Oh you know what time it is? Hello Friend. I’m going to the cottage right after work today. As in now. Got a new gardening set. Gonna play outside alllll day tomorrow. And not talk to anyone!! Oh, pardon me! (Just kidding.) Annnnnnnnnd on that note…I’m outta here! Have a great weekend! <3 CASIE

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Ride & Shine

Took the long route to work today so I could ride more. Biked an hour at lunch too. My arms and abs are feeling the burn from so much riding. Reckon I forgot just how great of exercise it is. I’m stoked to be wearing this Napapijri poncho again, got it in Nov last year so we’ve not spent a full summer together. These khakis I picked up from GAP last week on a mega sale with a matching shirt. My first job ever was at that store so I’ve always had love for it. Crazy things is that I am still the same size as when I worked there at 16. Huzzahhhh! Have driven past this sign so many times, took it’s photo today. Love the typography. Hope you have a RAD DAY and RAD WEEKEND! Much love, <3 CASIE

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Palladium Momochrome Boots in the Park

Took myself for lunch in the park yesterday. It was lovely. Sun shining bright, people on bikes, shirtless hipsters catching rays, picnic blankets, and puppies playing. This weather puts everyone in a great mood. Video of the Day, Shot w/ HTC One + Zoe These are my new Monochrome boots by Palladium, I was sent them last week and love. Super bright! They come in a bunch of colours. Unfortunately I missed the preview at SoHo House this week but you can see photos from the lookbook by Sidewalk Hustle. Look at how cute Hawley and Kate are in theirs! Adorabs. Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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Loving my new HTC One. I’ve got a campaign launching with them any day now. As soon as the link is live I’ll share with you. This phone was MADE for someone like me. I had training on it yesterday at lunch. There are sharing and social components to every aspect of it. I took a bunch of photos & used Zoe, the photo assistant on my way to work today and it made this video from all the content. I didn’t edit the video, add effects, or music, it was ALL DONE BY THE PHONE. THE FUTURE IS NOW. I am so in love with this weather. Woke up with a smile and biked to work early. Life is good. This is my favourite month, my birthday is on May 8th. 🙂 Hope you have an awesome day. CASIE

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Tuesday’s Grey and Wednesday too

[View the story “Friday I’m in Love” on Storify] Friday I’m in Love Heading up North again this weekend. I’m a different kind of weekend warrior now. Storified by CASIE STEWART· Tue, Apr 30 2013 06:26:11 Good morning love 🙂 @ Sobey’s STEWART The Influence Hierarchy: Sweet Spot? Bloggers. STEWART Vorfreude. @lauraserra’s photo STEWART photocasiestewart photocasiestewart

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You’ve Changed, There’s a Spring in Your Step

Wore some bright pants from Gap today. Brought the sunshine everywhere I went. New Killigrew cotton mixed with poka dots. Ted Baker London scarf, Tom’s, and a smile. Everything has changed. For the better 🙂 CASIE

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Early Bird Gets The

I did morning yoga on the dock at 6am. It was magical! One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.Oliver Wendell Holmes — BODY BREAK (@bodybreak) April 26, 2013   Yoga deck. I see you greeting me with nothing but love. #cottage #thisismylife (@ Morrison Lake) [pic]: — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) April 28, 2013 Here’s to a great week. <3 CASIE

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Motion and Emotion

Oh, just floating on the dock reading about advertising and ideas in the sun. There is nowhere else I would rather be right now. Waves crash on the wood every time a boat crosses the lake. When I close my eyes, it’s like I could lay here forever. Planning to BBQ some steaks for dinner and hopefully watch sunset by the fire. Maybe a canoe ride and Sean can do most the paddling! (You will see this before him so haha!) This sun is so nice. Wear sunscreen! CASIE

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Earth Day 2013 + Big Face Animal Shirt from The Mountain

It’s Earth Day! Today, more than usual, we give attention and praise to our cool green & blue planet!  I am so freaking happy the weather is finally getting warm. I try to trick myself into thinking if doesn’t bother me but, it’s almost MAY and cold. I was born May 8th and I prefer it to be hot by then. (THAT IS A HINT) This weekend, I was lucky to be up  north opening the cottage. Took some photos with my new Fuju XF1 and wore my BIG FACE GREAT HORNED OWL from The Mountain. I was sent it as a gift just in time for Earth Day. So great. WHOOOOOO is the coolest? Get it? Urgh, clearly I am not cool or funny. I also have the Boston Terrier but I’m saving that one, for a special occasion. A typical day at work at The Mountain… — The Mountain Tees (@TheMountainTees) March 14, 2013 The Mountain seems like a pretty fun company (see tweet above if you did not already see tweet above). The Mountain produces tees made in the U.S. with water based inks and PVC-free operations and even invented a new dye oxidation system that cleans their dye waste water without the use of any chemicals. My friend Kenny at work has a couple, so when they emailed me I was totally into it. I want more friends to have them so we can be a wild kingdom. Mine is Youth XL for $14. If you are my friend and your birthday is coming you might get one. I was laying on my yoga mat in the sun staring up at this tree. It looked pretty and different colours in the sun. After a relaxing weekend staring at trees, sky, lake, and sunshine, it was time for me…

