if you don’t vote you can’t say sh*t.

I mean in the election. I don’t care WHO you vote for just vote. People fought for our right to have a say, some people in the world don’t have that opportunity. Enough on that for now. I don’t EVEN wanna get started. The whole reason I was REALLY talking about voting is for two reasons. First: If you click on this photo and vote for me WE win $250 at ticketmaster gift card. If I win, I will buy someone tickets to something. Bummer is you have to sign up so if you don’t feel like it, no prob. BTW, I was like,  super kawaii last night. Second: We can make Shawn Hawaii’s DREAMS COME TRUE by voting for him in the BMW contest. If you haven’t seen this video yet, you’ll like it. Super cute & fun 🙂 #teamhawaii. It takes ONE click to vote vote for him so if  you don’t do it, are we even FRIENDS? Couple more things, my friend Mark (aka @MHP) new app GUARDLY will be in CBC news tonight. (Mentioned him the the earlier post today. ) AND my client Shelly Purdy is in Wedding Bells Magazine today too. P.S. I UPDATED CASIESTEWART.COM/JOBS

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#twestivalTO 2011 – tweet. meet. give.

This photo means something really special to me. It reminds me how much I, we have grown and changed over the past couple years. Erin, Satish & I (below)  were on an aweosme team that came together in Jan. 2009 to create the first big Twitter event Toronto ever had. Twitter was slowly catching on at the time and the event was part of a global thing called Twestival. Last night, Twestival 2011 took place and it was awesome. It was a totally new team of people who took the initiative to create the event and I was proud and happy to be there. Twestival OG organizer group hug, my happy moment of the night. The first Twestival was at CiRCA and we donated to charity:water. Remember that place? My sis was there, she was a Raptors girl back then. She’s the blonde if you don’t already know/can’t tell. Once we had Twestival on a boat cruise. Renee you were missed last night, I had a shot for you. I need to get to SF to you v.soon. Another time we had Twestival at Tryst in the club district. See all the great pix Erin Leydon took last night here on flickr. My Olympus pix were not as great. I’m not familiar with the camera yet and had some issues. I’m used to having a point & shoot. This is me frustrated, haha. Don’t judge me, ok, judge me. I don’t care! Lady Blogga raaaaaaaaaa! #pawsup Lauren! #blondetourage #ftw Ava. Ally. Love you Erin. Allisaaaaaaaaan Bathroom party. I make the girls giggle. Marie your dress was GORGEOUS, designer was Cat Shanahan right? Sheldon. We met at the very first Twestival. Both had shirts w/ our @name on them. Word. Jon Crowley. Michael. Jeremy. Kevin. Andrew. Jonathan. Sean Ward, lookin’ good…

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wedding date: tall, smart, handsome, apply here.

Went to my first Bridal Shower this weekend. This is the time of my life where this kinda thing becomes common right? Weddings, babies etc. Not for me anytime soon. I’ll marry my blog or myself like Sue Sylvester before anyone else I reckon. The bride, Cheryl. We were to college together and also university in Australia. We were total besties and had the most awesome time. Still one of the greatest years of my life. Canada (groom) Germany (bride) – match made in heaven. I had punch, responsible driver. Excited to get the car back again. GM is coming out with a pink car, this makes me happy. I am SO going to drive a barbie mobile. Just you wait, summer barbie at the beach. These were yum. Sent this pic to Crystal Gibson, my cupcake darling. I got her this super cute apron, every wife needs one right? Matched it a diamond ice cube tray. I got them at Outer Layer on Queen Street. Great place to et neat gifts for people. My go-to gift shop. Cher as a kiddo, so darn cute. Can’t wait to see her walk down the aisle. She got these great mugs with a C & J on them. Casie & jenie? No, Cheryl & Jared 🙂 Was so great seeing the girls from college. My how we have all grown up! Saw this via O’Nizzle the other day. Love it. Hope you had a great day! One more thing, check these cool kids from NZ. They opened NZ Fashion Week when I was there in Sept. I love NZ. Can’t wait to go back.

