if this was your last year to live, would you live it out?

I was sitting on the couch last night and I caved, I purchased the official replica of this ring. Fan girl, crazy, call me what you want. I love her and the Royal Wedding is one thing I really love. I will 100% be up watching despite the time difference. One of the best things about having a blog is keeping memories. I found this one post title “you wouldn’t believe me if i told you” from 2009. I had been asked to go to this fashion show for Puma and in my post after it I wrote: I’d love to do something else for Puma downtown or online please! I’m thinking something that involves me and clothes/shoes/accessories. Thank you, love Casie. Pretty neat I’m doing something with them now. Found this old post from May 2009 when I worked in Liberty Village. The title is a quote I was happy to find “the trouble with jogging is the ice falls out of your glass”. I like this video. Our Puma Social video from last night will be done this week. Stay tuned, you’ll see it here. Where am I, do you know? Oh, did you hear? DB & Posh Spice are having a baby girl. Breaking news via twitter. That kid is gonna be the most awesome, well, potentially. Let’s hope she get’s the right mix of both their looks. Speaking of looks…looks skinny & sexy to me. The SXSW launch of iPad 2 today must have been really fun. This is the Mashable video. I’d like to do more reporting. I really enjoy that. I’ve got a heart on for a new iPad2 and I think Andy knows already. After reading all about it, I’m not gonna rush out for it since I’ve got first gen already. I’ll be…

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wedding date: tall, smart, handsome, apply here.

Went to my first Bridal Shower this weekend. This is the time of my life where this kinda thing becomes common right? Weddings, babies etc. Not for me anytime soon. I’ll marry my blog or myself like Sue Sylvester before anyone else I reckon. The bride, Cheryl. We were to college together and also university in Australia. We were total besties and had the most awesome time. Still one of the greatest years of my life. Canada (groom) Germany (bride) – match made in heaven. I had punch, responsible driver. Excited to get the car back again. GM is coming out with a pink car, this makes me happy. I am SO going to drive a barbie mobile. Just you wait, summer barbie at the beach. These were yum. Sent this pic to Crystal Gibson, my cupcake darling. I got her this super cute apron, every wife needs one right? Matched it a diamond ice cube tray. I got them at Outer Layer on Queen Street. Great place to et neat gifts for people. My go-to gift shop. Cher as a kiddo, so darn cute. Can’t wait to see her walk down the aisle. She got these great mugs with a C & J on them. Casie & jenie? No, Cheryl & Jared 🙂 Was so great seeing the girls from college. My how we have all grown up! Saw this via O’Nizzle the other day. Love it. Hope you had a great day! One more thing, check these cool kids from NZ. They opened NZ Fashion Week when I was there in Sept. I love NZ. Can’t wait to go back.

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I’d like to thank The Academy and The Internet

rrrrrrrrrraaa raaaaaaaaaa ra ra rain. Get over it. Just saw Jeni Woww on CP 24, man is her and Snookers can write books, I surely can do it too. This rainy weather today makes me think of spring. It’s not that far away. Time to really get into beach body mode. Tomorrow today is the kickoff day for that. BTW, I really hope ‘the curse’ does not hit Natalie Portman. I love her. Glad she won. Can’t wait till she pops out that baby. This is painted in a warehouse in Liberty Village up a really little staircase, me likey… I love to lay in the grass… oh spring, I’m thinking of you. The Freestyle Friday winner is Shame ‘Fame’ Alexander. Please send me your address so I can get a nice package into the mail for you.  I’m waiting for mail today too. I love mail. If you ever wanna send me something just ask for my address ok 🙂 Hopefully sometime today the Puma video comes out. I am stoked to see it. While we were filming in the Beaconsfield the lovely Anna Cyzon stopped by. Remember her? Totally hot babe.  It’s been ages since we hung out. ANNA THAT NEEDS TO CHANGE. Found the pic of us on Carly’s blog and while I was creepin’ there I also found these pix from the summer, Down With Webster Concert: The legendary BUD CAMP: In other news, Prince Perry’s producer King Kong Girio has just finished a new remix of Love At The End Of The Century. Download the track for free here. Im off to a lunch meeting. Should have some good news to share with you later today. HAVE AN AWESOME DAY! I’ll be jumpin’ in puddles when I go outside 🙂

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treat everyone like they’re your double rainbows

