the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-16

Quiet night in Boston, going to Harvard/MIT tomorrow morning 😉 # first stop (@ Bell In Hand Tavern) # the eagle has landed via @porterairlines #boston # This is deff the airline that babes fly. Whoa. Everywhere. (cc @porterairlines) # Dear @porterairlines, I almost forgot how much I love you. xo Casie # Boston here I come! Take me there @porterairlines! Weeee! (@ Porter Airport Lounge w/ @unmarketing) # Holy crap these monsters are TASTY! #nomnomnom # thanks for all the replies re: MuchMusic thingy. Got peeps for this week. Appreciate it! # anyone in TO 14-19y.o that wants to come to @muchmusic on friday + be on camera w/ a VJ? get back to me ASAP! # People waiting for the train all look so grumpy, life ain’t so hard baby, turn that frown upside down. #ttc # I favorited a YouTube video — Re: Everyone | Old Spice # Should have rode my unicorn instead of #ttc today. Luckily I’m at an above ground station. Heh heh # train just went out of service, med. issue @ younge/dundas, all SB backed up #ttcupdates (@ Davisville Subway Station) # 01100111 01101111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 /via @aplusk #binarysolo #

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foursquare: it’s time to have “the talk”

Dear Foursquare, I’ve gotta gett his off my chest, so here it is… I’ve been having mixed feelings about our replationship recently. I’ve started feeling a bit crowded.  I need some space. I don’t want everyone knowing where I am all the time. You know how much I love you and I really  like what you do. It’s not you, it’s me.  I don’t wanna break up, I just need some space.  I want the mystery back in  our relationship.  I want things more like they used to be. We have so many great memories and you’re always bringing me closer to my friends (Twestival, Foursqaure Day, Earthquake/Superswarm, Karaoke, NXNE). I still want more of that. It’s the little things, the little checkins all the time here and there, it’s getting to be too much. I’m taking back the pants. Please no hard feelings. Remember when I made that awesome shirt for your birthday? I’ll checkin at work tomorrow.  Love you. xo CASIE

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it’s more about the us than the meme

Mum is coming today and I’m really excited to see her. I’m really excited for Lady Gaga tonight too. Currently watching the Hooters Bikini pageant, it’s hot/awesome. Have you ever seen the Hooters  outfit on me? It was 2005, I looked different, heavier. I never worked there, but I was close once, in my younger days.  I won a pageant and bikini contest back then too. Ha. Thanks for the votes in the Virgin contest. I’m in the lead, lets keep it that way. I think the other six are under the impression it’s a job.(Yes, only six entries!) It’s just like winning an online pageant, you get to carry the title of Toronto Provocateur for the year and you have perks/duties. You get to be the party planner and 12 free trips, I have room for that in my life.  I do. I would LOVE some free trips… I dream about all the people I could visit, conferences I can attend and things to explore. I’d also REALLY like to be able to leverage the stellar community we’ve got for GenyTO and do some really great/cool/fun things. I’m darn sure that’s a win-win for everyone. We’re having GenyTO on July 27th. You saw how fun the game was I went to recently. Did you know that out of the whole group, I had only ever met two of those people in real life? And one is Jon fron the TFC. Tickets are $40, the  special code to purchase is ‘genyto‘ and you can get tickets here.  All the other important info is right here. I would love to see you there! Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-Roma-ma-ah! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Want your RAD romance ♥

