yesterday on twitter, this happened:

iPad and couch are a match made in heaven. # #ShortyAwards interview w/me # must be a huge #twitterblunt for 'puff puff pass' to still be trending. # The commercial with the kid face and fat man body freaks me right out. # These judges seer too nice. #idol # Omg Idol is so funny. Haha # this little piggy went to m_______. # omfg. Wayne Gretzky played himself on the Young & The Restless in 1981. #cananda #yandr #amazing # OH "I'm going to go see Casey for a few days" via @mrsnikkinewman to @victornewman. That's where my name came from! #yandr #fact # oooh tucker is gonna figure it ALLLLL out now #yand # a note for you # time for mama's show #yandr # Cher devastated over not getting Oscar nomination. haha. # ha oh yes i did girl. RT @mrsnikkinewman: @casiestewart Oh No you Didn't! # Clearly I am very hard on men and gadgets. RT @shawnhawaii: @casiestewart you wear out guys easily # i think i wore out @officialken. he's not talking to me anymore. to think he said all those sweet things to me yesterday…*wipes tear* # hung.ry # ah, @mrsnikkinewman you are too old to wear that two finger ring you were rockin' yesterday. # bananas # i just wrote a bio about myself for an interview but i'm pretending it wasn't me because i sound so incredibly good. haha. # dude, you have the WORST auto DM EVER. @BillZucker ALL CAPS PUSHING FB? brutal. # preparing a #blondetourage emal for the ladies. get ready for roll call! # Your Mom? RT @HuffingtonPost: And the most popular dog in America is… # i'm still in my jammies hehe # this was where that tweet came from # omg…

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OMG. best boyfriend EVER!

Oh Ken, You shouldn’t have! “I can’t stop thinking about you. … Every girl wants to be like you because of your adventurous spirit. “ “No other doll can hold a candle to your fashion sense, and I can’t think of anyone else I prefer to stand beside.” “This October I was on the lookout for you at Toronto Fashion Week with my Kentourage, but you were nowhere to be found. “ “I’ll do whatever it takes to win you back.” I won’t give up until you give me another chance. Barbie, we may be plastic but our love is real.” Rose is real too! Here’s the best part… I was tickled pink when I got this package today. Still smiling. It’s so creative and fun. Love, love, love it. I bet it was so fun putting this together! I’m a big fan of Barbie (as you know) and I’m also a huge fan of what is what Mattel is doing with Barbie & Ken online. @barbiestyle & @officialken are active on Twitter and they both have Facebook and Foursquare here & here. I googled “Kentourage” and found out that Ken is REALLY asking Barbie to get back together. There’s an event coming up Feb. 8th at the Eaton Centre and has this on it: There’s also a show on Hulu hosted by Whitney Port called Genuine Ken that I didn’t know about either. I like the idea of them togetether, Sweet Talkin’ Ken & Barbie Video Girl. I hope I find my very own Ken. Maybe he will be the is the highest bidder in the auction on Feb. 10th. Thank you Amanda for sending. You made my day 🙂

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20/365: words must be weighted not counted

It’s so sunny out today I’m reminded of summer. I feel happier today. Bugger this time of year, don’t let it get you down. This is a good time to find inspiration, look for it.  Wearing an outfit Dad & his GF got me for Christmas. The skirt was too tight then but fits now. You know what that means? 1) Awesome 2) Going to the gym and working out makes you skinnier.  I’m am so glad I’m getting my ass in gear. Last year I told myself ‘this year’ and I refuse to let ME down. Tonight I’m having dinner with my boss from my first full time job ever. It was 2005 and I had moved to Toronto for a job in the fashion industry. I was certain that was what I wanted to be. I love that her and I are having a date tonight. I will always love fashion too. Been talkin’ FW 11 events & parties! Exciting. Saw this today: “Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was one eccentric” I say, don’t fear being eccentric at all. Have an awesome day ♥

