BizMedia Movember – Casie Stewart Dedication Video

I made a donation. Then I got this. It will either make you feel sexy or creepy.  The more times you watch the better. Make your own donation at SFW but not safe for kids. haha! Enjoy! Thanks Andrew & BizMedia. ILU xo The official Movember Toronto Gala is tomorrow night at Koolhaus. I’m a judge in the ‘Best Mo in Character’ category. Third year as a judge! Get a ticket here & come dressed up. Party starts at 8pm! If you ever wanna make some kind of dedication video to me, I doubt you will be creepier than this. I’d love it. 😛

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Spin around in a world of fashion, tech & glitter for one day.

First stop today was Sherway Gardens with Barbie. I got a Fousqaure “Mall Rat” badge (shame!) cause I’ve been to five malls. Ok, that’s not really bad. If you get to ten you get another badge. I’m not much of a mall-goer anymore so it’s especially exciting to do a couple laps during the holidays. Love the decorations, the tree and today I even saw Santa. Got a new hard drive to back up my Macbook Air baby, James Dean.  Technology is so stylish. Today I fact checked something about my life from this post. It was about ten days ago but I could not for the life of me remember. New app Diptic lets me do cool things with photos like make them into the four below. This other app I downloaded is 360 Panoramic, check out this I made in the dressing room. Might just be my new fav thing (of the week). I don’t have the option to embed the 360 but here’s a screenshot. If you click either image the real 360 pano will open in a new window and you can have a full spin around. Pretty neat app! It’s $.99 at the corner store. Nerd candy. First outfit is what I wore today, black lace bottom dress from Bicyclette, skully cardigan from somewhere and leopard hat from H&M. At StyleExchange I got this heart sweater, leopard sheer number was too big, loved the sleeveless chiffon button down.   Got this darling holiday sweater at CTS, my fav spot, I’m Mayor on 4sq. They are now on Twitter! Follow @CTS_Queen. Posted a cool artice/vid from BBC about Toronto’s booming & competitive vintage scene. They finish with the Deadly Nightshades all girl bike gang. Pretty awesome & two things I love, bikes & vintage. Barbie was getting all ready for a…

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I love my life too.

Love Terry’s blog & life. Love that next week I will be back on the beach. Love Keeking and being a dork. Clearly I don’t remember know ALL the words but whatever. Tonight Lauren and I are heading to our old work, MuchMusic for Live at Much Foster The People. Did some work with FTP & Pink Mafia earlier this year so will be rad to see them live. I’ll do a little Keek for ya from the show. Brown Barbie and I went to the mall this morning and I took about 100 pix that you can see on ma Twitta. Picked up a terabyte drive so I can finally dump the 256,000 photos from my Macbook. It’s amazing how many photos one blog girl takes. In other news, I got the newest Dance Central game for XBOX Kinect and I’m gonna play the sh!t out of it when I get home from MuchMusic. Enjoy the day! Byeee!

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Smart Clothes for Smart People

This weekend I was snuggled up on the couch with my computer enjoying some facetime with my TV. Instead of leaving the house (for anything) decided it was a great idea to browse a few of my fav sites in search of deals. YAY CYBER WEEK! Recently, Mark’s reintroduced online shopping, so, inorder to let you know how easy it is to order, I made a few purchases myself. Last year I got a Denver Hayes super soft cardigan and it’s been all around the world and back. I’ve worn it heaps so I ordered myself this soft drape cardigan in dark olive. To match my eyes of course! The process was super easy and I received an order confirmation by email soon as the order was placed. Shipping is free until the end of the year so get your orders in. They’ve got a bunch of gifts under $30 like really warm socks, slippers, fur hats and yes, a snowball thrower. I picked up a few other little things but can’t say what since my sister and Mum are regular readers 😉   If you make a purchase before the end of November you can be entered to win your entire shopping cart. Visit for detals & deals. Happy shopping! If you make a purchase before the end of November you’ll be entered to win your entire shopping cart.  

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Look out world here I come….

It’s been just over a week since I had brekky with this little guy in Montezuma, Costa Rica. I had an amazing trip filled with great people, random adventures and stepping off the beaten path. Been chatting Bruce, CEO & founder of G Adventuresthe last couple days about entering his contest to be the face of G Adventures. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to be part of the G Adventures Team. Check out this little ditty featuring the G Adventures team all over the world. I’m gonna make my vid about my awesome trip to Costa Rica but, since I got back I’ve been thinking about what to do and where to go next. I’ve been invited to a friends beach side house in Cancun to visit Mayan Ruins and have an adventure. I’d be leaving next week for about five days…hmmmmm. Naturally, Mum gave me a bunch of reasons why I should chill but it’s a good price and I’m thinking about it quite seriously. Take a look at some pix of where I would be… what would you do? I think I should just go. I’d deciding today. I want to explore. I AM NOT A TOURIST!

