yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Don't forget to tweet #pepsithrowback w/ your pic! # If you are @ #pepsithrowback find a coin from the 80s, tweet me a pic! Winner gets #pepsithrowback delivered each week in June! GO! # The hotness @bnotions @fragileheart! #pepsithrowback # Wait till you see my hair! #pepsithrowback (@ Revival Nightclub w/ @emanintdot @amirad @photojunkie @jarvisemerald) # # fanny pack #pepesithrowback # I got love for you if you were born in the 80s #pepsithrowback # neon nails #pepsithrowback # If you see #glitter you know I was there. #borderlineartistic # So excited to see you guys tonight! #pepsithrowback # See you soon @KeshiaChante! Excited to see your outfit! 🙂 #pepsithrowback # #blackswan #garbagenest #saveme # I look like @tumblr today. # Cute skirt for tonight! #pepsithrowback (@ American Apparel) # Bangin' (@ Bang-On) [pic]: # i can't find Triangle @shawnhawaii. I'm a bad baby momma!! # 6-8pm tonight @ Revival. 200+ on the list! Excited to see you! #pepsithrowback # sitting & sweating. #loveit #heatwave # you asked for this weather, no complaining! # everybody dies but not everybody lives. # Photo: Check out this Plank I did in Florida. Yep, that’s me. # you don't ask you don't get. # ILU INTERNET. #borderlineartistic # what's for lunch today? # The Levis Girl: Crafting Your Personal Brand with Casie Stewart – › Creator of the blog [This is My Life],… # BLOG: travel tales # about to have a conf call about #pepsithrowback dudes, tonight gonna be fun! # stoked to see @carlyannedotcom tonight @ #pepsithrowback too. been like 6 mo! # am I going to meet you for the first time tonight? LMK! #pepsithrowback # #Gangsta Earned the @Klout OG achievement for hanging with Klout back…

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coming home, nothing quite like it mama.

Mmm, donut & coffee. What a trip. Getting to Florida isn’t that difficult. I’ve been blessed with great travel the last year so this time, when I encountered delay, after delay, I wasn’t too upset. (Except when I cried on the way there and missed a fancy dinner with my sister & friends.) This was leaving Florida, good sign I reckon, C8. My fav number is 8. Picked up Fast Company (mostly because of the Conan cover) and learned about these rad wooden surf boards. I love surfing. I love the ocean. I love summer. I love…affirmation girl? Bye bye beachy. Mama loves Miami. Home, wahhh. Get me off this thing… just kidding. Look, something shiny out the window. REMEMBER THIS. The reason I picked up Fast Company aside from Conan was this article “The 100 Most Creative People in Business”. I strive to be here one day. Jack Dorsey, (one of the Twitter Founders) is #4 on the list. He is a cool guy. Listened to a few of his talks. There’s a couple good ones on itunesU from Stanford. I totally love Conan. He is so funny, combine that with his divine creativity and you’ve got a whole lot of awesome. I reckon he’s a cool Dad. Does he have kiddios? Alex Kipman from Microsoft (brain behind Kinect) made the list too. I would LOVE a Kinect. So fun. I kick ass at the dancing game. Challenge me anytime! I was quite inspired to see a few companies I’ve worked with recently on the list. Christian Parks the Global Marketing Cheif @ Levis. Read my article about ‘Crafting Your Personal Brand‘ on Levis here. Tonight is the Pepsi Throwback Retro Tweetup. I’m pretty stoked to have about 200 friends & media together for a few hours. Got some…

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hi from the home of the fresh prince & cheese steak

What a treck it was getting here. Three flight changes, none my fault. I was at the airport super early but then my plane was late, making me miss the connecting blah blah blah. You don’t care and neither do I. Over it. I’m in Philly now about to board my next flight to Florida, finally. There’s free wifi here, THANKS AT&T. Love that. Airports & hotels should have free wifi. You spend so much money to hang out & use their facilities the LEAST they can do is make is an enjoyable experience. Check out my desk, office anywhere I tell ya. Also wanna share with you this rad vid of my Kiwi designer friend Nick Von K (remember I told you about him before) who was recently in NYC hanging out with my NZFW crew Nicole Miller, Derek Fabulous & Venus Tong. I wasn’t able to make it but I flew Venus on Virgin from LA to get some pix (that I will aventually share with you!). Check the vid. I love his stuff. Got a press release about NZFW yesterday and it’s looking like it’s gonna be huge this year. Have an awesome day. Next update will be from my hotel room in Florida. Although I’m missing the dinner with all my friends, I’ve been told there will be a shiny bottle of vodka in my room. Ok gotta run. Hellooooo vacation!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