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The Wilderness, Downtown People

It’s hard to sleep in up here. The air is so fresh and it’s oh so quiet. The lake is still as a rock, frozen in time. Watched the sunset on the roof. It was realllllly cold. I had tears running down my face, almost turning to icicles. Sean took some snaps with the camera, camera. Nice to have a break from the city and be back up here. It’s warm inside with the fire and heat but I can’t wait for summer! Good luck to all my peeps running in marathons today. Sending love to Boston too. Enjoy the day xo ❤ CASIE

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Narcissus, Spring Flower

I picked these up the other day when it was all rainy to brighten things up. Mum has a daffodils all around her house at home. It was always my fav to pick them and take to school for my teachers. Hope your day is good 🙂 <3 CASIE

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You’re a Rainbow of Colours Going Round

Cool thing about Director/producer BF is access to fun props for green screen shoots. Now I can photoshop myself anywhere. FLY ME TO THE MOON GUYS! What a beautiful sunset last light. Had Burgers Priest by the lake and called it a night. Spring is near. I can’t wait to get a new basket for my bike. I need one that can double as a picnic. I made a SUMMER PICNIC board on Pinterest. If you like to park hang & picnic, let me know, I’ll add you! Just need your email (leave a comment or DM me on Twitter). We can picnic plan together like pals. Good fun! Heading up to the cottage this weekend and can’t wait. Been getting some good sleeps lately and using my best beauty products. I thought, what the hell and am I saving this for? I’m living NOW! Rest your arms, and rest your legs xo <3 CASIE

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You Never Know What The Day Will Bring

I don’t really know what has me so angry today. On this day last year I was in Boston and we stayed at the Lenox Hotel right by the finish line of the Boston Marathon. I stared at the ceiling in bed last night thinking about how I always stay in Boston till Monday when I go. Last year I missed the race and would have probably been there at the finish line. I think that’s the closest I’ve ever been to a terror attack. Except the time there was a bomb on my plane in New Zealand and I was 12. Friends I knew who were in the race are ok. I’m a pretty positive person and always remind people to look at the bright side but man, I’m really thankful today. More than usual. The saddest thing for me yesterday was a text from Dad asking if I was in Canada. It brought a tear to my eye, imagine his thought hearing the news and not knowing where I was? Heartbreaking. The whole thing is so crazy. I saw that there was a suspicious package at JFK today too. Freaks me out. I love travelling. You can’t be scared but it’s hard not to let it get in your thoughts. I got myself some daffodils for my desk and took me out for a nice pasta lunch at One of a Kind. I think I just needed a moment to give my brain a break. The rain doesn’t help but I love this yellow jacket from Gap Kids. I’ll call Mum in a minute, she always makes me smile. Tell your friends and family you love them. You never know what the day will bring. <3 CASIE

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Rain Rain, Go Away

I don’t really mind the rain to be honest. It inspired my creativity and I alwasy seem to get lots of  work accomplished. Sunny days leave me dreaming of park parties and bike rides. I haven’t rode my bike in weeks, I hope the rumoured storm jumps right over Toronto, leaving us with nothing but solid spring sunshine. Don’t let the weather get you today, you always have two choices, let it pick you up, or let it bring you down. Be the sunshine in your day, your office, your class, and shine it bright on others. This Old Jam Will Make You Happy 🙂 Enjoy the day, <3 CASIE

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Spring is in the Air, I Can Feel It

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I Am Slowly Going Casie!

Spent lunch shooting new eps. of THIS on Coral TV. Busy day at the office otherwise. Shirt is from Remix clothing, hair is pink & purple/grey, pants are Diesel (from GRADE 9), shoes are sneaker wedges from Jeffrey Campbell. Hope you take a few minutes to soak up some of those rays, it’s beauty out there! Have a beautiful day! <3 CASIE

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“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”

* title Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Spring is Near my Dear

It’s so beautiful out today, about 9 degrees right now! Just came back from breakfast lunch at Grand Electric. Birds chirping and windows open at the office. I love the sunshine! Go get some! It’s free and it’s everywhere right now! You’ll never be younger than you are today, make the most of it! <3 CASIE    

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Bike, Babe, Blog, BAM!