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Last night was epic. EPIC. Such an awesome time with the girls. I love Emily Haines so hard, we all do. It was me, Jenie, Michelle, Grace and Jess (we are all on the twitter). Hanging out with my sister is the most fun. We are so positive, happy & energetic together, I get super charged. Look out. Ain’t nothin’ gonna break my stride, nobody’s gonna slow me down, oh-no, I got to keep on moving. I have so many great photos from the night. Heaps. The sun setting over the water and the pink sky were the perfect back drop to the music and atmosphere. The place was packed but we hardly noticed anyone else because we were laughing and having so much fun. One dude tried to make friends with us, but we were not having it, he was Snooki’s type. We also saw a couple guidos who really loved Emily and knew the lyrics to every song. All our seats were scattered in different sections but we didn’t go to them once. Instead, we parked our camp on the lawn and danced and sang and threw our arms in the air and screamed. The lawn is really the best place to be. You can relax and lean back or dance in circles. I love that feeling, the one when you hear the music live and the lights shine on the crowd and they reach out and touch your face and you scream. It melts my popsicle. Michelle = babe. She has a fashion blog and she’s got the wicked style. My phone desktop image matches her leopard onesie, that’s why she is posing with phone. Jenie is too cute. Heart melt sandwich. Ater we went to the afterparty @  Parts + Labour for a private Holy Fuck…

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mashable social media day :: toronto

I like social and media. And I like talking. Pix frm the event are here via Kevin Chung. Here’s my talk, I hope you enjoy it. Casie Stewart (@casiestewart) at #SMdayTO from Ron Wolf I like talking about how many awesome people I have met through twitter. How I got a job because I really loved the internet, being social and sharing creativity all over the place. I like landscape photos better than portrait. I like when the sun shines through the clouds and you can see it coming right at you. I like writing the stories as they happen and living out all kinda of adventures. I like being positive, it’s really the best medicine you can give yourself. I’ve always liked to write. In 1996 my friend Holly and I, with the help of our Mum’s publihed and anthology of poetry & prose called JEANS. It was all kinds of things we had written in Grade. 8. I wanna publish a new book. I have hundreds written verse and such just dying to have your eyes. Words all wanting attention. I’ve decided to hire and intern, I need some help with the stuff. Looking for someone unique, someone kinda like me to be honest; loves internet, learning, sharing, twitter, hard work, fun. There’s always skill involved but the things that really matter most are not learned in class. What I think (1996) I’d like to do more public speaking. I like it and I’m just getting started. I won in a speech competition about a hundred years ago when I was younger. This one time, in drama class, I read my whole speech with my back facing the audience, it was the speech you tell youself before you go on stage. The two minute “you can do…

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look out world here i come

I used to say that all the time when  I was growing up. I always meant it too. I got a lotto max ticket and I hope I win something. Please put your energy out there that I do. Imagine how wonderful it will be to have my own internet show and share it all with you? Dream, dream big. Happy friday friends 🙂 This should get you grooving, new track from my friend Curtis Santiago. Enjoy!

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I’m not sure what is going on today. It’s like I feel still positive but I’m having of of those ‘everything is pissing’ me off days and that is pissing me off. I really wanna get home to my computer and work on stuff. I’m super busy at work, like so busy that I’m always playing catch up and that dives me mental. I need to breathe to be creative. I’ve got a situation you could say. Had a lovely lunch meeting today about a potential project. It was the perfect thing to break up my day.  I wore my red Moovboots today and my feet are really happy. There are police everywhere at home which means there’s likely no chance of getting and w33d delivered in the next week which also makes me angry. It’s days like these when I cruise home and relax while I watch TV. I got the new Wired mag last night which is pretty awesome except I hardly ever read magazines anymore. I wish I had an ipad. Wow, who am I? Negative Nancy? I need to stop this. Once today is over and I leave the office I promise myself to be all smiles. I ‘m walking over to the postie to pick up a package that [fingers crossed] is a new camera. One of my loving friends sent one which is ironic because it’s his birthday and I’m getting something. I really wish I had send him a mail, fuck. Where is my head at? I realise that working everyday in a row without any breaks gives me a short fuse. I feel like I have been sitting in my desk since last Tuesday.  I have. You know how much I love my job but doing that will make anyone grumps. I’d…

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busiest week ever followed by craziest week ever