wooshwoosh asked: Major Tumblr crush going on here. Hope you feel the same… # Photo: vitamins # Did you get tickets for May 31? I got some for you on blog shortly 😉 # I liked a @YouTube video Michael Jackson Pepsi Generation # photographed some models w/ great 80’s style for upcoming #pepsithrowback May 31 😉 # I liked a @YouTube video from @NicoleMillerNYC Episode 4: Nicole’s store event to introduce # thanks! “@jpuopolo: @Ambermac @casiestewart and @Wedding_crasher just got a nice shout out by the @CandianRedCross at #mesh11

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yesterday was a really fun day

An old friend visited and we measured our balcony for synthetic grass. Would I have the coolest condo balcony everrrrr? Yes. I reckon we would. If you interested I can intro you to Joe. He’s a nice dude, The GrASS Man. Then I went to 1188 Films to work on an Angry Birds commercial. Yes, the worlds most best selling mobile game. I also stole the MAYORSHIP which is pretty freaking amazing. Stamped myself with their bank stamp, I’M MONEY GUYS! It was a very Queen Westy day for me. Walked from Spadina/Gardener to 1188 Queen (near Gladstone) and back home again stopping at a few places along the way. This warm weather makes me feel just like a child and I wanna play outside all day. Reminds me of a song by my friend Devendra. Press play & keep reading! Got ma hair did at Darren Kwik Studio (I’m Mayor there too NBD). Beautiful spot right across from Trinity Bellwoods. Hipster discount if you tell him you’re my friend on the internet (or IRL). Call him @ 416-361-1016 right MEOW. He’ll take real nice care of you. SALON PLANK. Darren was teaching a class after me and his student was a STUD. Ladies, I can hook you up 😉 Post hair stopped into Melagro for some Mexican upstairs at La Perla. I can’t WAIT to have a event/party here. Place is stunning & upstairs roof patio is a GEM. (Jarvis have you been there yet?) Cute boy(s) & girl(s) work there too. Think I got some sun. Everybody’s free to wear sunscreen (Baz Luhrmann). Food was good. Look at this queso! LA PERLA PLANK.

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Now remember kids: Safe Planking is FUNNY but Dangerous Planking is STUPID. Today is… Last night Keri & went PLANKING. It was really fun. Music Garden double plank. Wikipedia: Planking is the act of lying face down with arms to the sides of the body, in unusual public spaces and photographing it. Kinda dumb but oh so funny. Sorta like this… Tree plank. If everyone in the world would hold a one minute plank every day, we would be more fit & stronger and centered. This takes core strength guys. Hold it, steady. LEAN is SEXY. Planking, originated in Australia and was originally called The Lying Down Game “à plat ventre” (on one’s belly). Haha my shorts. Two cute boys w/ a boat took this for us. Planking is a great way to make friends. The Rules from Know Your Meme: More Public the Better. Larger the Group, the Better. No location is out of bound when playing the game. (Please be safe!) Palm of hands held against the sides, toes touching the ground. Amsterdam Brewery plank. This got us free beers. Plank you very much Tyler, ya babe. Our hair looks cute. Have you planked? Would love to see your skills. Gonna plank at South Beach this weekend. One of my fav’s is Apple Store planking on Tumbr. Get creative & please don’t kill yourself forpetessake! Plank ya later.

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Capture the Rapture

Didn’t need my alarm to wake up this morning, bounced right out of bed about 7:30am. Today is gonna be long and exciting. Cheryl’s wedding is at 3pm in Kitchener and I’ve got a heaps of things to get done before then. Dress is really pretty & from Bicyclette on Queen. Cruised over there with Jenie yesterday in my fancy new Ford Fusion. Sunroof will be fun for driving/singing in the sun today. Gardener is closed for the weekend, very quiet. I can’t believe this day is finally here. It’s like, really intense man. Cheryl and I went to Australia together and were BFFs through college & uni. Mega reunion, biggest oneof my life so far. We’re all staying at the same hotel too. Cheryl has the same orange/blue ring tattoo on her right hand. Took Keri & my sis to dinner and Bridesmaids last night. Really good movie. So funny. I’m enjoying having a car & cruising around. Will feel great to escape the city. I need  break from this crazy place. Mum, I wish you were here to be at Cheryl’s wedding today. I will give her my love for you. ♥ The sky looked really cool last night. Very Gotham. Ok, go time. Have a totally awesome day 🙂

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wh3n 1 w0|{3 µp 1 w4$ 1n 7h3 (£0µÐ w17h ¥0µ.

