The solution already exists.

Full on day yesterday. I love being busy but sometimes I wonder what it’s like to work 9-5pm and leave your work at home. I used to do that a few years ago but how easy you forget. Got a one year membership to Bixi from my friends at Telus yesterday. Stephen and I met with branding team about our show that launches in less than a month. We’ve got some neat stuff planned with some pretty cool people. The show is called Ay Caramba Career Show and it will air Thursday night’s at 6pm EST starting September 8th. We’ll be talking about chat about careers in emerging industries & trends. To sign up for all the deets go here and we’ll keep you posted. Stephen is pretty funny and I reckon you will enjoy his rhymes and jokes. Today I’m filming a video with the Gladstone Hotel for the relaunch of the Melody Bar. Stopping by Doll Bar to see my ladies & get some feathers in my hair. Darren is doing my hair at Darren Kwik studio. Both spots are on Queen Street and will give you 10% off your purchase. Go see them! They’ve been taking wonderful care of me. 🙂 Title of this post is very valuable information I learned for my lawyer last night. I’m doing all kinds of new things & emerging industries so I figure best to run them by an expert. He told me to think about that when there is a problem and the solution is already out there, we just have to find it. Read a bunch of Jack Layton’s tweets last night. Quite sad over his passing. I really liked him. His funeral is Saturday at Roy Thompson Hall. I’m going. There’s petition to have the CN Tower orange for him. I hope Rob Ford…

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time capsule creative: november 16, 2006

Once I thought I lost the contents my first external hard drive. It was November 16, 2005. I was heart broken. Like no other love I’ve ever had, it was my everything. Devastated. Distraught. Thinking about that day now, and you reading this, my heart, it still hurts, feels like like a day old punch. I went to the bar and I got a martini. What the hell else was I supposed to do, I LOST  goddamn EVERYTHING?! There was a hole in my heart. And it was bleeding. So I wrote… #1 now i must write. today i think i lost my work, my life my story. my external drive showed up empty. my brain is very full. the words i wrote, can not be gone. i must remember what is lost. _______________ #2 where what now here me loud my story goes untold a life worth living a legend will unfold _________________ #3 life lost. a legend burried deep within the walls four of them that hold my life a broken link holds it togehter a photo in my mind it is all remembered. __________________ Later that day, I decided to take all the cords apart (there were two to connect it to my PC, it was 2006) and put them back together. It turned back on. I didn’t  lose anything. The end. Lessons learned: 1) Make sure you back up. 2) Drama inspires creativity.  3) I might be rtrd. 🙂

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Puma party Anthem & Don’t Party, hearty. ♥

While surfing in South Africa last night I came across We-Are-Awesome & Don’t Party followed by Liver Beats. Total radness, these cool kids got it going down. I like their taste in music, style and this video is great. I really want to go to South Africa. This one dude in the vid looks SO familiar. From NZ or Australia travels familiar, long time ago. Could be wrong. The We-Are-Awesome peeps are friends with Puma too. Remember when Puma Social rocked the Burroughs building in March. So fun. I forgot about the giant cop in the Smoke’s Poutine/Puma vid haha. We trained hard that night 😉 Puma Social released a new video:

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Psychology of Narcissism & how it effects brands.

I’m determined to get to SXSW 2012. (Sounds like doomsday when you say 2012 after anything. Damn you Hollywood!) As I was saying, I am determined to be there. Speaking would be even cooler and that might happen. Lucia included me in her panel discussion called “Psychology of Narcissism & how it effects brands”. Something I can talk lots about (haha). Read the description below and if you like it, give us a thumbs up here. I love learning, talking about and being involved in influencer marketing and “peep culture”. I think this one is a winner. Description: Society spends increasingly more time online, watching and reading about strangers. Is peep culture creating more narcissists or simply helping us connect through the sharing of our intimacies? Do users share content that they are truly passionate about and believe in or do they simply share content that influences how others perceive them? This panel will duke out diverse opinions on how brands use the internet famous to spread buzz about products and services, what this means for the future of marketing and how this effects everyone’s behavior online. As time passes will positive sentiment towards an influencer inevitably change to negative? Is influencer marketing changing how we behave online and in our everyday? Is peep culture and narcissism shaping our world, playing a part in marketing and influencing our sharing and buying decisions? Come join our internet culture obsessed panel consisting of a psychologist, blogging pioneer, community manager and online lifestyle blogger/ self proclaimed narcissist. Front row seating for big egos only. Also, check out the snow in NZ! My fams & friends in Auckland & Palmy got the most show in 30 years.