Today is Family Gay Day in Ontario, I love my family but I wil not be seeing them today in real life. Dad is tanning in Florida, Mum is rockin’ the boat in Bahamas and my sis is working. The rest of my family is in New Zealand. HI GUYS!! In parts of Canada, Family Day is a statutory holiday occurring on the third Monday in February. … respectively. This corresponds with Presidents Day in the United States. [wiki] Mum is living the dream right now, she’s in the Bahamas with her BF on their boat. I really wanna get out to visit her before May. Mum has alwasy beena big inspiration to me. She always encouraged me to be creative and embraced my unique ideas. THANKS MUM! This is my Daddio, he’s in Florida with his GF right now. Dad builds hot rods, is a good cook, and has the BEST jokes. I have no idea how he always remmber them. You are really awes  awome Dad, ILU. Wear sunscreen. When I saw the snow coming down last night I kept checking the window to see if there was a man out there with a shovel carving a message. I had a feeling I might wake up to something… I did. “treat everyone like they’re your double rainbows” This is me in that red canoe you can barely see in above photo shot by Erin Leydon this summer. She was shooting the Grammy’s last week.  I’m so looking forward to summer this year. The park beside the Canoe is real pretty, designed by Doug Coupland and pays tribute to Terry Fox. Lots of bright colours. I’m in awe with all the contest entries for the Motorola phone. Contest closes at 1pm. I totes need to think of a good…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Laptop, iPad, three androids: my five wireless devices on the couch 🙂 # I have a crush on u but cant say who i am lol.. u have to guess.. go to http://www.bit.ly/ehM6PG… — i hate guessing games. http://4ms.me/dNAzxB # How often do you host #GenYTO events? and what does G… — Once every two or three months. It stands for Generati… http://4ms.me/fp3dGr # If you could eat at any restaurant in the world tonight, whi… — Terrace End Fish & Chips in Palmerston, New Zealand http://4ms.me/eRtoCX # Photo: haha http://formspring.me/casiestewart http://tumblr.com/xmj1jt8uzq # heck yes! this is so you @shawnhawaii – BMW #ultimateblogger http://bit.ly/fAqCcc #vote #awesome # Photo: @laurenonizzle fo you. meow. http://tumblr.com/xmj1jszp5c # Photo: rrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaa http://tumblr.com/xmj1jsz5xr # Photo: for the bloggers and the wannabes http://tumblr.com/xmj1jsxedy # Photo: yes. http://tumblr.com/xmj1jsx8ur # Got roses 🙂 #valentine http://twitpic.com/4184md # Photo: I love this. http://tumblr.com/xmj1jr9rev # Love this beer. http://twitpic.com/418411 # This ones for you @keriblog @itsbrownbarbie. Love you!! http://twitpic.com/4183zi # Makes a good rose holder. #vodka #pretty http://twitpic.com/4183yw # ooh, installed the @klout extension for Chrome, see your scores in my @twitter feed now. # #jeopardy # this is rad. 'who is me' @downwithwebster video w/ kids in #India posted on @ZLISTcom http://bit.ly/ejMpIw via @carlyannedotcom # Photo: street style blogging. http://tumblr.com/xmj1jr0zzq # the wind whipping past our windows is wild. http://goo.gl/fb/YVcAI #blog # Photo: › “Anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good.” Clueless (1995) http://tumblr.com/xmj1jpzqjg # Photo: Learning to fly (by F1X+2) http://tumblr.com/xmj1jpyxgf # Photo: rachel bilson = hottie hot hot. nedhepburn: I just looked at my own blog and half of it looks like… http://tumblr.com/xmj1jpytii # Photo: Invertebrate. http://tumblr.com/xmj1jpyn51 # Photo: pretty deep dude http://tumblr.com/xmj1jpykmi # Photo: digital lifestyle via joncrowley http://tumblr.com/xmj1jpyb4t # http://t.co/1tsrCzm # at a computer store w/ @keriblog #TGIF http://dailybooth.com/u/7y6rp # tell me…

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tell me your fear? ok, it’s everyone here.