Caught a glimpse of sun yesterday. Did you see it? Did it touch your face too? I was getting my nails done. Treated myself I’ve been workin’ real hard lately. They are the colour of burning. Natalie Dee’s coming today is about nails too. I love her. Getting ready to retire Robert, my EEE PC. Ordered this appropriate Gelaskin – Underworld by Colin Thompson from Australia. This year the typewriter stopped being produced. I love typewriter and this is a great way to celebrate/remember both. Had band practice last night & made some jewellery. Funnest part is untangling the bunches. So many things you forget about over the years, styles change, etc. Total blast to rummage with friends. We’ve been digging Pop Chips lately. Probs due to the first shipment I got from a PR agency. THANKS GUYS! We’ve purchased a bunch since. See, sending stuff to people really works. Wanna send me something? Go nuts & ask for address -> [email protected]. This quinoa cacoa cereal is THE BEST. New fav snack, not from PR agency. Crazy awesome fog out there this morning. Woke up in THE CLOUD. Hope we see some sun today. I’m ready for a great weekeend. Busy day today, Pepsi party planning, locksmith visit, we might get patio grass. I’ve been having a few issues with the lock on my front door and I keep getting locked out. It’s not fun at all!! Luckily my friend told me about a local locksmith in Scottsdale so I arranged an appointment and the issue will hopefully be fixed today. I’m pretty tempted to ask if the locksmith can install keyless entry for me. It’d be so much easier!! Looking forward to late arvo when my sis & I go shopping. Tonight I’m stopping by#nerdlearn – Good Developers Drinking…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

It rained. I went to the park. Photo: › Ballerinas, date unknown, by Jeanloup Sieff. › › (via [Jeanloup Sieff. “…all depends on the mood of… # Photo: i want this photo of me. # I’m not a stranger to knowing who I am. # #classy & #sexy wearable rubber by @jaclangheim #fav #awesome #blog # Photo: # Drinking beers & laughing. #goodmedicine # What’s the best thing u ever ate? #goodquestion via @DanielGoddard. # “i just want my baby-back” #ribs Victoria Newman #yandr # this weather motivates me to hibernate and build internetty things. #smrt # next weekend i’ll be in #SouthBeach weeeeeeeeee! # oh @jimgito you mean you feel happy like this #optimism # Cathering Chancellor is going to use ALL her clout in Genoa City. Atta girll. #twerk #business @klout #yandr # An interesting idea: Vodka is stupid # ahh #yandr is so intense right now guys. # hey @porsche, have you met @shawnhawaii? # omg. i miss #thehills RT @chris_huey: Heidi (2.0) and Spencer wedding on The Hills on @MTVCanada right now. Awwww… mems! # three cheers for this: SEO less technical, more about reputation via @globeandmail # thanks @fragileheart just technology giving me short temper. All good! # short temper today. might freakout. # holy shit i love this guy. (@YouTube # I liked a @YouTube video Dr. Draw Montage Promo Spring/Summer 2011 # MaleEsthetics – Toronto’s New Spa For Men: via @TwoGayGuys # need a break? have some of this #yum # couple strange FB requests today. oh FB you so funny. # Beaut. (@ Fort York Armoury) [pic]: # Omg this workout is hard. Sweating. Huge. #jukari # Thanks @reebokcanada & @puma for sweet workout gear. Good motivation! # #jukari…

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what’s an influencer anyways?

I had a great weekend. You? Did some reading and surfing. I love surfing ocean/internet. Saturday I had a date with myself where I  freely explored Etsy, picking up a few choice pieces from around the world. I read articles from my RSS, got lost in tumblr, and shared things I found along the way. This video is a short documentary about Influence that explores what it means to be an influencer. It pays special attention to trends and people in history. I really love how it shines light on the fact that creativity is contagious in music, fashion and entertainment. I hope you enoy it. Would love to know your thoughts. Please share in comments! Happy Monday 🙂

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if we’re doing high school again, this time i’m the teacher.