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my beaver’s name is _______. #canlit

I love you beaver. Brock loves beaver too. That’s a nice one. Annual CanLit party last night. Note: does not have anything to do with reading. Can you spot my date Mr. Belvedere hiding under the diet coke? That beaver gets AROUND. What should I do with it? Oh to be that beaver. What a GUY. Kurt you are so good looking. I am good looking too. haha She really IS BFF’s with Oprah. All class right here. Akermanis glasses on me. Good job as DJ bro. Cute. Dance par-tay. Work it Sunta. J. Edgar mid move. Keri blog! Not an exercise ball. A balloon! Omg sleeping Jon Crowley! The end. All photos by Rannie aka @photojunkie, ALL are on Rannie’s site here. I’m off to pick up my sis and go home to see Daddio. Bon weekend!

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treat everyone like they’re your double rainbows

Today is Family Gay Day in Ontario, I love my family but I wil not be seeing them today in real life. Dad is tanning in Florida, Mum is rockin’ the boat in Bahamas and my sis is working. The rest of my family is in New Zealand. HI GUYS!! In parts of Canada, Family Day is a statutory holiday occurring on the third Monday in February. … respectively. This corresponds with Presidents Day in the United States. [wiki] Mum is living the dream right now, she’s in the Bahamas with her BF on their boat. I really wanna get out to visit her before May. Mum has alwasy beena big inspiration to me. She always encouraged me to be creative and embraced my unique ideas. THANKS MUM! This is my Daddio, he’s in Florida with his GF right now. Dad builds hot rods, is a good cook, and has the BEST jokes. I have no idea how he always remmber them. You are really awes  awome Dad, ILU. Wear sunscreen. When I saw the snow coming down last night I kept checking the window to see if there was a man out there with a shovel carving a message. I had a feeling I might wake up to something… I did. “treat everyone like they’re your double rainbows” This is me in that red canoe you can barely see in above photo shot by Erin Leydon this summer. She was shooting the Grammy’s last week.  I’m so looking forward to summer this year. The park beside the Canoe is real pretty, designed by Doug Coupland and pays tribute to Terry Fox. Lots of bright colours. I’m in awe with all the contest entries for the Motorola phone. Contest closes at 1pm. I totes need to think of a good…

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name that puppy

I recently had a chat with my good friend/hot babe musician Morgan Cameron Ross and asked him some questions. He’s a got a new album coming out and he just released the video for his new song “Let It Go”. In the video the couple are trying to name their new puppy. I like “Winsome”. Morgan has a contest on his FB Fan page. If suggest a name you can win a prize pack of Morgan stuff. Here’s some more info you won’t find about him anywhere else: when is your next show? Saturday March 12th Supermarket, Toronto what instruments you play? Guitar, Mandolin cable or internet? Internet currently reading? The Double by Jose Saramago have any pets? Petunia Ross the stretchy cat and Cam Ross the pup. what do you wanna be when you grow up? I want to continue being a songwriter.

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canada raises the most money/has the most babes

Last night was a blast. I can’t believe how many good looking MO bro’s we have in our city. Ok let’s do this. Happy Friday and here are some fun photos 🙂 This one’s an Aussie import, Movember CEO Adam Garone. Total Babe. Ladies & gentlemen, meet your judges: Keri & I were judging Best Mo in Character. Did you know that Canada raises the most Movember money? WE ARE THE BEST. Check out Sabrina (who by the way is on Twitter now as @itsbrownbarbie) These are a couple of my fav costumes The bushwackers had a bunch of fans AND came with a slew of other recognizable WWF old timers. You would have loved it Dad. Classic – always a pair of these kids. I bet this guy knows how to have a good time. Ringmaster said these were his slaves. Ron, Burgundy? Goose. Asian one at that!! Harry & Lloyd, also a classic. Did they even have Mo’s in the movie? Fun fact: My Dad’s name is Lloyd Give me your jackets. Then it was stage time and things got a weeee crazier…yes, that’s a bare bum Borat. Adam was like “Dude, get off stage, that’s gross”. Haha. She was a bull. Love that idea. That turkey won Ms. Movember Toronto. Can almost see ginger stache’s bush. Nice latex BTW. And finally, Mr. Movember Toronto 2010 is…Black Hulk Hogan!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at that moose nuckle. Heheheheh. Mo Bro Anthony was doing a weather cast. My Mo sistas @irieras & @itsbrownbarbie Gooden, handsome. MOtto for MOvember. DJ KC in the haus. Looks good on me I reckon, ya? What’cha gonna do BROTHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!??