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Weekend Tune: “212” by Azealia Banks ft. Lazy Jay

Friday! You ready to party? I bet you’re more than ready. I bet you’re like “If only there was a song to kick off this weekend because I’m oh so excited and ready to party…” This is why you need me. This is why we’re friends. Let me help you out okay? Ladies and gentlemen I bring you “212” by Azealia Banks ft Lazy Jay. Warning: This girl looks sweet but she’s got a dirty mouth. Don’t let the braids and Mickey Mouse sweater fool you. It’s no surprise that she topped this year’s NME Cool List, this 20-year-old Harlem, NYC girl can’t help but be the coolest. Did I mention that she can also sing? Yeah. Just listen to her cover of Interpol’s “Slow Hands”. Impressive stuff right? Now if you can please excuse me I’m going to continue playing “212” on repeat because duh. Enjoy! xo Kate  

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Tech | Ticket to the Art of Sales Conference for Tuesday

I’ve attended both The Art of Leadership and The Art of Marketing and left each event inspired with new thoughts in my pocket. My friends at The Art of… have got it going on. There’s a bunch of great people who make these massive events happen. Tuesday at MTCC is The Art of Sales, a unique one-day conference featuring five amazing international speakers. One of them is NYT best selling author Seth Goodin (125k+ on @Twitter). I’ve never met Seth but I know his blog and he also works with SAY Media. I have 2 tickets for you to attend. If you would like to go then watch this and tell me your favourite part in the comments. I will take both winners out for lunch on conference day. Approximate value of each prize = $450/ticket + lunch experience/pricele$$. BONUS! Conference is at Metro Toronto Convention Centre and goes from 8:30am-4:30pm, Tuesday November 22. [How is it almost DECEMBER? ahh.] If you are in sales you probably have a fav line and will like that I posted this. If you are in sales and you have NOT seem this then… PUT THAT COFFEE DOWN. Coffee’s for closers only. If you have never commented, it’s easy, don’t like, be shy. I’m not shy. Winning is fun. Watch the video leave’ a commento and win. Voila!

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Welcome to the Jungle

Woke up to this beauty beach view and went for brekky yesterday. It rained sheets the night before and it was late so instead of heading back up the hill in the rain I got a room at Hotel Les in Montezuma. Walked the beach during an insane lightening storm and there was something romantic about the incredible dark sprinkled with flashes of light. The squirrels here are pretty cute and this guy had a caramel stripe down his back. Went for this crazy drive with a friend through the jungle. I can’t wait to come back here. I want to travel around and see more of the country. Flying from Tambor to San José this afternoon before my flight home tomorrow.. I totally feel relaxed, calm, connected to my thoughts and things. I’m thinking about my next destination and know I’ll be flying again soon. It’s amazing what a week in a jungle forrest will do to you 🙂  

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Worst Day Surfing is Better Than the Best Day Working

I’m getting pretty tanned and not even really trying.  Yes I have sunblock Mum! There’s only ONE bar, this is it. Heyyyy Chico’s! Chilled here for a little smoke. Surf school & turtle conservatory. En route to pick up our boards, saw some monkeys. Check out this papa! Ok, so I didn’t carry my own board, Big Blue my new bestie did. He’s a surf instructor/local legend. I was like ooh can I get a shot of me like Britney in Slave?… “Well, you’ll only do it once”. Thanks Blue, these bad boys are mega poison. Ahh. I love Costa Rica.   I think everyone loves Costa Rica, never heard anyone say a bad thing about this place. It’s pure bliss! Apres surf I got a cheap hotel and went to Chico’s, chilled on the beach and had a house party. It’s all about balance! Although, coming BACK to Anamaya after bring at the little dive I stayed as made me appreciate it even more. I think Costa Rica and I love each other.