Something happened at school yesterday Mum. One of the kids posted a list of all the ‘popular’ kids and everyone started talking. Like, enough talking to make some noise.   Zach named the “Top 150 Toronto Twitter Influencers” based on Klout ranking. Here’s the top 20. Last Summer Klout published the Toronto Top 10 Influencers. The reactions reminded me of being back at PHS, I’m pretty sure a list like this was passed around there once or twice. If you’re not familiar with Klout (duh?), Klout is the Standard of Influence Online and ranks people based on their social interactions and conversations (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn). This is what the new Klout Dashboard looks like: Zach is known to stir controversy & likes to get people talking. Prime example, this tweet.  He’s also the one behind recent Canada’s Sexiest Election Candidate poll. There’s heaps of comments & reactions on his #TOTop150 post. I reckon Klout appreciates the attention, I’ve seen them get lots of it over the last year. Remember last summer when a bunch of us got free flights? That was fun. How we interact with each other on the Internet is new to everyone. I love developments in social tracking, analytics & metrics such as this. Klout has established themselves as the online standard but I reckon clout with a ‘C’ is more important in the world. Hey, there’s no ranking scale for that one, baby. Fashion people don’t care about Klout scores, some people do. Then this happened… (Up to 1,666 views at 3:33am) Uh, ohhhhhh. While this was happening I was lazing around not Tweeting. Had a real nice afternoon. Took photos of pretty flowers & coloured with rainbow Pepsi markers. Picked up my fav ever cacao quinoa cereal from Kensington. Watched Netflix. Took a nap.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

water droplets suspended in the air #blog # Photo: etsy:shopping cart lounger via Design Boom # kill it with a fire #blog # i love etsy. # first one is the hardest eh – I just got the ‘Millionaire’ Achievement on @EmpireAve #CASIE # jerk chicked sanny, rice & peas w/ gravy, spicy patty = happy me 🙂 (@ Ackee Tree) # This cacao Quinoa cereal is so good. Great snack. #nomnomnom # Wish Mum had a twitter. Her life is so exciting. Today they sailed out, alternator broke & Tow boat USA had to bring ’em in. Such adventure! # a sprouter #spring # Ooh might need these RT @ShopBicyclette: Personalized pastel pencils So tempted. The possibilities! # Photo: you fight like a hamster # Save 30% on all @PorterAirlines flights. Book by May 18th # Photo: calivintage:Tea with the Vintage Baroness: See(berger)ing the Deauville Connection # This slogan can’t be good for his ego. # Photos from #reneecamp will be posted today! # Oh wait, it’s not Friday, just kidding. # Friday I’m in Love. # Best Flight Ever, Thanks Porter!: (@jonlim) # Take a look at these junk mail mosaics # what are some of your fav etsy shops? i fee like getting something cool. jewellery, hats etc. # Mum, computer battery died. Wasn’t plugged in. @Skype you back in a min ok! Love you 🙂 # Photo: don’t like this look for you Gaga. # i miss #12seconds # I love working on Saturdays, quiet, less emails, good focus. # Building internet today. # Made the mistake if going to (wait for it…..) Cheval last night post Gala. So douchey. # Oh hai g’morning. Sleepy & a bit slow today. #

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getcha swag on baby

Oh hai, Princess Casie here with a beer. Somebody likes to have f-u-n. Yep, these are my friends. They are great. You guys remember Rightsleeve? Done a bunch of things with them over the last year. Hawaii & I, proud parents of Triangle & Eviana. If this makes no sense to you, you haven’t been paying attention to the baby saga. Thanks for a fun time Rightsleeve. You know I love ya. BTW, I also love these! So rad.

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he screwed this fork in her hand with his mind. srsly.