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yesterday on twitter this happened

i used hipster ipsum in my work today. # Photo: oh yeah mega love this. thanks @jrdnr -> fuckyeahgirlsandbikes # Photo: i have one of those outfits. fuckyeahgirlsandbikes # Photo: nice style. # Stop Coddling the Super-Rich: Warren Buffett via @mandylor # Photo: AUSTRALIA # most spicy radish ever so good. # Photo: what do you even say to this? wow. # Whoa! That’s me! BREAKING: Google Buys Motorola for $12.5 Billion # yeah show those guys you can do anything they can by baking and getting on the pole # Feeling great this morning. Happy Monday! # friday’s outfit. #cute

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Hipsterism, Hipster Ipsum.

Say wha? Hipster culture, ILU. Basically sums up everything in my life. Get it here.  “Organic sustainable lomo, +1 irony McSweeney’s skateboard Portland PBR tattooed farm-to-table Terry Richardson Williamsburg. Organic farm-to-table wolf, next level shit put a bird on it freegan American Apparel Williamsburg chambray gentrify viral you probably haven’t heard of them keffiyeh Cosby sweater. Pitchfork photo booth fuck, DIY cardigan messenger bag butcher Thundercats tofu you probably haven’t heard of them whatever squid VHS put a bird on it. Thundercats fixie Williamsburg, photo booth synth vinyl dreamcatcher Wes Anderson cliche. You probably haven’t heard of them DIY mlkshk biodiesel McSweeney’s raw denim. Skateboard Pitchfork Etsy, photo booth messenger bag artisan raw denim beard Tumblr retro Austin. Wes Anderson sustainable keffiyeh, blog lomo craft beer cliche brunch homo skateboard biodiesel fanny pack Pitchfork you probably haven’t heard of them Stumptown.” Have you seen this video before? I dated Waldo in 2009. I need to make more videos. Now I have a Mac I can edit better. PC & MovieMaker were shhht for video editing. Have tickets to Ke$ha‘s “Get Sleazy” show in Sunday Molson Amp. 50%/50 on going. Tonight heading to Tattoo for Starlight Burlesque with a special performance by Raymi. Sell Your Body to the Night – Don’t Care If It’s Wrong or if It’s Right. Doors @ $10. You can email [email protected], subject “Roxanne” for guestlist. Gets you in free till 11. Tickets are $10 @ the door. Saturday is the Stella aka STELLAR Block Party. Huge parking lot party hosted by Keri & the boys from 1LoveTO for 600 people. It’s gonna be my reward for working hard all day tomorrow. I’ve got heaps to do for awesome new client. TWERK! If you RSVP and show up early you MIGHT be able to get it. I love Summer. Gotta make the most…

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Power of Women Event in Toronto @ MTCC

Good morning from MTCC! I’ll be adding updates to this post today. Got the full speaker list and super exited for the day’s events. Follow my Tweets @POWlive for what’s happening and inspiring quotes from speakers & guests. Looking forward to sharing with you! So many women here, about 4000+! As I post this the auditorium is filling up. Lots of smiles & laughs in the crowd. There are about 4000+ women here! Lots of giveaways & goodies for the attendees. The list of prizes is awesome! The book buying station is full of things to inspire & enlighten your life. Excited to hear Susanne speak. She has written SO MANY books! Reckon I’d like to read Ellen’s book. So excited for Ellen’s talk. Speakers view from the stage. Today is exciting 🙂

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Don’t stop believin’, ever.

