Got these today too 🙂 #flowers Photo: i got a wicked pants romper today Photo: i need this paua shell feather STAT. Photo: nice rings please pick ME!!!! RT @mtvcanada: Want to win tickets to see Rihanna with @keshasux in Toronto on Thursday? RT to win! Must live in TO. Imma gonna eat you. Phone is dead. Msg you back when home 20mins. these are the 4 babes for @wakestockcanada this weekend me @raymitheminx @carlyannedotcom @laurenonizzle 🙂 #blog does anyone have a cottage in Collingwood that can bunk 4 hot babes this weekend? Pretty please with daisy dukes/bikini on top!! 🙂 Morning friends. Up for a bike ride then spening the day with a family friend who was like my fairy god mother growing up. So excited 🙂 Happy Birthday @marcandrewsmith darling 🙂 xo in reply to marcandrewsmith #

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the daily twitter talk for 2010-08-01

Funky brewster and @casiestewart /via @raymitheminx # Bike babe @raymitheminx # Party time (@ The Second City w/ 2 others) # Thanks #SecondCity @raymitheminx and I are hitting the 8 show tonight. # Hang w/ @raymitheminx (@ Wayne Gretzky's Restaurant w/ 4 others) # Everyone keeps staring at the awesome it's weird @casiestewart /via @raymitheminx # Blonde ambition: me & @raymitheminx # this cooler down temp is not working with my hot outfit. # Photo: (via elimaeblog) # Photo: › [all the world’s a reality show all the men and women merely content] # best place to watch movie online? movie is from 2004. # You have the right to VOTE! Use it. # #bromance RT @davidakermanis: Match made in heaven #joncrowley # if you tweet "only __ away from __ followers. help me out" or something like that, you're gonna lose friends. # wowza RE: # Now that's funny. RT @xoxSNP: Sarah Thompson is campaigning (for mayor) in Kensington Mkt. … No, that's the whole joke. # twitpic > tweetphoto # WHAT? the work of @thatrocky perhaps? RT @katyperry: Pocky changes their name to Rocky? WTF? # Q: what are you using on #blackberry to manage multiple @twitter accounts? # Hi there. # Irie. Feel de vibe. (@ Yonge-Dundas Square w/ 3 others) # problem loading page? no problem loading your attitude. # layered tights # yo @fusionofeffects I SCREAM for @sidewalkhustle! #Toronto #Screamaward RT! # oh it's not aug yet, i was excited. ah, tomorrow it is. # i'm like, so hungry. my stomach is eating itself. # Happy August! 8th Month is my fav. This year I'm getting and 8 tattoo on Aug 8 (finally) 🙂 # whoa. got a FB…

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the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-29 I'm #crazyawesome Srsly # Oh: "they spend more on marketing than anything" #srsly #realtalk #universal #saw # I love @cpstyle cause she is all biz when I am all show. # Hanging out with directors of #saw No big deal. # Meet my new bestie @dbradfield. in reply to dbradfield # @ilivecpstyle and me # @ilovecpstyle w/ #iphone4 # Hanging out w/ #kijiji #paypal #ebay #fleishman. My life is pretty good right now. # I can haz #iphone4 # #topsecret (@ The Pilot) # omg. i'm gonna miss the #yandr today for a meeting. somebody please update me later, imma need my fix. # yes, @Mikealbertini tv is a web of lies. # do you like antique furniture? — i looooooove antique furniture. # what is your favorite meal that your mom would always cook for you? — bacon & egg pie + pavlova # are you enjoying the outdoor patio's this summer at all? — yeash, more than i should probably! haha # did you hit on me at a Rancho Relaxo electro show last year? coz I didn't mean to be… — omg. i have no idea. maybe? # What will you miss most about your Much/MTV PR job? — a couple cool peeps like @allisonbowsher @queensley 🙂 # Loonies or toonies? Anglais ou francais? Poutine or pho? — toonies. anglais. pho. # Who is your favorite Star Trek related twitter persona… — obviously @picard102, i would let him light me on fire… # are your parents both retired yet from the rat race? — nope. mum is taking a year off to sail to the bahamas on he… # what would you do if you won 50 million in lotto max? — throw a…

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TTC Tales: monday july 26, 2010 #TTCT