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every day is special if you make it so!

today was a full on day. scooted out to a meeting about a new project. had lunch at this cute place called Bld on Toronto Street. like it there. oh hai, lemme take this call while i take my own photo aka work. walked by and say this guy remmebering. made me sad. i paused and thought about all the soldiers who have fought for our freedom and made the ultimate sacrifice, their lives. i thought about grandad and grandpa and my family and mum and all the things that i’m grateful for. so many things. thank you for being part of my life. this is nana and grandad and mum and my aunt & uncles. i bet grandad never thought he would be on the internet! amazing eh grandad?! love and miss you. ok onto the next stop… popped into  fashionably yours where i was most fabulously styled by jay strut for raymi’s 10 year anniversary party tonight at wrongbar. so many great finds in there. it’s located at 632 queen street west west of bathurst. go there say HI to JANET and JAY for me when you do. they are lovely and nice. oh what to wear? i tried on some seriously lovely dresses. it came down to the fuchsia betsy johnson or the little sequin french connection number. i look like a huge dork…i am. get used to it. i want to walk in your shoes, yes yes i do. one day i will have a boyfriend who can wear these shoes with style and look hot. and the winner is…SEQUINS. kinda knew it, i love sequins so. probably all the years i spent wearing them as a young ballerina from the age of three for ten years that did it. ok time to get ready for…

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i taught ’em both how to jane fonda

today was one of those days it started out shitty then it got better andy and i joined darren for lunch and a patio beer. that’s amazing because it’s freaking november, it was only warm in the sun but in the sun it was warm and it was lovely.

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The only way to have a friend is to be one.

I have crazy awesome friends who do really cool things. Today and everyday, I’m thankful for the things I have and peoole around me. I thought hey, why not let you know about some of that awesomism? Remember how EVERYONE voted for me in the Virgin Ameica Provocateur contest and I won? I couldn’t have done it without your love and support. Seems like contests involving social media are the new way to get the coolest person for the job. Check out some of the cool things some of my friends are doing right MEOW! Lauren O’Nizzle in the challenge to be the CosmoTV Blogger Girl. Vote for her here! Brock & TRexx from 1loveTO have made their acting debut. Check their site to win tix. Christine is in a challenge with War Child Canada to be a blogger in Ethopia and help people. You can vote for her here. Kevin is in a sweet contest with Sauza Gold to win $10,000! If he wins they are having a huge party.  He’s a great guy, you can vote for him once per day and for the next month. Lets get this kid some CASH! Vote here on FB. He can totally beat that bitch girl. Happy Halloween from two of my boyfriends Terry & Gubler. One more thing, I am in a Smrnoff commercial! Have you seen it? I haven’t. I know it’s on TSN. HELL YEAH. I’d like more commercials please! Today is Sabrina’s birthday, she FINALLY IS TWEETING! TODAY is an awesome day. Make the most of it. Remember, you will never be younger than you are TODAY! Love & light xo CASIE

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TIFF day two: apparently somebody is famous

