Getting this Off My Chest ?

I’m not really sure how to share this with the world but since I’ve been documenting here for a decade, it’s probably the best spot!  About a month ago I got a phone call that changed my life. Today is the first step before a HUGE life change. I’m getting a breast reduction. I’ve been talking about doing this since I grew them 20 years ago. ??  Last year I went to a doctor and got a referral to a great surgeon. At my appointment he took some measurements and sent the info to OHIP. I didn’t hear anything for about 6 months and then I got the call. Today my sister is coming to my pre-op appointment. I’m not feeling too nervous because I’ve actually waited a lifetime for this. I’ve had back pain and dents in my shoulders for too long! I was considering not writing about it but reading other people’s stories on the RealSelf forum has really helped with anxiety and motivation.  Hopefully at least one person reading this finds it helpful or inspiring. Hopefully the appointment today goes well. Nervous excited is my favourite feeling. ? UPDATE: My appointment was amazing! My sister and I loved meeting the staff, we had a bunch of laughs and felt like the nurse was one of my friends. I’m pleased to know I won’t be on bed rest and will be totally ok to walk around post surgery, it’s even encouraged. The stitches dissolve which is good bc I’ve seen some gross photos. They take out 50% of the weight and I can’t wait (haha) to know what THAT feels like. I’m soooooo looking forward to being able to run without having them bounce around and exercising in normal exercise not wearing a pile of bras/clothes to hide/secure them.…

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Return on Enjoyment: Finding That Work-Life Balance

I find taking vacation or ‘staycations’ essential to my sanity. If you’re following my Twitter or Snapchat you’ll know that I’m always on the go doing something, events, speaking, dinner, travel. I love it, but tbh it’s pretty exhausting. Putting heaps of energy out (friends, work, or social) can take a lot out of you. In a recent TD survey, they found that us millennials have a hard time finding balance between financial and work commitments, and taking time to relax is a challenge. I can totally relate to this. TD found that 46% of millennials don’t take their allotted vacation days, mostly due to heavy workload (31%) and lack of travel funds (29%). Back when I was working in an agency, I hardly ever took vacation, felt pressure to work late, and when I did take vacation, found myself constantly checking my phone and responding to emails. I know I’m not alone here! The survey found, 90% of Canadian millennials agree that vacation time, even mini-vacations or “staycations”, are essential to keeping them happy. Taking time to recharge doesn’t have to be expensive, I find a good binge weekend with some cooking, takeout, and a nap (or two!) boosts me up. Having a financial plan and a budget will help you get that ROE – Return on Enjoyment. ? This weekend we opened the cottage, going there, even for a 24 hour getaway gives me leaps and bounds of energy. Don’t have a cottage? Make friends with someone who does (heh heh) or check out options like Airbnb or Glamping Hub for affordable getaways. Millennials like us can save for activities by creating a financial plan to account for funding life’s pleasures (or unexpected moments). We could all use a little more vitamin SEA, amiright? ? Other activities with…

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Travel | Treehouse Glamping in Ontario w/ Glamping Hub

My first trip of the year wasn’t to a sunny destination, it was up north to a tiny little solar-powered treehouse north of Toronto. Glamping Hub invited me to stay at a destination of my choice, so naturally I picked a cool one. Glamping Hub is home to some of the coolest non-traditional camping spots around the world. They’ve got luxury camping available in tree houses, yurts, tipis, camper vans, safari and fancy tents. I’m hoping to explore a few more of their destinations in South/Central Ontario. Here’s my first Glamping Hub experience!  [symple_divider style=”solid” margin_top=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″]

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Fitness | Running Through the Six