It’s almost 8pm and I’m watching Jeopardy at the office. I got here at 10am. This has been a pretty crazy week. I love what I do and I would keep going 24/7 if I did not need sleep. There are so many things happening each day that I’ve not had time to blog about it. Next week will be back to normal (whatever that means) and I really hope to show you some of the good shit from  behind the scenes of the MMVAs this weekend. My dress from Peach Bersek is going to be AMAZING. We designed it when I popped by earlier today. I starting to think I might work from home for the latter part of next week during G20.  The whole thing really pisses me off.  We’ve had no bites on the G20 rental either…there goes the fantasy trip I was dreaming about! I’m gonna go get dressed up and have a drink with a friend. I’m in the mood for it. Catch up tomorrow, xo Casie One more thing, thought about tweeting Obama and saying “Can’t wait till you get here for G20. You’re gonna be right by my house!” Then realized it might be a bad idea since they’re all SERIOUS about security and stuff. Could get in trouble! haha, losers.

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according to my calculations…

Ola! Thursday is upon up and I’m feelin’ great. Popped over to #andomTO with Carly & O’Nizzle last night. Lots of familiar faces and a bunch of new ones.Aren’t we just the cutest? I look kinda meh but whatevs. Love. Carly blogged us too & took the pic. Vote for Lauren in the MMVA VVIP, last day today! Tonight is a Music Industry tweetup at Rovoli followed by me + my bed + tv + relaxing. Went to bed early last night, needed it. Bad. Feelin’ it again.  Law & Order Long & Boring at 11 puts me to bed. Love this shirt Crabby got for me. The calculator says BOOBIES hehe. Remember how much fun shit like that was when we were kids? Oh man. Getting creeped out about the G20, there was grafitti by my place this AM and thinking of shippin’ out of the city to work from Mum or Dad’s place. I live in prime PROTESTER-hang area between two banks. Grafitti was on this subways thing.  Red zone is the other side of the street there. Urgh… Not worth risking it if you ask me. Heard to day that wireless signals are going to be blocked in the area period & random too. Just what us NERDS LOOOOVE? I’d rather have no ability to leave my house for a week than have no internet. You can stack up on food but you can’t stack up on wifi. Started a new hashtag this morning… #FMN = fuck my neighbourhood. AAAAAAAAAAh! I’m ready for le weekend. Half day tomorrow ! WOOT WOOT! Next week is MMVA week 🙂

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stopped having a bad day & started being awesome

I love Twitter for so many reason but one of them is this…FRIENDS! Friends that are always there to cheer you up because sometimes a little thing happens to steer you in the wrong direction. Today I  kinda got off to a bad start and naturally, I tweeted… then before you know it my friends popped out of the internet, took action and typed me some sunshine. You can’t get that type of widespread instant happiness anywhere else. I tried to take a pic of my outfit but it’s impossible with a phone camera. I really miss having my camera. Don’t you miss my outfit shots? Well, I do and that’s really what matters here. I’ll get a new one soon. Maybe this week. Anyone have a hookup with Canon/Kodak/Camera Store? I’ll love you forever just like I love Telus for hookin’ a sista up with the most amazing phone, Motorola Milestone. Lots of meetings today which means time is very valuable! Carly’s BF’s band Hail The Villan is on MOD today at 5’er. Sailor Jerry event tonight and I dressed kinda sailor inspired. Yahooo! Have a wonderful day. i ♥ you xo

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remember to always wear sunscreen

Woke up extra early and booted out the house for a speed walk in the sun. Totally gorgeous out, feels like summer. Got some sun yesterday. I forgot to put on sunscreen before I left the house today. (I know Mum, tomorrow ok!) I’m for sure gonna get super dark this year by traveling on foot to the office. Hope you have a splendid day. I wore a long flowy summer dress!! Yahoooooooooo!!!

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sun lay park love

The other day at lunch, I went to the park. I got my first summer street meat and sat in the grass. It was warm and sunny and it felt like heaven. I laid down in the grass and looked up at the sky and dreamed of far away places. It was the first day of wearing bare legs too. I love summer. I love summer. I love summer. Did I tell you I loved summer and park hangs? Cause I do.