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up up here we go where we stop nobody knows

jamming to this right now, play it if you got sound or you feel like jammin’ too… I was laughing in this photo. I had noticed after a couple camera snaps there was a few people looking. I saw someone turn their eyes back to the road and they were smiling. It made me smile. I love taking so many photos, I feel like a tourist every day in this awesome city. Wore my docs again today. Man, I really forgot how confortable they are. I got them in the summer from the Doc Marten store on Queen Street. They are the Triumph style and She Does the City wrote about them being the awesomest boot ever. Didn’t even know that when I got ’em. WIN! Today for the first time I noticed a street sign in Union Station for Brookfield Place. It reminded be of this legendary brand new appartment building I lived in at 15 Brickfield Street in Sydney Australia back in 2004. Well to be honest with you, it was a suberb of Sydney called Paramatta. Spent about 20 min just now Google map-walking around the streets. After Paramatta for a couple months I ditched that place and moved to Bondi Beach. It’s beautiful there…ah, memories. This made the front of all the city’s papers today I’m sure. When I saw the caption “love you forever” it only reminded me of the book by Robert Munsch and Mum reading it to me. It was my fav growing up. Miss you Mum. Nice chatting on Skype today ♥ I hardly read the Metro. It’s quite a ‘subway’ thing for me. I saw this little ditty with Tweets  about chosing a job you love.  I worked real hard to get here. That’s what it takes.  It’s not easy but…

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i am fit and beautiful and awesome (repeat)

Positive self affirmatrions. Try it. Manifest the life you want and make it happen. When you are done reading this lovely post looking at the pictures here check THIS out The other day Raymi took me to The Motion Room for a workout. I’ve not been much of a worker outer the past few years, however, last week I had a very different gym experiece. You know what? I really liked it too. Shirt is from  Me to We in support of Africa, shorts are American Apparel from Bud Camp, socks from AA too. Hipster workout. haha. It was super rad to have someone show you what to do then push you to do it. I enjoyed this ladder thinger. I often make things into dance moves. The young ballerina in me will never die/grow up. Did you ever notice ballerina has the work ‘baller’ in it? Pairs, duet. Good form. I rocked the pushup plank style going down and back. I did such a good job that instead of going plank all the way he made me do pushups in between. Urgh, remind me NOT to try hard with a trainer. You will only end up hurting more. Look at my pipes. I’m huge. Squats too, check them muscles. I died a little post ladder. I dont like normal gyms cause I feel self conscious, and insecure because I don’t really know what to do. It might be different if I had a partner.  I often stick to the treadmill cause it’s self explanitory. The workout here was really fun cause we used different equipment and I had a coach. I think that’s what really makes the difference for me, having someone tell you what to do. (Keep the sub/Dom jokes to yourself, haha) This is what really…

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sometimes i don’t feel like it #2

That’s just it. Sometimes I don’t fee like blogging or tweeting or sharing anything with you or anyone. I’m human, as much as try not to be, I am. But then, how do I deal with those feelings? I write about it, here. Can you believe I considered starting a paper/pen jounal about my feelings. this morning. Uhh, hellooooo? To be honest with you, every once in a while I feel completely overwhelmed by the internet. It’s partly because I’m doing what I really love doing and I created it this way and now I have to deal with all the stuff that comes with it. It get’s heavy sometimes. This week I got a couple really nice emails from people I’ve never met thanking me for what I do. Those really make me feel awesome.  Do you like reading that stuff? Sometimes I feel like quitting and doing a regular jobby workin’ 9-5’er. I have that feeling for about five minutes until I realise I couldn’t really get away with this outfit and creative tears start burning my face. In other news, I’m working on some really fun stuff that I can’t wait to share with you. Thank you for listening and reading and visiting. Please don’t be shy to comment, I like it. You can also email me if you are comment shy. Have an awesome day, whatever it is you’re up to!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