Thanks Amex for a great night. Journey was awesome live. A night to remember with a bunch of really good people. We got the star treatment from start to finish. Amex has been a good friend, remember last year’s Amex Canvas event when I won my lovely iPad Andy? Won tickets to Ke$ha last night too. Thanks team!  Gotta work my way up to a Gold card. Hint hint 😉 Private dinner was in this lovely area on the water. Thanks for this little guy. Now all I need is a trip & new luggage to match! Short & sweet preso about the new Amex Gold Rewards Card. Lots of features, points & perks. Check out all the deets here. Tweet wall was done really well. Put photos up with Tweets. Nice to see you Breanna! Rannie was out photog. Love this pic. Lamb, chicken, beef, bacon. Yeah. Yum. Mega VIP, drink tickets, food. So awesome. Mucho gracias. Motorola DEFY, glasses from New Zealand, tasty treats. Brownie was divine. Eva your hair looked gorgeous. I wanna braid Sammy’s like that! Louisa from She Does the City, new BFF. SUPER MEGA PACKED HOUSE. Anyone know what band was playing on top of the Amex Lounge? I met Erica Ehm aka Yummy Mummy Club & her lovely husband. She Tweeted our pic and said “here comes trouble“. She was very nice and I told her how I loved her on MuchMusic when I was a kid 🙂 Neat to Molson Amp. it so full them magically empty in a flash. The end.

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Beerfest 2011, The Sheepdogs, Sunshine & Rain

Welcome to the Social Media Lounge. Turned out great cause we had food & beer service inside our lounge with a roof over head. Considering how hard it rained here & there, appreciated it heaps. You get one glass like this to fill up with different beers. I had heaps of beer tokens and was the Suga Mama for my peeps. I surprisingly didn’t get drunk and was sober when I came home. Thankful for that. I’m growing up, clearly. I also love being Suga Mama. My Converse at the start of the day. Crisp, white, cute. My Converse now. Dirty, muddy, ruined. Sheepdogs chilled in our lounge for a bit. ET Canada was there doing stories. I love guys who look like Jesus. I’m not religious but that look has me hooked like Sunday morning. Nice meeting you babes. You’re gonna be huge. These pix are for you Mum!! Told them about you 🙂 Fan girls. (fatal attraction to cuteness) Top of the Budweiser Big Rig! Spent lots of time on that thing last year at BudCamp. Saw a bunch of my BudCamp babes around too. Not confirmed if I’ll be there again this year. Here comes the rain. We got drenched. It was AWESOME. Everyone was swayin’ in the crowd singing along to the Sheepdoggies. It was very rock-festivally. Dear God, yes please. With a side of bass. Party on Wayne. Sheepdoggy Style. Front row. Shan, check that beardo brother in the background! haha Sick stache buddy. Whatever happened to the Beardo Brothers anyways? I loved those guys. (I checked, they’re like, old now.) This is only a selection of photos I took of these guys. They are for my, uh, personal collection. Hey B-ROCKlyn. Olympus PEN cam, ILU! Thanks to TorStar for the brolly. Comics FTW! Wearing KINI…

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epic times were had. photos coming soon…

Txt from friend on set of Total Recall “I touched JB” as in Jessica Biel. He loves her. Yay. # Save 30% on all @PorterAirlines flights. Book by August 10. # Great tunes today and deli boy is really cute. (@ Sobey’s) # Imagine that! Have you seen this naughty Skittles commercial? # total babe Arkells guy # arrrr # crush on the DQ guy # put your hands up for TO: beerfest, bbq, babes # Dress cute wherever you go, life is too short to blend in. – Paris # blood is the new black # Super cute song from the Ritz commercial. (@YouTube # Weekend Money 84.85 # Rockin’ up to the #HOXTON tonight w/ @laurenonizzle for @TheTwelves. Most hipstery thing happening in the city for sure. # The Australian is reading book in Bellwoods w/ bike. Watch for long hair flowing in the wind. #hipster #babe # Music to your ears @TheTwelves via @laurenonizzle # help i’m alive. # us tonight for sure haha. RT @laurenonizzle hehehe -> # name me some sexy songs please. list making 😉 # do you know any “SEXperts?” # RE: @AndrewFstewart @andrewfstewart He’s “The Australian” total babe. You show see his roomie Ross… # Missy Elliott & Katy Perry – Last Friday Night (Remix) via @WeGotThisCoverd # that “remix” was crap. sorry I tweeted it. # turned down NKOTB tickets obvs. # whoa @keriblog whoa! “All Your Elevators Are Belong to Us” # Party time. (@ LCBO w/ 2 others) [pic]: # Wtf am I going to wear tonight. (@ CTS) # Hipster hop. # Hip$ter bf. # Pretty fly for a wifi. #

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Yesterday on Twitter This Happened

