celebrity endorsement for a good time #bridlebash

Last Thursday a me & some of the blog girls were guests to Cabbie’s Celebrity ping pong tourney. I played for my very first time & it’s fun! We’ve got a table at our condo and thinking about having our own “twing twong” with Carol and some other Twitter tweeps. Team Bijan took the trophy once again. Look at these guys, they beat ALL the young whippersnappers. Heard a rumor Bijan was once world champ or something…Hawaii can you confirm this fact?? Jallore got a couple pix from the after-party and boy am I glad cause Cabbie cracks me up. Look at his shirt ‘Plan B $29.99‘ BAAAAAHAHAHA. Oh man, so many jokes running through my head right now… If you don’t know what plan B is (Mum?) it’s an over the counter ‘don’t get pregnant’ pill combo for after sexual relations/condom mishap. When I asked him about it, he said he always pays. Everybody loves a HOE train? Look at Cabbie’s face, BAAHAHA. (Actually laughed out loud, hence the caps.) Loved this blonde girl, she had great dance moves and a rocking body. She’s so beautiful compared to Sheffi’s ass. Spent most of the night talking about blogging The Bridle Bash this summer. Bridle Bash parties are easily the best I’ve ever been to. Last time (in my friends backyard) the party raised about $500,000 and had over 1,000 people. Serious house party. I’ll be doing roll call for an entourage of hotties to join me. I’ve got a bit of a history of rolling up to the red carpet with about a dozen beauties. Stay tuned 😉

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avoiding a case of the mondays

Set a goal this week to take more photos.  Found my camera charger and now I’ve got two batteries and no excuses not to use it. Lets play show & tell… This old Mason jar contains vintage buttons. Mum had them in the basement and it smells vintage when you open it.  (you said I could take it Mum) This part of the book shelf has sex related books that never get looked at. Also in Mum’s basement are about 10,000 McDonalds Happy Meal toys. We obsessively collected them when I was growing up and heaps of them are still in their packages. We would go to Mc Donalds just to get the toys if they were barbie, beanie babies or something cool.  I still do it.  Last year they had Hello Kitty and Barbie and I tried to get them all. I’m putting this here as a reminder to myself (and you) to not stress this week. I hate stressing. It pisses me off. I prefer to be relaxed and happy. Don’t you?

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hope. aspirations. dreams. goals. canada.

Keri, my friend & hot blog babe a.k.a The Canadian Explorer is leaving for the Olympics today.  A couple months ago Keri said “man, I gotta get to the Olympics, what kind of Canadian Explorer am I if I don’t get there?”.  She was focused and determined to get there and to get some sponsors behind her while she’s at it.  I told her she could do it and I had not one ounce of doubt she would. She’s reporting from Whistler as an official correspondent for Canoe.ca & Sun Media and she’s totally decked out in Canada Goose gear. Proof you can do it if you put your mind into it.  Go Keri & Go Canada!! I’m not that excited about watching sports, I’m more excited to watch the commentary online, Twitpics from the games and to read Keri’s daily reports. I’m way more into the Internet than sports.

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a totally brutal situation.

The most fun part of the night was getting dressed, the anticipation and being surrounded by friends. The girls have good photos, I’ve only got twitpics. The worst part was how packed it was, and all the things that went missing, oh just the fact that the Jersey Shore crew arrived at midnight only to spend the whole night downstairs. Pauly D was actually DJing at Suite 106. Our both was barely a booth at all. It was a small table stacked with Smirnoff and plastic cups. The place is dirty and you can smoke inside. People were standing on our seats and pushing. I’ve not gone to a club like that in the club district like that since I was like 19 (probably the average age their last night). So brutal. I can only imagine what the lives of the Situation & Pauly D are like cause there were SO MANY girls there and if you read my tweets, they were slutty. There’s nothing wrong with that by the way, encouraged if anything. The most brutal part is someone stole my beloved reversible Betty Kiss clutch containing my Telus Blackberry, keys, license, debit, cash, vintage scarf and my coatcheck ticket for my red wool blazer. Yes, brutal. But I wasn’t the only one, Natalie’s phone got snatched too and Carly never got her jacket back. I went by there today, called & emailed with hopes that I might get something back. I hate losing stuff. I had my phone in my hand practically the whole night, then in one second it was gone. The whole place is just brutal, lots of bouncers, assholes on a power trip. I hate those people. I’m never going there again. I’m shamed to have gone there in the first place. I hate not…