hot tub time machine: it’s like a mini vacation #blog # Great Read: 7 Vices of Highly Creative People cc @michaelnus # sick but social # hot tub time machine #blog # best thing about being sick – not being hungry 🙁 # can someone please make this for me and bring it over? ILU forever # we're not in kansas anymore. RT @wafflesgirls: heel click teleportation technology is criminally underdeveloped. get on it scientists! # sisters # well written my love RT @amforever: ashes to ashes. smoking bull rider… moving slow like a ballet. # parkdale landmark @raymitheminx # There's three asian dudes here dancing & playing 'genie in a bottle' so cute. #hottub # hot tub would be good for my cold eh? or no. pool is no i reckon but hot tub is good. # one of you guys works at #TheCounter @thompsontoronto don't you? i can't remember who it is!! # #HELP need a cool dinner spot downtown #toronto to take my old boss for dinner next week? she is cool & in fashion. would like to impress. # what do you think of the new Brit? #holditagainstme # stoked for today's #yandr # being sick is kinda inspiring or making me delusional – chicken soup for the hipster's soul? # got this email over the weekend: # email subject: thanks for being inspirational #blog # do you ever have such runny nose that you do this? no laughing at me ok. wahhh. # BED RT @i_am_joey: chicken soup. vicks RT @casiestewart: sneeze. kleenex. RT @i_am_joey: sniff sniff RT @casiestewart: @i_am_joey wahhhh # sneeze. kleenex. RT @i_am_joey: sniff sniff RT @casiestewart: @i_am_joey wahhhh # i think i might have a cold. he's hiding but slowly…

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‘We Live In Public’ makes me feel funny inside.

I can’t stop thinking about this movie. It’s the sharing that sometimes creeps me out. The ‘onlineness’ of my life. That movie got me thinking about privacy and openness. I obviously don’t mind being open and sharing about my life and thought to myself, ‘where do I draw the line?’ Where do you draw the line? Is there even a line? Do I care about a line? I leave out certain things from you, the internet, my friends, things like sex, dating, my family, pretty much any problems I have as well as feelings of sadness/anger. Would I be more real if I shared all that? Am I less real because I don’t? To a bunch of people, I’m a girl from the internet, possibly someone they (you)  feel connected to but have never met. On the other hand, there’s many people I’ve met via Twitter who know me, but don’t really know me at all. It boggles my mind when I think about our world sometimes. Everyone is so connected. I feed on connections with people. I need them.  I’m sitting at my desk as I write this with a external monitor for my netbook (two screens going) while my iPad is beside me (anbother screen) and my phone beside that (four screens). All have twitter running and multilple email accounts and the second I hear a sound from one of them my attention is captured. Maybe that’s it right there, my attention is captured by the internet, by you. I don’t really know how I feel about the future of the internet but I like it. Even if it makes me feel funny sometimes. It’s a crazy world we live in. We live in public. This is what I did last night… I took a break from work…

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ringin’ it in style: december 31, 2010 #INQNYE

wakey wakey it’s breakfast tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime! i’ll have water (w/ airborne), simosa, juice, coffee, and a smoothie, thank you. yummy. raymi & both went glasses styles, it was like 8:30 am. ahem, pardon me, what’s that? oh,  cock & balls bull. back to the hotel to get ready for the evening our group 20 had a five course dinner at the ever so lovely buonanotte. the website has heaps of plates signed by famous people who ate there like lenny kravitz, jerry seinfeld & jimmy kimmel. me & brother andrew stewart melodie got a sexy new short cut. hawt! sat beside Stew our chariot for the night was a massive limo disco bus (like the ones 905’ers get to come downtown!) we had a massive area for our crew at this club calle BAINS DOUCHES. haha. these hot ladies danced sexy burlesque for us. rrrrrarrrrrrr. one of the girls is from TO and would like me to come to her class. i like this idea. HAPY NEW YEAR! 2011 OMG! this giant 6’5″ 19 year old may have kissed me at midnight we had a photographer so i didn’t take many photos of our party i came back from the club earlier than the rest and made use of our awesomely huge tub our suite was pretty awesome, well except that it was 911. bad sign, gah 9/11?  bathroom is behind blue curtain. had a great sleep, woke up and hung out with myself around the hotel lobby looked at the beautiful & modern art displayed by an artiste named TONE then i went to the Away Spa @ W Montreal for a massage and a lovely breakfast post brekky i met up with the rest of the crew and prepared for departure… and finally… I share this with you beacause…

