There’s No Place Like Home

Good morning from Cambridge, Ontario! I’m up early at Mum’s to do a wee bit of work. It’s going to be a lovely day. Sun is shining bright. I’m a bit slower at using this Dell Ultrabook than Mac but it’s good. Soon as I arrived yesterday, Mum and I went cruising to all kinds of places like my old dance studio, modelling studio, visiting old friends, old work and finally through Langdon Hall Country House Hotel. Some family friends live up the street and we used to run around the back forrest and play there when we were kids. Mum had a chuckle as we left cause a young man who worked there came out and invited us inside as soon as I pulled up. It was really cute. Check out this old photo. I was a teen model/actress many moons ago. Teen model profile on the wall circa 1997. #sisters #model #acting@ Expressions by D.S.K — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 10, 2012 ; Dad is on his way, in a really rad car I’m sure and we’re going cruising then for brekky. I’ve got lunch with a friend in Kitchener and then heading to see a band later. If you are in the area and wanna hang out, LMK. I absolutely love driving this G37, it’s got some real attitude! Dad just pulled up in a 1932 Ford English wide model.We think it’s the only one in Canada. GOTTA GO! <3 CASIE

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Stargazer Take Me for a Moonwalk

This is so true. I made this post of all the tabs I just had open. The internet is so much more fun than cleaning your room. — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 6, 2012 My plan was to close all the tabs, get off the computer and clean my room BUT, SATC is on the W Network and I can really do it tomorrow when the sun is out. Right? I once tried on that beautiful Tibi dress from the start of SATC at Rent Frock Repeat once. I loved it. Don’t forget to look at the moon tonight. Biggest one this year, SUPERMOON. Remember the supermoon last year. That was a very magical night. GoDaddy Email Kink Engineering Latex Four tabs on Facebook O’Nizzle on Epilogger at ROFLcon in Boston   My favorite #mbfwa snap by @facehunter feat — Geneva (@apairandaspare) May 6, 2012 The Big Smoke – Marijuana March in Toronto, photos from CBC. I forgot! haha Visual diary of Facehunter photographerYvan Rodic and his Instagram. Photo of Ruby Rose at MBFW Australia last week. I love her.  Banff Media Blogger contest Gmail Rides – Dirtywork show, interactive murder cleanup crime show Gracie Carol fashion blog Three Twitter Velvet tees maxi dresses  Reo Stevens & Keahi De Aboitiz Kitesurfing In Bali by Breana Wired w/ Shoplocket feature Shoplocket signup. Made an account Souls of My Shoes blog by Kimberly Independent Fashion Bloggers Fair Compensation Manifesto – If you are a PR or blogger, read it. Gala Darling‘s blog w/ cute video for the Starbucks Frappuccino Signature Style Series!  Watch it here. Funky music, adorable style. Tumblr – mine, Kink’s Luchas, YouTube about my name Google Calendar Photo from Toronto Fashion Incubator’s 25th Anniversary at the Royal Ontario Museum by Omar Leslie  My Instagram photos on Statigram Three WordPress…

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LATEX LUCHADOR LADY! Now, pour me a tequila!

Kink Engineering made me a lucky latex lucha for Cinco de Mayo! You like? Awesome eh? I ordered mine to be pink & black to match upcoming latex bikini from Ego Assasin but there are a bunch of options available. Wearing latex is so incredibly rad. Got my real Mexican poncho in Playa del Carmen last year. I wish I was there right MEOW. There’s a whole bunch of Lucha’s for Kink Engineering’s #LUCHADAY. See them all on their blog here. As a warning, links in this post are only kinda work safe, there’s latex & skin. Make sure your boss is on lunch when you click them!

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America’s Next Top Model – Toronto, May 4-6

This weekend at MTCC there’ s a HUGE event happening and I’ve got a couple passes. The ANTM models will be in town! 3F is a sponsor of the social media lounge and I’d love to send you. I’ll be bopping around there a little bit each day this weekend. Bunch of great sponsors. There’s a few stages and a ton of stuff happening including the FCUK stage with Jay Strutt, Leesa Butler and a whole bunch of leaders in style. Wanna go? Simple: Like & follow 3F Fashion on Twitter & Facebook (easy one click below!) Like & Follow ME on Twitter & Facebook (easy one click below!) Comment so I know how to contact you. Winner notified Friday morning! Casie Stewart likes 3F Fashions Casie Stewart likes casie stewart: this is my life Follow @casiestewart Follow @3ffashions

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Day Dreams

A man watches his life pass before him in this short film produced for the 42 Second Dream Film Festival in Beijing, China 2009. A friend showed me this yesterday. It’s quite beautiful. What would your last day dream look like? I got to thinking about mine and it never really crossed my mind until, now. I’m 30 in a few days and I never really though about that either.  I’m very happy with my life and things I’ve done but it’s like, this anxiety, it’s creeping out from behind the stutters and trying to scare me with his smile.