Oh man. Was in bed all day today. I need to rest. I am almost Tiff’d out. Premiere tonight thanks the lovely Cadillac Insider. Going to see CLIENT 9 The rise and fall of Eliot Spitzer. Have to go get my tickets but I don’t want to go outside yet. It sounds windy. Not as sunny today. Yesterday was an awesome day, an awesomely looooong day. Yorkville all day Tastmakers Gifting Lounge for  nails done, makeup and more. Thanks for the presents guys! That neighbourhood is growing on me, could also be that it is Film Fest so buzzing. Joe Fresh makeup is really nice. My lipstick didn’t leave marks when kissing cheeks of all the zillion people I saw throughout the day. Diesel Lounge for lunch on the patio and a mini photo shoot with hot NY photog Raphael Mazzucco. He is apparently a pretty big deal, shooting covers of Time, Sports Illustrated and Victoria’s Secret. Can’t wait to get those photos. He was also very good looking;  tall, long hair, charming. Went to Vitamin Water Backyard Social. Was fun. Did this interview with O’Nizz and had my phototaken heaps. I could really get used to this kinda stuff. Met a few peeps that made a point to come say hi and were really happy to meet me for the first time. HI GUYS! Vitamin Water party had a great bar, top shelf selection. Food was good too. Everyone was on Twitter which was fun. Hardly took any pics of my own. This is Blondetourage member, singer/actress and also ex-MTV babe Anna Cyzon. We in love, she has a great look eh. Blonde Jovi. haha Went to private secret location roof thing on King Street after with some friends then home to change for the CBC party at the…

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you never know until you try

It is safe to say that I am currently having the time of my life. After spending the day with Carly at the Agency I flew to The Pilot to meet Miranda & David. We had a blast. The rain came in wee spirts and I managed to keep dry yet very hydrated. I also touched iphone 4 for the first time. Feels so delicate. The boy behind me is Jean Luc from Kijiji. The Pilot is an interesting place. Everytime I go there I meet the most interesting peeps. I was hanging out with Ebay, PayPal and one of the SAW writers Leigh Wannell . Today I have an audition for a commercial as a ‘Kiwi girl’ and a patio meeting about 4ish. Later  on I’m attending a screening with of Dinner for Schmucks with Michael before Loser Karaoke. Sunday I’m on the very first episode of the Social Media Show (SMS) podcast with Karam Kanji the Community Manager for TechVibes. I will keep you updated, show is at 3pm. Have an AWESOME day. Go do something great, this is the only July 29th 2010 that will ever exist, make it memorable. I’m up early to make heaps of awesome. Blog ya later 😉

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TFC game was awesome, you should have been there

Pure awesomism at the Toronto FC game Saturday. It was seriously 10. EPIC. Look at this badass crew on the field… Group photos are so fun, lets do more of that ok. I loved seeing everyone IRL, it was a first meeting for a bunch of us. I had been REALLY excited ALL day week. Being there DURING world cup, priceless. This is my fav cheer “when the reds go marching in”. SUCH good energy. TFC games have THE BEST fans. I tried to pay attention to the game but was totally distracted by the funnest crowd ever. We got to go right down to the field as VIP’s with total babe as an escort (not me, the TFC guy on the left beside Michael). Chatted Jonathan about doing it again so don’t worry, you can come then. I was obvs prepped for the rain. This guy was prepped to cheer on! Michael was the ONLY guy with brolly for the downpour. They’re not allowed at games but somehow, he got away with it. Must be the charm or good looks? It was a tie and the crowd still cheered their faces off outside. It was stellar. We were hangin’ @ Liberty Bistro for a while after the game. God it was so fun. The owner  and I go way back to when I used to work in Liberty Vill so he hooked us up with sweet table etc. Love that little spot. Before we got table, we had hedge. There are about 30 photos from the night in this web album TFC 2010. I can’t WAIT to go again. SO FUN. Have a great day!

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First, I’m totally excited. Second, I have no idea who exactly is coming but make sure you PRINT YOUR TICKET! Third, pack a raincoat and meet me at Liberty Bistro 6PM.