Taking the train from uptown again. I know, crazy.  I don’t mind the subway though, there’s always a story. A couple years ago I used to write daily posts on the way in. I really enjoyed that. Get some creative juice out first thing. Browsed the Metro, nothing really to see today. The ride today is pretty quiet, no loud talkers in sight. I could feel the hunger eating me from the inside today so I grabbed a croissant and coffee at Tims. He ironed my dress this morning and dropped me at the station. He’s quite charming this one, I like. There’s construction at Davisville station, something about the wall systems and the yard side that will last three months. As long as it doesn’t slow the train, I don’t really mind. Arriving at the office later that I planned for today. Luckily I’m not in a Nazi office like a couple past jobs where you get scolded for not being at your comp at [insert ridic early time here].  Once I arrived at 8:05 to my job in the financial district (the one I had to wear a suit to everyday and be there at 8AM, urgh!) and I got sent home for the day like a bad girl. The boss thought I had been out with the boys, who were also late and decided to punish us. Brutal. I had to help my sister with an emerg but he didn’t care to know. What a jerk he was sometimes! I hear an accent, South African I reckon. I look kinda tired today despite getting a really good sleep. Hate that. Guess I need another good one tonight. Finally almost at the office. Took long today, I feel like I’ve traveled so far. Coffee done. Arrived and ready…

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the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-23

Leaving #kingstcrawl for #loserkaraoke w/ babes @hawleydunbar & @escapefromrl # Just did an interview for #virginradio Vote for me as #virgin #provocateur! #kingstcrawl is fun as yo # Heading to #loserkaraoke soon. You? # Third stop #kingstcrawl (@ Bier Markt) # 12seconds – #kingstcrawl land down under live @ fynns temple bar # #kingstcrawl (@ Firkin on King) # #kingstcrawl has begun # En route guys! Where do I meet ya? #kingstcrawl # you are what you tweet # if you just started following me, you should check this out right now then tell me you did so i follow back 🙂 # shit damn RT @stephenjerzak: Just rear ended a lady that just got a root canal! Haha sucks for her. # thank you for following me @carlsbergcanada. i like you too. # so much to do so little time to blog it all. intern needing is growing. might need a #casiearmy 😉 # deff be at #loserkaraoke tonight after #kingstcrawl – anyone else up for free beer, couple spots left. meeting @ 7:15 # anyone having trouble with FB photo uploader? keeps going back to home page for me. geeeezzz. # Too many chips …..urgh. ttp:// # anyone a huge @lights fan + going to Lilith Tour this weekend? # fire alarm testing #evacuatethedancefloor # 12seconds – Feel de Vibe @ 299 Queen St. #caribbana # lunch + blog (@ Ackee Tree) # anyone going to #LilithTour on Sat? looking for some peeps to be on camera for a #MuchMusic thingy lemme know. # I favorited a YouTube video — Cody Simpson – 'iYiYi' ft. Flo Rida [Official Video] # this one time, at band camp # Today @ctvtoronto we have 'feel de vibe' for…

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is it wrong to be so excited for this?

Jersey Shore is BACK for Season 2 July 29th.  Fist pump baby. Yesterday was a great day. I went to see Bon Jovi w/ Michael & Cory. Post on that coming when I finally get some time to blog. I’ve been so busy lately, i’ve got so many things to share with you. Kid Rock & Bon Jovi #ftw (@ Rogers Centre w/ @alisaan @j0scelyn @dvln) # Madness at the rogers centre right now and traffic is insane #spadinawatch looking forward to #loserkaraoke tomorrow. honestly. Hmm. Can haz cheeseburger? #nomnomnom anyone 14-19 wanna come down to much on Friday AFTERNOON for something fun? looking for 2 peeps. lemme know ASAP! wow. time for lunch. where sis 4pm come from? gah. anyone else having #FB troubs tagging people in posts today or uploading images? driving me mental – already tried chrome/firefox/explorer. FB is being a real bitch today. That is all. Carry on as I try to keep calm. #fml lotsa #twerk to catch up on today after my holiday peeps, catcha replies in the arvo or lunch I reckon <10 #muchlove #twerk (@ MuchMusic Studios) today the hair is grey Gooooood Morning 🙂

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he called to say look at the moon, he’s a real catch.