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i feel like i get it, y’know, the internet stuff

I was feeling a little frazzeled. My phone froze in the night (not from the cold) which resulted in me waking up sans alarm and late for my little ‘wake up early,get shit done‘ plan. Alas… my attitude remains positive and I feel like I get it. Today I’m sharing skills, helping our newest intern learn about link building and little tips & tricks around Facebook & Twitter. Speaking of link building, if this is something you’re not too familiar with, but are looking for ways to implement SEO amongst your business, then getting in touch with professionals like Outreach Pete could make this part of a lot easier. It’d be on less thing to think about while you focus on other aspects. Digital marketing is a lot more expansive than I first realised. I’m going to suggest that we use something like these Digital Tepee SEO Services to help see where we’re at with our SEO and digital marketing efforts. Many people who run websites and businesses are likely to have use for something like Search Engine Optimisation Packages at some stage. I’ve waited worked a long time to have a job like this, and it feels great to be able to make suggestions like that. So many things happen in a day that I don’t remind myself of tell you about. For example, right now I’m eating a sub and Doritos with root beer. Last night I watched Jeopardy and had dinner at Terroni. I kissed the famous athlete before he shipped off England. I also had a mild panic attack about all the work I wanna get done . I realized I need to prioritize EVERYTHING. Finally, I went to bed later than I wanted to cause I got lost in Twitter and Tumblr. I saw this…

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and then she tamed monsters with her disco stick

Gaga Law. Love it: (RAH)² (AH)³ + RO (MA + MA MA) + (GA)² + OOH(LA)² = Bad Romance I’ve got the house to myself for the weekend.  Looking quite forward to it. Rooms clean and clothes are put away.  I vision myself………. Sleeping in and watching movies one after the other all day tomorrow. Wearing the same clothes for the whole day and night. Making breakfast. Going back to bed. Finally reading Feb. Wired & Toronto Life magazines. Bailey’s with coffee mid-afternoon. Relaxing bath and a book.  Falling asleep in front of the tv. Afternoon delight, soft kisses. Making changes to my website. Handwriting letters. Chatting on the phone with far away friends, on speaker. Watching the sunset from my window.  Getting a new sketchbook and using it. Walking in brisk cool morning air. Waking up in your arms.  Listening to music. Having a great weekend ♥

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social media school of thought. process.

I’ve shared my internet/social media skills with a bunch of people over the last year but now it’s  becoming more official. I recently signed up for FreshBooks online billing cause I’m gonna be invoicing for teaching them skillz in 2010! Social media has become such a  valuable tool and heaps of friends who never really understood what I was doing, are now asking for my help.  I’ve got a student passing through my school tomorrow night.  Makes me feel proud of myself; I stuck at something I was interested in, despite being the only one I knew in it at times and now built my world around it. Lesson: Make a path leave a trail.

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this time last year i…

asked the universe for a new camera. saw andy warhol. had a different russian hat. still had my beloved red wellies. told you a story about being on degrassi high. cursed a damn pigeon for coming to work. saw social media for good right before my eyes. visited my family in new zealand. hated that red tea commercial. learned about our big unit. was still using burts bees. used a shitty shampoo. wanted to wake up in bondi beach again. wrote rhymes in tights. used to have a cat. my sister was a raptors girl. was glamorous. made a confession. got called out by a friend for being on the internet so much. wore tights in bed. was a bohemian gypsy queen in argyle tights.  drank ketel one vodka. was banging obama. was full of zeal. changed my perspective. lived.

