Sketches: Part I

I drew this sketch. It is called ‘Skin Trade: pornstars are entrepreneurs’. I have it posted on my wall at home and I thought, why not post it here. I was thinking to myself how really, if you can make money selling your body as you may wish to, you are an entrepreneur. This is not something that I have done nor have any desire to. I was just thinking in general. The Free Dictionary online defines an entrepreneur as “A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.” Thus, I would say I am correct. This is a sketch I did of my bike. It really is my pride and joy. Well, it was, until she got a flat tire because I left her in a bad hood over night . Now she’s not going for any rides. Next summer, this beauty will be back on the road and all over downtown. Just how she likes it.

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write on. this is a run on.

today i am feeling a bit of a cold and possibly by the news reports with all the tragedy and gun fights that happened last night some others are feeling cold too i’m staying in all day and i’m wearing a pirate shirt and i put the zombie tattoo on again last night because i love it i’ve got pen and paper and links in my fingers to share and i’m going to write about things that i like because that is what like to do and it makes me happy when i do it and i’m glad to know that other people like reading it because there is nothing more fun than making art and sharing it with people you like andy warhol told me once that being good in business is the best kind of art and i totally agree with that its the best and most free that you can be just creating things and putting it out there

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A Saturday in Kensington

We went into “This Ain’t the Rosedale” to check out some books. I got 2 really creative mini ones that fit great in the purse. I love those little ones. Trying on fancy hats is always one of my favorite things to do, along with trying on stuff and taking my picture in it. I went to Bungalow and as I was leaving but then found this totally rad dress that was black with RED LEATHER! I knew it must be tried on, by me. Obviously. I went to the Cameron House and the bathroom stall I went into your DJ Scootz in it from 2007. Rad! Charlie and I read books there and listened to some live music. He tried on my glasses and put his book upside down for the pic by accident. I think it looks intellectual. I dug for some scarves to find jems. Got hooked up these. Those vintage babies were only a buck a piece. God I love that, I make it look a million bux! All & all, I haven’t had a Saturday afternoon in Kensi like that for a couple weeks and it was lovely.

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Rail Note #161007

I’m sitting in the subway and find it very warm and awkward. I haven’t ridden this rocket in quite some time. Its full of people and glass and their ass on the glass in your damn face. Its weird for me. I never seem to mind if I’m with friends and chatting or after a few drinks. Then, you are not alone. Alas, I find myself between the glass and someone foreign and someone else in a suit. All the time, everyone glances around staring at ads for a therapist, a job, trouble with erectile dysfunction to which if you actually do need help with your flaccid penis, you might want to buy VigRX Plus male enhancement pills, all in between beautiful blondes and subway tracks. As I was writing this is got increasingly crowded and I somehow feel trapped, but comfortable. I noticed a girl with an olive green laptop bag branded “incase”. I like it. Bloor Street, chaos at in between the cars, empty, crowded, now moving. Two dudes are speaking a language I do not understand beside me and it is kinda loud in my ear and everyone can hear them. Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network The focus group was all about Tylenol. I didn’t get chosen for the second hour, which I am grateful for. I gave my opinion and took my forty bucks. I’m back on the subway with a bottle of vodka and two new pairs of tights from Ardene cause I remember Raymi saying they had deals at the Yorkville shop so I checked. Just a little ride now and I’m home sweet home. Back downtown to have a toast and pass by Darren’s Snowboard party that Fathom is spinning at later then to StrangeLove. The subway is…

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Love My Wellies ♥

That nasty, slushy, wet, cold time of year is a comin’ and I got my old Wellies ready to strut. Here’s the Wellies story, just in case you didn’t know how rad they really were… The Hunter Story A symbol of British country life In 1856 Mr Henry Lee Norris, an American entrepreneur, landed on Scottish soil in search of a home for his boot making company. Having acquired a block of buildings in Edinburgh, known as the Castle Silk Mills, the North British Rubber Company (which much later became known as Hunter Boot Ltd) was registered as a limited liability company in September 1856. In the beginning there were only four people working for the company, by 1875 the team had grown to 600 members of staff. Production of Wellington boots were dramatically boosted with the advent of World War I when the company was asked by the War Office to construct a sturdy boot suitable for the conditions in flooded trenches. The mills ran day and night to produce immense quantities of these trench boots. In total, 1,185,036 pairs were made to cope with the Army’s demands. The fashionable boot was now a functional necessity. For WWII they were once again called upon to supply vast quantities of Wellingtons and thigh boots. 80% of production was for war materials – from ground sheets to life belts and gas masks. After WW II boot making had to move to a larger factory in Heathhall Dumfries, where the company has been based since, to deal with the rise in demand. Hunter’s most famous welly, the original Green wellington, was made over 50 years ago in the winter of 1955. It was the first orthopedic boot that we made and was launched alongside the Royal Hunter another boot that remains in…

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Don’t drink so much! Tips on Saving Water & the Environment

I got this email today from Take Part – Social Action Network and I wanna share some of the tasty shit with you. 6 Things You Can Do to Save Water Just a little effort can make a big difference in conserving water. While fresh, clean drinking water is ours to use whenever we need it, none of us can afford to waste it. It’s too valuable. Here’s what you can do:1. Water your lawn only when it needs it. A good way to see if your lawn needs watering is to step on the grass. If it springs back up, it doesn’t need water. If it stays flat, fetch the sprinkler.2. Water during the cool parts of the day. Early morning generally is better than dusk because it helps prevent growth of fungus.3. Plant drought-resistant trees and plants. 4. Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and sidewalks.5. Wash your car at a commercial car wash. They recycle the water.6. Collect condensate water from air conditioners and use it to water your plants.

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Blackberry Messenger: Pending Problem

This is how you fix the problem when you try to add your friend to Blackberry Messenger and it stays in ‘pending’. It is reallllllly annoying if you don’t know how to fix the shit. First write down your friends PIN or copy to Clipboard. Then, while in the messenger window, select menu / add contact / scroll to the top / highlight use once / menu /request by pin/type in friends PIN/VOILA! Here’s where I got the tip!!

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Zune Zune Zuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnne!!

Look what I get! Today I got a call from a lovely employee at after I had filled out a survey last week that pertained to MP3 players. Turns out… was for the Zune MP3 device!This thing is fucking awesome. I currently have an 8G Nano, but I reckon this might rival my little baby. It comes with video, photo, radio, a recorder, wireless sync (so cool!) and up to 2,000 songs, or 25,000 pictures, or 24 hours of video. Holy shit yo!! It is not in Canada yet, but I am getting an 8G one! And, to make it even better and cooler, I get to give one to a friend!! Also, Zune is super cool because they are going to be hosting parties with Vice magazine. As a devoted Vice fan, this rocks my socks off! Vice had a promotion with Solo Mobile once for the 100/100 Parties that were off the hook and craz-ay. I should get my Zuney Tuney unit in about a week or so. Stay ‘tuned’ for updates!! If you’d like to participate in this great opportunity or other great stuff from Matchstick let me know and i’ll pass on the details for you! xoxo

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