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the retrieval of events or information from the past #memory

i love going back and looking at my archives, it’s amazing how much you forget. for me, it is a really good reminder to make the most of each day, smile, be positive and keep motivated. you never know what you can achieve when you put your mind to it. lots happened january – march 2010, here are some of my favs: i was in toronto life magazine and now everyone knows where i live i worked at CTV doing the FB & twitter for @MuchMusic & @MTV Canada i didn’t feel like blogging then i posted a fav quote by thomas edision a professor at queens university used me as an example in her class told you about a date partied with DJ pauly D and The Situation, kinda. told you about about a best friend i was interviewed in techvibes i met the guys from mtv’s the buried life …but then it was suddenly warm out. we all learned about chatroulette an example of modern media at work played with barbies bare bum on blogTO kissed a REAL Olympic gold medal there was a hot nerd takeover to raise money for haiti I’m way more into the Internet than sports. gave away some givenchy play for men to this lucky guy told you about my old job twestival 2010 went to a leaf’s game patio season was just around the corner had a blog girl gang hang bloggers dressed pretty in peachy for MTV lady blogga came out for a blog party i talked about blogging crazy awesome fun #genyto party went to art battle canada won gold

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photodiary: cambridge, ontario, canada

I didn’t really take that many photos, not like I do when I’m at my house living my nomal (or not so normal) life. Spent most the time re-lax-ing. This was my fav card I found at Walmart. Not including the musical ones. Dad doesn’t have wifi and I didn’t bring my laptop so I only had my phone to blog/tweet/FB. Dad has a comp but he uses EXPLORER and I’m not compatible with that browser. Andy, without wifi, is just …an iPad. Did some Chrissy shopping with a friend. This is a creepy Christmas to me: 24 gives me anxiety, Golum freaks me right out, and well, Hello Kitty is fine. This smiley face is there every year. Welcome to the suburbs. Wahhhhhh. This is an old shirt I used to have. I got it from this guy Luke who said he got it from a crack-head. So classy eh. Luke, who’s your daddy? Had a jam session with some peeps. This is Bonga’s fancy new guit. Play a little ditty for me would ya? They have mad skillz. Old bestie from the Bridge Miss Sara Baker. Crazy how time flies, been about two years since I last saw her. After being in the burbs for a few days, it feel SO GOOD to be home.

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i’ve been an awful good girl, santa baby

Made a wee list of a couple things I really enjoy having. I would never have this stuff without recomendations and introductions from a bunch of you.  I appreciate it. Here we go: Yoga Jeans from Shop Girls Gallery Boutique I was invited t the shop and given jeans and they are super comfy for someone who hates pants. I haven’t worn jeans in years and now I love these ones. I wear them when I travel and they are so comfy on the plane. They never lose their shape. I have dark denim and this one time I spilled a beer on me when flying and you could hardly even tell. It dried in no time and I got another beer. Bam Jamz Bamboo clothes Was given this at the TIFF gift lounge and I’ve been living in it since. The tank top has a panda on it’s really comfy. I like looking stylish but I also like no fuss, feel good clothes. Mine is pajams/yoga wear but I wear it as day clothes. Also great for traveling. You get it at at these stores. Marks Work Warehouse super long soft cardigan Before New Zelanad Fashion week I was invited to Mark’s. One of the things I got was this super long soft cardigan that I have been wearing like crazy. It’s really nice for around the house. Soft like a more stylish snuggie for traveling. Warm too. I woud buy one for all my girlfriends if I could afford it. Joe Fresh Nail Polish & Lipstick * need manicure Got these at athe TIFF gift lounge too. I have Cherry, Tomato and a matte topcoat that I wear all the time. I like redish tones the most.  There’s matching lipstick for both too. Betty Kiss Reversible Clutch I…

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GIFTING DAY 6: baby it’s cold outside