Hope you enjoy my audio on this 😉 Happy Friday! I heard that he has always had this ability, like since he was a kid. I dunno, this kinda magic freaks me out but I think it’s cool. I’m way more into magic that tarot cards or fortune tellers. You will NOT see me attending any of those sessions.  I had an astrology reading at Kabbalah from Tamar this lovely lady from Israel once, it was expensive & informative. That was enough for me. I know my destiny & where I’m going. I know what I gotta focus on to get there too. Magic man is Mysterion the Mindreader. He must be cool, we have like 70+ common friends on FB. haha! I tried to trick him into reading my mind over Facebook. It wasn’t successful. Moohaha, you can’t read my mind through the Internet Mysterion!!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Today is the best day yet. Younger than tomorrow! #ftw # fresh cut grass (@ Toronto Music Garden) [pic]: # Ahhh! My cuz just had a new baby! 7pound 9oz, Travis John Stewart! Now, I must get back to #NewZealand # Photo: › Mena Suvari – Vanity Fair Italia by Mark Liddell, October 2007 # Photo: break dancing ant allcreatures: # this is how i feel today. i love this feeling. (@YouTube # i know i know, that’s what she said. # where did 4pm come from? ah # tomorrow 3-7 @ Roosevelt Room #swag2011 w/ @rightsleeve RSVP here if ya wanna join the par-tay # #NewZealand Wine Fair tomorrow @ Design Exchange # Debt show #CastingCall (I was on one of these once & it totally helped me & I got PAID!) # #friday13th this week! booked a massage & facial. used to hate numbers 13 & 3 but now I take over the day & plan something awesome! #win # Yo ladies! @moovbootcanada SALE tonight!! Selling off samples size 7 & 8 at 545 King West from 5 to 8pm! RT # busy & exciting day today! yeehaw. # View from my office, looks pretty out there! # happy happy birthday from Canada to the lovely & beautiful @NZTopModelColin! ILU xo # building a guestlist for something cool May 31. if i don’t have your email you might wanna flip it to me MEOW. # oh btw @laurenonizzle, i blogged your standup today. hope to see you at Yuk Yuk’s. Me thinks you funny 🙂 # HOW TO: Move Your Band’s MySpace Page Onto Your Facebook Fan Page – cc @brockmclaughlin @universalmusicC # for the record @itsbrownbarbie i did NOT mark us down as common law on the…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

making internet. stewart, art stew. # when you want to book a flight where do you go for good deals? ex. to FLA # hilarity RT @KeriBlog: It’s @casiestewart and I at #SheGotGapd # Babes! RT @rochlatinsky: Found two of my fave blondes @casiestewart @Keriblog @shedoesthecity # #shegotgapd w/ @shedoesthecity! #shoppingparty (@ Gap w/ @rochlatinsky) # Memories of #firstjob & #highschool #teenagedream # OMG OMG #yandr RT @mrssharonnewman: @casiestewart @moovbootcanada would love to have a pair of Moovboots for the farm! They look amazing # Omg I KNOW them! > Wired Women of #Canada @SarahPrevette & @erinbury via @globeandmail # #Uganda “Kill the Gays” bill could be passed in 24 hours-sign this urgent petition to stop it! @alloutorg # may have taken on to many Robaxacet today. feeling floaty but with much less pain. # Photo: i would very much like to be here, in this bath. # balloooooons! ILU. # easy or hard to change favcon in #wordpress # hi. watcha doin? #livefeed # reco for the best desk chair? reckon this mama needs a new. ikea little guy is not cutting it! # Party (@ Sense Appeal) # stoked for FLA in two weeks w/ my sis @jeniestewart! # YUSSSSSS @DQcanada! RT @GeoffGooden: 23,400 lbs. They did it! #dqworldrecord # what’s for lunch? #icecream lolz # OMG guys, working on something really fun/cool w/ a big company you all know. Announcement end of the week! # because at @DQCanada, good isn’t good enough #blog # Jusrt ordered these sexy gold shine boots from @moovbootcanada in US. Not in CAN yet! #win # you know who is really awesome? the team @moovbootcanada that’s who 🙂 thanks guys! # don’t fake it embrace it cause it’s just…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

New fav show is on #InstantCash tvtropolis 54. # sun out there is hot #toronto hope you got some! # you can’t start a fire without a spark #blog # Went to O.NOIR last night & dined in THE DARK! 100% pitch black can't see a thing dark # hurtingest back pain today. first day of being 29 – ahhhh. waaaas' happening! # Photo: ILU New Zealand.(by kygp) # Today's Observations via @shopmyclothes – › May 8th, 2011: The weekend edition. › • Stripes. They will never… # Photo: this looks like fun # RE: Thanks Mum. Love you 🙂 # I got a beautufully wrapped gift from @mattel_inc. Thank you! board game in the park soon?? # Google Doodle Honors 76th Birthday of 'Mr. Men' Author Roger Hargreaves # Chatting @tinydevotions this morning! Stoked to be getting a set of Mala beads. See the shop here # what's for brekky today? # Uh, this is like so awesome. TY! #talknerdy RT @laurenonizzle: For you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! #CodeCake # Easily Distracted People May Have Too Much Brain – what was i doing again? # Thank you for all the beautiful birthday wishes yesterday. I had an AMAZING day! Ready for a great week! # #HappyBirthday to the loooooovely & beautiful @irieras! # Looks beauty out there today! #toronto # yesterday on twitter, this happened: #blog #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

