Let it Bloom: September

It’s been such a wonderful weekend. I woke up at the crack of dawn feeling excited about life and the week to come. Took some time to sit on the dock and think about good intentions for the month. September is always one of my favourites. For my New Zealand (Kiwi) family and friends in Australia it’s the start of spring and always inspiring to see their posts about things in bloom and seasons changing.  I like to keep that in mind when I think about September, there’s heaps of energy in the air with back to work and back to school. Remember, things are always in bloom! <3 CASIE   Words Illustration via Jasmine Dowling  

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There is Such a Thing as Too Much Nature

And I discovered it it this weekend. Once again, I was attached by bugs. One little jerk even bit me on the eyelid and not it looks like somebody socked me one in the face. We had a relaxing time at the cottage with Sean’s parents, great dinners, and lovely weather. Next weekend is Field Trip so I’ll be staying in the city. Mum just informed me that if you take lots of B12 they won’t bite. Good thing I know that now for the rest of the summer! I’m really behind on blogging but it was SO NICE OUT this weekend I couldn’t bring myself to stay inside and do work. I’ve got a bunch of things to share this week! Stay tuned 🙂 If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to THIS IS MY LIFE and get a nice little email delivery when I update. Each email includes 4-5 blog posts and is send once a week. I have spent a lot of time working on these emails, so I hope you enjoy. For any newbie bloggers out there looking for an email service provider, you might want to take a look at PieSync (the Mailgun vs Sendgrid blog post is particularly useful). It has certainly helped me. Here’s to a great week!

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Suffer for Your Art | Sunset Canoe Ride

Last night we went for a romantic sunset canoe ride. It was so incredibly beautiful. Took these with my GoPro. Jumped in the lake before calling it a night. It’s so great to be back up at the cottage. The weather this weekend was pretty nice except the bugs were HORRIBLE. I really ‘suffered for my art’ as Sean calls it because I got about 20 nasty bites while on the canoe ride. Mostly on my bum! The little buggers got me right through my Lululemon pants! This week is gonna be great! Today is the warmest day of the year. We’re about to launch some AWESOME stuff at work and today I’ve got a NXNE site visit for our festival sponsorship. The Jays are doing great and Thursday I’ve got a double date with Lauren and our BFs to sit in the Bacardi Best Seats for the game. We went last year and it was awesome. Here’s to a wonderful week and warm sunny days! Don’t forget to wear sunscreen 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Yep, that’s my birthDAY BANNER ‘CAMP CASIE, NO BASICS’! Big thanks to all my friends who came out to Trinity Bellwoods for our first epic park party of the season. It was the perfect day to celebrate in the sunshine! It was a little windy but that did NOT stop us from having a gay ol’ time on our blankets w/ beers, stickers, snacks, and each other. Lauren, huge thanks for organizing. You are my bestie and ILU. Sweet shades Sheldon. Steven you did an amazing job with the decorations. Stevo ‘streamers’ Stinson Emoji stickers for everyone! This is my fav emoji. The can collectors were out as per usual! Oh hey blanket babe! It was my first time getting a cake in the face, seriously. I’ll post the video soon! Love y’all! <3 CASIE

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How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

Yesterday was my birthday and to be honest, it was a really long and exhausting day! I’m dying to get up to the cottage an have some peace and quiet time in the wilderness. I went to the doctor for a checkup. I know strange thing to do on your birthday but I had the day off work and I’d been putting it off for ages. Keri and I had lunch at the brand spankin’ new California Sandwiches at Bay/College. I had NO IDEA they had locations that were so modern. I’d only been to the the Claremont location that is older than your grandma. I went to the office for an event in the evening. We had a bunch of artists into the office and Luke Austin played some acoustic tunes for us. He is REALLY good, check him out here. Got some nice surprises throughout the day including flowers at my old agency! I used t get gifts there all the time so when flowers arrived for me yesterday, I’m sure everyone rolled their eyes. They are beautiful, thank you Evolution PR. Did some work from the roof at the office this morning. Man, it’s so nice up there. Title is a quote by Satchel Paige. This is my 32 year old face and I feel pretty great. I think I’ll always have a childlike fancy about me. It helps to always look on the bright side. Hope you’ve had a great week, sending you love & light! <3 CASIE

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Stop to Smell the Roses, Treat Yourself