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two babes are better than one

Abby and I have Degrassi a meeting this afternoon. My team is a gonna think we’re geeks, and well…they’re right! DEGRASSI FTW! You’re never too old to dress twinsies with your friends, ok. Fuck it, I’ll be like 100 partying in samesie outfits cutting up a rug on the dance floor with a bunch of girlies. You bet your ass we will. You’re only as old as you feel and today, I fee like a highschooler. tee hee I REALLY hope I win those T.Swift tickets for me & Jenie. I’m not religious but I  follow Jesus on twitter. OMG she will be soooooo happy. It’s a long weekend and I can do whatever I want cause I’ve got no set plans. Imma we bit hyper today! WOOOOOOOOOOOT! Happy Friday friends. I love you,  I really do xo ♥

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the ABC’s of anger

This poem was originally published in 2006 here and is written by me. I was playing with my thesaurus at the time,  finding words for anger. I was listening to Rilo Kiley and myspacing hard. I spent countless nights teaching myself HTML, formatting websites,  writing content.  I love being able to go back in time and see what I was up to and what I was writing. I realize things about myself that I forgot. ________________________________ ABC’s of Anger You could say I am annoyed, antagonized & aggravated. You remind me of that bitter taste of coffee in my mouth, With you I am displeased. Almost enraged I am, exacerbated & exasperated, I find myself furious, fierce, & ferociously fuming. Hardly hateful just heated with a hot head I am ill tempered. You make me impassionate, insensitive, I feel inflamed, increasingly infuriated, & irate. Intensely irritated. I am maddened. Your words make me offended & outraged. You provoke me into a raging, resentful sad Satan. Watch for spitefulness coming your way. I am airline turbulence, making passengers uptight. Vicious & vexed like a bad villain. I am wired & worked up with wrath. I have no zest or zeal. This is a zero-sum game. _______________________________ %$%$#FU*C*&%#$K off.

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crossing borders, timezones and interwebs

I’m excited. Like, I mean, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally, excited. There are so many things happening around right now that make me want to puke a rainbow of joy for weeks on this thing. Sia Concert – Tonight: She’s performing on MTV Live. I’m working at The MTV Temple instead of MuchMusic. Awesome. Hills Finale – Tonight: I’ve got almost 30 people coming to ma Hills party at MTV. I used to have Hills parties at my house. The friends who are coming all blog and/or tweet. Hellz fucking yeahz. Jays vs Boston – Wednesday: My cousin Isaac and his GF are here from NEW ZEALAND. Last time I saw him (the only time we met), I was 12. It was 1994. Birthday – May 8:  Officially TBD. I’d like to have a “haven’t met you yet” party, everyone comes and meets everyone else #casie. Florida – May 27-31: just talked to my friends yesterday and I’m so excited. Ready for a vacation with friend I haven’t seen in a whole but I love. Gonna dance heaps. MMVA – June 20: Watch it play out on Twitter #mmva The G20 – June 26-27: right near my house.  Rumor has it I need a pass to get to and from work. Been asked by York/Ryerson to take part in a doc about it. Filming me daily. Um, can I G20 Summit Rental my condo on Craigslist? Big money. Pride – June 26-27: Same weekend as G8. haha [deep voice]  I’m the gayest. Boston – July: I’m commmmmmin’ back. LTFO (look the fuck out) This is Sia. Happy listening. Enjoy the day 🙂

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tumblr, twitter, formspring day

This kinda reminds me of Dad. Posted it on Tumblr earlier today. My dad is so cool, he’s got tattoos and muscles.  He used to be jacked when I was young and he also had a huge beard. Been a while since I saw Daddio. DAD IF YOU READ THIS I MISS YOUR FACE OK! I just saw someone tweet about trampoline. Did you know my Dad was a Tramp Coach? Yeah, trampoline. I tweeted a bunch today and also formspringed. Did you know YOU CAN ASK ME ANYTHING? Go, amuse me please. I’ve answered 427 so far, and counting. My sista, Jenie is coming ova tonight too. Hellz yeah. Wonderful day. Well, except the fact that today I’m the stinky kid so I have to keep my arms down and sweater on. Fahk, happens to us all once in a while. I’m off to Peach Berserk to reveal the WINNER in the dress design contest for school kids. They just rung me to say the place is full of girls waiting to know. Young ladies,  here I come with hopes to inspire you! Ok. bye. Gotta run, can’t make all these kiddios wait!

