May 2, 2012 – Why Don’t You Blog About It? #archives

Hey & welcome to the time machine, it’s 2006! And it’s sunny out! I have long blonde hair. I work during the week at a fashion company as the Personal Assistant. It’s a bit Devil Wears Prada and I arrive early before my boss where I get her office ready, turn on the computer, pull up the blinds and check for mail or messages. It’s an excellent learning experience, she is hard on me. She needed to be. I’d never worked full time and I was n00b to the city. Her and I go on to become friends and we live happily ever after. The friends I met on that place from LA have this awesome foundation called Bridle Bash that throws a MASSIVE party on the Bridle Path. I’ve never heard of the Bridle Path or seen any of the mansions. I’m in shock! I blog about it on August 1, 2006. I write younger then than now. The Bridle Bash II, what an amazing party. Burton Cummings & the Burton Cummings band were there. It was super hot. The pool was packed with viewers some who include JD from INXS, Miss Canada, Casie & friends and many, many, many more. It was an amazing party, enough said, I was there until the sun came up. The party raised $300,000 for the children of camp Oochigeas. The music was rockin and the people were great. I saw that you could buy tickets from ebay with the starting bid at $1,000!! Damn! Another friend opens a restaurant on King Street East called Kultura. There’s no sign on the front and it’s really cool. I went to a party during Film Fest and was in the same private lounge area upstairs as Vince Vaughn. He’s really tall. King East seems really…

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Weekend Recap: Feb. 3-5, 2012

Friday night Lozzie and I went to the Motion Ball Gala at the Carlu. Huge charity event for the Special Olympics.We danced a little, had a few drinks, and made some friends.  I didn’t win any prizes but happy to donate to a good cause. I threw some of the Kevin Murphy pink from Doll Bar Inc. in my hair to match my purse (Betty Kiss) and pulled this old emerald gem out of my closet (H&M). Learned a valuable lesson from coat check girly  (that I should have thought of), take a photo of your coat check ticket in case you lose it. There was lots of nice art. Hi Gaga. Oh hey Paul you lovely thang you. How’s The Grid? We had a breif Skype w/ Stu in England via iPhone from the Ball. Next stop Bloke & 4th was a total waste of time. Met up with the rest of the crew/kids at Lau’s house. Got my fav hat back! Snapped a dreamy pic of Sammy boy. Saturday morning I had a dress fitting for upcoming fashion show during Ottawa Fashion Week. I’m wearing Canadian designer Rachel Sin. The dress I picked is really lovely but I’m keeping it a secret till showtime. Spent the rest of Saturday on the coach. Finished season two & three of United States of Tara and watched a few movies. I was due for a day off. On Sunday Barbie and I cleaned the house, got groceries & went to yoga. How was your weekend? Did you watch The Superbowl Madonna’s performance? It was so good. God, I love her. I always have. I always will. TBT to Dallas when I worked for Virgin America in 2010 and at  Rockstar Hotel during the Junos last year w/ these dudes. Last night was fun! Ok bed…

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#GENYTO: Mardi Gras style at @LouDawgs, Feb 21!

We are way over due for this meeting meetup. Let’s celebrate ‘carnival season’ on Fat Tuesday with some good ol’ southern BBQ, live music and a whole bunch of awesome people. Get a ticket HERE through Guestlist. If you have never been to #GenYTO, come! If you HAVE been before, you should especially come and see your friends. WE MISS YOU. Check out some posts from previous events here. What is GenYTO? In January 2009  Erin Bury, Renee Warren, Daniel Patricio, Dave Coleman and I started GenYTO.  A group for the wired, creative and ambitious young people in the in the Toronto startup, marketing, PR and tech community. We’ve done some pretty fun things since 2009 and helped out a whole bunch of local, national & international charities.  For more info visit the GenYTO tumblr. February 2012 Charity: Breakaway Addiction Services Located in Parkdale, Breakaway Addiction Services has a mission to provide seamless, comprehensive and effective harm reduction services and a full range of addictions treatment services. Their services are offered through community-based facilities with a focus on street and community outreach. Come join us for good times 🙂  

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Berlin Fashion Week 2012

It’s fashion season and for the next month or two the world is buzzing with fashion week’s all over the world. I won’t be at Berlin  Fashion Week (January 17th-22).  Seitensad! 🙁 BUT…my good Canadian friend Jessica Gardner will be! You may know her online as @jgrdnr.  She has recently moved to Berlin and scored a few invites to Fashion Week. I’ve asked her to give me us the low down on Germany’s most stylish city. She’ll be posting later this week from Mercedes-Benz Berlin Fashion Week. Mercedes does NY, Berlin & Miami shows!  Yeow! Please say HI to Jessica in the comments or on Twitter and give her a warm welcome to your favourite blog. Sie ist ein total babe! Ich liebe dich <3 CASIE

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Ho Ho Ho! Holidays w/ @ZListcom & @weare1188

Thursday night after ballet Jenie, Sammy & I went to the Z-List Christmas for a drink and had our photo taken with Santa. The high res one will be delivered after the holidays. Next stop was 1188 Films sailor themed holiday party (film studio who did Puma campaign I was in). I shot a bunch of snaps with the new Nikon J1. It’s news to me that Nikon saves the raw photo AND the good photo. Memory card filled up really fast. Maybe I had it on a strange setting? Anyone a Nikon expert? I got two of ever single photo I took. Sean I LOVE YOU. He got me an iPhone case that is a calculator. I’m not too hard to shop for I like all things nerdy, smart and or shiny. He also got me this classic which I can’t wait to read while travelling in January. There were lots of hipster babes at the party including Jenie’s ‘fake boyfriend’ who she did a national Puma ad campaign with earlier this year. I kept mistaking him for Sammy in the crowd. They don’t look THAT alike but the hair, hipsterness did it. Heaps of food all over the place. Man, I love the holidays. Shucking station for oysters. Sammy sexy mother shucker. 1188 Family tree. Cheers to you Sean, thank you for a great party & lovely gifts!!

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Ladies & gentemen, Rebel Bingo is coming back to Toronto. Now, this is NOT YOUR MAMA’S bingo, bango, bongo bullsh!t. This is REBEL F*CK!NG BINGO and YOU do not want to miss it. What will you tell your grandkids if you don’t go? “Once I had this amazing opportunity to do something fun but I decided I don’t like fun and missed out”. No, we don’t say things like that. We LOVE TO HAVE FUN. WATCH THIS: Last time was crazy wild and I can’t even tell you what kinda sht went down,you just have to be there. Get a ticket HERE. They are $10 now but will be more come Friday. Location & cover story info is here. O’Nizzle and I are calling numbers with James Flames (above). This is a revolution. Join it.

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