Lomo ARIGATO, @lomography! # Greeting EARTHLINGS!! # BREAKING: ATTENTION EVERYONE ITS HOT OUTSIDE # PinkMafiaLand This Week: I love Kissette DJs! #babes # scary monsters & nice sprites. #skrillex # Top 10 Event tonight, anyone? # rocking out hard this morning. gonna jump on bike, get coffee, drop film off @lomography & stop by office. feelin’ SO ALIVE today. # “nice blog. you have a way with words” compliments on writing & work is a really great feeling. GO compliment a co-worker today! do it! # (there are some barbie photos on my film. tee hee) # just ordered a sticker after getting inspired by an upcoming blog post. THANKS UNCURIOUS PEOPLE! # last chance to save $5 on #Beerfest tickets is noon today! Use CASIE as discount code. See you SUNDAY! # look like @klout scores were updated again today, mama’s a shiny 76 now. crikey. look out @justinbieber. # Dang. Need to get to ‘Sauga for noon. Can I borrow your car? # this was my JAM in Puerto Rico last year Don Omar – Danza Kuduro # who run this motha? # #Blog HOW ARE YOU USING @SPOTIFY IN CANADA? # Hey guys! Biked uptown, drove to Sauga & back for a meeting. Dropped off car, biked home. What did I miss? WHAT A DAY! # Thank you @tristanx for letting me use your car. MUCHO GRACIAS! Enjoy the beers. You deserve ’em 🙂 # Purchased lemonade from a kids stand today while I was biking. Gave them some business tips too. # can i make a lemonade stand or am i too old? how about if i 4sq it and add vodka but tell that in the tips on 4sq to ask for”special”? # Vodka lemonade stand is CLEARLY…

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If I get to meet Ellen, what should I ask her!?

You know when you have an idea, something you’ve always wanted to do?  You focus on it, you think about it and you imagine how it will feel when you reach that moment. I’ve got one of those moments coming up. I’m attending the Power of Women event in Toronto and one of my most favourite women in the world is going to be there, Ellen DeGeneres! The Toronto event is August 11th and I’ll be backstage VIP with the opportunity to connect with speakers and guests. I’m hosting a live blog on event day and tweeting from my own account as well as @POWlive. I’m stoked! You know how much I love connecting with inspiring people! Past speakers include Sigourney Weaver, Joy Behar, Hilary Swank, Martha Stewart and heaps of other fabulous women.

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couple interesting things happened yesterday on twitter

Photo: swimming in the streets. # I liked a @YouTube video The Sheepdogs Attack Ad : Rolling Stone Choose The Cover Contes # Here’s that 29 y.o. grandfather story told you about yesterday # “@Shananigans5: It’s a short week AND next wknd is #beerfest ! Do you have your tickets yet?” CASIE will save you $5 on tix! # everybody blonde! #photoset # Cover of Rolling Stone, @theSheepdogs & #Beerfest #Toronto # Yay! @Skype for iPad Makes Debut # K+? @YouTube now counts for your @Klout score # Fyi @keriblog you taking special hat i got you to LV? The face cover one? (see photo) RT @BoingBoing: Hacker stock art # Starting the day in a panic, missing breakfast meeting, message about good news. What a roller coaster! Gah. # life saver… # Photo: terrysdiary: Remember… What Goes Around comes Around! # Akoha is shutting down August 15, 2011 due to lack of revenue. # interesting.. @virginamerica Provocateur site is gonezo # Flash Rob? My goodness. # You are totally an influencer @laurenonizzle! Look that @AmericanApparel carries now! # cute man fixing out smoke alarm right now @itsbrownbarbie 😉 # Guess who is back in action? If you know my number call me! Thanks @Telus & @motorola_ca ILU <3 # anyone have a creative way to switch group to page in FB? helping client. dang those groups! # You can do it. I believe in you. # I’m checking out @RowFeeder to track tweets/facebook posts. Anyone used this before? # RE: @picard102 @picard102 I know. Were you even scared @keriblog? She’d never seen me drive before! # he IS really good looking “@zedsq: See ‘Two And a Half Men’ Signature Curtain Shot With Ashton Kutcher…

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vacation in balconia, the place to be.