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A Whole New World

iCasie! It’s like a whole new world now that I’m all Apple, iPhone, IPad & Macbook. I dreamed about this day. No really, I did. Doesn’t everyone? Couple friends gifted their apps to try. Thanks Andrew for StyleStudio fashion design app and Lauren for PhotoForge photo editing. If you want to gift me your app email me at My how time flies. This time last year I had just returned from my first trip to San Francisco to meet the team at Virgin America. I gave away my first flight on Virgin as the Toronto Provocateur. Rochelle won & went to SF too. After the giveaway Calvin took the gang and I out for lunch after at his YS Boston Pizza. I don’t think I’ve been back up that way SINCE.  MAKE THE MOST OF EACH DAY PEEEEPALLLLL! Read a great article yesterday on the Harvard Biz Review about Why Inspiration Matters. Inspiration is very important to me, if you’re here, you probably already know that. I’m feeling really inspired knowing that I’ll be in the ocean and hot weather next week. Got an email from someone yesterday who was in a class I spoke to at Centennial last year. As it turns out, she does PR for a really cool German luggage company and I’ll have a new RIMOWA suitcase tomorrow. I went to purchase one earlier this week and my card didn’t work for some reason, crazy how things work out, eh?! Tonight’s I’m attending the SS 2012 Swarovski preview at Jamie Kennedy in the Gardener Museum. I think it’s a 50/60’s theme dinner! Lauren and I did a sing along to this on the weekend. It will brighten your day 😛

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When something is the most real, it is the realest.

It’s amazing how beautiful this weather is. The sunshine makes me happy. I’m pretty sure I saw some kite boarders on the south side of the Island yesterday. Must have been freezing! Can you believe it’s already Daylight Savings time this weekend? Today Twitter launched a new thing called Stories. I like this one. I’ve got a bunch of Twitter stories to share. I’ve been using Storify to tell stories with  Tweets, this is next level. Stoked to host the Canadian Club Speakeasy tomorrow night. Location has just finished a bunch of reno’s and we went over all the details yesterday. I still need to find an outfit! Ahh. Reminding you that you are younger today than you will be again, GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING AWESOME 🙂

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Oh Snap!

Last month Keri & hit up the Lomography shop for the Diana World Tour. Got my first camera from the Lomography shop August 3 (blog history FTW!) and have been playing around with it. I’m using a Sprocket Rocket and although I’ve not had THAT much luck with my shots, it’s fun waiting to get them developed. Here’s my most recent batch! Sorry for cutting off your hear Arianne! This WAS a rainbow. Can you tell where it is? Where I am standing? Preston Music Festival with Mum. Buzny! To the Island w/ B&E Labour Day weekend. I’m kinda getting better, hard to get the hang of it TBH. Hopefully I have more luck with the next round!

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catching waves & feeling the power of the ocean

Feeling like I have heaps on my plate. You know that feeling? Yeah. Good thing I enjoy making lists and checking things off.  I’m going back & forth planning my trip to Costa Rica and haven’t event started to face the car situation. My coffee is cold. Insurance, licence plate, kinda overwhelming considering I’ve never had a car. I’d love to be outside right now. I should be getting in the shower, meeting in an hour. I spend so much time writing emails these days. Accounts receivable is a fun part of my job too. I hate math. I ate so much yesterday. I could use a visit to the gym. Wonder if I got mail today? Have a meeting this afternoon to get my first piece of MERCH. You gonna want it. Stoked.  Tonight is the Greta SS 2012 show. Toronto Fashion Week starts Monday. THIS IS MY LIFE> oh my gaga. When I get stressy I take a deep breath & think…I’ll be here this time next month 🙂 This is a good song: My girls at PinkMafia have an awesome Britney Prizepack to give away, contest closes on Thursday, October 13th and all you have to do is: Tweet @PINKMAFIA4LIFE your fave Brit lyric using the hashtag #BritPackPM and they’ll set you up with the most amazing prize pack ever. Have an awesome day, enjoy the sunshine!