full bodied & bright, @senseappeal. # Fenway # Oct 21, 2009 – Interiors of "School Bakery & Cafe" in Liberty Village. For restaurant review. Photo: Charla Jones/Gl… # Photo: › Shalom Harlow wearing Marchesa at the Met Costume Gala tonight › › Shalom is always so freaking… # Photo: Body Parts # exciting day # Photo: mermaid # Photo: › Christina Ricci at the Met Costume Gala tonight › › I am obsessed with this Zac Posen dress. # I favorited a @YouTube video N'importe Comment – The Toxic Avenger featuring Orelsan # I favorited a @YouTube video Yelle – A Cause Des Garçons (Official Music Video HQ) # Emma Stone in Lanvin – › Emma Stone in Lanvin › › The Met Costume Institue Gala 2011 › › (Source:… # Photo: Stewart. # election tweet stream is like so fast man. #elxn41 # 1 for green. # this is not boring. #elxn41 # #tweettheresults # Photo: # PARTY LEADER # Whoa Jack, in the 80's. #movember #elxn41 # I can't believe how low the Liberal vote is. #elxn41 # trinity spadina!! #elxn41 # Photo: › Rihanna in Stella McCartney Costume Institute Gala in NYC. # my vote counted. # Photo: › Mary-Kate Olsen in vintage # Photo: › Ashely Olsen in vintage # here we go. the polls have oficialls closed! #elxn41 #blog # alonetogetherxoxo: # proud to be Canadian. # #THEPARTY #elxn41 (@ Canada Federal Vote 2011 w/ @melissaiscool @stephanieceline @danspr @rlangdon @withoutayard) # Photo: › Christina Ricci wearing a Zac Posen gown at the Met Costume Gala tonight › › Breathtakingly… # Photo: › Blake + Karl @ Met Ball 2011 # Photo: Giselle #…

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i did it. it was so succexxy.

I grabbed onto that voters card. and took it downstairs to my polling station. with my raincoat on. Then I voted. I marked an X in that box like it was my job. Really gave’r, y’know. Then I came back upstairs and looked outside. And read Flipboard, on ipad. Then I listened to some Metric. And admired the flowers I got last week.

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notable’s chilean wine tasting @ the spoke club

Hey girl wha you doin? Thanks for having me & friends Julian. Looking forward to the launch of I’m Jon Crowley. Nuff said. Food was good too. Lamb, ILU. Mario, you need to shoot me one of these days. Sooner than later! Our names are Reggie – Reggie & Reggie. You are SUCH a foodie JO! Babe watch: Pam, Karly, Keri This was my fav wine of the night: This was second. A friend intro’d me to this a couple years back. This girl was prize winner. I think that guy is my neighbour. Wine tasting was great but I reckon I’ve got a two glass limit. I know drinking is different than tasting but this was more of a drinking/tasting. I used to love wine, could polish off a bottle easy. It gives me a hurting in my chest, like acid reflux when I have to much now. Especially the next day. Urgh. Am I getting old? My birthday is next weekend. I have planned nothing. Ahhh. Ok have a wonderful day! It’s lovely out there.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

dance break. # like you mean it. #blog # bike season, babe season, bixi toronto #blog # omg April 30 & May 1 – @victornewman will be at the National Womens Show #yandr # probs not what they had in mind but then maybe they did? heh heh # have you tried this from #Dufflet pastry? got it at @sobeys # kate did her own makeup. # Pippa’s dress tonight # Photo: › have you seen this @laurenonizzle? BF is back haha[ ] vintage voter: “A young Jack Layton at the… # did i blog the notable wine thinger? #forgets [check own blog] #handy # I want to see YACHT in Toronto with @AUXTV. Like srsly. @teamyacht are awesome 🙂 # inner conflict # sometimes i wish tumblr was a real place i could just crawl into, like other than my computer. # I am Dutchess of Cityplace. #realtalk # f you leave me a VM or private msg on FB. expect a delayed response, they all are low priority. # when someone starts a message with “hey you”, it’s __________. # some people are so weird. # new official WIll & Kate site: # this kitten needs a Royal nap. # Photo: Kate! ILU. # i would love to be on the digital team for the @britishmonarchy. # bowling and bands w/ @morgan_c_ross #MAY4 #tickets #blog # this is awesome. you are awesome. great idea. promoting awesomeness is highly encouraged by me! 😀 # I like this idea. RT @ChrisSpagnuolo Every adult should go to pre-school once a month. Inspires creativity! # omg Duke & Duchess of Cambridge – I’m from Cambridge & my middle name is Diana after his Mum. we are like, SO CONNECTED. # Stoked…