I keep these in my room. If I’m being emo I look at them. It’s a fun game to sort through the things you have already done,  motivating to look at the others. What are you doing today to inspire yourself? I’m about to go for a long walk in the sunshine. Looks real pretty out there today. Snow next door is melting fast. I reckon one last hurrah before it starts warming up. Fingers crossed. I’m so excited for summer. This is me when Ilived in Bondi Beach Australia. I was so skinny, I hardly ever ate and spent every minute I could at the beach. Ah, that was the life. Workout at The Motion Room tomorrow, beach body is comin’ back. Imagine being a cat. This is Sammy working/being cute. I got her skinny side…her head. Aaaahahah. Caught ‘The Stand’ on MuchMusic yesterday by Mother Mother. That’s where title of this post comes from, I like it. Love them too. Tomorrow after my workout I have a photoshoot that will take up most the night. Looking forward to it. Been a few months since I had new photos taken.Ok, time to get off this unit and GO OUTSIDE! Ya, Spring Fever!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Ahem, what do we think about THIS? I miss the old Brit-Brit. yeah yeah, yeah yeah, ohhhhhhh. also worked at le chateau #1g5g #retail # my first job was GAP too #1g5g # “prada bag to a beautiful ____” #1g5g @davidrobert @AliyaJasmine # installed the @klout app in #chrome for @twitter. # judging you. being judged. # installed the @klout app in #chrome for @twitter. #fb # ok so consensus is you all hate text marketing. # I went on friend spree and accepted about 100 requests today. #facebook # “@javierlovera: Toronto is thawing. http://instagr.am/p/Bq9zp/” # #jerseyshore is painful # What do you think about text marketing? # Haha “sloppottomas” #jerseyshore # Dina “the blast” is soooooo gross. Grease bucket. #jerseyswhore # #GTF # Heated Lester seat, pants. # Thinking abut growing my hair. Thoughts? # It’s a process to be a situation. #jerseyshore # #HIAM # having a couple beers tonight. i realize i work almost all day. been in my creative studio since real early. no time for sleep. # omg ronnie looks so cute when he cries #jerseyshore #DOM # fist pump time #jerseyshore #getcrazygetwild # looking at your blog on my big screen w/ @keriblog, @busblog. miss your guts, love you! # I’ve just snapped a new picture: http://dailybooth.com/u/7xoq5 # #kloutchat my score: 70 @Sonita_Lewis # “we’ve heard of it coming up in job interviews/ applications ” @klout #kloutchat # hey peeps in #KloutChat Casie from Toronto. Was in @wsj about @klout 😉 # i started my blog cause i forget stuff all the time so i go back to read and i enjoy it. good job me. http://bit.ly/dtSTnT # all vitamins are chewable, they just taste shitty. mitch hedberg # Photo: @keriblog except nap, Prairie, and comic book. http://tumblr.com/xmj1jf3yns # Photo: oh, that’s not Ken!!…

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this makes me very happy

My clean room is so incredibly sunny today. Can I tan through the windows? It sure feels like it. Oh summer, I miss your love. They’re back together. She got her Ken. I told you love was in the air. #swoon ♥ Happiness: Mum, a good fortune and the eight of hearts. Eights & hearts are my fav. I got a bouquet of tights from the spring line for Secret Legwear yesterday. THANK YOU!  I’ve been wearing tights Secret sent me all winter and to be honest, they have lasted, washed & worn really well. Casie stamp of awesomism! Considering I hardly EVER wear pants, getting these is HUGE for me. Shared a pair with my darling roomie @itsbrownbarbie. Things are better when shared, happiness for you, for you, for you, for EVERYONE! Was given a very special painting yesterday wrapped in this very special paper. I’m the luckiest girl in the world! Weeeeeee. Since I demolished clothes mountain and turned my once closet back into a bedroom, I’m finding all kinds of  gems that were hiding. Did you know I was nominated for a YTV Achievement Award in 1996? It was the first award show I ever went to. I saw Robyn, met Nick Lachey (w/ 98 degrees) and didn’t end up winning. It was an honour to be nominated 😉 Pretty much nothing online about them now, it was before internet was really mainstream. The reason was nominated was for that book I wrote. I found these articles in the same portfolio. My first time in the Toronto Star: Hockey Hall of Fame & NHL star Darryl Sittler came all the way to Cambridge from the big city to present this award to myself and co-author. Young Entrepreneur of the Year 1996: That very photo was in every…

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I Touched The Sky.

I looked at all the things on lifeexperiences.ca and really wanted to do something I’d never done before…so I did! I went on a helicopter tour of downtown Toronto! I was nervous for a few minutes but I can’t even imagine chickening out, I live for that nervous excited feeling. Here we go… So pretty our city, even with a blanket of snow. I reckon doing this in the summer would be just delightful. All the trees, the lake and water looking so nice. I can see my house! Was so neat to fly over downtown, take it all in from a different perspective.  We got pretty close to the CN Tower too. I was told they often get people planning proposals, especially this time of year. Lifeexperiences.ca has so heaps of adventures to pick from ex. drive a race car, visit a castle,  massages, spa packages, golf, wine tasting and beer school. You can even book a segway and be like Justin Bieber. (Please tell me if you do that! haha) I think this kinda thing makes a great gift. All the stuff ranges from under $50 to ultimate experiences like attending Cannes Film Fest worth over $10,000. I gave away a $50 voucher in December. I’m sure you’ve seen the gift cards at Shoppers or Walmart,  and perhaps will pick one up when shopping for your valentine.  😉 *cough, cough* Hey look up, that’s where I was flying! Today marks the first day of Social Media Week around the world. I’m up and off to the Ted Rogers School of Management for The Evolving Role of Social Media in Retail. Have an awesome day!