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Relax & Recharge Dem Batteries, Girl.

I’ve been having a lovely relaxing day at home. I love Saturdays with no plans but home and the couch. Repaired some furniture, watched a few movies, sorted an array of business cards, and played Barbies with a mini munchkin. Movie marathon currently in progress so far we watched Hard Candy w/ Ellen Page, a psycho thriller and Waynes World. Next up looking for rom com and some foreign film to remind me of travelling. These photos are from my  trip to our nations’s capital for Ottawa Fashion Week earlier this year. Have been using my camera less since I switched to iPhone and forgot about all kinds photos on it. Doh! In the spirit of being Canadian, this video sums up all aI learned about prohibition on my trip to the Canadian Club HQ last month. The infographc is on PR newswire and you can read some of the other kids write-ups about the tour on Sidewalk Hustle and It was done by the same film studio that did the vid I was in for Puma last year, 1188 Films.  We had so much fun with this campaign, celebrating After Hours Athletes. Hey, sometimes a victory is making last call 😉 This vid was the promo for the event, which was one of my fav parties ever. See the party vid on Puma’s YouTube. Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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Let’s Set the World on Fire

We Can Burn Brighter Than the Sun

Yesterday Raymi and I met up for a girl date & shopping party at 3F at Young Dundas. I’ll have some more info about WHO & WHAT 3F is soon. Short version is 3F Fashions comes from a high end texttile company that works w/ Calvin Klein for their fabrics and I’ve just joined their Board of Directors. I’ll be at the store today w/ Z103.5 Radio & recording artist Aleesia for public shopping part w/ 25% off everything. Follow 3F on Twitter at @Ffashions. Its FRIDAY the 13th.. Which means its gonna be a freakyyy day! Come down to @3FFashions between 5-7pm & enter to win a $500 shopping spree! — Aleesia (@aleesiamusic) April 13, 2012 Raymi and I tried on SO MANY things. the fabrics are really nice and the price points are affordable. I picked up a super cute demin onesie jumper, frilly denim shirt, some khaki jeans, a super soft long maxi dress and a few other items you’ll see this spring. Raymi has a bunch of photos on her camera of our outfits that I’ll share after she posts. These are all from iPhone! 3F is a sponsor for Ryerson’s HUGE annual fashion show, Mass Exodus. We got to sit from & centre for the production which was very well done. Lots of talent at that school! Way to go Canadian fashion! Ryerson fashion show used @richaucoin in Canadian music selection. Nice one. #massex2012 — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) April 12, 2012 Ballet collection was to die for. So great. #massex2012 — Tiffany Aita (@tiffanyaita) April 12, 2012 Ended the night at DefineTO event at Easy on the 5th. Wearing the new vest i got from Peacock Parade, skirt from overseas, Jeffrey Campbell ‘Back Off’ & Nella Bella bag. This is my song of the day:…

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Hallo & guten morgen! I woke up earlier than my alarm, reckon that’s a true sign of a happy life. Lots to do this week! OK, LEGGGGGGGO! Thursday is MASS EXODUS the annual fashion show put on by Ryerson University’s School of Fashion. I attended the show in 2010 wich featured a rad performance by Fritz Helder. This year I’m working with one of the sponsors, 3F and I’ll be attending Thursday for media night. Promo video for Ryerson’s MASS EXODUS 2012: Today I get to see all those photos from the super professional shoot I had last week w/ Adrian Fiebig. I’m pretty stoked. Planned a new tattoo I’m getting Friday, y’know, Friday the 13th. I used to hate the day until I took charge and got a tattoo I loved one fine Friday the 13th many moons ago (story here). It was way back when I had no tattoos on my arms at all. Well, that’s never gonna happen again! New tattoo goes with Sailor Jerry sleeve theme and there’s a heart and a girl involved. SWORN TO SECRECY! Ok, jk, it’s kinda like this. This afternoon I’m heading to the fashionable Burroughes Building at 639 Queen St. The Peacock Parade and their event partners, Foxy Originals, Luved Clothing and This Is J. Have you checked out Peacock Parade before? I’m just about to make my very first purchase! The company is a Toronto based startup that offers different sales each day on really, really nice designer items. Looking good is feeling good baby! Deets on the Peacock Parade Pop-up Shop: Remember how excited the world was when this game out? I’m feeling Gaga inspired today so I just watched it again. Have fun with it stuck on your head ALL DAY! BTW my Hunger Games obsession has been taken to a new level, I ordered a Mockingjay pendant from Etsy. OBSESSED.…

