Ford Escape: Track Driving, Kayaking, Rock Climbing

Last week I had a full on escape from the city. It was so much fun. It reminded me of camp when I was a kid but it was way better. We drove cars fast and had beers after. Chantel, Keri, and I have awesome jumps lol There was about 20 bloggers on our ‘escape’ and the day started with lunch, then games, kayaking, rock climbing and extreme driving on a closed track. We finished with dinner and drinks at Arto Gallery in Distillery District. I’ve been on a few trips with Ford this year and am consistently impressed with their innovation as a brand. Thankfully, they provided us with kayak trailers so we could easily move them from point A. to point B. I scaled seven stories like a spider monkey. First time outdoor rock climbing and I was awesome at it. Instagram: This was GNARLY! My driving partner for the day was Toronto blogger Lisa Charlieboy. I’ve known Lisa for years so spending the day wth her was awesome. We were in Banff together in July for the World Media Fest. See her post from the day at Urban Native Girl. Follow her on Twitter at @UrbanNativeGirl. We did pretty good in the challenges and laughed our heads off. Gas, sharp turns, slamming brakes. I really, REALLY loved driving the Escape (hard) on the track. This is my face after totally tearing it up. I may have injured a few pilons on the way. They are fine. Ford Park Assist: Look ma’ no hands! Extreme Kayaking (with my phone): By the time we drove back to the gallery and got dinner the digital team had produced a video of all the days content. We all watched it together, there are some really funny parts and crazy driving. I’m…

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Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.

I slept more in the last three days than I have in ages. I was wiped. I didn’t even tweet until late in the day last night which had friends wondering if I was ok. It’s good to take a digital detox. I’ve got heaps to blog about and will get all those thoughts updates out this week. I was going to call this post Monday Motivation when I wrote it Sunday but now it’s Tuesday.  I have lots of work to do before I’m off Montreal this weekend. Applications are now being accepted for TEDxToronto. I’ve been a delegate the last two years. I love watching TED videos. Great motivation to do anything, ex. clean your room or write that paper. I think to myself “if they can do that, I can surely do this”. Try it, it works! Check out this amazing light photography: Do the robot.You will feel better. — Rainbow Sun Francks (@RainbowFrancks) August 18, 2012 This book was in my mailbox from the publisher when I came home last night. I’m already halfway through. I was saying I needed a book to read and something about this one is just right. I can’t wait to see it at TIFF this year. Enjoy the day 🙂

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Take Me Away!

I’m escaping for the day! Ford is treating a bunch of media to a day long adventure that includes lunch at the Arta Gallery in the Distillery District, some driving in a Ford Escape, rock climbing, and dinner. We’re venturing to Rattle Snake Point to rock climbing and for a hike. Nature FTW! I’m really into adventure sports lately (see skydive). Last time I went rock climbing with the City of Cambridge Mayor & city council in high school I somehow got a bloody nose and ended up ambulancing to the hospital. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen! This is gonna be me: Check out this video of me at the Ford Innovation conference in Michigan last month talking about green technology. I’m not dressed and need to be there in 30 minutes. Damn you Internet for being so awesome and full of interesting things to distract me. Hopefully  that is you reading this blog right now when you are supposed to be doing something else. Ok, now more importantly, rock climbing, hiking, dinner, and an art gallery, what the heck does one wear? Follow along today’s adventure on Twitter @casiestewart or the hashtag #FordEscape. My tweets have been a lot of First World Problems today and you might like them. I’m feelin’ sassy. SAVE THE PLANET!

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Media Preview: X-Men: Gordon Smith Exhibit at TIFF Bell Lightbox