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monday mashup

It’s gettin’ chilly and I don’t mind. I really hate being cold but I also love wool sweaters and staying inside. I got a new bed this weekend and it’s as my hips so you have to jump up. I feel like a Princess, I’ve never loved my own room so much. I’ll be spending most the winter there now. Room transformation is coming along good too. I have thrown out more crap in the last three days than ever in my life. Determined to shed things I do not need so I only have the things I want. Next stop is the closet, then Goodwill. It feels great to get rid of stuff, new addiction coming, I can feel it. I will NOT be a hoarder. Measuring Tape Girl screening went well yesterday. I quite enjoy short films, so much packed into a small time frame. Lots of creativity. I’ve got one that needs some attention. Hope to have done before 2012. Here’s myself w/ Chrissy from Vocab Communications, Marco, director and Jessica the lead. I want to be in a movie. It’s about time I had a meeting with my agent and sussed out how we can make that happen. Big American Apparel warehouse sale coming up. Remmeber the last AA Rummage Sale? It was MEGA. Luckily we got line bypass (Thanks Joey!). The deals were really, really good. Hipster heaven. Go early, bring cash. In other news, saw this on TheGrid, Nuit Blanche Animated. I love animated, you know this. I’ve made a commitment to drink the juices today and do the cleanse. I am determined to do it. I am strong.  Yesterday I wasn’t but today I am. Amazing how you change one day to the next. I think Monday has a lot to do with it. I miss not having a bike. I have a new…

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I should be getting ready, I’m addicted to blogging…

I love this time of year. For me it’s all about working hard, trying to get the most done, cleaning clutter and getting ready to hibernate and foster ideas for the winter. You too? Keri‘s inspired me to get rid of heaps of crap. She’s ditching EVERYTHING. Went to her emporium yesterday, picked up few nic nak’s plus a couch and bed stuff. Lauren is moving too and I scored a book shelf from her. Oh yeah! Thanks besties 🙂 The next week is mega re-org of all my things.  Got this yesterday! Yippee. Casie Stewart: This Is My Life has been nominated for the 2011 Canadian Weblog Awards in the Life category. The 2011 Canadian Weblog Awards are a juried competition with nominations open in 37 categories between January 1st and October 31st, 2011. The nominees shortlist will be announced on December 1st, 2011, and the winners will be announced on January 1, 2012.    I told myself  (and you) I’d start the Total Cleanse juices today but it needs to be Sunday post Nuit Blanche. I’ll be up all night and there’s a good chance I might have a drinks. I’m also at conference most the afternoon and … I know I’m making excuses. SHUT UP CASIE!! Looking forward to it though.  I’ll be drinking these six juices for three days. They look yummy! I’m seriously going to try & follow the rules. I am writing this down so I must stay true to my word, and you, blog. Sunday I’m hosting the film screening for Measuring Tape Girl at the National Film Board so I won’t be up THAT late. If you are on camera and up late the night before IT SHOWS BIG TIME. I learned that the hard way. I really need to get off the computer…

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Jillian, Jillian, Jillian Jiggs!

Instead of cleaning my room I’m blogging about cleaning my room while NOT AT ALL cleaning my room. Phone vibrates  on the counter and the thing get’s my attention again. Damn. Just got a ticked to AndroidTO. Going to opening night of Another Africa a Canadian Stage production.  Imagine the ADD people are gonna have years from now. Crazy. Is there an app for Mum telling you to clean your room? SO nice & warm out today eh. Our place is really sunny. I got Alpha-getti for lunch. Tomorrow I do that cleanse and I’m kinda nervous/excited. I love that feeling. Ok, this has gone on long enough. Computer and internet, you are a distracting combo. An open door for creativity that never EVER sleeps. [hits publish, returns to room]

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I read the New York Times via Flipboard on my iPad.

I have a thing for personality theories and quizzes. Somehow by answering questions, they manage to put you into a box that no matter how creative (or not) you are, you’re just another section of society. The tattoo on my right ring finger is based on a well known and fairly old (now) personality theory called True Colours that breaks individuals down to blue, orange, green & gold. It’s used lots in the workplace to enhance coworker cohesiveness. My colours are blue (analytical, organized) & orange (outgoing, confident). O’Nizz posted this personality quiz by the NY Times this morning. The New York Times thinks I’m a Trendsetter. Modern in your way of thinking and fun loving in your outlook on life, you are on the pulse of what’s hot and what’s not. You are not afraid to ruffle a few feathers in the name of style and creativity – moving forward with the times is what’s important to you. You are an emotional spirit and you make really strong connections. Good friends and lots of laughs are the recipe for really happy days. And nights! Lively and confident, you’re someone who likes to make a big impression. You understand that first impressions count and that you won’t always get a second chance. You’ve got great taste and strive to be one step ahead of the crowd. Your passion for fashion means you’ve got a bit of a reputation amongst your friends for creating your own style. Keeping an eye on the trends, you know what suits you but while adopting the values of society in dress and taste, you are just as concerned with inward, spiritual beauty as with looks. The key is to allow yourself to appreciate life’s journey while holding fast to that which matters most to you. What are you?