Blonde girl blog hang w/ Keri & O’Nizz. Pretty in pink nails. Hey tower! These are the Tweets you missed yesterday:   cutie pie @laurenonizzle RE: @jonlim Beautiful video! hey there sports fans! baseball w/ @laurenonizzle @keriblog @ilovecpstyle @bluejays # hi haha @ someone googling “hipster wear” & finding my blog Calci-yum! anyone ever watched on #Netflix there was mad crazzzzy lightening last night over the lake. Ahem, Rosalinda Sartorelli? That is me in your photo @Gerinafxw. Just a few comments from God’s blog: via @newyorker got a super cute email from @FreakerAmerica that included a link to this vid 🙂 (@YouTube # Netflix, urgh more like NOTflix. #notworking 🙁 watching The End of America. this shall be interesting. #netlfix are you using G+ more or less now? oh man totally forgot about DIANNE. now tuned in to today’s #yandr Nick Newman in his undies. I die. #swoon #yandr Catherine Chancellor uses a Blackberry. She is also 300 years old. #trends Winehouse’s Dad wants to make a REHAB Centre in her honour. Is that sweet or funny? I dunno. love the latest iPad2 commercial. “See a phone call, carry a library” etc. Gah, I love iPad 🙂 Breast milk baby doll for kids? WTF!? That is so strange. Watching on Global News right now. I want to do the CN Tower Edgewalk. aww, came across this in a Goog search @keriblog @busblog wtf? 29 year old grandfather in the UK. that is crazy. build a bridge & get over it. EW, Global news playing with blubber & fatty skin. omg time to change the channel. i might puke. news diet. the news is not a happy place. so many sad reports. we need a happy news. i’d be a great host for…

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bikes, babes, beach.

Got a lotta crooks tryna steal your heart… Loving this track. Thank you Spotify for recommending new songs I didn’t know. People in Canada be hatin’ that I have a Spotify account but TBH, I don’t care what you say. I LOVE Spotify! We biked to the beach yesterday. It was SUCH a beautiful for a ride to the East. Was totally packed. Surprised by how many peeps were in the water. It’s safe I hear. I jus’ dipped in to cool off. Sun was real warm. This dog had the hugest balls ever. It was shocking. Fo’ reals. Not even joking. Took James Dean with me but my Wind stick didn’t feel like working so we were offline. Phone was dead too which was interesting because I was 100% no communicato. I had great company and it was nice to take a tech break. I usually find it harder and start scratching or something. Haha. Today I’m hitting up the Jays game with Keri, Lauren & some peeps. Blondetourage does sporting events too 🙂 Have an awesome day! Still one more day of long weekend. Make the most of it! Next update from a box at the Rogers Centre/Sky Dome. <3 CASIE

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je t’aime plus qu’ hier moins que demain

Dinosaur, they used to run the world # I want to EDGEWALK! RT @blogTO A trip to the CN Tower Edgewalk, 356 metres in the air # guy who takes me on date to Edgewalk @monbud, is deff a special dude # hai friends. what’s shakin? # it must be a sign @keriblog 🙂 # haha scary face # #FF @mrsnikkinewman: an ex-stripper who hit pay dirt when @VictorNewman came in for a lap dance. #yandr # Britney Spears – I Wanna Go #spotify # haha. me loving spotify. # RE: @smojoe thanks Rob 🙂 # RE: Thanks Erica. Trick to rompers is buying one size bigger than your normal size. I do it every time 🙂 # download my free ebook, it updates daily. # who knew i’d be into Lil Wayne? Nice. Lil Wayne – How To Love # 5 upcoming beer festivals in #Toronto 2011 – save $5 on #beerfest tix using CASIE as code 🙂 # I got a #Spotify account because I have super awesome powers ok. (signed up while in the USA) # Someone asked for my autograph last night. It cost them a beer. # “@shawnhawaii: @casiestewart what does the blonde, Canadian version of Pippa Middleton do on a rainy Friday night #justcurious

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big bang baby!