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they brighten my room

Got my hair done yesterday. I go to Darren Kwik Studio on Queen Street right across from Bicyclette near trinity Bellwoods. Y’know, right here. Darren is an award winning stylist who is always in mags etc. He just signed up for Twitter here. Call the studio & treat yourself, 416 361 1016. You deserve it. Tell them we are friends. We are. This is what good blonde looks like. It’s super blonde/white and buzzed short. Feels nice. I always like it best after a couple days. Shaved head feels so nice though. Went to my fav vintage shop to get a hat for Royal high tea today and cute Aussie boy said he “had a thing for girls with shaved heads”.  I told him he could touch it, he did. Shaved head gives boys this cute look on their faces. Way different than long hair girl, something real sexy about the shave. This video has almost 8,000 views. Darren did a quick shave too. Stud. You can buy these for your shrine if you want. Very expensive, original human Casie Stewart hair. Just kidding. Not kidding. Kidding. You will never know. Fresh & new. Androids everywhere. These pretty things are brightening up my room: flowers + painting. Nice 🙂 Time to try on my outfit for tea this evening. Cherioooooooooooooooooooo!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

My fav wine @notabletv #notablechileanwines Castillero del Diablo # Photo: Stylish boy in wellies. # Heard my sister @jeniestewart on the radio commercial for @centralcounties finally! Love you! # Everybody dies but not everybody lives – @drakkardnoir # Every night RT @BangsandaBun: Must remember to polish my halo tonight. # Amazing have fun in NYC! RT @VENUSTONG: @casiestewart sending you a tweet 30,000ft high via flying @VirginAmerica. I LOVE IT. # ehllo # S finger motion + dance move + hands in air RT @jenniferherd: @CrystalGibson @juiceboxdotcom there ain't no party like an S Club party. # Come visit. Here for a few 🙂 (@ Darren Kwik) [pic]: # Photo: Got this in the mail from New Zealand! # Can someone check for me? >> There's an @evian campaign truck at Queen and John. Shirts there? # here comes the sun. # RE: das nice. tried to send more photos but gay didn't post. urgh. # im not hiding i live here now # “i can help you w/ < /iframe >” he said, she melted. #blog # wowza congrats @ilovecpstyle 🙂 @FHCanucks lucky to have you! # #flipboard ILU! so does my blog. # Photo: @raymitheminx been reading blog in like a magazine. so pretty # RE: i know. i was DYINGGGGGGGGGGGGG. making this post was such a pleasure. blogged from bed. so hot. gah. # now that they are going extinct. that's the most romantic note you can get. #typewriter # true 🙂 RT @reggieramone: @casiestewart I remember walking on Queen with you, every other person (on or off a bike) was like HI CASIE!!! # socks? RT @alkarim: Come up with something awkward and ask to borrow it day at the office. # thunder. # raymitheminx what…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

this is so damn hot “@kevinjn: The photos to accompany the video (just saw it – via @TheHudsonsBayCo)” # My rain day outfit today via @cammipham. Thanks babe 🙂 # blogs in flipboard are so beautiful. turning the pages of a magazine, i love it. never seen mine so pretty. # I would never go on #wipeout but I like watching it. Looks harrrrrrrd. # tweeting from #ipad keyboard. less fun than lean back typing with fingers. seems more workish but is easier for sure. good for writing. # The #yandr today was so intense. #  #love # Woot: Despite Competitors, Netflix Earnings Rise 88% # Reckon this weather calls for a hot tub + bed early! # soar higher. # Mmmm treats. #easter # i just love diana ok. and prince harry. # hahaha. RT @someecards: I'll marry you if you promise to stop talking about the royal wedding. # Cool!! RT @tristanwalker: Best use of the @foursquare API I've ever seen! 🙂 # the royal wedding live on @youtube #blog # who has today off? anyone? like out of you guys. i know schools etc. # cool people vote. #elxn41 #VoteMob # just made something very internetty for blog. # feels strange w/ no nose ring after so many years. reckon i like it! # RE: @Jarvisemerald that would be amazing. # Way to go sista! <3 RT @VanessaGrillone: My Pen, My Voice.;*: My 100th Blog Post!! .. @casiestewart # The Queen shows up to the the Royal Wedding with an iphone. # can people see my #phonenumber if I use #liveprofile it's there now, should i take it out? i don't want to give it to you. # Mad props @MattMoloney for lunch delivery. You da best.…