I’ve never really worn ear warmers (muffs?) before, but the other day it was snowing/cold and I didn’t want to ruin my hair. So, I took the 180s I goti n the mail out for a spin. My beautiful yellow leather bag is by Canadian designer Nella Bella. I wasn’t sure at first if they were my thing but they’re cute and they kept my ears super warm. The ‘not ruining my hair part’ was also quite important. I find it pretty rad that they have ones like this WITH  earphones. I need those. I have another pair that are brown suede, kinda dressier. I wore with a long coat and a hat and I was super warm. In Canada you can get them at The Bay, Sears, Mark’s Work Warehouse and Zeller’s or online at Today there are five winners. Each person gets a pair of holiday ear warmers in Rhododendron Red, Snow White and Kelly Green. These 180s make good  presents/stocking stuffers. Shipping is included so you might get them in time. To win today’s contest, leave a comment below with Twitter, Facebook or DISQUS and tell me: If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? Contest includes shipping and is open to anyone in Canada.

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building the snowman of my dreams

I love waking up to snow on the ground. It looks so pretty outside. Inspired me to get out of the house and venture to a coffee shop around the corner and soak up some scenery. I’ve got lots to get done today and tomorrow. I’ve never taken a week vacation from my blog. I wonder if I can even do it? It’s like my child and we’ve never really been apart. “Mommy’s going on vacation honey. No no, it’s ok, you will still be online, I have scheduled daily content feedings for you ok. I’ll check in on you when I can my sweet”. The joy of having a blog and talking to myself if so amusing. Don’t you think? Yeah, yeah I do. Oh, I chuckle to myself. They’re playing christmas music but I’ve got my earphones in anyways. Helps me concentrate. Look at that tower, man I love this cit. Happy Monday! Bag: Nella Bella Ear muffs: 180s Scarf: Me to We

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I like to think of myself as a one man wolf pack.

Pretty excited for this week. Monday night I’m hosting a benefit concert at Supermarket in Kensington. The show is  raising money for Kids Help Phone. If you’re around, come. Details below. Tuesday is my last day home before I go on vacation.  I’m gonna *try and digital detox.  I’ve only missed ONE day of internetting over the past year (see Bud Camp 2010) and I feel like taking a break.  Wow, really feels good to say type that. I’ve partnered with some peeps to do some holiday gift giving while I’m away. One day I will go Oprah style and give you all my favourite things.  I’m also planning to look back at things from the past year, reflect. Having a blog is a great way to remember the stuff you do. I forget all kinds of things, so it’s quite fun to look back. My blog header used to say “people, places, things, thoughts, in attempt to keep more memories.” Looking back is a great way to think about the future and what I want to achieve in the new year. Wednesday evening I fly to Boston to meet my friends. Thursday we fly to San Juan, Puerto Rico for a week in the sun. I’m really looking forward to that very moment when my feet hit the sand and the sun is on my face! WHY WHY is tumblr not back up yet 🙁 Omg, omg. Wahhh. Two hours and counting and the blogging platform is still down. Whatever are we to do without The Daily What and all those other delightful blogs? According to The Next Web and CenterNetworks, Tumblr has been down for two hours now, causing a lot of derision among folks on Twitter. via @mashable Dexter tonight. My sister totally got me hooked on…

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Heaps of pix from today, share with you tomorrow. Gotta run to the party at the Dallas Opera House. Willie Nelson is performing and so is LMFAO. Richard Branson will be there and perhaps some other notables. I’ve got someone interviewing me for an online magazine called Pink Memo. Finally get to meet Rachel aka @stealingkitty too. Let’s hope there are some babes. Looking forward to the night out and coming back to my lux·u·ri·ous bed at the W. Being away makes me love and appreciate you so much Toronto. I love you. See you Friday, XO Your Virgin America Provocateur

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these WIENERS are gettin’ BEER’d! #stellaTO