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nerds of a feather flock together

Friday night’s #genyto #Canlit was awesome. Rannie took all these great shots. I was on video recording all night. Rannie & Renee, loves! Coleman at the boozy table. Got to #genyto #canlit about 9er. Hi from some of the babes! Drank, danced, chatrouletted party style, took some vids, the usual stuff. BTW, chat roulette is REALLY fun at parties. It’ll catch on for that reason I think. Try it next time and tell me about it. Was very successfully not hungover. Looking back though all the video’s, I’m kinda surprised. Met a bunch of internet Tweeps and blog readers IRL which is always exciting. I have about 50 video’s. Most of them are for a little movie project that I was planning to start at sundown but I was fucking around with an Ikea bed that I am now going to return. Soooofuuuuhhhhkingpisssssssedoffaboutit. So beauty out today. Bunch of Blog Girls & Sean Ward are coming over for a hang.Yahooots.

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hope. aspirations. dreams. goals. canada.

Keri, my friend & hot blog babe a.k.a The Canadian Explorer is leaving for the Olympics today.  A couple months ago Keri said “man, I gotta get to the Olympics, what kind of Canadian Explorer am I if I don’t get there?”.  She was focused and determined to get there and to get some sponsors behind her while she’s at it.  I told her she could do it and I had not one ounce of doubt she would. She’s reporting from Whistler as an official correspondent for Canoe.ca & Sun Media and she’s totally decked out in Canada Goose gear. Proof you can do it if you put your mind into it.  Go Keri & Go Canada!! I’m not that excited about watching sports, I’m more excited to watch the commentary online, Twitpics from the games and to read Keri’s daily reports. I’m way more into the Internet than sports.

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master disaster: help haiti. hearts on fire.

This morning I took a different approach to getting things done.  No stressing.  I’ve already checked a few things off my life list. I FINALLY mailed back my penpal @Hillzy. She wrote the first letter last year and it took me a new decade to get my act together. She’s gonna be happy. I packed a giftbag including a creative letter and some goodies.  I also mailed a package to my new BFF at Telus who’s sending me a new phone next week! Brought headphones today so I can hocus-focus and get lots checked off my list. There’s lots happening in my little world of rainbows & unicorns  but there’s real serious stuff happening in Haiti. I’ve seen heaps of Twitpics of disaster. I saw one this morning that was a childs head crushed between concrete and a fallen building. It was disgusting and sad. I don’t like seeing stuff like that but it’s amazing how social media has changed the way we receive information during crisis. This photo is insane, look at ALL the houses brought to the ground. These people really need our help. You can give $5 through SMS to the Salvation Army by texting Haiti at 45678 (Rogers, Bell, Telus). Money will go directly to the Salvation Army. Notable TV has set up a TO group for Wycelf’s YELE HAITI charity. We’ve got a special MOD today on MuchMusic at 5pm. If you or someone you know has a connection to Haiti and might wanna be on webcam or come down for the show email me at work [email protected]. Thanks & have a great day.

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the hemingway: beer. booze. babes. butts.

A couple years ago, 2007, I was in a job I began to hate so one day, I flat out quit. I started doing freelance PR. It was good glam for a while but then I was poor ass. So… I went to work at Hemingways, Toronto’s very own Little New Zealand in Yorkville. It was really fun. I hadn’t worked in a resto in a few years. It was a bit tough at first to adjust to the lifestyle but it really didn’t take long. I made friends with a heap of awesome people, mostly hot girls. I worked there for the best busiest time of year too; end of summer before Flm Fest – Christmas. I was proud of myself for not getting sad about not making enough money doing freelance work, instead I pulled up my socks, hiked up my miniskirt and started serving. No matter what job I was doing, I never lost sight of what I truly love…being social. Instead of complaining about  the waitress life I took more shifts and worked as much as I could. It was a good strategy and worked well to bond with other employees. I got a call in December from an old colleague, in recruiting who had an opportunity he thought I’d be great for. Turns out, I was great for it! I left Hems for that job and stayed there until recently leaving to work for the MuchMTV Group. It’s amazing to think of all the changes I’ve gone through. Been going through lots of photos lately, there’s only about 10,000 from the past five or so years. Wendy was one of my fav’s. She was a little crazy one just like me. We partied alot together. It was more than fun.  She moved away to Japan…

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you really gotta work hard for what you want