I started getting my a$$ in gear a week before NYE and man do I ever notice. Along with feeling better and my face thinning out, I feel great all over. I actually look forward to waking up and hitting the pavement. I roll out of bed and get into my gear, and head outside. I was always a fit little person and I’m heading back in that direction. BF has noticed too which makes me feel even more awesome. YEAH BABY.  This morning I did my fastest KM yet of 5.35. I used to stress about what to wear when I worked out and I’d pace around back and forth and then get so overwhelmed I didn’t go. It seems silly but working out for the longest time gave me anxiety. I still can’t bring myself to go to a gym for a solo workout. Before the holidays Columbia Sportswear invited me to pick out a few items from their #TestedTough collection. I didn’t realize that the shirt & pants combo I picked out WERE ACTUALLY A SUPER HERO OUTFIT INSIDE. I’ve run a couple times in this gear (it’s inside out) and it’s really kept me warm. For the first time, I really DON’T GIVE A S#*% about what I wear because I’m running past anyone judging me.  

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Hometown w/ Ma Homies

This weekend I’m heading home to hang out with my parents, sister, and go to an old friends wedding. I’m pretty excited to see everyone. There will be heaps of people I’ve not seen in a LOOOONG time. I know we’ll have lots of laughs and I can’t wait to cut up the dance floor like old times. Me: Seeing everyone and the whole wedding thing gives me a bit of anxiety. Knowing I’ll be there with my sister is comforting though! Sean is getting construction started on the cottage so I’m taking mum as my date. Next weekend we have another wedding! My blog babe BFF Carly is getting hitched! If you ever get that chest pain anxiety, I know how you feel! Found this the other day via Tanvi Swar and I’ve watched it about 1,000 times since. Make sure you’re following my SNAPCHAT – casiestewart. I’ll be amusing myself with Snaps all weekend and sharing my hometown! Sending you sunshine through the internet.☀️☀️☀️☀️ ? CASIE

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No matter what you’re doing, do it with style.

I can’t express enough how writing a blog is like therapy for the soul. Also cheaper than a therapist! You help yourself by writing it, and being able to look back helps you move forward. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed but overall excited about things I’m working on. February is aways the most difficuly month, it’s so cold and SAD.  It’s not always rainbows and butterflies over here! I’m a real human. 🙂 This is my life… Was at St. Michaels hospital yesterday, I thought the hallway looked nice. Have had some chest pains the last while so trying to figure out what’s going on is one of my latest missions. Had an X-Ray the other day and was referred to a special clinic to book an ultrasound. Hospital gown chic. Remember, no matter what you’re doing, do it with style. 

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Blog Life: Sometimes I don’t feel like it. #11

I know today is Bell Let’s Talk day and I’m not sure how to talk about the depression and anxiety that I face or if I even want to. Being on the Internet in itself gives me anxiety. Some days I just don’t feel like it at all, written about it a few times.  Sometimes I want to hide and pretend I don’t even have a blog. (Or Twitter, tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, Selfish, Rdio, Google+, Vine, or phone.) I like keeping to myself on on those days, not sharing stories.  Being alone. My dad battled depression growing up and it was really hard for our family. He moved back to New Zealand to be with his family when my parents split up and it was tough for us. It sill is sometimes. * Thanks Andrew Mitchell for drawing this photo of me. I love it.   I want you to know that I too have days when I’m down and I’ve been through some very dark times and almost not made it through. It’s not always sunny where I am but I do try to bring my own sunshine to the internet each and every single time I make an appearance. My blog is a place you can count on to have bright colours and a fun photo. It’s helpful for me to look back and remember the good times too. This is a place to make you feel happy when a cloud tries to rain on your parade. I’ve worked through a bunch of sad days wondering what to do with my life and I made it through. Don’t ever give up. I wanted to quit blogging a few times over the last 10 years and I am damn well glad I didn’t. I want you to know, I am actually happy most of the time and I…

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Counting Down to a Pinterest Worthy Workspace