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jus’ call me no time sally

Heyooo. Cra-zay busy today. Saw these dudes outside work today and got some Kick-Ass bandaids. Guy had some serious moves. I kinda wanted to roll the kid for her wig. I need to get some new wigs before I head to Florida next month. Ya, excited. They (Maple Pictures) have a room set up in the store front that they use for movie/promo stuff. We watch out the window from the office and troll over when we know they’re givin’ out free stuff.  I love these guys, trolly’s. This is Oliver (Oli-vee-eh) my friend from France. He’s here doing a massive bike ride across Canada. He was sponsored by Adidas + a bunch of other peeps in Paris. If you wanna help him out, lemme know! We were playing with all my glasses the other day. It;s fun, can’t you tell?! Have a dinner date tonight with a friend. Gonna go home and work on some blog shiz while the sun is still out. Tomorrow is Foursquare day (4/16). This  is the badge we’re all gonna get for checking in tomorrow. There’s a big Foursquare-rager at The Loose Moose tomorrow night. Gonna be there throwin’ back pints. Oh yeah. I’m gonna be in Torontoist later today right here. Stay tuned for it. This mama’s ready for THE WEEKEND! Ok. Meeting time 🙂

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meaning full of high-spirited delight

excited for… and going here this arvo with work mates… windy weather cast #005 from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. It’s Casie and I’m at the AGO and it is sooo windy here today. I don’t know if you’ve been to the AGO before but I really suggest you check it out. They’ve got a lot of great stuff happening here, lot of artists, really interesting things for you to check out. So go to the AGO because it’s really neat.

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in a new york state of mind

Happy Friday! This baby was leaked this morning! HELLLS YEAH> Aiden is back. I love John Corbett. He’s like, my dream man, the sexiest. If you’re him, or kinda like him, let me know. I’m right here waiting for you. Was just staring at his photo for a min and I’ve totally dated a few of J.Corbett doppelgängers,  prime example right here. Mass Exodus last night was fun. Always a great time hanging out with the girls. We got called Fairies cause we looked so cute, all bleach blonde/pink/grey hair, stylish & short. Why did we not take a photo of us? Ah well. We had great seats and  Fritz Helder was my fav part. There was some really interesting designs, I have a bunch of notes to go over this weekend but for now here’s a few of my fav designs. All the pix are by the lovely Lynsie Roberts.

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over forty years of family fashion

My shirt, it was Mums. She just told me that she got it when she was 15 in New Zealand it it cost her $15. She used to make $2 and hour back then but she just HAD to have it. She charged it to her Mum’s account (Nana) and had to pay it off over time. I LOVE when Mum tells me stories of her clothes. When she moved to Canada she kept her clothes, Jenie & I wear most of them now. She had/has great style, my Mum. Probably one of the reason I have so many clothes, mine all tell a story too. I love them, hell, I’ve been sleeping with them for the past week (half my bed is a pile of clothes right now!). Heading back to fashion Week this afternoon for my last day.  I’ve been waiting for Barbie by David Dixon and TONIGHT is the night. Not sure about partying after…really proud of myself that I’ve not woken up hung over or attended any crazy late night fashion partied.  It makes a difference when you actually have to work, ah, I remember so many years of just attending parties. I posted a couple things on my OH CASIE blog and there’s a heap of Twitpics too. It’s beautiful outside today, enjoy it. I’ve got heaps of footage from the F/W 2010 collections I saw this week, will try to get it all up this weekend. Happy Thursday/Friday!