Congratulations my friends, you gonna have BEERS! Say HI and THANK YOU to Calvin (@cdot_in_tdot) from Boston Pizza Yonge Sheppard. Heck, give him a hug for me if you feel up to it. WIENER LIST: Jonathan Greenwald +1 Karly Gaffney + 1 Honarary mention goes to the following. You are all on the list too! Scott Honsberger Emma Brooks Dan Levy Marcin Zerek Feel free to tweet/email pix from your night out. There’s lots more goodies coming in December so if you did not win this time, you have a better chance next time just cause you entered. HA! Oh, while you’re on the internet, you should probs LIKE me and Boston Pizza YS on FB. We like you 🙂 I hope you all have fun. Now, go make friends! XO CASIE P.S. Sorry it’s such late notice. The in-flight wifi was not happening today and I JUST got to my hotel in LA.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

smoove # …staying up waiting for @VirginGR’s Project on #iPad # RE: @casiestewart picking stella beer me fun time winner tomorrow! # Awesome!! “@pinkbrickroad: @casiestewart a few of my coworkers came back with some cupcakes from @virginamerica so cute!” # Whoa the #yandr is serrrrious today. Adam and Sharon are gross. # Stopped into @nellabellabrand and got some GORGEOUS new bags for my travels this month! #soexcited # holiday gift ideas from @notabletv: my fav's > # i need a western outfit. help me please?! thinking something like this # take a break for your work day and have some fun. posted some goodies for you # Photo: # omgizzle, friend has an underwater camera and wants to make under water vids for blog while in San Juan next week! LE AWESOME 🙂 # Photo: # twitter for #ipad is faster than @tweetdeck on my pc. mac win! #observation # is eating Marmite 🙂 # just did an interview for @whatwomenwant. look for it soon! # omg LA tomorrow. i love airports and stoked to fly @virginamerica again. gonna try and ustream during my flight 😉 # doh, why you send that one again huh? grr. # Dad's Birthday today 🙂 # incredible india wecomes you! # Photo: can i have these please? # listening to @tinydanza – beat fly # go get 'em! # peace, love & cupcakes #toronto from @virginamerica!! # this is good to know guys, because… # do you like cupcakes? # yesterday on twitter, this happened: # a short bedtime story #

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peace, love & cupcakes #toronto from @virginamerica!!

Ladies and gentlemen of Toronto, It’s my duty as Virgin America Provocateur to share with you the awesome that is Virgin America. Today, your day is about to get a little bit sweeter 😉 To celebrate Virgin America’s (tasty) in-flight food, we’re surprising people with with red velvet cupcakes today. YES, CUPCAKES! Follow us both on Twitter > @casiestewart & @virginamerica (which you should already be doing) and when you’re out and about look for our Virgin America Street team. They will be at Union Station, King Street Station, and Dundas Square in the morning, Yonge & Dundas, Queen Street West, and King Street West at lunch, and Dundas Square, Air Canada Center, and Saint Andrews Station during the afternoon. Keep your eyes peeled for the team cause they’ve got 2,500 cupcakes AND 20% discount coupons. Plus, to upgrade your Monday a little more, listen to Z103.5 and call-in-to-win 100% off tickets! Amazing, I know. Maybe, just maybe we can trick you into thinking it’s Friday! I’ve got a VX flight out to LA tomorrow then to Dallas on Wednesday for a launch event. I finally get to meet Richard Branson andI reckon we’re gonna get along. Don’t cha think? Peace, love and cupcakes! HAPPY MONDAY! XO CASIE

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Photo: › seize the day. # baby baby baby ohhhhhhhh # Taylor's bangs? # doing a talk at the National Ballet of Canada tomorrow # RE: i hope to meet a handsome face too! #smirnoffexchange # RE: hocus focus! # I just had the best experience here. (@ Ostara Spa) # hottie hoti hot RT @RyanMCheung: Vogue – # there will be abs # have you ever been to sky city? # plastic bag floating above my condo, approx 40 stories, then across the gardener to the lake. american beauty? not so much. sad = garbage 🙁 # cut on finger make hard typing. # i'm ready for winter. i forgot how much i like it. porridge & coffee looking out over the late. hibernation. warm. # is a firework. # RE: did you photograph it as well? # RE: babetourage. # je suis animated # MOrning friends!!!!!!! Off to Santa Parade, gonna ride a mustache, then go for a 90 min luxury massage at @ostaraspa! Wonferful day! #

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december beach body countdown has started.