OK, don’t mind all the crap behind me because I’m going to clean it up right now after seeing how much of a mess it is! I’ve been talking about ‘getting the home office in order’ or months and really have been so focussed on doing work I’ve neglected the space. I would just die if someone came in with a TV camera from Hoarders right now. Don’t even go there. It gives me anxiety to think about cleaning and all the crap I’ve collected, then I drown myself in the Internet and pretend it’s not there. (Update: I’ve spent another 45 minutes writing this post and not cleaning. Cue anxiety even more.) So, I was all like AHHH I have a client Skype call. They’ve never met me before! I better get dressed! I should shower! These jogging pants, time to do laundry. AHHH! So, I put on a nice shirt, makeup, lipstick, brushed my hair, fur vest, smile. AND GUESS WHAT… it was audio only. So, selfies. (BTW did you read my 10 Tips for Better Selfies? I’m a pro!) Note my sewing machine, new, just sitting there. I’ve promised myself for two years that I’ll use it. This year, I will. I’m actually pretty good at sewing. I’ve just not made time to sit down and make anything. (*Note to self, GET OFF THE INTERNET!) Ok, time for me to clean this mess behind me! I’ve got two hours an hour and a half of good daylight for cleaning. In due time I shall have a beautiful, Pinterest worthy workspace.  <3 With love, CASIE

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I Got a Vajacial.

A what? A Vajacial is the same concept as a facial, except it’s for the bikini area… I got to Fuzz Wax Bar for my first time. Had been walking around the house for 20 min before I left, was almost late. I was nervous. Asking myself all kinda questions like, what’s gonna happen? Will it be a girl? Where ‘exactly’ does this happen in that region? Is this gonna hurt? I’ve never had a Brazilian. I was nervous. As any aberdeen employee will tell you, looking after your nether regions requires regular upkeep and maintenance, but that still did not stop me feeling jittery. Vajacial Starter pack: sign up, room alone, disrobe, wait for it. The experience was good. Once I was on the table with a towel covering waist to thighs, I relaxed. I Felt calm. A nice young woman did the treatment and her Irish accent was lovely, we had a couple laughs too. It was over in 20 minutes. I did not at any time have anxiety or feel like she went too close to my private parts. This had me nervous earlier. The Vajacial is a five step process and here’s how it went down: She cleansed the skin around my bikini area with antibacterial towelettes. Towels were soft. Second she put on an exfoliator that’s used to remove dead skin cells in preparation for extractions. The exfoliant was really gentle too. I had a blindfold on so I didn’t see this part but she used Tweezers and a lancet to extract any ingrown hairs trapped under the skin. If you have really coarse hair or are prone to ingrown hairs, I can imagine this being a bit painful. She put a mask to help with the removal of any ingrown hairs. Next she…

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Tech | We’re All Just Trying to Figure It Out

This might be one of my fav photos I’ve ever taken. I love it. Snapped with iPhone on a whim while leaving my sisters place. It brings back memories, nostalgia, I’m not even certain what exactly, just old times. Found the quote below over the weekend and it resonated with me. I’ve been reading here and there about impostor syndrome, the inability to unable to internalize accomplishments. When you feel like someone is going ‘figure you out’, realize you don’t know what you’re doing, see right through your whole charade. ‘Impostor Syndrome is the domain of the high achiever. Those who set the bar low are rarely it’s victim’ (Forbes). — CASIE STEWART November 24, 2014 It’s ok to not know what you’re doing, We’re all trying to figure it out as we go. I used to get severe anxiety before going to events, being on stage, speaking. It’s not that people wouldn’t like me, it’s that they would, and sometimes I didn’t know exactly what I was doing but I was going on experience, and making it up as I go. Being in the world of social media before it was a business (or industry!) has taught me to realx and roll with it. Preparation, constant innovation, and trying new things has kept me ahead, made me a ‘pioneer’. (It always weirds me out when someone calls me that, the thought of ME being part of the start of something.) A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Nov 11, 2014 at 3:17pm PST So I got to thinking about blogs and authenticity and why people even blog these days, and I thought about why they started. A blog, formerly WebLog was a place for non-tecnical users of the…

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WMCFW: Here’s How I Prepped for A Busy Week!