I got a picture of a photograph… I used to love, love, love Stone Temple Pilots Big Bang Baby. Those green pants. Swoon. They disabled embedding on the video, jerks. Yesterday I went to  visit the team of babes at doll bar inc. and boy was I delighted. Greeted with smiles, hugs and hydrated with ice cold San Pellegrino after cruising there on my bike.   They also had SATC on so I felt right at home. Oh Charlotte, is it the tea bagging situation? haha This is Melissa putting a real feather in my hair.  Planning to get more funky styles when they get more inventory. Feather hair extensions are so hot right now.  She’s pretty, one of those radiant personalities that makes you happy. They do all their customers nails while they are there.  Nice perk 😉 Doll Bar is 1099 Queen Across from 69 Vintage and the Social (RIP). I’m looking to arrange a special CASIE discount so stay tuned for that. Extensions for everyone! See the feather? I reckon not bestest for my hair but fun to have for now. I go see Darren Kwik Studio to get my hair done today. I’ve decided on this really rad cut I saw in Zambesi SS 2012 that is more rad than anyone in Canada. Can’t WAIT for haircut. After we played with feathers, Michelle brought out the hottest new accessory in hair right now, BABY BANGS! This is a game changer. They’re about $50 and wait for it.. Ta daaaaaa! They’re not trimmed yet here but how freaking cute? I die. Bardot blonde, I am so ready for you. Fall blonde, seasons changing. I’m thrilled thinking about the next couple months. Lots of exciting things always happen this time of year. Genuine chocolate happy face. Will be even happier this evening…

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toronto grafitti

Got a different perspective on Toronto’s famous “Graffiti Alley” this weekend. If you don’t know it, YOU ARE CRAZY. It’s famous and awesome and can be found near Queen/Spadina, south side back alley. Learned history of graffiti, vocabulary and styles.  Someone covered the Banksy on Hotel Ocho. Talked about the controversy around graffiti in our city.  Lots of it.  One of the pieces in my video is “Blob Ford”. SO many cool ones. Good artists. Thanks to Tour Guys & for the tour. Nice to get to0 know a little more about Toronto.  Good collection of Toronto street art here. I like this one, obvs. haha I was postered on Queen Street a few years back by Toronto Poster Boy.  They were big & bright, done with wheat paste. I really like stencil painting now. * graffiti creator

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“ It is human nature to think wisely and act foolishly. ” Anatole France

Was introduced to Merkley on Flickr yesterday. His photos are awesome! Gonna try & get some good ones like this at the hotel tonight. So far exciting day. Hope yours is too.   Oh, by the way. Guess what I’m getting next week… A NEW BOYFRIEND!  He’s gonna make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world. Our blind date is Monday at 10:30am. Practically an arranged marriage cause I know I’m going to love him. * got title from Forbes Magazine after this article about Klout from their CEO. Good read!

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something really special (about my bed)

Got something really, really neat in the mail yesterday. Any guesses? A cape? A toga outfit? Nope… Au Lit Fine Linens sent me 100% Egyptian Cotton Linens with MY NAME ON THEM! Did I ever have a great sleep last night. In August they have a White Sale: UP TO 50% OFF entire store! Downtown stores are: Au Lit Fine Linens: 2049 Yonge Street, Toronto Au Lit Outlet: 2045 Yonge Street, Toronto (Great deals) LIV by Au Lit: 418 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto (Home & Fashion) In other news… These are the old Docs I took back the other day. See the eyes on the front are not attached to the actual shoe? Docs don’t wear out that often but (if you have been reading this blog for a while) you know I am hard on things. I put everything through the “Casie Stewart: this is my life” test which is heaps of use and lots of wear. I’m REALLY great at testing products, especially electronics & clothes. (HINTY HINT) The things about Docs is they last forever. The shop on Queen Street kindly replaced my pair with a shiny new set of boots. When Fall rolls around I’ll be rockin’ them with that sexy leather jacket I picked up from Holts during the Crystal Light Challenge.   Tonight I’m staying at the SOHO Hotel with a friend courtesy of and tomorrow Keri and I are doing the Volkswagen Driving Tour. I’m gonna zip around in a TDI. Vroooooooooooooooom.  Gonna be a great weekend! Happy FRIDAY!       * Dr. Martens didn’t ask me to write this. I just LOVE THEM! ALWAYS WILL XOXO    

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Dr. Martens Fall Preview 2011