“That’s a strange combination” was the response I got from Darius this morning on Twitter after I posted “tired.inspired.”  That’s how I feel. I told him I’d explain in a blog post and I’m quite happy to. I’m tired. I’m exhausted but I can’t seem to slow down, take a break, rest, sleep, or simply ‘do nothing’ because I am inspired. I’m excited. I want to work more and harder and pick up speed. The hardest part has now become focusing my time making the most out of each moment. It’s either working towards goals or doing things that inspire me to set new ones. It’s how entrepreneurs & inventors feel, driven.  When you bust your ass  working hard and you wanna sleep but you stay up all night to put in a few more hours because you love it. That’s how I feel. I love it. Today I am listening to Selah Sue and I did my hair like this girl with dark purple nail polish, red bandana. I checked Twitter just before posting this and Darius had just posted one of my favorite quotes… Words to live by. Have a nice humpitty hump day… * Did you see Marilyn Monroe smoking pot? It’s Britney’s birthday too, Happy Birthday once former idol. I hope this year is less train-wercky than the past few ♥ xo Casie

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this is for the stylsh ones with a passion for fashion

So, this is quite exciting and big…the FIRST EVER American Apparel rummage sale in Toronto. Get ready to throw some elbows! Prices are up to 85% off! Absolutely everything is under $50 and prices start at $2. Honestly. Can you believe it? It’s free admission and located at 590 King St. West [King & Portland]. It’s on all weekend and for exact times check the Facebook event page. When you get back from the rummage sale with hands full of new gear, empty out your closet and throw your clothes up on shopmyclothes.com. They promote the recycling and reuse of clothes and accessories. I’m all for it. This Toronto based company was started by a friend of mine and told me that 85% of used clothes go unrecycled! That means style is going in the garbage! AH! NO! Most of my really awesome clothes are second hand and I love clothing swaps. I’ve got a stack of photos and stuff to upload to the site this weekend. You’ll start seeing ads around the city and on the subway soon but we know you saw it here first. I love this awesomely-cool-stylish-art-attack by blog friend Gloria writer of Urbanebloc.com. Keep up with other cool Toronto Blog Girls by visiting the site here.

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TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook

That’s my day in a nutshell, everyday. I read about TGIF in an article from Ad Age this week.  It’s lovely outside and my day is busy, busy, busy. Some Tweetness in my day: The Agenda & LA Times blog editor Tony Pierce recommended you follow me on Twitter. Blogging babe Lisa aka Urban Native Girl wrote for a magazine. Raymi’s in the Torontoist. New word: Framilies Thanks for comments BTW, don’t stop. It’s nice to get feedback. You come and look and read and laugh and when you comment it’s like giving back. Ok bye for now. #TGIF

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they’re over rated and rarely worn

It’s been going on for a while, or should I say not going on…on my legs, pants that is. Yes, pants.  I rarely wear them. I’ve got under ten pairs now since I cleaned out my closet. I gave away all the ones I never wore. They just didn’t get used. I saw this post earlier today and HA..thanks to GaGa and all the other Hollywood whores, no pants is picking up speed. There’s a bunch of references to me and #nopants in Google from the last year. I usually wear tights but with a skirt, long shirt or DRESS. Tights are not pants. Once I had a boyfriend take me shopping just so I would wear pants jeans, they’re just not my thing. Looking forward to The 9th Annual Toronto No Pants ride in January 2010. I’ll be riding that rocket for sure. Here’s a little dance for you from me. Happy HUMP day.

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a fashionable woman is always in love…