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a long, long time ago i can still remember how that music used to make me smile

Watched the Banksy movie last night, Exit Through The Gift Shop. What an awesome documentary that was. The ‘hoax’ controversy that surrounds it makes it that much more interesting to investigate online. I love that stuff. One day you will watch my documentary and wonder if it’s true. I will brainwash you. Thinking about making a stencil and talking my own art to the streets. You will know if you see it when you do. You know me. These photos are all from tumblr people I follow, they are from the internet, that’s their source. I don’t own them, know them. Reblogged and passed on through bloggers around the world. They all reminded me of summer, some place warm with someone special. Daydreaming. You will never be younger than you are right now. Now. Now. Now, now now now… I want one of these for my birthday please. Perhaps a tattoo so I can make it real?

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i like the way you work it out

Morning everyone? Are ya ready? Let’s go. We are gonna work-it-work-it. Pushup skillz, I got em. Do you? Oh yes please and thank you for making me do this. Hurts but a good hurt 😉 Work it. When I’m down and I feel like giving up I think again, I whip my hair back and forth like this. Work it. This all makes me look so fit nevermind the next post where I have a drink in every photo. Having a balance is very important too kids but most important is a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e. NBD just air cycling. You’re welcome. Burpees you know what those are? I had no clue. That’s what we’re all doing here. The best thing for me about going to a gym where you are instructed and told what to be IS BEING instructed and told. I was a dancer growing up and I hated gym class in highschool.  I never really knew how/felt comfortable working out on my own. I feel much better about the whole thing now. How cute is this little angel April? Known April for a while now. We met that one summer (1997?) I did American Pie Beta House. Look at me here hangin’ with the Beta boys on set. I hated that outit, had to wear it for a multiple days shooting a really long scene. That’s my sis and Ish in the front. If you listen to happy upbeat music and mix in some dancing you will have more fun with your workout. If you dance in your day you will have more fun with your life. Trust me on this, I know. Workout inspiration/thinspiration is the Bodyrock Babe. Have you SEEN her body? OMG I die. So in shape it’s insane. This exercise feels like burning. James is a really…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

#hipsters winning vs. #gino w/ @jgrdnr @itsbrownbarbie @laurenonizzle @jedgar @amforever (@ Tattoo Rock Parlour) http://4sq.com/dV4Ak0 # had a few spammers today for vic. secret & ipad. hmm. # looking forward to seeing you babes @jgrdnr @laurenonizzle @amforever and of course @itsbrownbarbie & alex! #hipstersunite # paranoid ma android not workin properly. charge baby charge. # is it too much @zlistcom if i wear a tattoo or an isosceles triangle? # baha RT @meanmnach: @samantharonson Anyone you know lose a cat? http://twitpic.com/3uoce2 # watches cerebral movies on netflix. # running around naked can you see that from across the street too @raymitheminx? hehe # RE: @KeriBlog hahahha "dilousionville" i need to use that one. http://disq.us/107nno # RE: @Jarvisemerald i have magic powers http://disq.us/107nib # Photo: › “Here’s a still frame from our new movie, The Other Scissor Sister.” http://tumblr.com/xmj1dnk20e # Photo: › “As a fixie poet, I’m against two things: bike brakes and line breaks.” http://tumblr.com/xmj1dnjxbu # haha @raymitheminx heartbreakers. you in burningoutin? # so ironic that i'm dressing hipster for this party even thought i AM hipster. omg @ZLISTcom, i rule. # whats more hipster: docs or converse? # Photo: › HIPSTER HOUSE. http://tumblr.com/xmj1dnb8ta # Photo: › HIPSTER HOUSE. http://tumblr.com/xmj1dn9c3s # Photo: i do. http://tumblr.com/xmj1dn8z21 # thumbs up from beauty NZ peeps! #summer RT @noozeeland: @casiestewart http://twitpic.com/3unvbk # insert evil laugh RT @NowAPisces: Drinking wine from a paper bag at the corner of Justin & Bieber. # trying not to laugh at all the "walk like and Egyptian" jokes # Photo: is this true? cause like, i use chrome and firefox at the SAME TIME. http://tumblr.com/xmj1dn5xs2 # should frame the losing ticket so i remember not to waste my TIME! #lottomax # Photo: CLASSIC. bahahaaa. http://tumblr.com/xmj1dn4jkj # Photo: “Of course I’m pissed! I specifically told the artist to make the…