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Meet one of my most fav gifs ever. Found it yesterday and it’s done by friend & photog Nate Kogan. NATE! How fun is this, the moves the glitter. I’m in love.  SO CUTE! Have you checked out Keri Blog recently? She’s still been a nomad since January 1, 2012 & just kicked off her security show, Smarten Up Internet. Keri’s got the beat on how to keep your computer and gadgets safe and she could hack your computer from a wifi right in front of you. She hacked me once, September 14, 2011 exactly at 4:20. I just realized the time. We were at a coffee shop in Toronto. I didn’t even notice until she Tweeted, from MY account. Hey guys it’s @KeriBlog and I just hacked Casie’s account. — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) September 14, 2011 Thank you for tweeting: So funny. It hurts. companies dealing with social media “issues” — Scott Stratten (@unmarketing) April 10, 2012 Attention everyone: I think you’re awesome. Whatever you’re chasing this morning, catch it or I’ll think less of you. Lots less. — Jus Frais (@jusfrais) April 10, 2012 Watched this hipster vid on Lauren O’Nizzle’s blog. Her blog is full of haha humor. That reminds me, I haven’t gone for Ethiopian food in a while. I’m a little bit obsessing over the HG. I can’t help it. I don’t know how to explain this. Sorry/you’re welcome. I just about died laughing my all off. First one I saw was Hunger Games Effie then Hawaii & Kate.  The band is a Swedish group of cool kids and they made this to promote the song. Thanks Kate for the low down. They released their song on Spotify. I don’t have Spotify anymore because of this, then we talked about it at Canadian Music Week. Den officiella…

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I heard Tuesday is the most stressful day of the week?

It’s always been one of my favourites. I’ve been working from standing desk every Monday and I’ve found it to really increase my productivity. I’m working with a bunch of new people in exciting projects. I’ve just joined the Board of Directors for a new fashion brand 3F, who has a store at Yonge & Dundas. More on that in the coming weeks… Made my fav lunch today, Campbells Tomato Soup with rye toast. Something about it makes me feel right at home. Mum used to make it for me all the time. Barbie and I turned out living room into a jewellery studio last night. We were much more successful at mess making than starting a new line of anything. We won’t be quitting our day jobs anytime soon. I made this necklace that includes some pieces of old things I had in these many bins. I wanted to make something with keys on it after seeing a few on Pinterest and as SOOON AS I was done. I got an email from Stolen Girlsfriends Club (my fav NZ designers) and they had a similar necklace that just came out. You could say I’m quite on trend 😉 Concierge rung me to let me know I received a fancy looking package from KitKat. Lucky me! It’s actually really cute & full of things to de-stress myself; chocolate, stress ball, tea, iTunes card, note pad and some really good smelling tobacco oil.  The ‘Take-a-Break’ kit came to inform me about National Stress Awareness Month. KitKat is giving away all kinds of money & prizes on their FB page at Getting a prize of $100K would CERTAINLY alleviate an stress I have. For now, I’ll take the snacks. Thanks guys! Off to a meeting next door then back home to dive into this chocolate & tea. Have an awesome day! <3…

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There’s something sacred about reading a blog…

“There’s something sacred about reading a blog post on someone else’s site. It’s like visiting a friend’s house for a quick meal ’round the breakfast table. It’s personal — you’re in their space, and the environment is uniquely suited for idea exchange and uninterrupted conversation. In many ways, we should be treating our blogs like our breakfast tables. Be welcoming & gracious when you host, and kind & respectful when visiting.” – Trent Walton Thanks Kate for sharing this quote. This month marks SEVEN years I’ve been blog writing and I’m pretty proud of that. It started out as a journal of “people, places, things & thoughts in an attempt to keep more memories” and it’s done that and so much more. See original Blogspot blog here. It’s opened up doors to things I only ever dreamed about doing and allowed me to connect with amazing people all over the world. I love opening this window to my life and sharing it with you. Thank you for being part of my (this is) my life. I’ve had a slew of different jobs in fashion, tech, and entertainment which have all shaped the person I am now. Many moons ago I found out that Martha Stewart started her empire at her kitchen table. Just like her and many entrepreneurs, I started there too. I would sit for hours and create things. One of the first companies I started was Kitchen Table Productions in 2005. I wasn’t sure what I was gong to do exactly, but I knew we would be producing things and they would creative, they would be media. I’ve always looked up to Martha in the way that she has branded herself in so  many areas, product lines and really grabbed business by the reins. Never mind the short term she spent in jail! I…