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:: work it out baby ::

Last week I tweeted that I needed a trainer, this week I downloaded 2 apps for that! Thanks Google. I love you! ♥ App #1: Cardio Trainer [free] Weightloss Trainer Outdoor & treadmill modes (pedometer & GPS) Voice output & music integration Records path, pace, calories, etc. & uploads to website/FB share Race Against Yourself It’s pretty cool, been tracking my walk to/from work this week. Takes me anywhere from 9-14 minutes depending on shoes/lights, I burn about 50 calories and it’s about 1.2 km and my speed averages 6-7 kn/hr. I’m gonna race against myself, see who’s the biggest loser! ha. Interested to see what days I walk fastest on & how shoes/lights impact me. It charts it using GPS and talks to me when the workout starts/stops/pauses. App #2: Body Fitness [free] Exercise journal with clear pictures, detailed instructions, clean UI (user interface) 320+ exercises, separated into Core, Lower Body, Arms,Chest,Shoulders, Back Yoga Cardio workout :: beats putting a real human in your pocket :: BTW, my tumblr’z got it goin on’!

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things on my desk and in it [old job]

Keep thisa baby around the house “that was easy” sister and me at a rock show music + flyer for band at mitzi’s sister OK, I’m going to tell you exactly what happened. [emily] I fell in love, I fell in love with my daughters boyfriend. [sobs] I’m watching Something’s Gotta Give and just laughed my ass off at her typing out her love story, crying hysterically. She’s so funny, Dianne Keaton. She’s  a writer in this one and she writes the best story into a play.  I’m thinking about writing a script… Well, I’ve been writing it in my head my whole life! HA! She writes a play about her love story in the movie. I’ve been in a couple plays. This one guy I went to school with wrote a play for Sears Fest called, What Wasn’t Said. I was in Guys and Dolls and a few other things before high school. All the worlds a stage, it is. I loved being on stage growing up. I was looking for a quote from this movie but couldn’t find it, so I read the script online. I had read ahead and then it just came, weird reading the script then hearing it. “A Woman to Love” her play was called, he said that’s what she was. I think I’m gonna wear my glasses more often. The old office was a big loft space. I used to take lots of photos there. One day I took like a hundred of things around my desk. I had heaps of crap around there.

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i did it all for excitement and fun

I was sitting waaay up high with the press peeps and not paying attention to the game. First goal happened, not for the Leafs. I was not surprised.  It also doesn’t matter to me, I pick the Leafs as my team cause Toronto’s my city and I hardly ever watch hockey outside the Olympics anyways.  I l0ve the Kiss Cam (when camera goes on you, kiss person beside you) and Luke’s Troops (camera goes on Troops & tells story) the most. I also love the hockey hair and guys/girls in jerseys, Canadian celebs and people in suits.  Saw Walter Gretzky, Eugene Levy and a couple Mountie’s too. It’s a sight to be scene,  it’s awesome. Sports games are a social experience for me, out of my comfort zone, but yet I’m so easily comfortable.  People watching never goes outta style. I could hear the announcers voice behind me as I sat there listening to his voice on the loud speaker. It was amusing, I liked it. Changed this post (originally posted Tuesday night at about 8pm) to present tense when I got home. I’ve got a busy Wednesday ahead of me. Another event tonight. Excited for Twestival tomorrow & the 3d TV Samsung launch. Next week is Fashion Week. OMG. Seriously, March MADNESS. I need to sleep all weekend if I’m going to make it. Tweeted some non-hockey banter and  Twitpix last night. Elsa can’t work next week. I need to fill her Intern position.