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master disaster: help haiti. hearts on fire.

This morning I took a different approach to getting things done.  No stressing.  I’ve already checked a few things off my life list. I FINALLY mailed back my penpal @Hillzy. She wrote the first letter last year and it took me a new decade to get my act together. She’s gonna be happy. I packed a giftbag including a creative letter and some goodies.  I also mailed a package to my new BFF at Telus who’s sending me a new phone next week! Brought headphones today so I can hocus-focus and get lots checked off my list. There’s lots happening in my little world of rainbows & unicorns  but there’s real serious stuff happening in Haiti. I’ve seen heaps of Twitpics of disaster. I saw one this morning that was a childs head crushed between concrete and a fallen building. It was disgusting and sad. I don’t like seeing stuff like that but it’s amazing how social media has changed the way we receive information during crisis. This photo is insane, look at ALL the houses brought to the ground. These people really need our help. You can give $5 through SMS to the Salvation Army by texting Haiti at 45678 (Rogers, Bell, Telus). Money will go directly to the Salvation Army. Notable TV has set up a TO group for Wycelf’s YELE HAITI charity. We’ve got a special MOD today on MuchMusic at 5pm. If you or someone you know has a connection to Haiti and might wanna be on webcam or come down for the show email me at work [email protected]. Thanks & have a great day.

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that’s a creative way of looking at it. nice hire.

I used to live and hang out in Queen West. The Hipsterville of Toronto. I met lots of hipsters from all over the globe, saw heaps of style and had hipster friends. We’d stay up late at secret hangouts with cool people, bands and models. I was skinny from partying/sleeping and I stayed out late on school nights. Hipsters often wear American Apparel and may be seen reading carrying Vice Magazine. I started reading Vice in Bondi Beach, 2004. I loved it. Bondi had the best style, boy or girl, they all had it. In 2005 American Apparel hired Lauren Phoenix to model tube socks and underwear. I remember getting that issue, she was on the back. It said “Meet Lauren Phoenix…….Look her up on Google. I wanted to know how she got her photo on a magazine and why to Google her. So I Googled and I’ve loved AA & Vice advertising ever since!! Not just because she’s a Toronto born Canadian pornographic actress who you may have seen in adult movies on https://www.hdpornvideo.xxx/?hl=ar, but because AA has made their socks really popular since then. I’m wearing over the knees right now. Creative marketing. I like it. They sponsor hipster bloggers now…like this babe Karla. Very nice idea. Sponsoring bloggers is a good idea for your brand. Find someone who fits your style and pitch them something. I reckon you’re more than bound to get your monies worth.

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this is the best year ever:2010

Count it down with me…goodbye 2009, HELLO FUTURE! I had great meal to finish up the year followed buy a house party with a bunch of people I love. There’s no better way to spend New Years Eve than with people you love and admire. Keri and had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with blog LEGEND Tony Pierce. I’ve got a whole post of great stuff just from brunch. I learned heaps from him about blogging and the internet. [THANKS TONY!] Guys’s got mad stories about when he started his blog amost 10 years ago, getting free trips, almost free girls (haha) and even a CAR! I’m really really excited for 2010. I feel like it’s the future and i’m ready for it. This time last year I was in a  job I hated with big dream about blogging and where I wanted to be. Now, I am doing social media at MuchMusic MTV and i’m living the life I always dreamed of. It’s a new year, set your goals higher than before, reach for the moon. You are a star if you believe it and there are no limits to what you can achive. I’m ready to conqued the world internet! I hope your first day of 2010 was wonderful and everyday there after. Now we’re going to see Avatar 🙂

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broke down, worn & washed away: old havana