[insert Jaws music]  It’s coming! TIFF is a super exciting time of year for the city of Toronto. So many international people, celebrities, films, events, and business deals. I’ve got a few things in my calendar already as it’s less than 25 days away. Today I went to the media preview of the X-Men: Gordon Smith Exhibit at TIFF Bell Lightbox. It was so cool! I’m a big X-Men fan despite not talking about comics that much. Tried to get a good 360 for y’all to see the exhibit but it was dark and there are restrictions on what you can photograph. Looks like this but bigger. If you click on the photo it will take you to 360 website for an interactive view. Gordon Smith is an Ontario native and thirty-year veteran in the film industry who has worked on some MAYJAH films (X-Men, Platoon, Natural Born Killers) . His Imdb is stacked. Mine will get crazy one day I hope! The contact lenses, so much variety. Skin of Mystique uses silicone prosthetics that could be applied directly to the skin. Has a life-like texture. It took 12 hours for each shooting day and four makeup artists to glue them onto Rebecca Romijn’s skin, then apply paint, powder, and makeup. This is the pattern. Nightcrawler had plaster moulds and they used computer graphics paired with real actors wearing 3D silicone prosthetics to make the characters life-like. The scarification on his skin, which represents his sins used Maori moko tattoo as inspiration. I always knew I had a special connection to this movie. Maori are native New Zealanders and Gordon Smith is Canadian. Anna Paquin who plays Rogue is  Kiwi/Canadian like me too! I love Wolverine. Such a babe. They used plastic blades for most the movie but these are actual metal and…

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Life is Like a Blog of Chocolates

You never know what you’re gonna get. You start a blog, you write, you post, you share. If you are interested in blogging that’s a good place to start. And, if you’re prepared when opportunity presents itself, you’re lucky. I’ve grown so much over the past seven years writing this blog and I’m extremely grateful for all the awesome it’s brought into my life. This is my sister Jenny 😉 Mum rung me from the boat this morning and they’ve sailed into Canada after being away for about a month. I can’t wait to see her. She’s so inspiring. Living out a childhood dream today casting kids for a commercial. I always wanted to to this. TBH it’s not that glamorous! Getting kids on camera and judging them as they act out part of the scene. I was pretty nervous at first but after a few, it’s easy. Having gone to heaps of auditions is helpful. Got this last night 🙂 If you are around & about Queen West pop by the Great Hall & get a SummerWorks programme. GO TO SOMETHING! Most stuff is free and you will be glad you did. Get cultured! There’s a gallery across from Dog & Bear at Dovercourt where Nina Arsenault has a piece of performance art. It’s super interesting. She is a great writer. Jenie and I went by there on Friday. I’m gonna pass by again on my way home. I wrote about Nina’s Live Art piece on the SummerWorks blog here. Hope you’re having an awesome day!  

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Don’t Get Mad, Get Rad!

Hola! Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Jenie stayed over after an awesome night at a few SummerWorks events. I was up early to meet the team from Coral TV for brekky. Was the first time all the hosts on the channel have met up with the team. First of many! We’ll be doing cameo’s on each others show before you know it. This week Sara Lynn and I had promoted vids on YouTube and both are over 4,000 views. Crazy awesome! Lucy, Candice, Me, Julie, Sarah Lynn Photo by Julie Stopped by Eaton Centre & the 3F store on the way home. Saw ‘Don’t Get Mad, Get Rad on a shirt, like it. Was so lovely to walk in the rain, the sun was almost peeking out. La Senza sent me over a lingerie set from the new ‘Show Off’ Collection and I exchanged it for sizes today. The entire collection is incredibly BRIGHT. I picked this fun set. Va va voom! Feelin’ the love La Senza, thank you! Lots of sales at 3F right now before new Fall/Winter stuff comes in. I got a denim jacket in coral and didn’t even realize it was called ‘coral’ until I got home. The annual Perseid Meteor shower is tonight. Science is AWESOME. It’s going to be magical. Hope you have someone special to share it with. MIght take a drive into the country when it peaks around 1am. Lauren did a great post on CBC with all kinds of details of what to look for and where. WE ARE ALL MADE OF STARS!  OLYMPICS FTW! Official outfit. Blogging is a SPORT!