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photoset: spring hits toronto, down by the lake

Love this dress. Boots Jenie got second hand then gave to me. LOVE YOU! Beautiful. This is how you know it it Spring. Isn’t it so pretty? Yes. (Turn head/ipad sideways) Now we are at the Toronto Music Garden. My fav spot. Listening to this: Norwegian Wood It is very pretty here. I love taking photos. Am I creative genius? I heard someone say that. Sabrina’s Mum picked out these tights. Flowers, blue. ILU. My religionon Facebook is “when the sun shines through the clouds”. I feel so at peace when I come here. This reno is new this summer. I took the path less travel by and it made all the difference 🙂

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good date movie, good girl movie, highly relevant: #textuality

The other day I had the pleasure of attend the Canadian premiere of TEXTUALITY at the Bell Lightbox. Man, they have comfy chairs there. Go see a movie if you have not yet. Marc & Liam did a great job of creating this movie. I was also pleased to see my friend, the lovely Anna Cyzon as part of the cast. She’s a darling and she ALSO got to make out with the Absolute Hunk, Smith Jarred aka Jason Lewis! Naturally, I asked her about it. “Filming with J. Lewis was a blast. he was great. I’ve bee a SACT for years so when I was told about the part I was like “wait,you mean you need me to.. ugh yeah im in!” I’m a big fan of things Canadian that have to do with technology and especially when it’s a RomCom (my fav kind of movie). I found it to be funny, cute and relevant to the way dating & relationships are these days. All the txting, Facebooking, Tweeting, creeping, things just ain’t what they used to be. I can only imagine what it is like to date me. I mean, you never know where or when I’m going to message you or (gasp) pick up the phone and actually call. Anna you are so cute. I asked her what her fav scene was: “Food flight scene was fun. First few takes we played it safe then it got real messy! I remember Warren Sonoda yelling, ” more whip cream!” The jacuzzi scene was prob my fave. We shot that at the Soho penthouse, it was freezing but we had bubbly … it got nice and steamy ;)” Check out the trailer and go see it with your besty or ask a hot babe you’ve been creeping. TEXTUALITY –…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Sophie by Kiwi band Goodshirt. new shoes i just got are called Sophie. (@YouTube # saw smith jarred, feel like carrie bradshaw, seeing @textualitymovie, #fun (@ TIFF Bell Lightbox w/ @brockmclaughlin) # one of these days again… (@YouTube # YBT for a PYT (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) # #BlogJob $100/Post – 50 Spots Available #toronto # Photo: hipsterbride:(via Real Wedding: Lora Joe’s Goat Farm Wedding # Photo: I # Photo: if i had long hair i would do this & it would be beautiful. # Photoset: vintage vibrators – saw these in Provinceton, MA. Scary! # iframe makes me feel _________. # Photo: › Winning at Carpooling. # As a half-Jewish Type A personality, I prefer searching for the afikomen & Easter eggs at the same time. via @someecards # jacked up @themotionroom. # Photo: this was a fun night @jgrdnr @laurenonizzle # listening to "Cake – Short Skirt Long Jacket" ♫ # listening to "Sublime – Waiting For My Ruca" ♫ # listening to "Primus – Wynona's Big Brown Beaver" ♫ # listening to "Everclear – Volvo Driving Soccer Mom" ♫ # listening to "The Waifs – Bridal Train" ♫ # you're ugly & your mama dresses you funny – dad's old bumper sticker. # "It takes 1,000 tweets to build a reputation and one to ruin it. Don't tweet anything you don't want on a billboard.” via @unmarketing # Sophie by Kiwi band Goodshirt. new shoes i just got are called Sophie. (@YouTube # RE: Thanks! They are the Sophie shoe from Vans in Black & white I got mine at Nerbury Comics. # i read books & i wear glasses. # launched a thousand…

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