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people are brands too: meet the awesome @curtissantiago

I’m working on a piece about personal branding and I came across this awesome video by Scion Canada. The guy in the video is Curtis Santiago, he is a friend of mine and I always keep my eye on what he’s doing. Whether it’s painting, making music, his unique style, or positive attitude, he’s someone you want to be around. It’s clear by this video that Scion is embracing the connection they find between their brand and his personal brand. As a creative person who really likes connecting with cool brands, this makes me happy. Enjoy! The premiere of Life in a Day was last night at Sundance. Remember the youtube video anyone in the world could submit content to in the summer? I was in there somewhere. This video is pretty neat too. I’ve got a session at The Motion Room this afternoon. Ready to work up a mad sweat. Taking Beans aka @itsbrownbarbie with me. Fun, fun!

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“in the least creepiest way… i am most positive i saw you at sneaky dees tonight ahah”

always on her phone this one i’m planning to do something special for you with darren’s salon because i am nice and i want you to feel happy. we’re sorting out all the deets but you will know about it when we’re done. i’ll give you a clue, it involves you getting your hair did and someone not paying for it. yay! remember i was telling you about darren being in toronto life’s shopping issue recently? well, guess what? he’s in there again in the bridal issue. great skills. if you are waiting for colour to change it is a bad idea to go outside. you have to keep your head warm, like this kinda. this is my fav part, the shave. stitching came undone on on of my boots. think i can return them? i got them at the docs store last summer. i tweeted about the warranty and someone asked if i got them on the 1990’s. NO, they are new. very funny. haha ok hair done. off to kensington for a friends comedy show that i ended up missing. probably because i stopped to play here.  i am canadian ex. 1 ice rink. this is my fav vintage shop in the city, apt. 909 on dundas. i hardly share anything about it because i want to keep you away so i can get all the goodies for myself. no really though. oh hai again sneaky dee’s. somebody was here… my hair has a mind of it’s own and that mind likes to PAR-TAY. look at these studs, we’ve been friends for over ten years, coming up on 15 soon i reckon. bachelor 1 luke, bachelor 2 chris, both eligible entrepreneurs. they are getting hotter with age. if you wanna date them lemme know 😉 i’m not a fan of…

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coldest day of the year right here. no fear!

hello friends. today in between doing things i have to do i decided to brave the cold and see just how rotten it was. played around a little. well, la-di-da! side note: LOVE this movie if you go outside remember to wear sun glasses. the winter sun is just as bad for you and nothing burns the retina like snow blind. if you are gonig walking you really should wear sunscreen too. (i know you will like that i am noting this mum, i’m sure you’re rocking the 50 down in the bahamas! miss you) i’ve made a promise to myself that i am NOT going to get the winter blues. there are waaaaaay to many things to be excited about and look forward to; making summer dresses, working on my summer beach body, writing compelling stories, taking beautiful photos, the way the sun shines on the snow, fresh cool air, staying inside and watching movies, planning events…the list goes on. warmest most favourite winter boots ever, Moovboot Siberian huskies. hello city i love so much. oh you, tower! this is the same spot rannie shot me for his 140 characters project. remember this photo? ahhh, summer… that dress is from united colours of benetton when i was about eight years old. growing is for suckers, haha. RIP those glasses though 🙁 the lake looks nice today, nice and freezing cold, nice and glittery in the sunshine. remember, the cup is half full in ths department. i fired that bitch girl debby downer, restraining order. i wonder if i will ever get married? if i do i want a hungi and a haka, old cars and vintage. not that i’ve thought about it much but i love style and this photo is really cute.  there are lots of cute photos…

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20/365: words must be weighted not counted

It’s so sunny out today I’m reminded of summer. I feel happier today. Bugger this time of year, don’t let it get you down. This is a good time to find inspiration, look for it.  Wearing an outfit Dad & his GF got me for Christmas. The skirt was too tight then but fits now. You know what that means? 1) Awesome 2) Going to the gym and working out makes you skinnier.  I’m am so glad I’m getting my ass in gear. Last year I told myself ‘this year’ and I refuse to let ME down. Tonight I’m having dinner with my boss from my first full time job ever. It was 2005 and I had moved to Toronto for a job in the fashion industry. I was certain that was what I wanted to be. I love that her and I are having a date tonight. I will always love fashion too. Been talkin’ FW 11 events & parties! Exciting. Saw this today: “Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was one eccentric” I say, don’t fear being eccentric at all. Have an awesome day ♥

