May 2, 2012 – Why Don’t You Blog About It? #archives
Hey & welcome to the time machine, it’s 2006! And it’s sunny out! I have long blonde hair. I work during the week at a fashion company as the Personal Assistant. It’s a bit Devil Wears Prada and I arrive early before my boss where I get her office ready, turn on the computer, pull up the blinds and check for mail or messages. It’s an excellent learning experience, she is hard on me. She needed to be. I’d never worked full time and I was n00b to the city. Her and I go on to become friends and we live happily ever after. The friends I met on that place from LA have this awesome foundation called Bridle Bash that throws a MASSIVE party on the Bridle Path. I’ve never heard of the Bridle Path or seen any of the mansions. I’m in shock! I blog about it on August 1, 2006. I write younger then than now. The Bridle Bash II, what an amazing party. Burton Cummings & the Burton Cummings band were there. It was super hot. The pool was packed with viewers some who include JD from INXS, Miss Canada, Casie & friends and many, many, many more. It was an amazing party, enough said, I was there until the sun came up. The party raised $300,000 for the children of camp Oochigeas. The music was rockin and the people were great. I saw that you could buy tickets from ebay with the starting bid at $1,000!! Damn! Another friend opens a restaurant on King Street East called Kultura. There’s no sign on the front and it’s really cool. I went to a party during Film Fest and was in the same private lounge area upstairs as Vince Vaughn. He’s really tall. King East seems really…
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