may the forth be with you

Beautiful day. Cutest puppy ever – chihuahua/pug. Totally pet that little guy. If you’re in a hurry don’t go near Fresh & Wild at Spadina. Nice and tasty but slow compared to a factory like Starbucks. Wearing the gladiators today. Feeling glad. Its May the Forth and it’s a wonderful day. Lots of birthday wishes coming my way. Heading to a HotDoc tonight, hopefully Objectified. I am a really lucky girl. I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. Birthday week is all about connecting with my friends and thanking them for being themselves. Its important to let them know. Tomorrow night is hair done with Darren Kwik and out with friends from overseas. Thursday is Opera. Friday goes to live on WordPress and its my bday. Reminder: Pick up Edie dress from Peach Beserk! I’d like a new computer. I really hate when people wear those huge earphones. Are you DJing right now? I feel like grabbing both muffs with opposite hands and pushing tight around neck into face. The thought crosses my mind each time I am witness. It will now cross yours. Have a wonderful day! I’ve never seen #starwars.

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#awesomistic #tfc #birthdayweek

Yesterday at the TFC was amazing. I’ve never wanted to be a fan of a game as much as I did being in th. I had a blast. I’m very grateful that my friend took me. I yelled my guts out. Clapped, whistled, jumped up and down and made friends. It was a tie and the fans are the most intense I’ve ever seen in pro sports. The weather was a roller coaster of fun. Rain, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun. Luckily Av had these killer TFC rain parkas that he got during the first season.I sat in the rain and drank my beer and I was warm and dry. I love the skyline. This is a great city. I was also super satisfied with the food. I had a chip butty. Last time I had a chip butty I was 12 and at Shelly Beach in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand. I was with my family and Mum caught a flounder with a stick. I also went swimming with with dolphins about an hour out in the ocean. It was absolutely amazing. This photo is amazing; BMO/Carlsberg, don’t be shy now, you know you love it. I made friends with some cool peeps after the game. I was drinking on the Carlsberg tab at Brazen and checked out that contest you told me about. Entered it. Not sure where I can see my profile? I also met a lovely babe from MAC at Rasputin Vodka Bar. Cool place. Looking forward to being better friends with MAC and Carlsberg.

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vacation in balconia

I walked part of the way today. So sunny and mild. Woke up early. Wore a summer dress, one that’s good for biking. The tower in the sky looks beautiful. I love when kids wear fake tattoos. So funny. Was busy in the sketch book last night. I had an art attack. This is one of about 5 new babies. I play Mario Kart on the streetcar, mostly on Fridays. I never see girls gaming but I think it would be cute if I did. Lots of work to do today. Wore my Wellies, we might get a thunderstorm. I’m undecided on my feelings about Breakfast Television and CP24. I like Frankish and Dina but the CP24 news/weather/traffic etc. all on one screen is so convenient. Its going to be really nice out. I can feel it already. I’m listening to my station. Good tunes on there. I’m DJ Basketcase.

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adventure time

Friday good so far. Had a nice breakfast, nap and did my nails extra pretty. Looking springy with the pink & green favorites. I’m off to AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario). Nothing like having a free day to do what you like and go to the gallery! I’m planning on checking out this one again. He’s a man on a box on the top floor. I like it. I’d love a box painting of me in a cool pose. Enjoy your afternoon!!

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spring has sprung out!

I went for three walks today. Yes, three. Hello spring, beach body and bike riding! Walk 1. Brekky with some friends at the Old York Bar & Grill. I was in good company and we laughed our heads off at continuous random hilarity. Walk 2. Went for a beautiful stroll in the Toronto Music Garden. “The garden was built in Inspired by the pictorial element in Johann Sebastian Bach’s Suites for Unaccompanied Cello with each dance movement within the suite corresponding to a different section in the garden.” [Learn more] I’m working on a video of my Toronto Symphony experience. Will publish later today! Took some cool photos by the water & in the garden. Walk 3. My roommate and I walked down by South Beach & Marina 2. There is still ice on the water and it looked pretty neat. I did not know there was so many little places to walk around.

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first post ever

My name is Casie. This is a photo of myself on a beautiful sunny day. I love the sun so much. I also like dancing and drawing. Today is a beautiful day. I am working all day but after work…..LOOK OUT SUN HERE I COME!!

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