I learned from an Aussie friend that nearly half of the Cubans living in Old Havana were staying in residences unfit for humans. On the last touring day we stepped off the main roads and saw a very different sight. The houses were so disgusting and broken down. I couldn’t believe people were actually living there. I instantly became grossed out and didn’t want to eat or drink anything from there. I’ve worked in restaurants before and could only imagine what the kitchens looked like. Gross. You can tell at one point the buildings were really beautiful but it’s been years since they’ve had new paint or work done. They’re all washed out and the concrete is crumbling. There are residences with very narrow staircases where the first floor is all dirty and inhabited then you look up and see laundry hanging out the second and third floor windows. We passed a block that looked abandoned and dirty then a couple doors down, a furnished house with working TV. A bunch of kids were playing volleyball in a square amongst more dilapidated buildings and half of them had no shoes on. It made me sad to see a place I though was so beautiful was really a shell of what it once was. So many stories and photos from differnt stuff. I’ve got cuban cars, food, style, travellers, music and more all written and I just need to post them. I would have taken week to do it there! I really enjoyed learning about life there.

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she kinda reminds me of andy warhol

This is the desktop of @irieras at work…feel free to put me on yours too. haha so funny.  It’s my current FB profile pic and she loves it. I got to thinking the other day about this blog and me and everything…. it’s fun reminding yourself about your own life. It becomes a story, unreal at times. I often say to myself “Can you believe it Casie? THIS, this, this is your life and you are living it, good job. Casie you are living it out.” AND Yes,  yes I talk to myself often. Kinda why I have a blog, to make the talking to myself seen normal….or necessary. Oh, look at me so funny again. To remember my life, that’s why I do it, this whole charade. I’m so happy and I hope it lasts forever. Thank you for reading. I love when you comment cause then we’re both sharing and it’s not just me talking to myself day after day. I’ve got all my gear here to scoot to NY after work. I’ve got a driver arranged at the airport and I’m meeting Jello at the hotel. No anxiety, only excitement! OMG! Have an awesome day.

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Down with the Sickness! How to Do a Thyme Bath

Today I woke up sniffly with sinus congestion feeling lethargic. Sadly, mama’s got a cold/flu. Tonight, before bed I’m gonna do a Thyme bath. It’s one of Mum’s herbal remedies. In my history, the one that has worked to cure a cold the very best. When you get sick, go buy some  Thyme from the store like in the photo (I’m using two of these small dried bags). Get your biggest pot, fill it with water and boil the water/thyme. Now go run a bath, as hot as. The thyme will settle to the bottom of the  big pot eventually. It will also smell nice in your house (Dad hated it, but I love!) Pour the water from the pot into the hot  bath straining the little green thyme bits out. Get in the hot hot bath, sit there as long as you can before dying of heat. Then, get out dry off, dress warm, put on socks, hat, scarf and go to BED. Sleep. Wake up feeling better. Rinse and repeat again the next night if you’re not better (you can even use the same thyme/pot). Take Oil of oregano too. Thanks Mum for teaching me this trick. Works every time!

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yes mum, naked and bodypainted downtown.

If you watch tv or moves you might see my face pop up from a couple years of random shows, background work & really wanting be on tv. I’ve since chosen the internet and appear here everyday. This show doesn’t stop. I loved this outfit. There were like 250 of us dressed like this for the Beta House party scene at U of T & Toronto Film Studios. It was hot. My sister is one of the Girls of Pie. I did a show for W Network in 2006 and got to know a bunch of producers etc. One contacted me about a year later to do the pilot of a new show on Slice called The List. The show’s all about living life to the fullest. Host Liza Fromer helps people cross crap off their life list, you get it like the Bucket List. They wanted it to be exciting and a bit extreme, calling me was obviously the right choice. They came up with the idea, told me and I was like “uh, yeah sure I’ll do that”. They put me in a big wooden box at King and Bay in the middle of the financial district. It was a hot summer day and like 8am. I took off all my clothes and replaced them with flesh coloured nipple stickies and a tiny thong. There was a guy in box airbrushing a business suit all over me. Once it was done, around lunch time, the door opened and amongst a crowded street, mid day, I came out. I walked a block and back a few times and turned heads. It was exciting. Everyone was doing second-takes cause it looked like a real suit. It was a fun experience, I wasn’t even scared. I loved it. Just got off…