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Mailbag! Monday, April 2, 2012

Got some pretty rad stuff in the mail recently. Leggo! Nail Polish Canada invited me to try out Magnetix China Glaze. It’s a nail polish with magnetic properties that does these funky designs when you hold a stylized magnet once you put on the polish. It’s not hard to do and looks quite fancy. The package says to hold the magnet there for 5-10 seconds but I suggest holding the magnet there for at least 20 seconds really helps. Colours here are ‘You Move Me’ and ‘Instant Chemistry’. That’s what’s up. #magnetix magnetic nailpolish #smallwins — Brown Barbie (@itsbrownbarbie) February 20, 2012 The peeps at Hanes sent a pile of hosiery and filled me in about  a contest on their Facebook page.  If you enter, you’re eligible to get Hanes Hosiery and a $50 VISA gift card. That pair in the middle are like fishnets but little squares (cue Weeds theme song ‘Little Boxes) and I love ’em. Really clear blue skies in Toronto today. The air is a bit chilly but I’ve had the patio door open all day. So good. And…for the final mail item of the day… I’ve wanted one of these F-O-R-E-V-E-R… Gun Metal studded iPhone case! It just came today from my friend Andrew. There’s a whole bunch of different cases available at Felony Case and if you order one use CASIESTEWART discount for $10 off. If anyone tries to every steal my iPhone, I’ll be able to defend myself. This thing is sturdy! My friend Jen from She Does the City recently was punched in the face and had her iPhone stolen. No joke. Scary! Read it here. This weekend I hung out with O’Nizzle, who played a good April Fools joke, Raymi for her 29th birthday and Saroox came along too. Each girls name links to their blog…

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Get off the couch.

Went for a run this afternoon after getting inspired a post by titled ‘Women, Fitness & The Myth‘ written by by Bangs & a Bun. She’s one of my fav writers and my fav UK blogger. I’ve been followung her for years and seeing her progress in business, blogging and fitness is motivating. Her latest venture Spikes & Heels is what got me to put on my shoes and kick some pavement. I’m so glad I did! It’s an incredibly beautiful day in the city. Took this using 360 Panoramic app in iPhone from  hTO Park (Urban Beach) which is right beside the lake. If you stand on this one certain rock you can perfectly hide the CN Tower. Empire Sandy, looking dandy. I’d love to go on a sail for my birthday. A sail for let’s say, 30 people? 30th birthday. Does anyone know who can make this happen? It would be magical. Somebody was backed up at Lower Spadina. Shadow play 🙂 Toronto Music Garden is one of my most favourite places in the city. This tower has a beautiful story, if you go there you’ll see it. One time Keri and I did this MEGA Planking thing for ‘World Plank Day‘ in 2011 when it was cool for like a week. Most of them were done in the music garden, see here. It’s almost Earth hur for Earth Day and I’m planning to be out of the house. Have a great night! <3 CASIE

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Start Something Big: RogersTV @ 8:30pm CH 10 & 63

I asked the team at RogersTV to give me a screen shot from my episode of Start Something Big that airs tonight on CH10 and CH63 at 8:30pm EST. Pretty cool eh? Looks so complicated. There are heaps of components when putting together a show for TV. I sat down with the Start Something Big team about a month ago and the reason I think you will like this segment is that I talk about how I got here, before internet. I was really involved in my community, social and media in high school which was the foundation I built my current career on after university. I had lots of inspiration from my parents and family who always encouraged me to be myself, no matter how different I was from other kids or what outfit I was determined to leave the house in. (This happened often!) They also filmed part of a panel I spoke on during Social Media Week (Building Valuable Social Features into your Web and Mobile Applications) in The Burroughes building and talked to a few friend who’ve known me for a while. I have no idea what they said and have not seen the episode.  I hope you can tune tonight and if not, the episode will be online eventually.  There’s a short one minute interview with the producer Neresse on the ol’ YouTube here. Enjoy the day. Remember, you are younger today than you WILL BE AGAIN. Make the most of it. Do something. I’m going to attempt to clean beautify my room and have a productive work day. TONIGHT on Start Something Big! we have Raia Carey and Casie Stewart on @RogersTVToronto at 8:30pm CH 10 and 63!! @Rai_Raii @casiestewart — StartSomethingBig! (@start_big) March 27, 2012  