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Underwater Blogging + Travel Tips + Friday Fun

Look what I can do! Underwater! Tweet, tweet, tweet! Last week on that underwater shoot for BravoFact everyone got photos in the pool. I  decided it was time to put my DryCase for iPhone to the test. Keys worked, camera worked, and my phone is 100% fine post pool. I mention the DryCase on my show this week. In this week’s episode of THIS on Coral TV, I share with you some of my fav gadgets for travelling. I don’t mind being stuck in an airport as long as I have power so the Incipio case sent me is a savior. It’s super thin and priced at $24.99 is a great buy. [View the story “Coral TV – Women’s Lifestyle Channel” on Storify] Coral TV – Women’s Lifestyle Channel Some tweets from peeps about our YouTube Channel, Coral. Subscribe at Storified by CASIE STEWART · Fri, Aug 10 2012 11:51:58 RT @CoralTV: Ever drop your phone in h2o? @casiestewart has a solution thanks to @dry_case – check it out on today’s ep of THIS – Case * I reallllllly tested this Dry Case on a shoot last week and it really works. I can’t wait for my next surfing trip to tweet from my board and listen to music while I surf. Go paperless when you travel with the @TripIt App! See how @casiestewart uses it in the latest episode of THIS – Thanks for the kind words! Love the people are enjoying my vids. I’m getting better at producing, it takes practice! @casiestewart You’re just too cute!! Love the @CoralTV Videos.Trina Stewart @CoralTV @casiestewart @ShannonLitt she is full of energy 🙂 love itCamMi Pham Domestic Geek @SaraLynnCauchon on @CoralTV is featured on @youtube with her amazing dishwasher tricks. Check it out Redmond I liked…

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Bot & Sold on Twitter (RE: Article from @FastCompany)

A couple of times over the last few years a photo of me has been used as a Twitter bot. I didn’t think much of it. I figured there was nothing I can do other than report for spam.  To be honest, my first thought was “you’ve made it” then it happened over a handful of times and it was kinda unsettling. Have I been targeted? What is going on here and why does this keep happening? Yesterday, Keri sent me this article from FastCompany  “Who’s That Woman In The Twitter Bot Profile? by Jason Feifer. I got a couple Tweets about it too. @casiestewart remember how there was a twitter bot of your Sunshine girl pic? Seems like you weren’t the only one! — Breanna Hughes (@unbrelievable) August 9, 2012 They’re sometimes called “bimbots”–the army of Twitter bots with pretty profile pictures. Who are the women pictured in those photos? This is the story of the quest to find out.” Omg, it’s a thing. I read on… “After dozens of searches, a pattern emerged: Most bot photos had a long digital tail, having been posted on dozens of sketchy porn sites or blogs devoted to the barely legal. Occasionally, I’d be able to track a photo back to what seemed like an original source–like when a bot’s photo showed up alongside many others of the same woman, all posted to the fratboy site Barstool Sports. The site claimed her name is Aurora. But when I reached out, as was always the case, nobody cared to explain where the photos came from. …I tracked two bots back to the 2009 SUNshine Girls calendar, a lingerie showcase produced by the Toronto Sun. (I guess newspapers have to make money somehow.) The calendar only offered the models’ first names, and the paper’s photo…

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Beers, Babes, Beards, Bikes, Books, Boys, Bass

Hi, hi! Had a nice coffee on the patio in the sunshine. Got this cute heart shirt from Winners last night and it ripped already. Problem with all the sheer is it is so delicate. Head scarf was a vintage gift.  I’m doing a presentation at an ad agency about creative blogging this afternoon. Fun! I love going into new offices and throwing energy all over the place. Huzzahhhhhh! Beerfest 2011 – Breakfast Beer from 1188 on Vimeo. This weekend is Beerfest! Stoked to get beer’d with a bunch of babes, boys, bands, and friends. This video was shot by 1188 last year for the fest featuring Hipster Ryan from the office. I was informed yesterday that my daily blog email wasn’t coming anymore! Sorry If you have been missing it! I’ve fixed it, I think. Hopefully you will wake up to a delicious blog snack in your email tomorrow. If you would like to subscribe and get  a daily dose of sunshine & love, subscribe here. It’s super easy and convenient for reading on mobile, in meetings, or when you should be working. Remember, you will never be younger than you are TODAY so make the most of the day. Call someone you love, do something nice for no reason, comment on a blog, help a friend. You’ll be glad you did!