I tweeted heaps yesterday: who was your childhood movie star that you always had a crush on? — lindsay lohan. # Testing out#motorola #backflip so far touch keyboard is soft on my fingers and camera is facing towards instead of away from face # <4 is more than <3 # zomg me too. fav show. RT @40deuce: I am kicking ass in Jeopardy tonight! # Photo: pretty girls w/ long hair # Photo: topless tuesday hottie (via girlsgotafacelikemurder) # how many newfies does it take to screw in a brake pedal on a toyota? — no clue. # i would like to see inception tonight. # missing the #exclusif courvoisier event tonight. sorry peeps. have fun & a couple drinks for me 😉 # Photo: i probably should not have laughed so hard at this. but i did. sorry @drakkardnoir, for i could not… # Photo: @michaelnus duuuuuuuuuuude! look what i found? whoa. # life has many positives. what is one positive that you have taken notice… — how wonderful the people around me are. # oh man,. mel gibson. # tell us something funny about your younger sister that… — she used to put these neon tie dye gloves on her feet … # RE: @michaelnus you’re a true rockstar Nus, glad you were there 🙂 #rockon # Favourite person of yours on twitter? — hard to say, there are so many, i realy love @wafflesgirls tbh. # Photo: › One more…Scarlett Johansson by Sheryl Nields via @lushvuitton # Photo: she’s like a total sex machine…Scarlett Johansson by Sheryl Nields via lushvuitton # your life seems to revolve around alcohol, are you an … — uh, no. i just go to alot of parties in bars or…

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robo boogie Sin-O-Matic tonight! (@ Machine) # phone is working great in the USA, actually seen a couple peeps with the same model for once, thanks @telus #ilu # #godlovesgaga & so does @jesus heh heh. # daily dose of awesome: : Pahk the cah in Havahd Yahd, get a kwafee # you are too funny. love it. RT @Mikealbertini: Photo: #storyofmylife stolen from # The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. – Oscar Wilde # kickin it #poolside w/ peeps, so hot out! #awesome # last night i went clubbing, in Boston. Mad dance party + met some babes # daily dose of awesome: : saint boston = dance party # omg congrats on your engagement @mrsnikkinewman & @victornewman! you belong together. # I just got 200 shares of #NUS (cc @michaelnus) #empireave # Photo: This is my outfit for tonight… # Photo: so cute these two. # special birthday card purchase for a special boy 😉 (@ Harvard Coop) # Always wanted to be here (@ Harvard Square w/ 2 others) # Get in ma belly! # Is that, no, @oldspice guy in a drawing? Haha @ #S amp;S # Thanks @laurenonizzle for the reco! (@ S & S Restaurant) # woohooo vote for casie to be our Toronto Virgin #Provocateur /via @ValTorontoGal # mrrm want brains…and your heart… RT @zoonini: Online dating. For zombies. /via @MichaelNus >> this is awesome! -CS # hey heartburn, #GFY #kthxbai #

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Pahk the cah in Havahd Yahd.

Today I stopped by Harvard and got this picture to prove it. Before coming here I asked my Tweeps what I should do in Boston and O’Nizzle said to check out the legendry S&S Resto in Cambridge, Mass, so today we did. This photo was taken the year I was born. The place has been open for ages, since 1919 and heaps of famous people have dined there. Figured I should pass through too. Heh heh, ya never know how famous you’ll be until you try, ok.  For reals. Check out this hot babe, the mama of the joint: It was really great! Pretty good service, ok coffee. This was my brekky, zomg it was nomnomnom. Pretty sure I recognized this guy, does he not look like Old Spice guy? Uh, yeah… It could be. Honestly. I bet Old Spice guy travelled back in time in his time machine and hand painted this image of himself, using magic leprechaun tears as the water with paint he created and blended with his own bare hands. What an incredible man he is.  Wow. These are my Boston Besties B & E after brekky. Yannis was there too but somebody had to snap the pic eh. I always wanted to visit Harvard so we did that next. I didn’t really have anything in particular I wanted to see, I just wanted to be there. Mostly snap a couple pix and checkin on foursquare. Yes, I am wearing a foursquare day tank. So nerdy. I really hoped a Harvard hottie would notice TBH, but none did. They’re probs all studying and shit. Picked up a couple things from The Coop and toured around. If I lived here I would hang out at Harvard for sure. I kinda miss school. I think if I go…

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