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i always love her, no matter what she wears

I need a new sketchbook. Yes, need. I’m feeling that scatter brain a little,  little bit a rattle brain a little. I had my photo taken yesterday for an upcoming feature in Toronto Life. I like having my photo taken and my house makes a great studio. Daniel had shot a couple others before me and said I was the most fun. I visited Aggy last night, I missed her face. She’s got a nice one and the hair, well, you know, style. I’d like to take more photos with photographers, some creative fun over the winter. We invited over an American friend and a bunch of others last night an made a turkey with all the trimmings. It was tasty. I’ll be having turkey sandwiches and turkey soup all week. Yum. More about that later… Happy Monday 🙂

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how to having a mo-fucking-tastic time

…just go to the Movember Gala. So many photos from the night. Michelle has more on her camera that I will post later. I met a bunch of great people and had lots of fun being a judge. My category was best Mo Bro and Mo Sista so I got to mingle and look for a hot looking boy & girl that came with each other. Swim suits won for sure, they were awesome.  Michelle and I were the babes that put the winning sashes on the winners. We stood on stage the whole time, it reminded me of my old beauty pageant days.  Sigh. I’m modelling in a show for Puma at the flagship store in Yorkville tonight then it’s home to bed.  [yes, i get to keep the clothes! woot] I’m getting up early tomorrow to hit the AA rummage sale. Luckily, I have VIP line by-pass. [haha suckers!!] The lineup today is like 500 blocks so you gots to get there early. This is my favorite photo from last night, just try not to smile. Ok, don’t stop yourself, let out a laugh. Go, do it. Have a great day & happy Friday 🙂

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this is for the stylsh ones with a passion for fashion

So, this is quite exciting and big…the FIRST EVER American Apparel rummage sale in Toronto. Get ready to throw some elbows! Prices are up to 85% off! Absolutely everything is under $50 and prices start at $2. Honestly. Can you believe it? It’s free admission and located at 590 King St. West [King & Portland]. It’s on all weekend and for exact times check the Facebook event page. When you get back from the rummage sale with hands full of new gear, empty out your closet and throw your clothes up on shopmyclothes.com. They promote the recycling and reuse of clothes and accessories. I’m all for it. This Toronto based company was started by a friend of mine and told me that 85% of used clothes go unrecycled! That means style is going in the garbage! AH! NO! Most of my really awesome clothes are second hand and I love clothing swaps. I’ve got a stack of photos and stuff to upload to the site this weekend. You’ll start seeing ads around the city and on the subway soon but we know you saw it here first. I love this awesomely-cool-stylish-art-attack by blog friend Gloria writer of Urbanebloc.com. Keep up with other cool Toronto Blog Girls by visiting the site here.

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friday the 13th: me = highly excitable

I have always had this thing about threes. I make a conscious effort not to do things in threes, I stick to two and four when I notice. I used to be much worse but I’ve gotten over it a bit now. Earlier this year I got a tattoo I wanted for years. In order to change my negative thoughts about 3 or 13, I booked my much wanted tattoo on Friday the 13th. Now, I have a positive outlook every time one of those lucky days rolls around. This is me laughing at a Tweet re: a new word I learned – Twoosh. It’s when your Tweet is exactly the max allowed 140 characters. Twooshbag is when you do it alot-lot. Twitter is really fun. If you like fun, you should join and follow me so we can laugh together. Twilight New Moon cast members are at Much today for MOD. They’re got barriers set up and the crowd is gonna be huge. I’ve never seen the movie/read the books but the fact that people go ape shit over it is  pretty exciting. There’s people lined up and it’s not even 10am. I love working here. Happy Friday the 13th. Go do something that scares you.