Oh hey there. Mama loves new shoes! Last night I cruised by the Fall Preview of Dr. Martens. I’ve been a Docs lover since primary school so it’s awesome to be invited to check this out. I took all these photos cause I love the shoes. My fav ones right now are Eclectic in white canvas & Triumph 14 Eye. Get ready for some serious shoe pr0n… For the stylish & sophisticated wearer. Love these bad boys. Real fur. Imagine the comfort & snuggles for your feet. I have those Triumphs on the right but with tartan inside. Jay Strut is in el-oh-vee-eee with these ones. That’s Doug in the background, International Sales Manager. He gets to wear Docs errry day! We were at the Sheraton, 30, miles stories high. Constantly distracted by things that are shiny. The classics. Carly needs the pink ones. I had saddle shoes as a kid. I still do 🙂 I forget that these are called but rockabilly guys with the James Dean look wear them. I dig it. These ones are all pretty classy looking. I’m impressed with the wide range of shoes they have. They are really well made and versatile. The really tall 20 inch boots make me want them. You know what this smells like? Real nice leather. You know what this smells like? Nothing. Vegan leather. Paisley. These babies are my fav style. These are nice too. I would go ona date with a cute boy based on him wearing these. *take note Industrial manufacturing. ILU. Got soul? This warmed my little nerd heart. DR. MARTENS USB!  J’adore. Let’s not forget I taught Doug how to PLANK. Great form my friend! He learned from the best. Plank Girl! The team hooked us up with a gift cert for a new…

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Panel on Panels at MaRS in Toronto

Last night’s panel discussion on panel discussions (meta) went really well. I was happy to chat a few people after who said they really learned something. Thanks to Johnny Bunning aka @emanintdot for snapping this photos of us. I forgot to get someone to take a few shots. Doh! I love sharing things I’ve learned over the past few years. I’ve learned heaps about blogging, the social web and building your personal brand. I’ve been invited to speak at the She’s Connected Conference in the Fall that brings together all kinda of females in business. Hope to speak at more conferences in the coming year. I’m a natural on stage! Although I love vacation, I really love working and it’s great to be back at my home office. It’s been a busy day with lots of phone calls. Planning some cool stuff for the next month. I wanna get in as many things as I can before the summer is over. I love this heat too. No chance of complaints from this lady! I watched this again and I feel like Optimism Girl today. If you’re not smiling, you will be after you watch this. Enjoy the day 🙂

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Good morning! Another scorcher out there today. Drink lots of water!  I’ve got a meeting at Spoke and later this afternoon the Doc Martens Fall Preview. I’m stoked for that. Mama wants a new pair o’ shoes! This monster is so cute. For the last year I’ve worked on my own and had the opportunity to do some pretty awesome things. I’ve been really thinking about joining a team, having a full time job.  I wanna share the things I’ve learned with a cool company. I miss contributing to a group and sharing ideas with people. You now I’m social! If you have an idea, shoot me an email. I’m not exactly sure what I want to do but I like the idea of working with a startup or a cool product. Have you seen this wicked infographic Mashable posted about the state of the internet? It’ds rad. First time embedding HTML5 on my blog too. Nerd love. (I think you have to click to make it work. It’s interactive!) /   This is also interesting. Are we in a tech boom or a tech bubble? I love infographics. I also  found this fun site yesterday with the most comprehensive list on Internet Slang ever. Ok, gotta run! Have a stellar day. Remember you are younger today than you will be tomorrow, do something fun.

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travel diary: YYZ > BOS

Walked to the airport with my sis yesterday. Toronto is an amazing city. Almost certain this guy is the same model from the Mark’s style thing I did last week. This ‘type’ is often used in ads. Maybe he just has ‘the look’? Worlds shortest Ferry ride. Jenie is starting to look more & more like you Mum. The red plane is Air Greenland. Keri & I were certain it was some type of fancy Air Canada thinger. If you have never flown Porter, wait for the next 30% off seat sale (I will post) and book yourself a ticket. Best service ever. Jenie wanted to buy a snack and I said “You can’t if you tried, everything is FREE”. Freemium. I’m a barrista now too BTW. Gella skin for my PC. He’s about to be upstaged by a new MACBOOK AIR. FLYING! Bye Toronto, ILU. Ha! A planking joke. Hilarious. Welcome to the USA! Got in troubs for taking photos here. Sorry, I’m Canadiamazing. First stop was taking my sis to Quincy Market. Her first time in Beantown. They have your style here Raymi. Heaps of different ones too. Do you know what is on their heads? CONDOMS! It’s a Dick’s thing. Funny kinda I guess. Kids have them on their heads. OMG. CHEERS! Beautiful weather all weekend. Heck yeah. Going in the pool after I hit publish! This is why you’re fat. Bagels. Omg. I did not eat. Didn’t eat this either. Feasted with eyes only. I did eat some chowda though. Heaps good. Tried two kinds, marked one was way better. Team Boston: Me, E1e, Bobcat & Jenie Had dinner in this lovely old school Italian resto. Was delish. Went to the famed Mike’s to grab some pasty. Mega long line. The pedi cabs are so online.…

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just let it out.