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Sheepdogs and Lights at Mod Club

Awesome time last night at the Festival Music House. Having it at The Mod Club is so much better for the music compared to last year’s event at Roosevelt Room. See all posts from last year’s event here. Lots of music industry peeps & execs were there. We caught Lights and The Sheepdogs.  Mum, next time there’s a Sheepdoggy show I am taking you. These good pix from are from RockIt on Flickr. I didn’t take my camera (again). Heard Lights just got engaged. Congrats sista. Remember that time she did a shout out to me and all my “internet amazingness“. Props to her for being so adorable. I think she’s great. I wore these down a$$ tiger tights Secret sent me. Rarrrrrrrr! For a girl who hardly ever wears pants, a shipment of tights like this really kick starts the winter wardrobe. This year for Fall/Winter they have lots of texture (light rib, cable rib), colour blocking and animal print. I practically screamed when I opened the package. THANK YOU SECRET! Sammy & I are heading back to Mod Cub for the final night of Festival Music House. If you see me, say hi!

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all dolled up and somewhere to go

Took Kate to meet my girls at Doll Bar Inc today. I wanted to get her some flowers. Plucked mine last night Black Swan style.  Lucky for me, they just got a sample of in this rad hot pink Kevin Murphy hair makeup an hour before we showed up. Washes out when you shampoo and goes on like paint. I’ll be rockin’ it tonight at Strombo’s TIFF party at the Hazelton. Funky haircut is done by Darren Kwik Studio  inspired by Zambesi New Zealand.

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Swarovski’s TIFF Fashion Suite @ the Four Seasons

I was invited by Swarovski to the Swarovski Fashion Suite at the Four Seasons. We got to preview the FW 2011/2012 “Wings of Paradise” collection. So Beautiful. I might borrow something to wear to a TIFF party this week. EEEEEEEEEEEEK!! Keri was invited too. We had a private tour of the crystals including the Daniel Swarovski Catwalk Collection. This is the one and only appearance in Canada. I would love love love love love to wear one of these pieces. They’re all one of a kinda and not for sale either. Thank you to the team for the lovely gift. Way to a nerd girls heart, Swarovski USB pendant. LOVE! In return, a very special gif(t) for my friend Allison at Edelman ♥. Thank you for inviting me 🙂

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Toronto International Film Fest: Tastemakers Lounge

When celebrities come to town for TIFF they get invited to lounges to see & receive new & exciting products. Media get invites too. It’s a way for companies to get their products in the hands of stars and journalists. The Tastemakers Lounge is hosted by RockIt and they do an excellent job of bringing together brands & people. I took my PA Kate for the experience it and too take photos. New glasses from FYSH. Thanks Team! I picked out new glasses from FYSH NATION last year too. This is me rockin’ them w/ Morgan Ross at Strombo’s TIFF party. Next it was time to pick out bracelets and charms from PANDORA. Kate  took home a few goodies too. Kate chose macrame black leather and I picked sterling silver. See all the styles here. I chose a wee little birdy. Twitter <3 Planning to have some serious game nights this winter cause Mattel has hooked me up with rad games. I picked up and ANGRY BIRDS sling shot! REAL ANGRY BIRDS! I played it at their Mattel Game Night over the summer. It’s fun. Was given this gorgeous silk eyemask from Cilque and OH MY GOD I slept with it last night. My eyes were in the clouds and I had an amazing sleep. I’m dying for a set of Cilque sheets and robe to match. Made friends with team Sharpie. I carry Sharpie’s with me all the time and had one in my purse to proove it. Then Kate and I raided the drawers. Got limited edition 80’s glam colours too! Told the team how I always start out with Sharpie for tattoo ideas. I drew this bracelet tatt on my left arm on with two different green Sharpie’s for about three years before I got it. If you draw something cool you can upload it to the…

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Remember when I interviewed Kreayshawn & we did that awesome shoot for Pink Mafia? Well, she’s in town tomorrow night for TIFF at Roosevelt Room. My boyz at Z-List got it all hooked up. For info and all that sizzzz nizz check the invite on FB. You can kiss the ring, but you can never touch the crown. BOOM. <3 CASIE

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Here we go… TIFF get the party started

Feelin’ a little frazzled TBH but it’s manageable. Woke up early after dreaming about red carpets and celebrities. Had a 40 min call with client before 9am and I’m ready to rock. Gonna try make bids this week so I can take you along to fun stuff. Invites today arrived for Nikki Beach & Diet Coke parties by courier. Got new boots too! This morning I’ve got an appointment at the Tastemakers Gifting Lounge, a photo shoot and then meeting Swarovski tonight. Strict time management is in order since I also have heaps of work to get done in between all the fun. Ordered new biz cards, get ’em tomorrow. Stickers are ready to go too. I can do this! #superhuman Have an awesome day!  