I had a lovely and relaxing weekend. Went to Screemers on Friday night for a good scare and spent Saturday afternoon at Hammam Spa. I’ve gone there a few times lately as a way to treat myself to some relaxation. this time I went a little early to relax in the steam room before my full body mud wrap. My skin felt like silk after! Thank you Hammam Spa for this little gift bag! I had tweeted them the day before about the 20% Stylicity discount (available now!) and they left me some goodies. Oh how I love the Internet! This little pink makeup bag is from Ted Baker London and I keep it in my purse to freshen up my look since I often head to events right after work. In it are always a few of my fav things: Essence Nailpolish – dries fast! Essence mascara – not expensive but great volume Rescue Remedy – if you have anxiety, this stuff is for you! Elizabeth Grant blue stick for redness – this stuff is great! Burts Bees – staple! Elizabeth Grant dark circle concealer Dermologica Age Smart primer & tinted moisturizer – both with SPF Moroccanoil Moisturizer stays at home but it’s great and smells wonderful I recieved a few things in the mail this week to get me ready for Fashion Week. A new toothbrush from Phillips and a whitening pen. I take really good care of my teeth so these were a treat! In other news, I was in an electric toothbrush commercial when I was 16. It aired in the USA, the kind you’ll see many a Dentist in Manchester and other dentists and surgeries within the US of A fully endorse and say they can be the best for your oral hygiene. These D.…

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Spa Week is on Right Now!

On Monday night I took Sean for a Spa Week treatment to Richmond Spa. It was SO nice. After a long weekend in Boston and feeling anxiety over the bombings, it was a chance to completely shut off my brains and go offline. We each had a 30 minute deep tissue massage with exfoliating back scrub, detox foot bath (with different detox foot bath systems), a foot massage and a paraffin treatment on our hands. IT WAS SO GREAT! Spa Week runs until Sunday and you can get all the participating spas by visiting and entering your city. Last night I used this Collagen treatment I got in my Spa Week gift bag and OH MY GOD. I could use these every night. they were so cooling before bed. I had a great beauty sleep and woke up refreshed. Next on the agenda is to bike more now that the WEATHER HAS FINALLY DECIDED to get warmer. I can’t wait for summer. This is my first summer in years that I’ll have a FT job. Luckily, our office is right beside Bellwoods in my fav hood. Love ya! CASIE

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A Real Human Being

So, here’s the truth…I’m coming up on eight years of my blog in April. Eight is my fav number, lucky Chinese (I’m not Chinese), infinity symbol, I was born on the 8th of May. It was Mothers Day. My middle name is Diana, after The Princess. My Mum loved her. We have all the China (plates). Ok, here we go… My blog is only about 25% of my life if that. I don’t tell you most things that happen. I like privacy, although I am only learning what it means now. I’m extremely positive as a human, except for when I am sad. Which isn’t that often. But when I am, I am extremely lonely and like to be alone. Being popular or an ‘influencer’ doesn’t mean you have friends. Most days, I come home from the office and put on my LazyPants. $80 jogging pants, gifted, but available at Macy’s or Holt Renfrew. Baller, no. I go into my room, throw my 11″ Macbook, iPad, on the bed, take off my bra and throw on a t-shirt, then a scarf, and usually something on my head. I like my head covered, and my ears. I don’t know why I am telling you this, I’m mostly telling myself. I have been dealing with anxiety for a long time, I have never been to a doctor. I’m scared they either say “You are an absolute narcissistic nut, or you have a serious creative genius ability that transcends modern innovation. Ok, I’m being dramatic but I am not a ‘grey area’ person. We are getting into two paragraphs and most people will not be reading this. I need to write this down because I am TERRIFIED of losing my memory. I have had a few concussions, cheerleading fall, rollerblading accident, 12 feel…

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Space Jump: Red Bull Stratos Happened

It was incredibly awesome to watch this with the world today. The wifi at the cottage is super high speed and I watched it on my phone before hooking computer up to speaker system for the full experience. This is THE FUTURE. I must admit I was very nervous for him and it gave me anxiety! Happy Sunday. Hope you are having an awesome weekend 🙂 CASIE

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