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up up here we go where we stop nobody knows

jamming to this right now, play it if you got sound or you feel like jammin’ too… I was laughing in this photo. I had noticed after a couple camera snaps there was a few people looking. I saw someone turn their eyes back to the road and they were smiling. It made me smile. I love taking so many photos, I feel like a tourist every day in this awesome city. Wore my docs again today. Man, I really forgot how confortable they are. I got them in the summer from the Doc Marten store on Queen Street. They are the Triumph style and She Does the City wrote about them being the awesomest boot ever. Didn’t even know that when I got ’em. WIN! Today for the first time I noticed a street sign in Union Station for Brookfield Place. It reminded be of this legendary brand new appartment building I lived in at 15 Brickfield Street in Sydney Australia back in 2004. Well to be honest with you, it was a suberb of Sydney called Paramatta. Spent about 20 min just now Google map-walking around the streets. After Paramatta for a couple months I ditched that place and moved to Bondi Beach. It’s beautiful there…ah, memories. This made the front of all the city’s papers today I’m sure. When I saw the caption “love you forever” it only reminded me of the book by Robert Munsch and Mum reading it to me. It was my fav growing up. Miss you Mum. Nice chatting on Skype today ♥ I hardly read the Metro. It’s quite a ‘subway’ thing for me. I saw this little ditty with Tweets  about chosing a job you love.  I worked real hard to get here. That’s what it takes.  It’s not easy but…

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black clothes, black boots, cold air, warm heart

Lookin’ rather tall & skinny here eh? Tall, deff not but I have been going to the gym at a regular pace. Look out summer, imma kill you this year. Yesterday I wrote this post and poured my heart out about the funeral but then I lost it. I mean, I lost the post not my mind. I attended a very public funeral yesterday afternoon, the largest Tornoto has ever had. It was for Sgt. Ryal Russel who was killed last week in the line of duty. These guys faces, there’s so much happening in this photo. The last time I saw so many police it was the G20. I will never forget that experience. Remember when I dressed like a riot girl and went right into the madness? This was the most embarassing (or hilarious) G20 moment: I love the way the police/ambo/fire look together in their uniforms, all standing in a row. Luckily this time there were bag pipes playing and no riot gear. Despite it being a funeral, the air felt warm and people seemed pleasant. It was clearly a reflection of how great Saregant Ryan Russell Was. I  learned quite a bit about him in the last few days and he seems like an all around stand up guy. CP24 even said he “looked good in uniform”. There were so many Tweets about Ryan Russell. I wonder how he feels about the mass of people, road closures and media coverage of the event. I notived a bit of controversy about that. It HAS been almost a decade since our city lost an office in the line of duty. Who am I to say what is appropriate for this kinda thing? There were over 14,000 uniformed people walking the streets. It was quite a sight to see.…

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there’s no blue monday in this department sir

the only blue is the sky above cause we’re covered in sunshine here and here Who leaves those big footprints? I wish I could walk on water. I should go to the island soon. I was thinking I missed the beach and the sunshine so I went to the urban beach, sat in a muskoka chair and felt the sun on my face. I kicked around some snow, found the sand below and even only if for a minute, I was reminded of summer. Did you know there’s actually a formula for ‘why’ today is the ‘ most depressing day of the year‘. Crazy talk. I always thought it was some time in February but maybe that’s high suicide day or something. According to a press release by a mental health charity, the formula is: where weather=W, debt=d, time since Christmas=T, time since failing our new year’s resolutions=Q, low motivational levels=M and the feeling of a need to take action=Na. ‘D’ is not defined in the release, nor are units. DON’T LET THE WINTER GET YOU DOWN EH! Have fun with it. Go exploring But dress warm. Nobody likes a whiner. You never know what you might find.  Hopefully it’s beauty in something 🙂 Hey, Red row boat your cuzzy Red Canoe is my neighbour. You look chilly sitting there. Read this nice article in the Toronto Star that is part of an essay called Lessons Travel Has Taught Me by Arthur Frommer. Thought it was worth sharing with you. It was a nice read, these are the main things travel has taught him: We are all alike. We are responsible for one another. There is no single solution for human problems. All people should be “minorities”. Travel keeps us young. Travel teaches us humility, the best human trait. In…