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Earlier this year in between my travels I filmed this video with my friends at My City Lives. I’ve got a bunch of videos on their platform and I’ve watched the company grow over the past few years. I’m happy to share with you this awesome vid put together by My City Lives and The Biz Media. Enjoy! Here’s an excerpt from the My City Lives blog. Read the whole post here! Meet Casie Stewart: daily lifestyle vlogger, brand ambassador, and one of Toronto’s most influential bloggers. Casie is a household name in the Toronto social media community – and for good reason – she’s got an infectious personality and an enormous amount of hustle. We’ve been fans of Casie for a long time so being able to collaborate with her was really special. Casie, having worked for brands like MuchMusic and MTV, is well armed when it comes to communicating with different audiences and succeeds in showcasing her talent in her blog, which she has been writing for over seven years now. Aside from creating a constant flow of contents for her blog, Casie has been an avid creator of My City Lives videos for years. Kate was on the scene with her camera. Here’s a few behind the scenes pix from her Flickr stream. My City Lives Co-Creator, Adil Emma & Xavier from Timeless on Queen (before renos was CTS) I like laughing! Thank you to the My City Lives team for featuring me. I love you guys <3

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Yesterday Lau and I went shopping for some new SXSW digs. West49 hooked us up with a whole bunch of gear from Billabong & Element’s SS 2012 collection. I’m a long time huge fan of surf life & culture so this was totally rad. Safe to say, we had fun! I tried on a bunch and you’ll see all the goodies I picked over the next 10 days while we’re in Texas. There’s a whole bunch of pretty things the full West 49 lookbook here. Billabong recently partnered up with Aussie style blogger Oracle Fox and she designed 15 new items. I’d love to do that! “Growing up by the sea with all my girlfriends, we had an entire lifestyle that revolved around surfing and having fun – we pretty much still do. Most sunny days we have off you can find us surfing, sun baking, chilling a tour local beach kiosk/organic café or going on some road trip adventure. The pieces I designed with Billabong encompass that freedom.” – Oracle Fox Lauren and I both got this totally rad fringe sweater from her collection.  Glittery shorts? Yep, they’re mine now. Follow @West49 on Twitter & Facebook here. Yesterday Kate showed me this totally RAD chose-your-own-adventure HTML5 music video for Chairlift’s new video for “Met Before”. There’s more story lines than I’m sure you have time for in your busy day. However, I suggest you check it out for it’s sheer creativity & production value. Can we make one of these please?  HAVE AN AWESOME DAY!

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Good  morning, good morning, and how are you today? I’m feeling a wee bit frazzled since we leave for SXSW Wednesday. I woke up early, cleaned my room, did the dishes and started packing. I’m about to get dressed and head to MTCC for The Art of Marketing, Randi Zuckerberg from Facebook is speaking today. Been offered a pretty sweet new in fashion so I need to make one stop around Dundas Square today.  I can’t wait to tell you about it, it’s cool.  Meeting Lauren at Yorkdale mid day for a SHOPPING SPREE at West 49 & Billabong cause they’re sponsoring us for SXSW. How freaking cool eh? Ahhhhh. On my way back downtown I’ve got a fitting at Peach Berserk cause guess what? I’m walking in the (huge) closing show, Dare to Wear Love for Mastercard International Fashion Week on March 17th. Ahhhhhh again! Tonight my SXSW team has a meeting to plan out the final details and out route from Toronto to Texas.  It’s been years since I went on a big road trip and this is by far the biggest one ever. I can’t wait to get there. If you’re gonna be there LMK & make sure you add my panel to your schedule. It’s Sunday at 12:30! Have an awesome day! P.S. MUM, I miss you. Call me xo  

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Nella Bella FW 2012 Collection @ Urbanspace Gallery

