some consider it to be an embarrassment

Their middle name. I don’t. Mine is Diana, after the Princess of Whales. Mum loved her. We had a bunch of different paraphernalia with her on it around the house. That’s a funny word ‘paraphernalia’.  I always thought she got married the year I was born but it was really the year before.

 nuit blanche 2007 - U of T

IMG_3295There were vases with a wedding picture of her and Charles in the main bathroom at home. I think they’re still there actually. I always look for things at garage sales with her face on it. More and more books get added to the collection all the time.  I love her too.  She was always so elegant and well dressed among all the other things that make her wonderful. I ran into a pair of her shoes a couple years ago at the Bata Shoe Museum. It was Nuit Blanche 2007 the year they had Lower Bay station open. 

Every once in awhile you get asked ‘if you could meet anyone from history who wold it be?’ I want to meet her.  I always want to meet her.

i miss that hat, was a really good one. karrera made the earings from guitar picks


  1. July 5, 2009 / 12:44 pm

    My middle name is Douglas. Nothing strange about that. It's my father's first name. So when I have a son, he will get two middle names: Sean Douglas. And he has a son, that son will have three middle names: his-father's-first-name Sean Douglas. And me as a ghost will have fun seeing how far down the line the generations take it.

  2. July 5, 2009 / 12:45 pm

    PS: meet from history – Charlie Chaplin, Julius Caesar, or Jesus Christ.

  3. July 5, 2009 / 1:33 pm

    Awesome. I like Douglas. Middle names are cool!

  4. July 6, 2009 / 8:48 am

    Mine is Roger. don't how my parents came up with that one… As a little kid I spelt it wrong too ie: Rodger. Maybe I thought I was some kind of WW2 fighter pilot with a big scarf flying behind me. no, I didn't actually wear a scarf…. Nice blogging by the way!

  5. July 6, 2009 / 8:55 am

    i love the idea of flying like a WW2 pilot and the scarf blowing in the breeze. magic!

  6. July 6, 2009 / 9:17 am

    my middle name – as you guessed is alexander. i was supposed to be alexander, but my mom knew i was coming into this world while watching the movie, `shane'. hence, the name. i like it better. it suits me more, as most people say.

  7. July 6, 2009 / 12:06 pm

    My middle name is Donald, which on its own to me sounds kind of nerdy, but when you put it in my full name, I think it sounds somewhat sophisticated. Robert Donald Pharoah.
    As for the person in history Whom I would like to meet is Albert Einstein. Reading his bio, he seemed like quite an amusing man, on top of that profoundly intelligent. To be able to sit down with that guy for a night over a few drinks and pick his brain, would be life changing.

  8. July 6, 2009 / 3:48 pm

    Mine is Roger. don't how my parents came up with that one… As a little kid I spelt it wrong too ie: Rodger. Maybe I thought I was some kind of WW2 fighter pilot with a big scarf flying behind me. no, I didn't actually wear a scarf…. Nice blogging by the way!

  9. Sicilia Ricci
    July 6, 2009 / 3:54 pm

    A shoe museum? I'm so jealous. I fucking love shoes!

  10. July 6, 2009 / 3:55 pm

    i love the idea of flying like a WW2 pilot and the scarf blowing in the breeze. magic!

  11. Bob
    July 6, 2009 / 4:02 pm

    Mine is Donald… Say it on its own and it sounds nerdy, but put it to my full name and it s sounds somewhat sophisticated. Robert Donald Pharoah.

  12. Bob
    July 6, 2009 / 4:06 pm

    As for the Person in History I would want to meet. It would have to be Albert Einstein. Such an original thinker. The guy spewed out so many famous quotes. To pick the brain of such a smart man, would be just astonishing.

  13. July 6, 2009 / 4:17 pm

    my middle name – as you guessed is alexander. i was supposed to be alexander, but my mom knew i was coming into this world while watching the movie, `shane'. hence, the name. i like it better. it suits me more, as most people say.

  14. July 6, 2009 / 7:06 pm

    My middle name is Donald, which on its own to me sounds kind of nerdy, but when you put it in my full name, I think it sounds somewhat sophisticated. Robert Donald Pharoah.
    As for the person in history Whom I would like to meet is Albert Einstein. Reading his bio, he seemed like quite an amusing man, on top of that profoundly intelligent. To be able to sit down with that guy for a night over a few drinks and pick his brain, would be life changing.

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