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these are a few of my favourite things (right now)

This post if full of things that add glitter to my life. Thought I’d share with ya. Bangs from Doll Bar, Olympus PEN, vintage hats. I’ve been trying a new routine of going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. Once you get outta bed, you can really accomplish heaps before the day really started. That’s my September goal: do more before 10am than most people do in a whole day. My October goal is: go to England or New Zealand. Settin’ em high. YES WE CAN. Sprocket Rocket camera from Lomography. I’ve got heaps of film because, frankly, I’m not that good at using the camera so I need to take heaps of shots before I can be considered good. Analogue is haaaarrrrrrd. New duvet cover is the alphabet, say hello to my ALPHA bed. See what I did there? Oh yeah, creative play on words. New flowery pillow looks painted and that eye mask is from Keri. I sleep with an eye mask pretty much every night. I live in a glass box, it’s SO SUPER sunny in the AM! Although, getting to sleep is never a problem thanks to my new memory foam mattress. According to bestmattress-reviews, there are a number of quality options at a lower price than you’d think. Gadget love: iPad (Andy), Macbook Air (James Dean), Android (Motorola DEFY), Logitech wireless mouse. I spend most the day with these guys. Ok, here’s something really amazing….you won’t BELIVE how tall I am with these legendary things strapped on. Aren’t they beautiful? They’re Jeffrey Campbell and I ordered them online at Solestruck. They’re like stilts. Move over Buskerfest. Comfy and good for walking. Film Fest, I am ready for you with my giant shoes. I’ve been using Mereadesso cleanser w/ face & neck toning gel and…

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Sharon, Lois & Bram were my first concert.

Sang this in my head about 2,000 times yesterday. Had a stiff up with my dang email and it stressed me right the effffff out. Anyhoo, we’re back in action and well, that’s that. Enjoy this little ditty. You DO know who SL&B are right? too bad its not in a good way # Toronto speed dating lures women with cops, firemen # Much love to you @FreakerAmerica. Got ma Freaker in the mail today <3 # Meeting. (@ Fox & Fiddle) # Brandon Boyd, shirtness. @IncubusBand pr0n. #Toronto # RE: @mvern78 Urgh, we ALWAYS miss eachother!! # RE: @mvern78 I want to. I’m maxed out on friends and have 200+ waiting to be accepted. I need to dedicate some time t… # Big thanks of the day to @Motorola_CA, I somehow mangled my phone camera, replacement coming tomorrow. #LEGEND # writing & listening to # Ha! Love this. Stocking is the New Planking via @eh_eh # see you tonight hot date @brockmclaughlin. flashback to this time last year. look out! # i am slowly going crazy…… # haha @tristanx this is “i am slowly going crazy” Sharon, Lios & Bram FTW cc @mandimarc # All the #NZFW tweets are making me miss New Zealand so much. Friends & family, ILU. Might have to plan a trip sooner than I thought. # RE: @jonlim Soooooo annoying. Good post 🙂 # haha via @jonlim #rage # Photo: Omg @NZTopModelColin. Your suit. You are a legend!! #

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such a classy lassie wants to get FREAKY.

I first mentioned Freaker a couple months back after seeing this video on Kickstarter. They were lookin’ for donations to kick start their company Freaker USA. Aaaaaaaaaand, they did it! Over $60,000! What impressed me the most was their company culture, Zach’s story and the lingo they used to talk about Freaker. Freakin’ awesome. That’s Zach with the mega beard!  These kids know how to have fun. This is how Freaker was born… Today I got a freaky Freaker package in the mail from the Freaker Team. Loved getting a hand written note. Have a jacket to match my new Freaker too 🙂 THANK YOU! ILU ♥

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shoot for the stars if it feels right and aim for my heart

Our grass is seriously the best thing to happen to condo balconies EVER. If you want to chat my contact at SYNLAWN ask  & I’ll give you his number. So beautiful out today post rain storm. Last night was a SIGHT to see. I am in love with this man. I know, I love someone every day but SERIOUSLY, he got the moved like JAGGER!

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