It’s really warm out today. I’m not feeling motivated. I should go outside. I have work to do. I can have my office anywhere. Sand is bad for the computer and it’s hard to see in the sun. I need one of those screen shields for my computer and iPad so I can still use my units outside. First world problem. I’d like to spend more time organizing my circles on G+ but then I think why are you always on the computer? Go outside. Brought out a draft copy of my book for friends last night. It’s called JEANS and it was published when I was 16. Did you know I’m an author? You are reading the book of my life right now.  U2 played here at the Dome last night (Rogers Centre). We could hear it from the balcony, now that’s VIP. So VIP that we’re not even in the building. Had a few beers on the patio. Haven’t been drinking much lately and it feels really nice. I forgot to have dinner and remembered today. Woke up starving, Australian made breakfast. I’d like to do a Twiggy inspired shoot soon. I’m thinking about growing my hair. I always say that but cut it off. The shave feels so nice. One video of me getting my head shaved has almost 15k+ views. There’s another show tonight and I will get a better shot. This photo wants to be a painting I think. These ones always make me think of art. Coming up next is some photos from last night’s event and Ker & I in the cutest outfits ever. Bye.

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What if they call me a “Social Media Expert”? UPDATE: They did.

So, Rockstars don’t call themselves ‘Rockstars’ but it’s cool cause everyone else calls them, which is what makes them rockstars. Say Rockstar one more time in that sentence haha. Do you know a ‘real’ Social Media Expert, am I one? I have heaps of Tweets/Blog/Posterous/Facebook/Skype/Flickr/Blogger/Google+/YouTube and more but that term is usually associated with douchebags. I’m not a douchebag. Catch me on eTalk tonight for the Royal Tour coverage (starts at 7pm on CTV). Got to tape in the studio, I was standing in front of that eTalk sign above. Didn’t get a photo of us shooting. Doh. I used to work at CTV behind the scenes so was a pretty rad to be back today in front of the camera. Saw a bunch of old colleagues and was dressed to impress.  Wore high shoes, nicely tailored dress, hair up, bow, red lipstick. Zing! I hope I come across smart and cool. I really hope I don’t look bad. (It’s nerve wracking ok!!) I’ll be at an event this evening so I won’t see it until I get home. I’m not sure how long it will be either. My segment is about the big role social media is playing in Will & Kate’s visit, the photo one of our MP’s posted of them (below) and the Royal Tour app. The Royal Tour App is one of the most popular in Canada right now. The Blue Man Group were also there this morning. I touched a BLUE MAN! They use blue oil paint and it is very messy. I had some on my finger. One of the BMG guys was pretty cute, well, for a Blue guy. 😛 I love being in front of the camera. I really want to be on TV. Look what they did to C. Perez, Senior Producer. He got…

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A Brief Look at Toronto Pride History

I’m IN the parade this year for ShaSha Bread Co. Love their ginger snaps & everything else.  Gonna be amazing. I have to go early to learn our choreography for the show. First time actually being ON a float. Our routine has to do with water umbrellas and babes. Get ready for it! I’m stoked. Best Pride hair evahhh. Pride 2007 w/ my sis & Randy.  We got lots of media that year, global attention. Pride 2008 w/ parade leader & Kory. Omg we had so much fun this year. The lovely Ricardo. Look at my shoes here, WTF CASIE? Blackberry too. Eww. 2009 Pride was a real ‘party hard’ year. I had a crazy party animal BF at the time. Pink hair too. Saw Cindy Lauper last tear at Pride 2010. Hit the parade w/ my sis as usual. Saw Jazen & Erica. So tall, giants! Will see my sister today. Weee. We used to have buttons that say “I love my Gay sister”. Gotta get ready & head to rehearsal!!!!!! See ya on the streets. red (life) orange (healing) yellow (sunlight) green (nature) blue (harmony) purple(spirit) P.S. Say HI to my new girlfriend.

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