See this face? This is a face that is going to buy a new BIKE at lunch! And, Bikes on Wheels tweeted mer last night. I wonder if they have a tweet peeps discount? Cause, that would be really awesome! @casiestewart You’ve got good taste – sweet ride! — Bikes On Wheels (@BikesOnWheels) January 9, 2013 It looks like this. I have had my eye on this baby for MONTHS! Have an awesome day! I’m dreaming of spring. Bye!   <3 CASIE  

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These Moments Are the Only Gifts We Need

Get up, put on your shoes and go outside. Hit the pavemet. Feel the sunshine. Soak it up. Let your mind wander. Sing. Smile at strangers. Breathe, let go. Be productive. Work hard. Drink water. Give thanks. Be positive. Relax. Rinse, repeat. This is what I call productivity, Ultrabook, Macbook, iPhone, coffee. Huzzahhh! Having my hair done this afternoon then heading to a talk for 6pm. I send you light my friends, have an awesome day! ♥ CASIE

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Full of Light, You Shine

Good morning from the Toronto Beaches. I stayed at Jenie’s place last night and its amazingly quiet and peaceful. Reminds me of this big old house I lived in on the Danforth. Caught an awesome doc yesterday, soaked up some sunshine. The power is out here right now. Heading home hopefully before my phone dies! Looks like we’re gonna get some nice sun this week. Today is last day for tickets to Toronto Fashion Incubator 25th anniversary on Thursday. Tickets here. Enjoy the day!

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Get off the couch.

Went for a run this afternoon after getting inspired a post by titled ‘Women, Fitness & The Myth‘ written by by Bangs & a Bun. She’s one of my fav writers and my fav UK blogger. I’ve been followung her for years and seeing her progress in business, blogging and fitness is motivating. Her latest venture Spikes & Heels is what got me to put on my shoes and kick some pavement. I’m so glad I did! It’s an incredibly beautiful day in the city. Took this using 360 Panoramic app in iPhone from  hTO Park (Urban Beach) which is right beside the lake. If you stand on this one certain rock you can perfectly hide the CN Tower. Empire Sandy, looking dandy. I’d love to go on a sail for my birthday. A sail for let’s say, 30 people? 30th birthday. Does anyone know who can make this happen? It would be magical. Somebody was backed up at Lower Spadina. Shadow play 🙂 Toronto Music Garden is one of my most favourite places in the city. This tower has a beautiful story, if you go there you’ll see it. One time Keri and I did this MEGA Planking thing for ‘World Plank Day‘ in 2011 when it was cool for like a week. Most of them were done in the music garden, see here. It’s almost Earth hur for Earth Day and I’m planning to be out of the house. Have a great night! <3 CASIE

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Hello sunshine…

Spring isn’t here today but if you sit in the sunshine you can feel it. Go get it. It’s freeeeeeeee! i see what you did there. funny. “@aaronvegh: Yo March, I like you and imma let you finish, but that June weather was way nicer.” — Corey Herscu (@cellguru) March 26, 2012 [View the story “New Story” on Storify]

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Went for a cruise on Queen Street and biked through the park. Have an hour before my next work related call so I skipped down to the urban beach downtown Toronto to soak up some sunshine. It’s beautiful out. I’m so happy it’s not chilly anymore. There are so many people out, smiling, biking, walking etc. I didn’t do this enough last summer so I’m determined to make the very most of each day this year. One day I’ll be working in an office again and probably won’t be able to max out mid day like this, which is cool, but until then, company mandate to get as much vitamin D as possible. With love from the beach, XO CASIE <3

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It’s beautiful out today. Go soak it up. <3 CASIE Glasses: Hilary Rowley Scarf: Vintage, Mum Lipstick: Kate for Rimmel Shirt: Bicyclette Boutique Jacket: Vintage, Timeless Mala Beads: Tiny Devotions Salmon Pants: Secret Shop Shoes: Sperry Top-Sider Smile: natural 🙂

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Its lovely outside today but tonight we’re getting a snow storm and winter will be back here.. I’m made the most of a beautiful day by biking on a Bixi downtown. Weeeee! Jacket: Mubaa leather, Holts Shoes: Ego & Greed, Shirt: Joe Fresh Overalls: H&M Glasses: Vintage from NZ Lipstick: Kate for Rimmel in Rosetto Today TWO crazy awesome things happened today… (remember when I used to ALWAYS say ‘crazy awesome’) … Anyhoo, CTS, my fav vintage shop ever, reopened today and it looks SO NICE. Also, Lauren and I also went to a Mill. The best mill in town!

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she does the city royal high tea at windsor arms

Special guests. Goodies. Lauren, Raymi, Anna Windows 7 presentation (didn’t pay much attention, was busy talking shop aka internet) Photos. Blogging. Meta. Food at Windsor Arms – tres fantastique. I indulged. A fair bit… Rolled sandwiches – genius! Got into these too. So yum. Lookin’ good ladies. Out table was full of cutie pies. Thanks Jen for the invite. It was lovely to see all the ladies together and gab over high tea. See the whole set of photos from She Does the City on Facebook here. Ta-ta for now!

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