I started this weekend off right with a trip to Hammam Spa early Saturday morning. I spent about 30 min in the steam room before my St. Tropez treatment. It’s a sunless tan type application and to be honest, I think it wore off already and I won’t do it again. The experience itself was great and I booked with Cynthia who is awesome. Smashed up some bananas in the blender to throw into this mix when it came out of the juicer. It was a great way to start Sunday morning. I made Sean and I nice breakfast and we watched Romancing the Stone, an old romance-find-the-treasure movie from the 80’s. These shoes arrived Friday from the NastyGal Shoe Cult. I made a mistake in the postal code when I purchased them and I totally thought they were on their way back to NG HQ. Had lunch at Free Times Cafe for Ariel & Chris’ engagement party. It was fun and the food was amazing. I really like Yiddish music. I wish I understood! The piano player was from the National Ballet of Canada too. Stopped by the Parkdale Flea Market on the way home. It was such a nice day out I just wanted to do things outside! I picked up a shirt for Sean with an illustrated bear that is running. It’s super cute. Made a delicious juice this morning with spinach, kale, grapefruit, apple, pear, and a dash of cinnamon. It’s so freaking good! If you missed our latest Cooking with Cuisinart episode with the juicer, watch it here. I feel good if I keep posting the juices I make because it serves as a good reminder for me to keep making them. I’d determined to drop a few LBs this month! When I arrived at the office…

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Get Luckee + Get Leather

This week was a busy one. Stayed in last night. There were no cabs due to the rain so I picked Em up from school in a black Lincoln town car from Uber. I had a couple credits so it wasn’t that bad! She was totes excited and I then ordered takeout for dinner. Wednesday was the opening of Susur Lee’s new spot Luckee at the Soho Met hotel. [Susur Lee selfie] Fun opening, and the food I got around to trying was great. I need to go back for a sit down dinner. I’ve done a few things with Met hotels over the years (here + here) plus Community Agency did the Luckee branding so it was great to see lots of familiar faces since we’ve all been hibernating for months. Lauren and I met SANDY COHEN. If you follow me on any other social network you’ve probably seen this already. I loved the OC so much. We were there and Laguna last summer, so much fun. My ‘Celebrity Selfie’ collection is really growing. The Rudsak sample sale is on till Sunday. I’ve worn my new jacket and used my new bag on the daily day since I picked them out Wednesday. Here’s the three items I got. Worth stopping by if you’re in the market for a new bag or leather jacket. I had a gift card to put towards my purchase so it was an even sweeter deal. Heading out to Yorkdale to use a gift card for Ted Baker I’ve been holding onto forever. Hellooo Spring! Have an awesome day 🙂 <3 CASIE Bag Jacket Shoes Rudsak Sample Sale Hours Location:60 Atlantic Avenue Liberty Village, Toronto Saturday, April 26th 10am – 5pm Sunday, April 27th 10am – 5pm  

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You Light Up My Life, Sunshine

I’ve had this coat for what seems like a million years. I got it at Gap when I worked at the Fairview Park Mall store during highschool. I guess it was almost a million years. Took some photos with my GoPro this morning and didn’t realize there was water droplets on the camera. Got some good news about a project this morning and as I usually do, called up Mum with a big smile on my face. She can always tell that something good happened by sound of my voice. The funny thing about this tweet is that the stupid basic pants from Zara just got a broken zipper. SO BASIC. haha. Made me laugh. Shut up Zara. #basic pic.twitter.com/dSwcq4ACgM — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) April 22, 2014 Tonight Lauren and I are going to a documentary about selfies, we are gonna take so many selfies. I’m pretty sure she’s in it. I remember meeting up one day and her saying ‘I was just in a movie about selfies’. Appropriate. I just ate this taco Tuesday magic for lunch. It was delicious. Here comes the sun 🙂  <3 CASIE

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Mellow Yellow Monday

It’a super nice out today. I took off my jacket to snap some photos on my way to work and the sun was already beating down. I heard it might get up to 20 today. It’s about time I start using my Canon DSLR now that it’s nice out. Last summer I was just getting to learn how to use it as an ambassador w/ Canon for the Canon Blogtography program. I’m happy these pants still fit, I really need to get my summer bod rockin’. Since the winter was so long and cold I managed to stay inside and hibernate for months which also meant a million movies, snacks, takeout. These jellies were sent to me by Narrative PR & Call It Spring, I feel like a kid when I wear them. Especially with my backpack on. It’s a great feeling really 🙂   Our quick visit to the cottage yesterday was ok, the lake is still frozen and it’s still winter up there. The snowbank was too high to put the car in the driveway.  The water is going to be so cold this year! Luckily I have my garden at our house in the city to work on before getting into full cottage mode. It’s much more fun up there when it’s warm! Thinking of my friends in Boston and everyone in the marathon today. Last year Sean and I were in Boston that weekend and downtown right were the bombings happened the day before. I knew a couple people running and it was pretty scary. I hope everything today goes fine ad everyone is safe. Thinking I’ll venture out into the sun over lunch, check out the hood. Try and find a good photo spot, maybe read some of my book. Have a few cool things…