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-15

The Queen’s Trunk Pop-Up Shop, This Weekend in Toronto!: As a lover of #fashion Art fears business fears art via @thisissethsblog # #sprinkler #nofilter #olympus #penready @ Muskoka Lake # Just posted a photo # #Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-08: – If you’ve watched my show on @CoralTV… #thisismylife # Sunday at the office. # “Float On” # Photos from the @SummerWorks VIP soirée at The Great Hall Thursday # Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn…: The sweetest sight ever… #thisismylife # #nofilter @ Morrison Lake # Queen & Spadina closed for 2 weeks is gonna be insanity. # The 3 Phases Of Social Media #readthis #content # Watertower by Tom Fruin

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Take it all in. Every detail. Then let it GO.

I love the wilderness. Taking a break from the city makes me miss it more. The other day I got a press email with the entire list CC’d. I’m reading an excellent book, Steal Like An Artist. Inspiring. Shooting with CoralTV and eBay this week. Good busy is good work, I am never bored. I have one speed, GO. I am addicted to documenting, afraid to forget. I like this commercial. I knew it was Ting Tings before I checked the Googler. Saw them Ting Tings at Mod Club in 2008. I like this style of shooting! “liar liar jump in the fire!” Take it all in. Every detail. Then let it GO. “All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be.”  

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EXPLORE LIKE A HERO. #thefutureisours #innovateordie

I’m passionate about innovation. It’s what is driving us forward and building the future. Last week at Ford’s Go Further conference, innovation came up in every talk about technology, design, sustainability. At Banff World Media two weeks before, I introduced you to the concept INNOVATE OR DIE on my show. If you are not constantly innovating your business, yourself, your thoughts, you will be left behind. The title of my recent interview in TechVibes was ‘Survival of the Fittest’, you gotta focus on making yourself better. Watch this video. You will be inspired: We are living in an extraordinary time, ’embrace your inner trouble maker’. Let’s build a better future. NEVER STOP DREAMING. The Future is Ours from Michael Marantz My favorite line is ‘intellectually seductive’. That’s what I wanna be. I wanna stimulate your brain and make you think. I want to get your mind all riled up and excited. Cause movement in your corpus. Get your central nervous system going. Thank you kindly to Julian Shenoy for tweeting me this. It was the first message I saw this morning and an AWESOME way to start the day. @casiestewart “The Future Is Ours” PSA For Innovation… — Julian Shenoy(@JulianxBrand) July 1, 2012 I’m heading up to Sean’s cottage in Muskoka then to the park to see the Tragically Hip with some of my best friends. I’m so CANADIAN! I can’t WAIT! HAPPY CANADA DAY! MY NAME IS CASIE AND I. AM. CANADIAN!

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‘Survival of the Fittest’: My TechVibes Interview on Blogging

This week TechVibes, Canada’s leading online tech publication posted an interview I did during NXNE. Some quotes below, read the whole interview on TechVibes. ‘Survival of the Fittest’: Casie Stewart on Blogging @casiestewart by @herbertlui — Techvibes (@techvibes) June 29, 2012 Thanks to Herbert Lui for a well written piece. His previous articles are with the Creative Director of TAXI, Harley from Epic Meal Time, and renowned speaker Stephen Shapiro. So, I’m in good company! IT’S NOT A WALK IN THE PARK “I think the toughest things are when you have no money; essentially, I am an entrepreneur, and I’ve built up my business around my life,” she admits, briefly alluding to her time on TV show Maxed Out. “I’m really super online, so people always think that I always have all these people around me, and we’re all like best friends. But when you’re a blogger, or you’re starting your own business by yourself, you spend a lot of time alone and at the computer,” she explains. “My life – yeah, a lot of times it is pretty glamorous and really fun, but – you spend a lot of time by yourself.” HOW DO ASPIRING VLOGGERS/BLOGGERS WIN ONLINE? “You need to do something every day that brings you closer to your goals,” Stewart advises. “When it comes to the internet, it is survival of the fittest. You gotta be the best, most consistent, you gotta stick at it…When I got home from the airport in Banff this morning, it was 4:30 and I published something on my blog about my panel today so I knew I could just get up and come here.” I mentally calculate that she’d gotten probably four hours of sleep, and marvel at the fact she just did a panel. On four hours, I would have been passed out by this hour…

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I Hear The Mermaids Come Out in The Moonlight