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the most beautiful girl in the room

Yesterday’s magazine party  at MTV was great. Both my bosses were happy (phew!) and I got positive comments from so many people. via Twitter  & email.  Helps to get positive feedback cause, lemme tell you, I was so nervous and excited about the whole thing. It was really wonderful to see all these awesome people/bloggers in a room together. The dresses from Peach Berserk were a hit. I’ll get to posting more about it tonight but at the moment very busy! In the mean time you can check out these great post about it! Mushy Pony: A Shot of Cutrone Lava: My Sneak Peek of MTV’s FORA Chris Brooker: MTV Fora Magazine Launch – Part 1: The After Show

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WWKCD: What would Kelly Cutrone do?

I watch more then I listen, but I dig the Gossip Girl style. Always dressed up, classy. I started K.C’s book today. Gonna read a little more before bed. I’m about twenty pages and into it. Her attitude is totally refreshing. She doesn’t put up with whiny, negative, bitchy, complainers, and she knows what she’s doing because she worked at it. I find her to be quite admirable and I’m looking forward to seeing her IRL. I love this: “Because, if you’re the kind of person who senses there’s something out there beyond whatever it is you’re expected to do- if you want to be extra-ordinary- you will not get there by hanging around a bunch of people who tell you you’re not extraordinary. … We have a saying in New York: when you’re the most happening person at the party, it’s time to leave.” – Kelly Cutrone, If You have to Cry, Go Outside       She grew up in a small town and always wanted the city. It’s inspiring to learn about people that do the kinda things you like doing. I’m glad I got her book today, I was due for a new one since that bee sting book before last Fall. I like reading. I read more books in the summer, winter is online time. I like to bike somewhere  with my book and lay under a tree,  on a park bench in the sun. Did you know Kelly Cutrone used to read tarot cards  AND married Andy Warhol’s protégé, Ronnie Cutrone at 21? She has worked with the best fashion designers and heaps of interesting creative peeps. ELLE wrote about her here and asked a bunch of questions. This is my favorite Q/A: On witchcraft: “A lot of people think I’m a Wiccan. I’m…

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video made the internet star

I always dreamed of having my own show and thanks to the internet it’s so possible for anyone. I’ve been making some vids but I would LOVE  to win this $250,000 viralocity contest with Doritos… BTW, I’m sick of the work viral. I can’t enter it because of my job but it’s open to anyone in Canada over who’s ever been  teenager.  I checked a bunch of videos today and didn’t seen anything particularity hilarious. This one is my fav cause it’s artistic, short, cute and has good music: This is Billy, he makes youtube videos that have mega millions of views. He said key things to viralocity are: 1. Humor 2. Short & Sweet 3. Unique. Sounds kinda like me doesn’t it.  heheh… I joke. You gotta have creativity too.  Doritos are out to see who can make the biggest digital footprint, so I asked him a few questions about the internet! How long you had your site up? 2004 Do you use formsrping? No. Tumblr? No. Youtube views?  Over 11 million. Twitter: 879 followers/1,045 tweets.  Have you ever been to GenyTO? No but I want to. Where you from? Victoria, B.C. Met anyone famous? Rhianna in YYZ. Nice softspoken, pretty. Interesting. If YOU make a vid I’ll totes post it!!

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the rise of the bloggers, the revolution is coming

I see it more and more, (like every day) people brand themselves online & built a reputation are now getting the same invites and accreditation to events as traditional media. It’s really interesting to me because I always knew I wanted to be recognized for doing something well, I never knew what it was (duh, obvs cause it was like 20 years ago before blogging) but I knew it was out there. I’ve got lots to learn as media & the internet are changing public relations. I love the internet and learning about new ways to explore it. I met these guys all through blogging and actually, most of my current BFF’s all blog these days too. I’m happy to share what we’ve learned over the last few years with you. At the event blog below: (one track blog mind haha) You Will Learn: * how to get (and keep) the attention of industry peeps * how to turn your everyday life into compelling content * how to brand yourself online * what programs and applications to use to host your site, keep track of your statistics, and promote yourself & blog Click here for more information and to get a ticket. This will be good for offices & agencies who want to learn about connecting with Bloggers too. If you have any questions about it, just ask!

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