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Not Quite Open Season | Cottage

I could tell from my Timehop app that the lake had no ice on this day last year, I was doing yoga on the dock and relaxing in the sun. We went up for a few hours on Sunday and it was still winter up there, frozen lake, snow covered driveway. The cottage was warmer inside than the air outside and it was warm enough in the sun for a spring jacket. Thanks to Sean, my lovely beau-tographer for snapping my photo. It’s great to have a TV/filmmaker boyfriend who knows how to work my camera better than me. I’m in love with this sweater from Community 54, it’s super comfy and I wore it almost the entire weekend (don’t judge!). I’d like to start making my own versions. My plan is to do some sewing at the cottage this summer. I know how to make things and use patters but I’m constantly letting TEH INTERNET distract me. Sewing and reading. Less internetting. Funny that I mention less internetting right now, today marks 9 years since this blog has existed. I better start planning my 10 year bloganza. <3 CASIE

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Long Weekend Plan – Fun, Family, Cottage, Love

This is my long weekend smile yay face. I’m so happy it’s a long weekend. It’s also sunny and hopefully going to be a little bit warm. Having Dad and his wife over for lunch tomorrow, Easter things with the kids on Saturday, cottage Sunday w/ Seam. Woot, can’t wait. “Sorry, that’s gonna have to wait till Monday” Relax, refresh, recharge. I’m out (to lunch!).

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The Joy of Gardening | Landscape Painting

Yesterday was so lovely and warm. Sean and I were at Home Depot before 9:30am. We sussed out our options and went for brekky. I picked out some nice seeds, organic soil, bamboo, planters, and a pots. I’m so glad we were there together because all this stuff is super heavy! The new patio was perfect for a bbq so I invited a few friends over to show off my work. It feels so relaxing up there. I cleaned the deck so I can do yoga out there once we get past tomorrow’s frost. Whilst I was in the cleaning mindset I did a few other jobs on my own for the patio but also on the exterior of the house itself. Some things obviously I couldn’t do like cleaning out the gutters, so I had to get in touch with Clean Pro Gutter Cleaning Oklahoma City to give me a helping hand. This was great because now they’re clean, it’s most likely there won’t be any soil erosion going on and my plants can grow wild! I’m excited to get everything planted and watch it grow now. I always loved gardening with Mum. Started a Gardening board on Pinterest here. If you have any tips or things I should check out. LET ME KNOW!     Now that it’s getting warmer don’t forget your sunscreen. Nothing will make you look old like sun damage (or boozing super hard). I’ve been loving this Cover from Dermalogica, there’s also a Sheer that’s perfect once you’re a little tanned. I never leave the house without sunscreen on my face!   Enjoy the day!

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Market Fresh| Give Me All the Vegatables, Alllllllll!

This weekend was super relaxing. We took EmBot to Kensington market for tacos and burritos on Saturday. So delish. I’m craving a burrito right about now. Loaded up on heaps of fresh fruit & veggies from the market too. I’ve been going through so much since I started juicing. I’m feeling great tho! Showed Em how to make a juice and she thought it was pretty funny. Kinda like how I had my first experience with this handy little machine here (VIDEO). Mixed mango, strawberry, raspberry, apple, and it was so delicious. Almost like a smoothie. Next time I’ll use the excess fruit to make some muffins or something. The sun was also really nice. What a goof this little one! 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Hey Shorty | It’s 17 Degrees in Toronto Today

I couldn’t resist! I saw the temperature and dug out some shorts from under my winter clothes and put those babies on! American Apparel dress Standing O Bracelets Levis 501 vintage cutoff shorts Vintage cowboy boots

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I’d like it if you stay.

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You Just Have To Create Your Own Sunshine

So it was all raining this morning but I wasn’t having it! I ripped off the tags of this yellow shirt I got at Express ages ago and knew the sun could not resist me. HEY SUN, I’M OVER HERE You can stop raining now, sky. It worked.  