There will be abs. I know I’m small but I am not really that fit. I wanna go away on my vacations next month and feel good. I wanna look at photos and think ‘you look great’ not, ‘detele that one, you look gross’. It happens all the time. Don’t judge me. Ok, think what you want. I tried on my skinny jeans (which by the way are a very unhealthy size) and said if I fit these I have a body image disorder. They don’t fit. When I lived in Australia I came home so skinny, remember Nicole Richie running on the beach, yeah that was me. So gross. I’m getting in shape this time. Ate healthy yesterday and have has breakfast two days in a row. It takes dedication and a bunch of little steps to get results here! I started this blog to keep more memories it used to say “people. places. things. thoughts: in attempt to keep more memories“. If I write things down I’m more likley to make it a reality so that’s what I do. On that note, heading for a brisk walk to Yonge & Dundas Square to catch some pix of the Santa Parade (largest in the world) and ride a mustache (not a real one a skateboard one for Movember!). After that I’ve got a 90 min massage at Ostara Spa. Looking quite forward to everything today! I’m ready for the holidays. Gimme a candy cane.

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hey, wanna go to a party?

Watch this video and lets hope you already have a way in or you come up with a good way to get the two extra tickets I’ve got because this party is gonna be seriously of the CHIZZLE. Warehouse, vodka, great music, one hell of a good crowd and 14 parties happening around the world at the same time. Our gift arrives in a crate with a party from India. I will be there and I know a bunch of people behind the magic making this happen and I can’t wait for it. Raise your glasses for vodka shots. Remember the other Smirnoff party GRAPHIC? You may have seen it on your TV with a one second unmistakable appearance from your fav pixie party girl at 00:18. Here are the deets: What: The Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project: India Who: Jalebee Cartel, Shaa’ir + Func, Dragonette, Isis = Amazing When: Saturday, November 27th, 2010 > next weekend Where: The Munition Factory (so badass location) I dunno who I should bring with me. You need to be totally awesome and fun with a love for vodka and dance floors.  You must have intermediate to advanced knowledge of how to have a good time and not be camera shy. No bad attitudes or egos allowed. Strict dress code of personal style. Flare for conversation mandatory. Tickets are courtesy of Smirnoff Canada and the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project and you must be 19+. Apply below.

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oh man it’s freakin’ windy out there eh?

This video is old, of my fav’s. I used to be a member at the AGO. I went all the time. It was a lovely place to spend time by myself, inspiring, energizing and often gave me creative ideas to do sill things like this. Ha. I make myself laugh, that’s a pretty good skill if you ask me. Mohahaaaa. It’s Casie and I’m at the AGO and it is sooo windy here today. I don’t know if you’ve been to the AGO before but I really suggest you check it out. They’ve got a lot of great stuff happening here, lot of artists, really interesting things for you to check out. So go to the AGO because it’s really neat.

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i am going to a ballet tomorrow night.