Last night went to Nella Bella’s FW 2012 media reception. I’ve been taking NellaBella bags on all my travels, bike rides, festivals & fun for the last two years. They’re got lots of different shapes & styles this year. One of the designers for this collection, Andreas Kyriakos who started working with them at 15, he’s 16 now, but still,  he designed a whole batch of beautiful things. I got to catch up with a few really lovely girls I hadn’t seen in a while.  Thanks Raymi, you babe, for photos and Tarek for the invite. Can’t wait to get something new and BRIGHT! Bring on, SPRING on! My current fav is the KIEV bag in black (in photo but hard to see). It fits my 11 Macbook Air, camera and a few other necessities. Comes in handy when’re always on the go/working!  Shirt: Joe Fresh Cardi: GAP Pants: Bench – shopping trip! Hair: Ken Murphy Color Bug, Goody Accessories Shoes: Ego & Greed One things I love about clothes is the stories they tell. Links to the above items go to past posts wearing. Archives rule. Crashed my bike the day I got the Joe Fresh shirt, ordered shoes from Got GAP  cardi over holidays cruising vintagey shops in Cambridge with Mum. Tarek, Val Photos via WE REPRESENT THE LOLLIPOP GUILD  on   Walked home home with the Septembre & Bella. Made .gif with Loopcam, from Berlin! Check out Jessica’s post & pic here. It was really fun. Good night. Nice to see beautiful bags and smiling faces. The food was excellent and catered by The Daily Bread Food Bank’s catering campany. They put all the proceeds from catering, right back in. Been busier than ever planning and preparing things for SXSW. We have a new blog coming. I’m super excited. Let’s do this.  😉 <3 CASIE    

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First Class Ticket to Capitol Hill

Snapped this last night just before my talk at The Working Group. The sun sets so beautifully on Queen Street West. I love Toronto. I thought I was going to miss my train this morning. Luckily, I thought it was at 6am but it was really at 6:40am so I had more than enough time. Unfortunately I rushed out of the house and my luggage is all smushed in a bad and I only have two pairs of shoes. TRAGEDY! The platform was cold and dark but I sat down in my first class seat and went back to sleep. Sitting on the train to Ottawa now with Gabrielle Miller (Corner Gas/Call Me Fitz), Gail McInnes (TDot TV), and Cory Lee (Degrassi). We’ve got rehearsals this afternoon for tomorrow’s “Runway for a Better Way” charity show in support of Unicef. Cory and I are wearing Canadian designer Rachel Sin who’s an architect turned fashion designer. I slept most of the way here. Last time I took the train it was meant to be a short little ride but we got stuck by flooding or snow and I made this video; 420 consecutive photos, one train ride. Via Rail won’t let you watch videos or “download big files” so I’m unable to embed it. One of my most fav things I’ve ever created. I’d love to make a new one on the way home Monday. There was a Zombie Girl on my money last night. I hear a limo is picking us up when we arrive then we head to rehearsals for 1pm. At 2pm I’ve have an interview for a book about Canadian media. So much going on I feel like a whirlwind but I love every minute of it. Last night at the SM Cafe closing party for Social Media Week they asked what tips…

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Noticed this morning that the one & only G.A.Elliot was in the neighbourhood last night. He’s a Toronto artist who leaves these hearts all around the city. You’ve probably seen them on Queen, in Kensington or on Spadina. Woke up early and got lots done before noon. Standing desk is an excellent way to increase productivity. Today was one of those days where y0u’re running around and then UHHH MY GODDD it’s 4pm. You say to yourself, where DID the day go? Got my hair done at Darren Kwik Studio on Queen which took up most the afternoon. Short blonde hair is high maintenance   & Darren’s been doing  mine for years.  He is really great and you should go see him. Scalp massage is my favourite part. I’m helping him with some online stuff and made this little vid while showing how to YouTube. I rode Bixi a couple blocks & walked the rest of the way. Was quite lovely out. Before I left the house I accidentally (no clue how) locked my bathroom door. BUT HAVE NO FEAR, the INTERNET IS HERE. I tweeted a pic asking how I can pick the lock then  and va-va-va-voom got a hotel key I was in. Thank you internet, ILU. Now I am rushing to ENtrinsic for a party with a bunch of friends. The madness, it never ends!

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This one time I sent a really mean valentine.