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they’re over rated and rarely worn

It’s been going on for a while, or should I say not going on…on my legs, pants that is. Yes, pants.  I rarely wear them. I’ve got under ten pairs now since I cleaned out my closet. I gave away all the ones I never wore. They just didn’t get used. I saw this post earlier today and HA..thanks to GaGa and all the other Hollywood whores, no pants is picking up speed. There’s a bunch of references to me and #nopants in Google from the last year. I usually wear tights but with a skirt, long shirt or DRESS. Tights are not pants. Once I had a boyfriend take me shopping just so I would wear pants jeans, they’re just not my thing. Looking forward to The 9th Annual Toronto No Pants ride in January 2010. I’ll be riding that rocket for sure. Here’s a little dance for you from me. Happy HUMP day.

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reality tv, internet celebrity, blah blah balls balls

I used to watch The O.C., seems like ages ago when THAT was on. I loved that show. Marissa. Cooper. I got into Laguna Beach next it wasn’t as good but it was. It was realer but then also turned out to be fake-real. I know a bit of the gossip from the internet but I’ve not been watching those kids that much. I did tonight though…I watched The Hills. Knowing what’s happening on the show will only help my job. Here we go… Brody’s Mom, plastic surgery much? I like Jayde, she’s nice, hot and Canadian. Kristin not so much. She did get skinnier from when I used to watch though. When Audrina talks all I hear is ‘wah wah’. She’s kinda like a Jennifer Aniston in the getting-publicly-dumped, ‘i’m annoying’ way. Look me with longish hair! Throwback 2006 to the Moxie Princess Party. There was tons of us, all in crinoline’s, glitter and  crowns. Heidi and Spencer are definitely unique, the thought of them having kids gives the tabloids panty soup I’m sure.  His appointment at the vasectomy doctor painful but Heidi saying “Hi honey, I snipped by balls off” was almost worth watching the show alone. It’s more drama in 30 minutes than an hour of the Young and the Restless, that’s for sure. It was nominated a Peoples Choice Award, ‘Favorite TV Obsession. I’ll be watching it from now on. Don’t worry. I’ll keep the updates to a minumum 🙂

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her world is rainbows, unicorns and flying stars

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. The weekend, yesterday, today. What more could you ask for than Spring in November? Summer in December? Ah, a girl can dream can’t she? Yes, a girl can dream. I absolutely love walking to work in the morning and home again at night. No more TTC, just me, an outfit and my cute little boots on the pavement. I really need to put some music on my ipod. I’ve been so wrapped up dreaming of iphone, I forgot about the little guy. Couple things to let you know… Just added a review to Chick Advisor, check it out.  I’ll be at the National Ballet tomorrow night for wine tasting (thanks for the invite). You’re welcome to join me, there’s still tickets. I’ve been listening to some pretty rad tunes lately including the new album from Yacht (who I love) and Adriane Lake (her album). I picked this little guy up on the weekend. Don’t you want it? I thought it represented me well. The store is Queen and Dovercourt and they’ve got a little sale on right now. I’ve started making some really snazzy jewels myself. All custom made and all one of a kind. I’ll post photos soon. Two friends were in the Financial Post yesterday, check out  Sarah from Sprouter and Mike from Scribble Live. They are both part of the awesomeness that made Toronto Twestival this year a huge success. Have an awesome day!

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a woman needs a man like a fish a bicycle

Feeling busy today and it’s only eight am. I’m ready for the weekend. It’s been a busy week. My wrist has been hurting, stress. Castor oil really helps, thanks Mum. The MTV Video Music Awards will be live on MTV.ca today and I’ll be Tweeting about it for work. I’ve got an album to review from Musebox, Adriane Lake. Watched my friends from Scribblelive on Dragons Den last night. Attending the opening of O’Brien‘s Roosevelt Room tonight and missing Art Battle. Possible attendance to see a major band tonight in style, depending on my tiredness. Came home for lunch yesterday, felt great to do that. Made today’s lunch last night. Been daily reading Zucket’s secrets and Raymi’s public life. I need to take more photos. I need a coffee today for sure. Nominations for the 2009 Weblog Awards opened yesterday, if you love, please nominate me for Best Twitterer or Best Canadian Blog. Raymi pretty much owns this yearly but it’s worth a shot! Enjoy the day. Rain boots and a brolly necessary!