I love when the sun shines and makes rainbows like this. Up early and off to Dearborn, Michigan!   I usually wear heels when I travel but at this temperature and 7am for a 1 hour flight, I couldn’t be bothered. Plus, my five pairs of shoes fit nicely in my now broken suitcase. I need new luggage ASAP. Thank you Barbie for these great MK shoes. I need a pedicure.  There’s a wicked deal for shellac mani/pedi on Buytopia right now for $25. Ends tomorrow! 875 people have already got it. I have one, gonna try and go this weekend. This app is called TripIt. It pulls flight & travel info from your email and puts it all here for you. SUPER convenient if you travel heaps. It’s also free 😉 I flew on the smallest little peanut ever. 18 people! Asked the security lady to take my photo. What a diva! Later Toronto! Nice being in ya. Hellooooooo Michigan! Sat in the car with someone from Spain Newswire and Karl Lohnes who is on CTV Metro News & HGTV. Both from TO & super nice. I’m here at the Hyatt in Dearborn, Michigan for Go Further With Ford a conference about Innovation & Design. INNOVATE OR DIE!  Told you that was a trend last week. I think it’s mostly traditional media which is exciting for me. Digital kids paving the way for new media huzzahhhhh! Ford is super savvy about this whole conference from the invite, to registration, logistics and delivery. I was here w/ Ford in January for the International Auto Show and was quite impressed. I posted about it here and here. They sent 150 of the worlds top bloggers for a three day press tour. I met  Stuart Flatt from Average Joe’s Blog in England and stalked Dylan Culhane…

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EVENTS: Post Party Meltdown – MMVA, NXNE

Latest ep of my show on @CoralTV. I’ve been more active on YouTube since working with the Coral team. Viddy will load right into YouTube which makes things super fast & easy. From all the conferences I’ve been to this year, it’s clear that the future is in video. TV on the Internet FTW.  LMK what you think! Big ups to Shannon Lit who shoots/edits THIS. I love my Lita’s! Ordered those shoes from Nasty Gal. Wish I had them in every colour/pattern/material. Super high but comfy to wear. I walked for hours in them this weekend. Photos from Carla’s Instagram. I love these Global Warming Tees from Gingerich Group. I got one that says ‘Peace Be With You‘. I’m wearing it in next CoralTV episode of THIS. Caught an awesome set of old school & new school hip hop covers at The Ballroom by Down With Webster after they won a few MMVA awards.  CONGRATS AGAIN TO 1188 FILMS FOR WINNING TOO. Rock version of Drake’s motto. I love this track. I did a lip dub on Viddy the other week.  Instagrammy photos from the weekend made with Flipagram I blogged yesterday.   My YouTube channel has a few updates and we’re over 120,000 views now. Subscribe to it! You don’t wanna miss a thing. Aerosmith FTW. I just drank an iced tea, I forgot how refreshing it was. Enjoy the day. Drink lots of water!

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TECH: Take a look, It’s in a book, A Reading Rainbow!

I’m so glad digital kids get to experience Reading Rainbow. OHHHHH YES. I like wizards & fairies, princes & princesses, and pirates. Right now, just like I did as a kid. I actually like all these things. Ocean adventures? Travel? Things that go? Yes, yes and yes. I first visited the genius academy. Obviously! The app picks books for you (the kid) based on selections then the books come aliiiiiiiive! There’s video fieldtrips, easter eggs, and games.  I grew up in the library and spent every summer in the Summer Reading Club. I LOVED RR. I really should read more books now. But I read the whole internet every day?  It’s like a thousand books. 🙂 LeVar was on Jimmy Fallon last night. Jimmy did a cover of the Reading Rainbow song as The Doors once. I chatted with LeVar in 2008 at a dinner I did some work with Women’s Post in honor of  Winnie Mandela. I can’t find any photos or links but it happened! There is on Women’s Post link but it’s got a warning on it. He was super cool &   high energy! We bonded! From Mashable: Reading Rainbow is Back Their app makes good business sense. Many children who grew up watching the television show now have children within the app’s target age range of 3 to 9 — giving Reading Rainbow a clear nostalgic edge over other children’s books in the App Store. But the project is also a sincere attempt to encourage reading. Its digital enhancements of children’s books look more like the subtle, story-building interactivity of pop-up books than distracting bells and whistles. Where the app most departs from its television roots is in the virtual world outside of its books. Each story, for instance, comes with games and puzzles. Kids design their…

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We are not living in eternity.