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I’ll Be in Balconia or Muskoka Till September, Ok?

Had a great weekend, hope you did too. Skipped home to visit Mum Friday and did some Saturday shopping.  Was back home in the city before dinner that night. Sean and I had a great day on Sunday. Since we’ve been making an effort to eat healthier we’ve not been going out/drinking as much. It’s great! I did groceries on Sunday morning and were out of the house just after noon. Had a walk through Kensington market and ate at a delicious Mexican place on the south side of Roach-o-rama (sorry I don’t remember the name). Burrito was BURFECTION! I got a treat from the ice cream truck on the way out. This rainbow filter is called ‘Through Marino Wool Sweater’. Thanks Mum for that gift! I spent some time reading on the roof top patio ‘Balconia’ before zipping out to the new Target at the Stockyards to refurnish the place. I managed to give it a new look and feel with some pillows and accessories while Sean was napping. Target and I are becoming good friends. Sean is building a storage box to go under the table. Was my first time grilling cauliflower on the BBQ and WHOA it’s totally delicious. Used this recipe for grilled cauliflower skewers from Chatelaine and added some Diana sauce and garlic to the mix. Sean made burgers. I am so happy it’s SPRING FINALLY! I picked up these solar lanterns from Target and I’m  kinda shocked at how surprised I was that they worked. Why did I think they wouldn’t work? I got three sizes and the biggest one was $22. They charge during the day and they you turn them on at night. Looking forward to getting home and catching some rays while I read some more of this great book Simon…

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Inspiration | We All Need Love

We all need flowers too. These are for you ♥

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TIFF Bell LightBox | The digiPlaySpace IS AWESOME!

Last night after dinner I stopped by the TIFF Bell Lightbox to visit the digiPlaySpace. For the first time, TIFF invited grown-ups to get down and geek out. The After Hours event inside digiPlaySpace introduced big kids like to me TIFF’s award-winning interactive exhibition. Thanks TIFF for the invite. Some of my fav parts below! The line was pretty long for PaperDude but I’ve tried it before. Look at this dork, haha! I love playing with Green Screen. I should have done Sesame Street instead of the Ellen Selfie. That’s so overdone! Big Bird was chillin’ by the DJ booth. Not sure what was going on here but the people on the floor had a camera on them that was projecting on the wall. Pong anyone? This was some kind of digital pong/fooseball thing. Looked like fun! At the digiPlaySpace, kids (big or small!) can play with emerging creative media technologies and share innovative artistic experiences. On sale now to TIFF Members and school groups. Find out more about tickets and pricing here. Can’t wait to take EmBot here to play around! I used waterlight painting to paint my name (of course). Don’t mind that the person beside me painted an ‘O’. DOH! <3 CASIE #waterlightgraffiti #digiplayspace https://t.co/hZmQ5OPV5K — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) April 1, 2014

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Spring Is Here! | Ted Baker Prints, No Socks, Sunshine

Oooh that sunshine is NICE! I took one look outside today and knew it was the day to bust out these Ted Baker flower pants. I’m wearing my fav shoes from last summer, cutout brogues from Browns. They killed my feet last summer but I’m hoping they’ll be a-ok today! Weekend seemed to whiz by. We filmed for 10 hours on Saturday in Ajax for Cooking with Cuisinart. The next three episodes are done and you’re gonna like them. Totally different that that first pilot episode. Much better! Spent more of yesterday relaxing and then watched Saving Mr. Banks, GREAT MOVIE. Brought back so many memories of our Disney Vacay to California last summer. Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth! Today I’ve got a lunch date with Ainsley Kerr then the Lacoste Spring/Summer preview after work. Hope your day is off to a great start. Make sure you soak up some of the sunshine out there! ♥ CASIE

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Huge TBT | The Blog Years, March 2009 – 2013