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public service anouncement #boggTO

welcome to trinity bellwoods park. it’s a hip spot queen west if you don’t know already. cruised into the park with Sheldon and Jessica ready to’boggan some hill it was dark by the time we arrived at the bowl. same place i do to drum circle in the summer. there’s a video of me going down the hill screaming somewhere. haha. it was chilly but we can handle it. we’re cool. ladies Madeline & Kelly as you can see my photos are blue tinty and blurry. i like it like that ok. borderline artistic. ice rink, CN tower, snow = oh so canadian. ice cold. we were dancing to chromeo in the snow to keep warm (oh so hipster), stomping the snowy path making it easier to walk on. that’s why we called it a public service… this is the announcement. happy weekend 🙂

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hi, welcome to my winter wonderland!

For those of you not in TO, this is the situation. Have warm rubber/marino wool Moovboots and Isotoner touchscreen gloves so I can tweet w/ happy feet while walking. Ruskie hat Sabrina got me from Belarus to warm my head. Nella Bella black leather bag to hold my gear. I don’t mind the winter at all, bring on the snoooooooooow! These guys look cold but at least the have each other. Red guys is mine, rusty is Raymi’s. I will tune you up before we start summer spinnin’. Time to get ready for hohoTO. Party time!

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I went out to visit a friend and ended up in the Budweiser box at the NFL game with the band

Seriously, I met the band This Side Up at Bud Camp in the summer and became friends on FB. As you do. He told me they were coming to TO but I had no idea they were the Kings of Beer at the big rig for the Tailgate party. I showed up, was VIP in past the line and handed a beer. It was awesome. My friend asked if I wanna go to the game, NFL (not a sports fan) but I said yes. Free food and beer and at least a 20/1 ratio boys to girls. I’m still at the game now, football is looooooong. I have no idea who is winning or what the hell is going on. Team Montreal is really fun and the Bud Girls are great. They also had make your own poutine and nachos. Today is awesome. I’m giving away a Virgin flight tomorrow.  It’s Upgrade Monday…wait for it! Love you. PS: I am also in my fucking pajamas!! Aaaah.

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went to the #smirnoffXchange party and all i got was…