“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand – and melting like a snowflake.” Marie Beyon Ray Wonderful day. Always on the go. Great party last night, thanks The Blog Studio and every narcissist out last night. See all the faces in the FB album. Got to meet Faris finally. Friends online for years, first IRL meeting. We are in this video. Feeling good about work. Loving life. Sunshine on the face. BBQ later. So many shows. Gifting lounges tomorrow w/ O’Nizz. Cinderella has nothing to wear to Rockstar Hotel or MMVAs. Please stay calm. Fiji Water delivered me a case today. Just in time for a killer weekend. Putting on Converse, jean shorts and a tshirt heading to see bands and a BBQ. NXNE FTW. MMVA madness tomorrow. Here we go. Come! I am thankful for iPhone. I love the renegade road blog. I’ll try to do my best this weekend as eyes & ears on the ground, finger on the pulse. I’m your Information DJ, signing off. And running late 😉

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Trends at Banff World Media Festival: Social TV, Transmedia Storytelling, 3D, Innovation, Mobile Everything

It’s been an exciting two days so far. We’re going to see LOTS more social integration with broadcast media this year. Everyone is talking about transmedia storytelling, telling stories with brands across different platforms in traditional & new media. Mobile everything. I’ve learned about some really neat technology in 3D that is really freaking cool. No glasses and the most real picture you have ever seen. I hear sports look absolutely amazing. I’ve got a couple minutes in my hotel room before my Blackoptek treat mate Darren Pereira is on the panel about Social TV. Panel starts at 3pm Calgary time. Panel is Social Television: Ways to Engage, it’s gonna be a good one. Deets here: Larry King isn’t coming tomorrow night for the award show. I was hoping we could hang out. Oh well, off to next panel! Hope you’re having an awesome day. If you are in Banff and see me, make sure you say HI! Check out these horses I saw this morning!

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#Art + #Music + #Everyday + #Inspiration

Went to an awesome event last weekend with Lauren at Brickworks, FOAM – Festival of Art & Music. Such a great venue. Who doesn’t love a good warehouse party? Photos by Brian Hamilton for iChannel. Whole album on iChannel FB. FOAM is held in support of motionball (, a not-for-profit organization that introduces the next generation of supporters to the Special Olympics Canada movement through social and sporting events. See photos from Motionball Gala 2011 & 2012. In other news, just got off the phone with Brick Bronson in LA who is behind The Weeknd about his new artist Everyday. Born in NY, raised in TO and super talented. This is his first track FIRE. I hope that some piece of it will elevate your spirit. May we all touch a heart. somehere, sometime.. — everyday (@itseveryday) June 8, 2012 ‎”Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.” -Oscar Wilde — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) September 6, 2011  

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Let’s Get Visual: Instagram, Viddy, Art Parties, Blondetourage

I have been loving Viddy lately. I don’t work for them but I met some of the execs at CES in Vegas and we were insta-friends. The image above is a bunch of vids I’ve made. They’re so bright and colourful. Even this GROSS is not soooo bad. Random Love Note. Heard some really good tunes at FOAM – Future of Art & Music event this weekend. This week I got a vile of sweat in the mail from El Tabador, the lucha loving Mexican midget from Koodo. I’ve been a Koodonation ambassador for almost a year. Together we donated $20,000 in my name to a charity in Malawi called Moving Windmills. Posted a TED talk with the founder last year. Last night I went to this event that featured ‘Dirty Car Art’ check this out: The night before I FINALLY met Candice, aka Edgy Veg who is also a host on Coral TV. Another one for the babe BLONDETOURAGE! Look how happy we are, cute. We both have nerdy iPhones. I’m in Mississauga for the day at a clients office teaching the ways of the web. Love it! Enjoy the day 🙂

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Some things I learned at Strombo from David Cronenberg, Robert Pattinson, and Paul Giamatti. #Cosmopolis

