Yep, that’s my birthDAY BANNER ‘CAMP CASIE, NO BASICS’!
Big thanks to all my friends who came out to Trinity Bellwoods for our first epic park party of the season. It was the perfect day to celebrate in the sunshine! It was a little windy but that did NOT stop us from having a gay ol’ time on our blankets w/ beers, stickers, snacks, and each other.
Lauren, huge thanks for organizing. You are my bestie and ILU.
Sweet shades Sheldon.
Steven you did an amazing job with the decorations. Stevo ‘streamers’ Stinson
Emoji stickers for everyone! This is my fav emoji.
The can collectors were out as per usual!
Oh hey blanket babe!
It was my first time getting a cake in the face, seriously. I’ll post the video soon!