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too cool for school and lots to learn

I met so many people, got to have meetings around the place. It’s really cool guys. I mean really cool. It’s much different from working in an old factory loft for an online gaming company.  It’s a big place, a really big place. It’s it’s like a maze filled with new people, news and lots of TV’s. My wrist arthritis  is hurting. Whining. Had to ice it and yes mum I put on the Arnica.  I could use a big box of Aleve or a Tylenol Arthritis sponsorship. I feel like  a Nana. Maybe it’s the rain. I was informed the same rainbow puking unicorn I posted the other day showed up on Postsecret. Was it one of you guys? It wasn’t me. On Friday we had drinks at School bakery & cafe bar in Liberty Village beside the old office. I had been there about a week earlier to meet a friend for lunch. A girl was taking photos  that day and then I showed up in a review of School in the Globe & Mail last week.  Check ‘er out.

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natural chic magnet

Last week I got a new mascara in the mail as a member of  Chick Advisor’s Product Review Club. ChickAdvisor is a girls resource for reviews and advice on stuff they like. It made my lashes longer. It’s  lite on your lashes, soft almost. It’s a good day mascara. I do two coats. It brushes on nicely. The brush is a combination between that skinny plastic kind d the fluffier brush one. My lashes feel soft and not all mascara-ish. I would use it again.  My current favorite is the vibrating mascara, it’s a bit more expensive. Twitter came out with lists yesterday. I made one list so far it is a growing collection of Toronto Blog Girls. I’m on a couple lists made by other including Toronto Twitterati, Social Community Alliance and Toronto Arts. I got a really lovely shout out this week from my penpal Hillzy on her blog.  Keep blogging sista! Big thanks to Two Belt & E1E ♥

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it’s warm in my heart and my little red tights

I woke up in a great mood. It’s good day I can feel it. Had a nice brekky at Roastery with Jeff,  they have the best music. Soon as I got to the office I re-played I love the Nightlife on my Blip Station for my Twitter peeps to enjoy. It was perfect the perfect tune to dive into work with enthusiasm. I’ve got two new penpals and am expecting mail. They’re both in the GTA so if you live far and wanna be my penpal, leave a comment and we’ll chat about it. I’m also excited because some dear friends in the USA are sending me a camera in the mail!! Remember I broke mine? Lucky girl right here! Say goodbye to these Blackberry photos and hello to my pretty litte face nice and clear. People went wild over this a photo I posted of my sis and I yesterday. Saying we’re Twins and stuff.  She’s probably the cutest thing…ok she ties with me. haha You can follow her on Twitter. I’m trying to get her into it as much as me but it seems I have a passion like no other! Reminder to enter the Harijuku Lovers Contest by emailing [email protected] to tell me something you love. It’s that easy. I’m gonna pick the winner live on 12seconds.tv October 30th. I love Fridays! Have an awesome day 🙂

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giving feels so good

In my house growing up, we weren’t religious. I remember be nice, share, give, say thanks.  Mum and Dad raised us to be good kids. This week was Pay it Backward Day and I did good with hundreds of others across Ontario. I’m waiting to find out the final count of just how many wonderful people participated. The Queen and John location alone had over 1,000! I got a heads up from a friend about an Ontario Tourist Attractions photo contest on Lenzr sponsored by Kanetix insurance and mortgage quotes. You send in a photo of anything in Ontario you think tourists should see. (Me?) The winner gets a $200 American Express gift card and second prize gets $100. Uh, that’s awesome. Who doesn’t love cash? This big unit is one of my favorite attractions. The lights dance every hour on the hour through the night and it’s just beautiful. Go to  Lenzr to enter.

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