I loved seeing the human side of these people. It was inspiring. Attending the show was great. I know George socially but I’ve never actually been to a live taping. This was the final show of his 8th season. Yesterday was a special friends & family presentation with the cast of Cosmopolis before they walked the red carpet at the Canadian première. I should have taken a pen & paper because I forgot I wasn’t allowed to use my phone. NOTE TO SELF. These actors made me think about myself, my career, my life. It’s really quite magnificent to be in the same room and hear them candidly speak about their lives, insecurities, and work. All photos by JJ Thompson. Thanks to the lovely Erin & CBC for sending right away. He was watching a clip of himself from a movie with Reese Witherspoon where he played a very small part. Despite making millions, five twilight movies and dating K.Stew (who is on the cover of Vanity Fair July 2012), he’s lacks confidence, security.  He was modest and slightly soft spoken. He said he avoids the media because he doesn’t really know what to say and he isn’t that smart anyways.  I imagined him to be more, more strong. He was undoubtly charming and his accent had my eyes light up with hearts like an old Loony Toons character. Tempted to rush the stage, I held back. Safe to saw, I was swooning. The way Rob sat in his chair vs. David Cronenberg showed a lot about their characters. Cronenberg, a seasoned and incredible film maker, sat back in his chair, open body language, head held high while R.Patts was the opposite. George asked David Cronenberg if anyone ever tells him “it should be done this way” or “do it like this”, he paused before answering…

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Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.

I love when it rains. Joe Fresh denim shirt dress, Hunter wellies, Gap kids rubber jacket, Toronto Star cartoon brolly. Sadly, my brolly caught a bad case of wind on the way to the conference and he is no longer with us. Made it to Women in Business conference, found power supply. The guy on stage just used a word I don’t know, can someone explain ‘rolodex?’ See what I did here? We start filming Monday. I’m really excited. Been waiting for THIS for my whole life. You know how I always tell you to be positive and make the most of each day? Well, I really freaking mean it. The only way to attract good and wonderful things into your life is to put it out there. Like attracts like, the power of attraction is about particles of matter. Had a great sister date yesterday, look at these babes. LOVE YOU GIRLS. Thank you Bobby for this kind Tweet one day we will meet. Brands, listen up! “One of the best “brands” on social media is @casiestewart … she has leveraged numerous outlets to build a tremendous business & brand! #ff” — BobbyRettew (@BobbyRettew) June 1, 2012 Title is a quote by James Matthew Barrie quotes, Scottish Dramatist and Novelist who is best known as the creator of Peter Pan. Cheers to Tink, the original pixie fairy girl. Have an awesome day 🙂

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I got sun this weekend. Feels good. I dream of this happening one day. Song & dance. Oh la tee da! Hope my happiness jumps right out of your computer and kisses your face.

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Speaking | NXNEi 2012 TiCKET GiVEAWAY

In about two weeks Toronto will be filled with all kinds of internationals in music, film and interactive for NXNE June 11-17th. I’m speaking on two panels this year for NXNE Interactive. If you didn’t get to hear my panel from SXSW on “The Psychology of Narcissism and How it Affects Brands“, now is your chance! Psychology of Narcissism & How it Affects Brands with Hal Niedzviecki, Jason Howlett and Casie Stewart, Moderated by Lucia Mancuso from The Blog Studio. Making Social Giveaways Win-Win for Brands and Fans with Casie Stewart, Matt Juniper and Shannon Hunter Moderated by Lindsay Munro from FITC. WHAT iS NXNE?  NXNE, in partnership with FITC, brings you the freshest in interactive social content, as well as the tools and creators behind it to keep you and your campaigns top notch. With over 80 presentations, NXNEi bridges the gap between creators of all kinds and interactivity. NXNEi TiCKET GIVEAWAY: I’m giving two lucky people the chance to win a pass to see me and 150+ other digital aficionados speak. NXNE Interactive 2012 pass is valued at $349. Contest is open to anyone but does not include travel to Toronto. That one is all you! Send one tweet with a link to the session you’re most excited for with hashtag #pickmecasie and the twitter handle @NXNEi for your chance to win. I’ll put your entry Tweets into a Storify and post them so you can see what the popular ones are. If you really, actually, like, seriously would like to hear me speak, or you don’t want to read schedule, click Tweet button for surprise text written by someone who is not typing this right now. Tweet EXAMPLE ENTRY TWEET: “I can’t wait to see @casiestewart‘s panel @NXNEi *link to panel here* #pickmecasie”” Check out my posts from past NXNE:…