When I was in primary school this boy Adam really liked me. I was in grade 5, Mrs. Rolt’s class and he was in grade 4. I did not like Adam. I wasn’t a romantic then like I am now. (Mum is going to have a giggle when she reads this.) I made a bunch of valentines on our old computer to give to friends in my class and around school. They were quite lovely, beautiful actually,  I hand coloured the hearts by hand with pencil crayon. (This was back when printer’s were black & white and  the paper had holes on the sides.) I wrote recipients name & class number on valentines and cupid would deliver them by end of day. Well, my valentine for Adam was REALLY special. I coloured his in with special care and signed my name. Before sending I wrote “I HATE YOU” in bold pencil. I hated him. He was really mean to me all the time and I was really upset. It’s not nice to be picked on. As a creative person & writer this is how I dealt with the bully. It was not really the right way to deal, but, hey, I was in grade five and I didn’t know any better. The valentine did NOT go over well. I had a pending application to the leadership council and my Mum got a ring form the school and  was told how “that type of behaviour would not be tolerated” and I should not be a leader on the council.  Mum explained how he had been bullying me and I was upset and I was just a kid and I was a creative person and I had hurt feelings. I got let off the hook and joined the leadership council the following year. Adam was so sad at the…

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Friday Night Lights #FordBlue

We all donned blue & headed to the Liberty Grand Friday to get a first glimpse at Ford’s new cars. I’ve got to meet a bunch of the Ford team lately and I’m super impressed with their attention to detail and how they integrate social media into everything. Well done team. Sammy and I played magnetic car racing. We had one of these tracks at my house as a kid. Nice chatting you Lena. Check her (Mommy) Blog here. She’s LOVELY! Then Lau and I we went for drinks with the boys. The end 🙂

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Dear Valentine. xo

If you by chance are wondering what to get (ME!) your Valentine this year and they’re a little bit nerdy, check out nerd valentine on tumblr it’s full of nertastic love things. I found all these love inspired things walking down Queen Street today. This Valentine from Magic Pony is my fav. Green Shag Menswear, nice one. Love a man suited up. Fashionably Yours and I share a love for luxury. Pantone, be still my heart. Outer Layer is my FAV giftshop. Last stop before meeting is Starbucks, seasonal cups are the sweetest. What are you doing for Valentines Day? I’m going the Panasonic Theatre to see…wait for it…Potted Potter, a Harry Potter parody. I’ve not seen any of the seven movies but Sam loves them so we’re going. I’m getting the super fast comedic version of all the movies wrapped into 70 minutes. I’ve got a pair of tickets for the 9:30pm show on Valentines Day for for you. So, if you and your sweetie love the Harry Potter, this is the perfect DATE. Leave a comment with a Valentine rhyme and I’ll pick a winner. Points for creativity! TBH, I don’t know if I will ever love anyone more than super fast internet.Is that sad? Hopefully it’s a love I can share with someone real special one day. Drew this last year around <3 Day.  

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Berlin Party Time

Where did I leave off? It seemed like only the beginning of Fashion Week… yesterday. This city moves so fast you gotta catch up with it. There is no time to waste, let alone sleep. The best thing is that “fashion week” is more than just fashion. It’s about the city and the style on the streets and the parties and the people. And that’s exactly what I did. Wednesday: Attended the invite-only VICE/Rdio party where a friend was DJing… something we all adore by solomun Lots of hipsters and the usual, but good music and good friends and good drinks and good fun. Made it home just in time for the last train. Party win! Thursday: Skipped out on a fashion party to attend a geeky girls dinner at a restaurant in Mitte (the middle) where I chatted about the tech side of life with girls from other startups in Berlin. Friday: Went to a sexy club called Watergate where it was the Diynamic Nacht party, a record label based in Hamburg that specializes in sexy house music. And damn, was it hot. Danced until dawn and took the tram home (Berlin’s version of the streetcar). Saturday: Went to a tiny tiny club, Paloma Bar Sunday: Went to mauerpark Monday: Picked up my friend from Osaka from the train station and he cooked me some soba noodles and 豆大福 Tuesday: Went to the Berliner Philharmonie and listened to some Brahms, Tchaikovsky Wednesday: Boiler Room. That is all. Just an average week in the living of my life. – Jessica, in Berlin