And so it began…the day of closet organizing. I photographed about 100 pieces and there’s  many more to go. It’s a huge job. I had a garbage bag size pile of clothes to take to the swap and at the end of the day all the leftovers go to charity. It was at Amy’s friend Daniella’s shop Chasse Gardée, Queen and Dovercourt. So many nice things in the shop. I spotted about 20 pairs of shoes I’d love to own.  Smile for the cam-cam ladies! People brought clothes throughout the day so the merch was always changing. I ended up going back later with Keri and donating more clothes. Oh it felt so good to give them away! We all managed to find a few jems. There was lots of really nice stuff (vintage, designer). Demin jacked I’ve now altered, vintage dress and brand-new-tags-on FCUK mini dress with pockets. Steal. I am now the proud owner of a room where there are no clothes on the floor, EVERYTHING is clean and has a home. It’s been ages. I feel like my mind is free from clutter, finally! I’m thankful for my first job at the GAP in 1996, everything is perfect folded. I’m totally inspired to host my very own swap with wine and cheese. Stay tuned. I reckon before the holidays (which are very quickly approaching). It’s so beautiful outside today, like a second summer. Enjoy it. I’m going for a bike ride. Woot – Sunday Funday! p.s. Taylor Swift was hilarious on SNL last night and I love her.

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lets not play games with each other ok?

It was freezing cold out last night. We did just what mature responsible adults do. Eat warm homemade chilli, drink wine, play board games. It was my very first time playing Cranium and I was stoked. This is me acting out “Winnie the Pooh”. Can’t you totally tell? Amy and I realized that we’ve been friends for a while yet never ‘actually’ hung out.  Crossing paths online and offline for god knows how long. It was about time. She’s in town from Quebec and it was a special treat to spend the night laughing together. I can draw pretty good…except with my eyes closed. It’s really harder than you think. You should probably try it this afternoon. Kelly may be better than me? Amy and I WON the game of Risk after. I have always hated that game but found a new love for it. Being on a team makes it way more fun. I went to bed early and woke up early and it feels wonderful. Today I’m going to a Frock Swap and then gonna Shmotter my closet. Enjoy the day. It’s beautifully chilly and sunny at the same time.

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you could say i will be giving thanks all weekend

Helloooo Friday! I’m so happy to see you. Aw thanks, you look great too. New hair looks polished? Why thank you,  you’re charming. No, it hasn’t been that long, I saw you about a week ago. Yeah, we’re ALL going away today; me, you, him, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, it’s a roadtrip to Montreal baby. It’s gonna be awesome. I know, haven’t been there in a while and last time wasn’t even that fun. Just found out little Michelle is gonna be there too. Oh yeah. I’m excited too! I’m even looking forward to the drive with you. What to wear Friday? It’s ok, I packed a few extra’s you can borrow. There’s lots of people in town , been ages since we partied together. LOOK OUT is all I have to say…the weekend is HERE! p.s. Fetish porn anyone?

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2000 small acts of kindness one big difference

I would like to take a minute to remind you ALL that tomorrow is Pay it Backward Day. I’ll be at the PIB headquarters as Chief Firecracker located at Second Cup, Queen & John (across from Much Music). However, if you can’t make it there, find one of the 170 locations across Ontario. Finally, if you can’t make it to Ontario, you can still take part by making a donation through the secure donation form on the Daily Challenge site. This time, our goal is to raise $10,000 for the Sick Kids Foundation in less than 12 hours.  Second Cup will donate $5.00 to the cause when you buy the person BEHIND you in line a coffee. In April, we had over 600 people take part in about four hours. I KNOW we can do this. Flow 93.5 will be broadcasting live, Metro news & Notable TV will be there and MANY other cool do-gooders. Last time I got asked out on a date by a total hunk so you never know what might happen! See you tomorrow 🙂

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the best eight minutes of your life

Sabrina and I have been known to do the the occasional social experiment. In our experiments we try out social situations outside the usual routine, tonight is one of those nights. We’re going speed dating! There’s a couple of us going and it’s sure to be a hoot. I have no idea what to expect but it will be an experience! Must get ready now! Starts at 8:30. The Report: I slowly sipped one beer and scored the  most comfortable seat in the corner. The three of us sat beside each other and it lasted about two hours. The guys went around in about five minute increments and chatted to each of the dozen girls. There were some weirdo’s and a couple nice ones. Only one guy lived downtown. I reckon the downtown people just go out.  Not really my scene but and interesting one, social experiment complete. We left right after and didn’t stay for the comedy show. It was my first time at The Comedy Bar on Bloor and honestly, it really smells like someones bum in that neighborhood.

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