I used to do ballet. For ten years. Sometime I hated it but I always loved it. This is me last week after Raymi’s party. Dress if from this store. Look ma’ still got it. Kinda. Not top form, by any means. I was three years old when I started dance and stopped when I was 13. I did ballet, tap and jazz. I competed in NY and SC as well as across Ontario. Sometimes I was taken out of school for competitions and I wore blue eye shadow and red lipstick. I need to find our photos. I reckon they’re all at Mum’s. We have a FB group for our old studio Meyerhopher in Cambridge. Great studio and people there. It says this on the FB group: If it doesn’t kill you, it will only make you stronger. Or you will really feel it the next day. I am going to see  “Robert Lepage’s “Eonnagata” starring Sylvie Guillem with my friend who is a wonderful photographer. There is dancing and beautiful music and famed French ballerina  Sylphie Guellieium. This is her, such beauty. Looking quite forward to it. Midway between theatre and dance, Eonnagata pits the fan against the sword, the courtesan against the swordsman. But it also explores the embodying of one sex by the other in what is more an investigation of gender than of sexuality. The work draws on Onnagata, a Kabuki theatre technique that enables actors to represent women in a highly stylized fashion, shedding new light on the Chevalier d’Éon and revealing that his enigma is perhaps the mystery of human identity itself.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Tick tick tick, that's the sound of your life running out. #dexter # Omg #dexter Cut you. # I'm 983 votes ahead of the other #SauzaSin finalist – help me hit 1,000 by casting your vote now! /via @SauzaSin # Cute > Goodnight tweedos Xox /via @Sn00ki # WordPress To Be More Tumblr Like /via @courtneyengle # How Sarah Palin says "crevas" is funny "cre-vaaaas". Is that the right way? # If you have a pain in the back try laying on a frozen apple on the couch. Feels nice like a cool hard massage # Live well. Learn plenty. Laugh often. Love much. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson #quote /via @VROOMmedia # Congrats to Tina Fey on the Alaska show. Kinda serious buy still funny. # Forgot my BF Sandy Cohen from OC was in Centre Stage. Reason enought to watch right there. # I miss doing ballet and having long hair for a bun. # Full Moon starring Smith Jared. Full frontal. # Thanks for the Dexter deets. ILU guys! 😀 # What day is new Dexter on and what channel? # Can't take my mind off of you, can't take my mind, off of you…till I find someone new. #blowersdaughter # a web log entry > # Blogged: Kiwi model Jessica Clarke just shot the D&G campaign with Mario Testino HOLLA! /via @isaaclikes # I could never say no to this face. #closer # Wise words from Marc Jacobs in Vogue UK: "You can never please everyone, and I believe it's best not to." /via @LisaTant # Friends, where should I go for accupuncture in this city? # Closer is a good choice on #Netflix One of my favs + all good actors. # Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long…

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movember madness

I love Movember. So many MO’s around this fine city. What is it I love so much about it? I like a man who can grow a nice one and the donating to charity. The fun of a whole mass of people doing good is pretty darn great too. I’ve got a video in the works showing off my MO gear. The Annual Movember Toronto Gala is Movember 25th at the Guvernment. See event deets on FB here. Judging starts at 10pm so bring your best MO cause I’m a judge again this year. Here’s a pic I took in last night’s fog. It was so crazy. My condo felt like a glass box in the sky. I couldn’t see the ground, the CN tower or the building next door. Thickest fog I’ve seen in the city ever! Some great ones on BlogTO today.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Where are you guys? I can't see anything. (@ Toronto Fog w/ @_jsa @ngreene @jgrdnr) # what are you doing home on a friday night ? — hibernating # do you like your new job? — yes, my boss is so smart/good looking # how many tunes do ya hav in yer itunes? and what's ur… — like 200, using netbook and full library is on TB driv… # What do you value more time or money? — time. money comes and goes. # trapped sky high in condo by fog perhaps? # "for the record we are not a racist show" RT @nationalpost: Lake Shore creators apologize for anti-Semetic trailer # i love this fog. # Go to this > RT @lynsieroberts: The gallery tonight is at 684 College st, from 9pm-3am. # monkey jumping on bed # You seem really busy. Do you ever spend time reading books? — on ipad # What's the most you ever lost on a bet? — my dignity # What's ur favorite color???hhehe — greeeeeen. # omg today is le tired. nap time. # #tastemakers gifting lounge! (@ Elgin and Winter Garden Theatres) # Photo: this is awesome – colouring walla paper. # Photo: the truthest truth. # RT @adtgrg: Be the world you want to change – Not the Mahatma # htting up the #tastemakers gemini awards lounge today. yahoooooo. happy friday to me 🙂 # omg 300 photos last night. aaaaaaaaaah. # had a call w/ @virginamerica this morning friends…. you gonna likey what we got a cookin! #

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