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Morning! I’ve been added as a speaker to a second panel during Social Media Week and this one is probably the most personal talk I’ve even agreed to take part in. It’s about to get deep, we’re talking ANXIETY. One of the things that gives me the most anxiety and possibly you too, is not having money. I’ve gone through lots of ups & downs in my life and I don’t come from money so all I have, is all I’ve earned. When I returned from Australia I was so skinny from living on next to nothing I looked like Nicole in her anorexic days, not by choice. It’s hard to carve out a way to get paid for what you love doing. Especially as a creative person. Last summer I wrote a post about how you can’t pay me in chips or chocolate bars. I got sick and tired of people asking me to do work for them in return for things I don’t need. What would I do with a bunch of chips & chocolate? I go to the gym for a reason! Helloooooo. If they (whoever is asking) are getting a paycheque and are asking me to do work, I should get paid too. You wouldn’t believe some of the extreme things I get asked to to in return for ‘publicity’. I turn down way more than I accept. (That’s not to say I don’t love getting a few freebie’s along the way!) Lauren posted this video that’s an excerpt from an upcoming documentary on Harlan Ellison, “DREAMS WITH SHARP TEETH“. He’s an excellent writer and inspiring man. I’m sure you will enjoy it. My startup disk is full so I’ll be spending the afternoon moving TO THE CLOUD. Have a spectacular day. It’s lovely & sunny in Toronto 🙂

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Weekend Recap: Feb. 3-5, 2012

Friday night Lozzie and I went to the Motion Ball Gala at the Carlu. Huge charity event for the Special Olympics.We danced a little, had a few drinks, and made some friends.  I didn’t win any prizes but happy to donate to a good cause. I threw some of the Kevin Murphy pink from Doll Bar Inc. in my hair to match my purse (Betty Kiss) and pulled this old emerald gem out of my closet (H&M). Learned a valuable lesson from coat check girly  (that I should have thought of), take a photo of your coat check ticket in case you lose it. There was lots of nice art. Hi Gaga. Oh hey Paul you lovely thang you. How’s The Grid? We had a breif Skype w/ Stu in England via iPhone from the Ball. Next stop Bloke & 4th was a total waste of time. Met up with the rest of the crew/kids at Lau’s house. Got my fav hat back! Snapped a dreamy pic of Sammy boy. Saturday morning I had a dress fitting for upcoming fashion show during Ottawa Fashion Week. I’m wearing Canadian designer Rachel Sin. The dress I picked is really lovely but I’m keeping it a secret till showtime. Spent the rest of Saturday on the coach. Finished season two & three of United States of Tara and watched a few movies. I was due for a day off. On Sunday Barbie and I cleaned the house, got groceries & went to yoga. How was your weekend? Did you watch The Superbowl Madonna’s performance? It was so good. God, I love her. I always have. I always will. TBT to Dallas when I worked for Virgin America in 2010 and at  Rockstar Hotel during the Junos last year w/ these dudes. Last night was fun! Ok bed…

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Daily Twitter News for 2012-02-04

It’s harder than you think. #thisismylife #tvontheinternet #video # Photo: Believe in yourself # Good morning! two exciting event dates to launch today #genyto & @BridleBash! # ##GENYTO: Mardi Gras style at @LouDawgs, Feb 21! #thisismylife #friends #socialmedia # Happy Birthday @dylanculhane you sexy South African babe! Love from Canada <3 # Last year's #MotionBall was fun. Archive post w/ @jeniestewart @nicoleMTV @liztrinnear @julianbrass & the Ned Ma guy 😛 # Date of @BridleBash announced for July, 28. Mark your calendar, gonna be WILD! #poolparty # I uploaded a @YouTube video Daily Vid Challenge: 3/29 – Feb.3, 2012 # I've just snapped a new picture: # preeeeeeeeetttttttyyyyyyyyy # Infographic: Generation Y and Facebook "actively shaping culture" #genyto # Tavi to Perform Neil Young Cover Live During Fashion Week # Jesus Crotch he is so sexy!! The fashion evolution of David Beckham # Disco never dies via @dazedmagazine via @wearemansion #party # NKOTB ftw # how could you hate this face? # London College launches UK’s first ever ‘iPhoneography’ course # haha "@maulingmueller If I text you a question and you immediately call me instead of texting back, I hate you." # Netflix on too many devices and now can't watch. Damn me for being nice and sharing account info! I need to watch my TARA! # i can't wait to hear what the personality disorder expert on my panel for #SXSW has to say about ME? i've never been assessed. (thank god!) # Sweet Dreams & Delivered Lunch #thisismylife #socialmedia # Mad Men’s Minimalist Subway Ads Get Street Art Remixes # don't bite, little doggy # don't bite, little doggy # Who' gonna be next? Eddy Murphy ain't dead.…

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