SERVED! Big big thanks to Smirnoff Canada for hosting another great event! The Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project has been travellin’ around 14 countries (Canada, USA, Great Britain, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Germany, India, Ireland, Lebanon, Poland, South Africa, Thailand and Venezuela). I would LOVE to go to one of the parties outside of Canada. Hellooooo nurse!!! Remember the last Smirnoff party I went to in the summer? It was called Graphic (click to see video) It was the one with the comic book theme? Shiz was off the hizzle. Check out pix from Nightlife Exchange Project on Facebook at Smirnoff Canada. I suggest giving them a ‘like’ if you wanna know about future stuff. My fav was the balloon drop from the ceiling and the music.  We  danced up a storm, threw back drinks and managed to get home before it got too cra-zay. Well, kinda… Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! roma-Roma-ma-ah! ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Katie Stewart + Jenie Stewart = babes Sequin queens ftw! Mood lighting = Rad romance Meeting this dude was crazy. We both said “my name is Casie/Casey” at the SAME TIME. That’s never happened before. My face it so totally ‘like whoa’. Whoa is me. Eva redpath, dancin’ queen! LOVE YOU BACK! Tweeps: handsome Brocklyn, darling Christine Love you sister. Prom is over. The end.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Who calls that Quest, from the late night tv? Do they have a Twitter? Haha # Just got this: First you have to give up, first you have to *know*… not fear… *know*… that someday you're gonna die. /via @IAmJacksBot # omg fight club is like, so violent. i forgot how bloody. # sleeping in snuggie so warm and fuzzy. # gah mentions. finally did search! HI # got this new camera today. also got the warranty since i lose/break 2-3/year #fml http://bit.ly/a9nZzT # i'm a lifer babe. named Casie after your sister the doc! srsly. #yandr RT @mrsnikkinewman What's with the Y&R obsession with the T Dot. in reply to mrsnikkinewman # Photo: › Dita von Teese at the Elie Saab Spring/Summer 2011 show in Paris, Oct 6th › › HOW U SO BEETIFUL,… http://tumblr.com/xmjl0x623 # "Those who danced were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music" – Angela Monet (via yunzi) http://tumblr.com/xmjl0x4wp # gonna treat myself to a new camera today 🙂 # Photo: calivintage: http://tumblr.com/xmjl0vman # Photo: i want a maori tattoo too. this is nice. fuckyeahtattoos: http://tumblr.com/xmjl0u0it # omg catherine chancellor's speech right now is making me tear up. please don't die murphy #yandr # Thank you so much for all your replies and kind words. I'm so excited! Get ready for heaps of fun Toronto, @virginamerica style! # slept funny, hurting neck. roomie blasting bass 🙁 # looks quite lovely out today! # Morning. Still waiting… #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Claws up monsters! @nickvon_k @ #nzfw http://twitpic.com/2r1qwy # Liz Mitchell – Scent of a Peony #nzfw http://twitpic.com/2r1qro # Been asked to give these roses to Liz Mitchell after her show! Soooooo beauty! #nzfw http://twitpic.com/2r1qfy # Love this shot! > with new bffs @derekfabulous and @casiestewart http://post.ly/zFiu /via @pattyhuntington # Noted – look up Turet Knueferman: leather, lambskin, wet look. MF style yo. Love everything. #nzfw http://twitpic.com/2r1cll # Claws up monsters! @nickvon_k @ #nzfw http://twitpic.com/2r1ciq # Check out the glasses of @derekfabulous by Bernhard Wilhelm #hot #batman http://twitpic.com/2r1c61 # Hair done, makeup done, nails done, ready for the day! #nzfw #MAC #ORLY http://twitpic.com/2r14b0 # Fishtail top the head like a turban – hair trend #nzfw # No pants trend totally picking up speed and I love it #nzfw # Photo: NZFW style @summernoelle backstage in the MAC Lounge http://tumblr.com/xmjjc8r22 # teenage dream. # pretty stoked to come home after this amazing trip xoxo # we need this in canada/usa http://juicetv.com # HALLOWEEN PARTY!! http://bit.ly/bDLPaG #AWESOMISM # AMAZING > RT @Onaihk: Check out the full catwalk show photos from WORLD Gourgeous absolutely gorgeous! http://bit.ly/apiqIy heart #NZFW # new @johnbutlertrio – revolution: vid is great, on #juicetv here often. love love love. # btw if you come to auckland – the westin lower quay is the place to be. so freaking nice. # thinking of you canada and my friends at home. you would be proud of me here, mama is twerking hard. # just had a freakout. thought i lost my show pass and passport, alas. it's here. i was like, "there's no way you are that retarted" haha # Photo: Neverblack -menswear http://tumblr.com/xmjj9uf25 # Photo: This little tiny girl is giving the front row stamps as we wait for to start. All Blacks players in… http://tumblr.com/xmjj9tbmk # Photo: Getting ready for…

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he said ‘there’s this woman, she’s a hurricane’

Lets do this. Here we go. Remmeber my Guns on Plane story from the summer when I went to Boston? Read it here. Anyhooters, being calm and was careful not to pack an firearms this time. Go through customs and doing bag check and who’s line do I end up in? Oh yeah, same dude who caught me with the gun. He says ” I remember you? Any guns this time? Do I need to search your bag?” We laugh. I say no. He explains what happened and that the dude last time should really have given me back my gun, 38 special (metal necklace). Then some other dude says “they always hassle the pretty girls”, I giggle, I’m always hassled. I gave him my card and I hope he reads this. HI, NICE SECURITY AIRPORT MAN! Ran into Marcel next in the Molson Pub. Fancy that! He was on same flight to EL EH. The bartender took this artistic-fuzzy one. Cheers mate! Guess who likes to sleep on planes and had TWO empty seats beside them? This girl. Snoooooooozefest. One beer prior to boarding, then pizza then gravol then comatose then almost in LA. Quizno pepperoni + cheese za was quite good. What’s in my locket? Your heart. My heart. i love this poem by e.e. cummings. one of my fav’s: i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you…

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see you on the red carpet my lovelies

This morning was great. I went to the Toronto Fashion Incubator and met Canadian Designer Paris Li. Thanks to my friend Jas Banwait who set it all up. I tried on three dresses. See the Twitpics here! Went with dress #3. It fit me so well and looked cute/classy. I’m planning to wear it to the opening party for NZFW. I leave in 9 days. Oh emm geee! Getting ready to head to The Drake Hotel this afternoon for a TIFF party & movie. Meeting Carly & my guest,  Brock McLaughlin from The Futurists who is very close to becoming a new VJ for MuchMusic. I really hope he gets it. He will deff bring cool to MM! Listening to YACHT (@teamyacht). They are great! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! YACHT – Summer Song from Jona Bechtolt on Vimeo.

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