Ok here’s a MASSIVE TBT on the month of March from 2009 – 2013. I love looking back on things I’ve done. It’s so easy to forget! The main reason I started this blog in 2005 was so I could remember more. It totally worked! On this day last year Sean sent me flowers to the office .What a darling. Love you! I also blogged about Andy Warhol on this day last year. Sean and I were getting ready to go on a trip to Boston too. See posts tagged March 2013 here. Two years ago on this day I was at The Gladstone for an event. Loved those boots so much. And RIP that leather jacket. Took part in a round table w/ Russ Martin from Marketing Magazine about Rdio & music streaming in Canada. It was MUCH nicer outside and I visited the Toronto Music Garden. Took this using 360 Panoramic app in iPhone from  hTO Park (Urban Beach) which is right beside the lake. Around this time two years ago I filmed ‘It’s All About Me’ documentary that last year won several film festival awards. I’m in another documentary that will be on the festival circuit soon. Pretty neat if you ask me! In March 2011 I was a Personal Branding expert with Levi’s. I love looking back on this stuff, I forget how many things I’ve done! Here are some tips on building your personal brand to help  establish yourself online: Set a goal: Make a plan for your brand. What are you passionate about? What do you want to be known for? Start a blog: Use WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger or Posterous to create a free home for your online activity. Find a mentor: Find someone who is doing what you want to do and introduce yourself, learn from them…

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WIN IT: High Tea at the Shangri-La | #iheartbosk

Yesterday I got a lovely surprise from Daniel (DotheDaniel.com) and the Shangri-La hotel in advance of tonight’s much anticipated dinner. Daniel has been planning a special evening for a bunch of us to take in the fine dinging experience at Bosk, inside one of Toronto’s finest hotels. I’ve never actually been there fro dinner and I’m not sure who the other 11 people are so I’m quite looking forward to it!   How Do I Win a One of a Kind High Tea Experience? Ok this contest is SUPER EASY. Tonight at 6pm I’ll post a few tweets about with the #iheartbosk hashtag. Follow  @ShangriLaTO. ReTweet any of MY tweets with #iheartbosk and each is an entry to win. *Contest runs from 6-10pm. Make sure you are following me on Twitter @CASIESTEWART and for all the dinner excitement follow #iheartbosk  

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Your Face is Your Fortune | Dermalogica’s Little Grey Pass

This winter is lasting forever and it’s been rough on my skin. My face feels dry and I’m just dying to get some sun. I’m in my 30’s now and I like to treat myself but one thing I’ve been neglecting is MY FACE. I’ve never really been one to go for facials but I am starting. I want to stay looking young baby! I’ve been using Dermalogica products for just over a year now and I really love how they make my skin look and feel (read here and here).  Thanks to the magic of Google I just discovered my first interaction with Dermalogica was way back in 2009! Dermalogica has just launched the ‘Little Grey Pass’ in Toronto and Vancouver. It allows you to collect stamps by booking services at Dermalogica skin centres and receive gifts along the way. I was gifted a pass from my friends at Faulhaber Communications and I have my first treatment at Hammam Spa on Wednesday. I already love that place so I can’y wait to have my first pampering for my FACE. I had a coffee scrub there about 2 weeks  ago and it was AMAZING. The Little Grey Pass program expires February 2nd, 2015 and you can get yours at greypass.dermalogica.ca. The title on this post was inspired by ‘My face is my fortune’ that Bette Midler sings (here) in Beaches, god I love that movie. In other news, I really hope spring comes soon! <3 CASIE

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Oh hey it’s Thursday and almost the weekend! Had a blast at fashion week last night with my bestie but more about that later. Busy day! Some exciting things coming up for next week but for now all I can think about is jumping in the car after work tomorrow and heading up to the cottage! I’ve been waiting months for this and I am dyyyyyyying to get up there and away from the city. Remember this … Heaven is a place on earth with you 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Girls, Tattoos, Attitude + Sun

I haven’t decided to colour in the owl on my arm or not. I like it like this. I think it’s time for some new work. I have a few ideas but it’s time to get drawing. Some nice girl tattoos on this blog I found. My right arm has tattoos because I’m left handed and I draw them on first. Had a jerk chicken sandwich on the patio at Harlem Underground yesterday. Was ok, made me miss Ackee Tree, that place had the best jerk sandwich ever. Loving this warm summer sunshine. The lake waves are crashing on the dock. Rdio cottage mix in the background. Beaut! Enjoy the day! CASIE

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Move Over Martha, There’s a New Stewart in Town

Woke up and had coffee in the hot tub. Fleece and bathing suit is one of my fav outfits. New flamingo bikini from Victoria’s Secret. I’m getting really good at ordering things online. Got a new gardening set from the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. “Cray” print was the most complex and expensive design produced in 1884. The famous chintz design is by William Mossis and took 34 printing blocks to make the complex pattern. Found it at Winners! Hoping to have a beautiful garden soon. It’s so great out today. Wear sunscreen! CASIE

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Muskoka Recycles

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