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Back to life. Back to reality. My most popular Instagram photo in the last few days. I love it. I took stereographic of the lake in Muskoka, other from my balcony using 360 for iPhone, taped together with Diptic app, and sent to Instagram. I’ve been mostly active on Instagram, Pinterest & Tumblr for fun lately. I update them with all different stuff so follow along! My Pin boards are all neatly organized, Instagram is life photos, Tumblr is a mix of things I find pretty/funny/weird on the internet. I love Internet. I love iPhone. I love life. Contest for #sherwaygardens is still runnin’ on the blog! Ends this week 🙂 Prize is $100 Cadillac Fairview shop!… — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 22, 2012   The #Banff2012 competition ends at 11:59pm EST. PLEASE Vote! Tell your entire office!… #mobile — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 22, 2012 This also happened today! Crazy! Window cleaning dude scared the crap out of me. Oh, yikes, a big bottle of Collingwood Whisky just arrived as a late birthday present. GOTTA GO! <3 CASIE

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Personality is Everything in Art and Poetry.

Exciting week just passed and I am SO ready for a getaway! Tomorrow I’m scooting up north to the countryside with Barbie to a friends cottage. Give me nature, lake, silence and sunshine. YES PLEASE. Ate pretty healthy this week and went running a few times. Feels good to hit the pavement. Got a haircut at Darren’s Studio and had my first spring picnic in the park. This Week in Venn via SAY Media: The Secret to a Successful Modern Media Brand – I love reading this blog post each Friday. Always an interesting & fresh perspective about marketing, internet and brands.    Coral TV – Edgy Veg Launches and I’m Coming Soon! This week Candice’s show on CoralTV, The Edgy Veg launched! She’s adorable. If you missed the news earlier this week, I’m the latest addition to the Women’s Lifestyle Channel, my show will be launching in about a month! I made it to the final round in the BLOG FOR BANFF competition. THANK YOU. Final voting closes Tuesday, no signup and takes one second. Please cast one click for me. You can vote from web, mobile, tablet so get ’em all in there! Discovered the spot where my next Dear Photograph submission will be taken from. Turns out Mum used to hang out exactly where I like to hang out now. Her photo is from the ’70’s I think. Mum, can you confirm? Check out the skyline, or lack there of! Please be careful this weekend, wear sunscreen, don’t drink & drive, and play safe. May24 is the kick-off to summer, make it a good one! Next weekend is Memorial Day in the USA and I’ll be in the sunshine state soaking up Florida rays. Can’t wait! Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE * title is a quote  by  Johann Wolfgang von…

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Step into Spring Style with @Sherway_Gardens

Spring is my fav time of year, there’s nothing like flowers, fresh cut grass, and  fashion. I love digging out the box of summer dresses, rompers, and shorts that hide under my bed most the year. I’ve partnered with Sherway Gardens to share my favourite spring trends and help style up a lucky person like you. Here’s three of my favourite trends this season. Contest entry details below! SPRING STYLE: Sheer – I’ve been picking up sheer items since my last trip to New Zealand for fashion week. Long skirts, drapey blouses, sleeveless shirts and anything that flows nicely in the wind. I love the way something sheer has a certain innocence while being slightly sexy. Look for lots of bright colours & prints and have at least one skirt in rotation. You’ll find a great selection of sheer tops & bottoms at American Apparel. They have the maxi skirt in a selection of shades. Short Shorts – I’m a big fan of short shorts because they’re fun to wear and make your legs look long when you throw on some heels.  My tip is to make sure you don’t buy them too small, try the next size up when you’re shopping. You want to be cool & comfortable not stuffed in! I got a great pair of denim cutoffs from Victoria Secret. When you’re at Sherway Gadens try VS and American Eagle. AE has a ton of styles including drawstring and white denim. White Lace/Chrochet – Did you notice this trend at Coachella or SXSW?  I’ve got my eye out for a cutesie white crochet number. I’ve seen this on Pinterest in  collars, bathers, blazers, tank tops and platforms. Chill out, it’s the 70’s! You’ll find this look at Guess or Costa Blanca. All photos can be found at…

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